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Mgr Jeremy Rigden’s Ruby Jubilee


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Friday 20th July 2018, 7.00pm

Opening hymn: 1. Lord of all

hopefulness,Lord of all joy,whose trust, ever childlike,no cares could destroy,be there at our waking,and give us, we pray,your bliss in our hearts, Lord,at the break of the day

2. Lord of all eagerness,Lord of all faith,whose strong hands were skilledat the plane and the lathe,be there at our labours,and give us, we pray,your strength in our hearts, Lord,at the noon of the day.

3. Lord of all kindliness,Lord of all grace,your hands swift to welcome,your arms to embrace,be there at our homing,and give us, we pray,your love in our hearts, Lord,at the eve of the day.

4. Lord of all gentleness,Lord of all calmwhose voice is contentment,whose presence is balm,be there at our sleeping,and give us, we pray,your peace in our hearts, Lord,at the end of the day.

GLORIA Mass of Christ the Saviour © Dan Schutte

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Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace on earth, peace to people of good will.

1. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heav’nly King, O God, almighty Father.2. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand, the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. 3. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father.

First reading Isaiah 61:1-3 read by Tony Rig-den, brother to Fr Jeremy

Psalm 22 read by Andrew Tarrant, Head Teacher of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Response: The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want.

Second reading Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-13Andrew: The Word of the LordEveryone: Thanks be to God

Andrew: Please stand to greet the Gospel.Hugh: Alleluia, alleluia.

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Everyone: Alleluia, alleluiaEveryone: I call you, friends says the Lord, be-cause I have made know to you everything I have learnt from my Father.Everyone: Alleluia, alleluia

Gospel John 15:9-17Deacon: A reading from the Holy Gospel accord-ing to JohnEveryone: Glory to you Lord.

Deacon: The Gospel of the Lord.Everyone: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

+++Please be seated for Fr Jeremy’s homily+++

BIDDING PRAYERS read by St Mary’s Deacon Richard Hayward

OFFERTORY: In bread we bring you Lord © Kevin Nichols1. In bread we bring you, Lord,our bodies labour.In wine we offer you our spirits' grief.We do not ask you Lord,who is my neighbour? but stand united now,one in belief.Oh we have gladly heard,

2. The bread we offer youis blessed and broken,and it becomes for usour spirit’s food.over the cup we bringyour Word is spoken;make it your gift to us,our healing blood.Take all that daily toil

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your Word, your holy Word,and now in answer Lord,our gifts we bring.Our selfish hearts make true,our failing faith renew,our lives belong to you,our Lord and King.

plant in our heart’s poor soil,take all we start and spoil,each hopeful dream,the chances we have missed,the graces we resist.Lord in thy Eucharist, take and redeem.

SANCTUS Mass of Christ the Saviour © Dan SchutteHoly, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts, Heav’n and earth are full, are full of your glory! Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna in the Highest! Blessed is he who comes, who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna in the Highest!

LAMB OF GOD Mass of Christ the Saviour © Dan SchutteLamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. x 2Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace.If, for any reason you are unable to receive Holy

Communion and would like to receive a bless-ing, please come up to the altar with your hands

crossed across your chest.

COMMUNION Instrumental organ musicCOMMUNION Splash! © Steve Gailor

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Sung by the staff and pupils of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School. If you are a previous pupil of St Mary’s and know the song, please come to the front and join in.

1 Splash! Splash! Splash! went the waves around the boat,All the apostles were a-shaking.Crash! Crash! Crash! went the thunder overhead,Peter sat there quaking.

Jesus said, "Come to me,Step right now upon that sea.Just have faith, you will seeThat the waves won't hurt you, hurt you, hurt you."

2. Look! Look! Look! Someone walking on the lake,"It is Jesus!" "Have no fear now.""Quick! Quick! Quick! Call me over." Peter said.Jesus said, "Come here now." 3 Jump! Jump! Jump! Peter made a flying start,Into the water with a leap now.Thump! Thump! Thump! went the beating of his heart."That lake looks so deep now." 4 Help! Help! Help! Peter felt the mighty wind,Started panicking and sinking.There! There! There! Jesus pulled him from the lake."Peter, change your thinking." 5 "Fool! Fool! Fool! If you only trust in me,Waves and storms can never hurt you.Go! Go! Go! On the stormy sea of life,Always I'll support you."

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Jesus said, "Come to me, step right now upon that sea.Just have faith, you will seeThat the waves won't hurt you, hurt you, hurt you.The waves won't hurt you!"RECESSIONAL HYMN Sing of Mary © Roland F. PalmerSing of Mary, pure and lowly, Virgin Mother undefiled.Sing of God's own Son most holy, who became her little child.Fairest child of fairest Mother, God the Lord who came to earth,Word made flesh, our very brother, takes our nature by his birth.

Sing of Jesus, son of Mary, in the home at Nazareth.Toil and labour cannot weary love enduring unto death.Constant was the love he gave her, though he went forth from her side,forth to preach, and heal, and suffer, till on Calvary he died.

Sing of Mary, sing of Jesus, holy Mother's holier son.From his throne in heav'n he sees us, thither calls us ev'ry one,where he welcomes home his Mother to a place at his right hand,there his faithful servants gather, there the crown-ed victors stand.

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Joyful Mother, full of gladness, in your arms your Lord was borne.Mournful Mother, full of sadness, all your heart with pain was torn.Glorious Mother, now rewarded with a crown at Jesus' hand,age to age your name recorded shall be blest in every land.

Glory be to God the Father; glory be to God the Son;glory be to God the Spirit; glory to the Three in One.From the heart of bless-ed Mary, from all saints the song ascends,and the Church the strain re-echoes unto earth's remotest ends.

Everyone is invited to come to Parish Centre for food and drink

and merriment.

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Fr Jeremy celebrates forty years of priesthood this month, with his Ruby Jubilee on 15th July 2018, and our special Mass and party on Friday 20th July. Please pray for him

and thank him for his first forty years of service.

Many thanks from Fr Jeremy to all those who have worked to make his Mass and party such joyful occasions.

Thank you to all those who prayed for success, celebrated Mass, came to the Mass, contributed food for the party,

gave lifts to others, served wine, wrote songs, sent photos, washed up, arranged Operation Ruby, sent cards,

decorated the Parish Centre, marshalled the car parks, moved furniture, welcomed people into the church,

arranged flowers, took away rubbish, played the organ, cre-ated the photo slideshow, provided table cloths

and made merry.

Special thanks to Charlotte Boyall and Mark Cowan who co-ordinated these events so that Fr Jeremy is able to

celebrate his Ruby Jubilee in the way that he wishes.

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