Download -  · Web viewHe kept laughing at himself. Told himself not to be so stupid, stop putting the shits under himself. Slavery? Sold for sex. Na, this was



Could any guy have been more dumb? What the hell had got into his head? Taking off like that. OK, he’d been pissed. He’d got drunk. But if he’d known it would come to this?HER fucking fault .. their great adventure .. AFRICA .. just the two of them, going native, doing it rough.A kind of anniversary .. more than a year .. and she’d goes and fucks off with some asshole? Dumps him for some South African. A rugby player, for Pete’s sake .. nothing between the ears, everyone knew that. But plenty between the thighs, it seemed.Dumped him! He was the college jock, he was the one who’d always caught the girls .. buzzing around the honey, top of his thighs. He was the one who did the dumping.

Seemed a good idea. Run off, lick his wounds. Going native, going wild. Work it out of the system, forget the bitch. Pit himself against the great unknown. Man-against-Nature. In the back of beyond for a few days. Looked like civilization hadn’t fingered this place in a hundred years.Looked at him like he was from some other planet, the locals did. Friendly enough, though, especially the kids. Played soccer with them. Shirtless, hot, dusty, sweaty. Rough-and-tumbled in the dirt. A laugh with little giggling kids. Getting it out of himself.

What made him feel he was being watched? What first put him on the alert? Whatever .. a day trekking totally alone .. why did he get the feeling he was being prowled. He put it down to nerves, .. alone in the jungle. Something new for him. Then they had struck. Five men. Accosting him, harsh words. Then the suckers went for him. College-wrestler, he’d fought them off. Done martial-arts of every kind. Fought himself free. Then he fucked it out of there.

Hunted. Hunted him down like some wild animal. Lying in wait for him, ambushed. Must have heard him thrashing through the jungle. Come after him. Must have been able to smell him. Tracked him down, this was their world after all. This time, they were ready for him. Ambushed, taken by surprise. Cut themselves some sticks, one had a club. Beat him down, overpowered him. Got him tied up. What the fuck ..!

He’d dismissed the stories. Guys joking about slavery still going on. Wasn’t true, couldn’t be true, it was nerves playing on him, jumping to wild conclusions. So why had they jumped him? No, they were a load of pervs. Look at the way they got him stripped. Shirt ripped open .. the way they looked at him. Fondled him for Christ’s sake - sniggering .. giving each other looks .. touching him, touching him up. There was something weird going on. Pervs - not slavery .. he told himself. Giggling as they jiggled at the hard muscles of his chest .. ignoring his curses. Hands lingering too long as they got him to his feet. Ripped his shirt right off him. Slapped at his ass as they got him walking. . Sniggering to themselves. Laughing at him in a language he did not understand. He yelled at the pervs to keep their hands to themselves. Bawled .. wanting to know what the fuck was

going on. As if his nerves didn’t already know. But hands tied behind his back, there was little else he could do.

Nerves .. anger .. the bugs getting him .. hands tied behind his back .. flies coming for his sweat .. nervous sweat .. Whatever .. it got to him. He rushed them, barged them with his shoulders. Knocked a couple to the ground .. then he took off. Dumb .. they were on him in no time. Tackled him to the ground .. he kicked out .. they landed on him, held him down. Angry .. gave it him in the abs .. many times .. took the wind out of his sails. No way was their meal-ticket getting away.

Got him to a river. Indicating some boat would come along. Coming for him .. coming to take his ass away. Had him down on his side. A finger flicking upwards, eyes on his ass .. joking with him, a gesture he understood to say he had it coming to him. And it was coming straight up the ass.He was furious, in a rage. He kept working at the ropes. But they’d spot him and give him a slap. Make him stop. Not letting him get away again.

He kept laughing at himself. Told himself not to be so stupid, stop putting the shits under himself. Slavery? Sold for sex. Na, this was some ransom job. Caught themselves some rich Westerner. Thinking Mom and Pa would cough up to get him back.

The boat was taking some time. It was hot, he was sweaty, they were bored. Found some way to amuse themselves. Shoes off him, laughed when he was fighting back as they stripped him of his pants. Nerves popping, angry he lashed out. One guy took a kick, nearly caught the sucker in the nuts. Shown up before his sniggering buddies, the sucker stomped him in the abs. Quick follow-through .. both knees landed in his guts .. winding him.Pinned down, looking up into a snarling face. A hand went for his windpipe, crushing his skull down into the dirt. Suddenly the anger was gone, the face above was smirking, grinning. The other hand was on his cock. Jiggling it up and down. Making the others laugh. The face above was gloating. Who’s-boss-man-now? - written all over his face.

His cock was being slapped from side to side. The others standing over him. Laughing. Making comments .. he didn’t understand a word. It didn’t take much imagination though .. he’d been in enough locker rooms .. he knew an obscene comment when he heard one.Pissed off at being molested .. scared .. he thrashed up his hips .. gonna dislodge the guy. In a flash the laughing face turned into slitted anger. The hand slipped around his balls. And the fucker squeezed. Crushed down on his nuts .. kept squeezing .. face tight with anger .. gonna make this sucker behave. Going to keep crushing on his balls until the struggling stopped.

Then the smirk was back. Looking knowingly down in his eyes. The hand was back on his cock, sliding up and down his shaft. Like jacking him off. And an “I-know-what-you-got coming” smirk on his mouth.

It was hot, he was sweating. A long wait. A boat coming down river. Collecting the spoils. Coming with their meal ticket. Come to get his hide. How long had he got? How long before he was chugging back up-river? Sold. Sold for sex. With a man.

The bitch .. that fuckhead with rugby-balls. Fuck ‘em. Fuck ‘em all. If only he’d known …