Download - Wasting Time on Social Media

Page 1: Wasting Time on Social Media

You have one new notification! Your employer has invited you to the event: Get Back to Work! Wait... what? It has become more and more acceptable to browse the internet unproductively while at work, more specifically on social media websites.

It could be because most require less than 5 minutes to check up on. But the fact that most people now have profiles on a number of these sites, and check each one multiple times a day, is how we start to get unacceptably unproductive.

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Of course not everyone can be productive all the time. An average person in America only has an

average attention span of 12 minutes, which means it’s not totally your fault if you have to look away

from your work every so often. Not to mention, it’s actually a law that workers be allowed to take a

break every few hours. Many employers admit they don’t care how or when time is wasted as long as

their workers fulfill a quota and do so in a timely fashion.

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Problems arise when you are struggling to complete your work and have spent hours every single day looking through every single picture from your cousin’s friend’s wedding. To break it down, lets say the average person on social media has a profile on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (or “twitter for people who can’t read”), and LinkedIn. Now, let’s say I spent an average of 4 minutes on site every time I checked one of these social media platforms: 35 x 4 minutes = 140 minutes = 2.3 hours. Then that at $10/hour

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In a recent study done by the San Francisco Chronicle, “the more educated you are the more likely you

are to waste time. Seventy-six percent of people with doctorate degrees waste time at work every day, compared to 59% of those with a high school diploma or less.”

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Personally, I have to check client’s Facebook pages as part of my job, which I often put off until I have

already done an hour or so of legitimate work. I do this because I know I won’t be able to resist checking

my new notifications and messages, which will undoubtedly lead to me checking out what Katie wore to

the bar Saturday night and then stalking the page of the dude she is now “in a relationship” with.

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Time spent on social media can be tracked so easily by employers, yet most of us still take the risk. Why?

Are you reading this while you’re on the clock?

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