Download - The Sun. (New York, NY) 1866-04-25 [p ] · In the great letilug of mill contract, ebout three tbeuaaad routea


THE SSSREBStBt SUN.Number 1.0.53G. NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 2."fWi. ThiiHyTMrd Year.

The Latest Newslly 'I'drKnpli to the ."'. Y. Nun.


Fenianism en (he Horder.


congrTss "yesterday.Interesting Proceedings.


The Impending European War.


Various Warlike Reports,


The Cholera at luaraatiie.A FEW "ADDITIONAL CASES,

meeting of tho Health Commission

Fault round With tho Trent-we- nt


The Board or Excise.

Paolo Among tho Liquor Doalers.

fcc, &c, &c.WAiiiinurnw, Arm. II.

Some of the newepiper. hete recently publlehed

whit purpurle lo be a correct Hit of Ibe to.mIi to

form a fleet for the protection ol oar flebeile. on theNorth Amerlcin eout. but the Nivy Departmenthaa furalehcd no iucIi laformetlou, for rcaeone of

public poller. There It no doubt, however, that am.

pie mean, will be aeaimblcd, pruTldcd for bucu

protection, u well to prevent a breech of neu-

trality (rota any meditated Fenlin moTemeuL

The Tteildenl Iim appolnled Wade Hampton, e

r.ltlTe of tho South Carolina rebel (,of rlllaburg, Te, IcUiOVtug radicil Incum-Len- t.

The rrraldrnt III filled ell the inlotmcntt In

Vliglnli for the Internal lleveuue with partita who,

It l eald. have taken Ibe teat oath.In the great letilug of mill contract, ebout three

tbeuaaad routea here been concluded. Kentucky,Teaneure, lndltei, IlllnoU, Michigan, Wlecooalu,

Minnesota, Dakotab Territory, Iowa,, Ne

breake, end Mleeourl, ere the Blatee embraced lu

tblt regular letting, lu tome of the Stetee thefound coeaiderebly In advance, of tbute

demanded four yean no. lu otheri offers eremade al lower llruiea. eo thet ei en average th. eu

tire reiulti ere In favor of the DepartmentThe Committee of Conference, to which the f

Mr. Bmythe't nomlnitlou In. beta rtforieJ,will not eet upon It until the regular meellug day,

ea 'Ihurad.y.General Sickle, bu been nominated by the I'reel-den- t

ai United State. Mlnliter to the Netherlands,In plic of Mr. Tike, resigned.

Forty-si- x Irom South Csrellni, eeren

from Louisiana, and one from Ueorgla, were par

doned by the l're.ldent ye.terdeir.and Un.Il.ll. Ferregut, are In the

cltr for a few days, and are tho ol the Secre"

lary oflbe Nary.OfJMel ad rleo bar. tan r.c.lTed by the GoTero.

u.nt fiou Commodore Kuicre, commanding theUnited Stale, luadrun lu tho harbor of Valparaiso,

la the effect that be. In conjunction with the llrltlibAdmiral, h.l prote.ted Maln.t the bombardment of

tint city by the Bpialth Meet, and that ther bareInelaled that ample time ihall be gleen for the re.moral of neutral property ang Ibe wouien end chil-

dren, end that If thu demand .tiou d be refuied,theyihould realet tbe bombardment with loree. TheCommodore hti the double-turreie- Uioultor Moue--

uock and ne other war ibipi llu bitu, a force amply sultlcK nl to make hlu matter of the tlluallon.

The Treshlenl, In antwer to a reeolutlouof Ihe

Senate, trautmltted the proeeedlugi of theBoard who bare made breT.l tppolMmenla of gin-era- !

oftlcen In the regular army, of which General.Sherman and Thomtt, tnd other., vere The llotrd eiprett Ihe conviction thatthe whole eiatein of UeTet tbould hercalter beebollebel, end tome other mode ol reward--- br med-

al, or olherwiie-- be adopted. Hut tho rank thouldeulr be conferred fordietliieulehrd i.rTlc.t In pre.,enroot ihe enemr. 'ihe Hoard recommend, to therauk ot breiet leneralt in the regular enur, tlienametof McDowoll. I'.'Pe. Hooker, .Hancock,

Howard, Kranklln, lerrr and other., to the- number of teuty. blitr-t- recommendation, forthe rauk of ilrUadlerUenerai were made ol otrlcer.woo., name. haTe uot be.u quite to promln'ul

the country.The Commlttloner of Airlcullare bat recelTid

adTlcet Irom Uacon, (leonla. In reference to Ihe

planllni of the cotton crcp, tatln that the planter,renerallr are In the raldit of plantlny, hnt that anarea will be planted tbl. .teion aomewhat .millerthan utual, owinj to a lear amonc

that the teed hat lott murta of in Tltalllrtlauiert lour or flee ear. In Ihe Manyplanlcit bare teen eompclUd to plaul urcr Horn thi.came, thu. two week, of Ihe bett cottou rowinr tetton.

The laoeral of JuJ.e Tboma. I'ect, one of the del

ecate. of the Cherokee nttlon, took place

He wat for the third of a century a prominent citi-

zen or public offlel.l of the Cherokee nation. A.acilmichlet ho .lined the bill aboll.hini .laetrr Inthe Iberokie nation, In JSoM-- lbe firit leKltlallToact akolltbln tl.T.ry by any Utate or local author,lly lu the United Utatet.

C0M3RCS.S10MAI. rttOCKKDlNUB.TWlrtr-rtlnt- KcmJsb.


Waibi.iotox. AruitM. Mr. Sh.rm.n, from theCommittee on Finance, reported the Coniulir and

Uiplomttle Appropriation blllj alio the Houie bill

iuthoruln the colnaie of flee cent plecet.

r-- Hi. Cuthrl. offered a retolutlea calllnf npon theSecretary of the Mry for Information at to whetheroffice!! of the Miry bad been prerented from Tlilt-In- .

Wathlnetoa for the purpote of perwaal appeal

tn the Pretldeut aal Conft.M In own cuet.Adopted.

Mr. Howe offered a retolatlon, which wa. adopted,

caUlntupouthe Secretary of War for luronnetlon

u to the eTld.nce upon which the award, for the.pprehen.lon of Jerfenon Darlt were midei alao

(tit a co y of the proceedlnn ot the Couunlulon to

dux. the awudj, Mr. Uowt laid be had rvugo to

think that the award, were nit luit'ifiai b Ihe

The bill for tb relief of certain nara! contractor,wu called up. The amendment of Mr. Grime, teanlborlre the Secretary of the Treatury te pay totho panic, named an amount not to exceed IweWeper cent, of their orlf leal contract, wat adopted. Thebill wa. thee po.tpsnnl nntll tomorrow.

Tho bill for the admli.lon of Colorado wai takennp at the .pedal order. The pendlnc 'luctllou wa.a motion to recon.lder.

Mr. Fumner .poke a.aln.t the propnillon. rehit areuraeut. hetetofore publi.hed of the ln

adciti icy ot the raTu'ailon of Colondiend la retard'o ihe inaerilonot the word "" In her newly

A w.i here receiTe.1 from Ihe Hon..non concurrence In the t'enate tm.nd.

in. nit In the hill In relation to the halx-i- corvut.Mr. CI. tk niotcJ that th. senile in. lit on It. amend-ment, and call tor a Committee of Coulereuce. Themotion en axr.ed to.

Mr tiuroner returned hit remnki on the Coloradobill, ttyini Inconclutloni Anlntt ell Hilt I heir awhisper, not an er.ument. It It whltpered that weneed two more Tntet on IMt floor. Sir, there Itaomethloe that we need more than two mole Tote.;It it loyalty to thatrrttt principle which it now Inqueetion, 11. iter far than any numter ot TOttt willU loyally to li at rreat came,

Mr. liulhrle .poke Milan the bill. He thouthtth.pen.te. ou.hllo luciea. it. eotei leiitimitely,by admutlnf the twenty-tw- Btuatoit frim theSouthern Statea.

Mr. Nye replied to the arcumenta of Mr. Snraner.He alludei w the pupulat'on and rcaonrcet ol theTerritory, all. (InK that it cuntalutd twice at muchtillable land tt Ma.aeebu.elt., She paid ilJi.e.'Orevenue tai la.t rear, exclualve ol the atamp tax,uelu.l t,(Ml In New Mexico,and in Liah. lie would not ro-- ua nil theState bwcauae of the word while." tMaUM- - be

that tt wee ouly a pL.utom that would notleati that before twelTe uiontk. lolled aroundcolo.ed wou d aula lu Nevada and tu Coluiedo,The baia oi vrejudlce wore la.t lailint

the couaiderallou uf thla ijuaallou, theSenate it 4 lu adjourned

Hot SB OV KKI'HKSENTATIVKS.The Joint reaolutlon reported on AptU lVth from

the CoUimlttee on Koade aud Canale, tucou.truct ahip caual arouui the Kalla of Niagara, cam. up for

dlicu.alon.Mr. llaaei, of Maiaichnacttt. Interrupting .tated

that tie wm ce.uuu.of vutliu lor tbe till, aud ofhavlnc ihe woik cunitructed a. a national work -- buthool.ervel that in ihe charier rrauted by the New

i urk lf lalature to a corvoratlou lor that puri'iae,Iheie aa a cliu.e rrarrvlUK to Ihe Slate ol New vorkthe rlirht to putcha.e ihe caual

Mr. Hubbard, ol New toik, ataled thit til.i Van llornj Inteuded tottlur an .muudtneut,

which would sire the coutioi ot the wuik eXLiu.ivclto the Fiderai I tuTernment.

Mr. J. M. lluntphtcy, of New Vork. denouueed Ihemeaturo a. a .ctietue concocted h men who wereendeiTorlui to procure rotporile ilh:a, accompa-nle-

by a di nation ol rlx mllilona, Irviu tbo l'ederall,orernmeat. '1 bo Ilea .1 the work Uiu a militarybectaalty he ridiculed at ouo ut the devnea ri.onedtu by ILe men who not up ihe acheme

limine the niorului hour, Mr Aahley, of Ohio,Introduced a bill to amend the oruiual acta ol theaeTcial Teintoriei. It piohlhita lKlalallve Anui-bil-

troui a.luc apeclal acta coulorrluic coiporatepgiera. aud thorn lo p... aeneial l.wa lorIbepurpae. It waa lead twice aud leieired to theCoo.uilili.oQ lenliorici.

The llouae theu procoeded to the conalderatlnn ol

tht bill to rcor.inltc aud ettablith the Ann of tbeI tillei Btilea, Ihe uut.tloa beinf ou the inotionmade e.terday by Mr. Nlblack topoatpone the bill

till tbe llrat Monday In Ilecember nextMr Mblack wltbdiew the motion to poitpiue, inl

the Muratlon therefoie rocuu.d on tho imandmeutto the l!Mh taction which rcjulala. the SulalateuceDau.rtmont

Mr Hale moved to alrlle out the clau.e reui!erlnWe.t I'olul inellKible to ippoluimeut lutbe subalatence Department

'iho uucation of vteet I'oiut cradtutea belnc involted in thla aioendment. Mr YVoolbrldiie auhmilted aonie atatl.tlca lo dlaproTe tlie charce that

w.t I'oiut bad teen a nuiaerr of troseon.kit hchenck dlaclaluied any Imputation tfaloit

N e.t I'oiut, althouKh be did not deem H a nutter tortxwatina; that a Uraer proportion of ereduatee hadnot deiertei Sac, and thu. become the doublyp riured wrelcbee which Hubert K. Lee and aueb aa

he, had become. Hut the whul. ot the matter a lidt ehcli. Theae meu were educated at thepublic coel, and there were placet cu ujh for theuwithout their lielnc put Into p.acee rhicb did notriqulre their culiar qaallhcet on..

Ihe amendiuaut offeied by Mr. Hale we. reject-ed. The l!Hh Section wi. theu adopted.

The llouae proceeded ui the couaideratlon of thetwentieth aectlon, In lefetence to the I'roroat Mar-

Mr Couklmn rooeed to atrlke out Ihe eactlon, andmade a Ion. .pt-ec- aralu.t l'rovoat Marahata andtheir dolnita HtMCoukllur; had been dliected byIhe Government to proecule the Aiaiataut l'rovoatMarahaU Major Haddock, who wa. Juatltted by hiaauinrloromrer ryj, down to the time when hie

eat publlihed, he having I ell convicted of thevery baa-a- i lorua ut otltclal atroclly. Kvery offence,rom bl.hway rulberv, up aul down, had teeu

charred and proved aaln.t nlm i and eUhourh uad dla.orid .,uu,uu nud.r the pruaecutlou. bebad purcbaa.d the oilier day an eatib.lahment lafhlladelphla, for which he bad paid ;i,ljdou.

Mr. Hlalne aald be would not Into the quarrelathat Ihe (eutleuian liom New Yolk IMr. Coukiln.bad bad with (ieueral fry. In which ituairela, ha

that the nentlemau Irom .ew Vork had,Uirougb thedaclaion of tbe Secretary of War, comeout atcoud beat. He took treat pleaaure In aaylutthat at ait elhcieut clbcer, at a nlrh-toue- lentlemaa, at a uiau leady to meet tbe rentiemau IromNew lork anywhere and a maa withtut tptor bleiuitb and who wat leedy lu meet allh a a.uaeit. Jams. 11, wa. not atcoud tu auyoihce. in the American army

all. Couklinf nee lo re.puua. lie aaiui i wiu pecln by reiu.rainic that wbruofer It .ball occur lome, or to Jamea II. fry, aa hi ha teeu called, or teanybody eUe, to aeea tioua tne reiitlemin IromMaine (Mr. Hlalne luttructiona a. tu the proprletie.of parliamentary Lehirior, or aa to any other proprlety I ear it not prolanely God beipmel And.eylurlher, that ti e alatement madu by tbe (ent.emanIrom Milne, with releirnce to uyatlf, and my guar,nil audtltauti with Ueneral Try, itfaliei Mr Speak,er, f.lae l that la what I mean tu aay, It U

Mr., ilaluc What doea the tentlemanmean loaay lafalae t

Ur. Coualluf I meftn to aar that tbe alatementmade by the nenthmau Irom Milue la filit. lioothe (Mr. Illtlnei uuderaiand what 1 mean,

Mr. Ulaiue V hal atatemeulfMr. Conkilni Tbe auitmcni conceralnc my

with tleneral Try.Mr, lllalue- -1 cail tbe tentleman lo order. I

tnat he ahall ataio wherein what 1 aald waatal.o, and I make the polut ol oidvr, th.i uulli hedoea to, be ha. no rlhi lu proceed.

I ha Speaker, pro lent IMr. Ilavl. The Chairtuiiaint that puluiot oruer, but It It not a tuint welltaken, thai a member thould f o ou, and elate where-

in the tieieineul if fale,Mr Uuukitnf When a tentleman fortetahlmaelf

ea laraa to ilae Uio aud elate tual 1 have haduu.rreia. or laauea, with euoiu.r individual,

named i thai 1 have been woretej lu theM ijuarieUbelore the neoietary oi War aud by Ihe secretary ofWan and when that tutemeut hat so tuuudatlonlu lact, 1 think the llouae will ague with me, thateouietbiuK la to te pardoned to tko earnettne.i ol theoccaaluu, 1 aay what 1 have telt buuud to aay; apeaa-ln- (

not ouly for my lonatltuenia, but lor tbuot many other member, ou thla Boor. I

aay mat in my own uieiuci, aui vi..wii.iv,ui.u wwatocd up boueaily aud aueuipied to rcalal bountyJumpera and tbtevat, aero cut down, andirodueu underfoot by 1'iovo.l Marahal General Kr.aud 1 aay that the ouly a ay tu acquit him of clticialcorruption, la to convict him ol the moat IncredibleILCumpuieucy, 1 am leipuntlble lur that, air, ererywbeie Yet It la uulrue euiirelr thai 1 have hadany pej aonal quarrel wliu General l'ryt aar Cona-llui- t

then went oa to aay tnat no officer In thla Gotarumeut, bodini a tlmllar pualuon, had, lu hitludgmeut. done to much barm and eo little good a.ine other ol whom he waa apuaking, tlaueial r ry.

Mr Hlalueaaia. When I waa up Ulure, 1 .tatedcorrectly that 1 uuderatoud there were peieoual dltti'culliea between blmtell ant ihe l'rovoat Marahiliienaral. 1 nave au uuderatoud It fiom very blubautbo.liy. 1 bare uudeiaumd tbat lu tboaedlSicull.e. Ihe leullemau Irom New York, at1 aald befoie, did not come out fiiti bett.

Mr Meicor tpoke artlutt the action, expreatingbit hope that the llouae wuuld.wiln great ubauuul.yTOUlldown

Mr StereutmoTed to amend tbe imindmentbylnaertiug, iut'ead ot tbe aectiou, the following Sec.lion J. Aud be It further euict.d that the froTottMabal-(jau(al'- t ahall he wuunuad tly .

bneaa n Ih In1fmnt f tk ri of Wc ine nei ...ire to Co.. up ! ft bn. tt. . tu. if not

however, tlx liitn'l.i alt .tie MW ce ofthla act

Mf f cheick eloclare-- l Ma li prea'len that the ae.aiof Ihe llouae waa acalnat the at d hi inten-tion waa not to atruerle lo keep li there. He expl.inid how ihe Coniuii'li e bi I leen eMonpurtthe aectlon, by the optnlnna ef Gin. Grant, lu bitlellr in the rieerttery of War.

Mr. Karnuaar. aa one .Ih hal tarred nnderlraerdertefoen. Vrr, Nire teatlnioir to the efficlenrr,boneatr and ahltltr of that oflh-e- r

'1 he Houe lelnc brought to a rote en the prerlotieqae.tlon, the with aeclinn waa atmck mil. an I theaul attune offered he Mr. Slevena p it In lla place.

The Hone, then peeedelto the al.teef'lon.whlehwaa amended by adding ihe word.P; comteuilveeiaratntllon '

The l'd eecuo, relative to m. Ileal pnrve vora,wuetruck out on mntlnn ef Mr, Bcheuck, who aaldtb.t theauhjecl waa emir. eel In another aectlon.

IhetfSd aectlon, relallne In tboptydepartmratofthe annr, onmo'ion of Mr. Thaver, wai amended byadding to the lenience etrludlnr gradailea of theMilitary Academy Irom appointment, a pmvlaionthat it ahouhl not arply tu ofnrera now lu the paydepartment.

Other amendment! were pending when the llouaemade a movement tow.ida lakiug a re.e.t.

The fpeaker rreeii'el a upirK f the Kut NtwY'otk Meihollat Cnnferance on the elate of tbe eoun.trr. which waa orderet to lu prtutad.

Mr. Itandalt, of renn.y.vanla. uVel whether Itwat the Intention ! the rtrlilr lt'11-o- Conunltleeto take a vole on the tbe Northern t'aillicUallroed bill.

Mr. I'rlce replied that that waa the Intention,Mr. Waahburoe. of llllnoia, aald he waa very

eorry, to hear au. That wat a luti.ute f the Importance. Involrlnt an appropriation of alityinllltuut, and tbe greutlug awayot auy uuaulity ofland, lteceit.

ETrMnu eaaaloit.The flou.e met at hall put aeieti to coneld.r Ihe

butloeaa of the I'acif c tlallrcid Cemmlttee 'Ibeiewere nut mere than two dotea memlHtrt prvaeut

Mr. Neell inovel thu 'be Mil lotileud thellu.vfurcomplellne certain land grant lo ril.rjalt luluwa,Alabama. I'lorlca, Ijnif ana aud Ml. alia ppl, eiplrlug lu lCOfor elithi yeara, be lo ibeCommittee ou the 1'acinc Uallruad. aud ordered wit

Mr. rrlce.truu the time Committee, reported backwith amendmentl the Idllra-itln- laiidt to Iowaand Ml.auurl lor the Stale Line Kallruid Compani-- ,

and lur other purpurea,Mr. Wenlwortn moved to refer the bill to the

Cuiululttee on 1'ub'lc, which w a. agree 1 to.Mr, 1'nce, lioui tbt l'ncltic Hailtuid Cuiumlitee,

leporlod back tbe bill to aecure the cuiialiuct i of the Norlheru Tactile llallroad aud TvlcgiapnLine, end to aecuie to the t. overnmtut the ute oltbe tame lor poatal, military aud other putputee.

Mr. Kendall, ot t'e., uiic. thepuiatof ordi r thatthla waa an appropriation till. p. edging He cretttof the I mtcd hialea Goveruini til lor the payment oftulereau and mual go to tbe Columlltee ol the Wholeou the Slale ol th. Lutuu.

Mr Waahlurue, of III., moved to refer It to theCommiiteeol the Whole uu tbe Slate ut tbe Luluu.Adopted.

'the bill waa then recommit ted to Ihe Commit tieon the 1'acine Itallroad, mid imniedlaie'y thereafterMr. I'rlce, Irom ihe luiiiulttoe ou the i'at-ifl- ,

repuited baik the aaiuw bill, mollified au aa toavoid the pulnt ol order aa to lb. bill uakiug auappropriation

Mr Ittudall. of I'l., wade a polut of order thit thecomuilllue w aa not authorlxed te all during a aea.lonot tbe llouae.

Mr I'rtce aald he waa autborlred by tberommlttee tu report the bill.

Ibequeaiiou recurred en lb. reception of tbeou w hlrh the malu itueailon w aa orduted.

A motion to auioum w.a, and .treed te, theSleakci alatlng that the queailou ou the reieptiuu olthe bill would come up

Europe.Three Daye l.uicr Newt,

The ateamahlp America, Irom Southampton on thelUli of April, arrived here yeiterday morning

lu the llouae of Cviuiuuua, April V, Sir II. GreyatatoJ that by an Order lu Council the operation of

the cltua.e of Ihe Cattle IJIa.aeea Act relating lo t healaugbterof rattle aud compenaatlou would be

to May 10

The Loudon Tim it announce that a marriage Itabout to lake place between tbe Triticeal Mary ofCambridge and the Trluce dt Tack, euu uf theDule Alexander of Wurtembeig.

Influential 1mdou merchant. Intend to give a

banquet to Mr Tiabody before hla departuie fur IheLnlted Slatea

tin iurr!Ui5i watt o- - Tint oomtii:t.The Tiuid'h Terle coireipindeut writeat "It la

announced that Marahal Mel, who command, one of

Ihe great military dlelaloua of Trance, hat been luTarlt eoine daya Incognito, and bat had .everal Inter-view, with tbe Emperor. Ihe luference drawn from

Iblt It that If war bttak out between I'm ail a andAuatrla,a rorpa of obaervatleu would be found ontho llhlne, and that Maribil NIel would have thecommand ot It You mav not have forrot-r- tbatMar.hal NIel waa eent to Turin aome montha boforethe of tbe Italian war to demandthe band ol Trlncen Clo IIJo lor Trluce N'apo.eon lthe other object of bit lulaalon lelng tu prepare withTiedrnuul for th gleat eveoU ib.u ax- -

'Ateiecram from llerllnof April 6th, report, thattbe Mlnlaleia of the luterlor aud of lluancebave)uil leaued an order partially prohibiting the exporlallon of Iwt.e..

II I. titled that the two letten from the Czar, de.Ilvered by the ltut.liu General Hlchter to tbe Kingof Truaala tnd the Kmpeior of A'litna, are not Idtn-ttca- l

In their couleuta. Ihe letter lo tbe King ofTruaala la eald lo t e exprea-e- d In moro cordial termatbauihal to the Kmpeiorot Auttrla, which la moteeicloalrely et a lormal character. .Neither ot iherommunlcatlona contain any offer of mediation, bothmeieir expreu a dc.tre hr the pre.ervatlou ol ieece,

Ihe Nuau lixci urine ttatea thai the tituatlon hat not changed, aud Ibat the armameula aie

till .olne ou.Ihe imiATig ttalei that tbe Itutalan General

Hlchter will ahortly leave lor St Tetetahurg withau auuurraph letter Irom the Kmperor In leplr to theletter of the Cxar.

It It reported ibat Ihe Italian ambaaaador at llerllabaa forwarded adlapitch to Tloreuce, In which hededaret war 10 be Inevitable

The Vienna papert ttale that the Conference onthe qoe.tlon ot the Trlncipalillce bavo Utu adlourned lu conaeqdeuce ol tbe gtoat dlverattr oftplnlon which preva lla amone the pienlpotentiirletof the dlffeient iwwera. All, however, agree re.tpectiug Ihe i.eeerTatIon ol Ihe juikiah Ku.pitelnlit Iniegilty, aud the attetelgnly ot tbe bubllmeTurte over the Trlncipillllea.

A telegram Irom rraiue tnnonncet the arreit ofCount W aide aee upju au.plclou ot being a Trua.lantoy, lilt pocket bool hiring bleu fuuud to koulalu aplan of toe lorttflcatloua ot Tratue.

It la atated tbat Tiuaila'i iedy to the Auttrlannote baa created au extremoly unfavorahla imprea-alo-

lu go erniueut circlea at S'ieuna,ibe Yieuna JouruaJa of April bib all exprea. lrrl

lallon at the lepiyot Truaaia to the Auatilau no e,and call upuu the goverumeut lu appeal to the Fede.rat Dial for the aillleiiieut of Ihe que.tlou al,Tbe alatemen la coutiiuied that the lot'er whichbaa bteu adlrea.ed by thi Cxar to ibe Kmpeior ofAu. trial, couchod lu irieudly teimt. and eiprett. t,In a general way, a with lor tbe preservation ofpeace.

a telegram from Cracow announce, tbtt teveralHutalau ttatlclUceit bate ieeutlybeeu Impedingtbe linea ol the litllciau Iroutler

A lea-gra- tram Tratue tiatea that, ahoull warbreak out, the ei.tmpeior I erdluand will leave Ibat

liumora are current here that ill tbe five florinbant notet are to be ca led in aud replaced by Gov-ernment uotet of the tame value

Tbe liuta'a Vienna coireapoudeut tare - "La.tSaturday Au.trla tent a catatoiicaldeipatih to Her.ilu, lu a blch Count H.tmaik e charged with having

war with Auatila to be inevitable, aud Itaffirmed tbat the Auatrlau truiiiueuti bare beencau.ed by thla deciiiauon I. unt lllamark It alaocharted with lu Italy aguuit Auaina.Ibe Imperial Government reiuiiet tbe dioiobiliie.lion of me Truaalau ann "

Ibe Viauua HgUAi-r- auiea that Aualrla la aboutlo decline coutlnumg nctotlatloue with Tnia-ai-

uutil the lauer power eaeea lo motiilxe herlioopa.

A telegram from llerlla, of April 9lh, aaja CountUlamark inienda to pruiae tbe couvocitlou or a

Tarllament,the Nuuii UauTbCUK .xitiMi atatea tbat Tru.ela

will adopt lneaauioe ot afalnat Auairlannow traveling lut'rue.ia.

iui rxutixL uur ur' Aa tlnordiurr iittUi ef tbe t'td.ral Uletwu

runv.ue I on Apn. yth. at Ihe reqiieat of Tru".le,who It it tape. I.I.I b- k forward a

for ibo atieu.l hn, f a Taihaineat. At e rum.-- alive mtde the

following .

1. That an ii.etn' eirt al 1 1 c invened bre'e.-te- i la via t t.ermatir In- -

.ulfrnee. In order to ricehe p ntHaala lo belaid tho .e nun envernm. tit. lor a reformrf Ihe federal ixuillitttlon. That ner.llatlonathould In Ihe me intitii take flare I elwe. n the

goairumeuia to the aNire pro.alt,I'lnnnrlal nnil ( emmerclal.

The Twru'ertlp arllele of Tuea.!ar. April 10th,aavt i There tut a great Increaanof dmrntt Inall th. market. in many Inetem e. prionhave fallen to a piiut tlow ihca. touched during. .AMtnt Ananlal nanll--.

Advlctalmin 1 rankfuri dcacrit . Inceaaant fluctu-atlon- a

on the Itourte. A tew diy. eeo there waa apanic. American Iwri.le continue 4 per

ceut below New Y'ol k quotatione. In coueequenee ofthe large epeeulitlveopeiatlont, and the tieti mattol theae bonda held by pirtlea who have engaged loropilena.

Tho auapenalcn haa been announced of Mfiirt,Tiuto, Teirt ti Aahley, In the Hade.

I.ivaaiiKiu A mil II, w rlatej forlaat two dava only t.rU' balee. Including 1 T6 baleato epuviilaioti aud eauorteia, Ihe niaikei It dullau ineuUr, w ua lu the ..euua.ii lulUuillea andexreadte icceipla, aud a decline ol Id, per putind hatlak.n p'ace.

llarat.Mirrt Flour inlet, but firm, Wheal (Inn-er, with a alight advauie. Corn ateady ai ioa.edaXttt.Ud

TiiiTiaio-a- lleef dull and eaaler fork flat andprlcie weak, II iron at.adv. Ilulier eaalei. Iardlull ai,... lor Aiu.rlcau. Tallow uulet and aleadj.

TnnDlc- t- ahea flat at 34a OJ.lITt Sngar dull butttead). Coffee aleady Hlce qull and aleady.

oil quiet. dull (Plrlta tutpeullue adownward tetid.ucv : Treticli. Ilta.

Umih, Aran. It. A.M - Couault aTVajCa.Awiah 1 ne iweullea, UUallVa;

IllluulaCeulral. sjSaSj'a . Kile. MSaJi

The Wrritber tioT aaud Itexln.

Almi.u. . J4.- - A very aeTerealoriuot anowaud ralu prevailed ) e.tcnla aud ai the Waal,there la no leb graphic n.nmunlcatlou We.lot Uo

cheater I hciu la anow aa lar I .ait tt Syrtcute. 'I beleather heie I. cool aud hluiterlug

Hoa.ut.eiiE. Amu. Thete wat a Tarr heavylloi ni ol wlud aud ralu ilttrlday. A boat V T. hi. thelata turned lo auow. the tali waa not beivr To-

il av the weather la miller he Ice wtt awarfiom Hullalo out ol tight, aud uavigailua la pronuuuced opeu.

ICovti Xloms.

Df TtUrp ti tSt Ate) Ttrk Jn.llua ateatuer Mer'ln, from St. John't, N. K 10th

Indent, hie arrived al llilllir. The .ealere are

comlou In with exiellent fare.. Three il.amere,

the Hawk, the 11'oo.ihuiinil anil the Kcleiner, harearrlve-- full, l'be latter brlnje H.'.'OO aetle,

Jon. W CcariH, a well known cltlteo, whi'e

euttlni: up imrlc at til. c.labliahnient lu llo.ton

ye.t.tday, accidentally .tumbled igalnet a liulfe,

euttlni tdio main artery In ble arm and cauainrf

bttn lu bleed In iliitti lu a few uilnulca.Oku IIaik. Trovual Judiie, le in Jail al New

Oileani. cbarni-.- with ewludllng. Many of the

TieaiuryCollon Agent. In the HmtU hare been

arreateil ou cbargee of fraul, anil are a( lying

for writ, of ftahau. corptir, which application, are

r.fn.el.Tuiaa leafeurful creviaaae ou the Mlnlii'pril,

near Neva Otleaua, an acre and a half wide T-- e

whole left bane, below w.ihreetrnl with Inunda-

tion. The flooded dlstnct le with ug-i-

cane. The whole or Terr. Hiauf Cuuuty. La , la

threatened with the Hood.

Tna former electlou lu Torltinouth, Va for

municipal oCl cr. bav.ui; been conleaUd by Ihe

lladlcal pin , a new elevliuu look pine laat

Baturday, and the "cltlzeus fckel," a. it la called,

approving- - tbe Tre.ldenf. policy, we. electel by a

large mairlty.Tui Fair lu aid of Ihe widow, and orphan! of

deceaael aolll.r. ojnuel at PjrllaU'1, M , laat

nlrfht very eticcaa.fully. The felr will continue

through the week, uud It I. .xiiectrl thai Major

(leu. Meade will Amino; the feature,

will be a rowing reratla lu tho harbor un Wedu.e.

dT'Mliioan reporla, aay. a San nii.avcut

are very uiJCh mixed. Iho.e in- lluel to the Lib-er-

aatert that In the recent battle, near Marat.

Un, the Imperial!.!, wore totally routed, while

con.ul Guillen ....rtathat tbe reiiorta are ab.o-lute-

falae. Tbe el.tuier Jbo 1.. Bltpbtna, from

Matatlan, arrlrad alB-a- Traucla.--o y.aterday, Oa

her down trip ahe wa. captured by the Liberal,,

at Care Bt. Lucea. Bo' bore the Imperial Hag, and

wae ongaged In transporting coutraband artlcl.a

and tuunllloLa ol war lu boxc. tuirke I "bard,

ware" and "claret." The contraband arliclti

fuuud were all cunfiecated.


Tun CiioixnA, A report from tin I.iwcr(juarautlne rralerday atternoau, HMet that four

moie deitb. hive bven reported on board Ihi Kilcon, via : Wm. Tarker, bedroom ateward. and HenryMcKre, ordinary aoimin. both of tin Virginia. Thepiaiengen on boird thu Ttt.el wrote aome two hun-

dred leliert to Ihclr friendt In New York inl otherplieee. which were brouiht np to the office ol CyrutCurllt, Kid.. 11 Hroadway, cn Moui'ay night, i botewho with to heir Irom their Irleudi miy do eo brapplying at the office. The regular report of theDeputy Health OrhVer, up to Monday mirnltig,lalet that there were theu eighty-tw- caiet In hot

pilal. ttn of whh h weie from ou board tbellllnolt. Their namea no .. follow. :

Tbebe Till, Mary llemire, Johanna llarl'r, I'eterPaullua, Iklward I'lutiui, Iternhird i'aullus HarriotCroiaiu, Geolglna llanaou, Matilda C. Ilauaou,Chart.. McDuimott.

Twodeatbt occuned there np to ten o'clock onMonday morning, tii : Halt Cittraol au l woman

who wit knowuonly by tho name of Kitirlui. Thecitet idmltted from the Illlnclt were undiraloud to

be alight, but It la conaldered ueceittryto rtmure at cuce auy poraou whoahowt .no. of cholera. No douht the rrporl

will a bow a decretae ot Ihe dlaeaie. Onhoard the Lnglaud ever) thlui It triuqull. The pi.,aengera arc eheenul aud hopetui Tuere la no aplearance ol turther dlaeiae ou loire. and th. emu-- o

mentiot the paateuiera aietuch u to Incite mlithandpieveui any couveraalioii wuichtnay tuperlnjurefeirordeipoudency two ver, lugredlenUlu getting up a elu.loia panic While a Shi ri potterwa. down at Otiirantiiie yea erday, be waa inform jdby th pilot .ho hrouyht he l.ugliud n thit ih.r.w.a no lear whatever among Ihe crew of the furthertpiead of the i Indeed, It It underitood thatIbe overeruwdeJ a. ate ol ihe Teasel, alooe wa. thetir.tcauieof the .huiaae Ii waa aacertalnel that atborou'h luminal. ou and clean. lug of the vauolwould be eouitnuucei!. aud ou Monday the will prob-ably bealluwid tu iuuie up, led will nil lor Liverpool ou Tuialay or W'oJneaday. or ma or iiiai.tii laTgaiiTUnuciio li a a li! ua leeioa.

At iheeonclualouot the hutlnett ef the Board ofKxclte ynterdir the Hoard of Health comuebcedtlttlon Alter the iriutictloa of aome re.Lailre W uetiuba iMimiualiila atid uutaa. la

Crane read a further the lenlliry Commit.te, to whom waa refened the que.lien'of taking preventlve aad other maa.erca to meat the cholera, Inwhleh they te.uie the tetilmrar of Dr.Sayra, lataPrealdenl Thyaicltn, who In a pub.le communieillou(publlihed a few dayt ago) denied ihe eilatence ofcholera la thla vicinity laat Fall.

The Committee have .Inc. th. publication of Dr."ayre'a letter flatted Ihehnepltal on Watrl'a I.hnl ,and frena Ihe record, there and the r. aorta m id (eIhe Comtnleelonereef Kmlgratlon br Dr.. Fenl n1Guild, fonnd lhat twenty e.ven deatha errutrel ofpatient. reeelT.d from the Al.lanta laat Novemlei,alter a period ef alekneaa averaglne, 48 hour, aomeof them having died Into ralnuiea after belne taken tick. In IT curt all the tympiom. of choleia

ato mantfeei before death, aad were proved hrpott miw-fe- examination aderward. In tlie o hercaaee aome uf the aymplom. were atlll ol opinion that the dlaeaae ou board Ihe Alalantawaa cholera, but Dr. Gullek haa enamel htaopinion aomewhat .luce that time, Deelui. Stonaand Crane were the Conmlltee. end Irr. Teraerfully agtaed with Ihe report, whlah waa adopted.

Dr. Stone then offered a eerie, ot reeolation.. It.Thit the r.uglaeerof the Hoard ef Health confer atonce with Mr, Craven, of the Crolon Aqueduct liepartment, and Mr Lane, of Ihe Urooklyn Wa trWorka, (or Ibe purpose of cleaning tbe a. war. ot btaelllee, kit. Thai ad ulice atalloua .hall be placetwhere uiidlcal aid aau be obtained tu application,ltd, 'I hal the Cuomla.lonera ot Chatltle and Cotaction, are requeued to Intuitu tbe Hoard e' Ileal hwhat ther cia oo lor the cellai popuiailou I cae oltheir being removed, end thit tne Klme Coun ySuperintendent, ef the Teor be conferred with, loaacertaln what they can do lu tho premlaea Anlthat Mr It.nan and Dr. Crane be the committee lorltruuklym aad Meaalt. Acton end Schultl lur MwY'oik, 4th, Tket bygl.ulc advice be given to Uupublic, by publtahlng md dlatrtbullng circular, a. lotbe manner ol guarding againal peatileuce, eud altulo cluulate directum bow lo u.e tituplt choleiaremedlet before tbe arrival of a poyeicl.a. Dili,

thai tbe Academy et Medicine ol NeYork, the Kiuga County Medical Socleir.aud the Medical taoclelle. vl Klchmond, We.cheater aad guieua Cutintiaa, and tush othermedical aocletlea at mar tenuer their a.rvlcea, torequ.aied lu d.aigutte puailluua lu cc operate w,tnthe iloatd iucouteuiplaied meaameaot lei.ei tutuurowho maybe a. lied wlib rholera. (Someot ibcaosocl.t a, have a ready offer d their e!Tce.Sib. That Dr.Stephau smltn te appo.uted,uuder awalreeilnu ol the Sanltaiy Superintendent, Cniei oilloapllala, aud that Dr. Cbaa. McVilleu be appointed.Surgeon InCbatte ol Ihe Haltery llopllaia i thatDr. Smith orgamae a roipe ol phy.lcliua, and pie-ae-

their name, to the Sanitary aup.iluland.ut lorapproval, who auail be ceded upuu w beu lequlled iaeive it the different hoepllala. lib, 'tb.t tbe HealttA.Officer bo reipactiully requeated lu make daily

lo ihe Ilierd el the meaner, number, aadcondition, ol Ibe pallenl. In Ibe floating hoapltala.home ol the ahuve leaolulleu. weie tbeu paaad,but the eutlra aebject waa laid over tu Ihe ueitui.aLln.

The Trraldent remarked thai the friend, ef thepeeaeu.ire oa board Ihoae .learner, at Quarantine,b.tieg. hi. boute every day to know wban they carat,

got auy luform.tlon or Hat of p.atcogera on board.'the Mttlula aud Ihe Kntland. Dr. Swluburne aaldbe bad applied lu ihe e.plaln aud aurgeou ef the.r.ugleud tui the required luloiuia.lou, bjt tho. ut&- -cer. replied thai nicy could ouly luiulab Ih.nam.aut tbo.e now ou koaiu. Ut the dead, and tboee whobad eirad Horn the quarantine at Halllax, lhaycould give tn. number, but uoi the namea.

Tbe Sanitary Buperlut.uiJent'e report of hi. wield

to tbe Lower Quirantlne waa then read, andcoutldenble dlacutalon aroao on a motion to tend It lo thef(Juarautliie Cummlaalonert. It ri fleeted merely oa-tb-

entire quarantine eyetem- - Dr. Hlone eald It waalmoat luliumaii to take peiauui alck of ihe choleralioiu tu. nuia or iua .ami oi a v.aiei, lowerthem due u into ato boat, anl tu that way conveythem ilueeiuaiteraof a mite to the boapltal ihipeud he thought aotnebndr waa te blame. II waeenuuth lo cauae immediate deatu tu men pitleute.He belUr.d a tng or u barge might be aired orbought, which could run alone.lje the lulecl'd,to.ael and lake Ihe ptiaeuaett off ail together lo thathueuital thlp, tnd liieu tbe tug ouale bo quarantined,a. wall a. tue utn.rt,

Dr S w luhurne tilted the dilBctiltlet the CJuiranllnnCuiiiui.eeloucte bad to g.t Ibe LegialatureuriJougiettu give tuam auy aid, and while tbey nw toe evil;they weie comparatively pu. erica, to remedy It,'Ibe aame moae of leuioval mm one veaael to auo-- ttb.r, bad leeri in uae lor a uuiuber ot yein,

'Ihe Tieadeut thouiht the a.leiu waa the moatInhuman ot aur thai existed tn itaie or aay othercoiiutrr, aud li" wailed tu know If tbe Hoard oCHe.ltu lu coujjuction with lb. Commit-iloue- ra

coulu uotuarliu ecmetblng belter HeIhe lloald had UiO, and by the Gover-noi- 'a

lortbcomlng Trociaiuatlon would be able the expcua.a ot all such t.uliaty taeatoiet. Tomeet ihe pr.teut emcraecy there waa uoi tuOlcleufeai comiuouatlou lor the cnoiera p.i len e. and U otherahlpe with tbe dlt.tae anouid airtve here within aac-lh- ar

day ur.iwo, they wuu.dihare bo accommodatiouafur them. He had wade tpplicatluu lo Wathiugioadlor the nee oi the goverutuout bartacka al Fori Lee.w bleu are capable of accommodating AUW pttleutKceoalng, Ate , apparalut all readr. Aud peudtug aicpiy Gen, Vau litl had pot'pouel the tale ui tbtm.

Dr swinbuiue Haled, tb. , a cuumU ot the.Kuglind and Virginia aad bnnglug the aame dan ofpaa.eug.ia, waa exported bore luadayoriwu. And.In iep.y to a quaauwu, be aaid be bad uo hoepital accommodatioua lor them except one or two.uoverumeul aeaetlt which bad beau tendered, eud,which wouid ouiy accommokaie about guu yeraou.each.

After tome further routine bueineei tie Hoard ad-

journed to Friday at 1 T. M,

The Wkatiiiii. " Obinf;eible a. tbe wea--.

ther " Is an eiprett lou which It will borne out by the.

lecordof the put tew daya. Laat week aome davaweie delightlul and ladlti donned lutnl aura,roer article! of ipptr.l, but after a abort airing therlull Inclined to pack theu away again aad tatiuatheir winter fura. At 3 T M. on Suaday laal the,thermometer itood al W degreea- - tbe hlgheal of aarday yet thla teiaju, but at the aame hour on Monday-ther-

wat a dlffaienca of 70 degreea, aad at r) T. M. a,

diff.rince of II degieet. Yeat.rd.y morning thaimercury .loud al 15 degrees, at 0 o'clock 04 degreea

at uoon aud at Ti leal ulihl II wi. tVldegren. Yoa.

teiday Ihe aky wu oveicalt aud a lew flake, of .now-lel- l

lu Ihe city. If the weather haa been equally-col-

in other pail, of Ihe country It I. laired thattetetatlou, which had bee J advancing rapidly uudecthe genial Influence of the warm day. of lul weak,will I. much Injured by troita.

DnATiM 1.ST Wki-k- , Tho number oH

de.lba In this city last week were 421 In the pre.etous week 441. and In the corresponding week otlaal ye.r 411. The deaths ire cl. stifled u follow, tMen, lilt wemen, 90s boys, 131 glrla, VJ t !4

w.r. uatlvraof tbe United Htatoe, and Ut were offoreign tilth Hi of the death, ware from xymotlsdlaeaM-a- aad 14 wero cauaed by accbleot or negli-

gence. There were no deatbt from cholera, lu

deatht occuned lu public luttltutloni,IiOAKUOt' KXCISE COMMladlONBItH I'A-SI-

Auu.tu lUk LiqcoM DgAUtiaH. -- The Hoird of tUclae.

met yeeterdiy it i I. M, all the membart being

preaenl. The inluutee of the prerloue meetlnr hiv-

ing beeu read and approve!, on ruotlou It wu ord.rothat l.CXX) blanks and appTcationt for lie. uae. ahaull,be printed and dlatnbuled under the direction of th

Superintendent of Ihe Metropolitan Police, Meitra.Acwo, Maalerre end Crane were appuluud a Com

millet tu hear aud decide upon all application, fort

llctniea to Mil llquuie, 4c, under the regulations orthe Kxclao Hoard. After transacting some farther,bntlniisihe Hoard Jiourued to ate.T u wbeu the blaukt, lo, will be ready for dliin.bullou.

luthe meantime the two haadrel and fifty doUte-llcena-

law bat cauaed a stampede among a cerlauaclan of low price liquor dealers, although many arehugging Ibemaelves Into the belief that the law can-

not be enlorced. Hundred, of ailooaa, however, area

pr.parlng to sell the .took oa hand. A dealer re--

uiilksd on Monday, la the hearing uf one .( vntjj(CetUitutwel M Ue LaM fa4