Download - The time for space exploration - IEEE Spectrum · The time for space exploration ... pictures of Mars back to earth, over a distance of 134 million miles, with radio transmitter power

Page 1: The time for space exploration - IEEE Spectrum · The time for space exploration ... pictures of Mars back to earth, over a distance of 134 million miles, with radio transmitter power

T h e t i m e f o r s p a c e e x p l o r a t i o n

Wemher VOIX Braim Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA

Dr. von Bra un was invited by Dr. Thomas F. Jones of the IEEE Editorial Board to write for IEEE Spectrum on the subject "How my dreams of space have changed.'" The accompanying article, with a different title and content, resulted from that request. Dr. von Braun felt that the suggested title would have led to a more provocative article. But, he states, his dreams of space have been marked more by consistency than change. The methods of implementing his dreams are what have undergone con­siderable change over the years.

The advanced technologies of our time have made it possible to remove man's long-held dream of space exploration from the realm of science fiction into the everyday world of practical reality.

The early twentieth century proposals of such visionary men as Constantin Tsiolkovsky, Hermann Oberth, and Robert H. Goddard were sound, but anachronistic. At the time that Dr. Goddard launched the world's first liquid-propelled rocket in 1926, science and engineering were responsible for many amazing inventions. Elec­tricity, telephones, radio, and automobiles were common­place, and even puddle-jumping airplanes were not a rarity. But the time simply had not arrived for man's entry into space. The technology of the day would not sup­port the theories of the scientists

It usually takes time for ideas to mature. And this was especially true of the grandiose idea that puny man could leave the earth and soar into the space around it. The heavens had always been considered the exclusive habitat of the gods.

Good ideas usually materialize only when all the ingredients are present. And in 1926 an adequate tech­nology was not the only missing element for exploring space—for outfitting a manned expedition to the moon, for instance. The general public was not seriously in­terested in learning more about space—and widespread public endorsement and sustained support are mandatory for such a gigantic and long-range undertaking.

The impetus given research in rocketry during World War II and its aftermath provided the technological base on which our current space program was built. The orbiting of Sputnik I by the Soviets provided the spark that kindled public demand for a dynamic United States space program.

The space program utilizes new advanced technologies in literally hundreds of different areas. These technologies are growing at a breathtaking pace to meet the stringent demands of performance and reliability required of space launch vehicles and payloads.

The computer is a good example of a recent tech­nological advance without which there could be no space program. The first modern high-speed computer, the Mark I, was completed by scientists and engineers at Harvard University in 1944. The first high-speed com­puter with electronic rather than mechanical internal operations was the ENIAC, completed at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946. The computer industry thus has developed only within the last two decades.

The huge computers of today, relying on vacuum tubes and transistors rather than gears for operation, have an enormous appetite for information, which is digested at lightninglike speed. Without computers the task of developing a huge launch vehicle, such as the Saturn V, would be prolonged for years. Without computers, both on the ground and IN the vehicle, we could not place our payloads in the desired orbits. And, finally, without computers the task of processing and analyzing the vast quantities of information received from our satellites and space probes would be endless.

ROCKET PROPULSION The technology of rocket propulsion, which is the

only means available for propelling ourselves IN space, has matched the rapid growth of computer technology. The thrust of Dr. Goddard's 1926 rocket was about 60 pounds. The Redstone first stage of the Jupiter C that orbited our first satellite IN 1957 had a thrust of 78 000 pounds. At the Marshall Space Flight Center last summer we static fired the first stage of the Saturn V/Apollo launch vehicle, with a recorded thrust of 7.5 million pounds.

This tremendous growth in power has been made possible by improvements in design and in materials, turbines, valves, propellant handling, and dozens of other areas. The upper-stage engines of all the Saturn launch vehicles burn liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen, the exotic fuel combination that has opened up a com­pletely new field of specialized knowledge in cryogenics.

Instrumentation, telemetry, and communications are other areas of technology that have expanded at a gallop during the past two decades, and which are being drawn upon heavily for the exploration of space. Mariner IV received commands from earth, and transmitted its pictures of Mars back to earth, over a distance of 134 million miles, with radio transmitter power of only IOV2 watts. Printed circuitry and miniaturization, and even microminiaturization, have helped us to squeeze the last ounce of value out of the pounds of payload we have been able to send into space.

It takes time to develop these supersophisticated ad­vanced supporting technologies. And the professional

IEEE spectrum D E C E M B E R 1965 4 4

Page 2: The time for space exploration - IEEE Spectrum · The time for space exploration ... pictures of Mars back to earth, over a distance of 134 million miles, with radio transmitter power

Reproduct ion of f r ame n u m b e r 11 of the series of photographs taken dur­ing t h e recent Mariner Mars Miss ion. The p ic ture ranks as one of t he m o s t remarkab le scient i f ic photographs of th i s age in t h a t it demons t ra tes t h e existence of Mart ian craters beyond ques t ion .

and technical people involved must maintain a clear vision and firm belief in the long-range goals toward which their knowledge and skills are being applied. It takes dedication to a worthwhile purpose to lift a person out of the ruts of routine existence, to extraordinary achievements.

In the United States today almost 300 000 people are working full time to give substance to the dream of manned space travel. Cataloguing all their specialized skills would be a lengthy process for even the most experienced personnel manager. The buildup of this team in the government and in industry—and the meshing of their efforts into a purposeful program—has been one of NASA's proudest accomplishments. This di­versified and skilled team is necessary, for the pace, breadth, and depth of rocket research have placed it out of reach of the amateur experimenters who pioneered in this field a few decades ago.

Because of this massive buildup of highly trained people, progress in space exploration is exceeding the most optimistic predictions. The steps into space are being taken much faster than thought possible even 10 to 15 years ago.

Although the space program has reached maturity, there is still room within its ranks for gifted people. We need the best trained, best qualified, and most dedi­cated people we can find in all areas, for ours is an im­mense and difficult task. The design and development of launch vehicles and spacecraft systems, which are to operate far from earth for long periods of time in an unusually severe environment, demand the highest de­gree of originality, initiative, and technical proficiency.

Economic considerations There is still another ingredient that is essential for

space exploration : the economy must be able to support the effort. In the 1930s the United States was struggling through an economic depression. In the '40s its resources were funneled into the needs of warfare and defense; and in the '50s factories and construction boomed to meet the delayed demands of a growing population. Prosperity has continued during the '60s, and the gross national product has reached new heights.

The United States could not have afforded a space program in the '30s. NASA's current annual budget is $5.2 billion—a good bit more than the total expenditures of the Federal government in 1933 of $4.6 billion. But today the $5.2 billion allotted to NASA's space programs is only one-twentieth of the annual Federal budget. It is well within the limits of what we can afford to spend to respond to the insistent challenge of space.

In its initial stages the space effort has been primarily a research and development effort, for we are simply doing something that has never been done before. The space budget is thus an investment in knowledge and capability, which will ultimately yield tangible returns far in excess of the cost of the program in manpower and resources.

All the ingredients for a dynamic space effort are present today. Our science, technology, and economy are adequate. We should not let our determination waver, and I do not believe that we shall. We have taken the first steps into space, and the world will never be the same again. As Dr. Goddard said, "Nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come."

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