Download - Thesherwoodjune2013issue 06

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FREE What’s On Section Sponsored by: AV4Home

June 2013June 2013June 2013Volume No: 06Volume No: 06Volume No: 06

Issue: 06Issue: 06Issue: 06---------------------------------------------------------------

ComplimentaryComplimentaryComplimentaryValue: £1.50Value: £1.50Value: £1.50

The SherwoodMonthly Community Newsletter The Editor. Tel: 07757 115 027 Email: [email protected]

Distribution to 50,000 Sherwood Residents in Blidworth, Ravenshead, Rainworth, Farnsfi eld, Edingley Halam, Bilsthorpe, Edwinstowe & Kings Clipstone


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“We Love our Sherwood Newsletter” - say the residents and staff at Churchfi eld Care Home in Rainworth

Resident Doris Brooks (right) & Staff at Churchfi eld Care Home enjoying a good read!

Don’t forget your local Blidworth garage

01623 491164


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Hello from The Sherwood Newsletter Hello from The Sherwood Newsletter Hello from The Sherwood Newsletter Editor: Andy Jones a local resident Editor: Andy Jones a local resident Editor: Andy Jones a local resident

with a local businesswith a local businesswith a local business

Inside this issue:Inside this issue:Inside this issue:

Introductions & Invitation to Get Involved 2

News and Information 4

Looking Good Feeling great 6

Our Young and Our Future 8

Caring in our Community 9

House and Home 10-11-16

What’s On Sponsored Section 12-13

Marathon Media; Building Local Businesses 14-15

The Rainworth Reporter 17-18

The Blidworth Focus 19-20

The Village Voices 21

Ravenshead News 21

Strengthening Communities 22

More Local News 23

DEADLINES for LOCAL NEWS and FEEDBACK contributions to The Sherwood NewsletterThank you to those who keep emailing regarding local news, events and feedback. Please address to the Editor; email: [email protected] Postal address available on request. Deadline for news articles for the next edition is Friday 14th of June. Please keep sending information so we can keep the newsletter ‘hot and fresh’ Advert requests and payments by Friday 14th of June. Any feedback or news must be supported by name & address, that can be withheld on request. Contact: Andy, Editor: 07757 115 027. call: 07916 245 367

email: [email protected], Produced and Distributed by MARATHON MEDIA

Hi and welcome to the June edition of The Sherwood Community Newsletter. It has been terrifi c to hear last

month from a number of readers, just how much they enjoy the newsletter and it’s local content. Our front page photo is the start of a series to show just how much you appreciate the newsletter articles and take interest in our local businesses who support your newsletter each month.

Thanks to Residents and Staff at Churchfi eld Care home, who enjoy reading the Sherwood Community Newsletter to each month. If you would like to have your group or centre included in the “we love the Sherwood” section - just contact me and we can arrange a photo session.

This months newsletter may be slightly delayed with deliveries as some of the young persons we use have exams. Good luck to all those and others who are studying hard at the moment.

This month to see an award winning tribute act to Pink, Lady Gaga and Jessie J coming to Mansfi eld - don’t delay as tickets are selling fast - see page 12 for more details

Well we are offi cially half way through the year - where has it gone! I am still wearing jumpers as it just hasn’t got that warm yet... roll on July and some sizzling temperatures I hope.

Enjoy your latest issue of the Newsletter for June

Andy Jones, Editor

‘Great Value advertising from only £30 (zero VAT) per edition’ * (This box is the actual advert size)

After all, we have been here for 5 Years, supported by many advertisers right from the start! That is evidence it works!Also Leafl et Drops available - please enquire.

Call: 07916 245 367 Or email: [email protected]*As part of a 12 edition package

Order NOW for 2013 Design & Fitting

Page 3: Thesherwoodjune2013issue 06


Telephone 01773 599 929 Mobile 07943 720 930

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Page 4: Thesherwoodjune2013issue 06


Newsletter OutletsWhilst we strive to reach as many homes in the Sherwood area with our paid delivery team, unfortunately they may have to miss some premises. If you do not get a copy, please let us know and we will provide one to you. Remember you can also get a free copy from one of the outlets below.However, if you do not receive a copy you can collect one at the following outlets:-Rainworth: The Venue, The Library, Rainworth Miners Welfare, Rainworth Village Hall, Local Churches and Libraries, The Nisa Southwell Rd, The Londis, Preston rdSt John & St Judes Church, Local Doctors & Dentist. Blidworth: The Miners Welfare, Community Centre, The Library Rookwood Community Centre, The Post Offi ce, BJ BakeryBilsthorpe: Miners Welfare & Village Hall. Edwinstowe & Ravenshead Library

We aim to achieve high delivery standards for the newsletter, if you have concerns please contact Diane immediately on:

07916 245 367

Mark SpencerWhen you have a regular column like this, it’s all

too easy to get self conscious that you might get to repeating yourself and certainly there’s a danger that as a politician you can be accused of saying the same things over and over. When it comes to my campaign on road safety though, I hope you’ll forgive me covering some of the same ground. I know I’ve spoken to you before about road safety but in truth the horrors of some of the dreadful accidents the A614 has seen have always stayed with me and I’ve done my best in Sherwood and in Westminster to stop it happening again.Following on from successes like the installation of speed cameras on the A614 and the improvements at the junction at Rose Cottage, I secured a debate down in Westminster this month to talk about sentencing for those convicted

of dangerous driving.

I called for this debate following a meeting with a constituent who was rightly appalled to be told that, having been knocked down by a man with 6 points on his licence and a historic driving ban, it was not within ‘the public interest’ to pursue a prosecution. This didn’t sound right to me, especially since in Notts, a total of 58,373 tickets were issued between April 2011 and March 2012 for speeding. In short, why were we so keen to make sure we cracked down on drivers for speeding but not for seriously injuring someone with a car?In my debate, I called on the Government to play its role in ensuring that serious traffi c offences such as careless and dangerous driving are prosecuted as consistently and forcefully as more minor offences such as speeding.Let me be clear; I fully support the enforcement of speeding penalties as part of our road safety strategy. Indeed, I am still contacted by residents in local towns and villages

calling for more robust enforcement and would never seek to trivialise the offence of speeding which is rightly policed fi rmly in Sherwood. But we must confront the fact that there is a perception that the authorities are much keener to prosecute those perhaps caught speeding at 34mph in a 30mph zone than to pursue prosecutions for those causing serious injuries through careless or reckless driving.The truth is that it looks to the outsider as though there is reluctance from the Crown Prosecution Service to pursue convictions for careless driving offences especially when compared with diligent local law enforcement regularly issuing tickets for more minor offences. To put it in Spencer-speak, it looks a lot like we’re only aiming for the easy targets or, even worse, that driving like an idiot is OK.With this debate, I wanted to make sure that we weren’t laying all the responsibility for keeping the roads safe on our local police and that all the way up the chain, the Criminal

Justice System is pulling its weight on this vital issue. I want to change the message the current system is sending out, especially to new drivers; a statistic that stays with me is that the biggest killer of teenage girls is the driver of the car they are a passenger in. I want my daughter, and her friends, to know when they pass their test, that bad, dangerous driving is absolutely unacceptable. I know that we all grumble about speeding tickets and I know that the changes to the speed limit on the A614 have not been universally welcomed. To my mind however, the facts speak for themselves: since the speed cameras were introduced last year, no one else has died on that previously deadly stretch and when it comes to improving the road safety, that’s not a bad place to start. For more info or to arrange an interview with Mark, contact: Madeleine Burns, offi ce: 0115 968 1186,Email: [email protected]

Police and Crime Commissioner Paddy Tipping is conti nuing

his fi ght for suffi cient police funding from the Government to give Notti nghamshire residents a bett er deal.Mr Tipping was one of a number of newly-elected Police and Crime Commissioners to put forward his concerns about dwindling funds and the potenti al impact on performance to the Home Secretary at a meeti ng last month. Following the event, the Associati on of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) has now formalised the arguments expressed during the meeti ng in a writt en submission to the Home Secretary. The aim is to infl uence future funding decisions and fi ght for an improved deal which will off er greater protecti on to community policing in Notti nghamshire and elsewhere in the country.Notti nghamshire has endured a 20% cut to its budget which has been exacerbated by the current funding formula uti lised by the Government which means it will lose out on £10.5m this year.

Under current arrangements we will conti nue to lose out by this amount on top of grant cuts, unti l the funding formula is fully implemented which there is no plan to do.Commissioner Tipping said: “The stringent cost-cutti ng exercise which has enabled us to balance the books in the past is simply no longer viable if we are to conti nue keeping people safe and delivering the kind of visible and accessible policing people rightly expect of us.“The £10.5m we should be enti tled to this year could throw much-needed meat on the bone in terms of our frontline and provide valuable reassurance to the public. Such are the risks posed to public safety from inadequate funding that I’ve fought hard to bring an additi onal 150 police offi cers to

Sherwood News and Information

our streets. While these posts will fi ll the immediate gap in strength, greater investment is needed to achieve some of the goals the Government itself had visualised for PCCs.”

Notti nghamshire Offi ce of the Police & Crime Commissioner, County Hall, West Bridgford, Notti nghamshire NG2 7QP. Tel 0115967 0999 ex 801 2005

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A local electrical business with a thirty year history is looking to the future

with the launch of a revolutionary home security product.

Webeye is the fi rst home video verifi ed alarm system where simply you can view an intruder entering your house through the use of your mobile smart phone. No more false alarms. The alarm simply senses an intrusion, the camera videos the burglar releasing an image and alarm to the mobile for immediate action. You can then call the police who will respond knowing the alarm is genuine and has visual recognition.

This product has taken America by storm and the software for verifi cation and data storage has been developed by a local Mansfi eld company.

David Overton of Overton Electrical Services stated “Over fi ve years ago we

diversifi ed into the installation and maintenance of security systems to both the domestic and corporate market. When I heard about this new video verifi ed system I decided that it was of extreme value to our clients. The main downfall of regular alarm systems is that so many are false, or could be genuine, but get ignored. Even in systems where the owners are telephoned by call centres, this can fail by an unanswered phone. With this exciting and web based product the alarm goes to your phone or several phone numbers on the database and once the sensor picks up an intruder all the smart phones numbers you offer receive an alarm and video”.

“Our installers are highly trained in the installation and maintenance of this high standard alarm system offering people total protection whether for their homes, garages or outdoor areas. The system even offers pet sensory systems”.

There is also a corporate product offering webeye alert and higher security systems for businesses, secure areas, industrial units, construction sites, plus so much more

Overton Electrical Services Ltd, based at Hermitage Lane Industrial Estate, Mansfi eld was formed in 1983, and has since grown through their reputation for high standards and professional service becoming one of the largest electrical contractors in the Mansfi eld area. Offering a full electrical service to the domestic market and responsive maintenance to large corporate contract works, the company offers an unsurpassed customer service.

Overton Alarms Keeping an Eye on Your Home SecurityOverton Alarms Keeping an Eye on Your Home Security

Video Alarm System sent to your Smartphone

Also WebEye Business System for all your High Security Business Needs. Speak to our specialist advisors now on 01623 632302 or visit

Our Home Alert wireless video alarm system is ‘your eyes in your home’, wherever you areIt enables you to see any intruder in your home within minutes via revolutionary new technology

Revolutionary New Product

Intruder enters your home

Works with all of these Smartphones

Intruder detected Images captured

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You take appropriate action1 2 3 4

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Looking Good & Feeling Great


LOSE WEIGHT BY DIETING?We offer you a unique tried and tested Weight

Management Programme which combines some of the most up to date treatments available including

Hypnotherapy, NLP & EFT.

it really works! Visit our web site to view our

testimonials at

Qualifi ed Clinical Hypnotherapist Margaret Turner can help you to make 2013 the year that you shed

that excess weight and because you will have different food habits you are more likely to keep it off!

The Clem Turner Hypnotherapy, Cognitive and Behavioural Practice

Phone now for more details or to book an appointment

Sutton-in-Ashfi eld: 01623 556234 or 07960 788093Rosegarth Clinic Mansfi eld: 01623 658224

Skincare tips for using sunscreen – when the sun shines that is!1. Always use a high, broad spectrum SPF (30 to 50) before you apply make-up.

2. Remove your make-up thoroughly each and every night. If you are being good and using sunscreen every day, removing your make up and skincare at the end of the day is essential.

3. Drink a glass of water every 2 hours. Set the alarm on your phone, put up post it notes, just don’t forget to hydrate. Sip water throughout the day and measure how much you are having.

4. Go lighter with your make-up. Think water-based formulas, tinted moisturisers, mineral make-up and of course BB creams.

5. Ditch the powder and instead go for matte type lotion under your make-up. These high tech formulas tackle the oily T-zone and over-stimulated oil production at the source instead of powder that only adds to the


6. Spritz your face. A hydrating face spritz will keep your skin beautifully fresh and your make up will last longer.

7. Exfoliate your skin every second day with a gentle, non-abrasive face scrub to remove any dead skin cells and residue of sunscreen.

8. Use a face mask every week to hydrate and repair damage from sun, surf and late nights.

9. Use an eye cream. This is not the time to skip important, skin saving routines. Eye cream will help keep your eyes in top shape. 10. Sleep tight. Back to back partying is a killer for creating skin stress. Sleep is still the number one way to refresh and beautify your skin. If you can’t get to bed early, try a siesta after lunch or a ‘disco’ nap before you go out.

Blidworth Miners Welfare 5K RACE FOR LIFE

22nd JUNE 2013 CLUMBER PARK at 2:30









10% off Trudy Lee Wedding Dresses

During June

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As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, there’s neverbeen a better time to join The Mansfield District Leisure Trust’s fiveexcellent facilities. Enjoy unlimited use of our swimming pools, fitness suites, sauna and steam rooms for just £21.95* per monthacross all five facilities. Join online today and get in shape for summer.


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*12 month minimum term agreement applies. Other membership options available, see online for details. Terms and conditions apply. All parts of offer are subject to change.

For more details visit:

Beautifulwith The Mansfield DistrictLeisure Trust Centres

this Summer




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Our Young and Our FutureChildren’s Book Review: Just ImaginePippa Goodhart (Author), Nick Sharratt (Illustrator)Just imagine what it would be like to be as small as a mouse; or as big as a house. Imagine exploring the depths of the ocean, travelling into the past or the future - or something even stranger...This wonderfully inventive and interactive book allows a child to tell their own story, combining new elements each time. And with intricately detailed illustrations for parent and child to pore over together, this really is a book to share time and time again.Amazon £4.37: ISBN-13: 978-0552563567

Join a local, ethical,not-for-profit agency. 01623 600842 |

Brighten Their Future!

Being a foster carer is hard work, but when you notice you are making a difference, no matter how small, it can be so rewarding.

At Team Fostering we provide our foster carers with the support and training they need to make a difference and brighten a child’s future.

if you’ve ever thought about fostering and would like to find out more, call our Mansfield office, visit our website or come along to one of our drop in sessions or recruitment events.

Be a FOSTER CARER with Team Fostering

Drop in sessions• 17th May 10am-4pm Mansfield i-centre, NG18 5BR• 4th June 10am-4pm Mansfield i-centre, NG18 5BR• 25th June 10am-4pm Mansfield i-centre, NG18 5BR

recruiTmenT evenTs• 21st May 6pm Mansfield Civic Centre• 18th June 6pm Mansfield Civic Centre

The right team to brighten up a child’s life

Fostering can be a challenging task, although with the right help and support, it can be a rewarding and fulfi lling role.

With three children of her own, Ravenshead wife and mum Helen McBride is kept busy. But with the support of Team Fostering, Helen and her husband Simon have now fulfi lled an ambition to become foster carers, something they have been doing for about year.Helen says: “It was something we always wanted to do. Children deserve somewhere safe and stable and once our own children were of a certain age, we decided the time was right.“Why wouldn’t you do it? There will be ups and downs and there will be challenges ahead but I would urge people to explore the idea and gain opinion from people.”Team Fostering is an independent, not-for-profi t fostering agency that has its East Midlands offi ce at the Mansfi eld i-Centre, in Hamilton Way on the Oakham Business Park.The website has a wealth of information and shows how working with Team Fostering delivers benefi ts to carers and children alike.Agency director Rosy Holden said: “Becoming a foster carer can be hard and challenging work but it can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. We’d love to hear from anyone interested in taking the next step to becoming a foster carer.”Prospective foster carers should call 01623 600842 or email [email protected].

1st Rainworth and Blidworth Scout GroupOpen to Boys and GirlsMeet at St Andrews Mission Hall The Crescent BlidworthMeeting TimesBeavers age 6-8 Mondays 5-30 6-30Cubs age 8-10and a half Mondays 6-45 8pmScouts age 10and a half – 14 Wednesday 7-15 9-15Sections meet in school term time only.For more details contact: Telephone 0115 9523617 Fax 0115 9523724E-mail offi [email protected], Tue, Thur & Fri 9.30am–5.00pm Wed 9.30am–2.30pmRegistered Charity 522441

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Caring in our Community

JW Hutchinson Funeral DirectorsLight cannot be without shade

Time passes, suddenly when you have to make unfamiliar decisions, that’s when you need reassurance. Our funeral service provides the care and attention to detail you yourself would give if you could. Our years of experience will ensure your peace of mind. We act at once, day or night 24 hours per day whenever you need us we will be there.

Rolls Royce Fleet - Pre-paid Funeral Plans

01623 797 647294-296 Southwell Road East, Rainworth, Notts NG21 0EB

Warm, Well and WiseA FREE event for older people living in

Blidworth and RavensheadCome along and find out about . . .

Safer Neighbourhoods and Crime PreventionHealthy Eating, with demonstration AGE UK

Staff talk on ‘Keeping Well As You Grow Older’Alzheimer’s Society & Macmillan Cancer Support

Fire Service & Services for Older PeopleEnergy Agencies `Self Care’ – What is it?

Managing your Medicine …… Others to be confirmedFREE Refreshments & Buffet Lunch June 10th 11 am to 4 pm

Sherwood Forest Community Church, Main St, BlidworthEntry by ticket only. FREE tickets available:

01623 793374 or 01773717328Supported by: Blidworth & Ravenshead PPG, Newark & Sherwood

Clinical Commissioning Group, Newark CVS

Food-banks - a sign of the timesSadly in the past few months two food-banks have been set up in our local area: Sherwood Forest Food-bank in Mansfield Woodhouse and The Dukeries and District Food-bank in New Ollerton. I say ‘sadly’ because food-banks are there to meet the needs of those in crisis who can’t provide enough for themselves and their families. These food-banks have been set up by local churches working in partnership with the Trussell Trust an organisation that works to empower local communities to combat poverty and exclusion in the UK and Bulgaria. Its website says ‘we work with the people that society forgets, providing practical help through sustainable projects and enabling each person to realise that they are valued. Our vision is to build communities where people of all backgrounds are included and have the opportunity to live in dignity with hope for the future.

We are a Christian organisation motivated by Jesus’ teaching on poverty and injustice. We operate according to Christian principles of compassion, honesty, integrity, openness, kindness and care of all people, regardless of backgrounds or beliefs. We believe in turning faith into practical action, living out God’s love for the poor...‘For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ Matthew 25:35-36

Whilst we are a Christian organisation, we serve people of all faith groups and beliefs or none. We are passionate about inclusion and being non-judgemental is central to what we do. We believe that everyone has the right to have food on their plate, dignity, skills, a chance to work and hope for the future.’

In the last 12 months nationally Trussell Trust food banks have helped almost 347,000 people (and of those over 126,000 were children).

You can help support the valuable work of these local foodbanks by donating tinned or packet food as well as by financial support. If you need help yourself you can find more information out from the Trussell Trust website

Sherwood Forest FoodbankStable Centre Church Street Mansfield Woodhouse Notts NG19 9JY, 01623 629665

The Dukeries and District Food-bank New Ollerton Methodist church Forest Road New Ollerton Newark NG22 9QS07716439740

c/o Rev Hazel RobinsonVicar of Blidworth & Rainworth27, St Peters Drive, RainworthMansfield, NG21 0BE, Tel: 01623 475135

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House and Home

Edited, Produced and distributed by MARATHON MEDIA

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Page 11: Thesherwoodjune2013issue 06


Reluctant Gardener: JuneJune is a time to plant annuals, perennials and all trees and shrubs! Spring was late so bedding plants are just getting going. Fertilise annuals, perennials and fl owering shrubs and trees with plant food. Spruce up your summer landscape with beautiful colour in containers. Be sure to use potting mix when planting and a water-grabbing polymer such as Soil Moist to reduce the frequency of watering. Be on the lookout for these pests: Bagworms, Borers, Gypsy Moths, Lacebugs, Scale insects, Spider Mites, Caterpillars and slugs, especially after heavy rain. It’s a great time to plant apple, pear, peach and all other fruit trees. You can also plant vegetables in containers and grow them on decks, patios or other small spaces. Fruit trees need to be sprayed on a regular schedule, although do not spray your fruit trees when the blossoms are

open. Prepare beds for strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. Time to stake tomatoes and spray them if necessary to prevent disease problems. After your vegetable garden is well established, it is best to water it thoroughly once a week rather than giving it a light watering every day. June is the time to apply a fungicide to the lawn to control turf diseases such as brown patch, dollar spot and others. If needed, apply a weed control to the lawn to kill actively growing weeds.Keep the lawn trimmed as long grass weakens the roots. You can move houseplants outside to the deck or patio and enjoy them outdoors for the summer. Feed houseplants with a good quality indoor plant food such If needed, re-pot root bound houseplants to a larger pot.Andy

House and Home

It may look harmless, but Phyllopertha Horticola, or the Garden Chafer, is capable of causing enormous harm to your lawn’s health.

The Beetles mate in May and June, laying their eggs within a couple of weeks. The resulting Chafer Grubs feast on the roots of your grass, killing the lawn from within, and also attract foraging predators such as birds, hedgehogs and foxes, who dig to feed on the grubs, causing further damage.

Four Seasons Lawn Care are experts in lawn care and pest control. We will apply a special professional treatment to your grass at the appropriate time, attacking the Chafer pest when it is at its most vulnerable stage. The treatment will also effectively inoculate your lawn against the Chafer threat for up to 12 months.

Act now to protect your lawn’s health and appearance for the Summer...

Speak to Four Seasons Lawn Care today to arrange a no-cost, no-obligation lawn health check, diagnosis and report:Office: 01623 402509 Mobile: 07738 571971

Untitled-1 1 07/04/2011 09:06:42

Tel: 01623 795 888Mob: 07976 826 685

[email protected]

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LADY GAGA, JESSIE J AND PINK TRIBUTES ALL IN ONE NIGHT!The award winning tribute artist, Vicky Jackson will be performing

covers from Lady Gaga, Jessie J and Pink in the Lindhurst Rooms at the Mansfi eld Civic Centre in Mansfi eld on Saturday 15th June 2013.

Vicky’s look-a-like and sound constantly delivers the attitude, vocals and performance that you would expect from all the acts she doubles. She was one of the very fi rst Lady Gaga tributes on the scene and admits this is her most exciting venture to date. Donning

crazy Gaga costumes and a lightning bolt, Vicky’s vocals are as accurate as Gaga herself. Songs include Lady Gaga’s number one hits and cult smashes ‘Pokerface’, ‘Paparazzi’, ‘Let’s Dance’ and ‘Edge of Glory’. She is quickly gaining a reputation as the best Gaga on the circuit. She also brings a brand new show for 2013 as Jessie J with the massive vocal impersonation of one of the most exciting stars to come out of the UK in years! Her show this year also features some of Pinks’ big hits including songs from ‘The Truth About Love’, and features hits from the early R’n’B inspired Pink days including ‘You Make Me Sick’ and ‘Get The Party Started.’Vicky commented; ‘I am so excited about performing my new show this year at Mansfi eld in June.’Tickets to this fantastic music night cost £10 and can be purchased in advance by calling 01623 656 766 or by buying them direct from the Lindhurst Rooms in Mansfi eld Civic Centre. The evening will run from 7pm to midnight and includes a free chip roll and a disco for those who wish to dance the night away. For further details please go to www.youreventinmansfi






Tel: 01623 401128 OR 07711 441459 E-Mail: [email protected]



What’s On - Sponsored by AV4HOME

Local Library Opening TimesBilsthorpe Library 01623 870216Wednesday 9.30 am. - 1.00 pm.Friday 1.30 pm. - 5.00 pm.Saturday 9.30 am. - 1.00 pm.Blidworth Library 01623 793775Monday 9.00 am. - 12.30 pm.Wednesday 2.00 pm. - 6.00 pm. Friday 9.00 am. - 12.30 pm.Saturday 9.00 am. - 12.30 pm.Farnsfi eld Library 01623 883917Monday 9.00 am. - 12.30 pm.Wednesday 9.00 am - 12.30 pm.Friday 2.00 pm. - 6.00 pm.Saturday 9.00 am. - 1.00 pm.Rainworth Library 01623 791038Tuesday 9.00 am. - 1.30 pm.Friday 1.00 pm. - 5.00 pm. Ravenshead Library 01623 794634Tuesday 9.00 am. - 12.30 pm. 1.30 pm - 6.00 pm. Thursday 9.00 am. - 12.30 pm 1.30 pm - 6.00 pm.Friday 9.00 am. - 12.30 pm 1.30 pm - 5.30 pm.Saturday 9.00 am. - 12.30 pm.Library Mangers Ann Whitworth/Tracey Yeomans

St Andrew’s Mission Church, The Crescent, Blidworth Talk & Tea3rd Monday in each Month3.00pm - 4.00pmLight Refreshments and chat for any in need of company and conversationSuggested voluntary donation of £1 to cover costs.Contact Rev Hazel Robinson 01623 475135

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Book Review: The Quarryby Iain Banks

Kit doesn’t know who his mother is. What he does know, however, is

that his father, Guy, is dying of cancer. Feeling his death is imminent, Guy gathers around him his oldest friends - or at least the friends with the most to lose by his death. Paul - the rising star in the Labour party who dreads the day a tape they all made at university might come to light; Alison and Robbie, corporate bunnies whose relationship is daily more fractious; Pris and Haze, once an item, now estranged, and fi nally Hol - friend, mentor, former lover and the only one who seemed to care.But what will happen to Kit when Guy is gone? And why isn’t Kit’s mother in the picture? As the friends reunite for Guy’s last days, old jealousies, affairs and lies come to light as Kit watches on.Publisher: Little Brown (20 Jun 2013)ISBN-10: 1408703947 £10.82 AmazonISBN-13: 978-1408703946

Film Review: After EarthRelease: June

M. Night Shyamalan returns with a science fi ction fi lm that sounds like

it was written with Will Smith and his son Jaden in mind. After cataclysmic events forced humans to leave Earth a 1000 years ago, Outer space, legendary General, Cypher Raige (Will Smith) returns from duty to see his 13-year-old son, Kitai (Smith Jr). However their craft crash lands on the strange planet of Earth, left to run wild for a millennium. Cypher is critically injured and with the clock ticking both must work together and battle across the planet to signal for help, avoiding an unstoppable alien that has escaped with them during the crash. As with all Shyamalan fi lms, the plot is pretty vague and it is no surprise

that the fi lm unwinds with plenty of twists along the way and with ‘Smith & Smith’ meeting many newly evolved life forms that have evolved on Earth after humans departed

What’s On - Sponsored by AV4HOME

Page 14: Thesherwoodjune2013issue 06

14To Book lunch, a Stand or corporate tableContact Diane Carter Chair & Organiser: [email protected]

For more information tel: 07916 245 367 or visit To Book lunch, a Stand or corporate table

Contact Diane Carter Chair & Organiser: [email protected] more information tel: 07916 245 367 or To Book lunch, a Stand or corporate table

Contact Diane Carter Chair & Organiser: [email protected] more information tel: 07916 245 367 or


It’s Women’s Business Pink Carpet Exhibition

To book lunch, a stand or corporate tableContact Diane Carter Chair & Organiser

[email protected] more information tel: 07916 245 367

or visit

Exhibition Stands £60 (including lunch for 1 person)

Corporate Table Sponsorship only £150

to include exhibition stand and lunch for 9 guests

Fabulous opportunity to meet other like minded business ladies Showcase your businessTalk to our ‘Silver Specialists’ and advisors Attend our short sharp seminars

Local Super-hero Denise Lowther Sharing her experience of the 28th Marathon de Sables 2013

Chris CutlandDeputy Nott’s Police & Crime Commissioner

Carolyn Radford Chief Executive Mansfi eld Town F.C.

Thursday 20th June 2013 10am - 3pmat Portland College Corporate Suite

Nottingham Road Mansfi eld NG18 4TJ

To Book lunch, a Stand or corporate tableContact Diane Carter Chair & Organiser: [email protected]

For more information tel: 07916 245 367 or visit 20th June 2013 10am - 3pmFor more information tel: 07916 245 367 or Thursday 20th June 2013 10am - 3pmFor more information tel: 07916 245 367 or visit 20th June 2013 10am - 3pmvisit

To Book lunch, a Stand or corporate tableContact Diane Carter Chair & Organiser: [email protected]

For more information tel: 07916 245 367 or visit Pop in for FREE co� ee/tea and browse the stands. Lots of goodies to buy and FREE business advice, between 10 – 12 and 1.15 – 3pm.

Page 15: Thesherwoodjune2013issue 06


Agenda10:00am: FREE coffee or tea

Introduction to the Sponsors, Specialists & Advisors Browse the stands & network

10:45 – 11:15 am - Sharing the StageAlison Hollingworth of Steps Forward

presents “Taking Responsibility of Your Life and Business”,

followed by: Carolyn Radford of MTFC, “The Steps to Success”

12:00pm – 1:15pm BOOK NOW (See details below) only £12!A delicious 2-course seated lunch with coffee & mints

Followed by our keynote speaker local superhero: Denise LowtherDenise will be sharing her experience of The 28th Marathon Des Sables 2013. To quote Denise “156 Miles in 6 Days, across the Sahara Desert carrying your own gear…”..How hard could it possibly be? Denise a regular triathlon and iron man participant will be sharing an inspiring talk on her road to recovery from cancer and how

her whole life perspective has changed including her values and visions through her experience

2:00-2:30pmSue Leadbeater IWB Family Law silver specialist

“Putting Legal Procedures and Plans in place when you engage in a personal or business relationship”,

Sue is Joined by Chris Cutland, Deputy Police Commissioner talking about her new role and how she intends to work against crime involving women

The fl oor will be open for a few minutes of question time to Sue and Chris

Also joining us for lunch:Wendy Hain, Director of Membership for DNCC, Carolyn Radford and Chris Cutland

To Book or for more information contact Chair & Organiser; Diane Carter on 07916 245 367

Email: [email protected]

Page 16: Thesherwoodjune2013issue 06


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Page 17: Thesherwoodjune2013issue 06


Rainworth Miners Welfare Diary DatesMon: 7.45–10.30pm Sequence Dancing £1.50 Admission, bingo, card bingo & ‘Open the Box’ (lounge & concert room)Tues: 7.30-11pm ‘Blitz’ modern jive lessons & dance to follow £7.00 admission (please call club to ensure the class is on)Wed: 7.15–9.15pm Family bingo. Great cash prizes & Raffl e. Children welcome with an adult. Thur: 3.30 - 5.30pm Irish dancingThur: 8.45pm Darts & Dominoes knockout (names by 8.45pm)Fri: Occasional Sequence Dancing (please check), £1.50. Bingo and Card Bingo as usual (Lounge and Concert Room)Sat: 8 - 10.30pm Family Bingo & Raffl e. Children with adult.Sun: Sequence Dancing (Concert Room) £1.50 Admission. Quiz (Lounge Bar) and regular Bingo & Open the Box (both rooms).FANCY A PARTY OR CELEBRATION? —room hire only £35 Members, £70 Non-members—up to 6 hoursKIDS PARTIES—Bouncy castle £30, Disco £45 for 2 hours (£70 for both)

The VenueRoyal British legion—Rainworth, Blidworth & District Branch meet at The Venue every First Thursday of the month —at 7.30pm and everyone is welcome

St Simon and St Judes ChurchFri: 4.45-5.45pm 4th Rainbow Brownies—For 5-7 year old girls. New members welcome. Call Pat Holmes on: 01623 795239Art Group 1.45 – 3.30 pm £1.50 inc refreshments. Painting or drawing – any skill level. All welcome

Rainworth Methodist ChurchFri: 6pm 3rd Rainworth Brownies. Details phone: 01623 629879

Surestart Children’s Centre, Rainworth water road.

Families can contact us on 01623 499900 to confi rm details of groups or if they are running during the school holidays.Mon: 9 -11.15am Lakeview Toddler & Baby Group - open to all (call to confi rm )Wed: 1.15-3.00pm Busy Feet-open to all (please call to confi rm during the holidays)Thur: 1.15-3.00pm Toby's Twos Group -suitable for children 24 months+ (Term time only)Fri: 9.30-11am Wobbly Ones-suitable for toddlers 12-24 months, 11am-12pm Jelly Babies-suitable for birth-12 months

To amend any of the above details or add new ones contact the editor: 01623 795623 or via [email protected]

Diary Dates for Rainworth

Special Event in 2013/2014?Function Rooms FREE Hire

Local Walking GroupNewark & Sherwood D.C. Walk for Life Gov. Initiative Why not come join our group in this great FREE and fun initiative in the Blidworth area, but welcome to all local residents. Linda, from the Blidworth Community Centre, is leading this venture and has built up a regular group of 30 walkers who meet every Sunday at 10am at the Leisure centre.Interested contact: Linda Elliott at Blidworth 0770 363 1816 or go on the Walk4Life website and click on Blidworth to fi nd out more about the walks.Thursday Walking Club—This group have now started meeting again. Contact Sheila on 01623 796118 for details.

regular group of 30 walkers who meet every Sunday at

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We mentioned last month that this marathon, which was mainly put on and organised by the Rainworth Riders, a number of cyclist who ride and support local charities, supported by the Legion collected £1,595.43; we are happy to announce that further sponsorship money has come in making the fi nal total £1,712.43. An incredible total; we shall within branch help the Rainworth Riders to raise money for other local charities as a way of saying THANKS.

As the branch is involved with the Newark Castle Fun day (see below item 5) we do not have plans for any further events within branch at the moment. I would however like to mention other future events within the area:

1) Sunday 2nd June: County Parade and Service of Re-dedication at Southwell, the service will be in Southwell Minster.2) Sunday 9th June: RAF Cosford Air Show.3) Sunday 23rd June: Armed forces day in Newark.4) Saturday 29th June: National Armed Forces Day in Nottingham.5) Sunday 21st July: Family Fun day - Poppy Party III, in Newark Castle grounds. THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGIONIn last months news letter I gave a list of our Aims and Objectives. Did you know that the Legion spends £1.7million every week helping all those ex-service men and women and their dependants who need our help. This money has to be raised; attending one of the above mentioned events, sending a donation to your nearest branch or even joining the Legion can help us to raise this vast sum of money required by The Royal British Legion. And remember 100% of the money we raise goes towards our aims and objectives.

Anyone who would like to join the Legion contact your nearest branch or alternatively contact Jim Filby: Mob: 07768 742111 or email jim@fi, and I will put you in contact with your nearest branch.

Anyone who would like to join the Legion contact your nearest branch or alternatively contact Jim Filby: Mob: 07768 742111 or email jim@fi, and I will put you in contact with your nearest branch

Hill View Surgery is embracing Patient Participation Awareness Week and we will be running information events between the 3rd and 7th of June at the surgery.

We will be hosting quizzes, children’s colouring competitions, and will have members available for you to chat to about joining. There will also be luxury tombola and any unwanted items you would like to donate will be most welcome (drop them off at the surgery). The PPG holds various fundraising events through out the year to provide additional equipment for the practice.

The surgery now has patient representation on various groups which feed into the CCG. This representation is vital due to the NHS

reforms and represents

two way communications between patients and those commissioning our services in the future. The PPG team look forward to contributing to the various proposals and discussions that affect not only this surgery but the NHS throughout the Newark and Sherwood district.

The patients group welcome any interested people and they can join the ‘virtual’ committee if they have health, family or work time constraints. Call 01623 550105 for further information or email [email protected] or just email your comments or concerns.

Friends of Tippings WoodVolunteers Urgently Needed!!!!!! Our stalwart workers Bob and Barbara have fi nally called it a day! They have worked tirelessly for many years but can no longer carry on. The fi rst priority is to keep footpaths open and the site free of litter. Please collect litter, even if it’s not yours and cut overhanging branches if they are a hazard. We will be arranging a ‘hit squad’ to deal with pressing issues. Are you a ‘Friend’? Can you help? We will be looking at training courses to encourage volunteers to join the group and keep Tippings Wood accessible to the community.

Please ring 07950 646620 or email [email protected]

Volunteers are always welcome. Please ring 07950 646620.

Friends of Tippings Wood.

For Rainworth District Council news please see the Blog at or contact Cllr. John Bradbury (9 St Peters Drive – tel 07973 422839) or Cllr. John Middleton (14 St Judes Way – tel 07980 981320)”

Rainworth Parish Council• On the 9th. May the Annual General Assembly saw Mark

Buttery re-elected as Chairman and Linda Tift as Vice Chair.• Work continues on the painting of the railings throughout the

village.• The Skatepark/Play area planning application has been

submitted with a decision due 14th June.• The Colliery memorial on Kirklington Road is to be

refurbished.• Highway maintenance on South Avenue should be

completed soon.Councillors are in and out of the Parish Offi ce daily and always happy to assist with any problems, as is our Parish Clerk, Dawn Jones who can be contacted on 01623 490259 or [email protected]. Rainworth Parish Council, Rainworth Village Hall, Kirklington Road, Rainworth. NG21 0JZ Offi ce hours. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9am-2pmParish Council Meetings. Thursday 13th. June. 7pm & Thursday 11th. July 7pm

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Blidworth Miners’ Welfare Social Centre ‘Weekly Events’Monday: Salsa Class “Salsacise” at 6pm with Ace Salsa. (see full advert page 5). Also Free PoolTuesday: Dominoes Handicap starts 8:30. New players welcome.Wednesday: Bingo Night plus ‘Sticky Thirteen’ Card GamesThursday: Poker Night from 8:00Friday: Live Entertainment, Members Draw and ‘Sticky Thirteen’ Card GamesSaturday: Live Entertainment and ‘Sticky Thirteen’ Card GamesSunday: Quiz Night and ‘Sticky Thirteen’ Card Games

Private Room available for HireFor Birthdays, Meetings, Anniversary & Wedding Celebrations

Contact 01623 793361 (Kevin) or 0788 7977350 (Dave)Weekly Events

SureStart Centre Tues: 9.15-11.15am Homestart Group-open to all (please confirm during holidays) Tues: 1.30-3pm Wobbly Ones-suitable for toddlers 12-24 months (Term time)Wed: 1.30-2.30pm Jelly babies -for babies 0-12 months (confirm during the holidays)Tues: 2.30-3.30pm Child Health Clinic-open to all Thur: 1-3pm Family Play Session-open to all (please confirm during holidays)Fri: 9.30-11am Blidworth Oaks Toddler Group £1.00 per family (Term time) Fri: 2-3pm Rhyme Time (Term time only)

St Andrew’s Mission HallTues: 2-3.30pm Bingo with Stephen Fox Tues: 5.30-7pm 1st St Mary’s Brownies (term time) Tel Kathy Straw 490920

Wed: 6.30-8.30pm Needlecraft ClubBlidworth Doctor’s Surgery

Wed: 9.30am Citizens’ Advice BureauSherwood Forest Community Church

Thu: 2-4pm Art Class Blidworth Methodist Church

Thu: 6-8pm Teen Drop in Club (11 - 15yrs) (Term time only) Fri: 10.30-11am Toddler Church (Term time only)Fri: 11-12.30pm Parent Support Group (Term time only)

The Drill Hall (New Rd)Mon/Wed: 7-9pm Army Cadet Force

Belle Vue Playing FieldTues/Thu: 7pm FC Training (17+ new players welcome)To amend any of the above details or add new ones contact the editor: 01623 795623 or via [email protected]

Diary Dates for Blidworth

Men’s health event at Blidworth Miners Welfare6th June in conjunction with Blidworth Surgery Patient Group &The Men’s Health Group based at Newark. Local surgeries are trying to get men to look after ourselves and their health in a better way so come along and find out how we can help.

The Event is Men only.

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Bards at BlidworthIt often seems as though the fi st against the forehead image is what is associated with poets and their thinking pose! Also, that doom, gloom, angst are features of such a lot of poetry but I fi nd that there is much at the other end of the spectrum too, where laughter, even joy, is also to be found.I love to hear children giggling at funny poems and learning them off by heart, as has always happened with poetry, in order to carry the poems around in the head and to pull them out of the archives of the mind now and again, like drawing a favourite book from a library shelf as a reminder of the joy of laughter.A poet such as Brian Patten straddles childhood and adulthood with ease and his collection Gargling with Jelly has entertained so many children as well as adults with such poems as The Day I Got My fi nger Stuck Up My Nose and Gust Becos I Cud Not Spel.Local Bards, Arthur Radford and Gillian Baguley have played with the theme of mispelling in poems they have written and published recently.There are many moods in poetry - worth searching them out at the local library! Or maybe you could write something that makes folk chuckle! Christine Michael,

BLIDWORTH & RAVENSHEAD PPGWe are a small group of patients who represent patients registered at the GP Practice at Blidworth & Ravenshead. All patients are welcome to attend our meetings to learn more about the PPG’s role, and how important patients contributions are to GPs’ in helping them understand the needs of patients in respect of healthcare locally. Following changes brought about with the new Health Bill, patients have a greater say about their healthcare. To reinforce this for our patients, members of the PPG have a vital role to play in informing and developing the effectiveness of the Newark & Sherwood Clinical Commissioning Group in providing an adequate service for patients. Gilly Hagen our Chair is a volunteer Patient Leader for the area. Being involved ensures patients can learn more about The Practice and what is happening locally and in the Newark & Sherwood Area via the – - or fi nding out about local events etc via our noticeboards at the surgeries.

Blidworth & District Historical & Heritage SocietyOur May meeting saw Adrian Henstock give a talk titled ‘A Nottinghamshire Cranford - Early Victorian Bingham’. This was very much enjoyed by all. This was followed by a brief update by the Chairman of ‘Friends of Blidworth Windmill’, Michael Neville. During refreshments, special interest shown in a small Viking bell, found by member Derek Wilson. This will be part of a ‘Thynghow’ Viking exhibition, to be showcased at Mansfi eld Museum.Retired teacher, Barry Smith. brought along memorabilia from school years. Some of his ‘old’ pupils in the audience shared memories with him.

Next meeting at 7pm on the 4th June, speaker is Ralf Stone who will be talking about Pleasley and Pleasley Vale. Then Alan Higgins continues his illustrated talk on local ‘Commemorative Stones’.We meet, fi rst Tuesday of the month at the Methodist Chapel on Main Street, Blidworth. New members welcome. Small charge of £2 includes refreshments. For more info contact me, Dale Smallwood, Secretary, on 01623 479978 or visit our, Email: [email protected], Also follow us on Twitter @BlidworthHistory

Blidworth Parish Council (BPC)1. Annual Parish Meeting 25 April – a good village event with several speakers, including Joseph Whitaker & Blidworth Oaks School.2. Blidworth in Bloom: you should now begin to see the new wildfl ower beds & baskets throughout Blidworth, which will provide a brilliant colourful background to the village. Volunteer to help? Contact me. 3. Best Village Competition – we have again entered this competition. 4. Matthew Clay Lectern adj War Memorial – is now a registered Memorial with the UK National Inventory of War Memorials.5. Blidworth Windmill – BPC, Blidworth Historical Soc ; Friends of Blidworth Windmill, together with Reps from NCC & Notts Building Preservation Trust held a Meeting, discussing proposals for the preservation of the windmill – strong community support essential. 6. BPC & Blidworth Welfare are promoting a Gala & Food Festival on Sunday 29 Sept. 2013 at Blidworth Welfare 12 Noon to 4pm with children’s entertainment, stands available – contact Clerk for details 7. There is a current spate of problems throughout the village due to under-age drinking, excessive litter and glass on our parks which is spoiling these play areas for other users .Blidworth Parish Council, Belle Vue Lane, BlidworthNottinghamshire, NG21 0RDGeoff Stocks, Clerk to the Council, Tel/Fax: 01623 490358Offi ce hours, Mon 9am – 4pm Thurs 9am – 4pm

Meadow Rd and New Rd Pensioners Association - The Monday ClubGreetings. Club and members are all okay, Now spring/summer has arrived. Recently, members were joined by friends and visited dear old Skeggy. The weather was cold, windy and a little rain.More recent at our HQ at Rookwood, a birthday party was organised to celebrate a milestone birthday for member Mrs Mavis Wood, many happy returns to Mavis (photo) who received a gift from our leader Mrs Marlene Brailsford. In June and July members are going on holiday to Folkstone more about that later. So thats all for now, Regards to all the readers, Harry

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Rotary Club of Sherwood ForestSt Georges Day in Ollerton – we were delighted to take part and to support this great community event and to pay £100.00 for the Dukeries Academy Band who entertained us all & £50.00 to the St Johns Ambulance. We ran 4Duck Races during the afternoon; the river was in full flow which meant the ducks rocked from side to side on their energetic swim down river. Rotarian Duck catchers waded into the river to prevent them from escaping under the finishing net. Winning numbers were Race1. 119, 220, 160, Race2. 388, 336, 568, Race3. 684, 715, 748 & Race4. 936, 1083, 1090. If any one has an above numbered ticket please contact us. photo: Punters watch swimming ducksHospice2Hospice Rotary sponsored Walk – Rotarians and friends and families of our two Children’s Hospices spent the Spring Bank Holiday weekend walking 70 miles between the Children’s Bluebell Wood Hospice nr Sheffield and Rainbows Hospice nr Loughborough. The walkers were met at Rainbows with home made colourful banners and flags made by the young patients and staff and greeted by our own Rotarian Mike Herbert, now confined to a wheel chair, and other young patients in beds and on scooters. Donations can still be made using the ‘Just Giving’ website www.hospice2hospice these Hospices provide respite, love and care to children and young adults with limited lives and their families. Photo top right: Rotary District Governor Dave Ashley (in the pink shirt) standing behind Mike Herbert in a wheelchair in the centre

Future events - Sunday 9th June Sponsored Walks ‘Beating the Bounds of Ollerton & Boughton’ starting and finishing at the Dukeries Leisure Centre Two walks of 6 and 4 miles setting off at 10.00am and 11.00am. These walks are held to give an opportunity for members of the community to raise money for their local organisation and charitable causes. Please contact us for more details. Sunday 23rd June – Open Gardens in Ollerton Village & Boughton from 1.00-5.00pm. Admission £3.00 pp and programmes to visit all gardens may be purchased from the Hop Pole car park or any of the 12/13 participating gardens. There will be Refreshments, Live music & Stalls and all the proceeds to local charities supported by Rotary Club. This event is an opportunity to see small individual village gardens and be amazed as to how different people make use and value their outdoor space. President Tony Crowson, Rotary Club of Sherwood Forest, email:[email protected] 01623 825607 www.rotary1220org/she

St Margaret’s Church, BilsthorpeDuring the Nottinghamshire Open Churches Weekend on 13th and 14th July, St Margaret’s are holding a Flower Festival, “Celebrating Bilsthorpe”. New signs for the village say we have been here for 1000 years, so the church is inviting all the village organizations to place a flower arrangement in the church to celebrate their own organization. It will be open 9.30am to 6pm on the Saturday and 12 noon to 6pm on the Sunday. Refreshments will be available. There will be a Songs of Praise on Sunday at 6pm to which everyone is invited.

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Church ArticleThe holiday brochures look so attractive: blue skies, sunlit beaches, majestic Palm trees. They make me want to fly off somewhere exotic and lie on a beach for a week or so of rest and relaxation. We do live in a fast-paced world that demands such a lot of us. We have to be constantly contactable, available and busy. It is as though our reason for being has become tied up with our productivity and our ability to respond to the next good thing. Quite frankly it’s exhausting! Little wonder that a holiday somewhere away from it all looks so appealing.We weren’t created to be always on the move, always ‘doing’. We were created to ‘have life, and have it to the full’ as Jesus expressed it. But that doesn’t mean a

constant round of activity. It also means having time for recreation and fun, taking time out from our routine. God called this the Sabbath (Sunday) and he gives us one each week. It’s a day to set aside the busyness of work and simply ‘be’ ourselves. So what about people who work on Sundays? Well, I along with many others, work on Sundays so I simply use another day in the week as my Sabbath. It’s the principle of having a special day that is important. Perhaps this week you might think carefully about what you do on your Sabbath day and thank God for the gift of relaxation.Rev Hazel RobinsonVicar of Blidworth & Rainworth, Tel: 01623 475135

Edited, Produced and Distributed by MARATHON MEDIA

Strengthening Communities

Blidworth -St Mary’s 1st & 3rd Sunday in month Holy Communion 9.15am 2nd & 4th Sunday in month Morning Worship 9.15am 2nd Sunday in month Holy Communion 8.00am Midweek - Wednesday Holy Communion 9.30am St Andrew’s Mission Monthly, Last Saturday in month 10.00am Coffee Morning St Andrew’s.1st Sunday in month 12.30pm Holy Communion St Andrew’s Mission

Rainworth -St Simon & St Jude1st Sunday in month All Age Worship 10.30am 3rd Sunday in month Morning Worship 10.30am 2nd & 4th Sunday in month Holy Communion 10.30am Midweek -Holy Communion Thursday 9.30am Monthly: 1st Monday in month Holy Communion 7.00pm

Sherwood Forest Community Church “Sunday morning worship at 10am. Please visit our website for details of other events.”

Methodist Church Sunday Services Morning Services Evening ServicesBlidworth 10:30am Blidworth 6.00pmRainworth 10:30am Rainworth 6.00pm Farnsfield 10:15am Farnsfield 6.15pmBilsthorpe 10.30am Note: Evening services are not every week, please check the notice boards. C/O Rev David Greenwood Methodist Minister

St George’s Catholic Church, RainworthSunday Service 9.00am

Weekday MassFri 7.00pmHolyday of Obligation: 7.00pm

ConfessionsFri 6.15 - 6.45pmSun 8.30 - 8.50am

Exposition of the Blessed SacramentFri 6.15 - 7.00pm

Other Devotions see Newsletter

St Patricks Catholic Church Forest TownSaturday: 6.30pm (Vigil Mass)Sunday: 10.30am (Sung Mass)Weekday MassMon & Thur 9.00amTue: 7.00pm Wed 11.00amSat 10.00amHolydays of ObligationEve of Holyday 7.00pmConfessions: Sat 9.30-9.55am, 5.45-6.25pmExposition of the Blessed SacramentTues 6.30-7.00pm Sat 9.00-10.00am

Services at ST PETER’S ChurchThese follow the general pattern: Sunday: 8.00 am - Holy Communion (traditional language). 9.30 am - Parish Communion (Common Worship) or occasionally Service of the Word. 11.00 am - Morning Worship or Family Communion 6.00 pm - Choral Evensong Prayer (Book of Common Prayer) alternate Sundays Every Wednesday: 10.30 am - Holy Communion (CW) in the Church Lounge. SUNDAY SERVICES: HC = Holy Communion 8 am, PC = Parish Comm. 9.30 am. MW = Morning Worship 11am, FC = Family Comm. 11 am, CE = Choral Evensong 6 pm.

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Page 23: Thesherwoodjune2013issue 06


Another Cracking Season for Blidworth U 11s Saturday and Sunday TeamsBlidworth under 11’s have had yet another cracking season, winning the Kickstart League to gain their place in the Premier League and winning the Four Seasons Knock Out Cup, the trophy that was snatched from their grasp in the fi nal at the end of last season.Well done boys, a fi tting end to a great season, Kick Start Under 11s League Champions, Under 11s Premier League Winners and Four Seasons Knock Out Cup Winners 2013.And so to the Blidworth Under 11s Saturday team. 10 of the 12 in the squad play for both the Saturday and Sunday teams and their expectations on themselves are high. The Chad Knock Out Cup fi nal was the fi rst to be held at the One Call Stadium, in April. In the fi nal, Teversal managed to secure an early goal, but Blidworth fought back to win 2-1. Congratulations Blidworth under 11s Saturdays Knock Out Cup Chad winners and Chad League runners up.

Another amazing season, congratulations boys, your Coaches, Parents, Grandparents and supporters are very proud of your football skills, all you achieve and your exemplary conduct on and off the pitch. Blidworth Welfare Saturday Under 11s: Harry Fisher, William Godson, Dillon Hodgkinson, Billy Toon, Kian Sketchley, Tyler Smith, Eiran Cashin, Spencer Candlin, Lewis Godson, Kyle Chadburn, Joseph Parker, Connor Ward. Manager Andrew Cashin, Assistant Scott ChadburnBlidworth Welfare Sunday Under 11s: Joseph Parker, Billy Toon, Kian Sketchley, Spencer Candlin, Tyler Smith, Lewis Godson, Kyle Chadburn, Edward Burton, Dillon Hodgkinson, Connor Ward, William Godson, Joss Kowalski, Eiran Cashin. Manager Scott Chadburn, Assistant Andrew Cashin

Emergency Contacts:Police/Ambulance/Fire Call 999 Non-urgent Police calls 101BLIDWORTH Police Station contact: 07595 007 505 Local contactsRainworth Health Centre, Warsop La, 01623 794293Dentist 01623 798611Blidworth Surgery: 59 Mansfi eld Rd 01623 695461Ravenshead Surgery: 30 Longdale Ave 01623 795461Rainworth Library, Warsop Lane, 01623 791038Joseph Whitaker School: 01623 792 327Useful ContactsSamaritans: 08457 90 90 90, www.samaritans.orgChildline: 0800 1111NHS Direct: 0845 4647 or Online: http://www.nhs.ukAge UK: 0800 00 99 66Asthma UK Advice line: 08457 01 02 03Domestic violence helpline: 0808 2000 247FRANK: 0800 77 66 00Stroke Helpline: 0845 303 3100 Shelter: 0808 800 4444Macmillan Cancer line : 0808 808 2020Severn Trent Water: 0800 783 4444Citizens Advice Bureau: 01623 627 163Newark & Sherwood Homes: 01623 860 740N&S District council: 01636 650 000Mansfi eld District Council: 01623 463 463Nott’s County Council: 0844 980 80 80We would like to advertise YOUR business if you offer an emergency service. For example:Electrician, Locksmith, Glazier - see page 2 for contact. Community First Responders - Save a local life by joining this valuable service. Call Tony Machin on 01623 796295

Edited, Produced and Distributed by MARATHON MEDIA

More Local News

Electrician, Locksmith, Glazier - see page 2 for

Domestic violence helpline: 0808 2000 247

Stroke Helpline: 0845 303 3100

Page 24: Thesherwoodjune2013issue 06


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