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Tips to Help Clean Your Roof Safely

If you do not keep your roof clean you may have to replace your roof, which can be a big expense. Your roof can become dirty due to tree sap, mold, dust, black algae, bird droppings, leaves piling on the roof, etc. Most do hire professionals to do their roof cleaning at least one a year or maybe every couple of years.

If you decide to tackle the job yourself here are some tips that can help you accomplish this task safely and correctly.

Tips to Help Clean Your Roof Safely

• The first thing that you should do is make sure that you have a spotter on the ground. This person will watch to make sure that the ladder does not slip while you are on it or that it does not fall and strand you on the roof.

• The ladder you use needs to be sturdy and should be wood or aluminum. Inspect the ladder before starting your climb to ensure that all the rungs are safe and there are no cracks in them if them if they are wood.

• The roof is going to be slick so wear shoes with slip-proof soles.

Tips to Help Clean Your Roof Safely

• On the down spouts tie some type of bag to keep the chemicals you are using to clean roof from spilling down them and onto the ground.

• Make sure that you are wearing protective gear such as heavy rubber gloves, goggles, and jeans to protect your hands, eyes, and legs from the chemicals.

• Cleaning solution that you need to prepare yourself can be mixed in a large bucket on the ground, using a power sprayer set on the lowest setting to spray it on the roof. When using a power sprayer do not point it directly at your roof as it could damage the shingles. Instead spray it in a low arch so it gently falls down on the roof.

Tips to Help Clean Your Roof Safely

•With some cleaning solutions you just need to leave it set on the roof for a set amount of time and then rinse off but if you have to scrub the roof use the type of broom that is flat and square called a push broom. If the solution needs to be scrubbed onto the roof do small sections at a time so you are not trying to walk on a wet slippery roof. When scrubbing the dirty spots on the roof do it gently to avoid damage to the shingles

•When rinsing off the roof make sure that you rinse the gutters and downspouts so there is no corrosive cleaning solution left behind on the metal

Cleaning your roof can be a dangerous job so keep your focus on the task at all times.

No Pressure Roof Cleaning

14768 64th Ct NLocahatchee, FL 33470

(561) 891-8942 Palm Beach(954) 906-9300 Broward

(772) 252-5700 Martin / St. [email protected]