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Page 1: Unit Two March. 18, 2003 Tuesday. Content 1.Public Speaking 2.Unit 2 3.Exercise and Discussion 4.Listening…

Unit TwoUnit TwoMarch. 18, 2003March. 18, 2003


Page 2: Unit Two March. 18, 2003 Tuesday. Content 1.Public Speaking 2.Unit 2 3.Exercise and Discussion 4.Listening…


1. Public Speaking2. Unit 23. Exercise and Discussion 4. Listening Comprehension

Page 3: Unit Two March. 18, 2003 Tuesday. Content 1.Public Speaking 2.Unit 2 3.Exercise and Discussion 4.Listening…


• First impressions are most lasting.• He who would eat the kernel must crack the

nut.• He who would climb the ladder must begin

at the bottom.

Page 4: Unit Two March. 18, 2003 Tuesday. Content 1.Public Speaking 2.Unit 2 3.Exercise and Discussion 4.Listening…

Difficult Sentence

If one begins by examining why ancients refer to Amazons, it becomes clear that ancient Greek descriptions of such societies were meant not so much to represent observed historical fact – real Amazonian societies – but rather to offer “moral lessons” on the supposed outcome of women’s rule in their own society.如果我们先来研究一下为什么古人会提到亚马逊人,下面的这一点就变得清晰了,那就是古希腊对于这种社会的描述不是太多的被用来表达观察到的历史事实——真正的亚马逊社会的——而是为了对于妇女在其社会中的统治的预期后果提供一种“道德教导”。

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Cherish • cherish fond dreams of

• 做 ... 的美梦• cherish justice

• 坚持正义• cherished desire

• 夙愿• support the army and cherish the people

• 拥军爱民• cherish a deep love for

• 热爱 ...

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v.• To inhabit, visit, or appear to in

the form of a ghost or other supernatural being.

• To visit often; frequent:– He haunted the movie theaters.

• To come to mind continually; obsess:– a riddle that haunted me all morning.

• To be continually present in; pervade:– the melancholy that haunts the

composer's music.

n.• A place much freq

uented.– 常去的地方

• A ghost or other supernatural being.

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Unit TwoUnit TwoMarch. 25, 2003March. 25, 2003


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1. Public Speaking2. Unit 23. Exercise and Discussion 4. Listening Comprehension

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• A still tongue makes a wise head.• Nothing stake, nothing draw.• Pouring oil on the fire is not the way to

quench it.

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Difficult Sentence

The physicist rightly dreads precise argument, since an argument that is convincing only if it is precise loses all its force if the assumptions on which it is based are slightly changed, whereas an argument that is convincing though imprecise may well be stable under small perturbations of its underlying assumptions.


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• awaken sb. to• 唤起某人对 ... 的认识 , 使某人认识到

• awaken to the necessity of...• 认识到 ... 的必要性

• People must be awakened to the danger of these chemical weapons.

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• combat diseases• 与疾病作斗争

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• A belief or opinion.• 思想或观念

• A mental image or representation; an idea or conception.

• 心理形象或象征;想法或构思• A fanciful impulse; a whim.

• 理解,认识幻想,想入非非的念头• Small lightweight items for household use, such as

needles, buttons, and thread.– 精巧的玩意 , 常在百货商店里出售的家用小物品(如缝纫用的针线,钮扣)


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• An application made to a court for an order or a ruling.

– 请求,申请法院提出的一种做为命令或约束的申请• A formal proposal put to the vote under parl

iamentary procedures.– 提议 , 一种在议会程序下进行的向投票席做出的正式议案

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Be geared to

• Be adjusted to

– Education should be geared to children's needs.– The speaker geared the speech to the

conservative audience.

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• One who is habitually idle;– He is rather a disliked loafer on the job.

• A trademark used for a low leather step-in shoe with an upper resembling a moccasin but with a broad, flat heel. This trademark often occurs in print in lowercase:

– 路夫鞋 , 一种矮帮休闲皮鞋的商标。这种鞋鞋面类似北美印第安人的鹿皮鞋,只是鞋跟宽而扁。这一商标在印刷中经常以小写字体出现

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v.intr.• To pass time at leisu

re; idle.– 漫不经心地过日子;游手好闲

n.• A shaped mass of bread

baked in one piece.• A shaped, usually rounded

or oblong, mass of food

Half a loaf is better than no bread.

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Pass for

• To be accepted as or believed to be:– You could pass for a teenager. – The fake painting passed for an original.

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• avow– To acknowledge openly, boldly, and unashamedly;

confess(a strong term, means to assert openly and boldly)– 坦率承认 , 公开地、大胆地、不害羞地承认;坦白

– Many a man thinks, what he is ashamed to avow.– avow guilt

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Hickory stick• Mahogany is a tropical tree

prized for its heavy, strong, easily worked wood.

• Hickory is a tough, hard wood used for tool handles, furniture, and smoke wood for meat.

• Instrument makers favor the strong, richly colored wood of the cherry tree.

• Yew is strong, fine-grained wood used for cabinetmaking and archery bows.

Wood types differ considerably in properties such as color, density, and hardness, making timber a resource that is valuable in a wide variety of contexts.

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moral fiber– Coconut fiber can be made into mats. – linen is the thread made from fibers of the flax plant o

r cloth woven from this thread.• Essential character or structure:

– 本质特征或构造:– The ongoing war has never stirred the deeper fibers of

his nature.• Basic strength or toughness; fortitude:

– lacking in moral fiber.– man-made fiber

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• Having no previous example:– unprecedented economic growth.– The enemy mad bombardment caused unpreced

ented death and destruction in the country.– 敌人的狂轰滥炸在这个国家造成了空前的死亡和破坏。

– The early 90's sees an unprecedented tide of rural migrants flooding into big cities in China.

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Eternal Everlasting

• eternal 指“无始无终的” , 如 :

– E-life to the revolutionary martyrs!– 革命烈士们永垂不朽 !

• everlasting 强调“无止境地延续下去的” , 如 :

– The friendship between the two peoples is everlasting.

– 两国人民的友谊永存。

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adj. Ultimate n.

• Being last in a series, process, or progression

• Fundamental; elemental:– an ultimate truth.

• Of the greatest possible size or significance; maximum:

– Has the ultimate diamond been found?

• Representing or exhibiting the greatest possible development or sophistication:

– the ultimate bicycle.• Utmost; extreme:

– the ultimate insult.• Eventual:

– hoped for ultimate victory.

• n.• The basic or fundamental

fact, element, or principle.• The final point; the


Ultimatum n.

Ultimata (pl.)

Ultimatums pl.

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Paralyze Parallel

• To affect with paralysis; cause to be paralytic.

• To make unable to move or act

infantile paralysis (poliomyelitis)

• Being an equal distance apart everywhere:– two parallel rows.

• Having comparable parts, analogous aspects, or readily recognized similarities:

• 相似的,相同的– the parallel lives of two contemporari

es.– parallel motives and aims.– My childhood experience is parallel t

o yours.

adj. n. vt.

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