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Page 1: Unnoticed leak answers and raises questions about operation Eikonal.pdf

November 22, 2015

Unnoticed leak answers and raises

questions about operation Eikonal (Last edited: November 23, 2015)

Almost unnoticed, the Austrian member of parliament Peter Pilz

recently disclosednew information about operation Eikonal, under

which NSA and BND cooperated in tapping some fiber-optic cables

at a switching center of Deutsche Telekom in Frankfurt, Germany.

As part of the NSA umbrella program RAMPART-A, Eikonal was set

up to gather intelligence about targets from Russia, the Middle

East and North-Africa. Because the cables that were tapped came

also from countries like Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium and

the Netherlands, there were fears that their communications were

intercepted too.

Here, the newly disclosed information will be discussed and

combined with things we learned from the hearings of the

German parliamentary commission that investigates NSA spying,

including operation Eikonal.

> See also: New details about the joint NSA-BND operation Eikonal

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Overview of the joint NSA-BND operation Eikonal (2004-2008)

(Click to enlarge)


The new information comes from transcripts of some fax and e-mail messages from employees of BND,

Deutsche Telekom and the federal Chancellery, which Peter Pilz published on his website on October 23,


He never told how he got these highly sensitive documents, but as they were made available to the

parliamentary inquiry commission, it seems most likely someone from or very close to this commission

must have leaked them to Pilz. This leak was never investigated.

Media attention

Also remarkable is that the information and documents disclosed by Peter Pilz were almost completely

ignored by mainstream German media like ARD and ZDF and the major newspapers. The latest disclosure

was for example only reported by the Austrian paper Der Standard and the German tech website

By contrast, in neighbouring countries like Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands, the Pilz revelations were

big news and led to official investigations. Through May and June of this year, he had published lists of

communication links related to Switzerland, France, Luxembourg and Poland too, claiming they showed to

what extent BND and NSA spied upon these countries.

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First part of the list with communication links related to France

(Source: Peter Pilz - Click to enlarge)

Whose's links?

Initially, Peter Pilz claimed these links were from a priority list of the NSA, but neither he, nor the

commission hearings could clearly confirm this. The Dutch website De Correspondent reported that there

was even a much larger list of some 1000 transit links, of which ca. 250 were marked in yellow.

Now, Pilz confirms that there's indeed such a large list: it was prepared by Deutsche Telekom and contains

all its 1028 transit links. Employees of BND had marked 256 of them in yellow, apparently the ones they

were most interested in, and hence the list became known as the BND priority list. He doesn't mention an

involvement of NSA at this stage anymore.

Now that we know the large list of over 1000 links isn't an even larger "wish list", but a list of all available

transit links, it could well be that BND tried to select around 20% of them, as a rather strange provision in

German law says that bulk collection is only allowed up to a maximum of 20% of a cable's capacity.

As Telekom Austria rented the channels to Vienna, we can assume that other national telecommunication

providers also rented their links to Frankfurt, with Deutsche Telekom being the owner of the cables as part

of their international backbone network.

Determining the access points

After BND selected the 256 channels, Deutsche Telekom had to look which of them ran through Frankfurt

and could be intercepted there. For this purpose Harald Helfrich of the lawful interception unit of Deutsche

Telekom AG (DTAG) sent his collegue mr. Tieger the following e-mail on September 16, 2003:

Hallo LK,

wie heute morgen besprochen übersende ich Ihnen die Liste der Transit-Leitungen der DTAG. Wir bitten

Sie die gelb unterlegten Verbindungen bzgl. ihrer Führung (z.B. Ffm 21 oder Norden-Nordeich) und ob in

der 2-Mb-Ebene greifbar, zu analysieren.

Anlage: Trans mit ausgesuchten Strecken

In this mail it is asked to analyse whether the transit channels marked in yellow can be intercepted at the

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2 Mbit-level, either at Deutsche Telekom's Frankfurt am Main Point-of-Presence 21 (Ffm 21) or at Norden-


The latter is a town at the northern coast of Germany, where the SeaMeWe-3 andTAT-14 submarine

cables land. For the parliamentary commission this was a reason to ask whether also cables where

intercepted over there, but that was strongly denied by the witnesses involved.

Selecting individual channels?

Interestingly, the phrase "ob in der 2-Mb-Ebene greifbar" suggests that it could be possible to just

intercept specific 2 Mbit/s channels while leaving the other ones untouched (one physical STM1-cable has

a data rate of 155 Mbit/s and contains 63 virtual channels).

Whether this is possible is important for how focused such cable tapping can be. Isolating individual

channels depends in the first place on where exactly the tapping takes place:

A. When the physical fiber is intercepted before it reaches the switch, it has to be bend in order to catch

the light that leaks. Because this leaking signal is much weaker, it has to be amplified before it can be

processed. In this way it's not possible to select individual channels: the eavesdropper gets everything

that runs over the fiber, and has to demultiplex the channels himself to select the ones that contain traffic

of interest.

Splitting a traffic from a fiber-optic cable by bowing it

(diagram: OSA Publishing, slightly simplified)

B. When the interception takes place at an optical switch itself, then it's possible to only grab the virtual

channels you are interested in. A physical cable contains channels which have to be demultiplexed at the

switch in order to be forwarded (switched) to the fiber that leads to the intended destination. When the

switch converts the optical signals into electronic signals it is even more easy to duplicate only individual

channels of interest.

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Diagram showing (de)multiplexing at a fiber-optic switch

(diagram modified from Wikimedia Commons/Jflabourdette)

Different methods

During the commission hearing of March 26, 2015, Klaus Landefeld, board member of the DE-CIX internet

exchange, indicated that at least since 2009, interception takes place at the switch. Also, the so-called

G10-orders authorise interception based uponAutonomous System Numbers (ASN) which are used for

logical paths, rather than by naming physical cables to or from a certain city.

However, it seems that under operation Eikonal, the fiber-optic cables were tapped by splitting the cable

signal before it reached the switch. This was more or less clearly indicated by several witnesses heard by

the parliamentary commission, and there are several other indications too.

In 2004, it was apparently not yet possible to establish a tap at the switch itself to get access to individual

channels (although Deutsche Telekom could have demultiplexed the fiber and only forward the channels of

interest to BND, but this wasn't the case).

Government authorisation

After BND had made clear what they wanted, the Deutsche Telekom management wasn't sure whether

such cable access was legal. Therefore they wanted to be backed by the federal Chancellery. On

December 30, 2003, the coordinator for the intelligence services at the Chancellery, Ernst Uhrlau, sent the

following fax message to Kai-Uwe Ricke, then CEO of Deutsche Telekom, and Josef Brauner, head of the

landline division T-Com:

Sehr geehrter Herr Ricke, sehr geehrter Herr Brauner,

das Bundeskanzleramt ist sehr interessiert, dass der Bundesnachrichtendienst im Rahmen seines

gesetzlichen Auftrages kabelgestützte Transitverkehre aufklärt. Der vom Bundesnachrichtendienst in

Ihrem Unternehmen geplante Aufklärungsansatz steht aus hiesiger Sicht in Einklang mit geltendem Recht.

Ich darf auf diesem Weg die Anregung des Bundesnachrichtendienstes weitergeben, in der Deutschen

Telekom AG, T-Com, den Bereich RA 43 (Staatliche Sonderauflagen), zu dem bereits im Rahmen der

Strategischen Fernmeldekontrolle Kontakte bestehen, mit der Durchführung der auf Seiten der Deutschen

Telekom AG erforderlichen Maßnahmen zu beauftragen.

It says that in the opinion of the Chancellery, the proposed BND operation is according to German law.

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The Chancellery encourages Deutsche Telekom to instruct its lawful intercept unit RA 43 (which is one of

four Regionalstellen für staatliche Sonderauflagenor ReSA) to start taking the necessary measures for the


Transit Agreement

On behalf of the board of Deutsche Telekom, Josef Brauner answers the fax from the Chancellery on

January 13, 2004. He says the T-Com division is aware of the importance of a well-functioning intelligence

service, and will therefore support the interception of cable-bound transit traffic:

Sehr geehrter Herr Ministerialdirektor,

gerne bestätigen wir Ihnen den Erhalt Ihres Schreibens vom 30. Dezember des letzten Jahres.

Die T-Com ist sich der Bedeutung eines gut funktionierenden Nachrichtendienstes für das Gemeinwesen

der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der terroristischen Angriffe des 11.

September 2001 - bewusst und wird daher die geplanten Aktivitäten des Bundesnachrichtendienstes, die

kabelgestützten Transitverkehre im Rahmen seines gesetzlichen Auftrages aufzuklären, unterstützen.

Entsprechend der Anregung des Bundesnachrichtendienstes wird diesseits unser Bereich RA43 (staatliche

Sonderauflagen) beauftragt, die hierfür von unserer Seite erforderlichen Maßnahmen vorzunehmen

Then on March 1, 2004, the BND and Deutsche Telekom signed the so-called Transit Agreement (pdf), in

which the latter agreed to provide access to its transit cables, and in return will be paid 6.500,- euro a

month for the expenses. This agreement was also leaked to Peter Pilz, who published it on May 18, 2015

in the Austrian tabloid paper Kronen Zeitung.

Preparing for collection

After the agreement had been signed, BND sent an e-mail on March 9, 2004 to Wolfgang Alster, head of

Deutsche Telekom's lawful interception unit RA 43 asking for the connection (schaltung) of the first

communication links. He adds that he had ordered the payment of the first two monthly payments:



Hallo Herr Alster,

Der Geschäftsbesorgungsvertrag "Transit" ist ja jetzt von beiden Seiten unterzeichnet und gestern habe

ich die beiden ersten Monatszahlungen veranlasst.

Daher erdreiste ich mich, Sie um die erste Schaltung von Leitungen zu bitten.

Realising the access was apparently not that easy, because it took until December 2004 before the first

cable was connected. Then it appeared that it's signal was too weak, so in January 2005 an amplifier was

installed - as the parliamentary commission was told by S.L., who was the BND project manager for

Eikonal (note that the use of an amplifier indicates tapping the entire fiber-optic cable).

At this first stage of operation Eikonal, only circuit-switched (Leitungsvermittelte) telephone

communications were intercepted. Collection of packet-switched(Paketvermittelte) internet

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communications started in 2006 (see below).


On February 3, 2005, mr. Knau mailed his colleague Harald Helfrich at the RA 43 unit that an STM1-link

between switching center Frankfurt 21 and Luxembourg had been connected. Channels 2, 6, 14, and 50

contained the virtual channels that had Luxembourg as their endpoint:

Hallo Herr Helfrich,

Habe heute früh die o.g. Verbindung auf die Punkte 71/00/002/03 19 + 39 zugeschaltet. In der Anlage ist

die Belegung lt. RUBIN ersichtlich.

Auf den Kanälen 2, 6, 14, 50 befinden sich die in der Liste markierten DSVn mit der Endstelle


Bitte um Rückmeldung ob das ganze funktioniert.

Anlage: Belegung 7571 Luxbg

We also see the term RUBIN (German for ruby), and during the commission hearings it seemed that this

was an alternate codename for operation Eikonal. But when heard on January 15, 2015, Harald

Helfrich explained that RUBIN is actually a system that Deutsche Telekom uses to manage its

communication links and cables - which perfectly fits how the term is used in this e-mail.

Channels of interest

The next e-mail is also from February 3, 2005, but was already published by Peter Pilz on May 15, 2015

and is the only one that is available in what seems to be its original form. It's from Harald Helfrich, who

informs a mr. Siegert at the BND that mr. Knau had connected an STM1-link earlier that morning (see

previous e-mail). He says it contains the channels that were on the BND priority list:

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This e-mail says that BND was interested in the following 2 Mbit/s channels from the Transit STM1-cable

"Ffm 21 - Luxembourg 757/1":

Channel 2: Luxembourg/VG - Wien/000 750/3

Channel 6: Luxembourg/CLUX - Moscow/CROS 750/1

Channel 14: Ankara/CTÜR - Luxembourg/CLUX 750/1

Channel 50: Luxembourg/VG - Prague/000 750/1

According to Peter Pilz, additional cables were connected on February 14 and 25, as well as on March 3,

2005. Unfortunately, he either doesn't possess or didn't disclose the related e-mails, so we still don't know

how many and which channels have actually been intercepted.

The interception of telephony communications therefore started in the Spring of 2005, which means that

collection under Eikonal only lasted for 3 years, and not 4 years, when one would count from signing the

agreement in 2004 until the end of the operation in 2008.

Ending telephone interception

Peter Pilz published the transcripts of two more e-mails, which are about ending the telephone

interception. On May 27, 2008, mr. Thorwald from Deutsche Telekom sent the following message to his

colleague Harald Helfrich, informing him that fully circuit-switched transit traffic isn't supported anymore.

Therefore, the extraction of transit traffic at the company's premises can be terminated:

Sehr geehrter Herr Helfrich,

Wie wir bereits telefonisch besprochen, teile ich Ihnen mit, dass die Verarbeitung von reinen

leitungsvermittelten "Transit-Verkehren" von uns nicht mehr durchgeführt wird.

Aus diesem Grund kann die Ableitung der Transit-Verkehre in unseren Betriebsräumen eingestellt werden.

Im leitungsvermittelten Bereich (Ableitung auf höherer Ebene) besteht aktuell der Bedarf zur Ableitung

von folgenden Verkehren:

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+ 2 x STM-64

+ 4 x STM-16

After that, Thorwald writes that there's currently a need to extract the traffic of two STM-64 and four STM-

16 cables, which have a data rate of ca. 10 Gbit/s and 2,5 Gbit/s respectively. This is also said to be

circuit-switched, but "extraction at a higher level".


If we assume that Peter Pilz provided the correct date for this e-mail, it's strange that there was

apparently a need for new cable accesses, hardly a month before operation Eikonal was officially

terminated (June 2008).

Even more strange is that the e-mail says the new accesses are also circuit-switched (leitungsvermittelt),

while during the hearings it was testified that the collection of such telephone communications ended in

January 2007, after Deutsche Telekom fased-out its business model for dedicated transit cables. This e-

mail brings that message almost 1,5 years later!

Internet access

From the commission hearings we also learned that BND wanted access to internet traffic too, which is

packet-switched (Paketvermittelt). For this, the first cable became available by the end of 2005, but it

took some months before the backlink was also connected. In the spring of 2006 a second cable was

added, and the front-end system and the filters were tested until mid-2007.

Could it be that mr. Thorwald just made a mistake, and wrote "leitungsvermittelten" where he meant

"paketvermittelten"? But even then, why add new internet cables, just before the operation was ended?

Another question

A similar anomaly can be found in an e-mail, that according to Peter Pilz, was sent one day later, on May

28, 2008. In it, mr. Knau informed Harald Helfrich and his superior Wolfgang Alster that the access to four

STM1-cables can be terminated immediately.

Given what was said during the commission hearings, one would have expected that this also had

happened already in January 2007, instead of May 2008. It seems some things don't add up here.

Wie bereits fernmündlich besprochen, können nachfolgende STM1-Zuschaltungen mit sofortiger Wirkung

aufgehoben werden:

Ffm 21 - Stuttgart 10 757/22A

Ffm 21 - Paris 757/1

Ffm 21 - Reims 757/1

Ffm 21 - Luxembourg 757/1

Physical cables

Unlike the numerous virtual channels in the lists, this e-mail is about physical cables. "Ffm 21 -

Luxembourg 757/1" is the one mentioned in the e-mail from February 3, 2005, containing 4 channels of

interest to Luxembourg; the others are cables from Frankfurt (Ffm) to Reims, Paris, and Deutsche

Telekom's Point-of-Presence in Stuttgart. With this, we now have proof of 3 other cables having been


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According to a list (.docx) publiced by Peter Pilz, there are 29 channels to/from Reims and 22 channels

to/from Paris, all of which could easily have been in the fiber-optic cable between Frankfurt and Reims,

and Frankfurt and Paris, respectively, as one single STM1-cable contains 63 separate channels:

Frankfurt - Stuttgart: ? channels of interest

Frankfurt - Paris: 22 channels of interest

Frankfurt - Reims: 29 channels of interest

Frankfurt - Luxembourg: 11 channels of interest

Peter Pilz concludes that operation Eikonal was the start of NSA's illegal mass surveillance of European

telecommunications. But that's not supported by evidence. After Eikonal, NSA continued joint cable

tapping operations with BND and other European agencies, but as these programs are part of RAMPART-A,

they are mainly aimed at specific targets in Russia, North-Africa and the Middle East.*

BND cable tapping

Operation Eikonal did start something else though: it provided BND with the knowledge and the

experience for conducting cable tapping on its own: in 2009 they started intercepting cables from 25

internet service providers, this time at the DE-CIXinternet exchange in Frankfurt - as was revealed by Der

Spiegel on October 6, 2013.

Among these 25 providers are foreign companies from Russia, Central Asia, the Middle East and North

Africa, but also 6 German providers: 1&1, Freenet, Strato AG, QSC, Lambdanet and Plusserver, who

almost exclusively handle domestic traffic.

It appears that this interception takes place in cooperation with the DE-CIX Management and that the

various providers themselves didn't knew that this was happening. A smart move, as this provides BND

with just one single point-of-contact, while the indivual providers can honestly deny that their cables are

being intercepted.

Links and sources - BND-Operation Eikonal: "Freibrief" für die Telekom aus dem Kanzleramt - Pilz: Berlin genehmigte NSA-Spionage gegen Österreich - "Ich darf die Anregung weitergeben..." Die Operation Transit in Europa

Geplaatst door P/K op 23:22

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28.2. 2002

Das Memorandum of Agreement MoA zwischen NSA und BND über Telekom-Überwachung in Europa wird abgeschlossen. Die NSA

darf den BND als Instrument zur Überwachung der Telekommunikation einsetzen.

16. September 2003

Die Überwachungsspezialisten der Deutschen Telekom AG erhalten einen „kleinen Auftrag". Aber der ist alles andere als klein. Das

belegt ein Mail, das Harald HELFRICH, der Mitarbeiter der "Regionalstelle für staatliche Sonderauflagen" ReSa der deutschen Telekom

AG seinem Kollegen Christof TIEGER sendet. Der Betreff verweist auf das kommende Projekt: „Analyse von Transit".

„Hallo LK,

wie heute morgen besprochen übersende ich Ihnen die Liste der Transit-Leitungen der DTAG. Wir bitten Sie die gelb unterlegten

Verbindungen bzgl. ihrer Führung (z.B. Ffm 21 oder Norden-Nordeich) und ob in der 2-Mb-Ebene greifbar, zu analysieren."

Anlage: „Trans mit ausgesuchten Strecken"

Die „gelb unterlegten Verbindungen" finden sich in der Beilage, der „Prioritätenliste" des BND. Die Deutsche Telekom hatte dem BND

eine Liste aller Transitverbindungen übergeben. Von 1028 Verbindungen haben Mitarbeiter des BND 256 gelb markiert. Jetzt soll die

ReSa feststellen, welche davon über Frankfurt laufen und daher dort angreifbar sind.

BND und Deutsche Telekom AG wissen jetzt wie es geht. Aber sie wissen nicht, ob die geplante Operation Transit legal ist - und ob sie

politisch gedeckt wird.

30. Dezember 2003

Ministerialdirektor Ernst UHRLAU dient als Geheimdienstkoordinator im Berliner Bundeskanzleramt . Frank Walter Steinmeier ist als

beamteter Staatsekretär im Bundeskanzleramt sein direkter politischer Vorgesetzter. Die Deutsche Telekom AG will dem Wunsch des

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BND, auf Transitleitungen zugreifen zu können, nur dann nachkommen, wenn die Bundesregierung Rückendeckung gibt und einen

rechtlichen Blankoscheck ausstellt.

Das Bundeskanzleramt kommt dem Wunsch nach. Uhrlau faxt an den CEO der Deutschen Telekom AG, Kai-Uwe RICKE:

„Sehr geehrter Herr Ricke, sehr geehrter Herr Brauner,

das Bundeskanzleramt ist sehr interessiert, dass der Bundesnachrichtendienst im Rahmen seines gesetzlichen Auftrages

kabelgestützte Transitverkehre aufklärt. Der vom Bundesnachrichtendienst in Ihrem Unternehmen geplante Aufklärungsansatz steht

aus hiesiger Sicht in Einklang mit geltendem Recht.

Ich darf auf diesem Weg die Anregung des Bundesnachrichtendienstes weitergeben, in der Deutschen Telekom AG, T-Com, den

Bereich RA 43 (Staatliche Sonderauflagen), zu dem bereits im Rahmen der Strategischen Fernmeldekontrolle Kontakte bestehen, mit

der Durchführung der auf Seiten der Deutschen Telekom AG erforderlichen Maßnahmen zu beauftragen."

Damit hat das deutsche Bundeskanzleramt dem BND und der Deutschen Telekom AG mit einem juristischen Persilschein grünes Licht


13. Jänner 2004

Josef BRAUNER antwortet für den Vorstand der Deutschen Telekom AG in einem Brief an Ernst UHRLAU dem Bundeskanzleramt:

„Sehr geehrter Herr Ministerialdirektor,

gerne bestätigen wir Ihnen den Erhalt Ihres Schreibens vom 30. Dezember des letzten Jahres.

Die T-Com ist sich der Bedeutung eines gut funktionierenden Nachrichtendienstes für das Gemeinwesen der Bundesrepublik

Deutschland - insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der terroristischen Angriffe des 11. September 2001 - bewusst und wird daher die

geplanten Aktivitäten des Bundesnachrichtendienstes, die kabelgestützten Transitverkehre im Rahmen seines gesetzlichen Auftrages

aufzuklären, unterstützen.

Entsprechend der Anregung des Bundesnachrichtendienstes wird diesseits unser Bereich RA43 (staatliche Sonderauflagen)

beauftragt, die hierfür von unserer Seite erforderlichen Maßnahmen vorzunehmen."

Die massiven rechtlichen Bedenken der Deutschen Telekom sind jetzt vom Tisch. Die Operation „Transit" kann gestartet werden.

1. März 2004

Die Deutsche Telekom AG und der Bundesnachrichtendienst unterzeichnen den Geschäftsbesorgungsvertrag „Transit". Darin

verpflichtet sich die Deutsche Telekom AG dem BND die Ableitung der gewünschten Leitungen zu ermöglichen und die Infrastruktur

dafür zur Verfügung zu stellen.

9. März 2004

Robert LAHN arbeitet im Büro für „technische Sonderaufgaben" im BND. Am 9. März erteilt er den Schaltauftrag an ReSa-Chef

Wolfgang ALSTER:



Hallo Herr Alster,

Der Geschäftsbesorgungsvertrag „Transit" ist ja jetzt von beiden Seiten unterzeichnet und gestern habe ich die beiden ersten

Monatszahlungen veranlasst.

Daher erdreiste ich mich, Sie um die erste Schaltung von Leitungen zu bitten."

3. Februar 2005

Die Zuschaltungen beginnen.

8.15 Uhr:

Mail von KNAU/DTK an HELFRICH/DTK „betreff: STM1-Zuschaltung (Ffm 21 - Luxembourg 757/1)":

„Hallo Herr Helfrich,

Habe heute früh die o.g. Verbindung auf die Punkte 71/00/002/03 19 + 39 zugeschaltet. In der Anlage ist die Belegung lt. RUBIN


Auf den Kanälen 2, 6, 14, 50 befinden sich die in der Liste markierten DSVn mit der Endstelle Luxembourg.

Bitte um Rückmeldung ob das ganze funktioniert."

Anlage: „Belegung 7571 Luxbg"

10.42 Uhr:


„Hallo Hr. Siegert, Hr. Knau hat heute morgen wieder eine STM 1 zugeschaltet. in dieser befindet sich nun kein nationaler Verkehr

mehr (aus diesem Grunde fand auch die große Umschaltaktion statt). Die Verbindung Ffm 21 - Luxembourg 757/1 wurde auf die

Punkte 71 / 00/ 002 / 03 / 19 + 39 zugeschaltet. Vier der darin befindlichen 2MBit-Strecken befinden sich auf ihrer ersten

Prioritätenliste, diese sind zu finden auf:

Kanal 2: Luxembourg/VG - Wien/000 750/3

Kanal 6: Luxembourg//CLUX - Moscow/CROS 750/1

Kanal 14: Ankara/CTÜR - Luxembourg/CLUX 750/1

Kanal 50: Luxembourg/VG - Prague/000 750/1.

Bitte um eine kurze Rückmeldung, wenn alles o.k. ist. Ende nächste Woche folgt eine weitere STM1."

Damit wird die erste österreichische Verbindung von BND und NSA abgehört.

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Aber die NSA erhält weit mehr als die vier Leitungen. In der abgehörten STM1 befinden sich 63 Kanäle. Sie alle konnten damit

abgeleitet und der NSA nach Bad Aibling überspielt werden.

Der damalige BND-Abteilungsleiter Reinhardt BREITFELDER beschreibt die Arbeitsweise vor dem NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss des

Deutschen Bundestages:

„Die (Datenströme) sind vorne geteilt worden, und zwar in einen G-10-Teil und in einen Routineteil. Dieser Routineteil wurde erst mal

G-10-gefiltert, weil man ja nie ausschließen kann, dass auch im Routineteil G 10 drin vorkommt. Nach dieser Filterung wurde dieser

Routineteil an die NSA in Deutschland, also in Bad Aibling unten, konkret weitergeleitet, und zwar nicht an die NSA direkt, sondern an

diese gemischte Arbeitsgruppe NSA-BND, die als JSA hier immer wieder auftaucht. So wurde das gemacht."

Am 14.2., am 25.2. und am 7.3.2005 erfolgen die nächsten Zuschaltungen.

Die Aktion Transit läuft in Frankfurt von März 2005 bis Mai 2008 im Vollbetrieb. 15 Mitarbeiter des BND überwachen so mehr als drei

Jahre lang einen großen Teil der europäischen und internationalen Telekommunikation vom Knoten in Frankfurt / Nied aus. Im Mai

2008 wissen NSA und BND, dass die Massenüberwachung funktioniert. Aber im Jahr 2008 haben sich die Technologie und damit die

Möglichkeiten der Überwachung weiter entwickelt.

28. Mai 2008

Siegfried KNAU/DTK sendet ein Mail an Harald HELFRICH/DTK und Wolfgang ALSTER(DTK

„Wie bereits fernmündlich besprochen, können nachfolgende STM1-Zuschaltungen mit sofortiger Wirkung aufgehoben werden:

Ffm 21 - Stuttgart 10 757/22A

Ffm21 - Paris 757/1

Ffm 21 - Reims 757/1

Ffm 21 - Luxembourg 757/1."

Damit wird die Ableitung dieser vier STM1-Leitungen in Frankfurt beendet. Aber ist das das Ende der NSA/BND-Telefonüberwachung?

Die Antwort gibt ein Mail vom Vortag:

27. Mai 2008


„Sehr geehrter Herr Helfrich,

Wie wir bereits telefonisch besprochen, teile ich Ihnen mit, dass die Verarbeitung von reinen leitungsvermittelten „Transit-Verkehren"

von uns nicht mehr durchgeführt wird.

Aus diesem Grund kann die Ableitung der Transit-Verkehre in unseren Betriebsräumen eingestellt werden.

Im leitungsvermittelten Bereich (Ableitung auf höherer Ebene) besteht aktuell der Bedarf zur Ableitung von folgenden Verkehren:

+ 2 x STM-64

+ 4 x STM-16"

Die Massenüberwachung der europäischen Telefongespräche durch NSA und BND wird nicht eingestellt - sie wird „nur" auf ein

technisch weit höheres Niveau gestellt: Statt Verkehren in STM-1-Leitungen werden ab jetzt Verkehre vom Telefonat bis zu E-Mail,

SMS und Internet in STM-16- und STM-64-Leitungen mit der 16- bzw. 64-fachen Kapazität abgeleitet.

Die „Operation Transit" war der Einstieg in die NSA-Massenüberwachung europäischer Telekommunikation. Sie war der

entscheidende Wendepunkt zum ebenso umfassenden wie illegalen Überwachungsstaat - mit der Billigung durch die

Regierungen in Washington und Berlin.

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Friday, October 23, 2015

"May I Excitation passing on ..."


28.2. 2002

The Memorandum of Agreement MoA between NSA and BND on telecom monitoring in Europe is finished. The NSA may use the BND

as a tool for monitoring telecommunications.

September 16, 2003

The monitoring specialists of Deutsche Telekom AG received a "small order". But that is anything but small. This is confirmed by an e-

mail that his colleague Christof Tieger sends Harald HELFRICH, the employees of the "Regional Centre for special government

regulations" ReSa of Deutsche Telekom AG. The subject refers to the upcoming project: "Analysis of Transit".

"Hi LK,

as this morning discussed I am sending you the list of transit lines by DTAG. We ask the yellow shaded links regarding. Its leadership

(eg Ffm 21 or north-north-calibration) and whether tangible to analyze in the 2-Mb-level. "

Plant: "Trans with selected lines"

The "yellow shaded compounds" can be found in the supplement, the "priority list" of the BND. The German Telekom had the BND

handed over a list of all transit connections. Of 1028 compounds BND 256 have highlighted in yellow. Now is the ReSa determine

which of them run over Frankfurt and therefore are vulnerable there.

BND and German Telekom AG now know how to do it. But they do not know whether the planned operation Transit is legal - and

whether it is politically covered.

December 30, 2003

Assistant Secretary of State Ernst Uhrlau serves as intelligence coordinator in the Berlin Chancellery. Frank Walter Steinmeier is a civil

servant State Secretary in the Federal Chancellery have direct political boss. The German Telekom AG wants the desire of the BND, to

have access to transit pipelines, only offspring, if the federal government is backing and a legal blank check issued.

The Federal Chancellery comes after the request. Uhrlau fax to the CEO of Deutsche Telekom AG, Kai-Uwe Ricke:

"Dear Mr. Doe, Mr Brown,

the Federal Chancellery is very interesting that the Federal Intelligence Service as part of its statutory mandate enlightens cable-based

transit traffic. The planned by the Federal Intelligence Service in your organization Enlightenment approach is of the view here in

compliance with applicable law.

I must pass on this way, the excitation of the Federal Intelligence Service, in Deutsche Telekom AG, T-Com, the RA section 43 (special

government regulations) to which there are contacts already resulting from the strategic telecommunications monitoring, to the

implementation of on the part of Deutsche Telekom to instruct AG necessary measures. "

Thus, the German Chancellor's Office gave the BND and the German Telekom AG with a clean bill of legal green light.

13th January 2004

Josef Brauner answers for the Executive Board of Deutsche Telekom AG in a letter to Ernst Uhrlau the Federal Chancellery:

"Dear Mr. Secretary,

We are happy to confirm receipt of your letter of 30 December of last year.

The T-Com recognizes the importance of a properly functioning intelligence service for the community of the Federal Republic of

Germany - especially in the light of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 - aware and therefore the planned activities of the

Federal Intelligence Service, the cable-supported transit traffic within the framework of its legal responsibilities, educate, support.

According to the suggestion of the Federal Intelligence Service on this side our range RA43 (special government regulations) is

commissioned to make the necessary on our part for this action. "

The massive concerns Deutsche Telekom are now off the table. The operation "Transit" can be started.

March 1st, 2004

The German Telekom AG and the Federal Intelligence Service signed the agency agreement "Transit". In it, the German Telekom AG

is committed to enabling the BND to derive the desired lines and to provide the infrastructure for this purpose.

March 9, 2004

Robert LAHN working in the office for "special technical tasks" in BND On March 9, he issued the order to switch RESA Chef Wolfgang


"Switching order


Hello Mr. Alster,

The Agency Agreement "Transit" is indeed now been signed by both sides and yesterday I led the first two monthly payments.

Therefore I erdreiste me to ask you about the first connection of transmission lines. "

February 3, 2005

The switch-ons begin.

8.15 Clock:

Mail of KNAU / DTK to HELFRICH / DTK "Subject: STM1-switching (FFM 21 - Luxembourg 757/1)":

"Hello Mr. Helfrich,

Page 15: Unnoticed leak answers and raises questions about operation Eikonal.pdf

Have this morning the above connection is switched to the points 71/00/002/03 19 +. 39 In the complex the assignment RUBIN lt. Can

be seen.

On channels 2, 6, 14, 50 are marked in the list with the terminal are DSVN Luxembourg.

Request for feedback if the whole works. "

Plant: "Occupancy 7571 Luxbg"

10.42 Clock:

Mail from HELFRICH / DTK to BND and Alster / DTK "Hello Mr. Siegert, Hr. Knau today again switched an STM 1 tomorrow. This is

now no longer a national traffic (for this reason, also found the large switching action instead). The connection Ffm 21 - Luxembourg

757/1 been switched to points 71/00/002/03/19 +. 39 Four of the therein 2MBit trails are at their first priority list, this can be found on:

Channel 2: Luxembourg / VG - Wien / 000 750/3

channel 6: Luxembourg // CLUX - Moscow / CROS 750/1

channel 14: Ankara / CTÜR - Luxembourg / CLUX 750/1

channel 50: Luxembourg / VG - Prague / 000 750/1.

Please order a short feedback if everything is ok. End next week followed by another STM1. "

Thus the first Austrian combination of BND and NSA is listening.

But the NSA receives far more than the four lines. In the intercepted STM1 are 63 channels.They could all derived order and the NSA

will be dubbed to Bad Aibling.

The then Head of BND Reinhardt Breitfelder describes the operation before the NSA inquiry committee of the German Bundestag:

"The (data streams) have been divided front, in a G10 member and in a routine part. This routine part was only times G10 filtered,

because one can never rule out that even in routine part G 10 there exists. After this filtering this routine part of the NSA in Germany, ie

in Bad Aibling was passed down concretely, not directly to the NSA, but at this mixed working group NSA BND, which keeps coming up

here as JSA. So that was made. "

On 14.2., At 25.2. and on 7.3.2005 done the next switch-ons.

The Special Transit runs in Frankfurt from March 2005 to May 2008 in full operation. 15 employees of the BND monitor so more than

three years from a large part of the European and international telecommunications from the node in Frankfurt / Nied. In May 2008,

NSA and BND know that the mass surveillance works. But in 2008, have the technology and thus develop the possibilities of


May 28, 2008

Siegfried KNAU / DTK sends an email to Harald HELFRICH / DTK and Wolfgang ALSTER (DTK

"As discussed by telephone, following STM1 switch-ons can be canceled with immediate effect:

Ffm 21 - Stuttgart 10757 / 22A

Ffm21 - Paris 757/1

Ffm 21 - Reims 757/1

Ffm. 21 - Luxembourg 757/1 "

Thus, the derivation of these four STM1 lines in Frankfurt is terminated. But is that the end of the NSA / BND Wiretapping?

The answer is a mail from the previous day:

May 27, 2008

Be Thorwald / DTK to HELFRICH / DTK

"Dear Mr. Helfrich,

As we discussed over the phone, I inform you that the processing of pure circuit-switched "transit traffic" we will no longer be carried


For this reason, the derivation of the transit traffic in our premises can be adjusted.

In circuit-switched portion (discharge at a higher level) is currently a need for the derivation of the following trades:

+ 2 x STM-64

+ 4 x STM-16 "

The mass monitoring of European calls by NSA and BND is not set - they will "only" put on a technically far higher level: instead will

operate in the STM-1 lines from now transports by telephone to email, SMS and Internet in STM-16 and STM-64 with the lines 16 or 64

times the capacity derived.

The "Operation Transit" was the introduction to the NSA mass surveillance European telecommunications She was the

decisive turning point for equally comprehensive as illegal surveillance state -. With the approval of the governments in

Washington and Berlin.

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Friday, October 23, 2015

"May I Excitation PASS ..." THE OPERATION TRANSIT IN EUROPE 28.2. 2002 The Memorandum of Agreement MoA between NSA

and BND on telecom monitoring in Europe is finished. The NSA may use the BND as a tool for surveillance of telecommunications. 16 .

September 2003 The monitoring specialists of Deutsche Telekom AG received an

>> read more



Posted: 11/18/2015 14:06:15

as you can see on the basis of Paris was too little monitored. and with the results made too little. The Americans are right that

everything that smells just by extremism incarcerate at Guantanamo and

>> Read more


Reply: white elite Posted: 11/22/2015 22:28:08

am überhaubt davür, vurauseilende to intern all non-white. Guantanamo in Europe, promises.

and is a rue!



Posted: 11/19/2015 22:47:07

Oida, you ghörst also eingsperrt and vagessn, AMIF .....


Reply: NSA Posted: 10/28/2015 23:54:24

Good preparation Herrenpilz! However, they forgot our extremely effective tools that casual absolve us from European law and

ever. Yeah, we are the real cowboys Yahoooo, uh

>> read more


Reply: no Posted: 10/25/2015 14:55:21

must of course not write that Nazi terror regime itself reveal the testimony they had therefore not warned disqualified himself and is a


>> read more


Reply: Peter Smith Posted: 10/24/2015 17:46:05

Can connect me only, thank you for their efforts to make this complex transparent. It would be interesting to clarify the question of what

is now the gentlemen in Berlin right under applicable law

>> read more


Reply: Peter Smith Posted: 10/24/2015 18:18:15

Page 17: Unnoticed leak answers and raises questions about operation Eikonal.pdf

Interesting side issue: Is the TTIP a figment of Article 2 North Atlantic Treaty, arranged "top" of the NATO and therefore a

secret? German Atlantic Society: lecture

>> read more


Reply: Very Helfrich Posted: 10/23/2015 13:30:19

Thank you for your work, Mr Pilz. There is much more than a bad aftertaste in this Cabinet Merkel! Comprehensive monitoring appears

to be a large and cross-cutting issue here in fact

>> read more


May 28, 2015

New details about the joint NSA-BND operation

Eikonal (Updated: October 7, 2015)

This weblog first reported about the joint NSA-BND operation Eikonal on October 15, 2014, but meanwhile

interesting new details became available from the hearings of the German parliamentary inquiry, and from

recent disclosures by a politician from Austria.

Under operation Eikonal, the NSA cooperated with the German foreign intelligence service BND for access

to transit cables from Deutsche Telekom in Frankfurt. Here follows an overview of what is known about

this operation so far. New information may be added as it comes available.

- Initial reporting - Parliamentary hearings -

- Disclosures from Austria -

Page 18: Unnoticed leak answers and raises questions about operation Eikonal.pdf

> See for the latest: Unnoticed leak answers and raises questions about operation Eikonal

Initial reporting

Operation Eikonal was revealed by the regional German paper Süddeutsche Zeitungand the regional

broadcasters NDR and WDR on October 4, 2014. They reported that between 2004 and 2008, the German

foreign intelligence service BND had tapped into the Frankfurt internet exchange DE-CIX and shared the

intercepted data with the NSA.

For this operation, NSA provided sophisticated interception equipment, which the Germans didn't had but

were eager to use. Interception of telephone traffic started in 2004, internet data were captured since

2005. Reportedly, NSA was especiallyinterested in communications from Russia.

To prevent communications of German citizens being passed on to NSA, BND installed a special program

(called DAFIS) to filter these out. But according to the reporting, this filter didn't work properly from the

beginning. An initial test in 2003 showed the BND that 5% of the data of German citizens could not be

filtered out, which was considered a violation of the constitution.

Süddeutsche Zeitung reported that it was Deutsche Telekom AG (DTAG) that provided BND the access to

the Frankfurt internet exchange, and in return was paid 6000,- euro a month. But as some people noticed,

Deutsche Telekom was not connected to DE-CIX when operation Eikonal took place, so something didn't

add up.

As we will see, this was right, and the actual cable tap was not at DE-CIX, but took place at Deutsche

Telekom. Nonetheless, many press reports still link Eikonal to the DE-CIX internet exchange.

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Operations center room in the former BND headquarters in Pullach

(Photo: Martin Schlüter - Click to enlarge)

Eikonal as part of RAMPART-A

As was first reported by this weblog on October 15, 2014, operation Eikonal was part of the NSA umbrella

program RAMPART-A, under which the Americans cooperate with3rd Party countries who "provide access

to cables and host U.S. equipment".

Details about the RAMPART-A program itself had already been revealed by the Danish

newspaper Information in collaboration with The Intercept on June 19, 2014. The program reportedly

involved at least five countries, but so far only Germany and, most likely, Denmark have been identified.

On October 20, Information published about a document from NSA's Special Source Operations (SSO)

division, which confirms that an operation codenamed "EIKANOL" was part of RAMPART-A and says it was

decommissioned in June 2008.

The slide below shows that under RAMPART-A a partner country taps an international cable at an access

point (A) and then forwards the data to a joint processing center (B). Equipment provided by the NSA

processes the data and analysts from the host country can then analyse the intercepted data (C), while

they are also forwarded to NSA sites in the US (D, E):

Page 20: Unnoticed leak answers and raises questions about operation Eikonal.pdf

Parliamentary hearings

Because of the confusion about the role of Deutsche Telekom in operation Eikonal, the NSA investigation

commission of the German parliament (NSAUA) decided to alsoinvestigate whether this company assisted

BND in tapping the Frankfurt internet exchange.

During hearings of BND officials it became clear that operation Eikonal was not about tapping into the

Frankfurt internet exchange DE-CIX, but about one or more cables from Deutsche Telekom. This was

first confirmed by German media on December 4, 2014.

Hearing of November 6, 2014 (Live-blog)

According to witness T.B., who was heard on on November 6, 2014, it was just during the test period that

the filter system was only able to filter out 95% of German communications. When the system went live,

this percentage rose to 99% with a second stage that could filter out even more than 99%. When

necessary, a final check was conducted by hand.

Hearing of November 13, 2014 (Live-blog - Official transcript)

During this hearing, the witness W.K. said that Eikonal was a one of a kind operation, there was targeted

collection from traffic that transited Germany from one foreign country to another.

This was focussed on Afghanistan and anti-terrorism. Selected data were collected and forwarded to NSA.

The internal codename for Eikonal was Granat, but that name wasn't shared with NSA. There was even a

third codename.

Page 21: Unnoticed leak answers and raises questions about operation Eikonal.pdf

For Germany, Eikonal was useful because it provided foreign intelligence for protecting German troops and

countering terrorism. The NSA provided better technical equipment that BND didn't had. In return, BND

provided NSA with data collected from transit traffic using search profiles about Afghanistan and anti-

terrorism. BND was asked to cooperate because NSA isn't able to do everything themselves.

Eikonal provided only several hundred useful phone calls, e-mail and fax messages a year, which was a

huge disappointment for NSA. This, combined with the fact that it proved to be impossible to 100%

guarantee that no German data were collected and forwarded, led BND to terminate the program.

For Eikonal, the cable traffic was filtered by using selectors provided by both NSA and BND. Although not

all selectors can be attributed to a particular country and there may have been up to several hundred

thousand selectors, witness W.K. said that BND was still able to check whether every single one was

appropriate: only selectors that could be checked were used.

> See also: German BND didn't care much about foreign NSA selectors

Hearing of December 4, 2014 (Live-blog - Official transcript)

During this hearing, BND-employee S.L., who was the project manager of operation Eikonal at BND

headquarters, testified. He told that BND had rented two highly secured rooms of ca. 4 x 6 meters in the

basement of a Deutsche Telekom switching center in the Frankfurt suburb Nied.

These rooms were only accessible for BND personnel and contained the front-end of the interception

system, existing of 19 inch racks, with telecommunications equipment like multiplexers, processors and

servers. These devices were remotely controlled from the headquarters in Pullach.*

Based upon analysis of public information about telecommunication networks, BND choose specific cables

that would most likely contain traffic that seemed useful for the goals of the operation. It became clear

that for redundancy purposes, cables only used 50% of their capacity. For example, 2 cables of 10 Gbit/s

carried only 5 Gbit/s of traffic, so in case of a disruption, one cable could take over the traffic of the other


The switching center of Deutsche Telekom in Frankfurt-Nied

where some cables were tapped under operation Eikonal

(Screenshot: ZDF Frontal21 - Click to enlarge)

After a specific coax or fiber-optic cable had been selected, technicians of Deutsche Telekom installed a

Page 22: Unnoticed leak answers and raises questions about operation Eikonal.pdf

splitter and a copy of the traffic was forwarded to one of the secure rooms, where it was fed into a (de-

)multiplexer or a router so the signal could be processed. After they got rid of the peer-to-peer and

websurfing traffic, the remaining communications data, like e-mail, were filtered by selectors from BND

and NSA.

The selected data were sent back to BND headquarters in Pullach over a leased commercial line, of which

the capacity was increased after the internet collection became fully operational. From Pullach to the JSA

in Bad Aibling there was a 2 Mbit/s line.


Eikonal started with access to a telephone cable (Leitungsvermittelt). Project manager S.L. told that the

first cable was connected (aufgeschaltet) in December 2004, but that it's signal was too weak. Therefore,

in January 2005, an amplifier was installed.

In February, March and April additional cables were connected, so telephony collection started in the

spring of 2005. By the end of 2006, Deutsche Telekom announced that its business model for dedicated

transit cables would be terminated, so in January 2007 the telephone collection ended.*

BND also wanted access to internet traffic (Paketvermittelt), for which the first cable became available by

the end of 2005, but because the backlink was missing, collection was technically not possible. This was

solved in 2006, and in the spring of 2006 a second cable was added, and they tested the front-end system

and subsequently the filter systems until mid-2007 (Probebetrieb).

During this stage, data were only forwarded to the joint NSA-BND unit JSA after a manual check. Fully

automated forwarding only happened from late 2007 until operation Eikonal was terminated in June 2008


Legal issues

The collection of telephone communications from transit cables was done under the general authority of

the BND Act, with details specified in the "Transit Agreement" between BND and Deutsche Telekom, which

for the latter was signed by Bernd Köbele.

For the collection of internet data it was impossible to fully separate foreign and domestic traffic, so it

couldn't be ruled out that German communications were in there too. Therefore, BND requested an order

from the G10-commission, which, like the FISA Court in the US, has to approve data collection when their

own citizens could be involved.

A G10-order describes the communication channel (Germany to/from a specific foreign country) that BND

is allowed access to, the threat profile and it also authorizes the search terms that may be used for

filtering the traffic.*

Such an order allows the collection of G10-data (communications with one end German), which were

processed within BND's separate G10 Collection program. As a bycatch, this G10-interception also yielded

fully foreign traffic (Routine-Verkehre), which was used for operation Eikonal:

Page 23: Unnoticed leak answers and raises questions about operation Eikonal.pdf

Some employees from Deutsche Telekom and from BND had doubts about the legality of this solution,

which seemed to use a G10-order as a cover for getting access to fully foreign internet traffic.

Eventually, the federal Chancellery, apparently upon request of the BND, issued a letter saying that the

operation was legal. This convinced the Telekom management and the operation went on. It didn't

become clear under what authority this letter was issued.

After BND had learned how to collect internet traffic from fiber-optic cable, it applied for G10-orders to intercept(one end German)

communications from 25 foreign and domestic internet service providers in 2008. This time these cables were being tapped at the DE-CIX

internet exchange, which is also in Frankfurt.


The collection under operation Eikonal resulted in only a few hundred intelligence reports

(German: Meldungen) a year, each consisting of one intercepted e-mail, fax message or phone call. These

were burned onto a CD to hand them over to NSA personnel at the JSA.*

According to S.L., metadata (containing up to 91 fields) were "cleaned" so only technical metadata

(Sachdaten) were forwarded to the JSA, where they were used for statistical and analytical purposes.

Personal metadata (personenbezogene Daten), like e-mail and IP addresses were not shared. Technical

metadata are for example used to identify the telecommunication providers, transmission links and the

various protocols.

Hearing of December 18, 2014 (Live-blog - Official transcript)

During this hearing, a talkative general Reinhardt Breitfelder, head of the SIGINT division from 2003-

2006, confirmed many of the details from the earlier hearings of his subordinates. He also gave

impressions of the dilemmas in dealing with the NSA and what to do with the equipment they provide.

Page 24: Unnoticed leak answers and raises questions about operation Eikonal.pdf

Hearing of January 15, 2015 (Live-blog - Official transcript)

In this hearing, the commission questioned two employees from Deutsche Telekom (Harald Helfrich and

Wolfgang Alster), but they provided very little new information, except for that Deutsche Telekom

personnel only knows between which cities a cable runs, but they don't know what kind of traffic it

contains - they are not allowed to look inside.

Hearing of October 1, 2015 (Live-blog)

Joachim Mewes from the Chancellary testified that somewhere in 2005, BND invited him and the G-10

Commission to visit the tapping site in Frankfurt, apparently as to show that no filtering took place there,

but that everything from the cable went to BND headquarters and was split up over there. This however

contradicts other testimonies, saying that filtering was conducted close to the access point.

A room where hearings of the parliamentary committee take place

(photo: DPA)

Disclosures from Austria

On May 15, 2015, Peter Pilz, member of the Austrian parliament for the Green party,disclosed an e-mail

from an employee of the Deutsche Telekom unit for lawful intercept assistance (Regionalstelle für

staatliche SonderAuflagen, ReSa), who notified someone from BND that apparently a particular fiber-optic

cable had been connected to the interception equipment. The e-mail describes this cable as follows:

Transit STM1 (FFM 21 - Luxembourg 757/1), containing 4 links of 2 Mbit/s:

Channel 2: Luxembourg/VG - Wien/000 750/3

Channel 6: Luxembourg/CLUX - Moscow/CROS 750/1

Channel 14: Ankara/CTÜR - Luxembourg/CLUX 750/1

Channel 50: Luxembourg/VG - Prague/000 750/1

STM1 stands for Synchronous Transport Module level-1, which designates a transmission bit rate of

155,52 Mbit/second. A similar multiplexing method isWavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM) commonly

used in submarine fiber-optic cables. The latter having a much larger capacity, generally STM-64 or 9,5

Page 25: Unnoticed leak answers and raises questions about operation Eikonal.pdf


The number 757 is a so-called Leitungsschlüsselzahl (LSZ), which denotes a certain type of cable. In this

case it stands for a channelized STM-1 base link (2 Mbit in 155 Mbit), which seem to be used for internal


According to the meanwhile updated LSZ List, the number 750 stands for a "DSV2Digitalsignal-

Verbindung 2 Mbit/s", which is a digital signal path.

The cable mentioned in the e-mail therefore only has a small capacity, which seems to indicate that NSA

and/or BND selected it carefully.

FFM 21 stands for "Frankfurt am Main 21", which according to Deutsche Telekom'snetwork map is the

name of the Point-of-Presence (PoP) located at its facility in the Frankfurt suburb Nied - the location where

that Eikonal tapping took place.

This means we have a physical cable running between Luxembourg and the Deutsche Telekom PoP in

Frankfurt, but containing channels to cities which are much further, so they have to connect to channels

within other physical cables that run from Frankfurt to Moscow, Prague, Vienna and Ankara, respectively:

As the e-mail is from February 3, 2005, it must relate to telephone collection, because for Eikonal, the first

cable containing internet traffic only became available by the end of that year.

The Transit agreement

On May 18, the Austrian tabloid paper Kronen Zeitung published the full "Transit Agreement"

(pdf) between BND and Deutsche Telekom, in which the latter agreed to provide access to transit cables,

and in return will be paid 6.500,- euro a month for the expenses. The agreement came into retrospective

effect as of February 2004.

This disclosure got little attention, but is rather remarkable, as such agreements are closely guarded

secrets. The Transit agreement existed in only two copies: one for BND and one for Deutsche Telekom.

It is not known how Pilz came into possession of these documents, but it seems the source must be

Page 26: Unnoticed leak answers and raises questions about operation Eikonal.pdf

somewhere inside the German parliamentary investigation commission. They are the only persons outside

BND and Deutsche Telekom who, for the purpose of their inquiry, got access to the agreement and the

other documents.

Leaking these documents to Pilz seems not a very smart move, as it will further minimize the chance that

the commission will ever get access to the list of suspicious NSA selectors.

Country lists

On May 19, Pilz held a press conference (mp3) in Berlin, together with the chairman of the Green party in

Luxembourg and a representative of the German Green party. Here, Pilz presented a statement (pdf),

which includes the aforementioned e-mail, 10 questions to the German government, and two tables with

cable links to or from Austria and Luxembourg:

Lists of links that apparently were on a priority list of NSA.

LSZ = Leitungsschlüsselzahl (cable type indentifier);

Endstelle = Endpoint; Österreich = Austria.

(Source: Peter Pilz - Click to enlarge)

According to Pilz, the full list contains 254 (or 256) cable links. 94 of them connect EU member states, 40

run between EU members and other European countries like Switzerland, Russia, Serbia, Bosnia-

Herzegovina, Ukraine, Belarus and Turkey. 122 links connect European countries with nations all over the

world, with Saudi Arabia, Japan, Dubai and China being mentioned most.

The country which most links (71) run to or from is the Netherlands. The list for that country

was disclosed by Peter Pilz during a press conference in Brussels on May 28, 2015. The US, the UK and

Canada are not on the list, although there were apparently 156 links from/to Britain too.

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On June 25, 2015, the Dutch telecommunications provider KPN announcedthe results of its inquiry into the

alleged tapping of its cables. It was very difficult to identify the channels in the list because meanwhile

KPN's whole network had been restructured. Eventually it became clear the connections (being channels

within cables and KPN only being responsible for the first half until Frankfurt) had been rented out under

telephony wholesale contracts, so it was impossible to trace individual customers or users.

Additional details

On June 5, 2015, Peter Pilz held a press conference in Paris, where he presented astatement

(.docx) containing a list of 51 transit links to or from France. Interestingly, this list now also includes some

additional technical identifiers for these links, which were apparently left out in the earlier ones:

First part of the list with links related to France

(Source: Peter Pilz - Click to enlarge)

On June 29, 2015, Peter Pilz presented a similar detailed list (.pdf) of 28 transit links to and from Poland.

According to the updated LSZ List, the new codes in these lists stand for:

- 703: VC3 Virtual Container connection with 48,960 MBit/s

- 710: (not yet known)

- 712: VC12 Virtual Container connection with 2,240 MBit/s

- 720: (not yet known)

- 730: (not yet known)

VC3 and VC12 are from the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) protocol to transfer multiple digital bit

streams synchronously over optical fiber. This has the option for virtual containers for the actual payload

data. VC3 is for mapping 34/45 Mbit/s (E3/DS3) signals; VC4 for 140 Mbit/s (E4); VC12 for 2 Mbit/s (E1).

The new identifiers in this list stand for: O-nr.: Ordnungsnummer; GRUSSZ:Grundstücksschlüsselzahl;

FACHSZ: Fachschlüsselzahl.

No information about these identifiers was found yet, but by analysing the data in the list, it seems that

Page 28: Unnoticed leak answers and raises questions about operation Eikonal.pdf

the FACHSZ codes are related to a telecom provider. France Telecom for example appears with FACHSZ

codes CFT, VPAS, VCP3, VB5 or 0.

The GRUSSZ number identifies a particular city, with the first two or three digits corresponding with the

international telephone country codes. The last two digits seem to follow a different scheme, as we can

see that a capital always ends with "10":

Paris = 33010

Lyon = 33190

Reims = 33680

Brussels = 32010

Prague = 42010

Oslo = 47010

Warsaw = 48010

Poznan = 48020

Moscow = 70010

It's possible that these are just internal codes used by Deutsche Telekom, as internationally, connections

between telephone networks are identified by Point Codes(PC). From the Snowden-revelations we know

that these codes are also used by NSA and GCHQ to designate the cable links they intercept.

> See also: How GCHQ prepares for interception of phone calls from satellite links

NSA or BND wish lists?

Initially, Peter Pilz claimed these links were samples from a priority list of the NSA, but on May 27,

he said in Switzerland, that the list was from BND, and was given to NSA, who marked in yellow the links

they wanted to have fully monitored.

The German parliamentary hearings were also not very clear about these lists. On December 4, project

manager S.L. confirmed that NSA had a wish list for circuit-switched transit links, but in the hearing from

January 15 it was said that there was a "wish list of BND" containing some 270 links. And on March 5,

former SIGINT director Urmann said he couldn't remember that NSA requested specific communication


Maybe the solution is provided by the Dutch website De Correspondent, which reports that there is a much

larger list (probably prepared by BND) of some 1000 transit links, of which ca. 250 were marked in yellow

(probably those prioritized by NSA).

Whose cables?

Media reports say that these cables belong to the providers from various European countries, but that

seems questionable. As we saw in the aforementioned e-mail, it seems most likely that the lists show

channels within fiber-optic cables, and that the physical cables all run between the Deutsche Telekom

switching facility in Frankfurt and the cities we see in the lists.

In theory, these cables could be owned or operated by those providers mentioned in the lists, but then

they would rather connect at a peering point like the DE-CIX internet exchange, where providers exchange

traffic with eachother.

In this case, it seems more likely that the physical cables are part of Deutsche Telekom's Tier 1 network,

which is a worldwide backbone that connects the networks of lower-level internet providers.

Page 29: Unnoticed leak answers and raises questions about operation Eikonal.pdf

Simplified structure of the Internet, showing how Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 providers

transit data traffic in a hierarchial way and how Tier 2 providers exchange

traffic directly through peering at an Internet eXchange Point (IXP)

(diagram: Wikimedia Commons - click to enlarge)


It is not clear how many of the over 250 links on the list were actually intercepted. We only know that for

sure for the STM-1 cable with the four channels described in the aforementioned e-mail from Deutsche

Telekom to BND.

Strange is the fact that during the parliamentary hearings, most BND witnesses spoke about "a cable in

Frankfurt", which sounds like one single physical cable, whereas the disclosures by Peter Pilz clearly show

that multiple channels must have been intercepted.


During the commission hearing of January 29, 2015, BND technical engineer A.S. said that under

operation Eikonal, telephone traffic came in with a data rate of 622 Mbit/s. This equals a standard STM-4

cable, which contains 252 channels of 2 Mbit/s. This number comes close to the channels on the "wish

list", but it seems not possible that those were all in just one physical cable.

Another question is whether it is possible to only filter the traffic from specific channels, or that one has to

have access to the whole cable.

It should be noted that not the entire communications traffic on these links was collected and stored, but

that it was filtered for specific selectors, like phone numbers and e-mail addresses. Only the traffic for

which there was a match was picked out and processed for analysis.

Possible targets

Based upon these documents, Peter Pilz filed a complaint (pdf) against 3 employees of Deutsche Telekom

and one employee of BND for spying on Austria, although at the same time he said he was convinced the

NSA was most interested not in Austrian targets, but in the offices of the UN, OPEC and OSCE in Vienna.

Apparently he didn't consider the fact that Eikonal was part of the RAMPART-A umbrella program, which is

Page 30: Unnoticed leak answers and raises questions about operation Eikonal.pdf

aimed at targets in Russia, the Middle East and North Africa. Many cities mentioned in the disclosed lists

seem to point to Russia as target, and project manager S.L. testified that Eikonal was mainly used for

targets related to Afghanistan, which fits the fact that there are for example 13 links to Saudi Arabia.

Green party members from various countries claimed that this cable tapping was used for economical or

industrial espionage, but so far, there is no specific indication, let alone evidence for that claim.

Links and sources - Deutsche Telekom a espionné la France pour le compte de la NSA

- Europa verlangt Aufklärung von Berlin

- Er is geen enkel bewijs dat de Nederlandse kabels zijn afgetapt

- 71 KPN-internetverbindingen afgetapt door geheime diensten

- Duitse BND tapte tientallen internetverbindingen KPN af

- BND-NSA-Affäre: Laut Pilz auch Spionage in Belgien und Niederlanden

- Telekom und BND Angezeigt: Es leakt sich was zusammen

- Daten abfischen mit Lizenz aus dem Kanzleramt

Geplaatst door P/K op 23:22

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Labels: Eikonal, Germany, NSA Partnerships

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