Download - The Sixth International Conference on EcoBalance - … Sixth International Conference on EcoBalance ... ^Volkswagen AG, 3>Adam Opel AG, 4

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Proceedings of

The Sixth International Conferenceon


Developing and Systematizing of EcoBalance Toolsbased on Life-Cycle-Thinking

Oct.25 - Oct.27y 2004EPOCHAL TSUKUBA

Tsukuba, JAPAN

Sponsored by:The Society of Non-Traditional Technology/ ECOMATERIALS Forum,

National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences,Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry/

Life Cycle Assessment Society of Japan,Center for Environmental Information Science

In cooperation with:United Nations University

Supported by:Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesMinistry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and TransportMinistry of the Environment

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PlenaryEnvironmental Administration and Use of life-cycle Thinking in Local Government- Current Status, Challenges and Requests to Industries, Consumers, Universities -

Masayasu KITAGAWA(Former President of Mie Prefecture, Prof, of the Okuma school of Public management, Waseda University)

Oral Session-1: Life Cycle AssessmentSl-1-1 Advances in Human Health and Ecotoxicological LCIA: the OMNIITOX Base

Model - Framework and Approaches 3Ralph ROSENBAUM, David W. PENNINGTON, Manuele MARGNI, Olivier JOLLIET(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL))

S1 -1 -2 Integration of Working Environment into life Cycle Assessment Framework 7Tak HUR", Seokjin HONG», Ik KIM2>("Konkuk University, 2)Korea Environmental Labeling Association)

Sl-1-3 Environmental Impact of Urban Heat Island Phenomena 11Yoshiyuki SHIMODA, Daisuke NARUMI, Minoru MIZUNO(Osaka University)

S1 -1 -4 life Cycle Assessment and life Cycle Costing of Water Saving Technologies 15Tim GRANT(RMIT University)

Sl-2-11 The Challenge of Using the LCA Method in Agriculture 19Guido HAAS(University of Bonn)

SI-2-2 Environmental Impacts of Fertilizer and Pesticide Application in GreenhouseTomato Production: Evaluation of Alternative Practices 23

Kiyotada HAYASHI", Hiroki KAWASHIMA2>(''National Agricultural Research Center, 2)National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science)

SI-2-3 The Application of LCA Methodology as a Support Tool of Planningthe Revitalization of Rural Areas in Japan 27

Yoshinori HIRAGUCHI(Tohoku University)

S1 -2-4 Study on LCA Methodology for Rural Agricultural Planning: a Case of TokachiRegion, Japan 29

Michiaki OMURA(Tohoku University)

SI-3-1 Fuzzy Data Reconciliation in Life Cycle Inventory Analysis: Application inAdhesive Tape Manufacture 33

Raymond R. TAN, Alvin CULABA, Lee Michael M. Briones(De La Salle University-Manila)

S1 -3-2 Modular LCA - Implementing LCA at a Multinational Company 37Gerald REBITZER, Kurt BUXMANN(Alcan Technology and Management)

SI-3-3 The life Cycle Accident Assessment (LCAA) - Emissions and Casualties fromNon-normal Operation and Use - 39

Marc-Andree WOLF, Peter EYF.RER(IKP University of Stuttgart)

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SI-3-4 Proposal of Life Cycle Evaluation Method for Supporting Life Cycle Design... 43Tomoya INAMURA", Yasushi UMEDA1', Shinsuke KONDOH1 , Sho/.o TAK.ATA2'(''Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2)Waseda University)

SI-3-5 Newly Emerging Display Technology and its Potential for VisualizingMulti-dimensional LCA Information 47

Harald E. OTTO, Fumihiko KIMURA(The University of Tokyo)

SI-3-6 Calculation of the Embodied Impact-based Intensities by an Input-outputAnalysis and a Simplified LCI Method Suitable for a Site-dependent LCIA 51

Keisuke NANSAI, Yuichi MORIGUCH, Noriyuki SUZUKI(National Institute for Environmental Studies)

SI-3-7 Industry Needs: Costs, Transparency and Reliability of LCI and LCIA Data 55Robert GABRIEL", Marc-Andree WOLF2', Peter EYERER"("PE Europe GmbH Germany, 2iIKPUniversity of Stuttgart Germany, "Fraunhofer ICT Germany)

SI-3-8 Towards a More Efficient Resource Use in Textile Finishing Industry:a Life Cycle Assessment Study 59

Mario TARANTINI", Simona SCALBI", Balazs SARA" , Simona VERITA2'("ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies Energy and the Environment),2)Bologna University, 3)Febe Ecologic)

SI-4-1 The Environmental Impact Evaluation by LCA of the Electric Double LayerCapacitors used for Copiers 63

Tadakatsu HARADA, Kazuhito KISHI, Takako SATOH(Ricoh Company Ltd.)

SI-4-2 Using life Cycle Inventory to Identify Environmental "Hot Spots" inan STN-LCD Manufacturing Process 65

Sheng-Lung LIN", Min-Ray LIN2>, Ting-Lin HUANG", Po-Wei YU2', Yu-Feng WEI"("Chaoyang University of Technology, ^'National Taichung Teachers College)

S1 -4-3 Estimation of the Environmental Credit for the Recycling of Granulated BlastFurnace Slag 69

Kun-Mo LEE", Pil-Ju PARK21

("Ajou University, ^'National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

S1 -4-4 Hybrid Analysis of Energy Used to Manufacture a Desktop Computer 71Eric O. WILLIAMS(United Nations University)

S1 -4-5 A Study on Material Flow and Stock with Input-output Tables 75Takeshi FUJIWARA, Taiyo NAKAMURA, Yuzuru MATSUOKA(Kyoto University)

S1 -4-6 LCI with Different System Boundaries for Building Demolition Waste Processing... 79Kensuke KOBAYASHI", Rie MEZAWA1 , Takashi MAM1YA-, Takashi INOl'E"("Tokyo University of Science, : Kajima Corporation)

SI-4-7 Promotion Policies and the Treatment Trend of Food Waste Recycling 83Reina KAWASE", Toshihiko MASUI2, Yuzuru MATSUOKA'("Kyoto University, -'National Institute for Environmental Studies)

SI-5-1 LIME -a Comprehensive Japanese LCIA Methodology based on Endpoint

Modeling- 87Norihiro ITSUBO, Atsushi 1NABA(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

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SI-5-2 Uncertainty Analysis of Biodiversity Damage Assessment caused by ResourceExtraction 89

Ryouta II", Kazuko ABE", Norihiro ITSUBO2', Atsushi INABA2

("Pacific Consultants Co. Ltd., 2)National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

S1 -5-3 Uncertainty Analyses on Damage Factors of GHG Emission on Human Health... 93Kenshi ITAOKA", Hiroyuki UCHIDA", Norihiro ITSUBO2, Atsushi INABA21

("Fuji Research Institute Corporation, 2lNational Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

S1 -5 -4 Uncertainty Analysis on Damage Functions of Air Pollutants 95Yuko NAGATA", Norihiro ITSUBO2', Atsushi INABA2'

("Fuji Research Institute Corporation, 2iNational Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

SI-5-5 Uncertainty-Analysis of Damage Factors on Human Health caused by ToxicSubstances 99

Chisato YOSHIGAHARA", Norihiro ITSUBO2', Yuko NAGATA", Atsushi INABA21

("Fuji Research Institute Corporation, 2)Narional Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

SI-5-6 Advances in Toxicity LCIA Uncertainty Assessment -IMPACT 2002 andOMNIITOXBase Model Approaches 101

Ralph ROSENBAUM", David W. PENNINGTON2', Olivier JOLLIET"("Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), 2)Joint Research Centre - JRC -of the European Commission - EC)

Sl-5-7 Development of life Cycle Impact Assessment Method for Road Transport Noise... 105Ai NAKAGAWA", Ryouta II", Norihiro ITSUBO2', Atsushi INABA2'(''Pacific Consultants Co. Ltd, 2iNational Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

SI-5-8 Damage Factor of Lead on Human Health for an Application in Life CycleImpact Assessment 107

Jaesung NOH, Norihiro ITSUBO, Atsushi INABA(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

S1 -5-9 An Application of Advanced Method in Environmental Economics to Weightingin LCIA 109

Masaji SAKAGAMI", Norihiro ITSUBO2', Toyoaki WASHIDA3', Katsuhiko KOKUBU4',Kouichi KURIYAMA5', Atsushi INABA2'("Nihon Fukushi University, 2)National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,3Toyohashi Sozo University, ""Kobe University, 5'Waseda University)

Sl-6-1 Data Collection Format for Life Cycle Assessment of the German Associationon the Automotive Industry I l l

Matthias FINKBEINER", Stephan KRINKE2', Dirk OSCHMANN3', Thomas SAEGLITZ4',Siegfried SCHAEPER5', Wulf-Peter SCHMIDT6', Ralf SCHNELL7'("DaimlerChrysler AG, ^Volkswagen AG, 3>Adam Opel AG, 4<BMW AG,5 Audi AG,6lFord-Werke AG, 7)Porsche AG)

S1 -6-2 LCA of a Carbon Fiber Wrapped Pressure Vessel for Automotive Applications 115Raffaella GERBONI", Nicola DEMAIO", Leonardo MAFFIA", Stefano ROSSI2'(' Politecnico di Torino, 2lLCE)

S1 -6-3 A Model for Estimating the Fuel Economy of the Trailers in Container Yard 119Akito MURANO, Takeshi SUZUKI(National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management)

Sl-6-4 The Use of Life Cycle Assessment on Munitions 123)oakim HAGYAI.L", Elisabeth HOCHSCHORNER2', Goran F1NNVEDEN"2

("Swedish Defence Research Agency, 2'Royal Institute of Technology)

S1 -6-5 Implementation of LCA to Services: Case Studies in the Hospitality Industry 127Balasz SARA1 , Andrea RAGGF , I.uigia PETTI-, Scimiia EMANUEI.A"C'FF.BE EcoLogic, ^University G. d Annunzio)

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S1 -6-6 Effect of Thermal Insulation of Houses on Greenhouse Gas Emissions focusingon Leakage of Fluorocarbons 129

Tadashi MIZUISHI", Shuzo MURAKAMI", Toshiharu IKAGA2'("Keio University, 2)Nikken Sekkei Ltd.)

Sl-6-7 Life Cycle Inventory Analysis of Metal Cans 133Ikuo KOMATSU, Makoto HORIGUCHI

(Toyo Seikan Kaisha Ltd.)

SI-6-8 Life Cycle Assessment of LSI Packaging Material made from BiodegradablePlastic Resin 137

Yuzo HORIKOSHI", Takafumi HASHITANI", Yukio ANDO2', Kenichi YAZAKI2'("Fujitsu laboratories Ltd, 2'Fujitsu Ltd)

Ecoinvent Database: Scope, Content and Methodology 139Rolf FRISCHKNECHT(ESU-services)

Sl-7-2 Development of the Japanese LCA Project 143Nobuhiko NARTTA, Ryosuke AOKI, Yoshifumi NAKAHARA, Mamoru MORIMOTO, Shigeru SUDA(JEMAI)

S1 -7-3 Adaptations of the Swedish National LCA Database System 147Ann-Christin PALSSON, Raul CARLSON(Chalmers University of Technology)

SI-7-4 Activities Done by the LCA Committee, JAMA - LCI Data Collection and"LCA Guide" 151

Junichi KASAI" Masako YAMATO2', Seiji MOTEGI"(''•Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association Inc., ^Toyota Motor Corp., "Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd.)

Sl-7-5 Steel Can LCI Data 155Takeshi ODA", Masateru MORI2'("Japan Steelcan Recycling Association, 21Steel Can LCA Examination Committee)

SI-7-6 Development of LCA Software for Ships and LCI Analysis based on ActualShipbuilding and Operation 159

Michihiro KAMEYAMA, Katsuhide HIRAOKA, Akio SAKURAI, Takeshi NARUSE, Hiroaki TAUCHI(National Maritime Research Institute)

SI-7-7 Mexican Mandatory Environmental Management Instruments as an Inputfor Life Cycle Assessment 163

Fabiola RAMIREZ, Nydia SUPPEN(Monterrey Tech)

S1 -7-8 The LCA Sampling Method of LCA for Varieties of Wire and Cables 167Shinihi YAMAKI, Miki IKEHATA, Akinori ITOU, Takeshi SUGIMOTO, Yasuhito INAMORI(Nichigoh Communication Electric Wire Co.Ltd.)

Sl-8-1 WLCA (Waste LCA) for Strategic Solid Waste Management 171Masaru TANAKA, Yasuhiro MATSl'I, Ayaka NISIIIMURA(Okayama University)

Sl-8-2 Structure of Material Cycles in East Asia 175Atsushi TERAZONO' , Aya YOSHID.V, Yuichi MORIGUCHI1 . Jianxin YANG1

(' National Institute for Environmental Studies, • 1 niversity of'Tokyo, ' Research Center forEco-Environmental Sciences)

S1 -8-3 Waste Input-output LCA of Alternative Recycling Strategies of ELV 179Masaaki FUSE1 , Yasushi KONIXV , Shinichiro NAKAMAIRA-(' Chuo University, - Waseda University)

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SI-8-4 Cost Benefit Analysis of Waste Plastic Treatment Technologies based onLife Cycle Impact Assessment Method (LIME) 181

Masaharu MOTOSHITA, Norihiro ITSUBO, Hiroshi YAGITA, Atsushi INABA(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

SI-8-5 An Approach to Feasibility Study of a Wastewater Treatment Process usingLCA Results in a Very Early Development Phase 185

Kaori KAGOSHIMA", Kiyomi ARAKAW'A2, Johannes GEDIGA3', Keiko IRIYAMA1

("PE ASIA Corporation, 2'EBARA Corporation, 3lPE Europe GmbH)

Oral Session-2: Application of Life-cycle-thinking to Analyses/ Assessments ofTechnologies, Products and Services

S2-1-1 A Modular Perspective on Material Circulation: MERMEDS 191Hiroshi MIZUTANI(Nihon University)

S2-1-2 Where will the Large Amounts of Materials Accumulated within the Economy Go?A Material Flow Analysis of Construction Minerals 193

Seiji HASHIMOTO", Hiroki TANIKAWA2', Yuichi MORIGUCHI"("'National Institute for Environmental Studies, 2'Wakayama University)

S2-1 -3 Life Cycle Thinking and Systems Thinking - How to Support Systems Thinkingin Material Flow Analysis 197

Andreas MOELLER(University of Lueneburg)

S2-1-4 Multi-criteria Optimization for Non-linear End of Lifecycle Models 201Seamus M. CGOVERN", Surendra M. GUPTA", Kenichi NAKASHIMA2'("Northeastern University, 2)Osaka Institute of Technology)

S2-2-1 life Cycle Costing in Corporate Context: System Boundaries, Relations to LCAand Discounting 205

David HUNKELER", Gerald REBITZER2'("AQUA+TECH Specialties SA, 2»ALCAN)

S2-2-2 Towards a Code of Practice for life Cycle Costing - Results from the SETACWorking Group on LCC 209

Gerald REBITZER", David HUNKELER2', Kerstin LICHTENVORT3'("Alcan Technology and Management, 2)Aqua+Tech SA, 3>Technical University Berlin)

S2-2-3 A Hybrid LCC of Electric Home Appliances based on WIO 211Shinichiro NAKAMURA, Yasushi KONDO(Waseda University)

S2-2-4 A Framework of Environmental Risk Evaluation based on Full Cost Accounting ..213Yoshinori KOBAYASHI, Hideki KOBAYASHI(Toshiba Corporation)

S2-2-5 Estimation of Product Sustainability by Combining Quality, Environmental,and Economic Aspects 217

Pil-Ju PARK, Kiyotaka TAHARA, Norihiro ITSUBO, Atsushi INABA(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

S2-3-1 Development of the Ecodesign Idea Generation Method for ProductImprovement 221

Jae-soo JEONG", Kun-mo LEE2

(' Ecoeye Co.,2 Ajou University)

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S2-3-2 Mapping out the Concepts and Methodologies Related to Sustainable Development.. 225Ying WANG, Hong NGUYEN, Tomonon HONDA, Ryoichi YAMAMOFO(The LIniversity of Tokyo)

S2-3-3 Development of an Ecodesign Tool for ICT Systems 229Hiroo HARADA, Naoki ISHIDA, Yasuko IRIE, Shigeyuki MIYAMOTO(NEC Corporation)

S2-3-4 Methodology for Evaluating the Environmental Burden of ICT 233Takafumi HASHITANI", Shigeharu SUZUKI", Yuzo HORIKOSHI", Katsuhito NAKAZAWA",Hiroshi KUSHIMA2', Ryuichi MIURA2', Yuichiro TEZUKA2', Kenichi IIDA2'("Fujitsu laboratories Ltd., 2)Fujitsu Ltd.)

S2-3-5 Development of Environmentally Conscious Products in Canon 235Akira HASEGAWA, Akira HASEGAWA, Kenji ITO, Kyoko FUJISAWA(Canon Inc.)

S2-3-6 Standards and Tools for Environmental Design and Supply Chain Managementin Railway Industry 239

Karolina FLEMSTROM, Raul CARLSON, Markus ERLANDSSON(Chalmers University of Technology)

S2-3-7 Using LCA for Ecodesign of a Next Generation Product and R&D ofNew Technologies 241

Tomohiko SAKAO", Kohmei HALADA2'("Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc., 2'National Institute for Materials Science)

S2-4-1 GOBAS -China Green Olympic Building Assessment System 245Yingxin ZHU, Yi JIANG, Youguo QIN(Tsinghua University)

S2-4-2 CASBEE: New Labeling System based on Environmental Efficiency 249Toshiharu IKAGA", Shuzo MURAKAMI2', Yuzo SAKAMOTO", Tomonari YASHIRO31,Kazuo IWAMURA4', Masaaki SATO5', Junko ENDO"("Nikken Sekkei Ltd, 2)Keio University, 3iThe University of Tokyo, 4)Musashi Institute of Technology,5'Kajima Corporation)

S2-4-3 City of Nagoya's Sustainable Building System Characterized by EnvironmentalEfficiency Evaluations and its Official Announcements 253

Hiroshi NODA", Masaya OKUMIYA2', Shunji NAKAGAMI", Hiroshi ISHIHARA"("City of Nagoya, 2>Nagoya University)

S2-4-4 Household Factor X in Japan 255Taeko AOE(Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.)

S2-4-5 Eco-efficiency Factor of Personal Computer Utilizing EcoLeaf and LIME 259Kensuke FUSE", Satoshi OIKAWA1 , Katsuji EBISU2

("Fujitsu Limited , ^Fujitsu Laboratories Limited)

S2-4-6 Consumption & the Rebound Effect: an Industrial Ecology Perspective 263Edgar HERTWICH", Mark GOEDKOOP-("Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2'PRe Consultants)

S2-4-7 WIO-LP Model and the Best Available Eco-efficiency of the Japanese Economy 267Yasushi KONDO, Shinichiro NAKAMURA(Waseda University)

S2-4-8 CO2 Efficiency: a New Evaluation Method of Companies' EnvironmentalPerformances 269

Kiyotaka TAHARA' , Kazuo YAMAGUCHI2, Masayuki SAGISAK..V , Atsushi INABA1

("National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, • Hitachi Ltd.)

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S2-5-1 Influence of Design Specifications on LCA of Large Structures Made of GFRP 271Kunio ITO, Goichi BEN(Nihon University)

S2-5-2 Effect of Side Chain Structure on Thermoelectric Properties of Polythiophenes 273Yoshikazu SHINOHARA1 , Hachiro NAKANISHI1 , Yoshio IMAI-, Yukihiro ISODA2

(' Tohoku University, 'National Institute for Materials Science)

S2-5-3 The Overview of IMS Project EFSOT Japan 2003 275Masahide OKAMOTO", Koji SERIZAWA' , Kazuyuki OMAE2, Hiroshi SATOH-1, Eiji HIRAO4,Shinya NAKAMOTO4, Norihiro ITSUBOS, Momoko CHIBA6, Tadashi TAKEMOTO"("Hitachi Ltd., 2<Keio University,3 Tohoku University, 4 NEC Laboratories, s National Instituteof Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,6 Juntendo University, "Osaka University)

S2-5-4 Application of Materials Efficiency as an Ecobalance Indicator for BuildingMaterials and/or Components for Sustainable Eco-buildings 279

Toshio FUKUSHIMA", Hitoshi HAMASAKI2 /Hiroshi ITO2

("The University of Kitakyushu,2 Building Research Institute)

S2-5-5 Progress of the Eco-Balance Assessment of Materials 283Kohmei HALADA(Ecomaterials Center)

S2-5-6 Development of a Dynamic Model for Assessing Environmental ImpactAssociated with Cyclic Use of Steel 287

Ichiro DAIGO, Daisuke FUJIMAKI, Yasunari MATSUNO, Yoshihiro ADACHI(The University of Tokyo)

S2-5-7 Ecomaterial's in Japan Researched using Environmental Reports 291Katsutoshi YAMADA", Kohmei HALADA", Kiyoshi IJIMA", Masaki SANO2

("National Institute for Materials Science, 2Hosei University)

S2-5-8 Application of LCA and LCC to Product Design and Marerials Selection 293Junichi KASAI(Isuzu Motors Limited)

S2-6-1 'Energy Analysis' of Countermeasures for Urban Heat Island Effect 297Yutaka GENCHI", Takahiro AZUMA2', Yukitaka OHASHI", Yukihiro KIKEGAWA3',Atsushi INABA"("National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology , 2'Kogakuin University,3)Fuji Research Institute Corporation]

S2-6-2 A Novel Methodology for Assessing Industrial Cleaning Process ConsideringLife Cycle Impact and Chemical Risk 301

Yasunori KIKUCHI, Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA, Masahiko HIRAO(The University of Tokyo)

S2-6-3 Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Two Landfill Technologiesfor the Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste 305

Jean-Francois MENARD, Rejean SAMSON, Louise DESCHENES, Pascal LESAGE(CIRAIG)

S2-6-4 Environmental-friendly Technology for Production and Operation Systemof Industrial Machines 307

Hiroshi ONODA", Katsuya NAGATA1, Makoto NOHTOMI", Yuji NAGAI", Tsutomu TAKADA2,Tsuneo HAYAKAWA1, Sadao KANAI4

("Waseda University,2 Ebara fan engineering Corporation, 'Seika Corporation, 4Globals Software Corporation)

S2-6-5 Trade off between Improvement in Sanitation and Environmental Impactof Water Supply System in Egypt 311

Mona GAI.AL, Toshiya ARAMAKI, Keisuke HANAKI(The University of Tokyo)

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Oral Session 3: Application of Life-cycle-thinking to Decision-makingby Governments, Enterprises, and Consumers

S3-1-1 JEPIX-the Japan Environmental Policy Index 317Claude Patrick SIEGENTHALER", Nobuyuki MIYAZAKP1

("Hosei University, 2> International Christian University)

S3-1 -2 E2-PA, an Quantitative Assessment Method Inspired by Eco-efficiency Concept....321Ken ASAOKA", Masahito AIZAWA", Chikako USAMI", Shinji TAKAHASHI2', Takahisa MANO2',Katsuya NAGATA3'("Environmental Management for Sustainability Inc., 2>Manufactureing Science and Technology Center,3'Waseda University)

S3-1 -3 Development of Comprehensive Model of Quality Conscious Distributionof PET Bottle Recycling 323

Yoshihisa FUJII, Yong-tse FOO, Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA, Masahiko HIRAO(The University of Tokyo)

S3-1 -4 Material Flow based Cost / Benefit Evaluation Scheme for Recycling System 327Atsushi AOYAMA, Takashi KAGIYAMA, Yuji NAKA(Tokyo Institute of Technology)

S3-2-1 Review and Categorization of Simplified/Streamlined Assessment Methods ...329Tomohiro TASAKI, Yuichi MORIGUCHI(National Institute for Environmental Studies)

S3-2-2 DANTES - Demonstrate and Assess Tools for Environmental Sustainability ...333Markus ERLANDSSON, Karolina FLEMSTROM, Raul CARLSON(Chalmers University of Technology)

S3-2-3 Fact-based Sustainable Decisions life Cycle Assessment in Green Procurement ....335Martin BAITZ, J. KREISSIG, C. MAKISHI(PE Europe GmbH)

S3-2-4 Understanding and Environmental Reporting 339Raul CARLSON, Ann-Christin PALSSON(Chalmers University of Technology)

S3-2-5 Study on Kinds and Quantities of Information Demanded by VariousStakeholders in Sustainable Agriculture 341

Hisako SEKINE(Tohoku University)

S3-3-1 life Cycle Modeling and Metrics for Guiding Progress towards Sustainability 343Gregory A. KEOLEIAN(University of Michigan)

S3-3-2 Reverse Logistics Network Implementation for Plastics Recovery: HyogoEco-Town Case Study 345

Helmut YABAR, Tohru MORIOKA(Osaka University)

S3-3-3 NICE III Application in Steel industry in China 349Baoren WEI", Hiroshi YAGITA2, Atsushi INABA-", Masayuki SAGISAKA2

(' University of Science and Technology of Suzhou, - National Institute of Advanced Industrial Scienceand Technology)

S3-3-4 Evaluation of Industrial Symbiosis Indicators of International Eco-Industrial Estates-Analytical Approach for Spatial Distributions of Industrial Symbiosis in EIEs- 353

Tsuyoshi FUJITA' . Looi Fang WONG' , Keisuke KURIHARA("Tovo Universitv)

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S3-4-1 Application of Life Cycle Thinking to Decision Making by Governments,

Enterprises, and Consumers 357Bernd WAGNER(University of Augsburg)

S3-4-2 Environmental Management Accounting Practices in Japan: Potential Usefulnessof Material Flow Cost Accounting 361

Katsuhiko KOKUBU(Kobe University)

S3-4-3 Development of Material Flow Cost Accounting as Environmental ManagementAccounting Tool in Japan 365

Michiyasu NAKAJIMA(Kansai University)

S3-4-4 Material Flow Cost Accounting for Paint Industry in Japan: Application atNippon Paint Co., Ltd. 369

Jun OKAJIMA, Tetsuo TSUNODA(Nippon Paint Co., Ltd.)

S3-4-5 Effectiveness and Strategic Utilization of Material Flow Cost Accountingin Environmentally Sound Management 373

Yuji KAWANO(Tanabe Seiyaku Co.Ltd)

S3-4-6 Material Flow Cost Accounting: Economic and Ecological Purposes atNitto Denko Corp. 377

Yoshikuni FURUKAWA(Nitto Denko Corporation)

S3-4-7 Validation of MFCA with Plastic Injection Molding Process 379Katsunori OKA, Osamu TOKUNAGA, Kunihiro SUGA, Akio TAJIMA, Akitoshi YAMADA,Tomoyuki KATOU(Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.)

S3-4-8 Environmental Management and Introduction of Material Flow Cost AccountinginCanon 381

Yasuo ANJO(Canon Inc.)

S3-4-9 Trial Research of Material Flow Cost Accounting in Sony EMCS 385Michiyasu NAKAJIMA", Toshio AOKP>("Kansai University, 2)Sony EMCS Corporation)

S3-5-1 An Environmental Housekeeping Book by the Waste Input-output Model 387Koji TAKASE", Ayu WASHIZU2'("Shizuoka University, 2)Waseda University)

S3-5-2 A Function Model for Environmental Communication and Management inHouseholds -a Progressive Use of Customized Environmental Balance Sheets 391

Mayuko YAMASHITA, Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA, Masahiko HIRAO(The University of Tokyo)

S3-5-3 Describing, Analysing and Changing the Environmental Impact of HouseholdConsumption using a Hybrid Lifecycle based Assessment Method 395

Henri C. MOLL, Rixt KOK(L'niversity of Groningen)

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S3-5-4 Modeling on Household Consumption and Generation of Environmental Loadin Japan 399

Yuko KANAMORI, Yuzuru MATSUOKA(Kyoto University)

S3-5-5 Effects of Installing Residential PV Systems on the Households' EnvironmentalAttitudes and Behavior 403

Hiroki HONDO(Yokohama National University)

S3-5-6 Environmental Pollutant Emission from Laundry Cleaning Depending onHuman Life Style 407

WATARU MINAMI, Hideki SHIOZAWA, Hee-Joon KIM(Toyohashi University of Technology)

S3-5-7 Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process to Analysis of Consumers' DecisionMaking for Products Selection 409

Yoshie HIRAYAMA", Yasunari MATSUNO2', Hiroki HONDO"("Yokohama National University, 2'The University of Tokyo)

S3-5-8 Quantitative Evaluation Method of Social Acceptability of Products and Services ....413Toshisuke OZAWA, Kiyotaka TAHARA, Atsushi INABA(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

Poster SessionP-l Life Cycle Assessment of Papers used for Environmental Reports 419

Katsuhito NAKAZAWA", Torn KATSURA2', Keiichi KATAYAMA", Itaru YASUI4'("Japan Science and Technology Corporation, 2lMitsubishi Paper Mills Ltd., "Tokai University,4)The University of Tokyo)

P-2 Life Cycle Impact Assessment of Printing Paper using Non-wood Pulp andDe-inked Pulp 421

Katsuhito NAKAZAWA", Toru KATSURA2', Keiichi KATAYAMA3', Itaru YASUI4'("Japan Science and Technology Corporation, 2'Mitsubishi Paper Mills Ltd., "Tokai University,4)The University of Tokyo)

P-3 Life Cycle Inventory Analysis of Returnable Cup System in the Stadium 423Katsuhito NAKAZAWA1', Keiichi KATAYAMA2', Itaru YASUI31

("Japan Science and Technology Corporation , 2Tokai University, 'The University of Tokyo)

P-4 Life Cycle Inventory Analysis of Polyvinyl Chloride Products 425Katsuhito NAKAZAWA", Seiji SAKAI2', Keiichi KATAYAMA", Itaru YASUI4'("Japan Science and Technology Corporation,2 japan PVC Environmental Affairs Council,3 Tokai University, 4The University of Tokyo)

P-5 life Cycle Impact Assessment of Printing System with Decolorable Ink "e-blue™". .427Hideki KOBAYASHI", Norio TAKEYAMA", Yoshinori KOBAYASHI", Norihiro ITSUBO2

("Toshiba Corporation,2 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

P-6 A Life Cycle Inventory Analysis of a SAW High Frequency Filter 431Hiroshi YAMAGUCHI, Kiyotaka TAHARA, Norihiro ITSUBO, Atsushi INABA(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

P-7 Database System for Assessing Environmental Load by Agricultural Nutrient Use... 435Shin-ichiro MISHIMA1 , Tsunehisa INOUE' , Makoto MATSUMORI2

(' National Institute for AgroEnvironmental Sciences, -' Kumamoto Prefecture Agricultural Research Center)

P-8 An EcoBalance Model for Impact Assessment of Agricultural Land-use focusedon the Nitrogen Flow of a Basin-system 437

Sonoko K1MURA, Ryusuke HATANO(Hokkaido University)

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P-9 Development of a New LCA Method focused on a Definition of SystemBoundary 441

Kenichi NAKAJIMA1 , Tetsuya NAGASAKA1 , Kohmei HALADA2, Kiyoshi IJIMA2

(' Graduate School of Environmental Studies Tohoku L'ruversiry,2 National Institute for .\ Iaterialas Science)

P-10 The LCA Software Guide 2004 445Claude Patrick SIEGENTHALER", Arthur BRAUNSCHWEIG2, Gabriela OETTERLI2

("Hosei University, 2 E2 Management Consulting)

P-l 1 General Purpose Matrix Based LCA Software for Sensitivity and UncertaintyAnalysis 447

Weizhe LU, Shinsuke SAKAI, Satoshi IZUMI, Makoto YOSHIDA(The University of Tokyo)

P-12 Implementation of LCA Data Quality and Documentation Criteria: the Case-studyof Olive Husk Fuel 451

Giuseppina PAGLIUCA, Andrea RAGGI(University G. d Annunzio)

P-13 LCIA-What have We to Protect 455Yoichi KATO, Tamaki URA(The University of Tokyo)

P-l4 LCIA Toxicity Method Comparison - Results and Recommendations fromIMPACT 2002 CalTOX, USES-LCA and EDIP97 for Organic Chemicals 457

Ralph ROSENBAUM, Manuele MARGNI, David W. PENNINGTON, Olivier JOLLIET,(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL))

P-15 Comparison Research on LIME and JEPIX 461Tomonori HONDA, Minako HARA, Hong NGUYEN, Ying WANG, Ryoichi YAMAMOTO(The University of Tokyo)

P-16 Development of Site-specific LCA Method Using Expanded InterregionalInput Output Analysis 465

Ilseuk YI", Norihiro ITSUBO2', Kiyotaka TAHARA2', Atsushi INABA2', Kanzi MATSUMOTO"(''Yokohama National University, 2'National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

P-17 LCA Methodology to the Evaluation of Squid Fisheries 469Kazuhito WATANABE", Kiyotaka TAHARA2', Atsushi INABA2', Yasuzumi FUJIMORI",Susumu SHIMIZU", Teisuke MIURA"("Hokkaido University, 2)National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

P-18 Recycling Concept for Contaminated Plastic Materials - a LCA Case Study - 473Maiya SHIBASAKI, Marc-Andree WOLF, Thilo KUPFER, Peter EYERER(University of Stuttgart)

P-l9 LCA Application to an Italian District Waste Management System:Some Preliminary Results 477

Lorella MERCURI, Andrea RAGGI(University G. d Annunzio)

P-20 A Proposal for a Mathematical Model to Identify Optimal Scenarios for WasteManagement Systems 481

Andrea RAGGI, Lorella MERCURI(University G. d Annunzio)

P-21 Time and Site Dependent LCA Simulation Modeling for MSW TreatmentProcesses 483

Song-Taek I.IM1 , Jae-soo JUNG1 , Tak HUR2

("Ecoeve Co.,2 Konkuk Universitv)

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P-22 Effects of Energy-saving Facilities on Cost and Environmental Load Reductionof Sewage Systems 487

Akito NISHIMURA, Koji AMANO(Ritsumeikan University)

P-23 Case Study of Carbonization Technology for Recycling Waste Biomass 489Yutaka KANRI", Yoshiyuki SHINOGI", Kiyotaka TAHARA2'("National Institute for Rural Engineering, 2)National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

P-24 Environmental Assessment of ICT Services -New Methodology ConsideringRipple Effects- 491

Kazue TAKAHASHI, Tatsuya KUNIOKA, Hidetoshi TATEMICHI, Tohru TANAKA, Shiro NISHI(Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation)

P-25 Assessment of Environmental Effects of Using IT Solutions 493Katsuhito NAKAZAWA", Shigeharu SUZUKI", Yuzo HORIKOSHI", Takafumi HASHITANI",Hiroshi KUSHIMA2', Ryuichi MIURA2', Yuichiro TEZUKA2', Kenichi IIDA2'("Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., 2)Fujitsu Ltd.)

P-26 Application of a Service Modeling Tool to Hotel Industry 495Kentaro WATANABE", Yoshiki SHIMOMURA1', Tomohiko SAKAO2', Andrea RAGGP', Luigia PETTP'("The University of Tokyo, 2)Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc, "University G. d Annunzio)

P-27 LCI for Town Development by Local Government: a Case Study of Taki Town,Mie, Japan 499

Hideaki KURISHIMA", Haruki SETOYAMA2', Zhuguo LP>, Yutaka GENCHP, Masayuki SAGISAKA"("National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 2Tokyu Construction Co.Ltd.,3)National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

P-28 Life Cycle Impact Assessment of a Non-fluorocarbon Refrigerator 503Kumiko AMEMIYA", Norio TAKEYAMA", Hideki KOBAYASHI", Hideharu HATANAKA-",Norihiro ITSUBO3'("TOSHIBA corporation, 2>TOSHIBA HA PRODUCTS corporation, "National Institute of AdvancedIndustrial Science and Technology)

P-29 Life Cycle Assessment of Spark Plugs for Automobile 507Katsuyuki NAKANO", Humihiko NAKAMURA2', Kaori MIZUNO2', Hiroyuki TANABE2',Junji SUNOHARA2', Shunichi TAKAGI21

("JEMAI, 2'NGK Spark Plug Co. Ltd.)

P-30 Life Cycle Assessment of Tobacco Considering Health Impacts of Smoking.. ..511Ryusuke INOUE", Kiyotaka TAHARA2', Norihiro ITSUBO21, Atsushi INABA21, Shiro MATSUMOTO1

("Saitama University, 2lNational Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

P-31 Environmental Assessment of Tin-lead and Lead-free Soldering 515Ki-Jeong HONG", Ji-Won LEE2, Jiyong LEE", Tak HUR2', Young-Jun MOON"("Samsung Electronics,2 Konkuk University)

P-32 An Assessment of Environmental Impact and Effectiveness to the Societycaused by the Conversion of Conventional Solder into Lead-free Solder 519

Norihiro ITSUBO, Jaesung NOH, Atsushi INABA(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

P-33 Development of Livestock Manure Disposal Model Taking into Accountthe Supply-Demand Balance 521

Tomoko IWATA1 , Yutaka GENCHI2', Atsushi INABA- , Sohei SHIMADA1

(' The University of Tokyo, - National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

P-34 Life Cycle Inventory for Electric and Mining Industries in Mexico 523Mario HERNANDEZ, Nydia SUPPEN, Mario CARRANZA(Monterrey Tech)

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P-35 Comparison of the LCI of Hoods and Bumper Reinforcements for Automobilesmade from Aluminium and Steel under Considering for Open Loop Recycling 527

Masanori Y A M A G U C H I " , Hirosi YAGITA", Atsushi INABA", Makoto OOTANI2, Masao OKUBO3,Tomoya OHZONO4, Kenzou AY ATA5', Toshio ONOYE"(' National Institute of Advanced Industral Science and Technology,2 Sumitomo light Metal IndustriesLTD.,3)Japan Aluminium .Association, 4rThe Japan Research and Development Center for Metals, 5Shinko ResearchCo. LTD.)

P-36 Effect of Weight Reduction by Aluminum Utilization for Passenger CarsCalculated Using CO2 Emission Estimation Tool 531

Masanori YAMAGUCHI", Hirosi YAGITA", Atsushi INABA11, Makoto OOTANI21, Masao OKUBO3,Tomoya OHZONO4', Kenzo AYATA", Toshio ONOYE"("National Institute of Advanced Industral Science and Technology, 2'Sumitomo Light MetalIndustries Ltd., 3)Japan Aluminum Association, 4'The Japan Research and Development Centerfor Metals, 5>Shinko Research Co. Ltd.)

P-37 Exergy-mass Analysis, the Advanced Evaluation Method for EnvironmentalImpact 535

Keiko ISHIKAWA", Hiromitsu INO", Kiiti SIRATORI", Kohmei HALADA2'("Hosei University, 21National Institute for Materials Science)

P-38 The Interface between Ecological Footprints and life Cycle Assessment 539Tim GRANT(RMIT University)

P-39 Life Cycle Assessment of PET Bottles Resin in Mexico 543Gladys ZERQUERA", Nydia SUPPEN2', Enrique SANSORES"("National Autonomous University of Mexico, 2'Monterrey Tech University)

P-40 LCIA Case Study of Beverage Packaging Employing LIME 547Asako FUJIMORI", Norihiro ITSUBO2'("Dai Nippon Printing Co. Ltd., 2iNational Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

P-41 Inventory Analysis of BTX Recovery System for Waste Plastics 549Katsuhito NAKAZAWA", Masaaki ITO2', Hironobu FUJIYOSHI2', Keiichi KATAYAMA3',Itaru YASUI4'("Japan Science and Technology Corporation, 2'Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.,3'Tokai University, 4'The University of Tokyo)

P-42 Application of life Cycle Thinking in Carbon Ocean Sequestration 551Reginald TAN, Hsien H. KHOO(National University of Singapore)

P-43 Development of Environmental-3Rs' Steel Telephone Pole and its Environmentaland Economical Effects 555

Yasukatsu YOSHIDA", Etsuko TOYODA", Toshihiro ICHINO", Tatsuya KUNIOKA",Toshinobu UEDA2'

("NTT East Corp., 2lNTT Advanced Technology Corp.)

P-44 Environmental and Economical Study on CO2 Sequestration and CH4 recoveryby Coal Seam in Japan 557

Kazunori TAMABAYASHI1 , Masayuki SAGISAKA2', Tadao MORO"

("Wasfda University, ^National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

P-45 Development of an Improvement Index of a New Material Processing Technologyfor Material Efficiency 559

Tomohiko SAKAO", Satoshi TOYODA", Kohmei HALADA2

("Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc., 2lNational Institute for Materials Science)

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P-46 LCA for Cold-chamber Aluminum Diecasting and Hot-Chamber MagnesiumDiecasting 563

Shae K. KIM", Hyung-Ho JO", Myung-Keun HAN", Young-Jig KIM21, Ji-Yeon GHO", Tak HUR1'("Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, 2Sungkyunkwan University, "Konkuk University)

P-47 Visualization of Regional Material Flow using Over-flow Potential Maps 567Tatsunori SAKAMOTO", Hiroki TANIKAWA", Seiji HASHIMOTO2', Yuichi MORIGUCHI2'("Wakayama University, 2iNational Institute for Environmental Studies)

P-48 Comprehensive QFDE for Service Organizations: Proposal of a New Tool toSupport a Design for Environment Process for Services 571

Camillo DE CAMILLIS, Andrea RAGGI, Luigia PETTI(University G. d Annunzio)

P-49 A Co-ordinated Application of Ecodesign Methodologies to an IndustrialProduct Design 575

Mario FARGNOLI", Tomohiko SAKAO2'

("University of Rome La Sapienza, 2)Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc.)

P-50 Effects on Reduction of Environmental Loads from Transport Sector byLow-environmental-loads Commuter Buses 579

Tetsuya SUZUKI", Mitsuharu KAN", Shiki NAKATSUKA", Jun TAKAHASHI", Jun-ichi KASAI2

("The University of Tokyo, 2'Isuzu Motors Limited)

P-51 A Model on Life Cycle Costing of Beer Container 583Tetsuya MONNA", Yoshiyuki OMICHI", Shuichiro ONO2i

("Sapporo Breweries Limited, 2)Chiba Institute technology)

P-52 Life Cycle Cost of Notebook PC 585Katsuji EBISU, Shigeharu SUZUKI(Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.)

P-53 Evaluation of Reusing House-originated Personal Computers by usingEco-efficiency 587

Hiromi TAKAHASHI", Kiyotaka TAHARA2', Toshisuke OZAWA2', Atsushi INABA2,Yohji UCHIYAMA"("University of Tsukuba, 2)National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

P-54 Eco-efficiency of Plastic Wastes Recycling 591Tak HUR", Hye-Jin LEE2', Yong-Ki CHOI"("Konkuk University, 2iSamsung Electronics)

P-55 Evaluation of Environmental Performance on Various Exhaust Gas afterTreatment Systems with Different Functions 595

Junichi KASAI(Isuzu Motors Limited)

P-56 A Proposal to Quantitatively Estimate Recyclability of Materials 597Hong NGUYEN, Tomonori HONDA, Ryoichi YAMAMOTO(The University of Tokyo)

P-57 Application of Markov Chain Model for Analyzing the Average Number ofTimes of Use and the Average Residence Time of Elemental Iron in Society 601

Ichiro DAIGO1 , Yasunari MATSUNO' . Keiichi ISHIHARA2, Yoshihiro ADACHI1

("The University of Tokyo, *' Kyoto University)

P-58 Life Cycle Assessment of Business Models, Design Concepts and RecyclingProcedures: a Case Study of Mannequin 605

Toru MATSUMOTO' , Jian ZUO1 . Hiroto TF.RAKAWA- , (un SAKAMOTO2. Shigeki KAJI'(' The University of Kitakyushu,: Kyoya Corporation, ' Fukuoka Industrial Technology Center)

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P-59 Optimal Schedules of Houses Construction for the Abatement of GreenhouseGas Emissions: Novel LCA Methodology Considering Dynamic Socio-economicConstraints 609

Hiroki HONDO", Yue MORIIZUMI2, Tomohiko SAKAO'("Yokohama National University, 2Kieo University, 3 Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc.)

P-60 Development of an Environmental Load Assessment Method for MobileNetwork Solutions 613

Yasuko IRIE, Hiroo HARADA, Shigeyuki MIYAMOTO(NEC Corporation)

P-61 Activities for Type III Environmental Label in Canon 617Norihiro MOCHIZUKI, Akiyoshi ISHIZUKA(Canon Inc.)

P-62 A Case of EPD's New Certification Model for Series of Products usingSampling Method 619

Yushi SAKURAGI", Toshimasa NOGUCHI2, Tomokazu NAKAJIMA21, Mamoru YANAGISAWA'("INTAGE Inc.,2 A-one Co. Ltd., "Japan Gas Appliances Inspection Association)

P-63 Eco-labelling for Hotel Services 621Luigia PETTI1', Andrea RAGGI1', Emanuela SCIMIA2, Balazs SARA2

("University G. d Annunzio, 2)FEBE EcoLogic)

P-64 Architectural System and Sustained Development Strategies in the Eco Balance Model.. .623Zygmunt SZPARKOWSKI(Warsaw University of Technology)

P-65 Relationship between Blow Formability and Oxide Contamination in Mg AlloySheet by Solid State Recycling 627

Yasumasa CHINO", Jae-Seol LEE", Koji SHIMOJIMA1, Hiroyuki HOSOKAWA", Yasuo YAMADA",Mamoru MABUCHI2'("National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 2)Kyoto University)

P-66 Technique for Recovering Sodium Phosphate from Ashes of Sewage Sludge. ..629Masaaki TAKAHASHI, Kunihiko SATO, Hideo ENJYOJI, Susumu KATO(Mie Pref. Science and Technology Promotion Center)

P-67 Microstructural Refinement of Hyper-eutectic Al-Si-X Casts to Producea Heavily Deformable Material Toward Recycling-based Society 633

Munefumi NAKAMOTO", Osamu UMEZAWA", Hideaki MORIYA2', Takashi SUZUKI3'("Yokohama National University, 2'Castec Inc., "Aisin AW Co. Ltd.)

P-68 Photocatalytic Oxidative Decomposition of Endocrine Disrupting ChemicalPentachlorophenol on Hollandite Type Compound K2Ga2Sn6Oi6 637

Toshiyuki MORI, Motoi TAKAHASHI, Tetsuya FUJIMOTO, Hiromitsu NAKAJIMA,Mamoru WATANABE(National Institute for Materials Science)

P-69 Influence of Nano-structural Features on Conducting Properties inSmxCei-xO2-8(x=0.1-0.25) Compounds for Fuel Cell Application 639

Toshiyuki MORI", Yarong WANG", Ji-Guang LI", John DRENNAN2', Takayasu IKEGAMI"("'National Institute for Materials Science, 2The University of Queensland)

P-70 Electrolytic Properties in Nano-structured DyxCei xO2 5 (x=0.10 - 0.25)Solid Electrolytes for Fuel Cell Application 641Tomoaki KOBAYASHI", Toshiyuki MORI", Yarong WANG", Toshiyuki NISHIMURA1 ,Hidehiko KOBAYASHI2', John DRENNAN"

("National Institute for Materials Science, 2lSaitama University, "The University of Queensland)

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P-71 Preparation and Electrochemical Property of Pt-CeO2 Electrodes Supportedon Meso-porous Carbon Materials for Fuel Cell Application 643

Motoi TAKAHASHI", Toshiyuki MORI", Ajayan VINU", Hidehiko KOBAYASHI2',John DRENNAN3', Chikashi NISHIMURA"("National Institute for Materials Science, 2lSaitama University, "The University of Queensland)

P-72 Characterization of Surface Conditions of TiO2 using PhotoluminescenceSpectroscopy 645

Hiromitsu NAKAJIMA, Toshiyuki MORI(National Institute for Materials Science)

P-73 Characterization of Stabilized Zirconia using Photoluminescence of its Impurities... 647Hiromitsu NAKAJIMA, Toshiyuki MORI(National Institute for Materials Science)

P-74 Formation of Single-phase and Thermoelectric Properties on Mg2Si- Mg2Sn 649Yukihiro ISODA", Naoki SHIODA2', Hirofumi FUZIU2', Yoshio IMAI", Yoshikazu SHINOHARA3'("National Institute for Materials Science, 2)Mituba Corporation, "Tohoku University)

P-75 Production of the High Density and Strength Moldings from Wood Flour withAcetylated Starch as a Binder by the WIP (warm isostatic pressing) Technology 651

Makoto OHKOSHI, Yutaka KATAOKA(Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute)

P-76 Preparation of n-type PbTe by HPHT and its Thermoelectric Properties 655Pinwen W. ZHU", Yoshio IMAI", Yukihiro ISODA", Yoshikazu SHINOHARA2', Xiaopeng JIA",Guangtian T. ZOU3'("National Institute for Materials Science, 2)Tohoku University, "Jilin University China)

P-77 Inorganic Composite Membranes for Gas Purification 657Jihye GWAK", Masao KOMAKI", Chikashi NISHIMURA", Andre AYRAL21

("National Institute for Materials Science, 21Institut Europeen des Membranes de Montpellier)

P-78 High-performance Metallic Membranes for Production of High Purity Hydrogen...659Chikashi NISHIMURA, Masao KOMAKI, Jhiye GWAK(National Institute for Materials Science)

P-79 Recycle Aspects of Functional Metallic Materials used in Clean EnergyAutomobiles 661

Chikashi NISHIMURA(National Institute for Materials Science)

P-80 Material Circulation System based on Pyrolysis. 663Yoshiyuki SHINOGI", Masami UENO2', Yasuaki KOMIYA2', Yoshinobu KAWAMITSU2'("National Institute for Rural Engineering, ^University of the Ryukyus)

P-81 An Effect of Transfiguring Agriculture in Rural China on Village-scale CarbonFlows and Stocks 665

Jie CHEN1', Hisashi KOBAYASHI2

("Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, -' Ibaraki University)

P-82 Application of Markov Chain Model to Analyzing the Average Number ofTimes of Use and the Average Residence Time of Wood Resource in Society ...669

Nobuo TAKEUCHI, Ichiro DAIGO, Yasunari MATSUNO, Yoshihiro ADACHI(The University of Tokyo)

P-83 The Use of life Cycle Modelling (LCM) in Environmentally Conscious Designof Industrial Products 673

Mario FARGNOLI", Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA-, Fumihiko KIMURA2

("University of Rome La Sapienza, JThe University of Tokyo

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P-84 LCI of Infrastructure Maintenance of Local Government-an Example ofthe Garbage Recovery System in Chiba 677

Cuifen YANG, Akio SHIMIZU, Masayuki SAGISAKA, Atsushi INABA(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

P-85 Waste Tires Recovery System and its Environmental Performance 681Mario Leon SUEMATSU", Kiyotaka TSUNEMI2', Tohru MORIOKA"("Osaka University, -'National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

P-86 Change in Environmental Consciousness and Behavior led by Information ....685Keiichiro SUZUKI", Toshiro FUTAGAMI", Sho OGURA", Minako HARA1, Takashi OHKAWA2,Itaru YASUI31

("Japan Science and Technology Agency , 2'The Society of Non Traditional Technology,3)United Nations University)

P-87 Dynamic Expansion and Resource-circulation Structural Analysis of LCA of UrbanDesign by using life Cycle Simulation and Material Flow Cost Accounting 689

Tom MATSUMOTO, Jian ZUO, Manabu SHIBATA(The University of Kitakyushu)

P-88 Material Flow Cost Accounting with SAP Systems for Realization ofEco- and Cost-efficient Supply Chain 693

Takanobu NEGISHI(SAP Japan Co. Ltd.)

P-89 Assessment of Sustainability of Energy Consumption 695Kei OTAGAKI, Susumu TOHNO, Kazuo GOTOH, Mikio KASAHARA(Kyoto University)

P-90 Linking ISO 14001 and Product Stewardship at Alcan 699Gerald REBITZER, Kurt BUXMANN(Alcan Technology and Management)

P-91 Bio-medical Waste Prevention and Management in South India - a life CyclePerspective 703

Senthil DURAIRAJ(Kumaraguru College of Technology)

P-92 Feasibility of Reducing CO2 Emissions by Modal Shift in Commuting 705Hidefumi UEDA", Takafumi HASHITANI", Katsuhito NAKAZAWA("Fujitsu laboratories Ltd.)

P-93 Examination of Quantitative Environmental Assessment Method of ExternalDiseconomies based on E2-PA 707

Masahito AIZAWA, Ken ASAOKA, Chikako USAMI, Tomoyuki HATA, Miho ARAKAWA(Environmental Management for Sustainability Inc.)

P-94 Integrated Product Policy and Nanoproduct, s Some Methodological Problemsto Transcend 709


P-95 Environmental Risk in Investment 711Ki-Hoon LEE(The KwangWoon University)

P-96 Environmental and Agricultural Assessment on Application of Old Newspaperto Sandy Upland Soil 715

Hideto UENO", Hisao NAKANO2'{' Ehime University, 2Shimane University)

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P-97 Environmental Impact Analysis by Scenarios: a Case Study of used FluorescentTube Treatment 719

Minako HARA", Tomonori HONDA2', Hong-Xuan NGUYEN2', Katsuhito NAKAZAWA1,Ryoichi YAMAMOTOYASUI4', Itaru YASUI5'("Japan Science and Technology Agency, 2lThe Univesity of Tokyo, ''Fujitsu Laboratories ,4lThe University of Tokyo ^'United Nations University)

P-98 LCA and EcoDesign Activities in Thailand: MTEC's Experience 721Pomthong MALAKUL(National Metal and Mateials Technology Center)

P-99 The Life Cycle Initiative 725Guido SONNEMANN", Helias UDO DE HAES2', Olivier JOLLIET", Greg NORRIS", Konrad SAUR4'("UN Environment Programme (UNEP), 2CML, Leiden University, "Life Cycle Systems - EcolePolytechnique Federate de Lausanne - GECOS, 4)Five Winds International)

P-100 Sectoral Eco-efficiency by Input-output and Data Envelopment Analyses 727Anthony HALOG, Masayuki SAGISAKA, Kiyotaka TAHARA, Kazuo YAMAGUCHI, Atsushi INABA(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

Keyword Index & Author Index 733

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