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SSUSH 8U.S. History

Page 3: UNIT 4 TEST REVIEW U.S. History. SSUSH 8 U.S. History.

Divided Nation

The Nullification Crisis was caused by?

Increase in Tariffs of imported goods

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Slave rebellion in Southampton, VA in 1831 that

angered southerners

Nat Turner Rebellion

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Nat Turner is know to oppose


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Nat Turner caused this in the United States?

Increase North/South Tensions

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White abolitionist publisher of The Liberator

William Lloyd Garrison

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Former slave turned abolititionist and publisher of

the North Star

Frederick Douglas

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Nat Turner opposed


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Parents owned slaves but spoke out against slavery

as abolitionist

Grimke Sisters

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Split the country in two and disallowed slavery North of a

certain line of latitude

Missouri Compromise

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Line of Latitude that split the U.S. half free and half slave


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South Carolina refused to abide by a tariff in 1828 and President Jackson threatens military force to enforce it.

Nullification Crisis

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The idea that a state has more power that the national government

State’s Rights Ideology

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Leader from South Carolina that refused to abide by Tariff

of 1832; former Vice President

John C. Calhoun

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Pamphlet written by John C. Calhoun arguing S.C. had the

right to declare Tariff Null & Void

South Carolina Exposition & Protest

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Document written by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

that influences John C. Calhoun

VA & KY Resolutions

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Bill passed by U.S. Congress giving President Andrew Jackson authority to use

military force in the Nullification Crisis

Force Bill

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The division of the United States into two separate



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The idea that God wanted Americans to own all land from

Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

Manifest Destiny

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Central argument in Congress that arose when territories

applied for statehood

Expansion of Slavery

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States entered either as slave or free would throw this off

Balance of Power - Congress

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War between the U.S. and Mexico over the border

Mexican American War

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Proposal in Congress to disallow slavery in the lands acquired in Mexican Cession

Wilmot Proviso

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The Main goal of the Wilmot Proviso was to?

Stop the Spread of Slavery

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New Mexico established, Popular sovereignty New

Mexico, California free state, fugitive slave law, slave trade

abolished in D.C.

Compromise of 1850

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States get to determine for themselves through elections

if they will be slave or free

Popular Sovereignty

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Nat Turner was dedicated to the

Opposition of Slavery

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Goal of the Wilmot Proviso was

Stop the Spread of Slavery

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SSUSH 9U.S. History

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Divided Nation

The purpose of the Civil War expanded to including freeing

the slaves in the?

Emancipation Proclamation

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This justified a moral basis for the war effort?

Gettysburg Address

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Repealed Missouri Compromise of 1820 and

granted popular sovereignty to states to determine slave issue

Kansas-Nebraska Act

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States get to determine for themselves through elections

if they will be slave or free

Popular Sovereignty

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An example of how popular sovereignty failed to settle

issue of expansion of slavery

Bleeding Kansas

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Supreme Court case that determined that no African American – even if free- could not be considered a citizen. Further, the

court determined that popular sovereignty and the Missouri Compromise of 1820

were unconstitutional.

Dred Scott Case

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An attempt to capture the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, VA to arm slaves for


John Brown’s Raid

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The act of a state to separate from the United States


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Incident that caused South Carolina to secede from the

Unites States in 1861

Election of Abraham Lincoln

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Lincoln’s primary goal in the Civil War

Save (Preserve) the Union

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“With malice toward none, with charity for all.” Lincoln

expressed need to rebuild and not punish south.

2nd Inaugural Address

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“A new birth of freedom.”Speech dedicating a cemetery

on the sight of a battlefield.

Gettysburg Address

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Presidential emergency powers to deny possible spies

right to go before a court

Suspension of Habeas Corpus

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General of Army of the Potomac; accepted surrender

of Gen. Robert E. Lee

Ulysses S. Grant

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Confederate General; won Battle of Bull Run; Died in battle shot by his own men


“Stonewall” Jackson

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General of the Army of Northern Virginia;

Surrendered to General U.S. Grant

Robert E. Lee

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Destroyed Atlanta and went on March to the Sea to

Savannah destroying South

William T. Sherman

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President of the Confederate States of America (CSA). President for the South.

Jefferson Davis

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Place where the Civil War began

Fort Sumter

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Bloodiest single day battle in the Civil War. Lee’s failure to win it encouraged Lincoln to

issue the Emancipation Proclamation


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Freed all slaves in the South to hurt the southern war effort; political strategy

Emancipation Proclamation

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United States split in two and the North gets control of the

Mississippi River


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Turning point of the Civil War. Last time the South would try to attack in the North. South would

not recover from loses.


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“A new birth of freedom.”Speech dedicating a cemetery

on the sight of a battlefield.

Gettysburg Address

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Vitally important center of Confederate manufacturing

and railway traffic attacked by Northern Army

Battle for Atlanta

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After Atlanta burned to the ground, route taken to Atlantic destroying rail, roads, bridges,

crops, livestock

March to the Sea

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One very important advantage the South had over the North


Skill of Southern Generals

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SSUSH 10U.S. History

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The rebuilding of the U.S. after the Civil War


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Plans to reconstruct by Lincoln and Johnson to

readmit southern states as fast as possible

Presidential Reconstruction

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Plans to reconstruct by Congress that required

southern states to ratify 13th, 14th, 15th amendments and

reapply to re-enter

Radical Republican Reconstruction

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Considered “Black Harvard”; established in Atlanta, GA to train African Americans in

Ministry & Education

Morehouse College

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Helped African Americans with food, clothing, jobs, medicine,

medical care

Freedman’s Bureau

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Ended Slavery in the United States

13th Amendment

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Defined Citizenship, Due Process of states, equal

protection clause

14th Amendment

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Granted suffrage to African Americans

15th Amendment

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Name used to explain 13th, 14th, 15 Amendments


Reconstruction Amendments

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Laws passed to control freed Africans; deprived them of

voting; forced freed men into forced labor

Black Codes

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Secret society formed to terrorize freed Africans; Murder,

arson, threats to keep them from voting

Ku Klux Klan

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Congress can remove the President from office for “High

crimes & Misdemeanors”


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President Impeached by Congress during Reconstruction

Andrew Johnson

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Law Johnson was accused of violating while president

Tenure of Office Act

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Number of votes in the senate that found Johnson

not guilty

Acquit by one vote

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Union troops were withdrawn from the south in this agreement to select

Rutherford B. Hayes President

Compromise of 1877