Cellars - rendszworld.files.wordpress.com  · Web view“What’s the meaning of this? Take me to...

Envy A rendsz’ world story Modelled by David Naugler as Ka-Lan and featuring Nelson Argentino as Tyros

Transcript of Cellars - rendszworld.files.wordpress.com  · Web view“What’s the meaning of this? Take me to...

Page 1: Cellars - rendszworld.files.wordpress.com  · Web view“What’s the meaning of this? Take me to Lady Ladia. Immediately.”Ka-Lan’s last word got twisted into a grunt when another


A rendsz’ world storyModelled by David Naugler as Ka-Lanand featuring Nelson Argentino as Tyros

Page 2: Cellars - rendszworld.files.wordpress.com  · Web view“What’s the meaning of this? Take me to Lady Ladia. Immediately.”Ka-Lan’s last word got twisted into a grunt when another


Envy 1

1. Cellars 3

2. Tyros. 5

3. Energise 8

4. Violence 11

5. Measure of the man 14

6. Chastise 16

7. Checked out 18

8. Wedding gift 21

9. Want? 23

10. End 24

Ka-Lan - an adventurous spirit. Carefree, no ties. Wandering his world .. making ends meet, finding work where he can.

His mission .. to enjoy life .. survive .. live another day .. hand to mouth.Ka-Lan - a free spirit. Strong, good-looking. Not afraid of hard work.

His only fault. Attractive to women. Sought out by the opposite sex.And that has often led him into trouble.

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1. Cellars

“What’s the meaning of this? Take me to Lady Ladia. Immediately.”Ka-Lan’s last word got twisted into a grunt when another nasty blow to his kidney made his eyes pop. Hands shoved him .. he collided face-front with the rough cellar wall. And grunted out loud when blows smacked him .. in the back .. stunning punches to the back of his neck.

A hand grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. With a shove his forehead cracked into the wall. His head spun. But still his answer echoed in his head.“She’s got bigger things than you to handle.”Coarse laughter broke around Ka-Lan’s spinning head. Like he was not in on some obscene joke of theirs.“So you just shut-the-fuck-up.”

He was jostled through the gloomy cellars. Ka-Lan had had no idea Ladia’s palace housed cells underground. But the direction he was going in, shoved about by more than a dozen soldiers .. they were all empty. He had a wing of these dungeons to himself.

“Get yourself out of those clothes.”Ka-Lan stood in his nightwear. The same quality as the fine clothes of the court which Ladia had had made for her lover. Sewn to show off his fine figure .. to emphasise his musculature.“Fuck off.”Ka-Lan had had enough.He caught the sergeant grin. As if he’d been hoping Ka-Lan was going to act like this.

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“You sure, dickhead?”The soldier was grinning from ear to ear. Best bit of news this sucker had heard to today, Ka-Lan thought.

Ka-Lan looked at them. They were not Ladia’s men. Their uniforms belonged to another family .. and it wasn’t taking Ka-Lan much to work out who was at the heart of this.He could see they were itching to go for him. Standing up to them was just what they wanted. Best thing to do .. disappoint the pricks.Ka-Lan’s hands went to his top .. started to strip himself out of his clothes. Head inside his shirt it was all he could do to suppress a grin. He could almost hear the groan of frustration that welled out of these soldiers’ collective spirit. They’d counted on giving him a good beating. And he was pissing them off.

When his fingers latched into the waistband, Ka-Lan gave the sergeant a questioning look.“What you think, fuckhead?”All the answer Ka-Lan expected.“Every-fucking-thing.”

The rags thrown at him stank. Momentarily Ka-Lan wondered who had died in them last. A top of loose sacking open down his front. Breeches cut off at the knees, cinched together with a piece of rope at the waist. If he needed conformation of his fall-from-grace, these scratchy stinking rags were proof enough.

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2. Tyros.

For weeks the household had been in turmoil. Tyros was coming to claim his inheritance. And it seemed that, like thieves in the night, they had quickly overrun the palace. Taking over the place .. like vultures that had swooped. These men were acting on his orders .. a surprise attack. First thing Ka-Lan knew he had been dragged from his bed and slung into this cell.

It was a strange land he’d landed in. Backwards and yet advanced. Ruled by an aristocracy .. that seemed to wield extreme powers over serfs. Almost medieval .. settling differences by old-fashioned ideas like marrying children into a rival family. Siring a joint heir was going to symbolise the end of disputes.Yet the ruling classes travelled around in vehicles technologically more advanced than back home where Ka-Lan had grown up. Cars that drove themselves with no driver effort. Ancient and modern at the same time .. a culture that was backwards socially yet advanced technologically.But Ka-Lan had had little time to explore. His times and life defined solely by his duties to the ruling lady of this house. As the latest in her long sequence of lovers.

Ladia had been promised to Tyros when she was still a child, Tyros was more than ten years older. They had never met. It was a dynastic marriage .. to seal the two families together .. stop wasting money by fighting things out. For years now, though, Ladia had lived as if the promise had been forgotten. She was a woman now .. and with more than enough vigour for life to keep a stream of lovers in tow.Then Tyros’ father died .. the son , now the new lord .. Tyros began to make noises .. about

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claiming his bride. He was coming to seal the bargain. And lay his hands on Ladia’s lands. He’d swooped in, he’d landed. And thrown this house into turmoil.

“Get that dickhead out here.”Ka-Lan had heard footsteps, he’d heard men getting down to work .. but from his cell he could not see what they were up to. Now a half-dozen men were in his cell. Sticking his wrists in fetters and shoving him out of the cell.A man sat leaning against a heavy table in the open cellar. Ka-Lan guessed it was Tyros, he looked a bit more than about Ka-Lan’s age .. and a lot more sure of himself. Tall, muscular and with piercing eyes. Watching Ka-Lan closely as the soldiers fastened his fetters to a carabineer on chains above. The hook was clamped shut, trapping Ka-Lan’s arms above his head.

“So this is what she goes for, is it?”Tyros eased himself off his perch and sauntered over. There was an arrogance in his gait. Here was a man used to getting his own way. And making sure of it.“Lean. Hunky …”Tyros had some kind of stick in his hand. Using it, he pushed the rags aside to look over Ka-Lan’s front. “Good-looking.” The stick slid down the side of Ka-Lan’s face. Came to rest under his chin. Forcing his head up.

He nodded appreciatively.“Not a bad-looker …”Tyros pursed his lips, grudgingly.“ .. in a bit-of-rough kind of way.” He smirked.Ka-Lan was feeling unsure of himself .. even a bit intimidated. Otherwise he’d have told this prick to keep his fucking hands to himself.The end of the stick jabbed lightly at Ka-Lan’s abs. “That what she’s into, eh?” The stick travelled up the ravine between rows of hard muscle and shoved aside the sacking to examine Ka-Lan’s muscled chest.“A muscle-head. That her type, is it?”

Ka-Lan was tempted to answer back in like vein. Tempted to say, Better than a dickhead. But he felt uncertain still about what was going on .. why .. and what it meant that he was strung-up like this. He bit his tongue, he kept his leeriness to himself.“Been giving my bride regular fucks, I hear?”

That was one temptation too far, though. At least Ka-Lan knew for certain who this arrogant piss-artist was .. who he was dealing with. Ladia’s betrothed.“Well .. if you turned up yourself and did the job …”The words were out before Ka-Lan could stop them. A sign that Ka-Lan’s patience was under strain.Tyros looked at Ka-Lan .. thoughtfully. Then his lips pursed .. his head nodded .. a gesture that seemed to say, Good point.

Suddenly the stick was whipped out to the side. To Ka-Lan’s complete astonishment, its end burst into a blinding light. Instinctively he backed away. A thin stream of light .. red, yellows, blues ..

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flashed in a line of blistering energy from the end.Tyros’ arm whipped forward. The stream of light slashed across Ka-Lan’s front.

He yelled out. A blinding pain burst across his chest. Like whipped by fiery flames. With the punch of a horse’s kick. Ka-Lan was knocked off his feet. He fell backwards, the chains on his arms clattering. Pain .. burning pains .. a thunderous punch. Emitted from the end of that stick. Ka-Lan’s pained groans filled the cellar. He hung .. he panted .. not understanding. Tears of pain were running down his face.

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3. Energise

“It emits pure energy.”Tyros had waited until Ka-Lan got his wind back to explain. Ka-Lan had needed stultifying effort to drag himself back to his feet. Ka-Lan couldn’t believe the knocking he had taken. One blow .. and it seemed all the wind had been knocked out of him. Tyros had waited .. not out of any concern. He wanted his prisoner to get the full drift of what his weapon could do. And the threat it held.

“Look.”The tool had reverted to a lifeless stick again. Tyros used it to open Ka-Lan’s top again.“A whip that doesn’t cut. No bleeding .. some redness .. not a welt in sight.”Ka-Lan was panting hard .. struggling to get his strength back. One strike .. one god-damned strike. And the nearness of that damned thing had his nerves jumping.“I had it fashioned .. to my own spec .. put my best scientists on it .. ,” Tyros gloated.That seemed to be the measure of the man, Ka-Lan thought to himself. A man who likes to hurt. Designs his own instruments of torture .. to meet his needs. And Ladia had been promised to this!

“And the beauty is .. “Tyros held it out to one side again. Ka-Lan tensed. He’d seen that move once before. He tensed.But nothing happened.“It can be adjusted. That strike .. that was Power 8.”Ka-Lan leapt. The flash of light streamed out in a burst of energy.

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“This is a 10.”Tyros’ arm twisted forward.Blinding energy burst in an explosion that engulfed Ka-Lan’s whole body. He heard his scream .. before a cacophony of grating sounds deafened him.

One bucket of chilly water didn’t do the trick. At least, not fast enough. Tyros ordered another. This time her muscle-head yelled out .. spluttered and coughed as cold water ran down his front. In the same instant the pains re-visited him. Energy bounced around his body in cutting waves. Still confused his betrothed’s muscle-head was yanking on his overhead chains .. as if there was some way of escaping the pains that ricocheted in razor-sharp shards through his flesh.

Tyros calmed his exasperation though he waited impatiently .. bristling for the moment when the prick realised his shirt had been shredded away and he was hung about a foot off the ground. Meat on a hook.

He was panting .. his body instinctively trying to clear his pains away with life-restoring oxygen. But as soon as his vision had cleared .. as soon as the water dripping off his hair let him spot his tormentor leaning relaxed against the table .. Tyros noticed his attitude change. He was almost gratified to see a snarl crease the muscle-head’s lips. Spirit. Tyros enjoyed a victim who didn’t take his treatment lying down.“What the fuck you want?”

Ka-Lan sneered angrily. He’d done nothing to deserve this. But it seemed he was paying for Ladia being herself. Taking lovers .. living a young woman’s life.“What the fuck is this all about?”He was hurting. Hung up in the air, strains were beginning to tell in his armpits and down his sides. But he was pissed off. He had been stripped of his top .. that could only foretell something worse to come. But like hell was he going to crawl and beg.

Like Ka-Lan hadn’t spoken, Tyros wandered off on his own theme.“She’s in her chambers .. sobbing .. nursing herself .. sore …”So Tyros had been with Ladia, Ka-Lan realised. He doubted that had been a comfortable meeting .. judging by the way Tyros was taking on against Ka-Lan.“The bitch wouldn’t take it willingly …”Tyros let a grin light up his face.“And I was never one to take No for an answer.”

Ka-Lan swore.“You bastard.”Tyros shrugged. Like saying he’d been called worse.“What?” he mocked. “You saying you haven’t …?”His lip curled at Ka-Lan with derision.

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“Don’t know what you’ve been missing. Take my word for it. Nothing like it .. Taking it when the bitch refuses to give.”Tyros was smiling, his head shaking .. like he was remembering .. reliving the violence of that rape.“Really gets the blood going .. don’t you think?”

Ka-Lan snarled.“You sick bastard.”Tyros still held that torture whip in his hands. But Ka-Lan had not bothered to hold himself back. Ladia deserved more than this thing.Tyros didn’t seem concerned. He carried on as if Ka-Lan hadn’t opened his mouth.“How’s she like it up the arse?”Ka-Lan froze at the question. Knowing where it might be leading. His eyes slitted into unadulterated hatred. Shaking his head at such evil.

“I thought as much.”Tyros eased himself off his bench. Extending his arm .. handing over his energy-stick to a soldier.“Thanks for the tip …”Tyros sniggered at Ka-Lan.“Power 6,” Tyros snapped at the soldier.“Ten on the front. Ten more on the back.”He gave Ka-Lan a sardonic smirk.“Then stick him back in his cell. Let this asshole stew.”He winked at Ka-Lan .. like they were buddies or something .. guys who thought the same way.“I could be quite some time.” He smirked his intentions.

Ka-Lan’s first sharp cry bounced off the walls. Echoing after Tyros as he departed. Taking himself off to explore his bride’s likes and dislikes.

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4. Violence

“How did you put up with the bitch?”Tyros had had Ka-Lan slapped back to wakefulness. He saw straightaway that Tyros this time had come for business. He’d stripped off his own shirt.“She’s a testy one .. got spirit .. even after being made to take it ..”

Tyros had raped Ladia several times. Forcefully .. driven himself up the back passage. Brutally .. to show her who wore the trousers in this marriage. But as he left still she had found the strength to curse him back.“If you were half the man ..,” she had screamed.Tyros had been nearly out of the door .. he had slowly got himself dressed again as she sobbed out her suffering .. enjoying the power of the lesson he had taught .. listening while she had whimpered in her pains .. suffering the soreness he had inflected.“I’ve known men .. I’ve had enough to know.”A wounded animal .. but a hissing cat spat at him from the soiled bed-clothes.”“Not a match for one of them. Nowhere near.”

Tyros stood at the door .. smirking sardonically. Typical bitch .. all wind.“The guy I’m having now .. now THAT’S a man.”Her eyes were ablaze.“HE doesn’t need violence to get it up.”

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Her voice went calm. Her face twisted with contempt.“More a man than you’ll ever be ….”

Her anger had been Ka-Lan’s sentence. Tyros stood glaring back at her. Her put-down hit home. Women did not talk to him like that. As he slammed to door to her chambers behind him .. the slur was eating into his heart. Like a tumour it had grown the further he went down into the cellars. Revenge in his heart .. he’d show the bitch. Her mockery followed him .. the strident force of her taunts had lashed out at his back. Every fibre in his noble being .. every pore in his manly body demanding one thing. Settle scores.

“Let’s see what she saw in you, dickhead.”Tyros’ men yanked down his breeches. Tugging away they stripped the covering off his feet.Ka-Lan put up with the disparaging sneer.“Well, they do say .. size doesn’t matter ..”Sniggers around gave their lord and master what he wanted to hear.“On the other hand ...”The tip of Tyros’ deadly energy-stick was under Ka-Lan’s limp dick. He lifted it up. He let it flop down. Lifted up again, flopped back down.“.. this motherfucker isn’t at full strength.”

He smirked into Ka-Lan scowl. Defying Ka-Lan to do something about this dig.“Let’s see the prick the way a whore’s supposed to look.”Hands yanked Ka-Lan’s ankles apart. Another soldier was ready with tight thin cord and bound it around Ka-Lan’s root. Tying it bitingly tight .. cutting off blood. Not long before Ka-Lan felt himself made to react.

Tyros was biding his time .. enjoying the angry scowls from his rival. He leaned back against the table and let nature do its work on his betrothed’s male-whore. Knowing all these glares were going to get the muscle-head nowhere. Knowing the prick had no fucking choice .. he was going to get hard.“Come-on! That the best you can do?”Tyros mocked the dick with the end of his energy-stick. Pointing horizontal .. pointing straight at him.“This the best you could do for her?”

Tyros smirked.“Nothing like a bit of nervous energy to get the libido going.”He flicked out his energy whip. A bite snapped at Ka-Lan’s chest. Kl was jolted by the shock, his body swung back.“Only Power 3 ,” Tyros winked. “A bit lower, perhaps?”The nip of energy chewed at Ka-Lan’s ribs. He grunted .. determined to hold back any signs of pain.“Lower .. ever lower ..”

Pain snapped at Ka-Lan’s upper abs. Only Power 3 but still it hurt. Like a rodent had taken a bite out of his upper belly.“Onwards and downwards ..”Ka-Lan had heard the warning sounds. He knew where this was headed. He couldn’t stop the gasp

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when the whip snapped at his lower belly.. Only inches above his cockhead .. full of blood .. raging with his nerves .. knowing Tyros had every intention of smarting that whip across his pulsating dick. The power in his shaft was enormous .. nerves were raging .. blood was pounding in tune to Tyros’ threats.

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5. Measure of the man

Truth be told, Ka-Lan felt a bit inadequate alongside his tormentor. Tyros was good-looking, stunningly handsome. Ka-Lan couldn’t imagine a woman alive turning him down. He had a good body on him, Ka-Lan doubted he’d be a match for him if they got into a fight. But then Tyros wouldn’t get into a fight, he had his heavies to sort out misfits like Ka-Lan. And there was another source of resentment. Ka-Lan had got his physique from back-breaking hard work. He’d laboured, worked his way through life .. usually the shitty jobs that only the guy passing through got, the one desperate to put cash in his pocket. Tyros probably didn’t have a pocket, didn’t soil his hands with coin. His physique he’d got from being active in sports, probably had his own trainer to keep him in shape. He could get to look that good without breaking his back to earn a meal for the night.

They couldn’t have been more different. Ka-Lan loved his women, he’d never dream of treating them rough. Tyros had gone visiting his reluctant betrothed, he’d left her with sore memories for the night. And in a mental state from which she’d never recover. And he had every intention of going ahead with the marriage. This monster was her future.And here he was .. back. Back in the cellars .. Ka-Lan strung up. Couldn’t let bygones-be-bygones. She’d taken other men. She’d laughed and joked with Ka-Lan in bed. She’d replaced Tyros. And you didn’t do that to a spoiled brat born with a silver spoon in his mouth. And a thick sadistic streak down his back.

“Getting more like it.”Tyros eyed Ka-Lan’s trapped erection with mock admiration. “Bet that put a smile on her face?”Tyros had looked down at himself. He’d never known himself to rise that high. Nerves. Fear. And fucking anger. Toying Tyros tapped the whip against Ka-Lan solid man-flesh. Ka-Lan tensed .. it was only a matter

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of a slight press on a button to have it explode on him again. And he’d had enough of those.Tyros smirked.“How much further can it go? Big-boy?”He made an obscene gesture. Then he raised both hands in the air.“Will it reach for the skies? Scrape at the clouds?”

Tyros’ eyes lit up in a sadistic grin.“Let’s see what a bit of tension can do.”He flicked on the button. A sizzle of energy flashed out to the side. Ka-Lan’s heart sank.“What man ’d ever want his cock whipped? EH?”Tyros played with Ka-Lan’s nerves. Flicking the energy flashes into empty air.“What you think? Power 8?”

Ka-Lan was enraged. His anger bursting through his blood. Head on fire. Rage, fury, hate. But he was also terrified. He was sweating, nervous tension. And Tyros was grinning from ear to ear. Ka-Lan had no doubt he’d do it .. not into empty threats. This brute was enjoying Ka-Lan’s naked helplessness. And gonna enjoy himself ratcheting up his fears.“One below ..”Ka-Lan gasped at a swipe with that evil whip. Biting into flesh .. cutting across the top of his thighs .. only inches away from his aching balls.“One above ..”The whip narrowly missed the bulging cockhead .. by inches. Ka-Lan was sweating. His emotions were raging. “FUCK YOU!”Ka-Lan had lost all sense of control. Just bounced around .. victim to Tyros’ games. Knowing he would strike. One-hundred percent certain .. he’d hit. Square-on. Sure Tyros would slash his whip across Ka-Lan’s now-raging cock.

“Another below ..”Tyros was sniggering. Ka-Lan raged at being played with. But nothing he could do. And every strike a hair’s breadth away was only making him panic more.“And .. above …”Ka-Lan yelped. Pain sliced across his cock. Full of blood .. pulsating with nervous tension. A smarting bite. A cutting slash. Pain slashed up the length of his body. Torture exploded like fire in his head. Ka-Lan yelled out.

“Whoops!”Tyros was sniggering.“Missed.”

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6. Chastise

He’d been stood in her ultra-modern audience hall for some time before Tyros led her in .. all glass and stainless steel. Cold, clinical, impersonal. Or was that just because of the way he was feeling? . Still sore from that abuse he had taken in the cellars. His dick was burning, he was achingly inflamed there. That energy whip might not leave many tell-tale after-signs. But his manhood knew it had taken a beating .. that that was no joke. For painful hours in his cell afterwards Ka-Lan had spent an eternity nursing the hurt. Hurt to his pride, to his offended sense of manliness. To the eye-watering burning in his cock.

As if in anticipation of their arrival, Tyros’ thugs had pushed Ka-Lan back up against a stainless steel pillar .. chill against his bare back. The cold down his back almost said something about the fears he should feel at the pit of his stomach. About why here was stood like this here.

Naked when they had come and fetched him. Half-a-dozen henchmen jostling him like that up out of the cellars. But if he felt awkward about being shoved around with no clothes, he was surprised. If anyone was working in the palace, they had been kept out of sight. No one saw their lady’s lover thumped up from the palace cellars. No one was around. It was like Tyros had managed to kill off all life that was faithful to Ladia.He’d been unbound on the march from the cellars. Any ties and fetters removed. But the pair of thugs that had hold of his arms were armed with an energy-stick each. Enough to calm any man’s recklessness. Ka-Lan had learned to show respect for what one of those things could do .. his genitals had learned the hard way. For now he offered no resistance .. putting faith in an opportunity offering itself later .. praying lady-luck might change her mind and side with him. For now not risking it .. putting off an invitation to get zapped out of his skin .. hoping for that elusive chance .. a slip up that let him leg it .. and get the hell out of here. This wasn’t his fight.

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But then soldiers tied him up against the pillar. Hands tied together with cord. Arms raised above his head. The cord looped around the pillar .. trapping him there .. a surprise it seemed for Ladia when she entered. Hand in hand with Tyros .. the betrothed couple .. looking sweetness and bliss .. they joined him in the audience hall. But Ka-Lan saw the tightness of Tyros’ hand on Ladia’s wrist. Dragging at her when she hesitated .. shocked at the sight of seeing Ka-Lan .. tied .. naked .. pinned against a pillar.. In her own audience hall.

Tyros yanked her. The pain on her wrist brought a wince to her face.“What’s stopping you? Dear?”He dragged Ladia forward.“Surprised? Not expecting to find your whore waiting to greet you?”Tyros roughly shoved Ladia into a large chair. Sat dead opposite Ka-Lan. Helplessly tied up against a column.“Thought I hadn’t found him?”

Ka-Lan yelled out. Something in him needed to divert Tyros from tormenting Ladia. She was visibly terrified of him. This perky self-assured young woman he had got to know and like. In a matter of hours the brute had worn her down.“Get your hands off her. You bastard.”Tyros twisted his head over to Ka-Lan. And a smile lit up his face. Ka-Lan got a terrible feeling that for Tyros all this was falling into place.

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7. Checked out

“This the type then?”Tyros was round the back of Ladia’s chair, his hands possessively on her shoulders. He too was looking Ka-Lan over.“Good looking – check.”The grin that met Ka-Lan’s scowl was enjoying his prisoner’s helplessness.“Muscular - check. Broad-shouldered - check. Hard chest on him. Good meaty handfuls. Prominent nipples. Yeah, check that out.”

Ka-Lan had blurted out in Ladia’s defence .. hurt by the way Tyros was obviously scaring her out of her wits. But Tyros was turning it back on him .. smirking .. goading him. Every ripple in Tyros’ muscular body was asking one thing. What the hell did Ka-Lan think he was going to do about it? Toying with him, Tyros’ hand slipped down inside the front of Ladia’s top. She squirmed, her face creased in disgust. Her body saying she was too scared to stop him.Ka-Lan could see through the outline of her clothes Tyros’ hand cupping up Ladia’s breast. She wouldn’t have thought of objecting with Ka-Lan. But with Tyros? Her face showed her revulsion. But .. whatever Tyros has subjected her to these past hours .. she was too afraid to protest .. or swipe his hand away. This was no longer the fun-loving girl Ka-Lan had known.

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“Abs. Look at the belly on him. Check. Check. Check.”He snorted.“That’s one check each rown.”The belly that had taken a few swipes with that energy-stick. But it left few tell-tale marks. Just a tortured burning of the flesh underneath the skin.“NAKED.”From the wince on Ladia’s face Ka-Lan detected pain. Then his eyes saw a movement under her top. The bastard Tyros had her nipple squeezed in his fingers.“You like him naked?”Ladia gasped out. Tyros was twisting her nipple. But she was too cowed to object.

Ka-Lan growled out his challenge. He couldn’t bare the sight of Ladia like this.“How say you untie me?”Ka-Lan had had enough. “Let’s do this man-to-man.”Ka-Lan felt the blood coursing in his veins. At last he was standing up to this jerk.“Deal with someone your own size?”He hardly rated himself as the perfect gentleman .. but Ka-Lan was leaping to Ladia’s defence .. he had to .. the poor woman was in torment. He could see the pain in her eyes. Terror seemed to permeate every bit of her.Tyros sneered. Mocking he eyed Ka-Lan with scorn. As if he was going to get into something like that. What? Fight? With scum like this?

Suddenly Ladia found her voice. But it was croaked. It was weak.“Let him go.” Even weaker she pleaded. “Please.”Ladia still sat immobilised on her great chair. “He’s nothing. He means nothing.”She looked frozen. Worn-down by the hours of mal-treatment Tyros had been dealing her.“I’ll do anything you say. Anything you want …”Ladia was out of her mind .. with confusion, with her fears.Tyros gave her breast another vicious squeeze. He ignored her shudder of pain. Unbothered by the tear of fear that trickled down Ladia’s face.

“You will. Of course you will .. Do anything I want. We are married now.”Married? This brute hadn’t wasted his time. Ka-Lan could not hide his surprise. This bastard did not hang around. Tyros was a type to get on with things.“Of course you will. Do everything I say.”His hand crushed down on her nipple inside her dress.“Married now. It goes without saying .. Do everything your husband says.”

Tyros, confident in his victory, slashed a gloating look across Ka-Lan’s front.“But .. wait a minute .. “Ladia shuddered as Tyros’ hand groped inside her dress. Ka-Lan doubted he was even getting off on this groping. Barely even getting hard. This fucker simply enjoyed torturing.“Your man-whore .. how remiss of me to forget …”

Page 20: Cellars - rendszworld.files.wordpress.com  · Web view“What’s the meaning of this? Take me to Lady Ladia. Immediately.”Ka-Lan’s last word got twisted into a grunt when another

Tyros’ gaze snarled into Ka-Lan’s confused face.“He’s got a present? Of course. Your wedding-day.”

Ka-Lan’s head was still taking in the sudden news. That Tyros had forced Ladia into a swift wedding. He almost missed Tyros’ question.“Don’t you think he’s wanting to surprise you? A gift? Celebrating your wedding day?”The look that Ka-Lan caught from Tyros said it was not a gift he would give willingly. A cold gaze. Chilling Ka-Lan’s guts.“Only question is .. how generous can lover-boy be?”

Page 21: Cellars - rendszworld.files.wordpress.com  · Web view“What’s the meaning of this? Take me to Lady Ladia. Immediately.”Ka-Lan’s last word got twisted into a grunt when another

8. Wedding gift

Tyros wouldn’t frighten him. Given the chance .. free from these restraints .. getting away from his thugs .. Ka-Lan would not hesitate. He’d take the dickhead on. Tyros didn’t worry him. But that fucking power-stick did.“One across the chest. Power 10.”One of the soldiers equipped with his energy whip stepped forward. Ladia cried out in shock when he triggered the blast of energy. She’d not seen the like of it before. The thug held the weapon out to the side. Just a demonstration. Vicious energy wastefully let loose into the air. Ka-Lan gasped out, eyes wide-open. He felt a shiver down his backbone. A chill froze his guts. Power 10!

“What are we waiting for?”Tyros joked. He was talking to his soldier. But his words were all for Ka-Lan.“A bride should get her gift. Her whore cannot wait to please.”He gave the nod. Ka-Lan’s bawl burst off the stainless steel columns. Agony splattered against glass walls and dribbled down unseen. He never heard Tyros shouting into the echoing noise.“Only one? Lover-boy, come on. Let’s hear two more.”

Ka-Lan shook. Strung up against the pillar. His legs had given way. Broken under him. Like being hit by a 10-ton truck. More agonies had ripped through his body. Mind-blowing explosions had burst across his front. Breath-taking pain. He hung .. moaning .. gasping for breath .. tears running down his face.

“Stingy or what?”Tyros’ voice was a distant sound. Barely penetrating the vortex of maddening pain in his head.“What do you think?”Tyros had hold of both of Ladia’s shoulders. Stood behind her .. making sure she had no way of escaping from this sight. “Come on, lover-boy. For old times’ sake .. you can do better than that.”

Page 22: Cellars - rendszworld.files.wordpress.com  · Web view“What’s the meaning of this? Take me to Lady Ladia. Immediately.”Ka-Lan’s last word got twisted into a grunt when another

Ladia was cringing. The sight of her lover hanging off his overhead arms .. trapped by his bonds against the pillar. Hit by some strange implement .. suffering uncontrollably .. in her own designer-made great hall.“Surely you should come up with more? Call that gift for a wedding?”

Ladia cringed. Her whole body pleaded.“Please …”Tyros nodded. Looming over her from behind.“Exactly. My thoughts exactly. This skinflint ought to please.”Ka-Lan was slowly coming to himself. With mind-blowing effort he found the strength to haul himself to his feet. Surprised by the effort it took. His knees incredibly wobbly. Taken aback by hard it was to stand on his own two feet.

“Go fuck yourself. Asshole.”It took Ka-Lan supreme effort to get the words out. But then he broke into a spluttering. Coughing up the pain from his insides.

Tyros ignored him.“I have an idea …”Tyros noticed that Ka-Lan had managed to get his mind back under some control. He was being watched, intently. Tyros had an audience. His bride who was out of her mind at the ferocity being played out for her. Her lover who had no way of helping himself. But with the greatest of efforts on his part, Tyros planned for this Ka-Lan to know what he had in mind.“The ultimate gift ..”

Tyros paused. Wanting to make sure Ka-Lan gathered up enough presence-of-mind. To hear his fate.“What about the best he can offer? For old times’ sake.”Ka-Lan saw Tyros smirking at his helplessness. His body ached, he hurt, spasms of after-pain still shivered through his muscles. From off his column, he felt Tyros’ resentment .. that Ladia could happily bed another man. Prefer him, Ka-Lan. Or was he just playing the domineering male? Letting Ladia know her time for playing around was over? She was HIS now. And Ka-Lan had become the means of posting that message? His guts shivered. Tyros’ gaze was icy. Ka-Lan stood frozen by sadism. Cold tremors passed down his back.“How about ….? Let’s see him offer up his gift .. till his heart gives out.”

Page 23: Cellars - rendszworld.files.wordpress.com  · Web view“What’s the meaning of this? Take me to Lady Ladia. Immediately.”Ka-Lan’s last word got twisted into a grunt when another

9. Want?

Ladia cried out.Tyros consoled her.“Best he can offer. No better gift. To celebrate our wedding day?”Ka-Lan was stood on his own two feet. Backed up against the pillar. His blood nearly froze at the words. He had heard the pronouncement. Death was bad enough. Being killed in that way. The thought of that agony. Dying that way? And knowing Tyros now .. dying was not going to be anything quick. A vicious, drawn-out beating, it’d be. Mindless pain .. Delaying the pain when his heart gave way. Tyros would have it no other way .. subjected to agonising torments .. It would not be quick. That was just the point. His guts shivered.“The least he can offer.”Tyros was smirking at a trapped Ka-Lan.“Don’t you think?

Ladia was crying. Sobbing.“What you want from me?”Her sobs even penetrated Ka-Lan’s struggles to get a grip on himself.“From you? Bitch.”Tyros laughed.“From you? You have nothing to give.”

Page 24: Cellars - rendszworld.files.wordpress.com  · Web view“What’s the meaning of this? Take me to Lady Ladia. Immediately.”Ka-Lan’s last word got twisted into a grunt when another

He was growling.“From him? Your regrets. Your pain.”

Ka-Lan was going mad .. fear, anger, contempt -- all rolled into one.“Get on with it, your motherfucking bastard.”Ka-Lan bawled his anger off the steel pillar to which he was bound.”Stop tormenting her.”

Tyros was smirking. Ka-Lan suddenly had the feeling Tyros had got to where he wanted to be. “In a hurry, lover-boy?”Ka-Lan felt like he had just set a trap for himself.“Let’s start …”

Tyros paused. Fully knowing he had an audience. Ladia was hanging off his every word. Ka-Lan too.“Twenty on the front.”Tyros made a concession.“Power 8.”

Tyros had hold of Ladia by the shoulder. But the other hand griped her by the head. So she could not look away.“Then .. thirty on the back.”Tyros’ eyes were ablaze. They were turned on a naked man, pinned vulnerable against the pillar. Ka-Lan struggled to hold them. Hard to show his defiance in the face of such savagery.“Power 10.”Ka-Lan’s guts gave a shiver. Could he survive that? Would his heart hold out?

Tyros answered his fears.“For a starter. Lover-boy. Your wedding gift.”
