Download - What’s Your Story Project Vocabulary

  • 1.Global Studies Project
    Whats Your Story?

2. For this project you must:
Retell the Story
Explain the Message
Make three text connections.
Use ONE powerpoint slide.
If You Remember
3. Use 5 Vocabulary words
Non Fiction
What these words mean.
5. So lets see how all these ideas are connected.
6. FIRST you should know that writing can be put into two categories based on what they have in common
7. Factual or composed of real information.
Is written about people, places, or events that take place in real life.
Can be used for practical purposes.
Make Believe or made-up stories.
It did not really happen.
Usually used for entertainment.
Here are the categories.
FICTION is writing that is..
NONFICTION is writing that is
8. Novels and other books that are fun are FICTIONAL,Newspapers, which give information about the real world are NONFICTIONAL.Can you think of other examples?
9. Now then, literature in these two categories can be divided in to GENRES
Genres are categories based on things that different writing has in common.Here are some examples:
Short Stories
Science Fiction
10. Genres are determined by how similar one PLOT might be to another
11. Remember these PLOT Components??
Climax: the turning point, the most intense momenteither mentally or in action
Rising Action: the series of conflicts and crisis in the story that lead to the climax
Falling Action: all of the action which follows the climax
Exposition:the start of the story, the situation before the action starts
Resolution: the conclusion, the tying together of all of the threads
12. You might not, so lets break it down again
13. The time and place of the story is the setting
14. Setting
If you could talk about the where and when of a story, what youre really talking about is the storys setting.
Understanding a storys setting can help explain the rest of the plot.
15. The point of view is the perspective of the story.
I was framed!I just wanted to borrow a cup of sugar!
That rotten wolf tried to eat us!!!!
16. The people in the story are characters.Every story needs characters
Or Creatures
17. The protagonist is the good guy or positive force.
18. The antagonist is the bad guy or negative force that gets in the good guys way.
19. Protagonists and antagonists have different MOTIVES for their actions.
These differences CAUSE tension between characters.
The EFFECT of this tension is a CONFLICT.
Just like real people, characters have reasons for doing what they do.
20. Plot: Conflict
Conflict is the dramatic struggle between two forces in a story.Without conflict, there is no plot.
21. Great stories have great conflicts.
Man vs. Man
Man vs. Nature
Man vs. Society
Man vs. Machine
Man vs. Himself
22. The climax is the most exciting part!It is the turning point of the story.
23. After you read
Hopefully you will have learned something.
What you learned is called a THEME.
You will need to guess what the theme is from the title, point of view, setting, characters, and plot events.
Stories often have many themes.
A few stories have one specific theme called a MORAL.
24. Like in the Tortoise and the Hare:
Slow and steady wins the race.