Download - Weekly Newsletter Friday 6th December 2019

Page 1: Weekly Newsletter Friday 6th December 2019

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Dear Parents and Carers, This week we have been celebrating our children's achievements in art. We have many talented artists throughout school, and the children have been developing their skills within art lessons, with a major focus being on sketching and painting. We presented our first artist of the term awards for a child in each class. The artwork for these children is now displayed in our main entrance. The children and staff have been busy getting ready for our Christmas events, and we look forward to seeing and sharing these moments with you in the coming weeks.

Attendance Attendance this week is 95.7% Well done Year Two you are this week’s attendance winners with 99.3%!! Well done to Year Five – you are our on time winners this week!

Reception Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Year Six Total

94.1% 94.3% 99.3% 92.2% 96.4% 99.1% 95.3% 95.7%

3 2 4 2 2 1 3 17

A new arrival We are delighted to announce the safe arrival of Mr Pilling's son, Carter Pilling, who was born on Monday morning. Mum and baby are doing well, and we all can't wait to meet him in the near future. Learning Update What a brilliant week of learning that Reception Class have had. The Elf on the Shelf has arrived in our classroom and the children have been very excited to talk about all of their elf stories! This week, we have been writing sentences about giants, as The Jolly Postman delivered a letter to the giant. In number, we have been exploring number 6, using lots of practical resources. Year One have had a fantastic week of making their amazing vehicles, with lots and lots of our parents/grandparents one two half days. They worked so hard, cutting, sawing, gluing and constructing their designs. We now need to put the finishing touches to their paint work and them test them to see if they carry out the three success criteria points. Which will now travel the furthest? We have been busy rehearsing for our Nativity, which we hope you will all enjoy next week in the up and coming shows. In Maths, we looked at half turns and in phonics we are still segmenting and blending our sounds.

Year Two have made me incredibly proud this week with being wholeheartedly committed to our Nativity. During English lessons, the children have identified and constructed compound sentences. I am looking forward to seeing these being correctly used in their independent diary writing next week! In maths, we have consolidated our understanding of addition, and we have started to use and apply their understanding of ‘exchange’. The children used drama techniques to re-enact scenes from the Great Fire of London. This helped them to learn key facts and to show empathy for those affected. A great week of learning, achieving and aspiring!! This week, Year Three have begun their English work on poetry. They began by reading a range of different poems and finding ones that they liked. The class discussed the features of poems in general. They then learnt about the difference between phonemes and syllables. They counted syllables in different words, and they even worked out how many syllables are in ”supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” In Science, the children have been investigating the strength of different types of magnets by predicting, planning and carrying out a fair test. In Geography, the children have been finding out about the structure of the Earth, including the different layers and what they are made of. This week in Year Four, the children have worked hard continuing with multiplication in maths. They have been learning how to multiply by 10, 100 and 1000 and have been converting measurements. In English, the children have continued to explore Haiku poetry, finding powerful vocabulary to capture the reader's interest. They have also begun to write their own Haiku poems about nature. In Science, they have started a new topic; States of Matter. The children had fun categorising

Weekly Newsletter Friday 6th December 2019

Page 2: Weekly Newsletter Friday 6th December 2019

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materials and identifying solids, liquids and gases. They have also enjoyed being particles and acting out how the particles behave in each state of matter. Year Four have worked extremely hard this week and I am very impressed with the effort that has been put in. Keep it up! Well done Year Four! This week, Year Five have been exploring alternate rhyme schemes, and they have been practising writing some of their own stanzas following the scheme. In Maths, Year 5 have learnt mental strategies for subtraction. This has helped the children become quicker when calculating them. What a fantastic start to their new history topic! The children are already enthralled by the Tudors! They have been looked at some Tudor artefacts and decided who they may belong to. This week in Year Six, we have been investigating a range of subtraction methods. We have chosen the most appropriate methods using mental strategies and written methods. During English, we have been identifying the features of biographies and using different strategies to understand unfamiliar vocabulary. For our Viking topic, we have been researching about the Viking raids and how this has impacted on us today. This week’s celebrations and awards……..

Going for Gold! Well done to Oliver Ford, Finley Griffiths, Olivia Billington, Ella Croston-Richardson, Honey Finch, Rose Taylor, Olivia Hall, Scarlett Grimes, Oscar Barnes, Florence Kirkwood Slack, Poppy Melly, Zehra Fahad, Milly Lomax, Emily Hamilton and Harry Kirkwood-Slack who have received their bronze award this week! Well Done!

Head Teacher Award - Well done to Caitlin Mansell and Emily Goodall who have received the Head Teacher’s award this week for their kindness towards our younger pupils. House Points – this week’s house point winners are Jumbles…….. Well done!

Stars of the Week Reception – Libby Arcus-Settle and Anna Bolton Year One – Zehra Fahad and Olivia Kilcoyne Year Two – Winnie Garnsey and Esme Skolosdra Year Three - Neve Arcus Settle & Noah Dugdale Year Four – Riley Rimmer and Alex Heald Year Five – Nils Bolton and Grace Bailey Year Six – Scarlett Grimes and Isaac Simpson

Well done to you all! Kind regards,

Mr P Johnson Acting Head Teacher

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