Download - Trinity Times II Please take thisLet the sleigh bells ring. Let the carolers sing. The more Santas the merrier. The more trees the better. He loves it because somewhere someone will


WE WELCOME YOU, are glad you chose to be with us today, and are honored by your presence! We are here to welcome and

serve all of God’s people, so if we can be of service to you please let us know. We invite you to come to our Welcome Table at the

back of the church, sign our Guest Book, and receive a gift. There is an “Orange Form” in the pew if you would be willing to

express your concerns or give us contact information. This form may be placed into the offering plate (this is all we expect of

you at the Offertory, since you are our guest!) or given to one of the clergy when you depart.

Have you made your 2020 Annual Pledge yet? … the end of December is coming quickly. Your pledge is critical to completing a budget that we can hopefully operate our ministries and helps them to grow.

You are cordially invited to experience the Lord Incarnate

Christmas Services at Trinity Cathedral Christmas Eve — Tuesday, Dec. 24 — Evening

4:00 P.M. — Children’s Service with impromptu pageant, Carols and Holy Communion.

7:30 P.M. — Festival Holy Communion and candle lighting 10:30 P.M. — Choral/Musical Presentation 11:00 P.M. — Choral Festival of the Incarnation with choir, incense, and candle lighting.

Christmas Day— Wednesday, Dec. 25th 10:30 A.M. — Festival Holy Communion of the Incarnation. Christmas I — Saturday, Dec. 28th Lessons & Carols 5:00 P.M. Sunday, Dec. 29th Lessons & Carols 7:30 A.M., 9:00 A.M, and 11:00 A.M New Year’s Day—Wednesday, Jan. 1st 10:30 A.M. Eucharist

This is a friendly reminder to all parents & children attending the

Children’s Service at 4 o’clock on Christmas Eve. Please bring your baby Jesus figurines from your home Nativity for a special blessing during the service.

Bible & Books in December!

We are reading Because of Bethlehem by Max Lucado. From Amazon: “Max Lucado loves Christmas. Let the sleigh bells ring. Let the carolers sing. The more Santas the merrier. The more trees the better. He loves it because somewhere someone will ask the Christmas questions: What’s the big deal about the baby in the manger? Who was he? What does his birth have to do with me?” Books went on sale in the back of the Church last Sunday.

Coming in January! In January, we are reading, Tired of Apologizing for a Church I Don't Belong To: Spirituality without

Stereotypes, Religion without Ranting by Lillian Daniel. From Amazon: “When Lillian Daniel apologized to a total stranger for every bad thing that

had ever been said or done in the name of Christianity, he was surprised she was responsible for all that. ‘The Inquisition? Don't even raise it, I'm way ahead of you. I was mad about it before you

A partial weekly listing of activities and programs at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Reno

Trinity Times II Saturday, December 21, 2019 to Sunday, Dec. 29, 2019

Our Mission is to welcome all people to know and live as Christ in the world.

Please take this home with you!


even heard of it, that's how open-minded I am. Salem witch trials? I know! So embarrassing. In this book, Daniel argues it's time for Christians to stop apologizing and realize how we talk about Christian community matters.” Copies are now available in the back of the Church for $12.00. Bible & Books meets every Sunday at 9:00 AM in Conference Room A downstairs in the Parish Hall across the parking lot from the Church.) Join us for coffee or tea and great conversation!

Trinity taking action to help the Homeless this Winter!

Every day more of our Trinity families and neighbors find their backs up against the wall. Rent is skyrocketing. Thousands are stuck in weekly motels. Homelessness is on the rise. While feeding the poor is something we do regularly at Trinity Cathedral, we need to do more to reach the roots of homelessness in our community. Here are some things you can do this winter to be part of the solution:

Sign up at our website TRINITYRENO.ORG to be on Home Means Nevada Mailing List (Under “Outreach” tab) so you will be up-to-date about actions you can take.

Plan to help staff the Homeless Overflow Shelter in January. In the winter months, we volunteer to staff the overflow shelter. Please go to to sign up to help.

If you have any questions, please contact Rev. Rick at [email protected] or call him at the office 775-329-4279, x12.

Weekly Bible Study every Friday at 11:00 AM! — Led by Rev. Rick —

Looking for a casual Bible Study to enrich your week? Rev. Rick will be facilitating an open Bible study 11:00 AM – Noon every week. There is no preparation and no homework. Each week, we will be reading the Gospel for the coming Sunday and sharing our thoughts about it in a relaxed table discussion. Feel free to drop-in when you are able to on Fridays, before coming to our Pipes on the River concerts (we’ll end a bit early), or make it part of your weekly devotional. Bring your lunch if you’d like! We’ll be meeting in Conference Room “A” on the lower level of the Parish Hall (no stairs, yay!) There will be no class the Friday after Christmas (Dec. 27.)

At the Adult Forum

Today, Dec. 22 — “Advent: Mary’s, The Church’s, and Ours” Led by Fr. William

Next Week: Dec. 29 — No Forum

Coming up in two weeks: Jan. 5 — A New Class facilitated by Rev. Rick: “Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John: A unique study based on your journaling” (See special

announcement in this Times II for details!) Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John: A unique study based on your journaling

Led by Rev. Rick, Sundays at 9:45 a.m., Jan. 5–Feb. 9 Have you ever been in a class where you basically spend the entire time getting lectured or having the handouts read to you? Our Adult Forum study for the season of Epiphany is the complete opposite! The first Sunday, January 5, you will be given a journal with daily writing prompts based on the Gospel of John. Where the class goes each week will depend on what each of us writes during week and what we choose to share. Come be part of this unusual class that begins Sunday, January 5, at 9:45 a.m. in the Bishop Lewis Chapel. It will be facilitated by Rev. Rick (who will also be writing in his journal!)

2020 offering envelopes for those who requested them can be found at the back of the church on the table. Please pick up after the service.


Support Pipes on the River. We Host quality musicians on the first and third Friday of every month. All concerts are free and are supported by free will offerings by attendees. Noon concerts: bring your own lunch, 30 minutes in length.

January 3rd—Howard Bennett

Prayer Shawls are available for the taking for your personal needs or those of a family member,

friend or neighbor. Shawls are at the rear of the church on the very back pews.

DID YOU KNOW? Our sermons are taped weekly and within a few days later are posted on our church web

site. Our sermons are stored there and are available for your listening pleasure whenever you wish to listen.

Activities Calendar for the week of Dec. 22 – Dec. 29

Today 7:30 AM Spoken Holy Communion 9:00 AM Bible & Books 9:00 AM Family Holy Communion 9:45 AM Sunday School at 9:45 AM for Adults (Bp. Lewis Chapel) and for kids downstairs 11:00 AM Festive Choral Holy Communion at 11:00 AM 1:00 PM Youth Group (downstairs)

Mon. Dec. 23 9:30 AM Sack Lunch

Tues. Dec. 24 Christmas Eve—Office Closed 12:00 PM Centering (Silent) Prayer in Library 4:00 PM Children’s Service with impromptu pageant, Carols & Holy Communion 7:30 PM Festival Holy Communion and candle lighting 10:30 PM Choral/Musical Presentation 11:00 PM Choral Festival of the Incarnation with choir, incense and candle lighting.

Wed. Dec. 25 Christmas Day—Office Closed 9:30 AM Sack Lunch 10:30 AM Festival Holy Communion of the Incarnation (incense)

Thurs. Dec. 26 Office Closed 12:10 PM Holy Communion (Bishop Lewis Chapel) (Fr. Julius)

Fri. Dec. 27 9:30 AM Sack Lunch and Hot Dogs & Coffee 7:00 PM Reno Chamber Music concert

Sat. Dec. 28 5:00 PM Spoken Eucharist

Sun. Dec. 29 7:30 AM Spoken Holy Communion 9:00 AM Bible & Books 9:00 AM Family Holy Communion 9:45 AM Sunday School at 9:45 AM for Adults (Bp. Lewis Chapel) and for kids downstairs 11:00 AM Festive Choral Holy Communion at 11:00 AM 1:00 PM Youth Group (downstairs)


Prayers for the Week of December 22nd

Healings for the Trinity Parish Family: Louise Nelson-Kortland, Michael Patterson, Joy Hamilton, Ruth Frazier, Nancy Fitzgerald, Lani Bennum, Alan & Janet Ross, Fred Howard, Cathrine Clark, Burnham Moffat, Ariel

Ramirez, Connie West, Phil Martinico, Howard Craig-Aakervik, Aubrey Dixon, Stephanie Lerude family.

Healing for Family & Friends: Bill &Barbara Feltner, Carolyn Millsap (R. Millsap), Dick Schori (C.Ikehara), Kitty Walsh (J. Arps), Jean Andrade (R.Andrade), Cindy Hudson, Silvia Vidrio (C.Lopez), Marsha Flowers (J.Carbon), Robert

and Susie Muerhoff (L. Campbell), Jan Tremewan (P.Ikehara), Dorothy (D. Ames), Marty (J.Heller), and Deborah Allen-Wright (H.Craig-Aakervik).

Additional prayers are made for friends and neighbors (not named here) undergoing challenges and changes that have been submitted to the Prayer Chain Participants for daily prayer.

Repose of the Soul: Ross Welsick (G. Muir), Juanita Rios, Mike West, Carolyn Simpson (P.Ikehara), Carol Martinico, Myron McCall (H.Bennett, Dorothy Chenault, Beverly Crapo (Diane Ames), Joyce Taylor, and Mildred


(Please Note: Names in “The Healing/ Friends & Family” for prayers of healing rotate out on a monthly basis, except for those for whom healing prayers are still requested. Please notify the office to submit, remove, or retain names.)

USA Military on Active Duty: Christian, David, Danny, Harry, Matthew, and Joe.

Other Prayer Concerns: For victims of gun violence; for the victims of the California fires.

Vestry: Robert Andrade (Senior Warden), Lynne Charlat (Junior Warden), Lindsay Campbell, Julie Demler, Eloy Ituarte, Jim Lamb, John Lilley, Guy Moreno, Dorothy Walrath, David Morgan (Treasurer), and Kait Flocchini (Chancellor & Clerk.)

Staff: The Very Rev. Dr. William Stomski, Cathedral Dean & Rector, The Rev. Canon Rick Millsap, Associate Priest for Pastoral Care and Parish Life, The Rev. Mikayla Dunfee, Associate Priest for Education, The Rev. Patsy Pumphrey, Deacon, The Rev. Ruth

Hanusa Adjunct Priest, The Rev. Julius Rogina Adjunct Priest, Karla Valverde Administrative Assistant and, Carmen Lopez, Sexton.

The Stewardship of Finances in the Episcopal Church Question: Why are we asking for money? Answer: Every committed and active member of a parish have a responsibility to give of their monetary gifts to the work of ministry and the building up of God’s kingdom on earth. This has been our tradition even before the time of Christ with our Jewish roots. All that we have is God’s and we are blessed in returning 10% (a tithe) as thanksgiving for God’s work. A commitment is made of our income with regular giving pledged to the operating budget of a church. This campaign is done yearly during the Fall season with a short appeal period while a budget for the next year is being formulated. It often involves an invitation to submit a written pledge, with a reminder follow-up letter and a phone call if needed. Knowing that Trinity has lacked a history of stewardship education, the last three years we have introduced a process in raising our awareness of this responsibility and privilege in serving Christ. We are most grateful for those who have responded faithfully as we see a growing number of parishioners making this commitment in order for your leaders to create a budget for our expanding ministries and work. As we are soon to launch our Capital Campaign in January for some major renovation work and building, it is important for you to have an understanding of the following information.

Three Forms of Giving in the Episcopal Tradition

The first form of giving in the Episcopal Tradition is the Annual Pledge Campaign. This involves making a yearly commitment of regular weekly, monthly or quarterly giving to the working budget of the parish. This covers administration expenses, staff and clergy salaries and benefits, utilities, maintenance of property, and ministry programs. The second form of giving in the Episcopal Tradition is a Capital Campaign. This type of giving is an appeal that occurs once a decade or two. It involves sacrificial giving over and beyond the annual pledge for the purpose of capital improvements to the buildings or campus because of deterioration, needed improvements, or expansion. This type of giving usually comes from assets beyond weekly income, like savings, trusts, or investments dividends. The third form of giving in the Episcopal Tradition is Major Gifts. This is giving that is often a one-time life event. It occurs through designated gifts usually from one’s estate, or large investment returns and inheritance. Legacy planning is encouraged by faithful members to include their church in their wills. Often this giving is designated to the church’s Endowment Fund.


Father Julius Rogina has donated 20 of

his books: “Pilgrim to Discipleship: A

Guide to the Spiritual Exercises of

Ignatius of Loyola” to the Cathedral

Community. He wishes to sell them for

$20 each and is donating the money to

our Capital Campaign “Faith Like A

River” that we launch on January 19th.

If you would like a copy of the book

please see Debi Zalmana who will

have them on a table display in the

Bishop Lewis Chapel. This would

make a lovely stocking stuffer or last

minute Christmas gift.

Thank you!