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Forestry Research and Development Agency (FORDA)Ministry of Forestry

In coorporation with: International Tropical Timber Organisation (ITTO)


ITTO Program PD 519/08 Rev.1 (F)Tropical Forest Conservation for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and Enhancing Carbon Stocks in Meru Betiri National Park, Indonesia

BRIEF INFO No. 17, July 2011

[Indonesian][Bahasa Inggris]

Training on Technique of Inventory for Farmer's Resource to Support Tropical Forest Conservation through the Activity of REDD+ in Meru Betiri National Park

Perlatihan Teknik Inventarisasi Sumber Daya Petani Untuk Mendukung Konservasi Hutan Tropika melalui kegiatan Percontohan REDD+ Di Taman Nasional Meru Betiri

To support tropical forest conservation through the activity of REDD+ in Meru Betiri National Park, training on Technique of Inventory for Farmer's Resource has been done. This activity is a part of empowerment to community activities with objective for community to understand the potency of their lands and make optimum utilization and get benefits from their land, therefore they can support forest sustainability.

Untuk mendukung konservasi hutan tropika melalui kegiatan percontohan REDD+ di Taman Nasional Meru Betiri telah dilakukan Perlatihan Teknik Inventarisasi Sumber Daya Petani. Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat agar masyarakat dapat mengetahui potensi lahan yang dimiliki dan memanfaatkannya secara optimal, sehingga mereka dapat mendukung kelestarian hutan.

Training on resource based inventory was conducted in cooperation between Forestry Research and Development Agency (FORDA), Meru Betiri National Park and the Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University. The training would be conducted in two stages, First stage was

th th

meeting hall of Curahnongko village, Andong Rejo Sub-district, Jember district with 20 participants from the districts of Jember. The second

Pelatihan Inventarisasi dilaksanakan bersama oleh Badan Litbang Kehutanan, Taman Nasional Meru Betiri dan Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya. Pelatihan ini dilakukan dalam dua tahap, tahap petama dilaksanakan selama tiga hari, dari tanggal 26 Juli hingga 28

Rejo, Kabupaten Jember dengan jumlah peserta sebanyak 20 orang dari wilayah kabupaten Jember. Pelatihan tahap kedua akan dilaksanakan

The opening was attended by leaders

Subdistrict, Mr. Widayaka, M.Si and Head of MBNP, Mr. Drs. Bambang Darmaja, MSc (Figure 1).

Pembukaan dihadiri oleh Camat Andong

Kecamatan Andong Rejo, dan Kepala Balai Taman Nasional Meru Betiri, Drs. Bambang Darmaja, MSc (Gambar 1).

Material of the first day included: Techniques of Inventory for Farmer's Resource by Mr. Ir. Subarudi, M. Wood, Sc, Policies of local government to support community empowerment in surrounding National Park by Head of

Jember District, Mr. Siswantoro and introduction of maps and simple mapping by Mr. Nugroho Dri Atmojo (Figure 2).

Materi hari pertama antara lain: Tehnik Inventarisasi Sumberdaya Petani oleh Subarudi, M.Wood, Kebijakan Pemda dalam Mendukung Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di sekitar Taman Nasional oleh Kepala Dinas Pemberdayaan

Siswantoro dan Pengenalan Peta dan Pemetaan Sederhana oleh Nugroho Dri Atmojo. (Gambar 2).

Phone: 0251 8633944; Fax: 0251 8634924; E-mail: [email protected]; Website:

BRIEF INFO No. 17, July 20111

Figure 1. Opening of the Training

[Gambar 1. Pembukaan pelatihan]

Figure 2. First day of the training

[Gambar 2. Pelatihan hari pertama]

phase of the training will be conducted in September with participants bulan September dengan peserta dari wilayah Kabupaten Banyuwangi.

implemented for three days, from July 26 -28 July 2011. Phase in Juli 2011, bertempat di Balai Desa Curahnongko, Kecamatan Andong

of Andong Rejo Subdistrict, Head of Rejo, Widayaka, M.Si, Unsur Pimpinan

Community Empowerment Office of M a s y a r a k a t K a b u p a t e n , B a p a k

from Banyuwangi district.


On the second day of the training, participants conducted field practice based on materials provided on the first day in the field. Participants applied field inventory of resources on farmer’s land and produced a simple map based on the inventory (Figure 3). Then, they estimated economic value of the land and assessed the best composition of plants that could produce optimum profits for the short and long term while still maintaining trees as carbon stocks.

Pe l a t i h an ha r i k edua , pe se r t a mempraktekkan materi yang diberikan pada hari pertama di lapangan. Para peserta belajar melakukan inventarisasi sumber daya yang ada di lahan milik petani dan membuat peta sederhana dari hasil inventarisasi tersebut. (Gambar 3). Kemudian peserta memperkirakan nilai ekonomis dari lahan tersebut dan menilai komposisi terbaik dari tanaman yang bisa menghasilkan keuntungan optimal dalam jangka pendek dan jangka panjang dengan tetap mempertahankan pohon sebagai stok karbon.

The third day of training was conducted by the Team from Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University led by Prof. Kurniatun Hairiah. Participants were provided understanding on optimum species composition and function of agroforestry and they were actively involved in discussion regarding the function and role of agroforestry (Figure 4). Undertanding on the role of forest as carbon stock for climate change mitigation was provided through field practice on how to measure forest carbon stock consisting of above ground biomass, below grond biomass, necromass, litter and soil.

Pelatihan hari ketiga diisi oleh Tim dari Facultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya yang dipimpin oleh Prof. Kurniatun Hairiah. Peserta diberi pemahaman mengenai jenis dan fungsi kebun campuran (agroforestri) yang optimal dan peserta secara aktif melakukan diskusi mengenai fungsi dan peran Agroforestry (Gambar 4). Pemahaman tentang peran hutan sebagai stok karbon untuk mitigasi perubahan iklim dilakukan dengan melakukan praktek di lapangan mengenai cara perhitungan karbon di hutan yang terdiri dari biomas di atas tanah, biomas di bawah tanah, kayu mati, serasah dan tanah.

of the role of agrofotestry in hydro-oro logy to prevent eros ion and flood, with instructure Dr. Widyanto From Brawijaya University (Figure 5). To identify the role of agroforestry on water storage, participants were provided simulation on three different conditions of land covers namely bare land without vegetation cover, land with undergrowth and litter, and land with dense undergrowth surrounded by trees. Participants made comparison from the result of surface run-off. Objective of this simulation was for the participants to compare the quantity and quality of water resulted from each land cover. During this simulation session participants were actively involved in discussion and question related to the role of forest on hydrology.

peran agroforestri dalam tata air yaitu mencegah erosi dan banjir dengan instruktur Dr. Widyanto dari Universitas B r a w i j a y a ( G a m b a r 5 ) . U n t u k mengetahui peran agroforestry dalam menyimpan air, para peserta melakukan simulasi pada 3 (tiga) kondisi penutupan lahan yang berbeda, yaitu lahan gundul tanpa penutup vegetasi, lahan dengan tumbuhan bawah dan serasah serta lahan dengan penutupan vegetasi bawah yang tebal dan dikelilingi pohon. Peserta membandingkan hasil limpasan yang terjadi di ketiga tempat tersebut. Tujuan simulasi ini adalah agar peserta dapat membandingkan kuantitas dan kualitas air yang didapat pada masing-masing tutupan lahan. Selama masa sesi simulasi ini peserta juga secara aktif melakukan diskusi dan tanya jawab terkait peran hutan terhadap tata air.

For further information, please contact:

Ir. Ari Wibowo, MSc ([email protected]) At Forest Research and Development agency, Ministry of Forestry,

Ir. Arif Aliadi ([email protected]) At Indonesian Tropical Institute,

Drs. Bambang Darmaja, MS ([email protected]) At Meru Betiri National Park, andDr. Hwan Ok Ma ([email protected])

At International Tropical Timber Organization

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi:

Ir. Ari Wibowo, MSc ([email protected]) Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan, Kementerian KehutananIr. Arif Aliadi ([email protected]) Lembaga Alam Tropika IndonesiaDrs. Bambang Darmaja, MS ([email protected]) Taman Nasional Meru Betiri, danDr. Hwan Ok Ma ([email protected]) International Tropical Timber Organization

Thanks are due to the financial support of the 7&i Holdings Ltd.

BRIEF INFO No. 17, July 20112

[Gambar 3. Pembuatan peta sederhana hasil inventarisasi]

Figure 4. Discussion regarding the funtion and role of Agroforestry

[Gambar 4. Diskusi mengenai fungsi dan peran agroforestri]

Figure 3. Creating a simple map from the inventory

The next topic was field practice Materi selanjutnya adalah praktikum

[Gambar 5. Simulasi hidrology pada lahan terbuka]

Figure 5. Simulation of hydrology on barren land