Download - THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. NUMBER 13. THE WEEKLY … · enm out through Western ) ... Pre




students owfog to the fact that it wa~

the ffr8t one, and but little could be

told from H. UoweYer, this one is to

Lie for the purpo~e of wnrniug all stu­

dents lJelow a 11ae;.sing murk that they

will to work during the next six

VH·ek~ ID order to continue their eon·

ne~tiom1 with the in~titution.



pol eon ·g Last Charge.'' The la5t men­

tioned is one of the latest pieces of

band music out and is particularly

good . This is the twelfth semi-annu;l

concert to be gi,·en b,y the band boy.'.

The people of Bozemnn are i1witccl t•)

attend and see what the orgnnizntlo11

ean do.




eny Schedule Arranged for College

Qaiutdte and Squad is Reduced

The plan earired out this year is a

uew one and uudoulJte<lly many of tlu•

student::; are una1'quainted with it. X11

!<ltudeutis are to l>e 1;uspende<l during thd

seme~ter, as this ha!:i only tended to

cause unpleasantness in the past. How­

eH~r. any !Jerson ·with Jess than ten

credit~ completed this semester will bc­

unable to register for the second serueb-

Week of Instruction in Agricultural and Home Science Subjects lo be Held

the Latter Part of January. Noted Instructors from all

N ORTHWESTERN STOCK SHOW . Annual Clash Between Two Lower

to Si.1teen of Beat Players

.i<Hf'keth:i.11 p•n.c·Ut'fl' ba:11 continued

;H trnfihate.1 interPsf ut the rolJege

iring thP past l\·C'ek, and the team iM ter. Jn this way a person is ne,·er

1.-.t roundin'! uato tiLOJie for the fir~t SU:-lpeodeJ, but if tl1nt person fails t•J

ime with the Helf'na Juifopendeut~ .on complete n require<l amount of work

1·et•ml1er Jlth. J>rtihnhb• neYf>r before during a ~emester, he nutomatiea1lv :1 first team had the advantage of ~ever~ his connection with the colleg;.

1rh l"XtC>llent p1 ~1 1·tit•e aci. they :ire now The grades at this 1 'Roundup'' will

C'tting from tht• ~w"onrl nnd •hirJ ht• ~ent to the parents or guardian~ of

Ench e\·euin~ the <'hampion!i\ the students in danger. nnU to the stu·

throul(h twn fa!'t fift•'t'li llrnh themselves. Thi~ wi11 give them

te'l111~, :rntl the·: :l ehance to raise their grades during

,.,. to keer1 mu' 10~ t'\'C'r~· mnrn!e .,,

PC'p the hall 1 rom Ruing too nft.--n

1to their oppon"" it·~ 11asket. t;,·t'.'n

ainst ~ll('h -;trung opp.1!<.1·ion. tlw r<'~

Jars llrf> ~Jwwing wonilt•ifuJ speetl J1,:

, t"l'ly 111 thf' senl'lon, ~l110 promis<" f·

e in iirfit·1•Ia...- ..... 1i:1pe 1or their fir"t

ppea ·an('r 'YeJnr~11:i .v c·\·ening.

Out of thn squa1l 11f thirty nh: ·J,

Oa<'h D ork ... tn1ll•r Ji:1<.: fo, I fl ft ndd~·

hie tc1 rl'tain only sJXlt.•'n for the H'

111fnrl1•1 of tbt• '"":t"on. H l'·as imp<•"

11/P to gin" sur11 n hrgP numher :i.~

r~t n•11orfl•d the }'rnp,. .. amount of

"larhiug, :rntJ all conH not he gi\·eu

• n opJ1ort1111it. to play eYl'T.Y p,·enm~.

n orcll•r tu eliminak th;s clifficu 1t. •.

nly thrn~· t~ams W<'rP 1etained, <1n1J

llt'"I(' will ~1P gin•n the f'dl aftC'11tio11

f ti1i:- conch. Whl'll la. inh•rcla.Rs

E-tif>s st ... en•ryone ·wll1 he gi,·en an

flpMtunirv tt• pfo,,· tl11 great in1loor


.·\rrnngements arc fast being <'Olll·

Jrted aui) a s<'hedule :Hrnng<><l, which

rill rnke tlw Blue nnd Gold on one of

he mo!'lt ext('nsi\·e trips eYer attempt­

,] b~· :t Stat<' coHt•gP. t11 1tm. A sched-

1<' of gamf'"' with Rillings, Townsend.

~od~· au<l ~h<'ri<lan has just about bee11

ompletel1, :1nd the!"r contest~ will lw

layed on the team's first trip, ,iust

efore the ('hri~tnrns holi<lays. The

iter pnrt of Fcbrn:n~· will ~ee thr team

n it.s !';('('Ond tour, which will take iht>

enm out through Western )fontan;i

ml into "·a~hiugton and Orf'gon.

The !5Chedule at 11ome will alo;; > be a

fl'fl\'J one, as many of the bi"•t travel

• ti!.ng ag~r<"gations in the country will

1aHh J.uring thl' st•asou witb thr col·

ie~ians. Games with the )I ines and tht:>

-,.1r-;ity will :1ho he i:;che<luled, an 1

th(! l::i~t t;ix weeks of the oemester.


"PROFESSOR'S MAlADY" First Production of the Year by Col­

lege D ramatic Organi?z:ation Set for

Tonight at Opera H ouse

This e\·euing the Jack- 'a-Lanterns

will present ''The Professor's Mal·

ady, ·' a comcJy1 popular as a college

pl:i_v. Rehearsals bave been going on

e,·ery d:iy foI the Inst f~w weeks an•]

the pro~pects are that this will be t!Je

brighte!-1.t piny e,·er put on by the col·

1cgc dramatic club.

The cast is said to be the best e\"er

secured hy the club, not nrces~aril:· iii

ahility, but ia that each person i ~ well

fitted for the pnrts a~·signed. The ::;a1e

of seats ])[!~ been good and it is ex·

pected that the play will be a succe~-..

in t'\'ery way. The ~tory of the piny a!'I

toltl by a member of the cast, is ac;;


"('hercher la femme'' may well be

taken as the name for the play ''The

Profes~or 's ?IIalad_v,' · as in the find­

ing of the woman the ~ecrC't of the

professor's malady is revealed.

Parts of Country

Plans for se,·ea short courges, most

of them of one week's dura t ion to b e

held at the college du r ing the week

January 22 to 3 11 are a.bout eomp1ete1l

and it only rema jns now to work out

the details. It is planned to make that

week a 11 Farmers' ''\'eek" at the col­

lege and ,to hold a regular C'ountr.t·

Life <'011vention. Ju addition to the

short courses no less tlrnu nine meet ·

ing~ of farm and country life organi­

zations will be he ld at the college dur­

ing the week. These togf'ther with thP

instnwtion offered by the C'ollege w i 'J

make the week au espt:'l.'iall~· attrac­

tive onr for the farmers ancl others in

tere ... ted in the country life 1110,·eme'nt.

$pe1·ial mrrtingo~ hn,·e abo been nr­

r:rnj!etl for the afte-rnoons and e,·en­

ing-s of thai" week at which speakers of

national reputation wil1 ad<lress the

people who attend.

Among these are the following: Hon.

Olh·er \\'ilson of Tl l inois. ma~tf?' r of

the national grange; Hon. P. G. Hoi·

den of Town, reC'ognized a~ one of the

foremost agricultural f'Xtem.-ion work·

ers in America; .Josepl1 E . \~' i ng of

Ohio. who has tran~led throughout th~

world for the ''Breeder's Gazette.' 1

Among the meeti ngs to be held at t h ~

coll ege during this week nre the fo~·

lowing : Annuol meeting of the ) Jou ·

tana Horticu ltural society and meeting

of the State Board of Horticulture.

This orgauizatiou will meet January

22, ~3, 24 and 2.'i. The Good Road.;; as­

sociation will meet on .Jan uary 23 aurJ

on Januar~· 23 1 24 and 2.5 the annu".I

mee tJ ng of the .Montana State Grange

wi ll be he ld. On those same days the

annual meeting of the county superm·

tendents of schools wiil he held. The

country churrh conference ·will he hel•J

on January 36 an<l ~i, followf'il on

January !!o;;: and 29 by tho Rural lloml'S

conferC'nre and the Recreation and

Health confereuee.

1'hP Better 81.1eds al'isQcintion will

meet on January 2i and the annunl

meeting of the )Jontana Dairymau 's 'b­

socintion will he held Jnnuary 2~, 2~

an<l 30. The short courses of instruction­

sc,·ru in number-will he as follow~:

Hou!'.ekeepers 1 course, .T:.1111iary 2:.:'. ft.)

31; animal husbandr? course, .Januar~·

~2 to 31; Yeterinary course, will be n111

in eonnection with the course in nni·

mal busbandr~·. The course in ro:vl

He Is eonf'.i dered a leading authority on ma.king will be .Jnuuary :?3 to 2:3;

alfolafa, sheep and wool. Ilon. L. R. course in horticulture and biology, .Jar;­

_.\.Jderm:rn . superintend<>nt of publ ic in· nary 22 to 31: the bee-keepers' con1'l'if' ,

strnetion for the state of Oregon, and .Jannary ~9 and 30, and the farm nrnn·

reeognizrd as a leading authority on agement rour~e wi ll continue

the rural scl1ool~ of thr country wfll throughout the week. Those wl10 will

atten<l, as well as )!rs. Aliee PeJ011hl"'t delh·er lectures at the these> <'Our::it•s

~orton of the departme11! of l1nt,"'e- are to be membC'rs of the college inc·

hold administration of ('bica~o univrr- ulty anil in addition n. ff'w lec>turf!'i

s. i ty. )frs. :Norton is n noted writer will be g h ·en hy people who hnve bf>cn

and f'hataqua lecturer on home eeo- secured especial ly for the week's work

nomies ~nbjects. and a few, particularly i n the bouse-

OtherF. who will be prrsent if poss1- keepers' course, will be c.JeJi,·erecl lw

ble are President Howard Elliott of th~ senio rs in th<' college. ..

~orthern Pncific ra i lway; Carl Grey of A detailed outline of the Jeeturrs <Js

the Great Xorthern and Earling of. th<'> prepared b,v Profe5!-'0r AlfrE>d .:\.tkinson,

!o.Iilwaukee :ind acceptanees to im·it.i- wbo hns general eharge of the courses,

tions to appear on the program ha\ e is as foJlows:

been receh·ed from President \Vorf'lt o,. Housekeepers' Course.

Xonh Dagotn1 B. B. Hare of "r:lsbing- Ts H All "'ool and a Yard "'idef

ton, D. ('., Gregg of )Iinne~ota, Dr. R. . .............. )Iiss lie&~

i\L Dorrn l d~on. Dr. Craighead of the Our Dltily Bread ............... )liss Harkins

l"ni,·n,.it,,- of ~fontana. Pre<1ident )Ion· Fr:1111ing and IlanginR Pif'turr~

roe nf the Rtnte Normal eol1Pge 1 Dr . .:\1. ................................. )[i:-.s Bnhlwin

.T. F.lro11 of the uniYersity. Dr. Gr:rnt The \\"oman \\·ho S.pen<l~ ..

E. Finc>h of the $tat<' )formal sc·hool, .... Rhoda Dawes an cl Oli\"e ('lark

Prof. R. \\1. Clark, head of the de­

partment of animal industry at the

collrge, wi ll go to Lewistow11, Idaho1

the week after next, to attend the

Northwei.:itern StoC'k Show held at thnt

place. \\'hi le there, he wil1 give au

add ress on ''Beef Production in thf


'.I. fr. <'lark liad Intended to go to

Chicago next week to attend the lntc:­

national Stock Show. Howe,·er, he de·

cided to abandon that trip in preft>r·

enee to the one at Lewistown. )[r.

('lark was scheduled to read a. paper

at one of the meetings in Chi<'ago on

'' TmproYement of Ilorses.'' N"ot beit1g

able to attend in per~on his paper will

be read by some one else at the meet-



H~~ING CREDITS lARGE V alua tion of Offices Fixed by Senat e

Causes Increase in N umber H old·

ing Different Of fices

r_t'he Rennte committee ou. cretlit-.; cm1-

s isting of Brooke Hartman, H:.'.rreJJ

Hihhard and Roy Spain, bnq.• been

busy the last few clays preparing :i list

of the nrbitrary ere<lit~ of studeut

work carried by each of t he studer.ts

on thr• hi•I.

.\t :i meetrng he1d !:ist year it was

deeidrd that each office in a collcgr

or~:inization or any particular student

actiY ity should be assigned n r.ertain

arbitrary number of units, the num­

ber Y:lrying in accordance with the

amount of work connected with it. It

was further decided that thC' maximum

number of ere<lits to be nllowe<l any

one JlC'l'!-->On was ten with the priyiJpg.e

of carrying one aclditio11a l if the Ren­

ate thought it po!:'~ible for the student

to do so without neglecting otlier du·

ties too much. S ofar the plan ha:;

·worked very well with the re~mlt that

none of the student~ ban=- h<.'eu too

he3vily o\·erloacled and more of !hem

have bec•n giYen an opportunity :n

take a part in rhc general ~Indent ac·

tidty 011 the hill.

'Phe Ibt as pr~p3red by rhe commit­

leL' i'i a follows:

Classes Occurs a Week from To­

day. Teams are Working Hard

Both lower classes have been wo:-k·

ing d i ligently for the pnst week in

prepar"'atiou for th" a.nuual debate

which will be held in the assembl:;

ball Friday evening. The question,

w hich deals with compu1sory arbitra­

tion of Jabor troub1~:-:. has created a

grC'at deal of interest in the Un ited

Rtates !lS a means of abolishing strike~,

boycott&, Joekouts and other disturb·

ances which tend to creatc> unsett led in­

dustrial c.on1litions in the country. 'l'he

sophomore class will tlefenc.l the ne~a­

tiYe side of the quest ion, while 1hc

fi rst year team wilJ endeavor to show

that compulsory arbitration :;hould be

adopted. Profe!:'sor Gilruth ht\s thr sophomore

team in charge, an<l meetings have

been hel<l regularly, which time their

~icle of the question has Oeen carefolly

exploited. \\'illarrl Atkins is C'oacb ing

the freshman team, and they ::ilso ha"e

been bard at work uuder his <lirect ion

preparing their side of the question.

'While it has not bec>n clrfinitelv io;er­

tled, it is probable that eight miuntl;!s

will be given for the direct spee<'hes

and three minutes for the rebuttal.

The judge~ htn•e not :1s yet bee-n sel­

ected, ulthough they will undoubtedly·

be mC'mbers of the f:iculty, a"- ha<; been

the case iu form('r debate~.

\\"ork on the iuten·ollegiate debates

n·ill a.lso start !"Oon. The fir~t clash

wilJ he with the \'arsity, who hnve al­

read.\- suhmitted the que~tion to the

college. ~(ResolYe<l, Tbat a minimum

wage SC'a1e. to he operathc in work

:1hop~, factorirs, departmrnt i;tores and

the &wented intlustries ol the Vnitel

States, should be proYicled for by law,• 1

is the question they ha' e submitte1l

and, aecording to the rules go,·erniug

the cnnte:-;t, 1he l'ollege lrns the choice

of sides.

lt is probable that neither mau oi:

last :venr 's l'l1ampion-.;hip team will be

nYailable for the coming debate!:i , con­

sequently new material will Jia\-e to

he relic1l upon for this yrar 's team.

The loss of Davi~ nnd Atlcin~ will h.J

greatly elt from ilehnting c>in•Jes in

the :-;chool,but thl•re i~ othC'r good ma­

terial a\":lilahll1 whiC'h l':lll undoubtedly

be de,·elopcd into :l winning team .

<'oach Ciilruth ~1ate1l that he tlesire·i Jpun thl'se l'Ontt>sl!5 will hang the ~tatt•

hampionship. Rt•port"' from the lntte1·

nstitution indiC'ate that they will h"

1~pr1•sentrd hy H ..;trong- aggregation.

hit·h wi:J makt• .:\I. ~- <'. hustle to

1'tain thP c•h:11n11in11ship, which shl' ha'i

tc~n·r lo .... t. sill<'(' winning it away ha1·;;;

n l!H)O. Tht' c-nlli·~c l1as a hanl sc·a~on

The doctor, an old school frie111J 1"1

puzzled by the ailment of his fri~nd and feels tlrnt in .,.ome w:iv the new

secrefary, )fhs \rhite. holds the ke·.­

to the riddle. This MtspiC'ion of his 1¥8

intensified by the f:ict thut the malac.I\•

of thr profe..,sor and the arri,·nl of

~[iss \\'hite occurred at the same timf' .

.·\t la~t he fli~;c·o,·crs thf' truth; thaL

thf' profesc;or is in lo,·r with .:\E~s

\\'hite. Ile tells thr profes~or. wh'>

laughs :it l1im. n111l nsks wl10 the woman

is. Tiu• stutC'lllC'nt of tJw dortor :.;

worrif's th£' professor and he decides

to run from thP woman t:1kiug hi~ "-el'

B. P. 11fatbewson, president of t hr The 8(')1001 Lunch ........... )fiss Harkin"

)fontana noorl Roads :1~soriation :nd ....\('Iran lfome; \Vhy~ ......... \lcln Rmiti1

"" I~. lfarmon, ~tate '"'uperintP1Hlent ol :\fuscle Builrllng Foods .... ).!is~ Harkin" .\.liler~on. )lyrtle

.\tki11s, \\'illartL ..

Bah•h, Otto

CrC'ilits l~n•r;·onL' who hail eYl'I" takrn part m

,j a lll~lrn.te to appt•ar for tlw tryout~ in

onlrr tlrnt thf' ht~:-;t rnatrrrnl 1·an lw

wfon• hf'r :rnd· Ollt~ whid1 will tax th?

:.rpuglh ut 1'' 1 n llll'llllH'r on the t•~:u 1

n c:nn it thr1111i.d1 StH'<·~· ... sfulh·.

'rhm:;p who will pra1.,•t it•t• from now

11 nrl'· ffart111:111. Cinsnrnn. Ho~--. \\" j l

0 1mb, E. llo1lg...,Jds-.. .:\f:11ldox, Rlin11,

t .ott, \\'ilJ..,11n, \\". lloJ.g.,.ki ... s. f \ 1tnl'r.

.~Juhr, B:1xtf'r, .:\filhnrn, IL ~(':.1111an-;

1011 Hparn.



Xl"'xt wf'ck is" Hou111lnp \\'1.1{'k" an 1

111 thf' stutl1•11f'..' g-racles will hf' t·~

11rt1>'1 Fricla.\, J)t'1'l'!Ubt~r 1!1. .\ccn1·t1

Ilg' to PrC' ... i1h'nt ll:nniltnn, :1 thorough

ll'l•Ort "ill ht• nwi)e •11111 tht• :-.rutl1•11h •

:-ta111H11~s n•11nrh>rl as 1·los1•)y as pos .. i·

l It•. \t th,• fi1:-.t ·' ffoundup, ·· fi• ·1•

IWt•1•1,; ... :iu11, thC" 1111•111lH•rs of th(' t'al•ull

'W<'r1' rallwr lf'nit•11t 111 lt>pOrting thf'


puhlif' instrul'tion. (C'ontinuetl on P:u~1~ :1)

rt't:1ry with him, howt',·rr. STATE INSTITUTIONS \\'11ill~ in thf' .c11untry. thC' professor'~

sistC'r ealls in a young 1loctor, who is

at a ln!'s to :ll't:Onnt for tht• profr:-.sor'.-<

m:dady \Yhrn tl1e olil 11ortnr nni\"~'"· NEED MORE MONEY


BAND rnR ATTRAGTION he is :t:--ked what hi" opinio11 nf tht' I ---~·asp i... _Tit• 1~"Jdies that thr proft>-.snt· Owing to Lack of Funds Reports

1"' :-.uffering from hu11h:1g-o. This 1 '.l· 1 Officers Are Postponed Until

1•1•11-.;t''"' t h11 olrl ilndor and when lie Jo.; M d D 03

k I . on ay, ec. _ .

as l'I wltat Ins. opinion is, IH• replies

1 '' <"her1·hrr 1:1 t'emmf',' · (to find tho.:!

of Popular Student Organization to Give

Concert in Assembly Next Friday,

Rare Treat rs Assured


BonlPrJ ErnC'~t ........... . .

Blinn. (ieora;e .. •..

Hrahrook,· Halph

t'hl'i<.:til•, .\h•x ..

( 'ot1Jt>r, \"ictor ..

t 'lnrk, Ho.Y

< 'ullnm, Ot"orgin

f'lark, t>li'"C'

D:tWf''-. Hb1)1ln ·

Da\·1dso11, Lynd:.ill

Dissl.\". P. L .... F'1•rguso11, \"Nla ....

f'j!-0.k1.1, .Tohn

w11111an.) I'rP!-'idt•nt Hamilton antl \\·. s. H:tr- The baml 1•ntertain111t•nt whil'h was l·'lander~. < 'lnr:,i

Tiu• .voun~ il<1c·tnr is ignorant Qf lll:tll :1til•1Hle1l till' llH'l'fin~ oi tlic state til hil\"P t:ik(•n plaC(' ;1 wN•k from ti)· Uonlmi, F . E .. .

F'rPnl'h awl thinks th1• iJlder man h:is hoard of l''hll'ation, lll•ld in lft•IP1n monow <'n)uing, has nc><'l-':-...::1rily lwl'll lfarmon. Ella .. .

disi•u,·ered a npw ili~rase. L:lt('r 011~ )Jo11d;1~· af'tL•rnoon. 11'he 11wl'ti11g W<·~ postponr1l owing to 1lowntown nttral'- lfartm:rn, :Arookl!

of thf' ladic>s i:-. askinc what nils her thi..• rPgnlar Ont' unil, among other ma~- tions, wlih·h arf' hookf'1l J,,r that pq•u- Jfihharil, 111. 11

hu1.;h:infl ;rnd to show his prnfnuml wj<.; h.•r..; ili'-l'll'-'-t.:'d. ''"t'l'l' th(' h'port!-' of th 0 ing. 'l'lH• plan is to han' the hig €'\"PIH llopldn:-, llnzPl

ilom. the youug ilocliH rpplit•..; in th~ h{'nds nf tht• ,.:ll'ion~ stntc institution~. -1·irt•ns. sll'!'l'I 1•arniYnl, nrnsk ball lfodgsld~s, .T. Eilwnrcl

wordo:: of tli{' nldf'r man. 'fhis c·au..:,•" 'l'hl·St' l"l'porh Wf'f(• not prP"L'tH1•1l ro :11111 f'11unty fair-tllt' fir ... t i:' Jfodg-:-kls!o;, \\'m

:t 1ittlr C'nmpli<:atiou in tht• f:tmih- of tht> go,·1•rnor offi1•, how1'YPr, :is aftl'l' till' c 'hri· tmas holid:\y~, that K1·lley, Rnlwrt

Ila~ f:idy. · fht- hnnnl tl1•C"i1h•d that it w~•" of 110 i!". nn .rauuary Jll. Thi• hnys want Kenc·k. )fox

Thi• prnft'""or finally finds '' l:t :n·ail to hand i1~ r<'ports ~,·Jip.n thc>n• to mak(' as mrn·h ll10lll'} for th<' ptlr· .\fillium, .fork

lt•mme'' and a11 t•nih W{'ll I "as Bu mo1w_,. tor th1•s1• rn..:11t11t1011~. post• ol 1lefr:iyiug thl' t•xpt•n:-.{'" oJ tht· )lal"Hr, Hoy E ...

Thr Jiif're is ~1 l'l1:1rmi1~g fnrC'e nn·1 I !~oll!-'<'<111P11tl_,., tl~1::>Y wrre held hac>~\ uu- han1l trip as pos.,.ihlC', :-;o it wa..: thought :.\[nrtin, C'laude

niu«h ilmusi"nH•nt j.., offcrNl by thr -"f· t~I a later lllN'l111~. wlwn ilwy will lh' h1•st to han• tht• ('n•nt takr pla(.'t' on ).tyrrs, ~fa<.' ·- •. ·--·

forts of rh<' ol1l ilowager to win the ·1 f1l't>(l.. . . . sonw t•n•11i11)..! whl'll no cuunt('r ;tttrac Pt>ttigrt•w. Ll•slie

Jlrofl'.',,.~or tn say nnthini.r of h<' lo"" af- rlus \\as done to g1\·e the :-.tnte ne- tion'I will 1111 ht•lll. 1'h<' affoir will PiPd:ilrn', • .\.imee

fair~ of Effie, thP maid, anti the two C'Ountant. n. H. ('onway. a11 opportunit.\· :ii"'' he '-Ort of a n•unin 11 part_,. 11 ,,,, .. Hiw<'hC'r, Hnnsi('

<'Ollnlr~· bumpkins. I to inn•sti.g.ate thr fin:11H'es nf tl1t• ~rat.:, t•111ni11g as j.., dop-. on tl11• fir..,t opt•n HonsP\"t>lt. Ut•orgt•

T he Cast. to llt·term1nl~ tilt' amount 1lf fl'\'1•111i.• ilatC' :tflt'r 1lw holi11ays1 so a n•i··iri! Sl'lmm;wher, F. \\r

Prof1•...;..:or Gootlwi!Ur flnd to '"t'e nmong what d1•1iart11wnt-< hrt.•aking 'rnw-l is t>\"pel·tt~<l to lw irn S(':unan-., .\rthnr

··· l-(,vl1• .Joni's! it \\ill hnq• to ht' ili:..;trihutt•d '!'lit• hautl :\!0:1' \\ill J.e h1•anl of thf' ..:pi•i·· Ktit>h, l lvilt•

'"'1r f;t, 0 1':!t., liiltling .-\lonzo Rnrke t J.o:ir1l will lllC'd l>e1· .. 111J..,r _·l'.l, .-.1 1,J •1• ·

0 ... ~ J:;J :o-t 1•1t t•• 1,t p1tll1•1l off, in rlw Ex· :--\ollJl•rg-, :--:. IT

f tldtll" l ll!-'l"ll · ··· Uror::tl' Roo!-0.t'Yt•h that tlnw thi..; n>porr will 111• :n ha nil pu111•11ts tu lw i ... ...,ueil thP 11i•xl fwo Smith, .\ltfo

•vdiir Y<'llow t':L\i•s Kt'nyon Tal1•o•r 1 a i1l t It' <'X:tt•t amount that tl11 1•d11c 1 w1•f'k~.

Pi•tf', lur111l 111 :1 11 .Jo~"flh 'T'rum:i.1 tw11.1 I u tirutiou~ of the ... l:lt1• t•:1 11 i>X-Sp:1111, l~o\"

Ill.,11111·1·-.. 1ir1·il m:in ,J.E. Ho.Jgsh;f~-. Jlt'i· .. wi ht• :J\t1ilahlt'.

Lill'\" "'bit<'. 11r11ft' '" 1r ·s '"t'f'rt'tary ! S(', t' I o f 1 he 111emh1•r..., ol thf' Ji, n J

- - ·· · .:\ful' :\frers •xprP:-s1 11l lll•m" .. 1'"1'-. rntht•r f1111•1illv in

T aih· (;iJ,lin[!". tlw 1lowJ:..r<'r f ' of "l't~111.:: t ""1111' of th1• r,,,.; 0 w

: .. )f,·rtlt• \l1h•r"o11. I or' lht' ntlil•r 1h•1i:1rt1111'lll" 1·oul1l 11ot 11,,

L;id\· Cu• 1n·~,~ <•t•ltlinu· 1'Jio l:l Tl· ., t l I h I

ThP band :t'"'-'t.1111hh· lo IH' g1n·n Fn ~ult zt•r. \\"ilia

i}'.n· prumi"c" to ht• a !!:<Hul oJh, :i.t·r11r<l 1 St1.11 l. Jl:lmilton

ing to flin•t.•r11r llnwar<l. 'l'lw own h;n•, · '1'-nitt, \lonzo

h1'1'11 r1•IH:lr:-.i11g al1110 .. t t?\t'l'Y rlay i11 IT mrnui, ,J,.~n-ph

pr11p:1r1t1n11 tor it an•) a I :\r1• 111 th t' \ " 111•:111, \ 11•

lw-.t po..,..,ihl1• ... 11:11''" .\ g-r1•at 1111111l>P1 \'1• .. t; I, \\'m. H

I . - ' ..... . \ I ,l\\ ... (.' t' ..:o t t 1 lf'"l1 .... 11 oh•, th. nf llC'W ... , (' t OlJS ha\1> ht•1'll l<•:intf'•I


l!llh• (,oo•hnlli1• 11rof • · · · · I '

• ''"01 ."' .. "1:--tt'.r . n'.• 1 1111111.rt:un t 1 n~ th,tt t 1e ..;fat•ln1111111:.! tl1t•111 lwinu ''S,•lt't'lio 11 ... Fnim

.. ~ '1ln1 ~ l.trk th unJC> Jf~ ..-1111t•r\·1 .. 10 1. 1'<.JU11 rt·( n 1h1 spr11 :\I «I• ''Thf' Hl'il \\'i 1111 \\,

Lf 1 • tht> maid n,. Zia l '11lh1i.1 11 1· mHIP\ th tt w ........ ~.1 •I. ·.1n•l •. , ,J,: .. r ,,·,·.,,

1 • .. ... .. J1i l·1· t n 1tled · :"\ ·1


Forw3rd of Last Year's Champions.

\\'b, r·on, .John

"hippie. f 'h;i-.;

\\ Ile . r.. r'" \\'yll,•. L:n\n•111·t

•• !)

s- lrl'tell to upr1•sput ).I. l-'. ('.

platform for tht• 1!11:.? ~t l'-OTI

on th!:'



Tht~ :-rnall' heltl 1 "'h(nt 11 etwg :.\I 1u

4 tln,· :\ftt•rnoon for tht• 1•nrpo-.1• of 11 ~

.1 ('Ussing st.1\"l'l'11 mattt•r nf 1mportatw~.

whil·h ll:l\f' rt'('i.'lltl.v 1·111111' to 1heir :it


.\mon~ tlw mattt>r-. t"kl•n 1111 was

relati,·e to thP t•1)nstitutinns anti hy

l;.nv..; oC th(' \":Jrious "Ol'il't1t· ... on th·~

hill. :-;t"n•ral tirnt•s p1•opl1• h:1n• h:ul

LO t•a.,.ion to look tlJ matt••r:..; ot ituport·t111•e

in tlw by-la"" ·11111 t t'V w1 re> not l•'

he> found, so th~· ::-c-natl' h:1 .. :..;ugg-t':-.te1I

In thf' "1wic>lit-:- to filt• th1•ir 1·onst tu·

tit•no.; anil hY l:t\\-; with th•· "t'L'rrtary oi

thr t:'Ollt•gt>.

.\nuthC'r matt1·1 whH·h wa"' brought

;; np \\'a!'. relath t' to thP ""Ong .. whid1 al'l'

lo h1, s1•le1· f'd :1" 1·olJ,•gt• son!!~. bnt

no cll'finite actin11 w:1-; takt.•n. XothiH:r

cl"<' wns mad1• p11hlic

.. l



Center of Last Ye~r s Champions.


The Exponent. Then for the Basketball Tourney.

Established Jan. l, 1910. F'•l 1•.win)! t· c Farnh: ' Wt"" k tht'

Outb!rvwtl.I of ~fon'hl1'· Exp 1nent1

tabli~hl~d .r n 1. l ':1.:;.

t·~ 111.:xt l11i:r l'\·ent iP r )f •ntana ~t:llt.' will ht1 tht· bil! ititt•r--chola..;,lic ha..;k('lha:t tourn:1uu.•nt to be hc-l•l prol1alol)o "·JIU('

timt~ in :\lard.i. Publi!-<bC'rl £'\ 1•ry tr 1Lty of tht• f"'ol· lege ~ P tr hy an t•dirort:li :-:.tafi cbo:.~~n from thl' l'>twh•nt.... of the )fontana Sat(' t'Jli<'~e of .\5ri\?ulture anJ :Mcchanil' .\rt~. Bozt•nrn.11, )lontana.


Etlitur int'hi1•f ~.·lml'r lL ~·>Iberg-. '11

B~~inr ..... ).l1n.1(!1'r .. l"n'il E. Cor·lon. JJ3;,r1 ·1l! EcL tor 'J,

. L,Yudall l'. D:n id...,on. .... Ci; l)ll ~lanagt.~r.

.• T. Erue::!t Border. '15 Bu:-:.itt('~' )lrtn;tqt~r ....

..... G(~o. "-· Blinn, '14 As~t. Bu.;iUl'"?"> "\fanrl'!l'.'f ...... .

........ Hoy E. )ftd:<or. '15 Asst. Circul:iti•rn )[au:J:,?l'r ..

.. Hny ('. ('huk, '14 Jntercollegiatt~ Edib1r ....................... .

Rh!"'lda. DaWl'S, '13 ~~bl~tic Rcp\)rt~r_ ..... Robt. T . .Kc-lley. 'Jj

Gcn('rn.I R\'pMtN R. LC'.;Jie Pettigrt'W, ·1.l

General Re-porter .... Chas . . \. 'Whipph'. ·1,;

G~~-<'~·;I ··R·~po rte ~ .. l\Iyrtl" .\Jderson, '13

-.;ubsrription Rate-Two DoJlnr!' p_er vear. fi\·e c\•uts pC'r copy. .\ 1hert1s ing rates m:lfh' known on n.pplicatiou.

Entered as ~rcond cl:l"" mail matter at Bouman. ).fontan:t. under .\ct of Congrl'ss of .M:in.:h 3, l ~lfl.

·whilC' it m:n ~('em a littlt> hit t•arh· to lit~i::;in prt.•J•~r:lt on:- for tb1~ C'\"l'U~ . now. UC'\"ertlit•k...,s the ~ol11UC'r pt••}J>lc> bt>· l!in tn think nl it th~ ht•tt('r tht.• t'\"eut ,,ill l:OllH' 1 hrough. Thi.'.' touruanwnt '·l...,t '1•:lr ~urp:t...,...,l.J tht• first Oth· Ill

t:\"C'f\: W'.l\". ::\lort• ~t·bo11b ('tlll'H'<l. UlOh'

pl'O{,"h• .. i1owl'cl an intt•n·~1 in th~, at'· fair nn•l hr.:::1" l'l'(n\·1h :tttcmk•l th" ;::-:-HU\'" ph1\·t·~l iu tlu~ Urill hall uutil 1h;o ·t .... f u•,rht wiu'n rite h:tll wa .... t;:n.1•11 t• 1

rs uu:i ist cap:n·u:-· tw11 hl1ur-. bl.'for" thC' .:::.1nll' wa..; ~c·hl'•lul1•,] t1l hl' pl:iy1·•l :rnd tlh' doors h:11l to bl" !--but.

1t L-. hopl•tl that such a l'onaiti·""ll t'!lo hl' nn.1idt•d this yt':tr by t•nlarl!iu~ the hall whil'i1 it is un1h'r:-to1ld will l 1


1Io•w Uuriug- tht• Christmn.s YR<':ltlon. How~·n·r, :it tht' "nnw tuue. thl' tour

naml'.'nt " 111 bt• enlar~cd tln..., _yt.•ar. Intl"fl'"' will now shift from the foot· h:tH grifliron to tht:' bn.skethall flonr ani tht•n it wfll he train. truin, train ·imnng tbe high ~i:hOlll~. each 1lnt~ hn1• ine- to he able to c:.trrr off honor~ next .... prinl? .\ll oi the high scbnt.ll men appeart••l to enjoy thcmseh·es last _,·ear :rnd nil ('au be t•xpectcd to scud trnm.., to Rouman nj?:lin for this tourne\-. The ~.,Ih•ge cannot afford to let the \l,·('nt t hb "ear fall bl'low the :--taudaril ~et in thf'


t\\11 J:i:-:.t yt•ar..; :-11 it W•Htl·l not lw a l>ad J'hlll lt1 l'ommenl'l' think· iug ,,f it.

With ;1, g"t'Dl"ral committee appoinh'•l bt'fort' the lioli•ln:-·.; lll!tny of tht? dl" tails 11 1 the ('n'nl {'1l11hl he l'l:rn1w~l out 1~urin!! tht• \":t1':t1i1lll au<l tht• :-tudt.•Jlt" a:1a ta~ult:-· 1•h1·1• l n 1•bar~1· 11t' ~hr l'\t.•nt \\··llhl lie n•a.11.v to t?1l :1bl.'·1d wid1 thl' 1· \\l•rl.. immC'lli·ltt•h ful1o\\Jll~ tb.~

t lark. 2\1 l!er, .lone" an•l ~tr .. Jo~t·pb .Ewini! of the Breeilers · liazettr. c•i ('hica::!o. Rabin.: the Dair~· l'alf. P rodnn1on of )larket 2\filk-Tc~l!< for

adultt•rati.rn. Production aud l :lr(' of l're:un--.....,pec..·-

inl 1lairy pnldud.;. ict1 creiun . ck. Dain· Cow-,lmhring dairy t.'atth'. Butt.t•r 2\lakinl!"-<"hurnlnf!' Home t 'bt~t~...,1.' )[:ikinl!-~pecial <lairy


Fl'l''lini!' lf:1y t(l Hor:-c.;-Jiorsl' ,iu1]•!'·

iu;.!. 1 ·;1n• un1l "\[ana~l'llleut of th(' ~talli1•n

l[11r .. ,• ju•i::im!. ~IH'l·J• 011 the F,1rm--..'"'lH'1'J• iml..!'inU'.. lh·t'f (':ittk, ll"w to Hai"C' Tbt~:n-

iu•l.!in~ hel'f cattlt>. t arr nf tin• Bro11d Sow-jud:zint? lW:!""· ~\rmy l{ 1lrs(' -.

The Veterinary Course. Dr. T<l'·ior wJll ofirr the followin.J


DisC:l!--t~~ of thr Digl•stin.• Org:.rn:s. 'Tt'l'th DisNH•es. \\'ouutls and Their TreatmC'nt.

Course in Road Making.

Highway )1aintt•nancc .... Prof. Kne:tlt> llcaYy Traffic Roads ....... Prof. Knea1e :::>trl'.'ct.; for l'itit:'!:i for I'h·t:' Thous·

and or Lt>ss.. . ..... Prof. ::;now Hoad Lcg-b1lation ................. Prof. Rnow Course in H orticulture and B iology.

The hortic>ulture lcctun•:s are as foi­hrn·s on .lanuary ~:? to 31:

Plant Physiology-Relation to prun· ing-. . . ....... Prof. \\'hippie

Fruit Bt•nrin~ Jlahits ot' Plant:-. and Thl'i· Hclation to Prnuing-.....

. Prof. \\'hippl1• l'arln~ for thC' Ynung Orchard_ ....

!'rot". \\"liipplt• P1iu1·q•lc .... pf lln·har(l lrr0

:!'rHih11 an1l l'tdt \:ltwn l'rnf. \\'hip1•k Tlu:o hioln:_!\' lt'l°t ttt'"' 1Ht' !I" tnllow-..

The Weekly Exponent is strictly a studcut enterprise. Its chief purpose is to present to its readers week an accurate and complete record of the developments in college affairs durtng: that period and it is intended that its influence sba-11 be exerted for the up. building of X.L S. C. The paper is tbe result of volwitary effort put fortli by the student.s who compose the staff.

h,,Ji'1 3.' ... T e Prindpal ~··rn,·in:: s ntl••tb Tbt"' ('\ t~nt -.bonld lw k J•l l>f'forf" t l I tor l'st' Ill \f,1n au, .T. l~. l»lr er

t.''£':-. ol thf' hi:h -.;1.:bo1)l -.twh'u .. {l1cb:tl'd .'\ph •b nn 1 Bnn•r?"> ... hrou;::hout till' .. tall' :1" Wl•l1 3 .. l,, .l'rof. l~ .• \. l oh•;.-

iu t' t 'H.' t' •llt•_t pt~nl'k tlu t tlit·~ m:i:· (lrchar•l :--.r•th' I n"'t'Ct:-. t t' Hii--!t.'r 1,,. n•a11~· tl1 :tpptar 111 Bozeman with :.\litr und t'hnt'l' )lit<' ....... .. CALENDAR. tht ·r ht:--t i1,,...,,iJ,jl' tt•am..... Tlit --~o::?/•'l Prof. H .. \. t oolt•,-

ne,·cmhN 6. Fr- ta,·, ~:I 0 p. '11- 1·,.m uow n .. h, ul l itr> · •noo...,t i·•r a 'o•lJ l"!!!' )I ,th, Hu•l .\l 1ti1, Frnit ,f.1el; o'Lantrrn"' pr1•:-C'11t ·'Tht• Pio it;·t· r ., ·1 loi;!!.!tr t·• .. !n ,mt:.1.

fr~!'1)r\ ).fol:t1l: ,, !\t th!'.' Bozl'mnn op PREPARATIONS UNDER "\~1tAY FOR C'l:'l. hou.;t'.

Dt>n•111hcr 11. "~1•1lnl• .. la:;. "': l p. m. -Ra.,.J·l'th:1ll, lh·kn:l lnilt•pPndent"' \" ..... ).£1mt·tn:t ~hh\ at Prill H.111.

JcC't?mber l~~.,~. 3.:h1 11 m.­F1~ ... 1nn:tn·t:fophnmore 1i•.>hnte: a":o;em 1ll.'· holpl.

D1'ct~mhC'r l:l, Frit.l:t.'·, 11:011 n. m.­band concert in ns.;1•mbly hall.


~ 1 ·ontinufd from Pagf' On(.)

Cooking- llt•mo1i....tration \•.ith l'a.;it'UriZl'<l milk. cn•am t,1~1st

;11111 cream t.'heCH' !"••lll'· 1:111erc-1•m·:;· Trl'.':1t11H'nt tor .\1•1·illt·nt

anrl Oi-.t~ase ..... ···-·- ... Dr. Bla:r Decl.'mber ~fl. FriJ:1y, 1~:00 m.- ).fakin:! tht"' Bt•tl :tn•l Bathiu~ th<'

\\-,1rm .... , l k _ .. Pr~1f. H . .:\. \ \rnlt"'Y Str1tl·1urf' an1l );ntritiou 11i l'r · r

Trt.'t" . Prof. D. n . .....,win.!le Pl·ar antl .\pplt• Blight ...

Prof. 11. B. SwiuJI1t.,, .\11plt~ ~~ah :in1l Pt"':1.r ~l·nh ...

.Prof. 1). B. ~t-.·in!!l•'

t'rnwn Uall autl ~omt" Other l"'ntit Di-.t'3...,l'"" Prof. D. B . .:-ow n.d·~ Lahoratory t.'Xt'rl'i:-c .... ll" follows:

F1111r:kidl'~ :incl I 1i:-l•\·tk.idc.'" .... IL E. _:\[.1rri:-:. un1l .T. R. P:1rker


and w.: ~t·ll tht"'m bt-t.!llll"'i' W(' hn\·e one to ... uit "'·eryhotl:-·.

Qwck Focus K odaks Bullseye Kodaks Flexo Kodaks Speed Kodaks Folding Pocket Kodaks Brownie Cameras

0111 't I(' \\'!If' •('1f :lhlltlt '\1t h:tt kfn1l Ii hu:-. Simply t• .. u 10 u .... \\'1' w·ll ~Ja,lly l•xp:ain. and :·ou will surt~l~- he- ~a' '-.ti('J .

ROSE DRUG CO • The~Store

t :ue of Farm ~lad.1iner:· .... .... H. B. Bououright

Dt:'tailt'LI ~chedulc~ of ·when thes~ Iecturt's :.ind eoun-es will b~ held are uow bein2 arr:ingctl and will be l'ent to peopl(' throul!lwut the state. 'fhis i::1 the firs tame auy attempt to hu,·c a f'armt~rs' \\" eek of such magnitudt~ at the colle!!'f.' has hren made. bu~ jn1lgi~g­from ath:rnre indication~. the mc-eting'.' should_ he a gn:oat ~uCC<'!'l~. Heretofore the :-hort cour:-es that haYC' bN•n nff.:r­l'd haYe heen of t'.'llOrmous Yalul' .a11 1l ha,·e attrartetl many p('ople to Boze­man and thl• l:Ollt':!t~.


.\ \1'·_,. 1fo11:..;l tul .... w_ hanqul't w-. lit•l•I 11 th~ 1•r ,,1t1· tlininA 1 0111 of tb Huz,~m:lll l1o:d h~- <1 1111mliC'r 41 hl' \°')Ull<!'. n11't1 of thl• collP:.!;t'. Thl' tlinn r

"·'" ,\ lm1r ruur"•' :tfr'a r, turkl'.'" hl'in;; !Lt• f'Tilll'lj•Sl cli .. h.

Ht>tWl't'n tht• 1•our?">t'"> tht' U"Uf'?">ts were l'lltt•rt.lilll'.l h~· stone~ frnm tbo...,t• pn •· l'llt. ;-o;uitabll~ I ·1·-(• .... hmt~llt" "Wt.'Tt.' 'lbO ...,i'f\"1•11 iluring tht'"'(' 111ten·ab. 'Thi"' p·Ht of th£' ent1~rrainmt•nt la""h'•l :fro~1 ti:30 until lt1·:rn. whl~u the p.trr,,· a·l· .inurnt.'ll to tht? liloht.~ Th<'atrE", l\ hN .... tilt'.\" ml't Gene ~uaw, ·who hail left (":lr·

lil'.'r in tht~ l'\·C'niu({. llPr~ the gue.;r~

wt'Tt> \•utt.•rtninl.'d h.'· prrforman<:6 on the sttu!l' 1·onsistinp: of ~lnginl? tl:l·l

1lam·inq by Yariou" mt.•mht•r-. of th~ cnnn.\ until twd,·e o 'l'loc:.: when the party brnke up.

Thi' wa.;, one of thr fir .. t ~tag af-Cl1ristmas \ :1.eatiou heg-in". l'atJl'Dt \Yhik in B1'1l ... ).!i:-i:t~lhrnt•ou:-; l::x('rtis\':-. with Plant foir-. thi ... ye:tr aml l'.'\"l'r.\·hod;-· repnrtl~ I

F armers' Week Means ~luch to College Tra11Jt•1l Sur:-.<> 1:uth H:1c·tm.c1

)li-.., Haltlwin.

ni~ea"t.'"·· Pr11L 1>. B. ~\\·in!r:i' :1 thornuJ,thi_:-· t•ujoynhll~ time. :\fise<'lbntou ... Ext•rri.; ·:-. with ]n...,1•ct Th>st' prt" .... t'Ut Wt'rl~ l'nli. Tallm:--1 1.

Pc-.· ... o· fl' ( l;oy .Tofil· ..... Elmt•i- w:111::tm:<. FIW!l!

Russell Freeman' .-----CO-ST-LY-DE_I,,_A.Y_s __ , . (o.;t people intt~nd to snn~ SOME TIME.


Headquarters at the Hub Both Phones

.\n•l while putting it off let a hi:: tlgJ!rt'g1.te of little stuns slip through thc-ir iinge~. The wav to ~:l\"r• ~ucct·~~fulh· is to sn,-t.,,· NOW. • 'i\"h' not bt"':!in ltl s:n·c :it this nu!'li1ic-iou:<. mom1'nt by opt•ning a s:1vin\t .. :ic<'onnt ,1t GALLATIN TRUST AND SAV­


The Ex-punen ad,·er tise rs to

i~ the bt'"'t me1liuru i .. r Capital Sl00,000

I W. ~- D.-\YID~QX. c~~hier.

reaeh eolll'.'ge ~rudt'nt::. :....---------------'''

We have just received our new line of

XMAS BASKETS The best ever in Bozeman.

We have the plants and flowers to fill them.

Cangobr' s 6teenbous~s BOTH PHONES 315 S. TRACY AVE.





28 West Main 3pecial A ttention Paid to Students



Makes acceptable Holi­day gifts. We carry the finest line in Montana.

The Golden Rule





If you a ' ii.... the mnr1:et for some Coal


Dr-ar Cre1·k an•l )loant~ in Ho1nc -lump an<l. t.·g~; wood :in•l kin•l· liu~.

\\'c h..:n·e th(' lic:-t lin•ry in town.



Dne:o t•11• wor·. t. 1.oilY-no lu ,.,. tuhing t <·:irry arou~1rl-ju~t 011.t• ~0111w1:ti••'l to t 1

1 ... 11t:\et ';!iYe:-< :-·oll -!tl ivot r 10.

:::OolJ on a 1:;1Hltantee.

\u Ju, 1h1•lid ·.., Tray )lak n.: tht1' H1· .. t ot' I· nri' ...... l\lrlll J'p ..... jh1litit• .... Prof. R .• \. l '11olt•j" Suthl'.'rl:\11il, .\ldt·n \\'(•h:<-t1'r . .\lh~»·t

Ow~nhous~ ljardwar~ @;; TlH' plan of lrn·iu .. a fari1H"'r:-. · \H' C'k

lt th1• l'tlllr~. frciru .I uua: ~~ tt1 :;1, a .:{ Hf'ral 1.n Hl'1• ot '' l11d1 ~npl . ..., d,.1·wh1•'."l' 1n thj .. 1~:-.t1f', p11<'n ..., to '1e ont• ut tht• }w .. t th '::?' ~Vt'! ·1ttt'lllJ1tt••l at iht• 1•nll1•~e-.. \-..•cl ·ll !ht:' ticl1'. me1'til!1.!" ol n l !~-.:-:. than uin(' or!!a11:·'ati1111~ will bl• h1•lil ut th\• t•1 1 ku:e \\·th •t po..;...,jJnlit: of thrn• ht.>111:!' -Jth.:rs hl'ld :u that tiUll'. nuriu~ th:tt Wt'l'k no ie~~ th:1n !-!('\'en !<hort t'1lurs('~ in suhjt•t·t-. of intl'rr-.t to thP faruwr and Loml~-m:tker will be gin•n by th1~

t.'OllC'gl'.' foeult~-.

~kir' ]l, u n'tr1t101L )f," I<alli1_.~+-r Puiu· .. \fj,, B llin~''' I

If arm in~· n lh1•-... \li":- Hall 1 1;..,t~r Kt.•c>1 1

Bee-Keeperg' Course. Cl..1•11hruj.!'. Ern1'st B11ni1•r .. 1.)11 a Tilil:" · 1 .·· rt''t 111 ~I Ht u~ B 0· .l)bn ,,~hart.;n, (']~·de ~tkh, .Alonzo ;.. i ~l1111tana:, \\ in•crin::r Trn;1t, f11•nl' lluaw. Hnlwrt L:tpl'Yt'l~,

Bozeman's brightest and1'-----------­

best Christmas store.

Thl' ntlu<' nf suc>h work to the Ml·

Hemt>mhn th4.t Tr,iJt> .. ~fak1• I\~ nl .... Honn· Pl<wt .... \brk<'t. t.•t1·. \\'i1l "'' 1twortl1 nu1l \·;,-,an l11nt10r:-:. f1.:1•1in11 rn•l P('rfretion J.... \"· Tri1lt' ).[j ... ..., H:1lh1i::::t>r ll•Htin1lt11tal BPDC'rih of Dl'C''- in

tlw llr1·b:tr1l Prof. 0 . B. \\'hippl-~ .... -·-·-··).fi ... ., Harkin" and ~11 ... -. 1ks-. Rounil Tat.le I> ...... ion oi

)!11 .. rlt._. Buildiog Foods tdemnn:-:.rr:l· tion~ . ... .)li::. ... Harkin..;

E:q1f'n~t\"t' meat:-.-rolled riL roa~t; porterhouse- !:>t<'nk. Cheap stl'aks - hamburger steak, flank teak.

Ket:'pio'.! in )lontana. leil hy Prof. R. :\. ( 't.HllM·

B£'1' Dist>a:-.t•., ~rnd the X .:e<l of a Fowl Brood Lnw in ~fontana. ...... . ................ , ........... Prof. R. A. Coole;.-

Organiz:1tion of ::;rate Bee- K('epers'


At n ~hart nwt•ting or the fre.,.hm .. ·n . \\"1•dn<',;day aJtcrnoon, thl'.' mart<'r of tht'.' cla~::; pirture:-. was taken up and it w;ls dt.'Cidf'd thnt thC' members h:tYe tlwir picture~ takC'n immt"diately so that that it would enuse the ~[ontan:i.?t leµ-<' can htHdl:T br e'timatt•d and if Heat Produciu~ Foods (<ll'monstra- a!-i--0dati1)n. no incon,·enienc('. At this time- it wu.s

~eems that it is held much too lightly tion) ..... )fisq Harkins and :\fiss llc-.s The Fann Management Course. also decidt:'d for ns many members as by many on thr hill. L~"t :-·car a horo:ic Rke antl tomato. moult.led Breaking.......... . ..... 3.L L. \\'ihm!l t•ouhl to buy pictu r es in order to help school, :i l'OUltry srbnol and a house ri<'C', surpri.;e potato. 'rilla~l". ..... L. F. Gic:-;ikl·r pa_v fo r the printing of thl' pictures rn kt"C'prrs' l'Onri;e wr>re offere-d :ind many ('ereal Breakfast Food~---- .... )Iiss IlC'S'i Tncrt"a~ing the Orgnnic Control of the annual. T he mattN of t•las~ em-

Easiest to find what you are looking for, easiest to gather suggestions if you are in doubt as to what you want. Only 15 days more before Christmas. There can be no advan­tage in waiting.

peopli:- ,-isitC'd tht' rolle-ge for tht.'"l" Comparison in reference to Rrr Fn.rming Roils .L. P. Oic-siker blem~ was nbo taken up and it wa.;; lef the colles;e bc-cau::.e of an order or' 'l'Our:-:.£'~ and thl' mePting!'! of org:in1z.1· nutritiYt~ ,-alue :ind c>ost. Dr;T Fann 8-oil ).fnjg. tlccided to adopt a numeral and to gi,-.:o thl'.' president of the institution for tiC'ns hC'ld at the !' time. .\rlultcration~ and $.imple Kitchen tun~ ..... Prof. A. Atkin:N'l one to the nlt'mbers of the dt~batin~ bidding- men from ,·i~i ting women :stu· )(ttny suw thC' collt:>gl! :tn<l thr work T~tlt!'l Prof. l'obleigil T_vpt's of \\'b{':tt .... Prof .. ·\. .• \tkinsc)'l tt•am tl!Hl other tcnm"' n•prl'" th-' dents in c lass rooms out of ~tudy hour:j it is doing for the fir:-t time and h:ld Lr<'turc .::\fr". Alict~ Peloub<'t Xort.Ja (~ualit~· in \\'h1lat.. .. Prof. A . .:\.tkinso11 t·la~-.. A l'Ommittet.• 1•umdsting- of Jack GoYC'rnor Br<'WC'r declare:'! that, i f nmrh to c.::\rr.'- to thP folks at bomt->, (2\fr,_. Xorton ha-. chare:i' of the Tbrlr:-· and Oat~ Prof. A .• \ tkinson ).[ilburn. tiwl'U11olyn )tills anU Hnrrt>ll T•n\loubtedly for somt"' timl.' after r,'.' homt' ~cil'.'nCC work in l'hiengo \Y1'e1b ... Prof. A .• \tkin?">·l'l llihban], will ('arr for thi!->. t UT'•ing hOllll'. ~[ont·111a ~tatC' ('oill'.)!1' unin~r:-it_,.) FJ:ix. .. .::'-.f. L. \\·.1 .. on The- committN• on a cla-.s pennaHt \\.11' the C'ltit•f topic of intt.~rt.•-..t :intl for The Animal Husbandry Course. Kt't'pin~ Farm Hecord~ .. )f. L. \\'ihon repor t ed that tiH'Y hnd bl.'t'll ordert.111

ucceS!'!<lf\", he will ('all Out the militi:i to protc~l't loyal ~tudeut~ who::e i:-afcty is C'ndangerell by striker ...

a l11ng tim<' after tht?ir return the C"Ol Tht•:o;t' IC'cturrs ar.: by Profr;.;i;oi.... Trri~:ninn... ..IL B. Bonrhright and would _be ht~re in a f('w da.'"$. The cmplin-ment burt"'au of the Y. l<'gl' wao; oftf'n mentinnetl. TLt~ ::t.rln"r· .\ l'Omnuttl.'e was appointed h.'· tht." "[ C "1.·r _ , • • 1 ti~in~ that tht"" coJI,~~1~ ::-1•eurc1I in thi::'> t~rt''H ent to conft.'or w1tu a comm1tr 1· 1~ l"'I~ meu ~ince Ht•ptemher 1. Out o[

. 1 . . 1• • ,-' • • A. at i.\... l . ha:- gtY('n JO lS to way is o( imml'U"t"" ,-alue. lt open..; trom thl~ :.ophomore cln:-:.s and nrran1:?C . I thC' l"_ve-. of many of -,.fontl\nn ·~ be:-;t for a dance or 80me entertainmt•nt af lSP .iobs open, all but sc\'l'n werl.,, takC'n t.'iti1.1~n~ to the~ wortb of the coll<'~t-.. to tt>r the dt~h:ite. This committ<'c con· h:-· the ~tudents. Thi!< is tndeed :\ g(lod t he "tat(' . .\ nd in addition to nil t h i ~ TRUNKS-SUIT CASES ~ists of H ow:ird Seaman~. Ruth t".iweat reror<l and f'xample for other s~hooJ.,.

to follow. Look for K. \\", {" to fall it i~ doing a great benefit to tllo ... e ,,·ho nttend tht' ~chool and thelr fr!en.b. Pndoubte11l:'· pl'oplc are in­<llH"t'd to ~triH-.' for bcttrr mt'thod-. of t • .zd nlture 11n(l otln•r ~·11•11 op.>rntion" :ind ... •'lll'.' :irl'.' cn~n in .... p:.-·.~ !1l ta!·:e .1

co.usi'' in highl'r ('dtll'Jticn aluug the~w E11t:-t

fl1l' .nembcr:- of the f:H·ult~· nre ·.JI \'orki ig h~rd to mah:" ttP [ il Jrt C•JUrhl':o; a sul"'t't'ii~ tlnd to make <'\ t•ry me-etiu ~ ht•lll durin~ t hat wrl.'k interc~tini!. £,·t·ry -.tudt•nt !--hould help ::i:-. well. XothinJ! Nhoultl bl' it•ft unrlont• th!lt m~.'" nrl.d to lhl• comfort of th1~ colh,._,, Yisitnri; :tnd t•1 giH' them a ht•ttt•r

Twenty per cent discount. We are making this special price on Trunks and Cases for the holidays.


and Har,·ina l'aunon. W m. Ileagnt~y was appointed to see in line although ma_,·hl' not till ne:ict

that the bo.'~ h:n·e thl'.'ir picture-~ take:i year. nnd .\l ice C' lmC'r t-.·ill d1.> the $am(' ~o:-the girl.:..

.\. commi rter wao; appointed to pre pare class yC'lls, consi .. ting of \~. S. t'ilDno r s, Olive s~t in and Erma. L(''i· i.el.


The ~tudrnt~ nf the l'"niver~it,Y o f Oregon ha \·e org:rnized a club for so­riu I and athlt'tic purpos~~ . wbo~e mem· hN~ cannot bf'l\)n~ t o any other fra· h~rnit~-. Two hundred a nd twen t y fh·n mrmbt•r..; ha\·~ ('n listed. .\19-0, now· il•>in ( 'ollf'ge ba!i :rn orgnniza! ion for ~1)cial purpoH~. w ho"c conJition... for nu.•mber~hi p are simil!lr

Vanderbilt. .\ l>rnnd ne\\ pla..,- was pulled off at

Candies \Vholesale and Retail

at the

Sugar Bowl Opposite Lyrtc Theatre.

Hot Drinks Light Lunches

BOZEMAN CAB CO. Automobile same as hack for

city calls

H ome Phone, 132 Bell, 230-2



The]en & Hanle Up-to-date Livery and Automobile

Rome Phone '.!3H Bell Phone 51 l

E. W. THOMPSON Four Chair B arber Shop

(Sucee~so r to F. E. DaYi:<.) PLAIN AND TURKISH BATHS

Corni'r of ~[ain aud Tracy.

1 m11rt·~:-ion of tht• in:!...!lu~. ..-\ num ber of nott"tl 1111?11 will vis·t the l'Olll"'.:!" durin~ the' Wt?t.•k-n1t'n who h:I\ "-' an iu fJul'.IDCi."' thrm1ghnnt the country. Xo•.,.­it it.ot up to ('vt•r:;·billly t o l?t~t in au i work for thl' bigg-1•st fnrot('r~ · Wt't".t

Spalding Jacket Sweaters

T. ,J. f'oolndgl'. form('rly l' !4. ruiu· i!\rcr to Paris, ba!'I donatt'ol ':-.'i0.01)0 t.l Hanard for the- erection ot a dwmical lnboratory in memory of his ~on, ~l HnnarJ man, who died last A p ril ......

the 01wning of th£' Rosc- \~anderbilt ,.---------------,,'

Th1.• fat•ulty shoultl not bt'"itatl' to lt't th(' i;tudent~ kno" whi::r\.• t he) m::1: bl' ~bl\' LO help nnd th t:' E.:rpon('nt ft't•I~ 1hJt it can ~ :1y that th<' !'!tu1knts w i!l h<' ~'.a.l t•1 rc~pond "ith any ~en·it•·

For Men and Women , Boys and Girl~. White and gray. to order, if you de~i re.

Nothing Better than Spalding

peci::t.l colors


l'Yl"'r ht'ld. l tht'~ mty bo ablt• to rt:'nd~r. ------------------------------'

Following tht' exnmple of sc,·eral of t he eastern unh·<'rsltie:_., the faculty of the rniYersity o( O rC'gon hR\'C aboli~h ed the f ootball training teble. against the protests of Coach Pinkham and Trainer Haywa rd.

$tudcnts a.t ~ii;~issippi Agricultural and M~ha nicnl f'oll<"itC' bn\"e clashed with state authority. About :"?;JO men

game at Xa~h' !lit'. Tenn. Following the kirkofi. Rose- linet.l up hurridl~-. then shot a long forward pass toward the side lines to a man in citizen~ clo the:!. H<' ran 40 yards nod wa~ down i.r the YandC'rbilt safety. To the as· tonisbmcnt of nll he then took off bis hnt, coat. trou!ler-s and shirt and was found wearing a regular football uni form beneath. Y a nderbtlt plny<'rs bad not noticed that o nly 10 Rose men had lined up in regular positions

WE Hespeclfully bid for a sbJ.rn ot your trade, and will cer tainlJ trea t you fair. T ry u~.


Phone 20 Opp. Court lio\15





ORDER YOUR XMAS SUITS NOW Big Reductions on Everything

Wears60 like

---- Page 3

~l MAX~ ~I~E Lco~L "! C?RL<? ~EEK 1 LUMP EGG NUT

Both Phones Franh K:yle, Agent

H. R. HARRIS Let Us Clean and Press Your Suit



Looks50 like

Costs 25 but


COLLEGE NOTES oft •r \ ' , g thr cbeUl

'1<' r rm 1t )('an-- the fJr .. t ,f WC(' n an r>xten .. ff)n wnr trip

tJug-li u ffr"'1~nt part of t.he ~ate

-·!·-\n~uu Baxtl"r of :ht frp .. hm• u

t$, !!I, ent Tl! tnk!llg"I ng" it In h<•n•e Jillou. Ill' re urned . Iouda to l11:i

:< on 11··~ I.ill.

~ss 11 H'){'f:hcr. "''"lm<'r Solher:t i'j W II 'o t 11 w• •e gu<><ts of ~fos ~~ Fl •·1dns at btr horn~ in :\Iidd!~

l•k can\ion .Fr11b.v 'ln11 Saturday.


lfardl H. Hibhard t11pl'-it Thnnk-.giY· in I.,n rng:.4ton Wat ·1 KPu~·on T:1. 1

to at the t+e 's home. Both rr· c·d to tl t t ~c· d \ uftNnoo:i.

Fresh Candy Suitable for Xmas Pres­ents and College Fussers

Gleason's Cigar Store l

!.....1-fo_x_l_(_en_c_•k-- -.-n-u_A_le-x--C-h-ri-s-ti_e_r_o_--_T_h_e _s_c_h_o_ol_o_f_11_1u_s_i<·_a_n_u_o_u_1ie-e-s-tl-,.~,1 turned from an rnjoynble ,-,.1.eatio l fir~t student recital of the season fcf

!'lpent at ,heir }Jomes in Butte. Raturday afternoon. December 7th,_ a> l --:·- 2.00 o ·clock in us~embl.Y hall. The puJj.

Florence \\Tight entertnine1l Uaz('l lie is in\'iteU to attend. Hopkin~ at her home in 'Vhite Sulphltr ~prinJ?s during- the n1cation.

·:·-r1iarlt::-> \\'h1p11k rl'turnt•d ~un<la..-v from his Tha'lk ... givin,.. vac·ation, which w:t'­

:'pent j i Helena with his parent~ aml

in Town ... cu<l, wberl· he was the gue~t

--:·-Among the college hunters to ret'urn

empty handed after n \'<te:ition spenf in search of big game, were Ralph Brn­brook, Tbos. Brook, ~fortin Kt?llr, R. D. Knealc and Le:-ilie Pettigrew.

to 3.> dollar" a suit and cnu 't be clnplicatt'd for the ~alllf' mnner in any othn pluee in this ~tate. That's wliat my customers sny. I ·m making- the kin cl of clotht•s that gh·" sntisfaetlon, and an\' tinw t IW\' don't, r ·m read_,. t'o make go01I.

At :::2:> to ::<3.J, [ really don't belieYe \'On cnn get such \·aiue::1


time Wm. :-:-terling Battis will appear

i \d('J1 e K. h •<' 1? er Ifc>l1•0·1. of frien1ls. In preparation for the anmrnl "Do.e'' in imper:sonation work. part:· heltl by thr girl.;; of tll" collCge ).fr. Battb.; <·ome~ to B1lzemnn high!.: the Fri11ny of ex:1mination wef'k. :i recommended hy the press of the <'onn­

short meeting was ht~ld y<'stenl:tr and j tr~- :inil b,\· tho:s(' who have henrd him. l

t*a "''"'k tnd wit 1 fj..;s Tfarn!'lR :•- .... ion 1t JI, ml on II 11 '\l1o;;-. Kohl· l'rofe..,.,ors ?\L lI :--pnuliling, D. B. wa 1 !!Ill t lt thl' II w1 •. tu11 Hall ~wiugh" and JI. )[. .l1·nni..,on ret11rne1l

Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts

Practic~l courses in. Civil, Elec_trical an~ Mechanical ~nginecring, Mechanic Arts, Agricu lture, Dairy, Horticulture, Domestic Science Industrial Chemistry, Economic Biology, Mathematics, Literature

1 For~

estry, Pharmacy, J\.Iusic and Art.

Beautiful grounds, commodious buildings, complete wood and iron shops, extensi,·e laboratories, model kitchen nnd sewing rooms, music aod art studio.

J. 1'\. Hamilton, President BOZEMAN, MONTANA



Flint-Lynn Lumber Company 101 East Main Street P hone 82

l~ \••lUl lllni.! t J It ru o i.

home 11 Hl'lcn:I :--.uu·fa~· aftpr 0 plea~ant outing ur "'\Ii1l11lP ('n1 ~. 11' st':1r1·h of big gnme. Thei :sc .. 1n:h t)ro\ ed fruitlt·s~.

the pn~Jimin:ny ~teps of ar,pointing Willard .\tkin:; ha~ known )(r. Batti"

~ommittN•s a111l ma kin~ plan~ cared for. for a Ion T time aml ha. h~ard him 0:1 I:....------------------------------· -•:•- £j ~e\·ernl ot.•cn,.,ion!-<. Jn spenking of thi~

~Tohn B. I':1rrl'll. a nwuthPr of l:\<.;<; nt11nlwr 011 the eour"t~ h(' hail tbC' fol-Lo 1111~ II 1ttu , fl mrrl.' :1 ~tll<ll•nt ~-C'at 's fr••.,.J11nau eJ:t ... s1 was a Yisitnr un

n the hill, \· •l tlw 1·01Le:.rc \\'e lnL":>· the hill \\"t'illll'"1l11y. )lr. F:trn•ll h,t::> d·1\· \\ith a \I w of po ....... 1hly re.!'i~ter· hern working near )!1:-0 ... oula for th~

rn~ t r a lo:)U ·,\ u ··le1·irienl l~ug-inee1" la~t few montJic;; ancl is on his wa~- 10

lowing to rn~- in n:>g-:rnl to thn ~p<'aker: '· ".illiam :--;t<'rling- Batti ... scrurerl b;·

the Ch·ic L1"'aguc tor Pritlay, 13th, I :nu sure will pro\·e an intere-s:­iu~ entertainer to the Hozt~mau puh lie. It ha~ heC'u my gno<l fortune to

I in.!. Billing"! and Yitinin· wlJC•rc> he will I

-•:•- ~pend the l'hristmns holi11ay ... . (u·org1~ (,0..,1 :1 s• 1r gu 1ra ou th" -•:•- k11ow ~Ir. Batti~ for a number nf ~·ear-;

(\ ~ Jin 11 t t111" TJrnnk .... co11t•~e l :1 ... ketliall team, rC'turned from 'The ,innior rla~s in dit~tt·th.- ... hel<l the anU I h:n-e had the 11lcasur(' of seein,t

H!' hol u l't II nut e "it h \[I ... !'> "'., Iii.;; hollll' in Dillon '.\lone la~· in tim(' !-;t•concl of their ~t:'l'it•s of meal" in th._.. him giYe 'Life Portra~·ab. heforp ('hi-

11t u. Ht>tl1 rf't1p·11ccl to th·•ii· for rc>~ular prat·ti(''" \\'hile there lw home :·H·ieneP roornM \\'etlne..,11ay l'n:>u· eago audiencC'~ . Ile has a wondPrful :!fl \'or \fon1la\ aftt•rnoon: otn refen•ed a ganw ni foothnll hetwN·:i. iug. rrhe yonnl? 1arlie!'I prepared the range of voice that 8:en·e~ him well in

t'turu111g- Lhat t1•n hl».1g- \\'11. the Dillon high tochool and a h•am of meal~ and determine th(' food Yalue o: his ,-1iriecl im1H.'r~onation~ and h!s

"l•nnn <tlHl l·.nw• Lt'""l"'l. :dl-~tar:-. ea<.·h. The fourth prC'paratory cld:;'3 rapidit~· in <:hanging 1makC'·up' in fuil

--•:•- -·:-- ·will conduct a similar exerei~e thi"I e...-- de"· of the audience always brings arr m. l'upkc'. a ·u11 or in the- ci\'il en· Archie ~filler an<l Joe Roper spent ening. plause. To see 1.Ir. Battis in his rep-

rin~ t·ourst' at the co11ege, Ti" spent their Yacation near ~pani:;h, --:·- ctoire of impersonations is to spend d from a -.:u1·t•t.·~~ru1 bunting trip where they put in part of their time The first stC'ps toward hol<ling the an e\·ening well.''

he "~i.~ ... 1 (iallntin H:l.turdn.'># £'\'en- in s~reh of big game with some sue· ~eeond annual stag party for the mem·

Uc aml hi" four hrotht•rs ~lll'Ceer:. ce.:;~ ns the rna,iority of the bunter:; ben; of the preparatorr department. HAMILTON HALL DANCE

~rtt ~ n tot 11 of fin• elk nu-1 haYe reported this year. were taken during the pa!';t 'Yeek. IS DELIGHTFUL EVENT , deer. Thi~ 1:-< tht~ he-.t kill - •:._ C'ommitte(' ch~drmen were nppointe·l

bren rr1•urted for ti is fa11. J . R. Parker of the station staff, and preliminar_., arrnngrmenb made f·n I The 1lrill lrn.ll was the sccne of one _..:·- Coach E. A. Dockstader and Dr. 0. E. the party. which will he held in :\In.x·

t' cleliatin~ tP:tm of the high Holm of Bozeman, rt>turued from a well':-. hall the eYeniug the col-J! will llll'C't tht· team fnHn th"' hunting trip for big gnme Sunda;y with lege stag takes pl:1('r. uatory df'partmf'nl lll'Xt Wl!t•k in a few '',iaek rnhhit;;;'' an1l a few stot" - •:•-U:ttt• on tl11• go\ rrnna·nt ownt•rship ies of the plentifulnes~ of game thi.;; Among th<' IIamilton Tfo.11 Rirl"' wh 1)

tcµ-r:lph ~\-,t Ill". TJtr, pn•par:n .n· year. spent their 'l'hank~g-i\"ing vacatiuns at

•• cnn!--1:-;t~ of 'T'om l 1t1'T<'C, 1·:111111· - -•:•- their homes "·ere ).Jb~ 1.f."rtle Alrlenwn

lan nutl 'f ilhot Thompson. rr11l~ Ro:· c .. Tones speint his Yaeation of )[arys\ ille. Ciw('rnlnlyu )li\ls of

of the prettit.•"t ~ucinl C\'C'Ut~ of the :-chool yc·ar last Fri1lny C''·enin~ whi>n the young ladiC'"- of Hamilton Hall "0· tC'rtaincrl at a 1laucc and re1•eptiou.

The l~:tll wa"'i b.lS:.:t>full.'"· rlf'COratC"d iu the collt'K<' colors. l"'"rt•amer~ of crepe paper being u~C'rl along tho ~iill.'s .o~

gcther ·with :irtifif'ial flower~. Ont"

• !'thool tl•am 1·onsists of Llewellyn hunting big ~ame. He !;tated th:.t HC>lena. Ruth Flcit1·lwr of '\llite Sul· end w:1s set oH a~ a l'oz_v corn<.>r au<l

• L'-"P Park :uul Dou Langohr. The the ngent at Garrliner. )Jontana. ha] phnr ~prings, ).fae Elliott, who ,-bitC'l here those who wC're not inclined to e is 111 rt• or lf's!-> in the nature of f'hipped out onJ.'· four elk that hail relati\·es in Big Timber, and Grace Oli·

•l'li<' l" l'nntl' .... t IH~t \\'t"'C'n the tw.> been ~eeured hy huntl~rs this ~year, :is ,·er, who ~p('nt the ,·acation with he-··

f".., but "ill no 1louLt lP \'ery inter· compared with four hundred shippe-1 ~ister in Townsend.

out last year. _.:•-

~ophomnre eJao;;~ held a brief ng )fon<lay afternoon. The chief e!'s taken up was the <.li~cuss ion of

·al matters pertulning to the inter

- :·-Frank Wight, formerly a

The · tate College Grange, Xo. 35.

member Qf 1 will hold its .regular m~eting :llond_a~·. December 9, in the ngr1cultural bmld· ing. The brief busines of this meet·

J dchnte to be hel<l n \-..·eek from to· t ·Martin KC'1ly wa~ appointed yell r and was instructed to get se:·

••yells and songi:t together for tht!

the class of 1913, reached Bozeman Wednesday afternoon and has beiJn spending tbe last few days renewing old acquaintances on the hill. Mr. \Vigbt was one of the most popular men in eDllege and wns forced to drop his work on the hill on account of

to gh•e on thC' ('veniug of the eon· sickness. His many friends were glad .A committee was appo111tC'd to to see him back on the hill in the best I

r with the freshmC'n to eonsidrr of health.

ing is the election of officers after which it Js planned to ha\·e a short program by the members of the organ­ization. The meeting will be calle·l to order at 7:30.


The second term of the sehool cf 1t1th•r of ::iOJllf> '!ort of an eut<'rt;1i11· - •: for thf' two cJao;;s('::; immedhtel·; music 011ens December 4th. All who ~he <lt"hatl>. .\nc1tl1er comr.i!tteC' The ,\.oman ·~ ..\!o!~embly, which was are contemplating studying music this

ll'ilC. lnterl to ~4!e that the a~Pirblv to ha,·e been held toda~· at which time term should arrange to start a~ 8oon !\S

w.F~ tirup l'rl~ deeoratt!d for !he -~. )fiss Mar_,- Stewart, dean of women of possible. DIRECTOR. nr•1 that :di t rr:.ingernent•· for the the l.'"ni\'Cr::iity of )(ontana, was to ha,·t.•

,,..,. were !1Jadu addressed the women of the eolleg-e, CLASS ADS

dance pa!-<~~d a \'Cry rnjoyuhle time. The orchestra ,,·as placed in tlie cen­

ter of the hall in a bower of shrubbery. producing- one of the niee~t effect8 in a ,-ery charming scene. The punch bowl was placed at one end of the hall

and here the dancers regaled them­seh·es during the e\'enin!?.

The recei\'ing lino was composed of ~[rs. Herrick, dean of women, Mi ses Mae :Myers, Inez E,•erett, Ella Olson and E,·eleen Kennard. After the guests had been recei\·ed. the orchestra. stru\!k up the grand march and, led by L~e Anderson and 1.Iiss Ella Olson, the dancing commenced, and from then un· til the clock was strikinK the sma!J hours. the crowd pre~t'.'nt enjoyed them· seh·es to the utmost.

Those who sen·ed the punch Wet('

)fiss 1.far,r Lanwn and 1.fiss Lulu Tut· tie, while the Chisholm brothers furn· ished the music for the l~venfng.

had to be postponed owing to the ill· ness of relatives of :Miss Stewart in Texao;;, where she lu1s been called. A

~·antt>d-To rent. t-mall hou"\e. furn· The dance Frida~· ('\'eniug wns tht'

Jusins' Shoes ·r winter wear. 1mming with bright style gestion." That describes fly our winter exhibit of ionable footwear. The ~e is admirably complete. 1rything you could desire ile way of shoes is here in l fashionable make. An-!r sh ipment arrived this

/ nmg. Our sizes and wid­are again complete. Re­nber we carry these shoes 1 AA to D widths.

;·!or sale only at-



\'Cry intcre!Sting as~emb l y had been an­ticipated and its postponement is a disappointment to man.v of the membH of the college student bod;-.

-·:·-)Jrs. "\Valter Hartman addres~ed the

l. \V. C. A. meetiug Tuesda;\· noon, telling the story of Da\'id and Solomon where David cannot build the temple because he hns been a man of war, an l the duty of building it Is gh·en to

olomon. She empha~ized poin ts iu the advice David gave to his son and showed the importance of doing thing·J willingly, illustrating it with stori~s of how the leaders ' 1 offered willingly·· to do work for the temple and ga,·e of their pOS!-.CSsions for it.

ished or light housekeeping rooms. Bell' second nffair of the kind e,·n hel1l.

phone 1~9 pink. The first was held a ~·ear ago at thl.'

same time of the ~·N1.r when a large I solicit your cleaning an<l pressing. number of the students were unable to

\".' ill call for :rnd deli\'er. Archie :Mil· ler, at The Hub.

get to tbeir homes; the custom origin· ated then has l>t~en so succes~ful in the times that it ha~ been carried out that

CIVIC LEAGUE LECTURE DEC. 13. it bids fair to become one of tho mo.r prominrnt event~ in the school ealen·

Tbe next number on the Civi.: dar of the year. League lecture cour~e will appear ~u

Bozeman. Friday. December 13. Thie:;

Lyric Theatre High Class Moving Pictures :: 5 and IOc


A change of the weekly holiday from Saturday to Monday, is under di!SCUS· sion at 8outh Dakotn i::itate College. The point is brought up that it has met with success in mnny collrges, an•l then, besides, it will do away with ''blue )[on day.''

THE NEW ONES Senior s m::i.y be advisors for fresh·

men at the Vni,·e r~ity of )d°ichigan, if the plan is adopted at t he next faculty meeting, According to t his system, th~ freshmen will be assigned to student ad\·isOr$, when they enro1l, and r e·

quested to see them in a day or two; three or four being assig-ned to each senior. Seniors are to inform the fir:-;t

Christmas and New Years Letters, Post Cards, Score Cards, Dinner Cards and Art Prints of all ki~ds, will interest you at

The Ga 11 a t 1· n D rug' C 0

• ;-ear men ,. to college traditions, cu• toms and minor matters. This plan is

The Drug Store On The said to be \'en• successful at Ha r,·ard .. ______________________________ ....; I Yale and Loln~d Stanford.


Shoe Elegance



The Exclusive Shoe Store


2:? 'Vest l\fain


\Ye ha,·e a. new line of College Emblem

Kou\·euir ::--poon" anil Pins, like the Hat

Pin~, Cuff Link<.;, :::;tick Pins, ett>., that

we receiYecl tht' first of the t..,ollt:'ge

year. College ~ea! iu the Blue and Goltl


Leslie E. _9~ge_ - -

Jeweler and Registered Optometrist Bozeman, Mont.

If you are looking for your

friend ,

~·ou will find him or her




Capital Stock ...... ........ $150,000.00 Surplus and Profits .... 250,000.GO

GEORGE cox, Cashier Bozeman - -Montana.

Registrnt ion at th e Uni\·ersity oi 1.lichigan on No,·ember 1, 191~. ¥.'a"

5.6~0, includ i ng summer se~sion reg is


---The SU('C('"\~Or to Dr. [ra Remsen,

president of .John Hopkins l'"niver&lt)',

may be Hugh H. Young, an associat~

profe~!-ior of that institution. Ile is forty-two ye:ns old and has bpent hi~

last tweh·c years there.

---w·ashbu rn 'has the distinctton of hav-

ing an inventor among her pupil•. I Mis Katherine Thompson bas invent·

I ed an individual waste paper basket that promises to be of great use in the

public schools. She has also or~anizl1d

a company to make the baskets. That shows what n student c~n do lf he only

keep• wide awake and does a little

brain -work on the side.



Office 1Iiehigan Bldg.

Suite Xo. 17. ..

Bozeman, ~font



Rooms 1 and 2 Story Block

Phone 46 blk. Bozeman, Mo~t.



Golden Rule Blk. Bell Phone 97 blk.



Offil'e and Rc~iJ.ence ~01 S. Third

Phones-Bell 494 reJ.-IIome 296:!

Bozeman, :Montana.


ORAL SURGEOXS Ten per cent discoount to students

Commercial -""ational Bank Bldg. Bozeman, .Montana



Post Office Block. Bozeman, ~{ont .




Bozeman, - - M ontana.



Suite 5 Gallatin Block

-Nelson Cab Co. Oldest and most reliable in

the City Cabs for weddings, parties

and funerals a specialty Bell Phone 273 Home Phone 1962





LUMBER COMP ANY 320 West Main St.

Californln-Followlng thP ac tion of

the seniors, the 80phomore wome:i

ha\Te voted to do away with the wear-ing of flowers at formnl parties at th·~

"Gni\·ers'ity of California.

Page 4

$19.50 Say, fellows, Be sure to see the special. clothi~g we

are showing for a few days at the sp~c1al pn~e of

$19.50. It will be well worth your while. Get m on

this saving. THE HUB

Ed and Lou Howard, Props.


(Jniversitv news Professor \\", \\". H. :\lu~tnine, the

0.,-.w :Jtbletic dirl'l'tllr at the uni,·en•ity ,

arriq•d in ~i:-soulu from the l"niH'•

sit,· of Kentucky, Thursda;v. Profe ~-

so; )fu,.tnine ih \Hll p1ensed with il ici:

new pllSition. )fr. )fust:i.ine wa~ for ten ,years ath·

Jetic dirertor at ihe l'nh·l•r-.;ity nf

Kentm•ky. Ife wns knl1wn as one t1f

the mo~t ~urce~:-;fu l trainers iu the

lt i:s possible that thi~ !?nme questio l

will be debated with the :State College

of "'ashington.

The outlook for a successful year l:'

debating ii:. promising. Three of tl1 ~

four per~ons who .represented the Uni ·

Yersity last year wilJ try for plaeeq

on the teams this )·ear. There are som1?

l'apable talkers among the frei:;hml'n.


G3 The Collar with linen thread

button hole. 1

"Outh1•rn ~tate~. The bn~ketball team

_ jl trainei l hy him last year did 11ot lo:.

cl"&§'/11 :1 ganll"' .• llC' i~ n1"o good in tht .. o thc.-

~ branches of athletic~. :\fr. ){uo;;tain, ..

ORDON 1.foes nut helieYe that nthletk~ in lh!

C uniYi"',· !'!'hould lw for the t:-xl'lu;;;i.,.e

benefit ~f a select few. Before Christ·

""" he w!ll 111nk< a phy• exam; ~a ­tion of i~vt>ry 111an In . the rn-.11tutio•1

The freshmen and the sophomores

will use th(' minimum wage question

in their class debate. Thh. will be belll

soon after C'bri8tma,.

The two freshmen who rnnk the high·

est in the '\'nnsity try·outs will repri'·

sent t heir class.

Full line of styles and sizes.

HENRY'S I ~111d g-i.\·e the men <'Xerc1:-;es to strl·n~ tJ ,.

en their weak pn r t!:.l .

I XearlY thirty-;:;;;- a11'werell Pro·

fess.or :'If u~tnine 's call for thl' firs t

ba..,ketbnll practice .:\fond:1y e\·eninJ.

I Th.• new cliree_tor '.n•s .pleased with the :::=========---------------------·• showin~. • '" e will gn·e ~onta na the

bc.:;:t ream we can de,·eJop froll\, the

The football men returned from their trip ~~turday, hadng: won a

game and lost one. ~Ost of the m were

ba ttered up in the game with \\'illam·

ette rnh·ersi t.y, which they lost' 30 l l'J

9. They admit that they ·were out·

played by the .Miss i onarie~. who out·

weighed them twenty pounds to th e


''The 'V'illamette tea m r an Jike ll

w e11 oiled machine,·' said oue of the

Grizzlies.'' E\'ery mau was in his

pla('e eveTy t ime. Their inteTferrence

wns the best we base C'n('ountered i u

any of the games this year.




A dozen Photographs, such as we know how to produce, ~--~ ...... ~ ·· -·e ~ · · -· · make 12 splendid


12 Black Ave.

. For all kinds of Cut Flowers, Pot Plants and Bulbs.

Come and see us. You are always welcome, whether l TRACY FLORAL CO.

you buy or not. Both Phones Free Delivery

The High Class Barber Shop for College Men TUXEDO BARBER SHOP

C. A. McINTYRE Michigan Building


Before You Leave for the Holidays

Suit Shop Cleaning and Pressing Get into Our Suit Club

m<ttl'rial, · · be <:aid.

The univer-.iit\· will h:we I\ stron~

ream thi:; vear .. E\·er:--· man who p layeJ

in Hlll i~ rl•ady to piny. There 'lre

al~o ~e,·era1 -.t:ir~ :unong the fre!'>lbmen.

~foneck played forward on the cham·

piou high .t>C'hool team of \Yash ingto:1

Jn-.;t veHr. ~treit, :tn~ l ('nm·

miL:.!H pluyed good ball for tlw )Jis-;011-

l:t hi~h team. ).fe)lanus and Gr i ffiths

of .\.ll!IC'OUJ:t and :\fcPlrniJ of rhi\ip.;;.

hnrg. will al"o mak4• strnng hids for

pl:.H•('$; on the first tc::tm. Darrow, Deh·

nC'rt antl Row1l'y are pluying goorl bail.

Ceorgt:' l\:l('ht"'. manag('r of the tean1,

hns not arr:rnqed the ~chC'du 1 e ns: yet.

It wi11 perhap-. include games with thP

:-;tat...~ ('oJl('g(', the Hchool of ).CinC'" nnd

(;ouznga t'niH.•n;ity 1lf ~pokane. The

I i nter.c1a~" -.Ni('s will be played befor ...

C'hri.:;tmnc:;. Rl~!'>lideg the four d:H•'3

tt"am<:, four other tl•ums will be ('ntert.>d

in this tournament. The juniors np·

• 1 \\'e were uble to hold them 'll

t he first quarter. but they hummerNl

us down until we were unable to stop

them. The backs hit tile line like 10·

comotin.>~. Time nml ag:tin they ca r ­

ried DornblaRer baek. au<l helie\'e t~l<',

when thr.\· carry ol<l Dom back they 're

pbying footbal l.

'•The fielll was wet antl we had no

chnnce to use our open plays. E,·ery

man played the ~ame of hi" life. \Yllcn

the s truggle was on•r we were "0 ex­

hausted that we had to rest two ur

three times on the ·way to our hotl•l,

three blocks from the gridiron. 1 ''\'e scored on them in the fir"'t

few minute~ of play, but that only

pear to hnn:- !ht' ~trongf'st team in th., srn·ed to arom·(' the Oregon men frl'Jm

group nntl will perlrnps ('arr-'· off th~ tht·ir npathy. From that time tht•v

ll0nt1rs with the fn•sbml'n 3 elo"e see- hammered us in play after play. FuJ!.

ond. hnrk Rmead was injurl'd in the fir . .;t

Professor Ci. lf. Palmer, debat(' eoal':l

I exput~ to tr.'· nut for the debate witl1

thl' St:ite t 'olll"ge. 'fhe aspir:rnts wil1

nrgue 1hi;> <.:ttm(' qm•c;tiou submitted t'• tlu• collc>ge; ''Resoh·ed, That a m in>

I mum wnge srnle to be operati\·e in

workshn1•s, factor i e~. depnrtmen:

~tnre1". and the swe:itell indrnstrie~ •)f

the l'nit.:>11 Htate~. ::ihouJd be JlrO\'itle·l

for by law. ('d .••

Constitutionality gum~-

totril of ~30 points ngninst 144 of thrir

opponents was the tl('COmplishment ..:. i

the eollrge ag-~regation duri ng tlrnt SC'a·

"tlll. The 'Yn r~ity again lo<.;t t\\'1l

gam<'s to th(' blue and )!Old and th:o

l'o1legr of )fontana at Deer Lo<lgt\

wns the onl~· team which clefeatc<l th<'1n

during the year. 'T'he li tH'UJl wa~ pra••­

qu:nter :ind compellell to g1..l to rhl!

sidC'linr-:. Hall he been iu th(' whole'

game thl' score might not lrn\·e been ~o

large. We p1a~·eJ ou r hc!it fo r th-e

l'uiYersity-we lost to a he:H'ier an~~

better team.

make. ''

'n11amC'tte is one of the strnnge!';:

tenms on the C'Oa~t. They hela Oregon

to a low !'Core in thr early part of th~

season nnt.l completely Q\'crwhelmed th~

smnlleil l'onst college"'.

exc it ing conte~ts eYer sl~en on a floor

in Bozeman. ProsprC'ts for thi s. year·~ team are

e\('n l.u·ighter than tJa:oy h:n·C' been hen~­

t1)fore. The team remains intact from

the Hffl aggregation and nre already

showing wonderful ~peed for so early

in the ~t'U"'on. ReYC'r:ll new men who

tfrally the f'ame as the prN'C'Cling st>ll- ha\"<' entt•re1l sdrnol for the first tirnc>

son. this fall, wilJ makl1 a strong hi<l fo:-

:.'\int>teeu--.c\·en w:t~ a poor year for plaee'< on till' team, which in~ur1""'~

"ChC'duling gam<'~ aml thr ('nl plt•nty nf cnm1u•titio11.

IC'gll harl littll' troublt"' in . ..:\ ..,.,.]H·iluh• of g:rnws is now heing

winning th(' champion"hip. ~ 1 arrnag\111. wh1d1 includC's mnny of the

games \\'1'r(\ p1a.\'C'rl with the '\'arsi+_: wrll kno\\'ll :l.!!g'l'egations of tlH' coun

tluriug- tht• Sl"'a-.on. Tlw 1Hll'- "":l"nll try. ,,.!wt tiu•tr ~n~·t1'"'" will lw is ll"

w:\" a 1·ontinuat1011 of the ~U(.'e1•ss nt i·iiur"t' um•rrt:tin, hn1 it i;.. ~:1fr t 41 ~a.v

th1• ('t1l11•~(' on tht• haskt>thall fl11.1r. for that fhl•. "ill Wt•ll uph11J1l the fonu ... · -.;·a1111ar1l 1if :\(. S. 1

========-======================= In total nf ~tHi pnint;.. Hgainst 1:!1 f 'l' tlt1• 0111111-.;ition w·a~ rollt>d up. l'O\'Pr 1,..:

Basketball===hv Bob ... 0111(' tt•n g:\lll('S. Thl• '\':ir~it\' t1ga1,1

lu1•l to Ill' ;..:it i"'"it•il with !ht' --mall t'U•l

111' tlw .,,•n ·pin th<" two t' 1nlt"'·ls •lan .. 1,

:\l. S. (. Willlllll!! h11th 10 the t IDt.' OI



.\ 11 arth·l" ·, 't' i ··:: 11 r·'1' 1t i~

~uf' ' tht• lhat~ \I lit' '-111.l's th:1t :1

mcmhrr ot ht• t'll1i1•\.!t' -.ru1h•11t ll!ld ~

\\ i-.. I hrown 111 ht• l'ol t'i!1' fro!,! !'on l

:i slwrt tllllt' ag-o fol' h~·iug a talt'lH•an·z.

Tlu•rc> h n·1· hl•e11 u:11n1•1ou" r11n10r" 1111

tht• hill lut "ll<'li an ('\'1•11t Mok pl:l<'I',

lout tlH Ex.1,0111•1Jt "'l'l'lll"' tn Jil ... unahlu t•l

"'''l'Hrl• IH1 d1•finiTl" 111for111:1tinu

B1..•\,!1110111g- tlH' st~a .. n11 untl1·r l it· 11111 ... r

f I\ or liJlf' 1•11111htlun .... \f. s. I • h11h ta1r

to ha\'l' 11111• 1t thi• lw .. t 11u111tt'tt1•s P~

lt1•r hi:-tnn. In ma HJ~ •In.., ~t tt•'llll'llr,

hn\\ t'\ l'f, r h1• r1'1'11 d of pn•\ i1111 ... ag~rl'·

;! mu-..t lw takPn into l'Ollsi1h•ro·

tiou m•l 11 .-:;. fJr till• pllrpo .. 1• .,f l!t\ IO'!

"Ollh' llf t!t1• r1..•cnr1l" llf thl's<' pn•non•

rhtl Ufiinns tlmt llH' Htil•l1:0 is intc>H1l












'fhe Willson Co. I


I 1 >: \ t 111 11•r, 1 !11' I, th1 crillt•'.!•' op~'

t'•l her lw-.1 ... t·thal hist on· hy "inm.t;.!

tlil• fJl"t L'o.1tr~t on tht• holllt' floor lr•

the t llH' ..>t 40 to 1; Fr1·l•tu11u, L:1n1n1t'.

I lii-..lrnlm, Xash. \\".att•r-.; ·11111 l'ra-.k

\'.'t.•11 ib.., lll'n upon wlu m thr eollt•J!1..'

p1 llll'•I H'r f:li'h iu this f i r~! contl'~t

111t! h• mp1 ll'- ghf•n h\ wit111 ng tlii-..

,l!:l111e l c ... mailt• it:-l'lf frlt through uli

..,!.i to l" :rnd !1!1 to !I. :\f u.,.t.l Dt' tl

lran·liu:..:· 11rofl's .. ional ag:g-re~·1t1r111 f1u111

thl' f'a"t. ~1dmini ... ti•n•1l till' 0111' 1]l'f1

f!ard to tlw aftair . 'l'h<' ~1rtid1• in lb·•

:\lirn•r wn-.. :1s follow...;:

nf tht• yl'ar. wi111ung frorn tlu1 1·olk.:"

tt•:im h.\ th 1 :-.rure of ~..., to J'S. 1•1

.. umming up tht• sth'l't':-.~('s tif tlh' quin

h·ttl' 111r that \'l'ar tlw t1 llitor of th•

EXJ11l1Jt·11t mn.kri-. a ~tntt•UH'Tlt of

•' !1t•1·p 's t•l tlit• sUl'l'C'"' of th<' futnn>. '

I t•rta;11J,,· th1• thn•p :-.t•a-..ons tlrnt havt•

followrd ha\1:0 shown 1111 r1c<>li111• in !hf'

th1·-..1· y1"1r .. : 1111) lodaY 1h1• W1.."':\rl'rs of .ihi1ity of t11t• ('nlil"gt• tl'alll. 'l'lu~ qll'n·

rl1C' hlnf' aud ~ol~I :ir(' \\inning- garut,.; tl'tli• oJ !lO!I j., consHlcrrd hy man:· tlJ'•

with tht~ ;..:\11111 rt'gularit\' :11111 by jus+-

•• Bnzt•uwn. '\o\·, :!"'i-·-Hi'(''lll"P tlw "Ill·

c)1•11t-.; nf 1 ht• Statt• t nl11·~1· 11111lt•rto1 1\:

~l'lf tl,...l'ipJi11t"' in tJh• P:l-.l' l)f tlll(' nf

t'·1t•ir 11·1ml11•r, --onw ;."'i of tht•m, th·~

11111-.t JlllHll.111•11t 1111 11 111 thl• .. 1•·10111. ar"'


For t111 .frllluw·11!! twn \l':lr" 1l ificul

ly was i>xpt•r C'IH't"l in ~<'111•11uhng: ganh',,;

hut in l!l1).J t 1 1~ 1·0111•;.:-,. -..t:1rlt•1\ nn JH"

ltin~ "Iring of el1:111111io11 ... h1p-.. \\hicli lia.;

ncn·r ht>Pll brol>e11 < riff11l1. f'hl ..

holm. llar1 111:10 .:\ lsh HI lhrn1·:in uwdi·

1111 tht' ft•am f11r that :-.t·as.111 rrnd urndt•

a tot·il of ~I; 10 nt-.. :•!!a 1..;t 1(11i ,,~

t h1•ir oppo1wnts.

It ~·ts ilurin~ t "n·1r lhnt llw fir

lmi \\ ,.., J'l:i\'t•1l tit h th1' \ .1r:-. ty :11t I

rL" t 111 f"I . time h11nor1•d pn•1•1••lt··1

t :..rarnt• IJ\· t ie "''•'Ft'

o 1 !. tluh onl·1• •lurJci~ th1•

\\h 1}(' (' 'till Wt I i)h:o }('h;it1•1} :1fl•)

'h t L\· ~1i, Star• :\.-urn I s1 btinl lt am

H,, 11,!<'


]'.•1 on _ "H'

l I l fC'"\tl ..!

1t t m '' b1eb \'\O"l fr mt t Jcru. ~\

l11•t.1 ;ig~r1•gation of hn:-;kPt tt>s-.t•rs t'\"1•r 1 iu !'llSJWll"•'- :1\\':litilll.! thl• :u tion .1f th,:o

prodn~·t•tl on t!te hill. :\lany wlw ar.' i fw111t.Y. Thi• mt•mht'r-.. of thl' fa 1·~1l1y now 111 st·h11ol remrmht•r thf' Jli'rso11:1l I Wl'l't\ rall1•1l t11g1•th1'r .''t'-..tPnlay ntt~·r­

of tlw •1"1m. l'ool, !'Joan .\Jll i11. Sh•,•. 111111111, lint tlH• mt•f'f 111:_! 1·1· .. nltt•1l in 11 ..

111:111 :1url llrnwn \\1•r1• tl11• llll'lllh11 rs .tn·l

duri11g tht• s1•a .. 11n thl·~· h1talt•1l lJ-j

1111!111s ag-;iinst J.tH for thost• who 11111111:;·

1•11 th1·111 \g-am \\',ts lht· enllt'l!t' 1°\('

tlt'h1at•'1l only un1·t•; th! ... hy the .\na1·11u

da \qdt•t t'", who wf'n• ~Jill' to ruu ilp

:1 -.eur(' of 3·! romp:trPil to ~-I for th•

c ull1•gin11s.

n ,, t"'lnr·1 ;.?:lllll'. hnwt•n•r. th1•y

P\1·11Nl mattrn~ up i.,· il1·f1•n1111:..: 111.-.

1 'J per 1 1t\ " ow11. 2'1 t 1;,

Thu .. tlit• -..t 1tt1 t tit \\,1 ... 111 r lo:-t

O:t t'OfllJlaf t \t' !OC 1 ~ I 11"' IJt',Q'C'

ol1•1 iii• l \ tb· n.J\ n l~1·. rhl' f •rtuu1"

nf l ll' 1 nlll'~1:0 f \ t" f11r tlw 1•:1 ... t 1 \\)

r known t l mo ... • 1'\ <·r

d('u .. rn tlu• hill. \\'hilt• c·nnlinninl! 1 0

\'II +}i(' 1t r 1llf'.!i l" ,.1. I Ill' 1n-..i1 I

With l'OIU 1;'\ll':tt \l' ("'I(', t II y Ji l\f' )11'1'11

c•o n e 11 u;r 1• J }, r

l!J Ji,. 1 •· u r ippl

Tn 1 110 •1i \ ""Tc l o 1l<'lt•.11 ··I II\ •Ji

· Ii er r of l t h ~ our 01 t hC'• m1 t

d1•fi11itt• ;11·ti1111. :I" it was d('1•itl1•ll fn

wait until afll•r tlll' "i(ll1]p11· "Pll!tlt• lrn 1



'1 For -..ome t11111"' ·111• mt•u 1t thl• l'l1

lt'l!l' ha1) hl.'1•11 t'Oll\ i111•pc} tl1n· 1111(•

1 lu·ir 1111mht•r. nu IJIJ•1'r('!3-.s m·111. wa-..

plaYin~ th1• p:trt nf of a trdPht"'ar('".

b1·ar 11~ .uform.11 1 fu th<.' f:u·ult\' l'OJl

t l'rn n~ "Hiii•' uf •ht• . O\lt -.i1l1• tlt:ti\'i• t.1s' if I<' -..1u1lt·1t ..

' ' rn 1L"('OUl'!!'H1• fhj .. lt'lliit•t11'\', a h:11: 1

t nmpu"t l o n , of t ht• rni~n tf .di

1·l!1As 11 t I(' ,, lioul, w,dr1•tl 111 n1 I h

.. 11.Je 1t u qnt•..;tfou ~t111 l UJh'1 rP111oni1·u

h i .. ll(' I ll m o thr rol P!!P r Oj:! pond

\\ h1 i' H' was :.tiri•n .1 nak1ng, n:t"

r I? it 1 t' 'irst of the wr1 k Tlint w·,q

t 11• m·1t11•r l111t

r \,r-4} o hr on1v tl11• l1t•gi1 n n::, fn"

11 '·" ilu rnnd1• 1·01n1•I 111t to th1• fal!'

1lt · ii th1• pioht' of th1' affair h('

Christmas is Coming

and you will need invitations and programs for that

party or dance. You will know where to come when

you are ready to order your printing. We have con­

solidated with the Gracey Print Shop and will be found

at I 07 West Main .



Both Phones With Gallatin Land & Investment Co.

A Large Assortment of Good Pipes at Moderate Prices

For Sale at

Post Office News Stand

Great Values in Apples Extra F ancy Jonatban s .......................................... ...................................... $1.7.3

E:\.-tra Fancy '" agners............ ..................... ................... . .. ......... $1. i5

Alexanders, fancy large red stock ............... ............................... - .............. $1.~0

'V'ealthis and 'Volf Rivers, fancy 5·tier stock ............................................ $1.~0

)felntosh Reds, fan cy wrapped 5·tier stock ................. _ .................... - ....... $1.50

D eJaware R eds and :Xorthern Spie~, fancy large wrapped stock ............ $1.50

Let us put an a~sortment of these apples ju your cellar at the aboYe pricec:

THOS. H. REA & CO. Prompt Delivery Both Phones 24

~embers of

The Jack-0-Lantern Club

Always send their soilt.>d li nen~ to


Tuxedo Billiard Parlor


Michigan Block

....... ... po-J glou jan with /ivrntdor .....

F . C. Brandeburg, PJ1

Whether your a1 bition rides an ox• an aeroplane-do t dri\'e too hard.

Learn the joy a renewed ZLSt tl comes from relaxat l

in a pipe of good o bacco.


Many of our asi: tions turn to bitten in the moment of t realization.

But, up or dowr ladder,Veh·et is a Stant delight-ah temptingly rich­smooth and satisf)