Download - VOLUME 1 No 11 EDICION ESPAÑOL ADENTRO DONATION $0.50 … · 7/14/2010  · Bill Gates, Eli Broad, the Obama ad-ministration and AFT leaders are pushing education reforms in the

Page 1: VOLUME 1 No 11 EDICION ESPAÑOL ADENTRO DONATION $0.50 … · 7/14/2010  · Bill Gates, Eli Broad, the Obama ad-ministration and AFT leaders are pushing education reforms in the



In 2003, the US imperialists invaded Iraq. They

hoped to quickly reverse their empire‘s rapid de-

cline, accelerated by the fact that they are losing

their grip on the world‘s richest energy source: the

Middle East.

After occupying Iraq, their plan was to pump 6-8

million barrels of oil per day (bpd) and flood the

world‘s oil market to break and buy out their com-

petitors – mainly Venezuela, Iran and Russia. They

would thereby regain control of the world‘s major

energy resources, and force China to be at their

mercy for its energy. US imperialism would once

again be by far the world‘s dominant imperialist

power. Although they murdered over a million

Iraqi workers, they failed miserably. Iraq‘s oil pro-

duction stands at about 2 million bpd.

They then executed Plan B: escalate the ―good war‖

in Afghanistan to pacify it enough to secure the

building of TAPI (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-

Pakistan-India). This pipeline, bypassing Russia

and Iran, would reverse Russian and Chinese en-

ergy gains in the Central Asia-Caspian Sea region

by giving the energy bosses there a corridor to

WICHITA, KS—Spirit Aerospace

machinists rejected a 10-year no-

strike deal, voting 58% to strike.

Thousands left the union meeting

chanting, ―Strike, Strike!‖ The Inter-

national Association of Machinist

(IAM) hacks accepted the contract

nonetheless, using the excuse that

they hadn‘t reached a two-thirds


The old scripted dance of union sanc-

tioned, lawful strikes and contract

negotiations every three years is dy-

ing: victim of the bosses‘ capitalist

crisis. We have to replace it with a

revolutionary communist vision that

builds for wildcats and insurrection.

The IAM international president,

Tom Buffenbarger, touted the Spirit

agreement as ―precedent-setting.‖

The union‘s negotiating committee

recommended acceptance. But ―this

membership decides,‖ said Steve

Rooney, District 70 union president

representing 6,000 hourly workers

employed in this former Boeing

plant, with unparalleled nerve.

―We think this could be a new model

for other aerospace contracts we have

in Wichita and elsewhere, like Boe-

ing,‖ said IAM spokesman Bob

Wood. More broadly, Buffenbarger

wants this to be a model for industrial

war contracts under his plan for

― n a t i o n a l s e c u r i t y r e -

industrialization.‖ The International

took particular aim at ―peer powers‖

Russia and China. When a Boeing

Red Flag reader characterized the 10

-year deal as a ―license to kill,‖ he

was saying more than he realized.

Can anybody say WWIII?

A Tale of Two Cities…Or

Is It Three, Four?

Jumping at the opportunity, Boeing‘s

Seattle spokesman Tim Healy said

the company wants to reopen the pre-

sent contract for 25,000 Puget Sound

workers, set to expire in 2012. He

wants to restart the secret talks to

extend the contract for 10 years that

we exposed last summer.

―We need to address our long-term

competitiveness,‖ he warned omi-


Meanwhile, a union/government

gang-up forced St. Louis Boeing

workers to vote and vote again—until

they got it ―right.‖ These 2,500 mili-

tary workers voted to sanction a

strike, rejected the contact, reaf-

firmed their desire to strike four to

one, and still were not allowed to


The union called in the federal me-

diator and forced yet another vote

over the weekend, barely ramming

through a contract. The ―new and

improved‖ offer still eliminated de-

fined pensions for new hires.

The federal mediator also stepped in

to settle the Long Beach C-17 work-

ers‘ strike a few weeks ago. The fed-

eral government and their lieutenants

in the International are now more

than ever directly orchestrating the

outcomes of these class struggles.

SEATTLE -- The American Federa-

tion of Teachers convenes amidst in-

tensifying attacks on teachers‘ and

other unions. Like Seattle‘s aero-

space workers, teachers face cuts in

pensions and health benefits and divi-

sive ―incentive pay‖ proposals. The

connections run deeper. Education

reform aims to prepare a workforce

for war industry and war itself, but

without the ―rigid and financially un-

sustainable teachers‘ contract.‖ (LA

Times 8/24/09)

Teachers, school workers, parents and

students are mobilizing in Seattle and

elsewhere to fight back against the

attacks: ―merit‖ pay, pressure to

teach to the test, charter schools, lar-

ger classes, teacher layoffs, and cut-

backs in higher education.

Some say that public schools are ―our

schools.‖ They argue that working

people fought for and won public

education, our hope for a better

world. This is a deception, like the

ideas that government is impartial

and justice is blind. Government is

an instrument of class rule. In capi-

talist society, all schools serve the

interests of the capitalist class.

―Pathway to Student

Success‖ – Or to War?

Bill Gates, Eli Broad, the Obama ad-

ministration and AFT leaders are

pushing education reforms in the con-

text of the deepening global crisis and

sharpening inter-imperialist rivalry.

To fight to reverse their declining

empire, US rulers will be forced to go

to war with Iran in the near term and

China eventually.

As in the past (see box, p.3) school

reform is designed to meet the needs

of the ruling class. US capitalism

needs workers with both technical

skills and political allegiance to the

system in their factories and military.

Hence the AFT resolution supporting

―national standards‖ so as ―to ensure

that all American students learn what

they need to compete in the global

economy and to be active citizens in

our democracy.‖

Charter schools help the bosses pre-

pare for war on the cheap in a man-

ner similar to what is happening to

Boeing workers, whose union jobs

are being outsourced to sub-

Aerospace: No Strike

Regime Shows Workers Need

Communist Revolution It’s Not Just Bill Gates – It’s Capitalism!

School Reform:

US Rulers Prepare

For Fascism, World


See BOEING, page 3 See AFT CONVENTION, page 3

See McCHRYSTAL, page 2

Charter schools help the bosses prepare for war on

the cheap —like what is happening to Boeing work-

ers, whose union jobs are being outsourced to sub-

contractors in southern California who pay sweat-

shop wages to immigrant workers.


US Bosses Fight to Control World‟s Energy Resources

Page 2: VOLUME 1 No 11 EDICION ESPAÑOL ADENTRO DONATION $0.50 … · 7/14/2010  · Bill Gates, Eli Broad, the Obama ad-ministration and AFT leaders are pushing education reforms in the


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International Communist Workers‟ Party


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No Workers’ Blood for Oil Profits!

Turn the Guns Around! Fight for Communism!

transport their resources to more lucrative world


If successful, it would have dealt a mortal blow to

Russia‘s aspirations of displacing the US as the

world‘s main energy supplier, while forcing China

to depend on US-supplied energy. It would also

have helped them finally pacify and exploit Iraq,

further isolating Iran and forcing its eventual ca-


Pacifying Afghanistan, however, was an impossible

task. The US-NATO forces are losing the war.

Meanwhile, China and Russia have signed long

term contracts to buy most, if not all, of the present

and future energy production in the region. This

means that even if the US bosses are able to pacify

Afghanistan and build the TAPI pipeline, they will

have very little, if any, energy to transport.

US Bosses Sacrifice US GIs for Plan C

―A US government report last year said that private

Saudi backers were the chief source of finance for

the Taliban.‖ (The Times of London, May 31, 2010)

―Pakistan‘s powerful intelligence agency not only

funds and trains the Taliban insurgents fighting the

US and NATO troops in Afghanistan, but also

maintains its own representation on the insurgency

leadership council,‖ claims a report issued by the

London School of Economics. (LA Times, June 14,


This is clear proof that US bosses are murderous

beasts that not only massacre Arab workers, but

cynically sacrifice US soldiers for their blood-

soaked profits and empire.

US bosses know that their allies are training and

arming the Taliban to kill US and NATO forces.

Why do they allow it? Because they hope that Paki-

stan‘s and Saudi Arabia‘s influence on the insur-

gents can bring them to the negotiating table so

they can implement Plan C.

What is The Bosses‟ Plan C?

To negotiate with the ―moderate‖ Taliban to set up a

Taliban government that would allow the US bosses

to withdraw most of their forces to attack Iran.

McChrystal‘s job was to weaken the

Taliban so they would agree to ne-


An Afghan Taliban government

could energize the area‘s fundamen-

talist Islamic movements to promote

―regime change‖ in the Central

Asian countries. That could void

the Russian and Chinese energy


These fundamentalist forces might

be used to destabilize parts of Iran

and fight alongside the US in its

impending war against Iran. They

could also destabilize China and

Russia‘s Muslim regions and be for-

midable allies in the US bosses‘

eventual war against these two ri-


The Real Prize: Iran

Iran has the second-largest oil and gas reserves in the

world and is the perfect land bridge to transport Cen-

tral Asian-Caspian energy to market, bypassing Rus-


Conquering Iran would also help the US pacify Iraq,

giving the US bosses full control of the energy-rich

Middle East. Russia‘s dream of becoming the

world‘s energy supplier would be dashed. China‘s

economic and military growth could be stopped.

In a world hurtling toward world war, US imperial-

ism would have eliminated Iran as a potential Rus-

sian-Chinese ally, gained a strategic military base,

and be positioned to starve China of its crucial war

energy needs. If they can win.

Bosses‟ Growing Desperation to Imple-

ment Plan C Behind McChrystal‟s Firing

General McChrystal‘s removal is a clear indication

that the US imperialists are getting ready to imple-

ment Plan C. His military strategy was a failure. In-

stead of weakening the Taliban, it weakened the Af-

ghan government and the US, making it harder to

negotiate a favorable settlement while alienating

England and most of the US‘ NATO allies.

General Petraeus – formerly McChrystal‘s boss –

now has his job. He‘s promising to make the war

―safer‖ for US GIs by increasing air support and kill-

ing more Afghan civilians. This deadly fascist logic

is meant to win soldiers, sailors and marines to fight

enthusiastically in the bosses‘ Plan C bloodbath.

Make no mistake: war on Iran will mean massive

casualties among US troops and Iranian troops and


US, Russian, Chinese and other bosses are deter-

mined to fight to the last drop of our blood in the in-

evitable world war that‘s approaching faster than you

think. Soldiers need to know who their real enemies

are – the bosses and the brass – not other workers.

When millions of soldiers worldwide - supported by

millions of industrial workers - reach this conclusion,

the bosses and their capitalist-imperialist system will

be history.

The ICWP is determined to make this happen by

guaranteeing that our Party is being organized among

the key sectors of industrial workers and soldiers. We

encourage all our young members and friends to go

into these crucial sectors to organize our brothers and

sisters there to fight for a communist revolution.

Only communism can end imperialist wars by de-

stroying its source: capitalism.

McCHRYSTAL, from page 1

The Check Is In

The Mail The IAM tried to sell the Spirit contract on the

promise of job security. (See p.1) The company

promises to discuss with the union all contingency

plans to avoid layoffs. ―This contract states that the

Company will use layoffs as a last resort,‖ the un-

ion brags in its contract highlights. ―Yeah,‖ com-

mented a Boeing machinist, ―and I‘ll respect you in

the morning.‖

The 10-year no-strike deal allows for 1% pay in-

creases in only four of the ten years. ―Gain sharing‖

and bonuses based on profitability will determine

wages in the other years. Gain sharing is a modified

version of piecework: basing wage amounts on pro-


The company and union estimate future wages

based on highly inflated numbers. ―The proposed

contract sucks,‖ said a worker, as she left the union

hall chanting for a strike. ―All the what-ifs, hopes

and prayers are based on a high projection by the

company. We‘ll never realize anything from this


The company brags it got ―labor stability, the flexi-

bility it needed to adapt to the market and perform-

ance-based reward system that‘s a first for the

IAM. If there was ever a reason to get rid of mar-

kets and substitute communist-based production for

need, this is it.

―The [Boeing] bosses could have avoided those

five strikes they‘re always complaining about if

they just gave us what we needed,‖ joked a Seattle

area assembler when she heard about communist

production, ―and I believe in Santa Claus, the

Easter Bunny and the pot of gold at the end of the

rainbow. Like the bosses care what we need!‖

Only under communism could we welcome helping

hands and not be threatened by other workers.

Capitalism pits not only boss against boss, nation

against nation, but worker against worker. Under

communism we could use the extra help to shorten

the workday, or prepare ourselves to run society.

We would collectively guarantee that everyone got

what he or she needed.

Page 3: VOLUME 1 No 11 EDICION ESPAÑOL ADENTRO DONATION $0.50 … · 7/14/2010  · Bill Gates, Eli Broad, the Obama ad-ministration and AFT leaders are pushing education reforms in the


It‘s becoming clearer every day that

workers must take on the bosses‘

state as well as the company. We

must be clear who are our enemies.

As good as strikes are, insurrection

is the only way to deal with the

bosses‘ state. Communist revolu-

tion will smash the bosses‘ state

once and for all.

With a 10-year no-strike deal, se-

cretly reopened contracts and end-

less strike votes shoved down our

throats, we have to be prepared to

wildcat. Wildcats are only possible

if we are ready to put revolutionary

working-class politics up front.

This summer we must fight to stop

the company and union from re-

opening our contract, railroading a

similar no-strike regime down the

throats of Seattle area workers. But

our job does not stop there. We can

measure our success by how many

workers are won to building for a

political strike in 2012 that puts

exploitative capitalism in its cross-


Bosses’ Racism Attacks

Us All

The bosses‘ economic crisis will

inevitably—and is already—leading

to political crisis and war. Defense

Secretary Gates has overtly called

for weapons cost cuts which would

affect the US‘s ―ability [to invade]

Iran and others.‖ The US bosses

must attack us before they can at-

tack competing bosses. The world‘s

workers lose.

The bosses are relying on the re-

lated evils of racism and national-

ism to succeed. The big club over

our heads is the new South Carolina

assembly plant and surrounding

supply chain—planned to be opera-

tional in time for the 2012 contract

battle. The long history of Southern

racism has divided the working

class, resulting in lower-wage, non-

union labor.

Of course, Boeing is no stranger to

racist practices anywhere. Manage-

ment has promoted racist/sexist ex-

ploitation for years in the Puget

Sound plants (see interview, p. 14).

A New Party For A

New World

―Why not try communism?‖ asked

a black Boeing workers and Red

Flag reader and seller, relating her

experience with racist, sexist har-

assment on the job to the broader

attacks on all industrial workers.

―This system isn‘t working!‖ Why

not communism indeed!

The hard truth is that the bosses, their

government and their agents within

our midst are fighting tooth and nail to

stop workers from taking power. Illu-

sions that we can continue to live in

the old way are hard to discard despite

the ample evidence provided by recent


The first step on this long revolution-

ary journey is filling the ranks of our

revolutionary communist party,

ICWP, with industrial workers, sol-

diers and their allies. Every Red Flag

sold, every article written, every strug-

gle to put revolution, not reform on

the front burner, every in-plant and

outside communist study/action group

we organize can help dispel illusions

about capitalism and build our Party.

This summer young comrades will

once again be at the plant gates and

the barracks. The bosses and their un-

ion lackeys may be able to sabotage

strikes for the time being, but they

increase the risk of losing their ideo-

logical hold on the workers in the

plants. Our victory centers on winning

the working class to an ideology that

serves our class: communism. ICWP

aims to do everything within our

power to hasten this process, building

new young revolutionary leadership

from among the summer project vol-




Communist Leadership Needed to Smash Union/Boss/Government Gang-Up

contractors in southern California

who pay sweatshop wages to im-

migrant workers.

One critic writes that Bill Gates‘ pet

KIPP charter schools: "are founded

upon capitalistic and militaristic ide-

als.... KIPP schools merely preserve

the status quo by asking students to

overcome overwhelming disparities

through hard work and motivation...

[B]y subscribing to a dictum of no

excuses, KIPP essentially puts the

onus on the victims of poverty and

institutional racism.‖

Gates and Broad bemoan US

students‘ low scores on interna-

tional science and math tests and

the relatively small numbers of US

engineering graduates. They push

technology as a quick fix for long-

neglected urban schools. Building

new schools, restructuring older

ones into ―small schools,‖ industry-

designed training programs in high

schools and community colleges,

the barrage of standardized tests,

are largely aimed at increasing the

technical ability of working-class

youth. Technical education is not a

bad thing, except that the plan is

for these students to be brutally

exploited and sent to fight the im-

perialists‘ wars.

Even more important is the ideo-

logical function of standardized

curricula and tests. They push

teachers to teach patriotic lies and

capitalist mythology, especially to

immigrant youth, as part of trying

to win the whole society to war.

Merit pay is part of making sure

that teachers toe the line of capital-

ist ideology. Standardized tests

support the racist ―meritocracy‖

argument: ―this is a fair system, if

you aren‘t making it it‘s your own

fault.‖ The TV movie ―Homeless

to Harvard‖ (2003) popularized this


AFT leaders are part of the problem.

They‘re helping the rulers carry out

the attacks on students and teachers.

Like IAM leaders at Boeing, they re-

ject class struggle in favor of

―collaboration.‖ They kiss up to Bill

Gates and work with the same mayors

and governors who are attacking

teachers and students. They even

support the use of student test scores

in teacher evaluations!

It’s Not Just Bill Gates – It’s


So should we fight to ―save our

schools‖? Do we dream of returning

to the so-called golden age of the

Cold War when US bosses were on

top and could support public services?

Are we to defend a system where

teachers get raises for taking irrele-

vant classes and it takes twenty years

to reach the top of the salary scale?

The schools were never ―ours.‖ The

―golden age‖ only served the folks

with the gold – and it‘s over. We

shouldn‘t fight to keep things as they

are. We shouldn‘t do the bosses‘

work for them by ―taking ownership‖

of school reform. Instead, we need to

grasp the opportunity to expose this

deadly racist system whose only re-

sponse to crisis is war and fascism.

Most AFT members work in inner-

city schools where students are trained

to be low-paid workers in war indus-

try and shock troops for WWIII.

Teachers can best serve working-class

young people by organizing with them

and their parents in the factories and

the military to turn the guns around

and fight for communism. Capitalism

can‘t be reformed. Trying to do so

only weakens and deludes our class.

Our job is to speak the truth—and or-

ganize for communist revolution.

Instead of capitalist school

reform, we need communist

revolutionary education.

See page 4.

BOEING, from page 1 AFT CONVENTION, from page 1

How Public Schools Have Served

US Capitalism Public education serves to increase workers‘ pro-

ductive capacity, to divide the working class by

creating divisions between manual and mental la-

bor, and to win the working class to capitalist

ideas. We can see how the particularities of this

have changed throughout U.S. history.

Between 1795 and the US Civil War, the num-

ber of workers grew tremendously, while numbers

of independent merchants, farmers and proprietors

dropped. Public elementary schools became cru-

cial to capitalists‘ strategy for preparing and disci-

plining young workers:

“In Lowell … the proprietor finds the training of

the schools admirably adapted to prepare the chil-

dren for the labor of the mills. … When the

[laborers] are well-educated…controversies and

strikes can never occur, nor can the minds of the

mass be prejudiced by demagogues.” –George

Boutwell, Secretary, Massachusetts Board of Edu-

cation, 1859.

The Progressive Era (about 1890 to 1914) saw

the development of the comprehensive high school.

The US imperialist class consolidated itself as the

―end of the frontier‖ impelled overseas expansion.

Workers resisted, sharpening class struggle in his-

toric confrontations with capital including the

Homestead and Pullman strikes and the multi-

racial New Orleans General Strike. A new wave of

eastern- and southern-European immigrants

worked in the steel mills and other industries. Car-

negie and Rockefeller money helped build compre-

hensive public high schools. School boards run by

professionals and the social elite instituted track-

ing. Tracking created a socialized working class,

largely black and immigrant, and a managerial sec-

tor, largely white Protestant native-born citizens.

During the Cold War, state and community col-

leges transformed higher education to develop a

white-collar proletariat:

“More knowledge has resulted from and led to ser-

vice (by the university) for government and industry

and agriculture…The campus has evolved consis-

tently with society…The university and segments of

industry are becoming more and more alike…The

two worlds are merging.” --Clark Kerr, President of

University of California, 1958-1967

The Cold War also required ending legal segregation

in an effort to win the loyalty of black workers and

―hearts and minds‖ in Africa, Asia, and Latin Amer-

ica. Desegregation created the need for a new filter-

ing system to stratify the population. Community

colleges did that job, complementing tracking while

providing the technical training necessary for rapidly

automating industrial production, especially in the

defense industry.

Information from Schooling In Capitalist America

by Bowles and Gintis

Page 4: VOLUME 1 No 11 EDICION ESPAÑOL ADENTRO DONATION $0.50 … · 7/14/2010  · Bill Gates, Eli Broad, the Obama ad-ministration and AFT leaders are pushing education reforms in the


“Our school must not be like the old bourgeois-dominated schools which

caused our sons and daughters to degenerate into good-for-nothings

unfit for manual labor.” -- Chinese farmworkers, 1968

Communist education isn‘t a better-

funded, more equitable version of

capitalist schooling. The purpose of

communist education, now and after

the working class takes power, is the

creation of more and better commu-

nists and communist social relations.

Under capitalism, communist educa-

tion prepares us to struggle for work-

ers‘ power and the classless society.

To win communist power millions of

workers must be committed to that

goal and armed with an understand-

ing of political economy, dialectical

materialist philosophy and more. Our

Party educates ourselves through Red

Flag, study-action groups, and cadre

schools. All our work–organizing a

demonstration or a picnic, producing

literature–trains us to end the distinc-

tion between mental and manual la-

bor, to struggle sharply and to work

collectively. After we win political

power, communist education will

vastly extend its reach.

Education is more than schooling.

All social institutions –the family, the

exercise of power, popular culture,

the organization of production—help

shape children and youth.

―We would not believe

in teaching, training

and education if they

were confined only to

the school and were di-

vorced from the storm

of life,‖ wrote Lenin in 1920.

―[Education] must train [the youth] to

be participants in the struggle for

emancipation from the exploiters.‖

A Soviet educator explained in 1925

that ―we are trying to combine the

knower and the doer in one person; to

unite theory with practice. This edu-

cation is possible only where there

are no social classes.‖

But China and the Soviet Union

never became classless societies.

Their communist leaders built ―new

democracy‖ and ―socialism,‖

wrongly thinking these were steps

toward communism. Still, we have

much to learn — positive and nega-

tive -- from their best educational


Soviet Socialism:

―A Pedagogy of Struggle‖

Key communist leaders insisted from

the start that Soviet schools should

train pupils for both mental and

physical work. They wanted children

to be molded into a well-knit collec-

tive that would also do political


A. S. Makarenko implemented these

ideas in 1920, organizing delinquent

orphaned youth into the self-

sufficient Gorky Colony. He de-

scribed his sharp struggles – against

racism, individualism, and bourgeois

theories of education–in The Road to

Life. One perplexed Soviet bureau-

crat remarked, ―It‘s a pedagogy of


In his Handbook for Parents,

Makarenko chronicled and struggled

against the distorted development of

children within Soviet family life

This often stemmed from money is-

sues and the capitalist values that

Soviet socialism kept along with the

wage system.

Lenin and Krupskaya led a fight for

―po ly t echn ica l‖ r a the r t han

―technical‖ education. Instead of

learning a specific trade, young

workers would learn everything

about the production process in an

industry – including the social rela-

tions of production. As socialism

consolidated capitalist practices, this

line was defeated. Capitalist practices

soon came to dominate Soviet educa-


China: Cultural Revolution

Struggles to Transform


The Cultural Revolution struggled –

ultimately unsuccessfully – to wrest

power from capitalist-roaders in

the Chinese Communist Party.

The fight over education was

central. ―The existing educa-

tional system is extending and

prolonging the three major dif-

ferences – between mental and

manual labor, between worker

and peasant and between town

and country,‖ middle-school

students criticized.

Communist teachers and stu-

dents demanded an end to col-

lege entrance exams, which en-

couraged students to bury themselves

in books, ignoring politics and practi-

cal work. They criticized the system

for stifling initiative, breeding career-

ism and forcing out ―difficult‖ stu-

dents. "They were so busy with les-

sons, memorizing texts and doing

homework [that] … their thinking

stagnated and they lost the power of

analysis." Meanwhile, few rural stu-

dents had access to school.

In sharp contrast, the Tarim Institute

of Land Reclamation was organized

by teachers and students in

1958. They reclaimed

wasteland while living and

studying outdoors. They

felled trees, made bricks,

built the school, and grew

their own food.

Capitalist-minded intellec-

tuals demanded that Tarim

restore traditional class

relations (―workers work,

peasants till the land, stu-

dents study books‖).

Revolutionary students

and teachers insisted on breaking

down these divisions. Classes com-

bined study and production. Book-

learning was tested in practice. Stu-

dents wrote essays based on their

work. They became competent tech-

nically and capable of organizing

work and engaging in ideological


Workers Lead Education,

Fight For Communism

Communist teenagers in China‘s

Jimo County took the struggle

against capitalist education to the

farms, the factories, and the barracks.

With the soldiers‘ backing, the revo-

lutionaries took power locally. Edu-

cation was expanded and trans-

formed. New schools took in vastly

more children, hiring middle-school

graduates to teach primary students.

Teams of workers – some without

formal education – helped lead

schools. Textbooks were rewritten –

sometimes by the students.

Revolutionary schools featured politi-

cal education. ―Chairman Mao‘s

works, especially his latest series of

instructions and those concerning the

revolution in education, are the sole

teaching material,‖ according to an

admiring account. But in this strength

lay a fatal weakness.

The cult of Mao kept Leftists from

fighting the Communist Party itself.

They fought fiercely against ―capitalist

roaders‖ but never saw the capitalist

essence of the socialist road. As in the

Soviet case, capitalist production rela-

tionships defeated their efforts at com-

munist education. Still, they instruct

and inspire us.

Communist education will mean differ-

ent things at different times, based on

the particular needs of the international

working class. But we do know this:

it will place the creation of communist

social relations before the acquisition

of technical knowledge or intellectual

expertise. It must prepare us to fight

for and build a classless society, with-

out money or racism or sexism or bor-

ders or exploitation. It must combine

lifelong work and study, theory and

practice. It must merge ―mental‖ and

―manual‖ labor and end the marginali-

zation of children, youth, and the eld-

erly. Join the International Communist

Workers‘ Party in the fight for commu-

nist education and a communist world!


More evidence of

the Capitalist Crisis MEXICO—Last June 7th the project called

―Mexico Initiative‖ began with the transmission

over the national networks of a ―pact for national

unity‖ of the most influential media of the country

(Televisa and TV Azteca), universities (UNAM

and Tec Monterrey), movies, radio and civil asso-

ciations, generated by the capitalists themselves.

(La Jornada, June 8).

In Mexico, as in other parts of the world, the bosses

have ―allied‖ temporarily and for convenience with

only one objective: to control the working class

ideologically They openly declared that they will

continue to compete in the struggle for markets, but

that Mexico will unite them.

The bosses know that the economic crisis, racism,

war, unemployment, sexism, and drug traffic pro-

vide plenty of reasons for workers to fight against

the bosses. They‘ve dramatically lost credibility

with the working class and they can picture being

attacked by a strong organization. That‘s why they

appear to be united to ―rescue a dynamic Mexico

and a daring dream.‖

The ―positive‖ image of their proposal conceals

even more what is really happening in the world.

They don‘t want us to think about the war for oil in

the Middle East and other parts of the world, of the

struggles of the comrade workers in every corner of

the world, of the contradictions among the imperi-

alists leading to World War III. They say this is to

avoid ―hopelessness‖. Instead, they spread nation-

alist ideology and conceal the rest.

For example, Friday, June 11 was the ―most violent

day in 6 years‖ in Mexico. Seventy-seven people

died in armed confrontations in the cities surround-

ing oil deposits in Tamaulipas and in the north of

the country (La Jornada, June 12). The bosses use

this to justify the militarization of the border with

the US and throughout the whole country. In ex-

change, they publicize the biographies of soccer

stars and allow the World Cup games to be shown

officially in workplaces and schools. The technical

director of the Mexican soccer team alone, the pro-

moter of this initiative, makes more than 3 million

Euros a year or 45 million pesos. That‘s 1350 times

what a worker makes.

This topic has been discussed with friends and future

See Mexico Initiative, page 14

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Violence in El Salvador


EL SALVADOR —Last June 20th, sixteen people

were burned alive inside a bus. Those who tried to

escape the hellish fire were riddled with bullets.

This attack wasn‘t caused by a missile in Afghani-

stan or in Ciudad Juarez in Mexico, but here in the

Salvadoran capital. Those responsible for this

atrocity were young gang members, but the real

executioners are the capitalist system and its thirst

for profits.

The fight over control of drugs and extortion has

made El Salvador one of the most violent countries

in the hemisphere. It‘s no accident that in this pe-

riod of ―peace,‖ desperate poverty, high unemploy-

ment, and crimes of every type would go together.

Due to this incident, President Mauricio Funes said,

―The violence must be fought with repression.‖

President Funes has received the support of all the

different parties in the Legislative Assembly, in-

cluding the fmln, in his proposal to criminalize the

gangs. ―The judicial and police system is contami-

nated by organized crime,‖ the liberal revisionists

of the fmln exclaimed, as though they just figured it

out. These bourgeois politicians don‘t mention in

the most minimal way the roots of this problem, the

capitalist system, and the need to destroy it.

Worldwide the bosses and their system kill thou-

sands of workers everyday, through the oil wars in

the Middle East, through more than 2.5 billion

workers (43% of the world population) who suffer

hunger and poverty, and through the multimillion

dollar drug trade. These murders are added to the

massacres at El Mozote in 1981, where the govern-

ment‘s army killed more than 800 people, including

women and children. And the thousands of immi-

grant workers who die crossing the borders in

search of bread for their families and many more.

ENOUGH! We have to destroy this capitalist mon-

ster as soon as possible with a communist revolu-


This is a structural problem, which means that these

things happen for economic, social, and political rea-

sons pushed by this vicious capitalist system. Every

day it builds conditions of more inequality, taking

away the most elemental necessities of the working

class. The violence is a pandemic used as a commod-

ity, bought and sold in the market, and spread by the

bosses‘ media.

The International Communist Workers‘ Party

(ICWP) is organizing workers internationally to fight

for communism so that youth, children, men and

women workers, the elderly, farm workers and stu-

dents can be part of a new system that doesn‘t permit

these massacres for control of the market in drugs,

weapons, oil and profits in general.

A correct response is the organized struggle. We dis-

cuss with our fellow workers in the factories, the

fields, the army, and together we see what is under

the surface and we‘ll eradicate the source of this evil.

We are organizing the ICWP, building groups to

read communist literature including our newspaper

Red Flag. Join the fight for communism!



The movements for and against Arizona‘s SB 1070

anti-immigrant law are the result of the in-fighting

among the US rulers about how to deal with the

challenges to their declining empire. Both are being

led by these racist murderers to further their profit

system‘s interests at the expense of the interna-

tional working class. Both are death traps for the

working class.

One movement - supporting this law and stricter

laws against undocumented immigrants - is led by

the sector of the US ruling class, represented in the

Tea Party, that doesn‘t want any of its profits to

pay for US imperialism‘s escalating wars for oil.

The other – boycotting Arizona, supporting immi-

grant rights, the DREAM Act and Comprehensive

Immigration Reform – is led by the Rockefeller

liberal imperialist wing of the US rulers. This

movement is to advance these imperialists‘ war

plans to defend their world empire – first in wider

oil wars, especially against Iran, but eventually

against China and Russia.

Liberal Imperialists Need “National Service” or

Military Draft

Although their military machine is bogged down in

the Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan wars, these bosses

are preparing for war against Iran. The excuse is

Iran‘s nuclear program. The reality is Iran‘s strate-

gic location and vast energy resources.

To expand their military, the Rockefeller gang will

eventually institute the draft. In preparation for it,

these liberal bosses need to accomplish three

things. One was rescind the ―don‘t ask, don‘t tell‖

policy of its military. The other two: enact the

DREAM Act and Comprehensive Immigration Re-

form (CIR).

Rescinding ―don‘t ask, don‘t tell‖ opens the mili-

tary service door to millions of gay soldiers, while

eliminating the policy as a possible refuge to future

draft evaders. The DREAM Act, backed by the

Pentagon, hypocritically claims to help some 2 mil-

lion undocumented youth go to college, like Har-

vard sophomore Eric Balderas.

But, most of them won‘t end up

at Harvard. Instead, they‘ll end

up serving two years or more in

the military. Likewise, the CIR

will condemn 12 million undocu-

mented workers to slave 9-12

years in the bosses‘ war indus-

tries hoping to earn their green

card. Military service can speed

up the process.

The Rockefeller gang, however,

faces a timing problem. They and

their leaders of the immigration

reform movement have kept se-

cret the question of military ser-

vice and slaving in war indus-

tries. Thus, they need to pass

these laws before workers are

rudely awakened by the horrors

of US imperialism‘s next killing fields. Once

signed up, the government will have all their infor-

mation, making it difficult, if not impossible, for

these workers and youth to melt back into the shad-


“Boycott Arizona” Movement‟s Aim: Speed Up

Passage of Bosses‟ Immigration Laws

―SB 1070 is an abomination….But a Justice De-

partment lawsuit would be a horrendous mistake –

one that could end all hope of passing CIR as long

as Barack Obama is president,‖ says Op-Ed article

―An immigration standoff.‖ (LA Times, 6/21/10)

The US bosses behind SB 1070 have placed a major

roadblock to the Rockefeller gang‘s plans of enact-

ing their immigration laws. Therefore, this gang is

orchestrating the nationwide anti-Arizona campaign

to pressure Obama and Congress to deal with immi-

gration reform this year. They are also using these

racist movements to pass fascist laws, like a pro-

posed biometric national ID card. They are consoli-

dating fascism to brutally squash any workers‘ rebel-

lions, but also to force these opposing bosses to toe

the line.

Workers have no dog in this fight. The racists sup-

porting SB 1070 are cutting their own throats. Their

rabid racism and fervent patriotism are being ex-

ploited to further the interests of both sets of bosses.

The anti-racist forces, however, no matter how well-

intentioned, must realize that they are being used by

the liberal US bosses to institute fascism at home and

wage wars abroad. These bosses - and their politi-

cians like Obama, religious leaders like Cardinal Ma-

hony and revisionists (false communists) - are more

dangerous than the open racists and fascists. They

pretend to be our friends but are the enemy from


The ICWP participates in these movements to ex-

pose the bosses and their agents. We aim to win the

anti-racist people in them to the need to destroy this

racist murderous profit system with a communist

revolution. We are building a mass party which

fights for communism - a society without money,

wage slavery, borders, nations, racism or imperialist

wars. Join us!

Questions for Study-Action Readers’ Groups

1. The article on McChrystal‘s firing (p. 1) argues that Iran will soon become a battlefield and that world war is approaching sooner rather than later. What‘s the

evidence? Are you convinced? How does this affect our political work?

2. The article on immigration (above) says that the Arizona debate reflects ïnfighting among the US rulers about how to deal with the challenges to their

declining empire.” It criticizes the “Stop SB 1070”movement for playing into the rulers’ fascist hands. Do you agree? Why or why not?

Please write letters to Red Flag with your comments and questions!

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In early June, Michael Kundu of the Marysville

(Washington) School Board sent out emails claim-

ing that science has proven that native, latino and

black students are genetically doomed to do poorly

in school. Of course there is no such science.

Kundu was referring to the writings of J. Philippe

Rushton, a racist hack on the faculty of the Univer-

sity of Western Ontario.

Poor Kundu was born 100 years too late. Back in

1910, everything he said and much more was sup-

ported by almost the whole academic establish-

ment. Leading academics including Sir Francis

Galton, Francis Walker and William Ripley of

MIT, and Madison Grant, warned of an impending

catastrophe they called ―race suicide.‖ They pro-

moted and popularized a ―eugenics‖ movement to

prevent the supposedly inferior ―darker races‖ from

outnumbering white Anglo-Saxon Protestants such

as themselves.

Big-time capitalists (Theodore Roosevelt, Carne-

gie, Harriman, Rockefeller) funded this movement.

According to eugenics, they were truly fine fel-

lows, genetically superior to the workers who pro-

duced their wealth. Even better (for them) was the

idea that the millions of people impoverished by

monopoly capital were themselves responsible for

their miserable condition. The problem was with

their genes, not with capitalism.

After World War I, in a period of sharp anti-

immigrant attacks partly responding to the Russian

Revolution, eugenics and IQ testing provided a

pseudo-scientific rationale for tracking in the

schools and for racist immigration laws. Again,

Carnegie and Rockefeller funding was key.

―Eugenic‖ laws – including marriage restrictions

and forced sterilization – were enacted in dozens of

US states. These became the model for the German

Nazis‘ ―racial purity‖ laws which quickly devel-

oped into genocide. The Rockefeller Foundation

continued to support Nazified academic institutions

right up to the outbreak of World War II despite

growing disgust at the Nazis‘ racism.

By 1945 the Nazis were destroyed and old-style

eugenics was almost completely discredited. But

eugenics simply washed up, changed its name, put

on a new set of clothes and re-entered polite society

as the ―population control‖ movement. We‘ll write

more about this in a future article.

Red Flag comments:

Kundu was indeed born in a different era. Within a

week, the Marysville School Board responded to

demands of Tulalip tribal leaders and the NAACP

and called for Kundu‘s resignation. The local press

depicted Rushton as a sexually perverted fraud.

Kundu recanted his claim that science proved his

racist point.

A victory for anti-racism? Not so fast!

Marysville is home to many Boeing and Microsoft

workers. The predominantly native and poorer stu-

dents at Tulalip Elementary School do far worse on

standardized tests than the mainly white and better-

off students at Allen Creek and Kellogg Marsh ele-

mentary schools. Fewer than a third of the students

at the almost all-native Heritage High School gradu-

ate, compared with three-quarters of those at the

mainly-white Marysville-Pilchuk campus. We‘re no

fans of these tests or the ―education‖ they claim to

measure, but this is clear evidence of institutional


In the present period, open eugenics-style racist ide-

ology no longer meets the needs of the capitalist rul-

ers. They desperately need to recruit young workers

into a multi-racial army as they prepare for World

War III. Open racism is now directed mainly

against Arab, Muslim and south Asian workers,

while patriotism is pushed in ―multi-cultural‖ form.

We invite readers to write more about liberal racism,

how it divides the working class, and how we fight it

with communist ideas in the lead.

By the way, Maryville‘s 2003 teachers' strike was

the largest education strike in state history.

survivals of national oppression in order that

friendship may be knit between the peoples and

internationalism firmly established.‖

This was an incorrect approach to fighting racism

and building international working-class unity.

It‘s the same line pushed by many liberals today of

building separate organizations for ―people of

color‖ and their ―white allies.‖

Stalin and Lenin argued correctly that ―the dying

away of national differences and the merging of

nations‖ cannot happen globally while imperialism

rules any part of the world. They wrongly con-

cluded that nations should continue to exist within

the Soviet zone. This was the logic of socialism.

So the anti-communists are not entirely wrong to

say that the Soviet nation-states in Central Asia

contributed to nationalist violence there today.

Soviet socialism was a contradiction between com-

munist ideas (internationalism, the end of exploita-

tion) and capitalist practices (nations, wages). It

was the capitalist aspect that dominated and con-

tinues to create racist and nationalist violence – a

fact that The Economist will never admit.

Communists must fight hard against all forms of

racism and nationalism. As Marx said, working

people have no nation – and we never will. Our

slogan, as long as capitalism exists, will always be:

Workers of the World, Unite! Smash all borders!

Fight for communism!

Working People Have No Nation


Q: Have you experienced any racism and/or

sexism at Boeing?

A: I‘ve worked for Boeing since the early 80s. Ra-

cism and sexism in the plant was more open then.

Now Boeing Human Relations, General Managers,

many managers, EEOC, Ethics [Department] all

work together to put a better face on it. They‘re

more dishonest and petty now. They all work to-

gether to do hourly employees wrong. It‘s really

divide and conquer.

Q: We were forced to watch a 75 minute video

on company ethics this last month. You dealt

with the company ethics department. Care to


A: The ethics video was the biggest joke yet. We

were forced to watch over an hour of Boeing b s

all because some CEOs got caught with their hands

in the cookie jar. It had nothing to do with us.

We‘d get fired for taking a yogurt from the cafete-

ria, not a slap on the wrist like these guys while

keeping their multi-million dollar pensions.

As soon as we got out of the Block House [where

the video was shown] managers went right back to

harassing minorities and females. I tried taking it

to ethics only to get it shoved back in my face.

I tell you about Boeing Ethics. The Company hired

a worker I knew who had a physical disability. He

did his job and then some. Then after 20 years,

management changed his job, knowing he couldn‘t

do this different type of work. Then they medically

terminated him.

Q: Has the union helped?

A: They, like the EEOC and Ethics, have been

trained to say; ―The Company has the right to…‖ I

came to work at Boeing in my early 30s. Now I‘m

over 55. I know the company has the right [in this

system] to what the hell it wants. The question is

what we, the workers, are going to do!

I see the union doing nothing but siding with the

racism and sexism created by Boeing. In fact, the

big union reps sing the ―Company has the right

to…‖ song the loudest.

Q: Do you think this system is working? What

about communism?

A: After more than 20 years, I feel we are going

backward. I have been through more racism and sex-

ist attacks than in all the 90s. This system is failing.

Capitalist greed will not work. I‘m more sure now

than ever we need a revolutionary way of thinking.

Q: What do you think about Red Flag?

A: I‘ve always read Red Flag. I‘ve always passed it

on. What I know after 20 plus years at Boeing is that

the bosses‘ system failed me every time I tried to

rely on it. At this point, I learned that none of

these—Human Resources, Generals, managers, Eth-

ics, EEOC—have worked for me as a minority

worker. So I say: welcome to a revolutionary way of


How Capitalist Rulers Use Racism

Boeing Worker Welcomes

“Revolutionary Way of Thinking”

members of ICWP. A friend commented, upset,

―How is it possible that the bosses accept that they

are in competition and fight with each other, and

then they make an alliance? They want us to act

with values and hope that we think that it‘s a ques-

tion of changing our attitude, that we are in this

situation because it‘s our fault.‖ She also talked

with her brother and he told her indignantly, ―The

right advances more each time. What should the

left do, where is it? We have to do something.‖

The friend has said that change must come from

below (referring to the working class.) We say that

it must be through a communist party that really

responds to the needs of the workers.

We should hurry to expose this system to our class

brothers and sisters. The working class will install

the dictatorship of the proletariat. We‘ll work and

fight for that. This is a positive, dynamic and dar-

ing thought for the interests of our class. Only

communism can meet the needs of all workers.


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―Well, I’ll tell you about a scenario that

made me feel awful and I will never

forget.‖ ―Man, all people now in Iraq are only thinking about

their family back home, if their family is fine, if

their husband or wife is okay, is their son or daugh-

ter fine. They are not thinking about the big picture,‖

said a young Marine.

He was responding to my explanation of the US

capitalists‘ failed strategy to control Middle East oil.

First they invaded Afghanistan, then Iraq, and now

they‘re trying to pacify Afghanistan (making a deal

with the Taliban) so as to finally lay the ground

work for invading Iran.

―I don‘t want him to get deep into it. I don‘t want

him to get in trouble‖, his wife added.

―Do you worry about his safety, his livelihood?‖ I


―Yes, of course!‖

―Well,‖ I said, ―that‘s one of the things that I worry

the most about. You see, that‘s what these capitalist

bosses do through the generals, admirals, captains

and other superiors. They place Marines and other

soldiers in harm‘s way just to protect their oil prof-

its. I don‘t think that any working-class Marine or

soldier should die for oil.‖

As I was finishing, the Marine‘s eyes lit up and he

said, ―Well, I‘ll tell you about a scenario that made

me feel awful and I will never forget.‖ Both his

wife and I waited anxiously.

―Well, the Afghans that work with us in the base

were lined up to eat and I lined up behind them. An

Afghan worker insisted that I move to the front of

the line. ‗No, I‘m cool,‘ I said. He grabbed my arm

and tried to move me to the front. I loosened my

arm and said ‗No, I‘m ok.‘ This made it clear to me

that, they train Afghans that we ‗Americans‘ always

come first. I was disgusted by this racist experience.

There are many incidents that I can mention not only

about the lack of respect of civilians but also low

level Marines, by superiors.‖

―Well,‖ I responded, ―as preparations escalate for

wider war, Marines and other soldiers are going to

be asking questions and begin looking at the bigger

picture much more critically and we have to be there

to help them make sense of all that is happening.‖

―Yeah, I agree,‖ he said. The conversation contin-

ued for a bit longer, we parted and said we will be in


A comrade

Red Flag Comments

We have to take advantage of every opportunity that

presents itself to us. ―Incidents‖ that occur can be

used to build solidarity with other Marines, military

personnel, and workers in other countries and bring

forth the need to question the capitalist bosses‘ war

for profit and domination. We must also put for-

ward the need for a different world in which the

world‘s workers unite and reorganize society to

meet human needs and not the particular need of a

particular section of bosses whether U.S., Chinese,

Iranian, etc.

Dear Red Flag

Recently a group of school workers and Boeing

workers had a study group where we discussed the

future of education. We asked the question ―What

and how would we teach youth under commu-

nism?‖ The discussion was good because we talked

about what skills and values we wanted children to

learn. The bosses‘ system teaches individualism,

elitism, patriotism. We agreed that we would want

to teach collectivity, and equality and working class

unity. Our goals will be to make a better world for

the international working class. The capitalists

want to dominate the world, and war and fascism is

how they plan to do this. They want to use our chil-

dren to be their soldiers and low-paid laborers.

Just before school closed for the summer, there was

a campaign to vote ―no confidence‖ in the superin-

tendent, Maria Goodloe-Johnson. She was hired to

close schools, get rid of teachers, and carry out

other reforms of Obama-Duncan. Her qualifica-

tions include being on the board of the Eli Broad

Foundation, one of the privately run organizations

taking over the failing public school system in the

US. She directly represents the capitalist plan for

education during this period of war and fascism. If

we kicked her out, if we won a great contract , or

got tons of money to improve the present system,

capitalist education will never be good. Because it

serves the bosses‘ needs, not ours. We have to

smash their education system. And that‘s gonna

take a revolution . This is what we will talk about

in our study group this summer. We are really look-

ing forward to including the volunteers who will be

coming to our summer project in July.

We would love to see more letters and articles from

readers regarding education in Red Flag.

Seattle Comrade

―To maintain unity is important, but to

maintain the political line is primary.‖

To understand processes according to the political

science of dialectics is a task of the revolutionary

struggle. Some time ago in a meeting where it was

decided to choose one political line, I heard the com-

mentary: ―This rupture will separate families and

friends.‖ I mention this because some days ago we

talked among friends about unity and how to define

what political line would be chosen after the process

that we lived in the PLP.

I talked about an article in Red Flag that said, ―To

maintain unity is important, but to maintain the po-

litical line is primary.‖ We discussed how to stay

united ―because we‘re friends,‖ without the political

line affecting our relations. However, I told them that

Red Flag mentioned that ―the Party is strengthened

by cleansing itself‖ which doesn‘t mean that we‘re

bad members, but if our actions in a communist party

allow liberalism to the point of cynicism, without

criticism or self criticism, without revolutionary

work, and much passivity in the members, then po-

litically we exhibit weaknesses that would lead us to

reformist and revisionist attitudes.

In this process, many of these actions were clarified,

and with them those who practiced them. The discus-

sion allowed them to agree to continue meeting to

discuss points like these. I gave them Red Flag to

analyze and comment on the articles. Unity, if it‘s

with capitalist ideas, can‘t build a solid base for the

struggle for communist revolution.

There will be a constant ideological struggle with my

friends to help them to decide which political line to

choose. The primary thing for our relationship will

be the communist political line and the unity that is

important will have an end point that objectively will

be either rupture or unity. The affection will continue

because they are people with good feelings, but to

build the revolution we need to be more objective.

Putting the political line primary will favor discus-

sions, criticisms, self criticisms, and -- why not? --

win them to the struggle within the ranks of ICWP.

It‘s a great time to make new friends and win them to

communist ideas, develop capabilities so that we can

overcome the limitations of revolutionary work as

happened with a friend, who always drove when we

went on visits to take the paper to people. Now I

have to learn to drive to take Red Flag to old and

new friends. Because of that, the development of ca-

pabilities and the application of dialectical material-

ism will help us in the struggle for communist revo-

lution in the ranks of ICWP and the distribution of

Red Flag. Join us to fight for communist revolution.

Youth from Mexico

―The Arizona law is a rotten apple

that tastes terrible. Obama’s

Comprehensive Immigration Re-

form is a rotten apple with sugar


We often hear that undocumented immigrants don‘t

pay taxes. They cost US citizens money. They cause

hospital closings and overcrowded classrooms. They

take American jobs. These are racist lies. Who cre-

ates, benefits, and perpetuates racist lies? The capi-

talist ruling class.

In truth, ALL workers pay sales taxes regardless of

citizenship. Most undocumented workers use social

security numbers, contributing about $8.5 billion an-

nually to Social Security and Medicare that will

never benefit them. Undocumented adults are 3% of

the US population, yet use only 1.5% of medical

costs. The numbers of undocumented immigrants are

not related to unemployment rates.

The problem is that workers‘ taxes fund imperialist

wars and other ruling class priorities (like prisons),

not workers‘ needs. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars

have already cost over $900 billion AND thousands

of lives.

Why doesn‘t the top 1% of the US population (those

making over $1 million annually, who hold more

wealth than the bottom 90% combined) pay for hos-

pitals and schools?

It‘s capitalism worldwide that forces desperate immi-

grants to choose between starvation and separation

from their families in search of jobs. The Capitalist

system cannot provide for the basic needs of mil-

lions. Capitalism constructs walls and borders be-

tween workers to divide us and make us less able to

fight back and destroy this racist system.

The US bosses make huge profits from paying immi-

grants (documented and undocumented) barely

enough to survive. In addition to the profits made

from this racist super-exploitation, the bosses also

reap huge profits by using these low wages to drive

down the wages of all.

The bosses get away with this because workers are

divided and afraid, and because the bosses have state

power to make exploitation legal. A sense of fear is

also instilled in workers by laws like the ones in Ari-

zona that allow the open harassment of immigrants

and their families. This is like what occurred to Jews

in Nazi Germany, but many are not making this con-


The Arizona law is a rotten apple that tastes terrible.

Obama‘s Comprehensive Immigration Reform is a

rotten apple with sugar coating. It systematically

forces immigrants to be super-exploited as inden-

tured servants for many years and pushes undocu-

mented youth into the military.

Bottom line is –workers‘ problems come from capi-

talism, not from immigrants. As working class

brothers and sisters, we must unite across ALL bor-

ders to fight for a communist system for our children

and grandchildren!

Red Mom


Page 8: VOLUME 1 No 11 EDICION ESPAÑOL ADENTRO DONATION $0.50 … · 7/14/2010  · Bill Gates, Eli Broad, the Obama ad-ministration and AFT leaders are pushing education reforms in the


We Plan to Build Our Red Army

First Step: Building a Base with Soldiers for Revolution

The recent massacre of Uzbeks in Kyrgyzstan

shows how deadly racism and nationalism are for

the working class.

Behind the bloody scene is inter-imperialist rivalry.

Kyrgyzstan is a battleground between US and Rus-

sian imperialists because of its strategic location in

energy-rich Central Asia. (See Red Flag, Vol. 1 #6

for details)

US rulers attack radical Islam to win US workers to

support their energy wars. However, they also

hope to use Islamic fundamentalism against their

Russian and Chinese competitors. That‘s why Uz-

beki refugees – numbering in the hundred-

thousands -- get sympathetic US coverage. It‘s

why Russian bosses refused to intervene against the

anti-Uzbek riots.

Some Uzbeks threatened to blow up an oil depot if

they didn‘t get protection. That‘s exactly what the

US bosses want in this region, a major source of oil

for China.

So why does The Economist (mouthpiece of British

capitalism) blame the 20th century communist

leader Josef Stalin for these massacres?

It notes (6/17/10) that until the Soviet Union estab-

lished socialist republics in Central Asia in 1924,

―the region never had precise borders. … The no-

madic Kyrgyz and Kazakhs largely ignored the

concepts of states and boundaries anyway.‖

The opportunist bosses are so eager to attack Stalin

that they make two contradictory arguments. First,

they blame Stalin for creating autonomous nations.

Then they blame him for suppressing nationalism

and national cultures. The capitalists can‘t decide

whether Stalin was too nationalist or not nationalist


Socialism and Nationalism =

Capitalism and Racism

―The chief struggle in Kir-

ghizia,‖ a communist official

told Anna Louise Strong in

1929, ―is against the old tribal

organization, and their chief-

tains, the manaps. Our first

step… is to divide our village

soviets on geographical rather

than tribal lines…. The manaps

have always exploited the

poorer Kirghiz.‖ Private prop-

erty in land wasn‘t abolished

there until 1927, and the strug-

gle continued for years in the

valleys as communists established collective farms

in the hands of the formerly poor Kirghiz people.

(Strong, The Road to the Grey Pamir, 1931)

But the Soviet Communist Party fought for social-

ism, not communism. Central Asian nomads lived

(poorly) on the fruits of their own labor, but com-

munists introduced ―trade goods,‖ encouraging no-

mads to engage in wage labor to buy them. The

collective farms ran on socialist principles, includ-

ing wage labor – and nationalism.

Stalin and Lenin warned of the danger that capital-

ism could be restored in the Soviet Union on the ba-

sis of persisting small capitalist enterprises

(especially in the countryside). They did not see the

far greater danger in large-scale socialist enterprise,

which proved to be the basis of Soviet capitalism.

We need to learn from this monumental and tragic

error that our fight must be for communism, not so-

cialism. It‘s not enough to control markets and

abolish private property. We must abolish the mar-

ket economy (commodity production), wage labor,

and money itself. And we must abolish nations and

nationalism, even though differences in language,

cuisine, and such will persist.

Working People Have No Nation

Stalin argued (―The National Question and Lenin-

ism,‖ 1929) that socialist revolution destroyed

―bourgeois nations,‖ where capitalists were ―the

chief leading force‖ and promoted ―class peace

within the nation‖ in the interest of territorial expan-

sion and a united front with imperialism. He said

this meant the suppression of national minorities

(which we would today call racism).

But Stalin wanted ―new, Soviet nations‖ led by the

working class, in alliance with ―the working peas-

antry.‖ He said these were needed to abolish ―the

In our company, it was Master Sergeant Pete who

was the lifer hated by every lower enlisted soldier.

When he would order a private to paint over a spot

in the shop, Sgt. Pete would return and tell the sol-

dier that a terrible job was done. He would order

the soldier to repaint the spot.

When there was a minor infraction, Sgt. Pete would

support his NCO‘s cruel and embarrassing punish-

ment techniques, like having four soldiers create a

square with their bodies on the floor in order for the

soldiers to do push-ups at the same time. Soldiers

would say that if we ever go to war with this guy,

he would be ―shot by one of us.‖

The above story sounds like something out of Rich-

ard Boyle‘s Flower of the Dragon: The Breakdown

of the U.S. Army in Vietnam. But it isn‘t from

Boyle‘s book. This is what soldiers were going

through in their unit just a few years ago, when the

US bosses were getting ready for the current war to

defend Exxon‘s oil profits. But Sgt. Pete can be

compared to ―Top,‖ who Boyle describes as a

higher ranking NCO who disrespected and mis-

treated soldiers.

Top was shot by Doc Hampton, a black soldier,

who shortly after barricaded himself against the

Military Police. Scores of soldiers, both black and

white, on hearing this grabbed their weapons and

rushed to his defense. Unfortunately, before they

could get there, Doc committed suicide, not realiz-

ing how inspirational his fragging of Top had been.

As comparable as both stories can be, there is one

drastic difference that sets the two beyond compari-

son. Sgt. Pete's soldiers were actively discussing

communist politics, so the hatred for Pete was

linked to the hatred for the capitalist system that

creates fascists like Pete and Top. The bosses de-

pend on these types of sergeants. When soldiers are

ordered into war, they don‘t realize that they are

killing for oil profits and not for the interest of sol-

diers or workers anywhere.

In both stories we witness a ray of hope which

should inspire our revolutionary movement in the

International Communist Workers‘ Party to take

organizing in the military more seriously. For our

Party, it should be an integral part of our base

building, as it was for previous revolutionary

movements. This includes getting to know other

soldiers, making friends, and discussing the politi-

cal situation with them.

More specifically, the Bolsheviks in Russia, from

1903 on, committed much time and effort to build-

ing a mass movement in the Czar‘s army. In The

Bolsheviks Come to Power, Alexander Rabinowitch

makes it clear that through ―neighborhood party

committees…the trade union movement, factory-

shop committees…the Bolsheviks concentrated on

increasing their influence among military personnel

and factory workers.‖ This kind of organizing

made it possible for the Russian workers and sol-

diers to take state power in 1917.

The US military systematically oppresses soldiers

to make soldiers believe that the brass can simply

give orders and orders should simply be followed.

But soldiers should rebel against these orders that

only perpetuate this rotten capitalist system. We

should fight for the needs of the entire working

class by joining ICWP, which seeks to better the

life of workers around the world with communism.

As stated in Boyle‘s book, nobody seemed to care

about the horrific stories Boyle would present to the

politicians in the effort to end the war. Boyle‘s book

says that peace and love is the solution. But the poli-

ticians, rich bosses, and capitalism do not care about

peace and love. Sgt. Pete didn‘t care a damn about

his soldiers, just as Top didn‘t care a damn about

soldiers like Doc Hampton.

To love, and to have aspirations for peace, is to love

the international working class by getting rid of this

capitalist system through a revolution. Undoubtedly,

there is much anger among soldiers in the military.

This anger should be channeled toward the fight for

communism. Only then will we reach our full capa-

bility to truly love the working class and establish

true peace.

Just as the Bolsheviks used their communist newspa-

per to influence soldiers, we should strive to use Red

Flag to reach many soldiers. Building a base with

soldiers for revolution in and out of the military is a

first step. This process should also prepare us for

what is to come. Power to the working class will not

be handed down peacefully by the rulers, and we

should be realistic about the sacrifices that the work-

ing class will make in order to achieve its main goal.

We plan to build a Red Army, an army with the most

advanced communist practice and theory, an integral

part of our Party that will fight for, consolidate and

guarantee the communist dictatorship of the working

class as long as needed.

Next article: How will the Red Army that we need

to fight for communism differ from the bosses‟


Inter-Imperialist Rivalry Behind Kyrgyzstan Massacre

Workers Must Defeat Racism, Nationalism

See Kyrgystan Massacre, page 14