Download - Welcome to Portugal Portugal Wild · PDF filePORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 1 Welcome to Portugal This is your information booklet for your tour. In this booklet you will find


PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 1

Welcome to Portugal

This is your information booklet for your tour. In this booklet you will find

practical information about your Portugal tour, including maps, stage profiles,

attractions, restaurants and other points of interest.

Together with this document you will also receive luggage tags, a GPS and a

Portuguese mobile phone.

Portugal Wild Coast

Hiking Tour: 9 Days | 8 Nights | 7 Days Cycling

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 2

Maps, Timetables and Opening Times...

Please note that we work hard to keep our documents and all information up to date. We do our

best to inform you about unexpected changes in regards to abrupt weather, detours etc.

However, things change quickly and sometimes we simply don’t have the information about

every change. So timetables change and a restaurant may be closed.

We are happy to help if you need assistance. We appreciate your comments at the end of your

trip. Thank you for understanding!


All accommodations are book under your name. If any problems with accommodations arise,

please try to solve this at reception. Feel free to contact us if you can’t solve the problem.

Luggage Transport

On the days you change hotels we will take care of transporting your luggage. Please attach the

identification labels to each piece of your luggage and write on each the total number of pieces

of luggage you carry. The maximum number of pieces of luggage per person is 2 pieces.

Luggage will be picked up from 9:30h. Please leave your luggage at reception.

Important Recommendations

A self-guided tour is indeed more independent than a guided tour but you can contact us for

emergency support or any question about the tour when you need, by the Portuguese mobile

phone. Take care of the GPS and never leave it unattended. Also take care of all gear provided.

Support Information

Remember: All luggage transfers are

made between 9:30 and 15:00.

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 3

Support Information


Our On-Call-Support is available by telephone 24h. If you are not feeling well and can’t bike,

or if weather necessitates that you be transferred, or other similar situation requiring support

comes up, please call us at the number shown bellow.

If you have any questions during your trip,

please call us at the following number:

(+351) 962 543 298

If it is a life threatening or injury related emergency, please

call 112 or 911 (Police, Fire, Medical Emergency - free

from any phone)

Client’s Responsibility

During the tour the client is responsible for the rented equipment (GPS, bicycles, bags and

others). This material cannot be left unattended and must be handled properly. If material is

stolen or if any part is damaged due to misuse, the client must pay for the respective loss.

In case of a bicycle tour, it is also the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the bicycle

is stored indoors in a safe place at the accommodations. During the tour, the bicycle should

not be left with removable material and without a lock.

All our team members wishes you a GREAT

tour in Portugal !!!

About This Tour...

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 4

O nce a powerful seafaring kingdom that dominated the merchant routes to Africa, South

America and the Orient, Portugal today is a friendly, low-key place with a laidback vibe and a

fantastic coastline, much of it fringed by golden sands and endless dunes. Its rolling interior is

perfect for exploring on foot, by kayak, by bike or even on horseback – though a large part of

the country’s charm comes from languorous days on the beach, dining on fabulously fresh

seafood and kicking back with a beer to watch the sunset over the Atlantic.

The legacy of Portugal’s former wealth and power can be seen in its historic cities – yet the

capital, Lisbon, superbly sited on the Tejo river estuary, is as popular today for its lively club-

bing scene as for its grand Manueline monuments and medieval alleyways.

Portugal’s borders have changed little since it became an independent country in the twelfth

century. Mountains make up the bulk of the frontier with Spain, with the large rivers of the Mi-

nho in the north and the Guadiana in the south adding to this natural divide. Early Portuguese

monarchs fortified the border with a series of walled towns, many sited on dramatic hilltops,

and these make the border areas some of the most fascinating to visit.

Portugal i

About This Tour...

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 5

Portugal is a country with a rich culture, but you will find out that each region has its own

particularities. Synonym of tranquility, on this program, day after day, you will experience

different feelings like the salty wind coming from the ocean, the beauty vegetation of the

Natural Park, the friendly Portuguese people and the marvelous gastronomy!

The Portugal Wild Coast is an incredible route program along the most beautiful coast-line of

Portugal. From the outskirts of Lisbon to the southernmost point of Europe, you’ll discover and

admire the natural beauty of the different scenery, offering stunning coastal views along the

way, crossing two natural Reserves and other like places.

You will discover some small fishing villages and some abandoned fortresses which remind us

of the time when this coast was ravaged by pirates! The trip finishes at the southernmost point

in Europe, Cape Saint Vincent which adds a dramatic and historical full stop to this wonderful


Portugal Wild Coast i

About This Tour...

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 6

In the 15th century, Prince Henry the Navigator ordered his explorers to bring back to Portugal

any exotic fruits, nuts, and plants from new lands. As a result, the Age of Discovery dramatically

affected cooking in Portugal and around the world.

Tomatoes and potatoes were taken to Europe, Brazilian pineapples were introduced to the

Azores, Brazilian chili peppers grew in Angola, African coffee was transplanted to Brazil (today

producing about half of the world's supply), Brazilian cashews landed in Africa and India, and tea

was introduced to Europeans. Today, the Portuguese fondness for certain ingredients

like cinnamon or curry powder for example, is also a legacy from this time. But other cultures had

been introducing new foods to Portugal for centuries before that. The Romans (who aimed to

make the Iberian Peninsula the granary of Rome) brought wheat and introduced onions, garlic,

olives, and grapes. Later, the Moors were the first to plant rice, introduced figs, planted groves of

lemons and oranges, and covered the Algarve province with almond trees.

Today, naturally, Portuguese cuisine varies from region to region, but fresh fish and shellfish are

found on virtually every menu. The national dish is "bacalhau," dried, salted cod. The Portuguese

have been obsessed with it since the early 16th century, when their fishing boats reached

Newfoundland. The sailors salted and sun-dried their catch to make it last the long journey home,

and today there are said to be 365 different ways of preparing it, one for each day of the year.

Portuguese Food i

About This Tour...

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 7

About Portuguese Food i Land of sea, plains and mountains, the littoral of Portugal gastronomy is as diverse as the

landscape where its ingredients are produced and tasted. Known for its hospitality, the region

is generous when it is time to provide a good table service. And it has a wide variety of

dishes (of fish, sea food, meat or regional and convent-made confectionery), cooked with

local ingredients.

The province was once a region of wheat and wide plains where herds of swine grazed freely

in oak plantations and olive groves. Bread, pork and olive oil therefore became staples in one

of the tastiest cuisines in Portugal, seamlessly combined with aromatic herbs such as

coriander, parsley, rosemary, oregano, pennyroyal and mint.

One of the regional delights is the small dishes of tidbits. Whether as a starter or for tasting

the specialties, scrambled eggs with wild asparagus, grilled peppers, pork crackling or migas

(sautéed breadcrumbs and garlic) of various flavours and in various combinations are


Soup, which can be the main course, is a must. It may be a gazpacho, served cold, or a

dogfish, cod, or tomato and sausage soup, made with bread. The soup that you absolutely

have to taste is the simplest of them all: açorda Alentejo style, made with water, olive oil,

garlic, a poached egg, bread and coriander. Also made from bread are the migas which

accompany fried pork or shredded cod, for example.

On the coast, it’s worth trying fish fresh from the sea or other specialties, such as barnacles

or dishes with clams, such as Alentejo-style pork. Grilled sardines provide one of the

country’s most appetizing smells, and you should definitely try a fish or

seafood cataplana (stew), named after the wok-like lidded copper vessel in which it’s cooked.

Also typical of the seaside is arroz de marisco, mixed seafood in a soupy rice; massa de

peixe/marisco is a similar dish but with noodles – cataplanas, arroz and massa dishes are

usually served for a minimum of two people. Other specialities include a caldeirada de peixe,

basically a fish stew.

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 8

General Description

Portugal Wild Coast

General Information

Type Hybrid Cycling Tour

Duration 9 days / 8 nights / 7 days Hybrid Cycling

Terrain 70% Road , 30% Off Road

Profile Some rough sections on the off road (gravel roads or double roads with

some short sections of sand or rocks). We have paved road alternatives

for all off road sections

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 9

General Description




Option Difficulty

Day 1: Welcome - - -

Day 2: Sesimbra to Comporta 50km




Day 3: Comporta to Santiago do Cacém 60km




Day 4: Santiago do Cacém to VNMF 51km




Day 5: VNMF to Odeceixe 47km




Day 6: Odeceixe to Arrifana 55km




Day 7: Arrifana to Pedralva 44km




Day 8: Pedralva to Sagres 41km




Day 9: Departure - - -

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 8 Day 7

Tour Profile

The Itinerary

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Your Accommodation

Welcome to Sesimbra. Sesimbra, is a picturesque fishing town set in a sheltered bay, was

founded on the hilltop around the Moorish castle that Dom Afonso Henriques (the first King of

Portugal) captured in 1165. This castle fell back into Moorish hands in 1191, and was recaptured

in the reign of Dom Sancho I (13th century), who donated it to the Order of São Tiago (St.

James) for defense and settlement. It was restored in the 18th century, and is now an essential

place to visit for admiring a truly marvelous view of the town and the sea.

Sesimbra has always had a close connection to the sea, due to fishing, which, for generations,

has been the community’s main activity and which still plays an important role in the council’s

life, and second, by all the sea tourism activities. The Sesimbra gastronomy is closely connected

to fishing and to the sea. Its aromas and tastes are reflected in the delicious meals based on

fish and sea food, but also on the sweet desserts and kitchen garden products.

Welcome Day


Sesimbra Hotel & Spa

Rua Navegador Rodrigues Soromero

Ph: +351 212 289 800

The Itinerary

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PortoFino Ribamar

Supported by exceptional service and

background music, Portofino gathers all the

necessary conditions for its inclusion in the

gastronomic itinerary of those who can’t go

without comfort and refinement celebrated in a

meal of excellence.

One of the best restaurants in the seaside town of

Sesimbra (known for its fish and seafood). The

fish of the appetizers and of the main courses

come from local waters, and there are several

wines to choose from, including some of the best

labels in the country.

Close on: Mondays

Address: Praia do Ouro, Av. Dos Náufragos

Ph: +351 919 480 282

Open Days: Everyday

Address: Av. Dos Náufragos, 29

Ph: +351 212 234 853


Sesimbra N

Porto Fino

Suggested Restaurants

The Itinerary

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A fantastic day with emphasis on crossing the Arrábida Natural Park, a group of small limestone

hills near the ocean and a rare example of a very ancient Mediterranean vegetation, result of a

very special microclimate and sharp topography. Dotted by idyllic beaches and secret coves

and just two steps from Setúbal, the Parque Natural da Arrábida represents a peaceful, natural

and protected encounter between land and sea. At the end of this day you will cross Sado river

by Ferry to reach Troia Península and then, arrive at Comporta. Comporta is located in the

Natural Reserve of the Sado estuary.

The whole area is served by exceptional restaurants, many of them bent over the Atlantic Ocean

where you can enjoy as famous local fish and other specialties from the rich gastronomy of


Sesimbra to Comporta Day


The Itinerary

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Day 2 N




Comporta Beach



Check Ferry Timetable


Hybrid Option (50km / +700m)

Road Option (60km / +750m)


Route Decision

City / Village

Your Accommodation

Food and Drinks


Interesting Place


Start Point SP


The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 14



Food, Drinks & Points of Interest

Day Profile

Start Point

End Point







Hybrid Option

Road Option







Hybrid Option

Road Option









irinha B




irinha B



pos B






pos B








The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 15

Arrabida Natural Park i

The Arrabida Mountain is a landscape of exceptional aesthetic value. Throughout its

mountains, or through the shadows of its peaks and valleys, the horizont presents itself as one

of the most beautiful Portuguese and world landscapes.

From atop of the 501 meters from Formosinho one has a wide panoramic view over the

surrounding region. The southwest massive of Arrábida has the largest seaside cliffs of

Portugal, being the Risco the highest coastal limestone escarpment in Europe; it falls in a

calm , crystal blue and emerald green sea.

The Arrabida Mountain is one of the most beautiful and significant natural spaces of

Mediterranean influence . It is a place with strong landscape character , a key region, from the

geological point of view, to a better knowledge and understanding of key stages of Earths

history. In the mountain one meets a number of specific characteristics which justify the

presence of plant communities, preserved, unique at worldwide. Arrábida is also relevant from

the level of marine ecosystems, it is an area of high biodiversity, unparalleled at European




Sado Estuary & Dolphins i In the coastal region of Setubal we often observe specimens of the bottlenose dolphin

(Tursiops truncatus), considered one of the faunistic symbols of the region.

Groups of these sociable animals, called "roazes", supposedly, from habit of gnaw the meshes

that fishermen launch into the sea, seek daily the tide favorable to travel to the estuarine area,

addressing themselves to areas of estuaries and marshes, in search of food, mainly cuttlefish,

sea bass and mullet, in a consumption that can reach up to ten kilograms per day.

The Itinerary

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Nestling among olive and cork trees, Azeitao is a

pretty and prosperous little village in the region of

Setubal at the foot of the Arrabida Hills.

Known for its red wine, olives and creamy sheep

cheese, the latter prized as one of the best in the

country, Azeitao also features some of the

finest quintas (villas or country estates) in the

region. Try some of the delicacies of the village:

Torta de Azeitão and Moscatel wine.

Portinho Arrábida & Galapos

Portinho da Arrábida is considered one of the

most beautiful beaches in Portugal. The fine

white sand and clear waters and bright set a

fantastic contrast to the austerity of the imposing

mountains Arrábida. Galapos is surrounded by

lush Mediterranean vegetation Arrábida, the

beach is a narrow strip of sand lapped by calm

seas, blue and transparent.

Suggested Places to Visit

Originated in 1995 as a branch of the company

created by António Martins with his wife, Fábrica

de Tortas Azeitonense started with a homemade

production of Tortas de Azeitão. Nowadays this

renowned dessert was made famous in 1995 as a

result of their secret recipe. Consisting of a sweet

egg yolk paste spread on sheets of soft, sponge

cake-like dough, sprinkled with cinnamon, and

then rolled up and cut into about 3-inch by 1-inch

thick rolls, Tortas look like a healthier and tastier

version of a Twinkie! Queijadas de Azeitão look

like the originals, but boast of a special secret


Tortas de Azeitão (Rolled Cake of Azeitão) i

Open Days: Everyday

Address: Estrada Nacional, 10, km17, Coina

Ph: +351 212 190 418

The Itinerary

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Your Accommodation

Comporta Village Hotel

Rua do Secador, Comporta

Ph: +351 265 490 640



Figueirinha Beach

With its beautiful backdrop of the Serra da

Arrábida hills, Figueirinha Beach is one of the

best known and most popular in the region, a

fact enhanced by both the ease of access and

the calm waters off this beach . At low tide

emerges a long sandbar where you can walk to



Comporta is a village on the Tróia peninsula, a

13-mile long sandy spit in the north of Portugal's

Alentejo region. It sits at the heel of the

peninsula, at the southern end of the wide Sado

estuary, sandwiched between dense forest and

the Atlantic.

Suggested Places to Visit


The fishermen and their boats, the river and the

sea are inseparable from the identity of Setúbal.

The coloring of the hundreds of boats anchored

along the riverfront contrasts with the bronze

tanned skin of men of toil.

People of the sea, accustomed to overcome all

challenges, with peculiar wisdom and humor,

able to paint pictures with words that make

anyone mesmerized.

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 18



Museu do Arroz A tasquinha

Located in Comporta, this building was used

previously as a rice factory and was restored in

2006 for tourism purposes As you can guess,

savory rice dishes are the specialty. Looking out

the window, you can enjoy views of the Atlantic,

the sand dunes and the rice fields.

A very simple restaurant, with efficient service,

fresh local ingredients and fair price.

Close on: Mondays

Address: Estrada Nacional 261, km 0, Comporta

Ph: +351 265 497 555

Open Days: Everyday

Address: Rua do Comércio,4, Comporta

Ph: +351 916 064 552

Museu do Arroz

Comporta N

A tasquinha

Suggested Restaurants

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 19

Start this day by trails along canals and rice fields. Ride with the company of birds and numerous

storks. Cross the Sierra - the landscape changes suddenly, you left the plains and sandy pine

forest and get into an up and down road through an incredible Cork Forest. Arrive to Santiago,

village with a Castle.

The 6km has the famous beach of Heaths Carregueira practically deserted and frequented by

naturists. The beach and village Carvalhal are 8km from Floodgate Village, as well as Praia do


Comporta to Santiago do Cacém Day


The Itinerary

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Day 3 N

Santiago do Cacém

Comporta SP


Hybrid Option (60km / +650m)

Road Option (57km / +650m)


Route Decision

City / Village

Your Accommodation

Food and Drinks


Interesting Place


Start Point SP

Santa Margarida



The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 21



Food, Drinks & Points of Interest

Day Profile

Start Point

End Point

Hybrid Option

Road Option









St. Margarida da Serra












St. Margarida da Serra




Hybrid Option

Road Option

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 22

Your Accommodation



Santa Margarida da Serra

Typical small Alentejo village. A quiet place

where yon can feel the spirit of life in Alentejo.

Here hospitality, warmth, proximity and affability

represent a form of life.

Santiago do Cacém

Santiago do Cacém is a peaceful town in the

south of Portugal, whose origins date back to

remote times. In the Roman period, it was an

important town situated on the road linking

Lisbon to the Algarve, a factor which greatly

contributed to its development. .

Suggested Places to Visit

Mirobriga Ruins

Mirobriga was once a thriving Roman town, the

ruins of which can now be seen in Portugal.

Believed to date back to the first century AD, the

remains of Mirobriga are quite extensive, well

preserved and include a forum and the country’s

only surviving Hippodrome - once the site of

fierce chariot races. (Near Santiago Cacém).

Close on: Mondays

Opening Times: Open until 5:30pm (except lunch time)

Hotel D. Nuno

Avenida D. Nuno Alvares Pereira, 90

Ph: +351 269 823 325

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 23

Mercado à mesa

Santiago do Cacém N

Mirobriga Ruins

Mercado à mesa

Inspired by the building where it is located,

Mercado à Mesa Restaurant appears on the first

floor of the Municipal Market of Santiago do

Cacém. Traditional cuisine, seasonal dishes and

fresh flavours is what you can find in this space,

innovative for its location, concept and decoration.

At Mercado à Mesa Restaurant, each meal is a

revisit to Alentejo's traditional gastronomy , and

the market flavors come to the table as a concept

Close on: Mondays

Address: Rua Moçambique, 19

Ph: +351 269 823 257

of regional transformation and where a

gastronomic identity is presented. After a unique

taste experience, you can stroll through the city

center, situated in one of the richest regions of

history, heritage and natural beauty.



Suggested Restaurants

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 24

L eave Santiago by a road on the sierra and get to the sea. You will enter the Natural Park of

Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina on a scenic road over the sea and pass Porto Covo

typical fishing village, now transformed into a picturesque place by the sea with its beautiful cliffs.

From here to the end of this tour you are already in the Natural Park. Arrive to Vila Nova de

Milfontes visit the fishing harbor, great beach and admire the Mira River and its beautiful bay

area. Rio Mira is one of the interesting points of this fishing village known as Alentejo Princess

and where you could still find Roman port structures.

S.Cacém to Vila Nova de Milfontes Day


The Itinerary

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Day 4 N

Porto Covo

Aldeia dos Chãos

Santiago do Cacém SP


Hybrid Option (51Km / +400m)

Road Option (53km / +350m)


Route Decision

City / Village

Your Accommodation

Food and Drinks


Interesting Place


Start Point SP


Vila Nova de Milfontes

Pessegueiro Beach

Pessegueiro Fortress


Be prepared in advance

with food and drinks for

this day.

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 26



Food, Drinks & Points of Interest

Day Profile

Start Point

End Point

Hybrid Option

Road Option



Aldeia dos Chãos

Hybrid Option

Road Option






Porto Covo


3 Km





Porto Covo






iro B



l Beach



l Beach

Aldeia dos Chãos

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 27



Suggested Places to Visit

Farol Beach

With the River Mira on one side and the ocean

on the other, Farol Beach (lighthouse beach) is

in Vila Nova de Milfontes, right beside Franquia

Beach, from which it is separated by a rocky

formation. Like at Furnas Beach, pools are

formed at low tide that are sure to delight the


On top of the cliff stands the Miradouro do Farol

de Vila Nova de Milfontes.

St. Clement Fortress

The Fortress of São Clemente was built to

protect the village from pirates. In 1590 the

village was destroyed completely, resulting in the

construction of fortress, which was constructed

between 1599 and 1602 (during the reign of King

Philip II). (At Vila Nova de Milfontes)

Pessegueiro’s Fort

Praia do Pessegueiro (Peachtree beach) also

known as Praia do Sissal is a wide and calm

beach. Opposite to this beach stands the Forte da

Ilha de Dentro, at the massive Pessegueiro

island. At mainland, complementing an old gone

military defense system, lies the Forte do

Pessegueiro. The fort was finished in 1690, to

defend the coast from pirates and privateers. At

that time the king ordered the construction of

another fortress on Pessegueiro island- Forte da

Ilha de Dentro (Fort of Inside Island) - with the

aim of strengthening the coastal defense of Porto

Covo. The fort, surrounded by a pit with a wall,

has a polygonal and star shape, with 2 polygonal

bastions and a battery facing the sea. The

buildings inside, covered by terraces, are

arranged in a U-shape. The chapel of Our Lady of

Queimada and the battery area, over the bunkers,

were also damaged in 1755. It had a garrison

until at least 1844.

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 28

Your Accommodation



Casa do Adro

Rua Diário de Notícias. 10-10A, VNMF

Ph: +351 283 997 102

Vila Nova de Milfontes i

Vila Nova de Milfontes was built on a site called Milfontes. Therefore, Vila Nova (New Village)

was added to the early name. Milfontes means literally “Thousands of Fountains”. Thus, the word

refers to the many water springs existing on the area.

The origin of the village name

Standing by the fertile margins of the Mira River, Vila Nova de Milfontes is inhabited since the

Neolithic. Proof of this are the many archaeological traces found on the area. Other

archaeological findings reveal that the Romans were here during the Hispania (Iberian

Peninsula) occupation.

During the early years of the XIII century the border between the Moorish territories and the

ones controlled by the Christian during the Reconquista was set north of the Mira River. When

the Moors where finally expelled from the Portuguese lands, Alentejo was almost deserted.

Therefore, King Afonso III donated lands to the Order of Santiago as a reward for the role

played during the Reconquista. In 1486 King John II chartered a new village at place called

Milfontes. He aimed to develop commercial trade on the area. In fact, the region was often

attacked by corsairs. These attacks were especially intense during the XVI and XVIII centuries.

The fortress of São Clemente, Vila Nova de Milfontes’ castle, was built in the XVI century to

stop the attacks.Vila Nova de Milfontes remained as a small fishing village for centuries. Then

the Portuguese discovered its touristic potential. And Vila Nova de Milfontes grew in

importance. Although the development caused by the touristic increase, the village kept the old



The Itinerary

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Tasca do Celso


S. Clement Fortress

Tasca do Celso

Tasca do Celso (Celso's Tavern) is a reference in

Alentejo's typical cuisine, although the place has

nothing to do with a "tasca", the owner’s name

isn't Celso and even worse, he's not even from

Alentejo. José Ramos Cardoso is from Lamego

and was nicknamed "Celso" after his father, a well

known and respected character of Milfontes. In a

"restaurant where people can see the kitchen", his

life’s dream, Celso spoils his customers, preparing

them the food or indicating a good wine, one of the

Close on: Mondays

Address: Rua dos Aviadores, VNMF

Ph: +351 283 996 753

best qualities of the house.

Celso has one of the most interesting wine cel-

lars in the region, with wines from all over the

country, particularly from Alentejo and Douro.

After all, what else would you expect from an

"alentejano" from Lamego?

Suggested Restaurants

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 30

R ide on SW Alentejano Natural Park with amazing views over the sea and visit stunning

Sardão cape, guarded by a lighthouse, a place of absolute reconciliation between the land and

the ocean. Here you can admire the shafts embedded in the rocks walls, the seeded islets here

and there along the coast and the many white stork couples that choose this coast as their

nesting site. Elsewhere in Europe you can also find them, but further inland.

Before you arrive at Odeceixe, you will pass by the typical village of Zambujeira do Mar. Then,

follow through the fields till you go down to a river, where at the end, you will arrive at Odeceixe,

an attractive village on a hillside where you can find an old windmill, sitting on the tallest hill.

Vila Nova Milfontes to Odeceixe Day


The Itinerary

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Day 5 N


Vila Nova Milfontes




Sardão Cape




Hybrid Option (47Km / +450m)

Road Option (55km / +450m)


Route Decision

City / Village

Your Accommodation

Food and Drinks


Interesting Place


Start Point SP

Carvalhal Beach

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 32



Start Point

End Point




Food, Drinks & Points of Interest

Day Profile

Hybrid Option

Road Option




ão C






Zambujeira do Mar



al B











ão C






Zambujeira do Mar



São Teotónio

Hybrid Option

Road Option

The Itinerary

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Suggested Places to Visit

Almograve Beach

Almograve beach stands out as one of the most

beautiful beaches of Alentejo coastline, mainly

because of its dark colour (black schist layers)

and by the shape of its cliffs. There are two

different zones in Almograve: the rocky cliffy

beach (in the south) and the sand beach close to

the dunes.

Sardão Cape

Cape Sardão lighthouse was erected in 1915 at

the top of the cliff. From this spot, you can

contemplate the surrounding landscape, as well

as the ancient fight of dark rocks against the sea.

The inclined schist rocks show how huge were

the ancient geological formations. These rocks

are inclined 60 degrees northeast, and have a

horizontal and vertical orientation.

Portugal and the Storks i

The white stork is famous for its long-distance migration. These days, more and more of the birds in

Spain and Portugal choose to hang out by landfills year-round in search of a cheap meal. In the past,

during the warm months between March and September, the birds would nest and breed on the Iberian

Peninsula, then in the winter, they would head to sub-Saharan Africa where there’d be plenty of food.

But at some point in the 1980s, the storks changed their minds and decided to stay all year-round here.

Perhaps the biggest bonus was a never-ending food supply in the form of landfills. The true is that you

easily will observe this beautiful bird on the way.

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 34

Your Accommodation



Casas do Moinho

Guest House

Rua 25 de Abril 115, Odeceixe

Ph: +351 282 949 266

Zambujeira do Mar

Affording an excellent view over the beach,

Zambujeira do Mar is a small fishing village

where it is still possible to enjoy a feeling of great

peace and tranquility. Stop on this nice village

by the sea and admire the chapel hanging over

the beach.

Odeceixe Windmill

On the top of the hill, near the hotel, you will

reach the still working windmill. Here you can

admire the views over the historical village of


Suggested Places to Visit

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 35




Taberna do Gabão

Padaria de Odeceixe

Taberna do Gabão Padaria de Odeceixe

Odeceixe’s best dining option, this welcoming

restaurant features good-value traditional dishes

served in a charming old-fashioned wooden dining


If you are looking for a quick lunch, this is the

place. Here you can find a large selection of

delicious and typic pastries, like also fresh


Close on: Tuesdays

Address: Rua do Gabão, 9, Aljezur

Ph: +351 282 947 549

Close on: Sundays

Address: Rua da Botelha, 10, Odeceixe

Ph: +351 282 947 170

Suggested Restaurants

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 36

S tart the day going to one of the most beautiful scenery of this coast - Odeceixe beach! After

crossing a plateau you will go down again for more incredible beaches. Then follow a valley

where once caravels sailed to the village of Aljezur about 5 km inland. Go up the narrow streets

through typical houses and get up to the medieval castle of Aljezur!

Discover and enjoy the hospitality of the people and taste the famous sweet potato of Aljezur,

that grows in the fertile land of the region! It was recognized in 2008 by the European Union as a

protected area and food item.

At the end of the day arrive at Arrifana, an amazing village over the cliffs.

Odeceixe to Arrifana Day


The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 37



Day 6 N



Hybrid Option (55km / +750m)

Road Option (60km / +800m)


Route Decision

City / Village

Your Accommodation

Food and Drinks


Interesting Place


Start Point SP

Odeceixe Beach

Maria Vinagre

Batata Doce Museum



Monte Clérigo Beach


Amoreira Beach

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 38



Food, Drinks & Points of Interest

Day Profile

Start Point

End Point

Hybrid Option

Road Option


15 Odeceix

e B




Batata Doce Museum



ira B




28 Monte








na C



na B



11 Odeceix

e B




Maria Vinagre



ira B




38 Monte








na C



na B




Hybrid Option

Road Option

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 39



Sweet potato of aljezur i The sweet potato of the Lira variety grown in the Aljezur area is unique. The European Union

recognized the Batata doce de Aljezur in 2008 as a protected area and food item.

How and when the sweet potato was introduced to Aljezur is basically unknown. Legend has it

that the ”Feijoada de batata doce de Aljezur” (the Aljezur sweet-potato bean stew) gave the

Knights of the Order of St James of the Sword, led by Paio Peres Correia, the strength and

speed to overrun the Moorish held castle of Aljezur in AD1249. Founding Aljezur in the tenth

century, (it was then named Aljuzur/Arab meaning of Ilands) the Moors had of course no

intention of giving up their stronghold castle on top of the hill. The knights, drinking a potion of

sweet potato before each battle, mounted a surprise attack, stunned the Moorish and gained a

victory that resulted in taking over the castle and throwing out the occupiers after almost 300


Knowing that Columbus discovered the new world in 1492 and that the potato itself has its

origins in Central and South America, it still is a great story and shows that Aljezur has more to

offer than its beautiful beaches. According to Peruvian records, sweet potato dates back to 750

B.C. The Portuguese explorers and traders introduced the batata and its sweet cousin to

Portugal during the 17th century. With Aljezur, the sweet potato found a perfect place to grow

and develop to a nutritious and tasty earth fruit. The climate of the Western Algarve and

especially the combination of weather and soil created an elongated and pear shaped potato

with purple or reddish brown skin and yellow flesh.

Today the Batata doce de Aljezur plays an important part in the local kitchen. Over the years it

became a traditional food item, not only boiled or grilled, but used to create soups, desserts

and cakes. A well know dish of this region is “Batata doce com polvo”, sweet potato with

Museu da Batata Doce

Is a museum and a bar/coffee shop dedicated to

the Sweet Potato. Here you can find products

made from sweet potato from the region.

Open Days: Everyday

Address: Rua do Poente, 6, Rogil

Ph: +351 282 994 132

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 40



Amoreira Beach

Praia da Amoreira is a natural and as yet

unspoilt sandy beach. It’s popular with surfers,

fishermen and those who just want to escape

from the rat race of mass tourism and concrete


Odeceixe Beach

The Atlantic coast beach of Praia de Odeceixe

Mar straddles the border between the Algarve

and Alentejo regions of Portugal. It is situated at

the mouth of the River Seixe (Rio de Seixe)

which forms the border and lays down a lush

green valley leading to the beach.

Suggested Places to Visit


Find the best pastry of the region, maybe from

all tour – “Pão do Rogil” – a place to stop and

have a coffee and one of the typical cakes or

biscuits they have..

Operating since 1965, when wheat was

grounded at the Rogil windmill and the flour

sieved directly into the bakery to create

the famous soft crumb bread with a crunchy

crust, 50 years have passed and the taste which

comes from family tradition and knowledge still

remains even though it is now aligned

with modernity. Carob bread, oats, rye or sweet

potatoes with walnuts or figs, a full line of olive

oil and Aljezur sweet potato biscuits, tarts,

scones, all handmade in a wood oven with

special care in terms of image and presentation.

Open Days: Everyday

Address: Avenida 16 de Junho, 92, Rogil

Ph: +351 282 998 203

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 41



Suggested Places to Visit


Aljezur is a small market town of whitewashed

houses and cobbled streets. Straddling a fertile

river valley, famed for its sweet potatoes, the

town is dominated by the ruins of a tenth century

Moorish castle, which sits at the top of a narrow

and very steep cobbled hill.

Aljezur Castle

Aljezur Castle is believed to date from the Iron

Age or even earlier during the Bronze Age, 3,000

years ago. Archaeological evidence reveals the

site was used later by the Visigoths and


Monte Clérigo Beach

Coming from Monte Clérigo there is a fantastic

view of the coast and a handy layby on the corner

before you descend to the beach where you can

stop and admire the view. The cliff tops were a

mass of spring color. The bay is deep and sandy

with a scattering of large rocks on one side,

making it a lovely place. It is a popular spot for

fishing off the rocks.

Ponta da Atalaia - Moorish Ruins

Situated above the cliffs of Ponta da Atalaia and

commanding panoramic views of the coast, this

12th Century Moorish fortress/convent is one of

the largest found on the Iberian Peninsula. Built

for defensive and religious purposes, excavation

has revealed the existence of various mosques,

a minaret and a prayer wall facing Mecca.

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 42

Your Accommodation



Herdade Monte do Sol

Herdade Monte do Sol,

Ph: +351 282 997 358

Suggested Places to Visit

Arrifana Beach

This one of the most beautiful beaches of the

Vicentine coast. Pedra da Agulha resembles a

giant statue, located in the south top. This beach

covers a sand area of more than 500 m, forming a

small bay that protects from wave crashing. Praia

da Arrifana beach belongs to Arrifana, a small

fishing village in the Algarve region that is also a

popular holiday destination with the locals and

tourists alike. Located on the waterfront are many

seafood restaurants and cafes that are perfect to

quench thirst and fill stomachs after a busy but

exciting day of activities.

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 43




O Paulo

O Paulo

O Paulo is situated on top of the cliff, right

next to the Arrifana Fortress. With such a

unique and surprisingly beautiful view, one

expects a menu of similar quality and that is

exactly what one finds here. You may need

call a Taxi to get there.

Open Days: Everyday

Address: Rua Serpa Pinto, 32, Aljezur

Ph: +351 934 975 251

Arrifana Beach

Suggested Restaurants

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 44

R ide through some forests and get again close to sea by the incredible village of

Carrapateira, a tranquil, pretty, spread-out village rounded by a wild coast, with copper-colored

and ash-grey cliffs covered in speckled yellow and green scrub, backing creamy, wide sands...

Follow a dirt road along the sea where is possible to see this region at its most beautiful. On the

way, pass by these stunning beaches, with incredible colorful cliffs. Go up on a dirt road under

through a beautiful round pine forest and arrive to typical and old village once abandoned and

now recovered as a hotel, the Pedralva Village Hotel.

Arrifana to Pedralva Day


The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 45



Day 7 N



Amado Beach

Pontal Carrapateira




Hybrid Option (44km / +800m)

Road Option (42km / +550m)


Route Decision

City / Village

Your Accommodation

Food and Drinks


Interesting Place


Start Point SP

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 46



Food, Drinks & Points of Interest

Day Profile

Start Point

End Point

Hybrid Option

Road Option














l da C




ado B


Hybrid Option

Road Option













ado B


The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 47

Your Accommodation



Suggested Places to Visit

Bordeira Beach

Known as Bordeira Beach, Carrapateira beach its

noted for its rugged limestone cliffs and extensive

sand dunes. The name “Bordeira” is due to the

small river named “Bordeira” that flows to the

south side of this beach until the ocean.

Carrapateira is the name of the locality that this

beach belongs to. With a wide sandy area, this is

a very peaceful beach, perfect for relaxed


Pontal da Carrapateira

Carrapateira point, or Pontal, has a jutting

headland that made it a likely place for

shipwrecks in the past. The rock formations look

deceptively similar to Cabo de S. Vicente, the

south west tip of Portugal, eleven miles further

south. Here you can enjoy the beauty of a dirt

road along the sea that shows this region at its

most beautiful scenario.

Amado Beach

Located on the wild and beautiful Costa

Vicentina, Praia do Amado is a popular beach

with surfers, families and nature lovers. At low

tide various rock pools are exposed. At the

northern end of the beach you can find the most

amazing colored stones – hues ranging from

green, ochre, pink and black, in colorful striations

crafted by Mother Nature.

Pedralva Slow Village Hotel

Rua de Baixo, Casa da Pedralva,

Aldeia do Pedralva, Vila do Bispo

Ph: +351 282 639 342

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 48



Sitio da Pedralva Pizza Pazza Restaurant

Open all year round, "Sitio da Pedralva" have as

specialty: Codfish in bread “Pedralva style” or

lamb chops with sweet mashed potatoes. In the

quiet village of Pedralva relax and enjoy

traditional Portuguese cuisine in a relaxed

atmosphere that will make you feel at home.

The best pizza from the Algarve ...try it

Close on: Tuesdays

Address: Rua de Baixo, Casa da Pedralva

Ph: +351 282 639 342

Close on: Mondays

Address: Pedralva, Vila do Bispo

Ph: +351 282 639 173


Pedralva Slow Village

Pizza Pazza

Sitio da Pedralva

Suggested Restaurants

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 49

O n this last day you will follow a coastal route that will let you to discover some of the most

beautiful and secret beaches of Vicentina coast. Then ride south till Cape S. Vicente - the

southwestern-most point of Continental Europe.

This is a magical place where we can almost hear the echoes of the voices of sailors and

pilgrims. Rounded by monumental cliffs and outstanding views over the coastline, this is also a

privileged area to watch the natural phenomenon of bird migration.

Pedralva to Sagres Day


The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 50



Day 8 N


Sagres Cape St. Vicent



Be prepared in advance with

food and drinks for this day.

Vila do Bispo


Hybrid Option (41km / +400m)

Road Option (40km / +350m)


Route Decision

City / Village

Your Accommodation

Food and Drinks


Interesting Place


Start Point SP

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 51



Food, Drinks & Points of Interest

Day Profile

Start Point

End Point

Hybrid Option

Road Option



Vila do Bispo

Hybrid Option

Road Option Km


St Vicent Cape






a B

each (V





Vila do Bispo



St Vicent Cape


a B




a B


Few places: Be prepared with food and drinks for this day.

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 52

Your Accommodation



Memmo Baleeira Hotel

Sitio da Baleeira, Sagres

Ph: +351 282 624 212

Suggested Places to Visit

Cordoama Beach

With its broad sandy expanse connecting at low

tide to the neighbouring Beaches of Castelejo

and Barriga, Cordoama Beach is part of a stretch

of highly beautiful coastline that makes up the

Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina Natural


Castelejo Beach

Castelejo beach is located on the quieter, more

exposed Atlantic coast of the Algarve. Being part

of the Vicentine Coast natural park it feels a

million miles away from the beaches of the south

coast. The beach is dominated by the huge black

schist cliffs that rise out of the golden sand.

Europe’s southwestern most point is a barren

headland, the last piece of home that Portuguese

sailors once saw as they launched into the

unknown. The cape – a revered place even in the

time of the Phoenicians and known to the

Romans as Promontorium Sacrum – takes its

present name from a Spanish priest martyred by

the Romans. The old fortifications, trashed by Sir

Francis Drake in 1587, were later pulverized by

the 1755 earthquake.

St. Vicent Cape

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 53



The mythical atmosphere surrounding Sagres and Cabo de São Vicente ( Cape St. Vincent),

places dedicated to the gods for thousands of years. The unspoilt coastline with its dramatic

horizons of cliffs and sea. The many menhirs that bear witness to prehistoric rites. Memories of

the epic of the Discoveries and the enigmatic figure of Prince Henry the Navigator.

It is agreed that the human presence in the south-western Algarve goes back at least as far as

the Neolithic period and, if some shallow graves are to be trusted, may date to the Palaeolithic

period, when Europe was jointed to Africa by art isthmus. The large number of menhirs -

standing alone, in groups or in cromlechs - is one of the roost important vestiges of the past to

be found in the Vila do Bispo area. Also of interest is the fact that their use in religions rites

continued, in the Cabo de São Vicente (Cape St. Vincent) area, until the period of the Roman

occupation: The religious importance of the Cape persisted in the Middle Ages with the

pilgrimages that were made ever - during the centuries of Arab rule, to the burial place of São

Vicente (St. Vincent. In the 15th century, the presence of Prince Henry the Navigator at Sagres

and the undertaking known as the Discoveries ensured Vila do Bispo a prominent place in

history. Identified by some authors as the site of the then famous Igreja don Corvos (Church of

Crows) mentioned by Arabic chroniclers, Vila do Bispo has its origins in a village which was

bequeathed to the Algarve Diocese at the beginning of the 16th century, grad was elevated to

the status of a town in 1633. It suffered serious damage in the earthquake of 1755. Proud of its

past and of its participation in the Discoveries. Vila do Bispo and its municipality are art integral

part of the Algarve of the present and the future.

Sagres on the other way, is remote, adventurous and unlike any other destination in southern

Portugal. The small town is situated at the extreme western tip of the Algarve, a region of

dramatic natural scenery; comprising of raging seas, towering cliffs and vast beaches.

It is a land of adventure and courage where stories of men and the sea mingle.

The Romans called it Sacred Promontory and before them there was a sanctuary dedicated to

Hercules. The Arabs erected a mosque here and for the medieval Christians this is the place

where the body of S. Vicente (a martyr) ran ashore.

Tradition says that D. Henrique founded his navigation school here in Sagres but Historians

claim that in fact the school was in Lagos. Anyway from the top of the cliffs we can admire the

beautiful sea and imagine the feeling of those who ventured to sail towards the unknown.

Vila do Bispo and Sagres i

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 54



A Tasca Mar à vista

This typical Portuguese restaurant is one of the

oldest in the region, boasting a fantastic terrace

with views over the Baleeira fishing port and the

sea. This magnificent setting provides the perfect

backdrop for its menu of fresh fish and seafood,

brought here directly from the sea.

This restaurant offers a homely atmosphere, with

friendly service and excellent views of the sea.

The menu includes a variety of top quality, fresh

fish and shellfish.

Open Days: Thursday to Tueday

Address: Praia da Baleeira, Sagres

Ph: +351 282 624 177

Open Days: Friday to Wednesday

Address: Rua Comandante Matoso, 75, Sagres

Ph: +351 282 624 247


Memmo Baleeira

Mar à Vista

A Tasca

Suggested Restaurants

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 55

Departure Day


That’s it! Our splendid program comes to an end! But we hope that the memories and

experiences that we have created and shared stay with you forever. Portugal Nature Trails is

here with our arms open to fulfill your dreams!

In case you have extra time we suggest that you visit Lisbon. Lisbon is also called the city of

the seven hills. Walking around in the city will make you wonder how they counted just seven

hills since nearly every street is going up or down. In a city that has been influenced by many

different far-off cultures over time, there is still a village feel in each historic neighborhood.

Prepare yourself to get lost while exploring the old neighborhoods of

Lisbon like Alfama, Graça, and Chiado, discover the many miradouros (viewpoints) offering a

magnificent view of Lisbon. Stroll through the Pombaline grid of streets in the Baixa district

that opens on to the Tagus in Praça do Comércio, then follow the river to discover some of the

city’s most beautiful parts, like the monumental area of Belém with its World Heritage

monuments, the mediaeval quarters and the latest contemporary leisure spaces, such as

the Parque das Nações. Belém is a small neighborhood at the mouth of the Tagus River, 6km

west of the city center. This place is known for its important role during the period where the

Portuguese started to discover the rest of the world. Here you can visit the Padrão dos

Descobrimentos (monument of the discoveries), walk around the nice gardens of Mosteiro dos

Jerónimos and of course do not leave Belem before having tried one of their delicious pasteis

de Belem!

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 56

Brief History of Lisbon i Legend has it that the city of Lisbon was founded by the mythical Ulysses. True or not, the fact is

that Lisbon’s history goes back to the time of Phoenicians and Carthaginians with whom the

Portuguese already traded. Dominated by Rome, invaded by North European peoples and

conquered from the Arabs by the first King of Portugal in 1147, Lisbon was the “capital of the

world” in 15th and 16th centuries, at the time of the Portuguese Discoveries, and possesses an

extremely eventful history which put together Jews, Slaves, Arabs, French and Italian Artists,

English and Dutch traders and, in the 70’s, many people from the former Portuguese colonies.

Lisbon was then world's most prosperous trading centre. Furthermore, many attractions of the

city at present such as Mosteiro dos Jerónimos and Torre de Belém, both classified by UNESCO

as World Heritage Sites, were built during this period.

However, this era didn’t take long: the earthquake of 1755 destroyed nearly entire city. The city

was rebuilt by the Marquês de Pombal, who thus created the Baixa Pombalina, a commercial

area that still attains attraction.

The last few years have witnessed an unusual cultural “wave” which has turned it into one of

Europe’s most interesting, vibrant and (still) unknown capitals. Combining tradition and

modernity, history and architecture, Fado and gastronomy, sunshine and the sea, Lisbon

includes all that other capitals already have … and a little something else.



The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 57

Fado i A shawl, a Portuguese guitar, a voice and heartfelt emotion. This simple image could describe

Fado, a recognised symbol of Portugal, and a music of the world that is genuinely Portuguese.

At its heart is sentiment, lost love, longing for a departed one, everyday life and triumphs. After

all, the vicissitudes of life provide endlessly inspirational topics. They say fado is fado, that it is

ingrained in the Portuguese soul, with no distinctions to be made. Even so, some dare tell a

professional from an amateur singer. Professionals earn a living from their voice. Amateurs sing

the Fado also known as vadio (vagabond), and this has different qualities, although longing is

still present as a main leitmotif. Making a comeback in Lisbon’s working-class districts, fado

vadio singers are never invited… they invite themselves and do not have a set repertoire. In

Coimbra, fado has particular characteristics and is sung by students.

In 2011, UNESCO granted Fado World Heritage status, as an urban Lisbon song symbolic of the

city and the country. To learn all the details, the best is to pay a visit to the Fado Museum in

Alfama, one of Lisbon’s historic districts. Housing a vast collection, gathered from hundreds of

bequests, you can get acquainted with the history of Fado from the first quarter of the 19th

century to modern times.

The house where Amália lived, today converted into a museum, is also in Lisbon, close to

Madragoa. She was the most charismatic of all fado singers who took the fado across borders to

the great European halls. A singer with a striking presence on stage and a natural instinct for

spectacle, we owe her the classic image of the black dress and shawl.



Close on: Mondays

Address: Largo Chafariz de Dentro, 1 Lisboa

Ph: +351 218 823 470

Museu do Fado

Exhibition on traditional FADO with audiovisual

displays and archives.

Close on: Mondays

Address: Largo Chafariz de Dentro, 1 Lisboa

Ph: +351 218 823 470

Amália Rodrigues House-Museum

Discover the house and life of the greatest FADO

singer in history, as well as some of the artworks

she was presented with during her career.

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 58

Castelo de São Jorge Elevador de Santa Justa

The castle of Lisbon, locally named Castelo de

São Jorge is located right on top of the tallest of

Lisbon´s seven hills of the historic centre of the

capital city, above the old Moorish quarter. The

castle is clearly visible from a long way off and it

is famous for its panoramic views of the city and

surrounding countryside.

The Elevador de Santa Justa (Santa Justa Lift) is

a beautifully crafted elevator that transports

passengers from the Baixa district up to the ruins

of the Igreja do Carmo church. The Elevador de

Santa Justa is one of Lisbon’s most unique tourist

attractions, and from the top viewing platform

there are great views over central Lisbon.

Suggested Places to Visit



Oceanário de Lisboa

The Lisbon Oceanarium is one of Europe's finest

aquariums, and one of the largest in the world.

Designed by Peter Chermayeff and built for the

Expo 98 World Exposition in an area now known

as Parque das Nações, the oceanarium is home to

a mind-boggling array of fish and marine animals,

including dozens of different species of birds. The

different ecosystems are a delight to explore. The

Antarctic habitat, for example, showcases playful

penguins, while a pair of spirited sea otters steals

the show in the Pacific tank. The Oceanário de

Lisboa actively promotes conservation of the

world's oceans, and besides its envious reputation

as one of Portugal's most popular tourist

attractions, has garnered global praise for

its marine environmental awareness campaigns.

But most of all, it's seriously good fun.

The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 59


Belem is a picturesque district to the west of

Lisbon, which is the location of many of the

capital’s most notable and important tourist

attractions. Belem is situated on the northern

banks of the River Tagus and from the ancient

harbors of Belem, ships set sail around the world,

and many of the 14th century “voyages of

discovery” departed from here.

A typical visit to Belem takes half a day but this

can be easily extended just by including all of the

museums or a walk through the botanical


There are numerous cafes and restaurants, but it

is highly recommended to try a Pastel de Nata

from “Pastéis de Belem”, the traditional home of

the delicious cakes that go by the same name.

Open Days: Open Everyday

Address: Rua de Belém, 84—92 Lisboa

Ph: +351 213 637 423

Torre de Belém MAAT - Museum

Arguably the most emblematic of all Lisbon's

historical monuments, the Belém Tower squats

in the shallows near the mouth of the River

Tagus as a symbol of Portugal's

extraordinary Age of Discovery during the 16th

century. Built in 1515-21 as a fortress and

originally sited in the middle of the river the tower

represents the highpoint of decorative Manueline


The Museum of Art, Architecture and

Technology is a new cultural proposal for the city

of Lisbon. A museum that combines these three

fields in a space for debate, discovery, critical

thinking and international dialogue. An innovative

project that brings together a new building,

designed by the architect Amanda Levete, and the

Tejo Power Station, an example of Portuguese

industrial architecture from the first half of the 20th


Suggested Places to Visit



The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 60

Suggested Restaurants

Fumeiro Santa Catarina Clube do Peixe

A very unassuming tapas restaurant tucked

away in the back streets, Located in the heart of

Lisbon, near Bairro Alto.

Considered as the best fish restaurant grilled our

Capital daily receives fresh fish auction of Setúbal

and Sesimbra.

Open Days: Open Tuesday to Saturday

Address: Travessa do Alcaide, 4C, Lisboa

Ph: +351 926 409 775

Open Days: Open Monday to Saturday

Address: Avenida 5 de Outubro, 180A, Lisboa

Ph: +351 217 973 434

Palácio Chiado

Once upon a time there was an elegant Palace, built

in 1781, where the aristocracy and bons

vivants danced, enjoyed lavish banquets and admired

new works of art. A different Palace, with its graceful

architecture and its history and experience, that

hosted a number of irreverent figures associated with

curious expressions in Portuguese, such as

“farrobodó” and “à grande e à francesa” In the

renewed Palácio Chiado, the historic rooms will now

host alternatives for fine dining and other forms of

entertainment for Lisbon residents and visitors. As an

outstanding cosmopolitan venue in the city, it is a

timeless blend of history and modern life.

Open Days: Everyday

Address: Rua do Alecrim, 70, Lisboa

Ph: +351 210 101 184



The Itinerary

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 61

Suggested Restaurants


Distinguished with two Michelin stars, Belcanto

restaurant opened in 1958, in Chiado. At Belcanto,

José Avillez invites us on an incomparable

gastronomic and sensory journey. Here, he offers a

revisited Portuguese cuisine to an exclusive set of

ten tables in a sophisticated atmosphere that makes

us travel from the old romantic Chiado to the future.

At Belcanto, José Avillez offers a revisited

Portuguese cuisine to an exclusive set of ten tables.

To be able to provide an excellent experience, make

your reservation in advance.

Open Days: Open Tuesday to Saturday

Address: Largo de São Carlos, 10 Lisboa

Ph: +351 213 420 607

O Faia - Fado House in Lisbon Sr. Vinho—Fado House in Lisbon

The balance between the cultural experience of

a Fado evening and gastronomic culture that fits

best with it, is a daily task at O Faia.

Typical reference restaurant with daily Fado in

Lisbon. Senhor Vinho is the icon of restaurants of

its genre (Fado), nationally and internationally

considered the best among the best.

Open Days: Open Monday to Saturday

Address: Rua da Barroca, 54-56, Lisboa

Ph: +351 213 426 742

Open Days: Open Monday to Saturday

Address: Rua do Meio à Lapa, 18 Lisboa

Ph: +351 213 972 681



PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 62

Practical Information

How to work with your GPS

Selected Day Trip

Scale in Km’s

Zoom In

Zoom Out

The track of that day

GO BUTTON to start the navigation

RETURN BUTTON to go to the previous page

How it works...

1 | Press and hold the top right button during 3 seconds to turn it on.

Wait a few seconds until it is ready.

2 | Now you will see the Main Menu.

Use the tactile display and choose touching it with your fin-


3 | Select now.

Then, select the desired course (e.g. Day 2)

4 | You will see a map with your track (blue colour). Select . (see the image above)

5 | If you are on the starting point of the track you selected, you will see a Purple Line

and a blue triangle (your right position).

6 | Now you are ready to start your tour J. You only have to follow the Purple Line. Keep

the small blue triangle always on the Purple Line (this triangle is YOU, your position


Where to?



PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 63

Practical Information

• Your GPS doesn’t work indoors. Only outdoors;

• Turn off your GPS if you are not working with it to save the battery (e.g.

Lunch time);

• NEVER leave your GPS unattended with your bicycle!!!

7 | On this screen you can see more information:

a) You can zoom in and zoom out the map ( and buttons). The best scale of

the map to navigate is 80m (being in a town it is easier with zoom in)

b) At the top of this screen you can see the TRIP ODOMETER (how many kms you

have done) and the DISTANCE TO DESTINATION (how many kms you still have to do

until the end of the day).

8 | You can go out of the map screen touching on symbol . Now you are again on

the MAIN MENU. Here you can touch on button and see you

Location (important if you need urgent assistance), Distance to next (the picnic place

or other way point if exist), the sunset time (to manage your pace), etc. You can also

check the batteries, the Time of the day and the Signal strength of satellites

Trip Computer


+ -


Each day, before you start another day tour:

1 | Touch again on button and select

button (…of the last day)

2 | Reset now the tour information (distance timers, etc.) again of the last day J: Go to

MAIN MENU and choose ,then choose . Now

choose button and only this one (be

careful). Done!

Where to?

Setup Reset

Stop navigation

Reset Trip Data, Timers, etc

PORTUGAL Nature Trails Page 64

Practical Information


1 | If for any reason, you inadvertently touch on the map screen (and not on a specific

button), the GPS could be frozen and you cannot see the way. In this case the

button on the left down corner of the map screen is replaced by a . Press it to

unfrozen the map.

2 | The GPS has a save power system for the touch sensor and it gets on standby mode

after a while. To give a new command you have to press twice.



3 | On your way, if you need to adjust the backlight level, while the

GPS in on, press and quickly realize the

button. Then, touch or to adjust the bright-

ness level (remember, more light less batteries).

4 | On this MENU you also can LOCK SCREEN to prevent inad-

vertent screen touches on your way. Touch

or .

Turn on/off

+ -

Lock Screen

Unlock Screen

If you have any questions during your trip,

please call us at the following number:

(+351) 962 543 298