Download - Upcoming Events Be Strong and Courageous 26 201… · Be Strong and Courageous The last Inspire devotion I wrote was about football, so I apologise in advance to all the non-football


VOL 20, ISSUE 30 | 26 SEPTEMBER 2018

Be Strong and CourageousThe last Inspire devotion I wrote was about football, so I apologise in advance to all the non-football fans reading this. My SANFL team didn’t play in the Grand Final, unfortunately Sturt were knocked out in the first elimination final a couple weeks ago. I did, however, sit down to watch the game between North and Norwood on Sunday afternoon. Throughout the week you would’ve no doubt heard about the controversy of North’s previous win against the Eagles, where 19 men (instead of 18, for all the non-football followers) were on the field for a few minutes. The Grand Final was a cracker! Over 40,000 fans packed Adelaide Oval to see North win their first flag in 27 years. At the conclusion of the game I scrolled through social media to see numerous comments like ‘disgraceful bunch of cheats’ and ‘SANFL a joke for not overruling the decision’.

This got me wondering about whether or not North’s players ‘toned down’ their celebrations because of the controversy from the past week. Something many Christians will face throughout their life is standing up for their faith, celebrating it and not ‘toning it down’. A verse that helps me in these times is Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go Joshua 1:9.

Submitted by| Carly Bergen

Upcoming EventsWEEK 10

WED 26 SEPTEMBER• Concert - Matinee Performance 12.30

THURS 27 SEPTEMBER• Closing Chapel 9am• Concert - Evening Performance 7pm

FRI 28 SEPTEMBER• Term 3 Concludes (Optional Day)

TERM 4, WEEK 1MON 15 OCTOBER• Term 4 Commences

WED 17 OCTOBER• School Council Meeting

WEEK 2MON 22 OCTOBER• Year 6 Camp

TUES 23 OCTOBER• Year 6 Camp

WED 24 OCTOBER• Year 6 Camp• Book Fair


FRI 26 OCTOBER• Book Fair

INSPIRE photos featured this week:• Flashback to last years 2017 Junior Concert

From the PrincipalCONCERTThis afternoon and tomorrow evening’s concert performances will be the culmination of a huge term of rehearsals and preparation for our Years 1 to 4 students. I am incredibly grateful for the work of all teachers, support staff and parents in assisting in this event. In particular, my thanks go to Mrs Elise von Stanke and Ms Sarah Williams for their planning and writing of “Write Your Own Story”.

STAFFING NEWSWe thank Mrs Louise Porter and Miss Caroline Beven for their support of Mrs Folland and Miss Byrne’s Reception classes this term to cover some long service leave for Mrs Sue Helps and Miss Dianne Brown. Mrs Renate Burls will be taking some long service leave for the first half of Term 4, and Louise Porter has once again kindly agreed to work with library, readers and classroom support next term.

SCHOOL HOLIDAYSI pray you all have a safe and relaxing break from school routines in the coming two weeks. We will see you all back on Monday, October 15.

Leila Mattner |Principal

From the Deputy PrincipalROAD SAFETYI have a bit of a reputation around the place for the being the car park police. All things considered we are very lucky that drop off and pick up times are done and dusted in 15 minutes and that the vast majority of people do the right thing to keep everyone safe. The crossing has helped in this regard on Audrey Ave and the number of people turning right into the carpark is getting lower. But over the last week or so there have been parents making decisions to ignore the guidelines of the school or worse, the rules of the road, looking for an ‘advantage’.

If we truly are a community, and this is one of the reasons parents choose St Paul, then we should not be seeing:

• Cars parked in the disabled parking space without a sticker;

• Cars parked on Audrey Ave in no standing zones;

• Parents using the staff carpark, sometimes blocking cars in;

• Parents parking at the church doors or using the church driveway as a kiss and drop;

• Students being left in the carpark unsupervised for an extended period of time before the office opens.

Yes, there are times when families are in a hurry and look for ways to avoid being held up. But, making decisions that openly disregard members of the community who go out of their way to keep everybody safe, dangerous.

Please, help us to keep all members of our school and local community safe and consider how your decisions can affect others.

Jason Fay|Deputy Principal

From the Wellbeing LeaderOPTIONAL ATTENDANCE DAY FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBERThis Friday will be an optional attendance day for all students from Reception to Year 6. Students who do come to school will be supervised in mixed-class groups and will support the concert clean-up. Thank you in advance!

COINS FOR CAREIt has been great to see the ‘Coins for Care’ buckets filling up with change. All proceeds will be given to Lutheran Community Care; an organisation which cares directly for our local community. The official count will take place on Thursday the 18th of October.

PICNIC ON THE PARKFriday 23 November (Family Event) We are still yet to get enough volunteers for our community event next term. Any help would be greatly appreciated! If this is something that interests you, please email Carly Bergen [email protected]

Carly Bergen|Wellbeing Leader

General NewsSENIOR ACTIVITIES IN THE LIBRARYOur Wednesday lunch time activities this term have been open to Year 4 – 6; giving the senior end of our school a chance to interact and participate in activities requiring a higher skill level. The activities have included a Pokémon gaming and knitting group. I would like to say a huge thank you to our parent helper Karen Schache for her time and teaching skills. Students have been working on individual projects as well as cushion covers that we will be able to enjoy in the Library.

BOOK FAIRIn Week 2 next Term the Library will be hosting a Book Fair. Students and parents will have an opportunity to browse through the sorts of books normally available through Scholastic Book Club and purchase on the spot. Purchases can be made with cash, credit card and debit card. Students will be able to make a wish list of books to purchase during their Library time. The Book Fair will be open to parents before and after school to make purchases. More details will follow early next term.

CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS REQUIREDWe are in urgent need of construction materials in the library. Our lunch time construction activity on Thursday is always popular and we are running low on supplies. Please bring any boxes, cardboard, clean plastics, orange bags etc. to the library to be recycled into fantastic creations.

Wendy McLeod|Library Resource Manager

FRONT OFFICE OPENING HOURS DURING HOLIDAYSNext week the front office will be open Tuesday to Friday, 9:00am - 3pm. The Uniform Shop will be open Thursday only, 10:00am - 2:30pm.

Robyn Mader|Business Manager

SUMMER UNIFORMThe commencement of Term Four hopefully welcomes us with some beautiful sunny weather. Please remember that students need to wear SUMMER UNIFORM every day.In addition, all children and staff are required to wear hats when involved in outdoor activities. No hat…..No play. All uniform items are available at the uniform shop. Please pop by even if it’s just to say “Hi”

Jane Sabel|Uniform Shop Manager

ENDEAVOUR COLLEGE OPEN DAYEndeavour is holding their final Open Day for the year. For more information please contact Julie Freund, Community Coordinator at Endeavour College [email protected]


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Mention St Paul Lutheran when you book and get the 1st lesson FREE.

CRICKET SEASON CONTINUESA reminder that the 2018 season continues in Term 4 for our two Kanga (Yr 2/3) teams and the Senior (Yr 5/6) team. Information has been sent home with your child. If you have not received this, please let me know.

Kym Mickan|Coordinator

St Paul Lutheran School 44 Audrey Avenue Blair Athol SA 5084 Phone +61 8 8260 2655Fax +61 8 8262 4216 [email protected]




God’s Word2 Timothy 3:16-17

AcceptanceRomans 15:7

Excellence1 Corinthians 10:31

RespectLuke 6:31

Compassion1 John 3:18

HopeTitus 3:7

Community2 Corinthians 13:13

Love1 Corinthians 13:4-8a

Church NewsOPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES – ENDS THIS WEEK!Time is running out to prepare a Shoebox for Operation Christmas Child. Please return shoeboxes to the school front office by TODAY 26 SEPTEMBER. Information on what to pack into the shoebox is inside. $10 is required to cover the cost of shipping, which we ask to be placed in the shoebox on top of the items.

Many thanks for your support of this wonderful program and in doing so, blessing the lives of children living in poverty. For more information you can check out the website:

PLAYGROUPPlaygroup @ St Paul runs during the school term. We resume again in Term 4 on Tuesday 16 October. Our Term 4 theme is ‘Things that go Up!’. Join us for fun with balloons, rockets, planes and giants each Tuesday during school term in the Church Hall from 9:00-10.30am. Cost is $2.00 per family. Please bring a small nut free snack for your child. Tea and coffee is provided.

SUNDAY SERVICES @ ST PAULAll are invited to come and join us in worship each Sunday here at St Paul Lutheran Church. We have a traditional service at 8:30am and contemporary 10:00am service with children’s ministry during school terms.

COLIN BUCHANAN - LIVE IN CONCERT Looking for something fun to do over the school break? This school holidays Colin Buchanan is performing live in concert at Adelaide West Uniting Church, Brooklyn Park on Friday 12 October at 9:30am and 12:30pm. Tickets are $12.95 per person over 2 years of age. Tickets are available online from Koorong - or call 02 9857 4477.