Download - VOLTES V versus VOLTRON Volume One

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VOLTES V versus VOLTES V versus VOLTES V versus VOLTES V versus

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VOLTRONVOLTRONVOLTRONVOLTRON:::: The Godaikin The Godaikin The Godaikin The Godaikin


(Voltes V battles Voltron to the death for the possession of an ancient microfilm that holds

the universe in the balance.)



This e-book, is a compilation of all my sentiments regarding what I believe, Voltron’s copying of most of Chodenji Mashin’s Voltes V’s concepts.

Frankly, I believe Voltron does not only copied the name,(notice this, VOLTron,

/VOLTes V) concept and some of the elements of Voltes V, but also two of the episodes of Voltes V; one of the main character’s love one was derivative by the enemy using robotic technology to infiltrate the heroes’ base. (A character named “Gareth” who is supposed to be the long lost son of Koran showed up and fooled the Castle of Lion’s staff. Just like what happened in Voltes V, where an android likeness of Dr. Kentaro Gou (Dr. Armstrong) fooled the father-longing Gou brothers (Armstrong Brothers.) The Voltron series also imitates the “giant-base- turned-space fortress” at the very near of Voltes V’s ending! (The Castle of Lions turns into a giant spaceship called “Flying Fortress”, just like that of Camp. Big Falcon’s “Solar Bird”.)

I had a “Voltron” DVD complete to the very last ending.(48 episodes) I found this “RIP OFF” and I even told myself, “Why Americans did favor such a blatant rip-off of a more poignant super robot story?

Supposed a fight erupts between Voltron and Voltes V… Let’s scrutinize this objectively: 1. The Skills, trainings and abilities of both teams: There are no mentions of what kind of combat training the Voltron Force had under went in the academy. In regards to the Voltron episodes, I have seen so far, they were never subjugated under strict, harsh and extreme trainings.

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Let’s take the Voltron Force’s skill at face value; Pidge, the youngest of the Voltron Force was said to have martial arts trainings and was shown to jump like a weightless astronaut but primarily they were trained as space explorers. Perhaps, they can thoroughly navigate and maneuver through deep space and they can handle the controls of different spacecraft under Galaxy Alliance specifications. That is because they are Space Explorers! The Voltes Team on the other hand were young, highly skilled Earth Defense Agents. (Voltes V vol.1: Invasion from Outer Space) they were disciplined in such military and oriental combat skills as Karate, Judo, Kendo, Marksmanship and Ninjitsu. General Oka, (Commander Robinson) one of Camp Big Falcon’s elderly base commander was a Ninja master; 110

th descendant of the fierce Oka ninja clan. His daughter, Megumi

Oka (Jamie Robinson) one of the pilots of Voltes V, is a sharply skilled “Kunnoichi” (Female ninja). She can actually assassinate Princess Allura in her sleep if she wants to, (She is just so darn sweet…) Further, the Voltes Team most likely to use their martial arts skills to enhance Voltes V’s deadly counter attacks (Voltes V vol.4: To catch a butterfly) The Butterfly technique is an ancient form of Samurai skill were a practitioner dodges an enemy sword without avoiding it. On the contrary, this defense maneuver anticipates the sword attack and uses the opponent swordsman’s own strength against him just like Aikido. I doubt if Voltron and the Voltron Force had the same training know-hows. More so, the Voltes Team underwent harsh and murderous training sessions under Dr. Sanjuki (Dr. Hook) where they learned the lethal “Spin-Fly Technique”. (Voltes V vol.9: The need for rigid training.) The Spin-Fly technique it should be noted, transforms the Volt Machines in their maximum speed into one giant, rapidly charging drill impervious to any laser and projectile attack. It alone can send Voltron and the whole Voltron Force into the afterlife. I strongly believe that between the Voltes Team and the Voltron Force, the Voltes Team in this aspect had the upper hand. 2. Weapons and Enemy Comparison of the Two super robots: Voltron was known to carry an array of space weapons against the “Robeasts” from Planet Doom. These weapons are:

Royal Shield Blasts, Blazing Arrows, Wing Attack, Lion Torches, Voltron Kick, Electro-Cross Force, Voltron Eye beam, Lion Head Attack, Blazing Sword!

“Robeasts” should be noted, are monsters mostly fashioned to look terrifying yet they still looked like giant clay creatures. A few of these had armored coverings and carry giant swords but more often they lumbers mindlessly like drunken frat boys.

Voltron’s final weapon of choice is the “Blazing Sword.” (A poor carbon copy of the Ten-Ku-Ken just like Voltron’s name)

On the other hand, Voltes V sports an arsenal of Ninjitsu-based super weapons against the “Beast Fighters” from Planet Boazania. These weapons are:

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Ultra-Electro Magnetic Tops, Ultra Electro Magnetic Whips, Chain Knuckles, Grand Fire, Concealed Bazookas, Gatling Missiles, Ultra Electro Magnetic Beam, Voltes Kick, Ultra-Electro Magnetic Ball, Ten-ku-ken (Sword of Heaven)!

“Beast fighters” on the other hand - are sentient giant robot monster-war machines. They are generally covered in heavy Maxigold armors, since most of these behemoths had genetically implanted Boazanian warrior’s minds, they can think, plan an attack and some of them are skilled in archery and swordsmanship. Voltes V’s final weapon of choice is the Ten-Ku-Ken (Sword of Heaven) a weapon forged from deep Japanese Samurai mythos.

However, before Voltes V could use the Ten-ku-ken, the great sword unleashes a powerful “Ultra-Electro Magnetic Ball.” This mighty ball of intense electro-magnetic energy engulfs, weakens the armors and paralyzes the strongest of Voltes V’s opponents. Thus, Voltes V can easily bring down the Ten-ku-ken at the trapped opponent and destroy it with ease.

As an addition, Voltes V can even release several of the Ultra-Electro Magnetic Balls in rapid successions that mean there is no time for an enemy to escape! One can just imagine how Voltron could fair against something like the “Ultra-Electro Magnetic ball”.

The characters in this fan fiction work was based on two animated series, “Voltron Defender of the Universe” (Go-lion: King of a Hundred beasts) and “Chodenji Mashin Voltes V” (Ultra Electro Magnetic Machine Voltes V) Voltes V created by Tadao Nagahama Voltron created by “?” The characters and screenshots are exclusive properties of Toei Y&K Animation and World Events Pictures. “Godaikin” was a trademark of Bandai America Fan Fiction created by Buddy Paraiso


Encyclopedia Universale was the name of an ancient microfilm sought by legendary cometary mages said to be destiny keepers of the universe.

Trained to be pure and selfless, the mages are not immune to corruption: a renegade mage known as Paul the Imjad, planed to conquer the entire universe, aided by his

unsavory minions.

Tracing down the whereabouts of the ancient microfilm, to our planet Earth (the 3rd

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dimension Earth) Paul the Imjad stayed cautious, for according to the said ancient microfilm, the universe is guarded by the Godaikins: Gigantic Super cybernauts with

varied destinies.

The Imjad thought of thwarting this reality.

Mobilizing his cronies, Imjad learned about a Godaikin who had a dark past. The Godaikin is Go-lion, (Voltron) a self-proclaimed Defender of the Universe.

With his twisted powers and philosophies, the Imjad was able to influence the medieval judgments of the entire Castle of Lions.

He even influenced the Voltron Force and the House of Alfor by using pseudo prophecies that seemed to link and support the ancient prophecies that strengthening the claims of

Voltron as the defender of the Universe.

The Imjad suggested to the Galaxy Alliance to help him retrieve the Encyclopedia Universale from the 3rd dimension Earth, and destroy it!

In no time, Galaxy Garrison's flagship The Explorer, along with the fleet from Planet Arus

and the Voltron Force, proceeded to the 3rd dimension Earth. Their arrival was greeted with harsh defense maneuvers from soldiers of every nation

around the globe.

They were perceived as another group of alien invaders, proudly; Koran and Princess Allura announced their intrusion as diplomatic and suggested the people of the 3rd Earth

to stop their resistance.

But the ever vigilant Earth International Defense Force lead by Commander Robinson does not heed their bidding and launched a special fleet of Earth Defense fighters to repel them.

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As a result, a great battle boils and The Galaxy Alliance realized that they poked a hornet’s nest of proud fighters; most of their own ships are obliterated before their eyes, Keith and the Voltron Force volunteered to aid their ravaged fleet using the great Godaikin Voltron,

Defender of the Universe.

Unknown to them, the 3rd dimension Earth is preparing their own mighty Godaikin and its fierce young warrior team, the Voltes Team and the Super Ultra Electro Magnetic Robot

Voltes V, a powerful giant Godaikin who stood and triumphant before the beaten Boazanian invaders.

The Imjad is fully aware of the Voltes V Godaikin, and all seems going well according to his plans…


It was dusk at Camp. Big Falcon: The Voltes Team stands before Mrs. Armstrong's grave.

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A single post, very familiar to those who practice Shintoism, marked the grave. She was the mother of Steve, Big Bert, Little Jon.

Steve starts the talking: “Here we are mother, gathered before you with my Brothers, and my team mates, Mark and Jamie. A new crisis is about to unfold and we will not rest until

we've blow these new aliens out of Earth's orbit!" Big Bert wiped the tears from his eyes, " Mother, please guide us by your love…"

Mark slowly distanced himself from the group, Jamie looked at him in weak disbelief, and

she seems to sense Mark’s discomfort. “Mark?" Mark looked at Jamie, “Just let these babies cry for a while, before we talk about engaging the new enemy.”

“You have no respect for the dead!" Big Bert started to snarl. He was about to charge at

Mark when Steve touched his shoulders, “Big Bert, Let him be…" Steve said calmly.

"Stop insulting us before mother…"Little Jon cried, stood up and took a threatening pose. "Mark, you can always leave every time we condole with mother…"

Jamie stood up and looked at Mark in the eye, “What’s eating you, Mark?"

Mark was about to reply when Big Falcon's alarm rang up!

Steve shouted at the team, “It’s the Base, Dr. Hook needs us!"

The Voltes Team hurries to Camp Big Falcon.

Inside Camp Big Falcon, Dr. Hook a man in his early fifties, looking like an Amish priest in laboratory uniform said “Team, the invaders are putting pressure on the Earth

International Defense Base!" He points at the huge monitor displaying a map location of the E.I.D Base.

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Then, the map display was replaced by footage of the oncoming battle. The Voltes Team looks pensively at the monitor; the glow from it illuminates their faces. Dr. Hook looks

back at the Voltes Team.

“Our new Shadow crafts were able to polish off some of the invaders but…" Dr. Hook points at one of the tracking monitors beside the huge one where suddenly, the image of

the Voltron Lions, were in display.

Little Jon looked startled “N-New types of Beast Fighters?" “Yeah, and they're very swift and effective!" Dr. Hook replied.

Steve felt his stomach tensed something like he felt when the Boazanians used an android that looked like his father and brought crisis into Camp Big Falcon, he wave his fist at the


“They're all the same, why don't they let the Earth be? Those invaders never had any blood in their hearts!" Big Bert angrily replied, " They think they're so tough, Steve. We got

Voltes V!”

Dr. Hook just nodded before he replies audibly; “That's it Voltes Team, keep that fighting spirit!"

The Voltes Team nod in Unison: “Yes sir!!!!

Then, the Voltes Team, sprinted towards a row of cubicles containing pilot seats that

transport them to their Volt Machine cockpits!

Outside at twighlight, Camp Big Falcon opens up its wings as Dr. Hook looks from his headquarters (Big Falcon's head) and tried to remember the days of sheer crisis that

plunges the world in total chaos.

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“Dr. Armstrong should see this new conflict at hand…I thought war was just a sad memory after the Boazanian defeat… But here we go again…"

Dr. Hook stood up beside his console and announced…

“All of you, Blast Off!”

Powerful roar of Godaikin engines like a thousand thunders rumbled as the Volt Machines rocket towards their destination; the War Zone above the Earth International Defense


A great battle occurs in the night skies as stalwart fighters from Galaxy Alliance dogfights against the heroic fighters from the Earth International Defense Force.

Pilots from both sides, lost many lives and the tide of war seem to favor the defenders. Then, suddenly, hope shines for the offensives; for now beside them supports the Voltron


Inside the Voltron Yellow Lion, Hunk checks his control consoles. He was dismayed of the things he seen from out side. “I just can't understand these people Keith; we're not here to

conquer… We'll just tell them who we are and what we want!”

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Keith replied in confirmation. “Yeah, these people just won’t listen… and I even heard they got their own super robot defender they’ll be using against us!”

Pidge got irritated yet Keith’s mention of another robot defender seems to ring in his ears

as a challenge…

“Robot, schnobot, there's only one real defender, and that's Voltron: Defender of the Universe!”

Lance heartily agrees and then called back at Pidge.

“They don’t know what their so-called defender will be dealing with!...It’s maybe another one of those robeast-like tin can Voltron could swept away!”

Princess Allura joins in the conversation.

“Defender or not, these people should be educated!

They have to hand to us the Encyclopedia Universale!"

Suddenly, the Blue and Black Lion receives great blows from the missiles of the Earth International Defense base…


Keith was startled, Voltron Blue Lion crashed at abandoned buildings but able to right itself. Princess Allura reassures the worrying Keith, “Keith, I'm O.K.”

“That base tries to kill us!" shouted Lance, and his impulsive nature seems to take him

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The Voltron Red Lion flies towards the Earth International Defense base, Keith was alarmed! "Lance, wait!”

But Lance ignored Keith..

“Eat this, Mr. Big Shot!"

Voltron Red Lion's tail aims its end at the base.


A platoon of soldiers and a row of armored personnel carriers were all disintegrated; a portion of the defense base burns in flames.

Inside the shambled base: A lone soldier approached Commander Robinson.

“Sir, most of our reserves were dead and the base suffers great damage!"

Looking pensive, Commander Robinson analyzes the situation.

“They’re trying to demoralize us by killing our soldiers and attacking and destroying our base.”

Then, the large bodied military officer turns to look at the further destruction sent by the rampaging Voltron Lions. “Men, we have to hold on! Voltes V and the Voltes Team are on

their way!"

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The base's mobile rocket launchers retaliate; powerful missiles hit the Voltron Red Lion.

It did no damage to the Voltron Red Lion, but it does rattled Lance for the moment. Keith continues to contact Lance over the radio, “C’mon Lance get out of there…we'll try a new


Seeing the situation in a more, reasonable perspective, Lance affirmed Keith, "O.K. Keith!"

Then, the Voltron Red Lion went out of the missiles' range and then joins the other waiting Voltron lions.

Princess Allura made a smirk as she looked at the soldiers below. “What they lack in

sophistication they make up for savagery."

Hunk reaffirms her, "You're right as rain, Princess!"

Meanwhile, Keith felt annoyed by the presence of Earth Defense fighters,

“Let's skip doing that base and blow up some of their fighters …"

“O.K. team, let's do it!”

The Voltron Force replied in unison," Go Voltron Force!!!!"

The Voltron Lions were about to charge at the Shadow fighters when suddenly… Princess Allura's scanners picked up a new disturbance," Keith, I'm picking up powerful Electro

Magnetic emissions!"

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Suddenly, the weary soldiers bellow cheered wildly… Pidge was startled, he was used for people cheering at Voltron, but now…

“What the…those creeps are cheering at something!"

Hunk just shook his head in disbelief, “Maybe it’s that so-called Earth defender robot that they unleashed!"

Lance confirms this as he studied his internal scanners.

“Keith!... Here comes something new!"

Keith turns around, " What the devil..?."

Suddenly, dark clouds form, lightning flashes as the roaring Volt Machine Vs position themselves before the Voltron Lions as if saying, "Draw pardners!"

The once mighty and imposing walls of the Earth International Defense Base are nothing more but shattered ruins. Still, the automated guns faithfully guard its compound.

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Four hover vehicles bearing the mark of the Galaxy Alliance entered its grounds. Sides open and poured a hundred armored troops. Rushing and fully geared, the Galaxy Alliance Marines or Galaxy grunts are closing in on Commander Robinson and his remaining army.

The Automated guns gave the grunts a hard time; piles of their dead littered the ground.

This is more than enough for Commander Robinson to plan his next move. “Sir," A soldier reports, “they’re on the main lobby."

“That’s a decoy" Commander Robinson replied, "…Add some strength to the fifth entrance, well escape through the Armory!" The Earth Defense commander and his men

entered a maze of secret passages leading through the Armory.

On the way, they re-activate emergency Defcon Security Measures composed of automated gattling guns and laser launchers. Outside, the automated guns gave way, but

the Galaxy grunts encountered a laser firing gattling gun.

Parts of gears, guns, shattered skulls and blood flew in all directions. Most of them fell mutilated before one soldier countered with an energy bazooka.

Meanwhile in the Armory…

“Commander, there's a pipeline escape route leading to Camp Big Falcon." Another soldier informs the officer, "you must survive sir the world needs you!" Usually

calm, Commander Robinson suddenly bark orders. “You guys take that route; I'll try to give em hell first!"

A gut feeling starts to stir Commander Robinson, "…They're here!"

A powerful blast opened the armory wide enough for the Galaxy grunts to enter the haze-laden room…

However, no Commander Robinson to capture...

Weary and baffled, the Galaxy grunts turn…Only to receive a deadly rain of Shuriken Ninja stars that cuts through their throats and foreheads! It was too late for them to realize that

they are sitting ducks in this cramp and hazy room.

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The officer-in-charge of the unit suddenly realized that this Commander Robinson is a dangerous man to deal with, that he moves like the wind.

Then suddenly, he saw his own arms and guns flew with the spray of his own blood.

That he just ceased to exist.

For that brief moment, Commander Robinson switched from an Earth Defense Official, into

a Ninja Master and moves in terrifying swiftness like a Benihaha chef.

“Unit commander, unit commander are you there?" One of the dead grunt's radio automatically activated and Commander Robinson picks it up.

'This is Commander Robinson of the Earth International Defense Force, your invasion unit is doomed, surrender to Planet Earth!"

Inside the Galaxy Alliance flag ship Explorer… Koran lowers his communicator device and

sits back tightly. His hands rolled into fists and tear tracks from his eyes.

“Mi Lord…All of unit 99…was lost…"

Nanny gave a mournful cry and left the room. Cheddar and company were left, squeaking with tears in their eyes.

Koran looks at the stars and begins to speak on behalf of the dead Galaxy alliance


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”They were once farmers, tinsmiths, carpenters, gobblers who joined the Galaxy Alliance to serve and glorify Voltron, Planet Arus and the Noble House of Alfor… They are


Like raging, electrically charged bowling balls racing to hit a row of Lion pins, the Volt Machines arrowed through the waiting Voltron Lions with incredible speed.

There was no hint of dodging, evading or backing out; it was the Voltron Force's

judgement to scatter in different directions a split second before collision.

Hoping for these arrogant machines to smash at a ruined shopping mall just behind the Voltron Force a moment ago, Keith was surprised to see the Volt Machines skillfully

avoiding the shopping mall and resume their pursuit mode.

Only their monstrous sonic booms seared the poor derelict, blasting every glass panel left standing.

Flying in V – Formation, Steve delivers his stern warning:

“You, alien commander, this is a warning to leave the people of Earth in peace!

Take your ships, beast fighters and hardware before we apply defensive actions!"

The Voltron Force heard the warning before they re-group themselves.

Oddly, the warning voice sounds like it came from a teenager.

“And that supposed should make us shiver, right?” Keith replied with sarcasm. “Why don't you kids, surrender those "things" to the Galaxy Alliance!"

“Maybe they do not know who we are Keith, were' the Voltron Force!"

Pidge announced with pride... "Voltron - Defender of the Universe!"

The Volt Machines continue to circle the Voltron Lions.

“Defender..?" Little Jon sneered, “You looked just like another group of Beast fighters to


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The remark made Hunk recoil. “Beast Fighters…they’ve mistaken us for Ro-beasts!"

"Don't let those brutish defenders get the best of us; they should be educated along with

their people!"

Princess Allura haughtily said.

"That's giving to them, Princess!" Lance replied.

Meanwhile, in their Volt Machines'…

“Hear that Steve?" Little Jon said with a tone of insult, “They got a princess with them. And bye the way she talks, she sound really of royal blood!"

Jamie stayed quiet, like some silent samurai, studying the outer shell of her adversary.

“Yeah," Mark replied, "Like Prince Zardoz! So tell us your highness, Can't your empire grow so rich and fat, that you need to snatch our world so you can brag it to your group of

inter-galactic socialites?"

Princess Allura was taken a back by the remark.

It felt sarcastic at the same time, like hot knife on skin.

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“Keith, they're hurting me…"

The Voltron Black Lion gave a great roar of disapproval.

But its malevolent display does nothing to the guarding Volt Machines!

“I suggest you to go back where ever crack you came from." Steve replied in a heavier

tone, “Stop roaring and start leaving!"

The Black Lion replied by lunging at the ever vigilant Volt Crewzer.

Instinctively, Steve evades the attack by going on full throttle! The other Voltron Lions followed the Voltron Black Lion; each trying to catch a Volt

Machine. “O.K. Team, let's play cat and mouse with these wet nose punks!"

"Voltron Force: Let's go Voltron Force!"

Although scattered, the Volt Machines are still in reasonable command: "Team, try to confuse the enemy by using maximum orbital velocity!" Steve orders.

“O.K. Steve," Big Bert affirms,” flight directions at random!"

The Volt Machines proves to be too swift and agile for the Voltron Lions. Powerful laser beams and projectiles aimed at a Volt Machine ends up hitting Galaxy

Alliance fighters.

A Voltron Lion released heat seeking missiles, but was checked by the Volt Lander Five Chemical Thrower.

“We played with them long enough, Team." Steve said,"Let's get serious!" "Crewzer Missiles!"

"Sky Rockets!"

The Volt Crewzer One launched several lethal missiles at the group of Voltron Lions. The missiles hit a mark: The Voltron Black Lion was thrown from the shock waves.

It slammed at the rows of abandoned buildings.

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“Bomber Rings!" The Volt Bomber Two release depth charge- like devices that rocks

several Voltron Lions from the explosions. “Freezer/Heat Rays!" The Volt Frigate Four releases the combination freeze and heat beam

at the Voltron Blue Lion. Mercifully, Princess Allura was able to dodge the deadly beam, but its shock wave sends

the Voltron Lion hurtling towards a ruined airport terminal. “Panzer Missiles!" The powerful Volt Panzer Three missile is smaller than a Polaris ICBM,

but it hits Voltron Yellow Lion's position and sends a shock wave so tremendous, it pulverized an entire building.

Hunk was not intimidated by the show and let his Voltron Yellow Lion charge at the crab like Volt Panzer Three.

To his surprise, the Voltron Yellow Lion was caught by the Volt Panzer Three's claw arms.

Its massive shovels clutches the Voltron Lion and then throwing it like it was discarded toy, slamming at the approaching Voltron Green Lion.

“Lander drills!" Spinning, drill like missiles ejects from the Volt Lander.

These hit the pavement, and then auto drilled under the concrete, where Red and Black Lion recuperate.

'Where did it go?" Lance was looking around in the confusion, he was about to push for the scanners when suddenly, Like a giant locomotive, the Lander drills jets out of the

pavement and hit the two Voltron Lions at the belly, followed by a deafening explosion like the scream of a fallen angel.

Rattled but unhurt, Keith decides it's Voltron Time! "This has gone far enough! Team," Keith said punctually,

“Let’s form Voltron!" Battered but not beaten, the Lions re-assemble themselves in a ritual from days of long


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Mark looked at Steve in the monitor, “Steve, look!"

“They’re forming something!" Little Jon said.

Steve studied the new situation, “Just be ready team, don't under estimate the enemy!"

As the Voltron Lions prepare to assemble, the Volt Machines continue their vigilance and battle readiness; their weapons are all poised to strike!

Hearing Steve’s words, Keith snarled back at his com-link… “Why you little punks…so that’s the way you want it…

In his cockpit, Steve could see the Voltron Lions rounding up as Keith started the rituals

from long ago…

"Insert Keys! Mega thrusters are go!"

Then, in unison, the Voltron Force shouts: "Let's Form Voltron!"

(Voltron theme: Ta-tat-tadah, tat-tadah…Ta-tat-tadah, tat-tadah…)

Flashy Laser lights came shining as if from nowhere as the Voltron Lions readies in position.

"Form feet and legs..." (Yellow and Blue lions form feet and legs)

"Form arms and Torso..." (Red, green and black lions connected)

"And I'll form, the Head!"

In the night's sky a huge, magnificent looking armored knight flies with utter immortality, Voltron makes a ceremonial Lion roar from his hands and feet.

“Voltron: Defender of the Universe!"

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Flashy laser lights display slowly fades, leaving a powerful giant robot standing in utter defiance!

Little Jon was astounded by the knightly figure before him.

"Steve, you see that?

Those Beast Fighters formed…Yet another beast fighter!"

Mark smirked at the Defender of the Universe,

"Is that Voltron? Ho-ho he doesn't even have fingers to pick on his own booger!"

Big Bert looked to his monitor at Steve,

“What do we do now, Big Brother?"

Inside her Volt Lander, Jamie also looked at Steve,


Steve closed his eyes momentarily, then, "We'll do a systematic attack!"

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The Volt Machines flew in different directions yet they were linked in a planned attack.

Inside the mighty Voltron, Keith felt disgusted at the Volt Machines' impudence.

“Those kids don’t even shook up seeing Voltron?” Lance commented over his com-link.

"Do these guys ever give up; this is Voltron I'm talking about!"

Then, Keith decides to draw first blood.

"Spinning laser blades!"

Voltron released the Spinning laser blades and it almost hit the Volt Bomber Two.

"Electro Force Cross!"

A glowing cross comes out of Voltron's chest and successfully finds its mark; the powerful energy cross hits the Volt Panzer Three and suddenly, the controls of the Volt

Machine became stuck!

Big Bert felt distressed, the energy bolt that hit his ship seems too alien even to his experiences.

"Steve, some shutting device hits the Volt Panzer Three!"

Steve immediately responded.

"Wait, I'm on my way…"

To counter the enemy, Steve released...

"Claw Boomerang!"

Volt Crewzer s claw boomerang hits Voltron on his face.

It does not damage Voltron, but it sure confuses Keith for the moment.

This gave Steve enough time to respond to Big Bert’s call.

Jamie backed the Volt Crewzer One with her Volt Lander's...

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"Lander Star blades!"

Like Shuriken blades, the Volt Lander star blades hits Voltron on the shoulders with sparks of flying metal. Voltron countered with…

"Voltron Eye beam!"

The Volt Lander Five immediately cleared itself from the eye beams path.

The Beam hit a patch of the flagship Explorer, sending men and machines flying in


Back at Camp Big Falcon, Dr. Hook called Steve in the com-link.


Steve looked at his monitor attentively.

"Dr. Hook!"

"We analyzed that cross beam, some kind of EMP laser and it's paralyzing the Volt Panzer's engines…” Dr. Hook paused for a moment, analyzing the Volt Panzer Three’s situations. “Little Jon can fix that... Then when repaired, use the "Spin Fly" technique I

taught you!"

Steve nodded back.

"Yes, Dr. Hook!"

The Volt Bomber Three and the Volt Lander Five continues to pounce on Voltron while the Volt Crewzer One and now, with the Volt Frigate Four mends the troubled Volt Panzer


Steve switched his frequency at the Volt Frigate Four.

"How Much time do we have, Little Jon?"

Little Jon nods at Steve with reassurance.

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"It's almost done, Big Brother, the Volt Panzer's mobilizing unit is simply jarred, and in

second, the auto-re haul will compensate for the entire system!"

Steve looked around and sees what the Volt Bomber Two and Volt Lander Five's been doing.

Then, he turns back to Little Jon.

"Whatever that means, we have to be airborne soon enough to help Mark and Jamie."

Electronic cross hairs suddenly spark up the Volt Panzer Three's mechanical viscera; an

indication that the Volt Machine is ready and as good as new.

"Thanks, Little Jon!" Big Bert made a salute.

Little Jon replied "Any time!"

Steve felt relieve to know the Volt Panzer is as good as new when suddenly a small alarm from his monitor made him look at the in coming call...It was Mark.

“Steve’ you better be moving before Mr. Voltron gets a bit wiser!"

Little Jon boards his Volt Frigate Four and joins in the battle, while then Volt Crewzer One

and Volt Panzer Three launched themselves VTOL and joined in the fighting.

Dr. Hook once again, called Steve and the Voltes Team.

"O.K. Voltes Team, use the Spin Fly technique!"

Steve smiled in determination and affirmed.

"Roger, Dr. Hook…O.K. team let's get into position!"

Meanwhile, Voltron is about to use his Electro Sabers when he noticed the Volt Machines re-positions themselves.

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This some how puzzled Keith, but it is hard for him to admit that it attracted his concerns.

"Team, they're trying something!"

Lance replied nonchalantly in his radio.

"Maybe they're summoning their defender!"

Hunk smiled secretly, he would like to test this so-called "Earth Defender," if it is just one of those "Ro-beasts" that Voltron can polish off.

”And that's what I'm just waiting for!"

Meanwhile, Princess Allura felt something dreadful to follow in the enemy's positioning

"Keith, I suggest extreme caution!"

Like madden comets, the Volt Machines suddenly races in great speed. Steve increases the Volt Crewzer One's thrusts

"Ug…M-mach 17….mach 18…mach 19…"

Reaching Mach 20, the Volt Machines began to turn and spin as fast as tops. Forming a huge armored tornado that aims at Voltron's chest!

Inside Voltron, Keith was startled at what he sees

"What in blazes…"

In desperation, Voltron throws everything he got against the immense spinning drill before him.

"Lion Tourches!"

"Star Fire!"

"Wing Attack!"

"Ice Beams!"

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But all of these just bounce off on contact with the Volt Machine's spin fly. Like the divine

Kamikaze Wind, the Volt Machine V spin fly hits Voltron squarely at the chest!

It was a terrifying explosion that produced a powerful shock wave that topped everything in its path!

If Voltron, was not a Godaikin, If Voltron was just an ordinary super robot,It could have

meant the end.

But Voltron is a Godaikin and that mere fact had saved the Voltron Force from having tea with Saint Michael.

Yet, the spin fly is so effective, even with his Godaikin stature, Voltron crashed at the

nearby flagship Explorer, head on first!


Back at Camp Big Falcon, Dr. Hook had just made a sigh of relief. "Great Work Voltes Team…Now, get ready to VOLT –IN!"

Steve nods in affirmation, “Yes Dr. Hook…! O.K. team lets get ready to Volt –In!” Slowly,

the Volt Machines stop spinning yet they continue their horrific momentum and they resume their flying V-formation.

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The cries and moans of the injured and dying littered the interior of the great flagship. Like the Earth International Defense base, the Explorer is in shambles.

Voltron- Defender of the Universe painfully rises. His massive body now filled with dust and scratches, cautious not to inflict further

damage. Keith, the Voltron commander re-orients himself.

He could not comprehend how five, oddly shaped machines could fly like that…Or...could turn themselves into a monster tornado and charge like a giant drill that almost destroyed

him and the Voltron Force. Suddenly, Keith remembered his team mates,

"Princess…Princess…are you alright?"

Princess Allura scampers for her radio.

"K-Keith…the people in this ship…my people…"

Keith swallowed hard; he knows how she feels for them.

Hunk also feels for the Princess, "Don't worry, Princess…We'll…"

A great, blinding blast of lightning silenced the Voltron Force… Strangely, the lightning blast was followed by another blast

and another; and then finally a chorus of tremendous blasts.

The Voltron Force realized that they bear witness to the process of “Volting-In!”

In his cockpit, Steve activated the voice-transmitting device built-in his consoles. “Let’s Volt-Together…!”

The Voltes Team shouts in unison,

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Following this, heavy dark clouds released powerful, deadly lightning bolts that strike each Volt Machines as they start the process of “Volting- In…”

(The Voltes V song)

"Tatoe arashi ga hukou tomo Tatoe oonami areru tomo

(Volt Crewzer One bends, forms the head of Voltes V)

Kogidasou tatakai no umi he Tobikomou tatakai no uzu he

(Volt Bomber Two retracts, forms the shoulders and arms of Voltes V)

Mitsumeau hitomi to hitomi Nukumori wo shinjiau Go nin no nakama

(Volt Panzer Three pivots caterpillars’ threads, forms the torso of Voltes V)

BORUTESU FAIBU ni subete wo kakete Yaruzo chikara no tsukiru made

Chikyuu no yoake ha

(Volt Frigate Four fold wings, forms the waist and legs of Voltes V)

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mou chikai.

Tatoe ikazuchi hurou tomo Tatoe daichi ga yureru tomo

(Volt Lander Five divides its cockpit, flips its tops, forms the feet of Voltes V)

Tobidasou tatakai no sora he Mamorou yo tatakai no niwa wo

(Ominously, Voltes V raises itself while in flight)

Nigiri au tagai no te to te Magokoro wo shinjiau Go nin no nakama...

A fierce-looking, metallic dark blue super robot stands and screamed,

"Vooollll-teeesss- Faiiii-Bah!!!"

Then, it moved; executing an obligatory ceremonial punch that sends electrical sparks skittering on the surface of its armors.

Like a legendary colossal samurai warrior, shining in metallic blue, fiery red and gleaming

chrome, the Super Ultra Electro Magnetic Machine Voltes V stands face to face before Voltron, Defender of the Universe!

It was a sight to be hold: Two towering metal titans, stands facing each other studying his


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At one side, the mighty Voltron, Defender of the Universe, shines like a colossal knight.

At the other end, Voltes V; a pillar of strength and energy, champion of planet Earth stand like a valiant oriental warrior! The Voltron Force could hardly believe the majestic guardian

before them.

Hunk voiced out his comments, “Would you look at the size of that thing?"

Keith smirked as a reply, "Don’t worry team, the bigger they are, the harder they fall!"

Lance backed him up. “That’s right Keith, were the good guys!"

Pidge also replied, "Yeah and that bully better watch out coz he’s looking at Voltron: Defender of the Universe!"

Mean while, the Voltes Team steadies in battle readiness…

"We’re now on equal grounds Voltron…" Steve proudly announced.

"Like we said, take your stuff and leave!"

Little Jon studied Voltron's features, “They don’t seem to understand, Steve…"

"They’re bloodthirsty invaders...” Big Bert snarled, “Like the Boazanians!"

Mark replied on his com-link, "C’mon, let’s show these bozos the power of Voltes!"

Jamie too replies, "We’re with you, Steve!"

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Suddenly, Voltron launched himself into the air, and then released one of his powerful weapons…


A powerful X-beam shoots out from Voltron…

On time; Voltes V evades this by immediately leaping, then landing on a cleared area.

The X-beam hits a nearby hill, chopping it into 4 pieces, and then forms a tornado that

sweeps the hill away.

Little Jon was surprised, " Steve, did you see that?!" "Those aliens are gonna turn us into “Chop Suey!”

"And they’re gonna try it again!" Big Bert said in fury.

Steve reassures his team, "Not if I can help it!"

"Ultra Electro Magnetic Beam!!!"

Once again, Voltron released another X-Beam when a great orange beam comes out of Voltes V’s beam button and intercepts the X-beam.

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The result is a great shock wave that made the two steel warriors tumbling down the

ground with great force!


Pidge turned to see how that affected the princess, "P-Princess, Princess, are you alright?"

Princess Alura replied, "I-I think so…"

Just like Little Jon, Hunk was surprised, "T-they’ve blocked our Starfire beam!"

Lance voiced out his concerns, "We better even the score, Keith!"

Keith smiled "…And I know just the thing…"

"Blazing Blasters!!!"

Suddenly, five powerful guns appear around Voltron’s torso and shoots powerful projectiles at Voltes V!


But like an experience fighter, the giant Godaikin, Voltes V skill fully dodged every projectile by flying low and in zigzags...

Immediately, Voltes V countered with:

"Concealed Bazookas!!!'

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Voltes V's giant hands bend down and replacing it, are large cannon-like guns that stated to fire volleys of energy bullets that hit Voltron really hard on the mid section!

Voltron crashes into an abandoned building; sending a rain of loose concrete

conglomerates at the ruined streets down bellow.

“Keith, were hit!" Pidge announced to Keith in great disbelief,

Princess Allura felt the anger rising above her head, "Those savage brats will pay dearly for this!"

"You're right there Princess,” Keith reaffirms her, “Voltron can only put up so much!"

"Blazing Arrows!!!"

From Voltron Green Lion's mouth, forms a bow, and then fires powerful arrows at Voltes

V; the first arrow touched Voltes V's shoulders, sending sparks of metal flakes.

Mark analyzed the situations, “Steve, we've been hit!"

Jamie looks around and noticed more arrows coming at them, “And more of those arrows coming our way!"

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Steve took his cool,

Let's take those down, team…"

"Ground Fire!!!"

Voltes V's belt buckle opens up, then a tremendous force of fire-wave hit's the on coming Blazing Arrows, melting them before they hit their mark!

Steve smiled triumphantly at his teammates,

“Good work, team…Now's our turn…

"Ultra Electro Magnetic Tops!!!

Immediately, Voltes V's torso opens up and two, nasty looking steel tops, equipped with extremely sharp blades came rushing at Voltron.

Desperately, Voltron countered with…

"Voltron Eye Beam!!!" The eye beam hits one of the advancing tops, yet it triggered an explosion that sends hot

shrapnel at Voltron's face!

One of the untouched tops hits Voltron at the left cheek, sending sparks of molten metal. Then the top automatically explodes and Voltron fell dazed for the moment!

In the Explorer, Koran surveys the battle. He prayed hard for King Alfor's divine intervention…

"If only King Alfor could understand what kind of enemy the Voltron Force are facing right now…"

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Meanwhile, Little Jon saw Voltron floundering. “Steve, the beast fighter is disoriented!"

But Mark could see that Voltron is still on its feet.

“Wait! The enemy’s still not down and out! “

Sure enough, Voltron suddenly springs to life and aimed his Blue and Red lion's mouth at the surprised Voltes V…

A variety of missiles came out of the lions and knocks Voltes V's off the ground with incredible force!

Steve was shocked momentarily,

"What kind of missile is that?" "Knocking down a robot the size of Voltes?”

Mark saw Voltron's plans, "Steve, watch it, Voltron's back on its feet!"

The Voltron force found an opportunity… Suddenly, spikes form around Green and Red

Lion's mouth! “The big bully's down Keith!"

Pidge announced hoping for all the Voltron Force to hear. “…Now let's cut `em down to size!"

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Keith smirked at the thought; that young people could stand and fight against the Voltron Force,

"These brats should have known better to fight Voltron: Defender of the Universe!"

Voltron lunges at the still downed Voltes V. but only to receive a mighty…

“Voltes Kick!!!"

Voltron receives a deadly blow that sends it crashing at a row of abandoned factories. They maybe momentarily rattled, but the Voltron Force enables to collect their wits and

right themselves. Lance shook his head, trying to rationalize about this Voltes Team they’re fighting right

now. “Got to admit, they’re one heck of a fighter!"

" Yeah…" Hunk bluntly replies,

"…Thank heavens Lotor never thought of having them in his paycheck!"

Keith tried to brush the commentary from his head; he could not admit there's an even more powerful super robot than Voltron.

“Knock it off team, Voltron's still the king of robots!"

" Wing Attack!!!"

Voltron stands into position and takes his wings off from his back. Then, he flings this like a boomerang at Voltes V!

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Big Bert saw the projectile coming, “Steve, watch out!!!"

Steve turns around almost too late,

" Huh?!" Just a fraction of an inch, Voltes V evades Voltron's Wing Attack by lunging backwards

before it hits.

The Wing Attack however, returns back to Voltron Red Lion's mouth.

Voltron once again releases his Wing Attack at Voltes V but Voltes V countered with…

“Ultra Electro Magnetic Whip!!!"

From Voltes V's torso, a high tension belt slips off and became two dangerous whips that wrapped themselves around Voltron's Wing Attack.

Voltes V's then send this back to Voltron, Defender of the Universe!


Voltron crashed down the ground in a soul searing impact…

Keith and the Voltron Force are shortly dazed!

Hunk tries desperately to look around for his little friend,

" Pidge…Are you O.K. lil buddy?"

" O.k… " Pidge replied, "…but what about the princess?"

Inside her cockpit, Princess Allura tries to right herself.

“Uh…Voltron team…let's not give up…The people of Arus needs our victory!"

"She's right, team…" Keith replied ever defiant, "Let's show these wet nosed upstarts what we're made off!"

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Surprisingly, Voltron stands facing Voltes V. Voltron looks like a noble knight of chivalric days of yore…

“Steve," Little Jon informs his team with alarm, “The beast fighter is still standing!"

Big Bert looks at the fighter from Arus in suspicion,”

Hrrrmmm….I don't like what's he up to!"

Steve stayed quiet…studying this giant foe before him…surely the giant warrior is no ordinary beast fighter!


"Royal Shield Blast!!!"

A powerful beam comes out of the royal symbol on Voltron's chest.

This beam hits Voltes V squarely at the chest…

And just like their massive cybernaut, the Voltes Team is rattled, frozen by the sudden shock!

“We got ‘em, Keith!" Pidge screamed in success!

“Hah-ha! Now they're toast!"

Princess Allura felt the awesome power of her father's guidance,

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“Such is the power blessed by my father…King Alfor!"

The Royal Shield Blast is quite effective, Voltes V's interior controls momentarily blacked out.

The giant robot collapsed on a forsaken office building, sending plaster, shattered glass and other debris on the ruined pavement.

Dr. Hook immediately contacted Steve on the radio, “Steve, Voltes team…Come in…Do you read me?

Steve felt nausea, but he manage to reply, " Ungh…D-Dr.Hook?"

"Voltes Team listen…" Dr. Hook continues, “The enemy is using some kind of block beam and it's coming out of some royal symbol

on the chest. Quickly, switch to auxiliary power and aim at the chest, using the Finger Missiles!"

Steve seemed to felt refreshed, "Got it, Dr. Hook…O.K team, switch to auxiliary power!"

The Voltes team replied immediately,

" Yes, Steve!!!"

A small flicker of auxiliary energy is enough for Voltes V to move and no sooner, The Godaikin rise to lts feet and before Voltron could use another Royal Shield blast, a

barrage of missiles rained at him, hitting the Royal Crest on the chest!

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The great blast sends Voltron tumbling down, smashing a nearby port, and then its grand form sinks to the sea!

Inside the Stellar ship Explorer; Koran looks at the battle on his monitor.

He shook his head in dismay.everything does not seem well for the Voltron Force.

"Keith…Keith…are you alright?…Please speak to me…"

But there is no answer…

Frustrated, Koran entered a room prepared for him by Commander Hawkins where a life-

sized painting of King Alfor looks down. Koran bowed in silence before it.

His eyes shut tightly. "Oh great King Alfor…our guide…

Please help us in these dire times, let Voltron and the Voltron Force survive this trial…"

Meanwhile, Voltes V's power returns! The great Godaikin launched itself into the air and begins to patrol the surrounding bay…

"We got em , Steve!"

Little Jon said in great pride, "We defeated that beast fighter!"

Mark smiled on the screen,

"Now all we have to do is pound that alien mother ship to space dust!" He points at the Stellar ship Explorer.

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Jamie seemed more alert; she looked at the monitor in her console…

Suddenly, she saw something moving in incredible speed. "Wait…I'm picking up something in my radar…It's…"

Without warning, Voltron shoots up from the sea and into the skies like a great king!

The Godaikin's eyes glowed in renewed vigor.

Once again, the two behemoths hover face to face…

Keith is snarling at the monitor that displays Voltes V's image.

"O.K. big guy, let's see how really tough you are…"

"Form Blazing Sword!!!"

Then, from Voltron Red Lion's mouth comes forth…. the great sword that slew a thousand

ro-beasts! The powerful Blazing Sword, the symbol of Voltron's Power!!!

"From days of long ago…from uncharted regions of the universe, comes a legend… The legend of VOLTRON, a mighty robot, loved by good, feared by evil…

As VOLTRON's legend grew, peace settled across the galaxy….

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Then, the Galaxy Alliance was formed, and together with the other good planets of the solar system, they maintained peace throughout the universe!

Until, a new, horrible menace threatens the galaxy…

VOLTRON was needed once more!

This is the story, of the super force of space explorers,

entrusted by the alliance, to bring back….

VOLTRON: Defender of the Universe! `

Keith announced the strike they're going to make at the Voltron Force.

"O.K. Voltron Force, its slicing and dicing time!"

"Hah!" Pidge replies, "Those brats are gonna get it for messing around with Voltron: Defender of the Universe!"

Inside Voltes V, the Voltes team ready themselves for any Voltron attack.

"Look at that, Steve…" Mark said,

"The aliens got themselves a huge, nasty sword!"

Little Jon comes in second, "And it seems too big to handle!"

Jamie stayed quiet; her Ninjitsu knowledge studies Voltron's every stance.

Then, Big Bert remembered some technique of sword fighting they used in the past,

"Steve, remember the "Butterfly Return?"

Steve got the idea… "Alright…Alright…"

Voltron started to charge at Voltes V, Blazing Sword in his hand.

Surprisingly, Voltes V does not move to dodge or try to evade the huge sword; on the

contrary, the Godaikin even intercepted it like a graceful dancer.

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The technique was called "The Butterfly Return". It is a maneuver done by the ancient samurais to counter a sword strike.

Such maneuver is done by looking at an opponent's sword, not as is but as an elusive butterfly.

Obviously, the Voltron Force, who were all space explorers, does not know anything about

ancient Japanese swordsmanship.

On the other hand, the Voltes team was trained in strict ancient art of oriental fighting so it is easy for them to control Voltes V in such respect.

Voltes V's giant hands clasp around Voltron's Blazing Sword and with one violent twist, Voltron was knocked down off balanced with a hurricane force!!!


Voltron's massive face slammed hard at a ship's docking area.

His great form all covered with mud and oil.

Inside Voltron Black Lion's cockpit, sparks from electrical components flies around, stinging Keith's face…

Keith tried to make contact with the Voltron Force, "Princess, Hunk, Lance, Pidge…come in!"

Princess Allura felt throwing up,

"We…were alright…I"

Pidge felt even more terrified, no body had done this before; clobbering Voltron that hard and let mud stick on its face.

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"This is impossible…They can't do this to us… We're Voltron…"

Lance threw his hands up the air. "We had it guys…This Voltes V really kicked our behinds!

"But Hunk is still defiant," But we're not gonna surrender…We'll fight to the last!"

Keith: growled under his breath,

"Those kids gonna pay for all of this, team…They don't know who they fooling around with…They'll be sorry they defy Voltron: Defender of the Universe!"

Voltron started to stand but Voltes V is already up in the air!

"O.K. Voltes Team…" Steve gave the signal, "Now it's time…."


Suddenly, the skies turned angry red.

A powerful electromagnetic storm is about to rage as Voltes V detach the red, V-shaped breast plate from its chest!

An immense, gleaming chrome-sword suddenly detracts from the V-shape breast plate that now acts as the giant sword's guard.

It is called the Ten-ku-ken (the Sword of Heaven): The sword that protected Mother Earth

and her people from the evil Boazanian invaders. The symbol of Voltes V's justice!

"Someday, the sons of light shall fill all the Earth.

The morning of justice shall have come to its berth.

So we shall wave our banners high and free through the air, For the love and glory we can all shall share!

Soldiers all be unite, fight, fight for peace,

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Hand in hand like eagles to the breeze, over land and over seas!

VOLTES V we come to you, flashing through with wings of steel,

Fates of foes are what we seal from your sword forged by light!

From over land, and over seas, onwards Victory!!!

Suddenly a brutal lightning strikes the Sword of Heaven, and energize it further.

Voltes V, the pillar of strength and energy took an attack stance at the bewildered Voltron…

"Ultra Electro Magnetic Ball!!!"

Voltes V's sword released a glowing ball of pure energy that hits Voltron savagely like a

galactic "tsunami"!!!


Everything inside Voltron turned useless, paralyzed by the powerful energy ball that imprisoned it.

The Voltron Force realized it but could not admit that they are out skilled and out maneuvered by the Voltes Team and Voltes V!

Powerful bolts of loose electrical energy seared the body of the Voltron Force; they could

do nothing but scream in utter pain!

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Voltes V finally launched it self and brought the Sword of Heaven across Voltron's armored body like hot knife on butter!

" Tenkuken- V Strike!!!"

Voltron's end has come but before Voltes V could complete the V-Strike,

Princess Allura's cry came ever defiant:

"Long live Planet Arus!!!

Long live the noble house of Alfor!!!

Let it be known that Voltron, The defender of the Universe,

Was murdered by savage beasts, Who dwell within this lonely and pathetic planet!

Let my words endear to my people forever!!!"

Her words and tears made Steve realize that…

"Tears…such noble words…."

Voltes V withdraw the Sword of Heaven from Voltron's body…

Little Jon was puzzled at Steve's actions. "Steve, what happened?"

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Mark too, was surprised, "You letting them go?…What the heck Steve?"

Steve closed his eyes and when he opened them he speaks: "Team, we are Earth defenders…

We are Voltes Team and the defense of our home word is a noble and desirable act… We are honorable warriors, we are not animals!"

Jamie nods at Steve's words,

It is true, they are honorable warriors…

Voltes V lets Voltron slip off from the Ultra Electro Magnetic Ball with an ear shattering clang!

Koran bare witness to the nobleness of Voltes V and the Voltes team, yet he gave priority

to Voltron's escape.

Koran turns his attention at the technicians, "Activate the Vector on remote…"

Voltron's broken body, with the spared Voltron Force slowly teleports themselves away

from Voltes V.

Then, as if on cue, the entire Galaxy Alliance fleet, the Stellar Ship Explorer, along with the fleet from Arus disappeared as they enter a time and space warp…

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"What do you think Steve," Mark asked Steve,

"Will they come back?"

Little Jon replied, "Of course they'll be coming back!"

Big Bert snarled "Yes, just like the Boazanians!"

Jamie looks at the horizon and considered Princess Allura's words. "Those aliens, they seem to fight honorably, don't you think?"

Steve could feel what she seems to feel,

"I don't know…" He then looks at his team, "But rest assured Voltes V will always be ready as our planet's last recourse…"