Download - What is electromagnetic radiation? radiation moving at the speed of light.





What is electromagnetic radiation?

• radiation moving at the speed of light

To a certain degree the stability of a nucleus can be correlated to its ratio of _________ to ________

• Protons, neutrons

_____________ of cadmium or boron are used to control the

fission process inside the reactor by absorbing neutrons during the


• Control rods

What type of radiation has sufficient energy to damage DNA?

• Ionizing radiation

List 2 of the 4 types of nuclear reactions.

• Radioactive Decay• Nuclear Bombardment• Fission• Fusion

What is the name of the woman who was a pioneer of nuclear chemistry?

• Marie Curie

What is the charge of an alpha particle?

• +2

How are nuclear reactions different from chemical reactions?

• Chemical = involve boding of valence electrons; same types & amounts of atoms on reactant side as product side• Nuclear = involve changes in

the nucleus (protons/neutrons); different atoms as reactant side as compared to product s

What are the 3 types of nuclear radiation?

• Alpha particles• Beta particles• Gamma rays

What is the nuclear symbol for an alpha particle AND beta particle?

• Alpha =

• Beta =

What could stop gamma rays?

• Several cm of lead/cement

What could stop alpha particles?

• A piece of paper

What is the charge of a beta particle?

• -1

The spontaneous break-down of a nucleus into a slightly lighter nucleus,

accompanied by the emission of nuclear radiation is known as ____

• Radioactive decay

Radiation with NOT enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules is called


• Non-ionizing radiation

Which type of nuclear radiation travels at the speed of light?

• Gamma rays

Mass of fissionable material needed to sustain a nuclear chain reaction is called


• Critical mass

A general term for any type of energy that emanates or radiates outward in

all directions is called ______

• Radiation

Write the hyphen notation of an isotope of radium (Ra) with the mass number of 238 and atomic number of 88

• Radium - 238

Write the nuclear symbol of an isotope with an atomic number of 13

and a mass number of 29.

A change in the identity of a nucleus because of a change in the number of its

protons is called ______

• Transmutation

What is fission?

• A heavy nucleus SPLITS- forming medium weight nuclei

Atoms of the same element having different numbers of NEUTRONS and, therefore, a different mass number and atomic mass are called ________

• Isotopes

During fission and fusion reactions, what is the relationship

between the MASS of the reactants and the products?

• The mass of the products is LESS than the mass of the reactants

What type of nuclear radiation consists of particles containing

two protons and two neutrons?

• Alpha

Which type of nuclear radiation has NO CHARGE?

• Gamma Rays

______ is the missing mass of a nuclear reaction that is converted

into energy.• Mass defect

Which type of nuclear radiation has the LARGEST mass?

• Alpha particles

The time needed for the decay of one half the atoms in a sample of radioactive

material is known as______________

• ½ life

What powers the sun?


What type of nuclear reaction occurs when the nucleus is hit with alpha particles, neutrons,

protons or other particles?

• Nuclear Bombardment

Small amounts of mass are converted to HUGE amounts of energy according to Einstein's famous formula. What is this

formula?• E = mc2

What type of nuclear reaction happens at TMI?


What is a benefit of radiation?

• Medicine• Military• Anthropology• Food-microwaves• Energy- electricity

What type of radiation is emitted in the following equation?

• Beta Particle

Balance the following equation.

Balance the following equation.

Which type of nuclear radiation has the HIGHEST ionizing ability?

• Alpha Particle

List an example of how radiation is BENEFICIAL.

• Medicine- tracers, cancer treatment• Military – bombs• Anthropology – carbon dating• Food – microwaves• Electricity - TMI

Which type of nuclear radiation has the LOWEST ionizing ability?

• Gamma rays

How long does it take one radioactive atom to decay?

• It is impossible to tell!!–Half-life is based on a sample of

radioactive atoms

What is fusion?

• 2 light weight nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus

Which would produce the MOST energy from a reaction?

Fission OR Fusion