Download - TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools · Utoya. It is a camp organized by the AUF (a.k.a. Workers’ Youth League), a division of the Labor Party (the ruling party in Norway) that is

Page 1: TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools · Utoya. It is a camp organized by the AUF (a.k.a. Workers’ Youth League), a division of the Labor Party (the ruling party in Norway) that is

JenksHighSchoolNewspaperTROJAN TORCH




Want to sleep in class? Think againon page 2new drug policies are introduced to classroomsPlanking, coning and owling read more on page 8

Page 2: TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools · Utoya. It is a camp organized by the AUF (a.k.a. Workers’ Youth League), a division of the Labor Party (the ruling party in Norway) that is

In June of 2008 a two year old girl went missing. Many weeks passed before the young, partying mother finally reported her missing child. Twenty-two year old mother, Casey Anthony was immediately a greater suspect; what kind of mother would not immediately report a missing two year old? Weeks later young Caylee Anthony’s dead body was found. Months went by and soon the trial extended to almost three years before the final verdict came to stand. Casey Anthony, standing silent most of the time and only answering questions with short replies, was found not guilty by a sworn-in jury. This verdict upset many people all across the nation. “I feel like there was enough publicly announced evidence” said Junior Kasey Goins. If it was up to Kasey, and many others, Anthony would have had to serve life in prison. “She gives a terrible reputation to girls named Casey,” junior Kasey Goins said. Casey Anthony’s only charge was for giving false information to officials. After the verdict came to stand Casey Anthony was free, at least from the court; Many upset Americans pose as a threat to Anthony’s life. It is currently unknown where she resides; she could be spending thousands a week for her own protection, because the states will not provide protection unless someone poses as a serious threat to her life. When asked if it should be okay for the public to know about trials like these Junior Kasey Goins said, “all trials should be public.”

and a right-winged extremist, was charged as being responsible for the mass shooting at Utoya. Breivik was later charged by the Norwegian Police Service with responsibility for the car bombing outside of the Prime Minister’s office as well. His actions were considered “acts of a madman.” The attacks took a toll on the people of Norway. Not only are citizens faced with immense loss and structural destruction, but also the rising threat of terrorism and out lash that now hovers over the country. The main focus moving forward is what is to come. So far there is no confirmation whether more attacks have been planned, or if there were others associated with Breivik.

On July 22, 2011 two back-to-back terrorist attacks petrified the people of Norway, and set off mass chaos throughout the coun-try. The attacks were confirmed to be against not only the citizens of the land, but the central government of Norway and it’s officials as well. The first of the attacks took place in Oslo near the Norwegian capital building. According to CNN, the bomb was placed in a car right outside of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg’s office. The ex-plosion killed eight people, critically injured ten, and several others were wounded. The detonation also caused considerable damage to surrounding areas and sparked major concern for the stability of the country and the coming consequences of terrorism. The later of the two attacks took place just two hours after the first. The massacre took place at a summer camp on the island of Utoya. It is a camp organized by the AUF (a.k.a. Workers’ Youth League), a division of the Labor Party (the ruling party in Norway) that is devoted to the country’s youth. According to the Associated Press, the attack was a shooting which started with a creative disguise. A young man dressed as a police officer entered the camp and suddenly opened fire against the bystanders. The shooting killed as many as 84 citizens at the camp, including close friends of the Prime Minister and the step-brother of Mette-Marit, the crowned princess of Norway. After the shooting, bombs not yet detonated were found on the island. Anders Behring Breivik, a 32-year-old blonde Norwegian

Recent massacre terrorizes citizens of Norway

Anthony’s Verdict Leads to a New Life

A recent bombing and shooting in Norway killed 77, and threat-ened the safety and citizens of Norway.

Emery SkeltonReporter

Andrea MayesReporter

The U.S. is approaching the ten year anniversary of Sept. 11th, 2001, and Americans are given the chance to reflect on and remember the events, victims, and heros of one of the country’s darkest days. 9/11 is a notorious event that caused immense loss and grief, subsequently causing US invasion of foreign countries and involvement in two wars, and challenged U.S. policy that lead to much debate over the current state of safety in the country. The event lead to many deaths of soldiers, fear of injustice in society and increased flight safety along with tighter airport security. Most students have vague memories of 9/11, due to the fact that hardly any high school students had reached an age of double digits when the event occurred. It appears as if this event touched every person differently. “My neighbor was [in New York City] on the tenth,” freshman Madeline Kampmeyer said. The country has gone through many challenges, changes, and frustrations over the past decade, but some still wonder as to how or why this “revolution” of sorts came about in the first place. “The government is actually partially to blame for this, as are the people. To let air security go unchecked was to risk the security of something that was one of the most powerful tools of destruction in history,” junior Josh Vanderveen said. Nevertheless, America has stood strong through every battle that has followed and should feel proud to honor all those who were lost due to this unimaginable strain of unfortunate events.

Memories of 9/11 linger a decade laterAndrea Mayes




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Page 3: TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools · Utoya. It is a camp organized by the AUF (a.k.a. Workers’ Youth League), a division of the Labor Party (the ruling party in Norway) that is

Several things come to mind when people think of this sum-mer, but something that everyone seems to be thinking about is the extreme heat wave that has swept through the state. With extraor-dinarily high temperatures, this summer has people seeking refuge in the comfort of air conditioned homes and buildings. It is so hot that professionals advice everyone to begin drinking water before they even go outside, in order to provide the body with enough fluid to prevent dehydration. With a record breaking number of days over one hundred degrees, heat borne illnesses are sneaking up on anyone without enough water in their bodies. Experts even say that because the temperature is forecasted in the shade, it is actually ten degrees hotter in the sun than the average high for that day. Many people have suffered because of this climate, and everyone wants to be indoors now more than ever. Lifeguards took on the heat everyday as they sat for hours in the sun. “I was out in the sun for nine hours every week day, and drank about four nalgene water bottles a day,” senior Jessica Stacy said when asked about her summer job. Now that school is in session, many sports are practicing in the hottest hours of the afternoon. Some schools require practices to be cancelled if the heat exceeds a certain temperature. This summer’s droughts and temperatures are so insane, they are said to be more severe than those of the Dust Bowl. With a climate this intense, drinking plenty of water and finding the luxury of air conditioning are the main ways of staying healthy while waiting it out for fall weather.

Heat wave breaks recordsNatalie Miller


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom now has a real life counterpart. A Hindu temple in the Kerala province of India was recently ordered to open up its six vaults in order to inventory by the Supreme Court of India. The extravagance and value of what they found was beyond even the most liberal expectations, when a rough estimate placed the value of the fortune at more than 20 billion dollars. For comparison, the vaults wealth is more than India’s entire education budget for a population of over 1.2 billion people. A true appraisal of the vaults value is not possible till the antiques in the temple are evaluated for historical worth. The valuables, which were the accumulation of one-hundred and fifty years worth of donations from royalty and peasants alike to the Hindu god Lord Vishnu. The wealth of the vaults was also increased by the trade routes that ran through the province and paid due to the god as well. The temple, which is operated by the Indian royal family, says it is debating plans to disperse the funds generated by the collection to charity, or keep it in the temple as a continued offering to Lord Vishnu and out of respect to the worshippers’ original wishes. Critics of that plan say that to keep the treasure from the poor is akin to a criminal offense when it could benefit so many people in need. The debate rages on in a country where crushing poverty affects close to 40 percent of population, and where any spare dollar helps.

Treasure beyond measure discoveredDallas Elmore


The Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple in the Kerala province of India, where the treasure was found.

Syrian slaughter continues

What many are calling the Arab Spring has spread to another country. Syria is the latest country to be gripped by social unrest. Syrians are calling for an end to the oppressive regime of Bashar al-Assad. The president’s response was swift and ruthless, result-ing in the brutal death of many Syrian protesters. Recently, in a White House press release, President Obama said, “The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but President Bashar al-Assad is standing in their way. His calls for dialogue and reform have rung hollow while he is imprisoning, torturing, and slaughtering his own people. We have consistently said that President Assad must lead a democratic transition or get out of the way. He has not led. For the sake of the Syrian people, the time has come for President Assad to step aside.” The United States is not alone in condemning Assad. The United Nations and the European Union have also asked for the regime of President Assad to come to an end. However, Assad refuses to go peacefully as he continues to attack the Syrian people. Human rights groups have estimated that since the protests began in March approximately 1,700 people have been murdered by their government. A more alarming figure is the 10,000 people reported to be in custody or missing. As with other Middle Eastern countries, we can only hope that peace, justice, and freedom will prevail in Syria, and that the thoughtless killing of Syrians will end.

Cam ThomasReporter


Page 4: TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools · Utoya. It is a camp organized by the AUF (a.k.a. Workers’ Youth League), a division of the Labor Party (the ruling party in Norway) that is

Soda of the Future


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Throughout the years, advances have been made in the fields of medicine, space exploration and transportation across the world. But nothing has been quite so impres-sive as the leaps and bounds that Coca Cola company has made in recent years. Now beginning to show up in many restaurants and fine eateries, this high tech soda machine provides a plethora of signature flavors with a few new ones to tickle any customer’s taste buds. A common person can become a mix master, a creator of their own destiny and fate, the moment they put their cup in this machine. Anything from crushed to cubed ice, different additional flavors (cherry, vanilla, and so on) and the picking of the main drink course is a new delight that everyone should experience. Current known locations of this fantastic new device are the Mazzio’s near the Warehouse Market in Tulsa Hills and the Top That! Pizza, a new location on Memorial.

The Best of the Rest top pizza locations in Tulsa

prices, great taste and speed. For $6.99 per ten inch pizza, you can choose from three crust choices, nine sauce types, eight kinds of cheese, and over 32 different toppings to create a truly personal pie. This means that your pizza possibilities approximate an inconceivable 30 trillion! Just in front of the Bixby Spirit Center in a fun upstairs location is Savastano’s, a restaurant known for its authentic Chicago deep-dish pizza. The prices may seem high until a waitress serves one next door and your perspective shifts. This is the kind of place where an eight pound pizza is the norm; one slice and a side salad is more than plenty to feed an adult. Tall open ceilings, classic rock

As the weather begins to cool down and eating comfort food finally turns into a conceivable idea, many students are finding time to connect with newfound friends over slices of America’s favorite “social food”: pizza. But everyone has their own opinion, and rightly so; the Tulsa area has over 150 options. In order to narrow your search and not your wallet, we are highlighting three of our favorite restaurants. One of the most critically acclaimed restaurants is an understated gem called Top That Pizza. With only one location on South Memorial Drive, its limited accessibility is made up for by its excellent

in the background, friendly staff and ESPN on a plasma TV all contribute to a comfortable experience to enjoy with good friends. A ten inch pizza will run around $14, but remember that it doesn’t take much to get full. Last but certainly not least is a local favorite that serves not only pizza but also a classic Italian sandwich called a grinder. Bellacino’s is a family-friendly restaurant with reasonable prices and a daily special written in flamboyant chalk above the cash register. Its location right across the bridge from the high school makes it the perfect place for an after-school hangout. Portion control is possible with the smaller square-cut pizza slices, although the six- to twelve-inch grinders make for a hearty meal. A wide

variety of pasta, salads and desserts are on offer as well. An eight inch pizza with one topping is around six dollars. Among these choices, Top That! Pizza turned out to be the cheapest and most reliable source of pizza. With the other two options, it really depends on the opinion of the consumer; is it better to pay about five to seven dollars more to thoroughly fill up around 10 people, or is it better to pay a bargain price to just satisfy a family of four? High schoolers are known to consume copious amounts of pizza, and with this many choices, students are bound to find a new favorite this year.

Bethany MannAd Director


















Page 5: TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools · Utoya. It is a camp organized by the AUF (a.k.a. Workers’ Youth League), a division of the Labor Party (the ruling party in Norway) that is

Popular iPhone Games

Angry Birds is a widely-played game where you help a diverse group of birds attack the evil pigs who stole their eggs. By launching the birds at the pigs, you progress through the game’s many levels.

Words With Friends allows interactive scrabble game play with any of your friends who have the same applica-tion. Its popularity has spurred many web sites that help the game players “cheat” by providing word lists for certain letter combinations.

The goal of Fruit Ninja is to swipe your fi ngers across the screen rapidly and slash as much fruit as possible without hit-ting bombs. Doodle

Jump is a game where you guide a small creature called “The Doodler” up various platforms while dodg-ing objects and shooting monsters.

It has several different game play themes includ-ing Original, Graveyard, Christmas, Rainforest.

Space, Soccer World Cup, Easter, Un-derwater, and Halloween. As a bonus, after losing the game at least 500 times, The Doodler has the option to wear a pickle costume.

Madden NFL 12 is an application with good graphics that allows the player to par-ticipate in a football game by using digital replicas of the players.

Pottermore casts spell over Internet

The Harry Potter movies may have come to an end last July, but Potter fans are already gearing up for the next big thing to come. In late June, J.K. Rowling announced plans for a new web site called Pottermore. The web site was coined as an interactive reading experience and it was also announced that, for the fi rst time, the web site would have e-books of the Harry Potter series available for purchase.

Between July 31st and Aug. 6th, one million people were given the opportunity to solve clues linking them to different web sites. These web sites contained a hidden “magic quill” that had to be found; those who found the quill were granted early access into the web site to shape the experience for general admission, which will start in Oct. The fi rst registrants gained

entrance on Aug. 15th, and early admission will run through the end of September. The fi rst book in the series, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, is the fi rst interactive experience players can walk through. The site will unlock Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in early 2012. Players navigate the books chapter-by-chapter, moving through beautifully drawn visual conceptions of scenes from the books’ settings and collecting things along the way. These range from postcards to salt and pepper shakers. Their journey mirrors Harry’s, and they will eventually reach Diagon Alley to purchase school supplies, including their very own magic wand, and will be sorted into one of the four Hogwarts houses using a quiz written by J.K. Rowling. Dueling and potion-making are also available as side activities, and completing these tasks with success will result in earning points for your house. While moving through the story, there is also a lot of material to read, which

factors in the reading part of the interactive experience. Refreshers on characters running the spectrum from Harry to Professor McGonagall are given whenever the characters are mentioned; in addition, J.K. Rowling is now releasing information about the magical world fans have never seen before, like background stories on Professor Quirrell and Uncle Vernon. The Pottermore web site is, for fans of Harry Potter, almost a dream come true. The interaction with the books and the story line is something totally brand-new, and the artwork has clearly been carefully worked and reworked for months in advance. The feeling of actually being in the story is a perspective almost unmatched, and makes the web site stand out from all other Potter-related sites. There is no question – Pottermore, like related attractions before it, is sure to be a smashing success.

Rachel LampiReporter


Page 6: TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools · Utoya. It is a camp organized by the AUF (a.k.a. Workers’ Youth League), a division of the Labor Party (the ruling party in Norway) that is


Kim Kardashian says “I do”Madison Reichert


On Saturday evening, Aug. 20, Kim Kardashian tied the knot with New Jersey

Nets forward, Kris Humphries. They wed at a private setting in Montecito, California after dating for only six months. Of the 440 guests, both families were in attendance as well as stars including Demi Lovato and Lindsay Lohan. Kim floated down the aisle in an ivory custom-designed Vera Wang gown with a basque waist and a full skirt. The groom, almost as fashionable as Kim, sported a full black tuxedo set by Ermenegildo Zegna. The picture-perfect couple exchanged stunning rings by high scale designer, Lorraine Schwartz. Ryan Secrest described the event as “Beautiful…Kim looked regal, a perfect night. I just danced with the whole family.” Joel Johnson, the Humphries family pastor, officiated the traditional Christian service. The wedding was not televised, but not exactly private either as eager reporters and photographers flocked from all over to report on

this high-profile couple’s nuptials. In fact, no wedding has attracted this much attention since the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. While Kim is certainly not royalty, the event drew attention because of this famous couple and many gaudy, over-the-top aspects that Kardashian fans love to critique and envy. So let us talk money. Kris Humphries reportedly spent 2 million on Kim’s ring (Kate Middleton’s ring is worth only about $500,000 by the way). And what type of gifts could friends purchase for the newlyweds? The couple registered for the traditional items as well as multiple $7,000.00 vases. It is said that the couple spent more than $50 million dollars to get hitched, which is the approximate cost of the royal event. But really, what worth can you put on a fairy-tale wedding that features two beautiful people in love? It is priceless. Now let us hope this fairy tale ends happily ever after.

Kim Kardashian is pictured above walking down the aisle.


This year’s Video Music Award show went out with a bang! Aug. 28th, MTV hosted their annual Video Music Award show live, from Los Angelos’ Nokia Theatre, pulling in their largest audience to date. Nominations were first announced back in late June of 2011. Katy Perry held the spot for the most nominations at ten; Chris Brown and Adele with seven nominations, tie for second.

Stealing the ‘Top Prize’, Katy Perry won Video of the Year with her recent music video, Fireworks, along with two other awards. Who won what is not the only thing people are talking about after this year’s VMAs, Lady Gaga’s extreme performance and Beyonce’s shocking announcement leave viewers talking.

-Bailey Fischer-Columbo

80s movies return to the big screen

Nostalgia for the 1980s seems to be hitting Hollywood big in recent years. Movies that are iconic of that time period have been showing up in theaters frequently, attracting both criticism and support from film fans. Conan the Barbarian, originally a fantasy sto-ry created by Robert Howard, was released in 1982 with a sequel following in 1984. On Aug. 18, 2011, the movie was re-released starring Jason Momoa; the film received mostly negative reviews, how-ever, and is said to be even less accurate to the original stories than the first film. Another film set to make a comeback to the big screen is Footloose, a widely-celebrated movie originally starring Kevin Bacon. A new version of this movie is set for release in Oct. of 2011, and will star Kenny Wormald and Julianne Hough of Dancing With The Stars. New movies are coming out in theaters all the time, but sometimes it seems that nothing but an old classic with a new face will do to satisfy moviegoers’ appetites. Whether watching a film from the 1980s, or its contemporary remake, these films appear to be here to stay. -Rachel Lampi

Soap operas say farewellSarah Richey

ReporterMillions of fans were shocked to hear that popular

soap operas, All My Children and One Life to Live, will be airing their final episodes in late Sept. 2011 and Jan. 2012, respectively. The shows have been airing for over forty years on weekdays at 12 and 1 p.m. on ABC.

Both shows have been licensed to Prospect Park, an online production company, allowing the story lines of residents of Pine Valley and Llanview, Pennsylvania to continue. Followers will be able to keep up with their favorite characters from the shows including Erica Kane, Tad Martin, and Greenlee Lavery from AMC and Vicki Lord, Dorian Lord, and Todd Manning from OLTL.

“I have been watching All My Children for ten years. I love staying up-to-date with the clothes the characters wear.” 2009 graduate Laura Richey said.

All My Children will be replaced on ABC by The Chew, which will feature hosts that cook, share home entertainment ideas, and discuss suggestions “aimed at making life better” according to One Life to Live will be replaced by The Revolution, a talk show about health and lifestyles that will feature host Tim Gunn of Project Runway.

Page 7: TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools · Utoya. It is a camp organized by the AUF (a.k.a. Workers’ Youth League), a division of the Labor Party (the ruling party in Norway) that is

Every year pom hosts a fashion show that includes both students and teachers. This year’s show, being the 13th of September, should be

better than ever. To make this event exceptionally entertaining, the show is hosted by Kristin Dickerson and Mark Bradshaw from News Chan-nel 8. It is a great way for seniors to get involved at the beginning of the year, and for students to get to see their teachers in a more exciting atmosphere. In the program, students from all different clubs and activi-ties come together to put on a crowd-pleasing production that everyone can look forward to. Girls get to model dresses from different stores and boutiques, while guys are dressed up in tuxedos and suits. All of this goes into one fun night of strutting down the runway and entertaining the audience with funny poses and witty gestures. The freshman, junior varsity, and varsity pom squads will also perform routines they have been working on specifically for the show, with the varsity squad as the opening act. The squads have been preparing, and having fun while getting every-thing ready for the spotlight. “It is a bonding experience and it gets us ready for bigger competi-tions by performing in front of a large audience,” junior Madison Beers said after being asked what it is like to be a part of such a big, school-wide production. The proceeds help the squads financially in several areas through-out the season, and also help provide for new uniforms. This year’s theme is “Viva La Glam.” With an amazing team of pom moms working behind the scenes, the show is sure to live up to its name. The fashion show always seems to be a hit, and is definitely anticipated from the start of the year. From fancy apparel to entertaining performances, the night has something for everyone.

Seniors strut their stuffNatalie Miller


Band is buckling downAmy PrittReporter

The spotlight is on the band this marching season as they get prepared for all their upcoming contests and performances. The entire band attends morning rehearsals each day to practice their sheet music. The students not only revise their music, but they work out and get into shape as well. “All rehearsals are really challenging. During rehearsals we run, do pushups for self discipline, and try to withstand the heat for hours,” senior Ashley Pritt said. Mr. Hillock, one of the band directors, is buckling down to get the students into shape. He is challenging the students to the limit as he strives for first place this season. It is not just the upcoming contests that increases anxiety for the band students, but they will also perform stand tunes at the football games. The football games allow the band more lenience in comparison to the pressure-filled contests. Contests are stressful, scripted, and rehearsed. On the other hand, football games are entertaining for the band members. The games give the students extra practice for the approaching contests. Even though the football games are less stressful, Mr. Hillock still pushes them to perform diligently in front of the cheering crowds. This season has already drastically changed for the band members. The band directors are more concentrated than years past. They have upgraded this year to a larger, more powerful performance than previous years. Hopefully the band will be receiving some top trophies soon. Countless people are wishing the band the best of luck as they go to perform at the Owasso and Union contests at the end of September.

Shakes meet Shakespeare

Often restaurants by themselves are a difficult enough business to run, but Steve Sundry, owner of Steve’s Books and Magazines, has combined a book store and an old fashioned soda bar for an all around good time experience! With every book and magazine possible in the inventory, it’s a book worm’s dream. The old fashioned sense hits you the minute you walk in, from things like the decor right down to the smell. The bar with old fashioned stools and soda offers a comfortable and homey experience with a friendly staff and simple menu. Nothing is overstated in this small restaurant, making it a nice contradiction to many others in Tulsa today. The menu had a few sandwiches to pick from, as well as shakes and malts. The grilled cheese was a plain and deliciously melt-ed sandwich that satisfied my cheese lover taste buds. The chocolate shake was seriously the best ever made. Nothing is done behind closed doors, either. I watched as the waitress scooped out the vanilla ice cream, added some milk and put in the final touch of hershey’s syrup. What makes Steve’s so great is not the old fashioned feel, but the fact that they do everything old school, the way it should be.

Annie RoachLifestyle Director


Senior pom girls Natalie Miller, Emily Towler, Jessica Stacy, Maddie Likins, and Julie Ferrel model their dresses for the upcoming fashion show.

Page 8: TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools · Utoya. It is a camp organized by the AUF (a.k.a. Workers’ Youth League), a division of the Labor Party (the ruling party in Norway) that is

by lifestyle director Annie Roach

the hipster m


With stars like Kate Winslet, Keira Knight-ly and Ginnifer Goodwin getting pixie cuts, the appeal for very short hair has grown for the average woman. Ultra short hair holds part of its lure in the ease that is required to style it. Long hair also tends to be diffi cult to bear in the heat. “My curly long hair just wouldn’t work in the summer, it was so hot!” Senior Nina Simp-son said. Pixie cuts tend work best with heart-shaped or oval faces. However, many would argue that there is a perfect short style for anyone. “It’s so easy to maintain. I wasn’t sure of going so short at fi rst, but then I just asked my hair lady to cut all of it off,” Simpson said.

In past years, the Trojan Torch has explored different areas of people’s

lifestyle, whether it be veganism or consumerism. Something that has been little touched, however, is social life-styles; the cliches of society.

A style, a way of life (if you will), that has been building for the past few years is the hipster movement. The word hipster itself is defi ned as a person characterized by a particularly strong sense of alienation from most established social activities and rela-tionships ( However, the more denotative meaning that most go by today is a subculture of young people who value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence and witty banter (

The funny thing about this is that while hipsters started out as cool indi-viduals with a unique fashion sense and out there views, it has become as main stream as being preppy or goth. What’s even more ironic is that everyone either says they hate hipsters or think they are one. This twist on culture is something that seems to happen with each new social movement.

Hippies were the hipsters of the seventies, and now kids dress up as them for Halloween. Are generations that fol-low us destined to make the same call? Will something everyone now thought was a change of mind lead to be fright night costumes later on?

While the hipster category has been added to the list of cliche social charac-ters, some of the things to come out of this social movement can be appreciated by some from all generations. Who said change was a bad thing?

A school survey found that 28 of 30 students knew what planking was, 14 of 30 knew or had heard of coning, and 9 knew what owling was. These strange hobbies spread out and became more and more popular over the summer. Planking, requiring a stiff straight body, an emotionless face, and in some cases great core muscles, is enjoyed by people all around. “I think it’s really funny to watch people plank, especially those who physically cannot plank,” said Freshman Caroline Pritchett.

Unlike planking, many people who know what coning is have never actually done it. Coning consists of ordering ice cream cones in a drive-thru, grabbing the cones upside-down, and either staring at the cone while sitting in front of the drive-thru window, which is dripping into your lap, or eating the ice cream cone upside-down.

When educated on what exactly coning was, freshman Dailey Freudenrich replied, “It’s hilarious, I’m going to go do that this afternoon!” Owling, another quickly spreading -ing word, is more identical to planking, in a sense that no money is required for the enjoyment. To owl a person would stand on an above ground surface with their hands made in the popular owl shape over the eyes while staring down random individuals. This new -ing has been found to be either wildly entertaining or slightly creepy. There are many more –ing words out there, most of which to be found on Youtube, and always some to be discovered. The trending -ing words started over the summer and look as if they will last through the year. If ever bored with a friend, anyone can have fun with a -ing word, and if a one gets old, create a new -ing word and share it with the world.

Emery SkeltonReporter



and owling makeanappearance Senior Jake Nelson and sophomore Alex Camp-

bell show off their planking abilities on one of the tables during lunch.


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Boy cuts are backRachel Campbell


Emma Watson’s pixie cut inspired many to chop off their locks.

Page 9: TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools · Utoya. It is a camp organized by the AUF (a.k.a. Workers’ Youth League), a division of the Labor Party (the ruling party in Norway) that is

Homecoming dresses HEALTH: Caffeine CBS News describes America as the “Caffeine Nation.” Caffeine; it’s the drug that is sweeping the states. Caffeine is considered a drug (a stimulant, to be exact) because its main purpose is to stimulate the Central Nervous System. The effects can last up to a few hours and attribute not only to a lack of sleep, but also abnormal heart rhythms, headaches, irritability, anxiety, inability to concentrate, and can cause high blood pressure and jittering. A normal amount of caffeine is considered two to four cups of coffee a day, or 200-300 milligrams of caffeine every 24 hours. The problem arises when examining portion size. When it lists that about three cups of coffee a day is tolerable, it is referring to a measurement of three unit cups, not a small coffee from the drive-thru. An average “cup” of coffee in America actually contains around 100 milligrams of caffeine, and the average soft drink bottle contains almost 50 mg. That means that most Americans can consume twice as much as recommended every day. Caffeine is most notably found in coffee, tea, energy drinks, and soda, but it is also hidden inside of chocolate, decaf coffee (only about 5 mg), and some over-the-counter medicines or pain relievers (some contain 200 mg). Before ordering, sipping, pouring or popping make sure that the side effects are sustainable. Caffeine can come with some consequences.

-Andrea Mayes

Homecoming is right around the corner! Not sure how to go about

finding the perfect dress? When feeling sad, go with the fad! Different trends flutter in and out as the years go by, but for this particular dance, one style seems to stick: short dresses. This dress type provides a casual yet classy vibe and hardly ever gets boring. A short dress shows off great legs! This fall, short homecoming dresses are even more popular than last year. However, short micro dresses can be too casual for a formal homecoming event. According to “The Style Mark,” one shoulder dresses are the most popular design for 2011 homecoming dresses. It is a look that can be considered both stunning and sweet, while working with many different body types. It is impossible to go wrong with this season’s sophisticated colors: black, gold, white, and red...not to mention the popular mustard yellow color that made a trendy hit last fall. The color looks just as good this year! Of all the colors, silver is the favorite for dresses this season. Think about it: this classy cool color flatters all hairstyles and skin tones. Last year, all the runways were unanimously showing gold. However, this season, silver is showing up everywhere and is a trendy color you will not want to miss out on. Be sure to not over accessorize with the “heavy metal” look, but add simple classic jewelry. Pairing your must-have dress with black heels will not take away

from the sheer beauty of silver, but will add a finishing touch to complete the ensemble. Regardless of the style chosen, it is said that beaded gowns is not the way to go this season. Feeling boring? When in doubt, glam it out! You can never go wrong with sequence or a touch of sparkle on your ensemble. Pair your dream dress with a light weight bolero jacket and you will be more than ready for those memorable chilly fall evenings. “My favorite type of homecoming dress is anything strapless!” Senior Emma Blackwell said. “I already got mine from H&M when I was on vacation in Las Vegas. It’s a single strap sweetheart dress! The color is fall a pumpkin and a cinnamon stick mixed together.” Senior Kate Guest eagerly shared. Check out the latest styles in area dress shops including Alyssa’s Bridal (71st and Memorial), Saks (Utica Square), David’s Bridal (71st and Mingo), Dillards (located in Woodland Hills Mall, 71st and Memorial), and many more. No worries bargain-hunters! Fortunately, most of these stores carry dresses from last year that will be on sale. Looks like many people are on top of the ball before the ball and have already purchased their homecoming dresses. The big dance will be here before you know it, so grab some girlfriends and go find that perfect dress!

Madison ReichertReporter






















Page 10: TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools · Utoya. It is a camp organized by the AUF (a.k.a. Workers’ Youth League), a division of the Labor Party (the ruling party in Norway) that is

Dubstep has invaded the airways among teens over the past couple of years. Dubstep is mainly characterized by its rhythm, structure, and wobble bass. Wobble bass is where an extended bass note is manipu-lated rhythmically. This style of bass is a driving factor in some variations of dubstep, particularly at the more club-friendly end of the spectrum - a sub genre which has been termed ‘brostep’ by some. “I like listening to dub-step because it is unique. It’s known as an ‘underground genre’ so not too many people have heard of it,” senior Cody Sharrock said. Afterwards, Cody stated that his favorite dubstep art-ists were Skrillex, Bassnectar, Borgore, Datsik, Excision, Flux, Pavilion, Doctor P, and Mt. Eden.

Senior Cody Sharrock is pictured above listening to his favorite dub-step artists.


Dubstep beats its way to the top

Erica EngelbyEditor-in-chief

Highly acclaimed rap artists Eminem and Royce Da 5’9”, have decided to reunite their band, Bad Meets Evil, after years of separation. Both from Michi-gan, Detroit, Eminem and Royce Da 5’9” met through a mutual friend, Proof, another highly ac-claimed rapper and started rapping together in the late 1990’s. In their rap-duo, Royce represented the ‘Bad’ and Eminem repre-sented the ‘Evil’, together making the group, ‘Bad Meets Evil’. After many successful years and popular tracks such as “Nuttin’ To Do”, their group debut single, and “Scary Movies”, first dropping back in 1999, Eminem and Royce had a falling out due to another rap group, D12, causing

BADMEETSEVIL steps onto the hip-hop scene

“I like this style of music because, for the most part it is up to you to interpret what the song means,” senior Ben Staf-ford said. Dubstep will be grow-ing more and more over the next couple of years as people branch out and try new music.

Since the beginning of this year, Tulsa has hosted many well-known artists at the BOK Center that nearly sold out the venue. Receiving the Top Venue Excellence Award in 2011, the arena has become a popular destination for famous musicians. On Sept. 17, Katy Perry will continue her Teenage Dream tour in Tulsa. She became the first woman to ever have five songs from one album become number one on the “Billboard Hot 100”, and is only the second singer behind Michael Jackson and the album “Bad.” The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. and will feature Janelle Mo-nae as the opening act. Tickets are available starting at $39.50. “I love how fun and energetic her music is and I’m sure she will be very entertaining live,” senior Andi Phillips said. Def Leppard, an English hard rock band, and special guest Heart, are scheduled to preform on Sept. 20. The concert was origi-nally scheduled for July 19, but was postponed because of the death of lead singer Joe Elliot’s father. Def Leppard, preforming classic hits such as “Photograph” and “Pour Some Sugar on Me,” and Heart preforming their hit “Barracuda,” should make for a fun night. Ticket prices start at $35. Four-time Grammy winner Taylor Swift’s Speak Now tour is nearly sold out. Taylor has became a massive star and was named “Artist of the Year” by Billboard Magazine in 2009. The concert will be held Sept. 21 at 7:00 p.m. with opening act Needtobreathe. Tickets start at $27. Sophomores Kendall Hughes and Shelby Green are looking for-ward to hearing their favorite Taylor Swift song, “Fearless”, at the upcoming concert.

Sarah RicheyReporter

their rap-duo split up in the early 2000’s. After the tragic death of their friend, Proof, the two artists came together to work past their differences and create their renewed and revamped rap group, Bad Meets Evil. Eminem announced to the public in late 2010 that he and Royce Da 5’9” would be rapping together again and collaborating on new songs. The deal was finalized in June of 2011.

In the short time of their rejoining, they have already been nominated for an award at this year’s VMA’s for their new hit song with Bruno Mars, “Lighters”. Even through their rocky past, the two music artists do not lose support. Senior Ian Meehleder ex-claimed that he “completely supports the collaboration of Bad Meets Evil”. -Bailey Fischer-Columbo

Top artists to visit Tulsa

Page 11: TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools · Utoya. It is a camp organized by the AUF (a.k.a. Workers’ Youth League), a division of the Labor Party (the ruling party in Norway) that is

Cross country charges into changerunning companions.” When asked of the teams chances of repeating its first place magic, Emma Blackwell, 12, aptly replied “We’re putting girls cross country back on top, muffin top.”

Varsity Football Schedule: October-November




Broken Arrow10-28


OU stacks up well against competition According to online college polls, the Oklahoma Sooners were ranked seventh in the nation for the 2010 football season. With the 2011 season start on Sept. 3 against Norman, the Oklahoma Sooners are ranked first in the nation, barely surpassing Alabama in many polls. Throughout past years the Oklahoma Sooners and the Oklahoma State Cowboys have been of great significance to Oklahoma football fans and other college football fans across the United States. Many Oklahoma Sooner fans have no idea that their favorite team is ranked top in the nation before the season starts. A real Sooner fan, sophomore Keaton Holt, already knew of his teams preseason fame. His confidence in the team does not surpass his logic. “Because of statistics, there is a chance they will not stay in first, there has never been a team to hold first place an entire season,” sophomore Keaton Holt said. Keaton said that their biggest threat would more than likely be the Texas Longhorns, who they play on Oct. 8 in Dallas, Texas. Many other fans believe that the Oklahoma State Cowboys are Oklahoma’s biggest threat, ending the three-month fall football

season on Dec. 3. Other Sooner fans have no idea that Oklahoma is ranked first in the nation before season; Freshman Tony Cepeda was told his favorite Oklahoma team was ranked first in the preseason and he said he was “kind of excited” to hear it. His confidence in his team is strong and he believes that the Oklahoma Sooners will stay in first place the entire season.

Dallas ElmoreReporter

Boys Cross country has undergone a changing of the guard at the coaching position over the summer. Coach Patterson

took over the head coaching spot from 14-year head coach Brian Yockers. During his tenure, Yockers led the team to multiple wins, including regional and state championships. The expectations that the former coach left behind are high, but Coach Patterson has already made an impact at his new post. .Asked about the new coach, Dillon Conwell, 12, says, “ He’s got a different style than Coach Yockers, but were learning about him.” Dillon also adds: By pushing us to our limits, we’re not only improving our running, but rather many aspects of our lives. Cause we’re getting ready for the Patt Down.” On the question of whether or not the cross country team would win state, Daniel Anderson simply stated, “We gonna win. We Jenks High School.” On the other hand, however, the girls cross-country team is entering another year under the tutelage of head coach Maria Fernandez. The girls are coming off a state championship season last year, and expectations are crossing sky high. Lottie Dungan, 11, attributes the teams success to the character revealed from the workouts. “We go through so much pain and suffering everyday, that we know the true spirit of our


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The Cross country team after a first place win at the Metro Chris-tian Invitational.


Page 12: TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools · Utoya. It is a camp organized by the AUF (a.k.a. Workers’ Youth League), a division of the Labor Party (the ruling party in Norway) that is

Football is Back in season After a long and painful offseason, fit with a lockout, the excitement of the National Football League has returned. Due to conflict between the players and the owners over how to fairly split the billions of dollars of revenue the league earns each year, the longest work stoppage in NFL history took place. No work contact was allowed between players and coaches, also players were not allowed to enter team facilities, or work with trainers. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell announced on July 26 that, “ Football is back.” The regular season kicks off on Sept. 8 when the defending champion Green Bay Packers will take on the New Orleans Saints. Other week one marquee match ups include: the Falcons at the Bears, the Colts at the Texans, and the Steelers at the Ravens.

Sunday Night Football on NBC kicks off with a good match up between the Jets and the Cowboys. Also, MondayNight Football begins the season with a double-header featuring the Patriots at the Dolphins, and the Oakland Raiders at the Broncos. The resolution to the lockout resulted in the implementation of new rules. The most controversial of the rules was the moving of kickoffs from the 30 yard line to the 35 yard line. Many head coaches and players are upset with the rule. “To me, it will swing the balance of the play drastically to the kickoff team,” Baltimore Ravens head coach John Harbaugh said. Harbaugh is a former special teams coach for the Philadelphia Eagles. Many fans are afraid that the new kickoff rule will take the excitement out of the game. However, NFL officials site player safety as the reason for the new rule.

Local soccer teams go to nationals Local club soccer teams TSC 94 Black and Hurricane 95 Shubert competed for something most of us will never be able to attain: a national championship. Both teams competed in the US Youth Soccer National Championships in Phoenix, Arizona, this past summer. Lizzie Keester, varsity girl’s soccer player, 11, and the Hurricane 95 team made it to the National Final, where they placed second, in a hard fought, grueling match. Keester, who dedicated all but a week of her summer to preparation, says of the tournament “..the honor of being there made it all worth it.” The TSC 94 boy’s team won the National League that guaranteed them a spot in the six-team field at the tournament. Although the team did not

move onto the championship match, they did place fourth on the biggest stage that a team can compete in at the national level. Varsity boys soccer players Sean Parker, Douglas Ivanoff, Emmanuel Raranje, Jordan Cuckler, and Isaac Fraley, who play for the TSC 94 team, collectively stated that the competition was “awesome”. Senior Emmanuel Raranje, said “It was an incredible experience getting to play at that level, even without getting to the final. The top teams in the country made the competition incredible.” Lizzie Keester summed up the big soccer tournament by stating “ was an amazing experience because everyone understood the sacrifice it took to get there. All the hard work became even more worth it.” A Hurricane 95 girl plays defense against a

Rockwall girl.

The TSC 94 Boys team, who placed fourth at Nationals.

Cam ThomasReporter


Dallas ElmoreReporter

Commissioner Roger Goodell and NFLPA representative DeM-aurice Smith announce an end to the lockout.

Green Bay Packers players Aaron Rodgers and Clay Matthews celebrate their victory in Super Bowl 45.


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Page 13: TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools · Utoya. It is a camp organized by the AUF (a.k.a. Workers’ Youth League), a division of the Labor Party (the ruling party in Norway) that is


Don’t wake me if I’m dreaming

Live.Laugh.Love. Blitz, Sack, Pass; football sea-son is finally here! Lucky for us, Jenks Trojan Football is known nation-wide and is always an

entertaining sporting event for Friday nights. Unlike other schools, here, football is a way of life. Every student should be eager to support such a hardworking team at their games. Students should not only encourage the Trojans at the Backyard Bowl, but at every game of the season. Like other sports, our football team per-forms better when there is a crowd there cheering them on. I think that we have a lot to look forward to this year with such a talented team and being at the games will

make this fall much more enjoyable. Don’t get me wrong, I love the fans at the games, but sometimes their spirit is lacking. Each supporter can make a little bit more of an effort and it would have a big impact. Perhaps instead of just sitting in the stands and clapping when our team scores, fans should get more into the game by painting themselves, making supportive signs, or just chanting encouraging things. As for the seniors, this year is our last chance to go crazy and be insane fans. Regardless of what grade you are in, everyone should be supportive for the team. Knowing that our high school career is almost over, se-niors and underclassmen should attend the games not only to show their spirit, but to make the game more fun use extra spirit to improve the final score as well.

Editors-in-Chief: Rachel Campbell Erica EngelbyLifestyle Director: Annie Roach

Ad Director: Bethany Mann

Advisor: Daniel Manley

Staff: Dallas ElmoreBailey Fischer-Columbo

Rachel LampiBethany MannAndrea MayesNatalie Miller

Amy PrittMadison Reichert

Sarah RicheyEmery SkeltonCam Thomas

Staff Box

Throughout our lives, one common saying

has been monotonously repeated to us like some sort of mantra. “Money can’t buy happiness.”

While this phrase may hold truth in some cases, over time it has given the pursuit of riches a very negative connotation. Although money is not the source of joy, you have to admit that you’d rather be miserable with money than without it. When falsely interpreted, some will come to the conclusion that money can, in fact, only bring misfortune. I believe that the only case where currency can cause

calamity is when you become consumed with it. In the hands of someone with a little self control, money can be used as a tool to benefit themselves and others for the better. I would say, and I’m sure many would agree, that when finances are tight and you’re having trouble paying your bills, stress becomes an ever present visitor. Having the money to make payments and provide other necessities relieves heaps of stress and consequentially makes it much easier to achieve a higher level of happiness. I’m definitely not saying that monetary gain is more

important than or even equal to other aspects of life. Money only gets its value from the significance that we place on it. If we treat it is as a horrendous beast, enveloping all of our emotions and relationships, then that is what it will become. But, if we treat it as something to help us accomplish our dreams, it will. -Rachel Campbell

X & YX Side- Star Wars

Star Wars is the greatest. It simply cannot be touched. Spaceships bigger than earth, light sabers, an inter-galactic mysterious force that can compel you to avoid the droid you’re looking for. No beam me up needed, because the spaceships are actually cool. Setting phasers to stun doesn’t have the same sense of epic battle that’s engaged when you hear the “WHOOSH” of a light-saber being unleashed. “May the force be with you” has a bigger feeling than “Live long and prosper”. Han Solo just ran the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs. Captain Kirks teeth have probably fallen out. Luke Skywalker blew up the Death Star; the Enterprise has its shields down. Sheer awesomeness dictates that the Death Star wins, no matter what the case. It would destroy the earth just for us thinking that Star Trek could out do Star Wars. Do you want that?

X & YY Side- Star Trek

Star Trek is clearly superior in every way to Star Wars. It’s no secret that Star Trek is both a successful TV series and a succession of blockbuster movies. That clearly means that it’s way more lasting than Star Wars. What was the last good thing that came out of the Star Wars franchise? NASA even named its prototype space shuttle the Enterprise after the ship in the series; notice that they didn’t choose Millennium Falcon. Fans of Star Trek aren’t afraid to hide behind their love and gladly refer to themselves as Trekkies, but Star Wars fans have no name to affiliate with. And if you want to dress up as someone from Star Trek, you have such a wide range of characters to choose from. Star Wars fans, on the other hand, pretty much look all the same in their Jedi outfits and plastic lightsabers that are fooling no one. I think we all know which franchise is a cut above. Live long and prosper.

Dallas Elmore

Rachel Lampi

Page 14: TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools · Utoya. It is a camp organized by the AUF (a.k.a. Workers’ Youth League), a division of the Labor Party (the ruling party in Norway) that is

PuzzlePageSports Trivia:

1. Who is considered the greatest hockey player of all time and holds 61 NHL records?2. Which team holds the record for most world series wins and has won 27 times?3. This individual holds the record for most gold medals at the Winter X games. He has won a total of 10.


September Football Word Search




RIDDLES:1. Forward I am heavy, but backward I am not. What am I?2. How are a jewler and a jailer alike?3. If a rooster laid a brown egg and a white egg, what kind of chicks would hatch?4. How much dirt is in a hole 4 feet deep and 2 feet wide?5. I am used to bat with, yet I never get a hit. I am near a ball yet it is never thrown. What am I?

1. Wayne Gretzky 2. New York Yankees 3. Shawn White


Page 15: TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools · Utoya. It is a camp organized by the AUF (a.k.a. Workers’ Youth League), a division of the Labor Party (the ruling party in Norway) that is

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The Jenks High School Newswriting class publishes The Trojan Torch. Editorials, staff opinions, reviews and letters to the editor are the opinions of the indi-vidual writer and not necessarily those of The Trojan Torch staff, its advisor or the administration. The Trojan Torch reserves the right to edit any signed letter sub-mitted to the paper for publication. All letters become property of The Trojan Torch.

Answers to riddles on puzzle page--1. Ton2. The jeweler sells watches and the jailer watches cells3. None, roosters can’t lay eggs4. None, holes don’t have dirt in them5. Eyelashes

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Page 16: TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools · Utoya. It is a camp organized by the AUF (a.k.a. Workers’ Youth League), a division of the Labor Party (the ruling party in Norway) that is