Download - Topic 4 Conservation and Biodiversity. 4.1.1 Define the terms biodiversity, genetic diversity, species diversity, and habitat diversity Quiz on these.


Topic 4Conservation and Biodiversity

4.1.1 Define the terms biodiversity, genetic diversity, species diversity, and habitat diversityQuiz on these four terms on Monday!I will give you the word, you just have to list

out the words.

PRESENTATIONSIf you were not here for yours, you can

email the slides to me and I will grade them, but you still need to come after school to present them to me.

4.1.2 Outline the mechanism of natural selection as a possible driving force for speciation.There is a diverse array of life on this planet.Why?Different conditions in different parts of the world

make certain traits more successful.These successful traits are called adaptations.As these changes or adaptations build up in

populations, eventually you get two groups that can not interbreed. You now have a new species!

4.1.2 Outline the mechanism of natural selection as a possible driving force for speciation.

4.1.2 Outline the mechanism of natural selection as a possible driving force for speciation.A phrase often associated with natural selection

is “survival of the fittest”.What do you think of when you hear this?Fitness refers to a better potential for survival. More specifically, a better potential for survival

of ones genes. The best adaptations often mean that you are a

more desirable mate, and therefore, will pass your genes on to more offspring.

4.1.2 Outline the mechanism of natural selection as a possible driving force for speciation.Let’s look at some organisms in nature.For each organism, think about an

adaption or two that has increased its fitness.

CheetahAcinonyx jubatus

CheetahAcinonyx jubatus

Trumpet DaffodilNarcissus pseudonarcissus

Great White SharkCarcharodon carcharias

Strawberry Poison-dart FrogOophaga pumilio

Corpse LilyAmorphopahllus titanium

Western Screech-owlMegascops kennicottii

Children’s Stick InsectTropidoderus childrenii

Owl ButterflyCaligo idomeneus

Frill-necked LizardChlamydosaurus kingii

Kerengga Ant-like JumperMyrmarachne plataleoides

Human BeingHomo sapiens

4.1.2 Outline the mechanism of natural selection as a possible driving force for speciation.Natural selection has four main ideas.

1. Individuals within a population are varied in their traits.

2. These traits are heritable.

3. More offspring are produced than can survive, or, individuals vary in their success at surviving and reproducing.

4. Survival and reproduction is NOT random. Those with the most favorable adaptations, the highest fitness, survive and reproduce which means that they pass on those heritable traits to their offspring.

4.1.2 Outline the mechanism of natural selection as a possible driving force for speciation.What kinds of situations can lead to

natural selection happening?Competition for a resourceCompetition for a mateIsolation


Geographic Isolation

Geographic Isolation

Geographic Isolation

Geographic Isolation Simulation1. Tear a single sheet of paper into four pieces.

a. On two of the pieces write a capital letter “A”.

b. On two of the pieces write a lower-case letter “a”.

c. These letters will represent the allele for head type.

1. A = hat-on

2. a= no hat

2. For the first round each one of you will be an individual with a genotype of “Aa”. So, in your hand, have a “A” and “a”.

3. You will now “mate” with someone in the class. Watch the demonstration in the front of the room.

4. Go back to your seat and be ready to share your genotype when called on.

5. Copy the data table from the board. After each round, fill in the data.

6. Think about how this activity supports the idea of geographic isolation leading to speciation. You will be writing a DEC IA for this, due next Friday. More details and a writing guide to follow on Monday.

Geographic Isolation SimulationGeneration AA Aa aa Total




1 24 48 .5 .5

2 9 10 5 48 .58 .42

3 7 13 4 48 .56 .44

4 3 13 8 48 .4 .6

Geographic Isolation incident happens!


So, what is the question here?

How does the data from this simulation support the idea of geographic isolation leading to speciation?

What changes could have been made to this activity to make it a more “realistic” simulation of geographic isolation?

How does geographic isolation lead to speciation?

Discuss, Evaluate, Conclude IA   Levels/marks

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3

Discussing and reviewingEvaluating procedure(s) and suggesting


Complete/2 Discussion is clear and well reasoned, showing

a broad understanding of context and the

implications of results.

Identifies weaknesses and limitations and

suggests realistic improvements.

States a reasonable conclusion, with a

correct explanation, based on the data.

Partial/1 Discussion is adequate, showing some

understanding of context and implications of


Identifies weaknesses and limitations but

misses some obvious faults. Suggests only

superficial improvements.

States a reasonable conclusion or gives a

correct explanation, based on the data.

Not at all/0 Discussion is inadequate, showing little

understanding of context andimplications of results.

The weaknesses and limitations are irrelevant

or missing. Suggests unrealistic improvements.

States an unreasonable conclusion or no

conclusion at all.