Download - The Second Advent


The Second Advent

But there is no clear understanding concerning

details of the Second Advent.

When? How? Where?

Jesus clearly foretold his return.

Mt 16:27

“For the Son of man is to come with his angels

in the glory of his Father...”

When Will Christ Return?

Section 1

Rev 3:3

“ ‘...If you will not awake, I will come like a thief, and

you will not know at what hour I will come upon you.’ ”

Is it possible to know when?

Mt 24:36

“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the

angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.”

Therefore, it has been commonly thought unwise to speculate about the date, place and manner of the Second Advent.

1 Thess 5:4

But you are not in darkness, brethren, for that day to

surprise you like a thief.


Therefore, God will certainly give prophecies

to those faithful believers who are in the light.

Amos 3:7

“...the Lord God does nothing, without revealing his


Mt 24:36

“ one knows, ...but the Father only.”



faithless people 1) The flood judgment

3) Jesus’ birth

J/B’s family, wise men, Simeon, Anna, shepherds, etc.

priests and scribes

2) The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah


faithless people

2000 year time-parallells Jewish – Christian history





400 120 400 210 400

400 120 210 400 400






Adam born! after

1:st WorldWar


Christ is teaching

again after

2:nd WW

1st World War

One of the most arresting paranormal experiences

on military record which occurred in Europe at

10:30 P.M on November 14, 1915, was witnessed by

French, German, Russian, Italian and British troops.


1st World War

A Spiritual manifestation that, still in spite of the tremendous

human suffering in 1st World war; there was a result

of that suffering – indemnity => the Birth of Christ!


400 + 400 + 120 + 400 + 210 + 400 = 1930

\ around 1918 ~ 1930

1517 + 400 = 1917

end of WW I = 1918

Last Days = today

How Will Christ Return?

Section 2

Life in 3 World

+ fetal membrane=Cord




Life in 3 World

+ fetal membrane=Cord + air/food membrane=Mouth

Liquid => Air

”1st death”

”1st birth”

”Seong Hwa”

Physical => Mother

Parents Earth

Life in 3 World

+ fetal membrane=Cord + air/food membrane=Mouth + love membrane=Head

Liquid => Air => Love

”1st death” ”2nd death”

”1st birth” ”2nd birth”

”Seong Hwa” ”Seung Hwa”

Physical => Mother => God

Parents Earth Heavenly


In interpreting the Bible, the most important matter is

to find the right perspective.

many divergent interpretations

the churches have become divided.

A. Perspectives on the Bible

God used parables and symbols in the Bible

(Jn 16:25)

2) The return of Elijah

2 Kings 2:11

… Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

1) The mission of John the Baptist

Many Jewish people believed that Elijah

would descend from heaven (2 Kings 2:11),

Most Christians read the Bible with the

preconception that J/B completed his given

mission, but in fact he did not.


2) The return of Elijah

2 Kings 2:11

… Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

1) The mission of John the Baptist

Many Jewish people believed that Elijah

would descend from heaven (2 Kings 2:11),

Most Christians read the Bible with the

preconception that J/B completed his given

mission, but in fact he did not.

but he was born on earth as J/B.

3) The First Coming of Jesus

Two kinds of prophecy:

Dan 7:13 the Messiah would come on the clouds

Mic 5:2 the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem

Which did the Israelites believe?

Knowing the influence of the two prophets Daniel

and Micah on the Israelites, we can assume that they

were waiting for the Messiah to come on the clouds...

2 Jn 7 – John condemned some heterodox

Christians who believed that Jesus had not

come in a body of flesh.

...but Jesus was born in the flesh.

B. The Return of Christ by His Birth

in the Flesh – Lord of the Second Advent

Bible Indications of the Birth of the LSA in the Flesh

1) Lk 17:25

“But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by

this generation.”

2) Lk 18:8

“...when the Son of man comes, will he find faith

on earth?”

3) Lk 17:20

... “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs

to be observed.”

4) Mt 7:22,23

“On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we

not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in

your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’

And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you;

depart from me, you evildoers.’ ”

5) Rev 12:5

She brought forth a male child, one who is to rule all the

nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to

God and to his throne.

Two Traditional Interpretations Concerning the Second

Advent of Christ

Jesus often met John in spirit, yet Jesus told him,

“Surely I am coming soon” (Rev 22:20).

If so, the Second Advent can happen at any

moment and more than once.

2) The Second Advent = the return of Jesus

as a spirit person

If so, the Second Advent already took place

2,000 years ago.

1) The Second Advent takes place when Jesus comes to

dwell within the hearts of people

through the descent of the Holy Spirit.

The LSA, as the lord of the cosmos, dominating

the two worlds, must be born in the flesh.

physical self

spirit self

Human beings

dominate the spirit world

dominate the physical world

(the Fall)

lost dominion Both worlds!

The Principled Reasons for the Birth of the LSA

in the Flesh

1) Lord of the cosmos

2) Restoration of the Heavenly Kingdom on earth

the LSA, with the same purpose,

must be born in the flesh.

3) From the viewpoint of redemption

Jesus only spiritual salvation

LSA - - - - both spiritual and physical salvation

must be born in the flesh.

Jesus came as the True Parent of humankind

and the king of the Heavenly Kingdom on earth

C. The Meaning of Coming on the Clouds (Mt 24:30)


devout Christians,

the multitudes (Heb 12:1) clouds



fallen people (Rev 17:15)

17 april 1935

Transfer of Mission as Lord of the Second Advent

Messiah - Christ

The Lord of Second Advent

will emerge from among a group

of reborn believers as the leader of Christians,

the Second Israel.

Lk 17:37; implying that Jesus will return to the

place where faithful believers gather

D. Why Did Jesus Say that the Lord Will

Come on the Clouds?

1) To prevent the delusions of antichrists from

creating confusion among believers

2) To encourage Christians who were walking

a difficult path of faith

Mt 10:23

“When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next;

for truly, I say to you, you will not have gone through all

the towns of Israel, before the Son of man comes.”

Jesus’ other words of encouragement

Rev 22:20

... “Surely I am coming soon.”...

Mt 16:28

“Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who

will not taste death before they see the Son of man

coming in his kingdom.”

The hope of Jesus’ imminent return inflamed the zeal of

his disciples and gave them the strength to overcome

persecution by Judaism and the Roman Empire.

Encouraged by the ardent hope of the Second Advent,

they were filled with the Holy Spirit and established the

early Christian Church, even amid great adversity.

Where Will Christ Return?

Section 3

A. Will Christ Return among the Jewish


Some Christians expect that Christ will come again

among the Jewish people.

Rev 7:4

And I heard the number of the sealed, a hundred

and forty-four thousand sealed, out of every tribe

of the sons of Israel.






son of the householder

• Jesus will come again among the Gentiles.

God’s heritage; qualification as the chosen nation





other tenants who harvest the fruit

other Christian nation which can receive the LSA and accomplish God’s Will

Mt 21:33-43 – the parable of the vineyard:

Therefore I - Jesus - tell you that the kingdom of God will be

taken away from you (Israel) and given to a people (-Korea-)

who will produce its fruit. /Math 21:43

1:st Israel

3:rd Israel

Korea 2:nd Israel Christianity

”Spiritual Land”


Mt 3:9

“And do not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have

Abraham as our father’; for I tell you, God is able

from these stones to raise up children to Abraham.”

• The meaning of “Israel”

Rom 2:28,29

For he is not a real Jew who is one outwardly…

He is a Jew who is one inwardly…

the people of God who have triumphed through their faith;

this term does not necessarily apply to everyone who

comes out of Jacob’s lineage.

Jn 8:37-40

… They answered him, “Abraham is our father.” Jesus

said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you

would do what Abraham did, but now you seek to kill

me, a man who has told you the truth which I heard

from God; this is not what Abraham did.”

Rom 9:6-8

… For not all who are descended from Israel belong to

Israel, and not all are children of Abraham because they

are his descendants; …

The chosen people of Israel after Jesus’ death on the

cross are the Christians who inherited the faith of


B. Christ Will Return to an Eastern Nation

Rev 7:2,3

Then I saw another angel ascend from the rising of

the sun [from the east – King James Version], with

the seal of the living God…

Mt 24:27

“For as the lightning comes from the east and shines

as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of


1) A national indemnity period

“40” foundation for separation from Satan

Necessary Conditions of the Nation to which

the Messiah Returns

2) The front line of God and Satan

The front line of that which is most

dear to God and most abhorred by


democracy and communism

conflict with each other

The shape of Korea: special meaning according to the I Ching.

It looks like the archangel blowing a trumpet. Rev 8:6; 1 Thess. 4:16

USA has the role of roman-empire 2000 years ago.

DP: The situations unfolding in Christianity today are

similar to those which took place in Judaism at Jesus' time.

Church level World level

Cosmic level

1960 2003


USA, Africa

points to Holy Korea

3) The object of God’s Heart

a) A path of blood, sweat and tears

b) Good people in God’s sight

c) Endowed with a religious character by nature

4) Prophetic testimonies among the people

5) Bearing the fruits of all aspects of civilization

realizing a society with the highest level

of civilization

C. The Nation of the East: Korea

From ancient times, “Eastern nations” refers

to Korea, Japan, and China.

Most symbolic Flag in the World; Yin/Yang –

cosmic neg. energy/positive energy = Harmony!

The circle is surrounded by four trigram, one in each corner, from the

ancient Chinese wisdom book I Ching

Confucius and Lao-tse has commented on this important book of wisdom!

Ch'ien, the creative - strong - heaven - Father

K'an, the precipice - dangerous - water - second Son

K'un, the host - sacrificing - earth - Mother

Li, connects - is brilliant - fire - second Daughter

Japan a fascist nation at the period of the

Second Advent

persecuted Korean Christianity

China a hotbed of communism and would

become a communist nation at the period of the Second Advent.

Korea has become qualified to receive Christ

at the Second Advent.

Pyongyang – the Jerusalem of East (in 1930:s)

1. A National Indemnity Period


1905 the Ŭlsa Treaty of Protection

1910 annexation of Korea by Japan

1919 Korean Independence Movement

1923 the killing of 6,000 Koreans in Japan

1945 liberation

2. The Front Line of God and Satan

1) The line of rivalry between God and Satan


Korea 38



the offering of the nation as a sacrifice

cut in two by the 38th parallel.

2) The Korean War (1950-1953)

mobilization of many UN member-nations

a worldwide significance

3. The Object of God’s Heart

1) Korean history over 4,300 years; invaded by

foreign nations more than 930 times.

2) Never themselves invaded other nations

“people in white robes”; white represents God

3) Strong God-revering thought

highly value loyalty, filial piety and chastity e.g., “The Tale of Shim-ch’ŏng,”

“The Tale of Ch’un-hyang”

Reference: Korea and Religion

Korea is the nation through which all

religions will be united.

- Buddhism dominated Korea for about 1,500 years (ca. 100 B.C. ~ 1392).

- Confucianism dominated Korea for about 500 years (1392 ~ 1905).

- Catholicism came to Korea more than 200 years ago (1777).

- Protestantism came to Korea more than 100 years ago (1884).

- Islam came to Korea more than 50 years ago (1950).

4. Prophetic Testimonies among the People

1) Messianic hope

Chŏnggamnok – the king of righteousness,


Reference: Excerpts from Kyŏgam Yuirok

“Kyŏgam” (1509-1571) met with a man of God and received

revelations containing precise prophecy covering the 400-

year period of the modern era.

- “Chŏngdoryŏng” will resolve the resentment (“Han”)

of God and Jesus.

- He will be born in northern Korea. After living for a time in

an island nation of the Eastern Sea, he will come over to

the South.

- He will seek the unification of religions.

- He will not be a national-level leader,

but a world-level leader.

- He will give the opportunity for unmarried men and

women who believe in God to be married.

- He will receive the most ridicule and blame

in the world.

- He will receive great blessing (many children)

– this is similar to Sook Jeon Kong of China,

who received the most blessing in the world.

- He will become the ancestor of the people of a

New Nation of Heaven.

- He will surely experience prison life.

- He will harvest the people who build God’s

Kingdom through 12 tribes of 12,000 each

(total 144,000).

- He has the family name “Moon.”

2) Revelations that the founder of every religion

will return to Korea

LSA – the second coming of the founder of

every religion with respect to his mission

Buddhism Maitreya Buddha

Confucianism Jin-In (true person)

Ch’ŏndogyo Ch’oe Su-un (its founder)

Chŏnggamnok group Chŏngdoryŏng

(man with the true word)

3) Appearance of many spiritualists

revelations and signs testifying to the Second

Coming of Christ in Korea

5. Bearing the Fruits of All Aspects of








1) The movement of the center of land-based







Great Britain

new continent


old continent






2) The movement of the center of river – and

sea-based civilizations



China: Yang-tse River, Hwang River

India: Ganges River, Indus River

Babylonia, Persia: Tigris River, Euphrates River

Egypt: Nile River

Mediterranean civilizations Greece, Rome, Spain, Portugal

Atlantic civilizations Great Britain, USA

Pacific civilizations USA, USSR, Japan, Korea, China

3) The movement of the center of civilizations

according to climate

Civilization: temperate-zone civilization (spring) of Eden

was not realized due to the Fall.

tropic-zone civilizations


continent of Africa

cool-zone civilizations


peninsula, island,

new continent (USA)

frigid-zone civilizations


old continent (USSR)

temperate-zone civilizations

(spring) of the new Eden

island (Japan),

peninsula (Korea)

Parallels between

Jesus’ Day and Today

Section 4

will criticize the words

and deeds of the LSA

based on narrow

understanding of the

New Testament


criticized Jesus’

words and deeds

based on narrow

understanding of the

Old Testament


3) Attitude

toward the


Leaders of Christianity:

clergymen, priests

captive to their authority

and rituals; spirits grow

dimmer each day.

Leaders of Judaism:

priests, scribes

enslaved to ritualism

and legalism; spiritual

life was corrupt.

2) Spiritual

darkness of

the leaders

1) Progress

of the


Today Jesus’ day

Jesus Israel

Rome world

LSA Korea

USA world

If Christians persecute the

LSA believing he is a

traitor of God, they, too,

will go to hell.

Priests and scribes

killed Jesus

believing they

punished a traitor

of God.

They went to hell.

5) Later fate

of believers

4) Receiving

the words of

the Lord

Today Jesus’ day

Jewish leaders

simple common

folk and Gentiles

Christian leaders

simple Christians and


Today Jesus’ day №

criticized as an arrogant

person making himself equal

with God. (Jn 5:18)

branded as a blasphemer.

(Jn 10:33)

6. Jesus

called a false Messiah.

(Lk 23:2)

7. Jesus

called a false Messiah.

Rev. Moon

criticized as an arrogant

person making himself equal

with God.

branded of desecrating God

and Jesus.

Rev. Moon

Today Jesus’ day №

Many disciples abandoned Jesus, not understanding his words, through negative activities of leaders of Judaism. (Jn 6:66, etc.)

8. Disciples

worked until 33 years old in the society of Judaism, but was rejected. After crucifixion, new start of Christianity, propagating the gospel to all the world. (Mk 16:15)

9. Jesus

worked until 33 years old in the society of Korean Christianity, but was rejected. At the age of 34 founded the UC, and sent missionaries to all nations of the world.

Rev. Moon

Some members left UC, misunderstanding Rev. Moon’s words through activities of conversion by negative ministers.

UC members

The Cause of the Chaotic Profusion of

Languages and the Necessity

for Their Unification

Section 5

The Canaanites, descendants of Noah’s second son, Ham, built the Tower of Babel to exalt themselves even above God, thus furthering the will of Satan.

If human beings had not fallen, we would have formed one global family sharing a common language.

Gen 11:7

“Come, let us go down, and there confuse their

language, that they may not understand one another’s


When the descendants of Shem and Japheth, who stood on

God’s side, helped with the construction, God brought

about such confusion in their languages that they could no

longer communicate with each other to further the will of


Our languages must be unified if we are to realize the ideal

world of one global family which can honor the LSA as our

True Parent.

Children naturally learn the language of their parents.

All people will naturally come to use the True Parents’

language, the Korean language, as their mother tongue of


All humanity will become one people using one language,

thus establishing one global nation under God.

Acts in our Age: 1945-2017…

... some people received revelations about Him ...

devout believers found him through guidance from spiritual

world. - 1946

… when they so much as touched the hem of his garments,

they felt as if they floated in the air and could dance out of

pure joy. - 1946

1950, there appeared the face of Jesus in the sky over Korea

and this was a very significant event.

He can project himself in deep meditation and become visible

in the same way that Jesus has been able to project himself

and be seen by the saints.

This is always one of the hallmarks of the Messiah.

do not allow tradition to blind you for a new revelation. - 1965

I saw Jesus walking through the room, he said:

"I am in this place!" Then he disappeared.

A wave of peace descended on me. - 1970

He is dedicated to unite people on earth and their religious

beliefs in harmony and peace. - 1974

- Physics Nobel-Price winner Prof. Tor Ragnar Gerholm

Peace King

I still have much to tell you, but you cannot yet bear to hear it. But when he, the Spirit of truth, is come (The Messias) (link) he will guide you into all truth. (Divine Principle) (link) for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. (John. 16:13) New Light on the Fall of Man. (link)


The fall which took place through the sexual relationship between the angel and Eve was the spiritual fall, while the fall which occurred through the sexual relationship between Eve and Adam was the physical fall.

Spirit self


Physical fall

Spiritual Fall


Physical self

The Spiritual Fall and the Physical Fall 2.2


Summary: When – Where – How

Christ will Return in our Age

Summary: When – Where – How

Christ will Return in our Age

1918-1930 – time parallells – SMM born 1920

Summary: When – Where – How

Christ will Return in our Age

1918-1930 – time parallells – SMM born 1920

Korea; Nostradamus prophecied; Messiah will appear in Asia

Korea has a strong Christian foundation.

Summary: When – Where – How

Christ will Return in our Age

1918-1930 – time parallells – SMM born 1920

Korea; Nostradamus prophecied; Messiah will appear in Asia

Korea has a strong Christian foundation.

Like Jesus born as New Adam;

Rev 12:5 ” She gave birth to a son, a male child,

He will Marry Holy, Biblical ”Marriage of the Lamb”

Summary: When – Where – How

Christ will Return in our Age

1918-1930 – time parallells – SMM born 1920

Korea; Nostradamus prophecied; Messiah will appear in Asia

Korea has a strong Christian foundation.

Like Jesus born as New Adam;

Rev 12:5 ” She gave birth to a son, a male child,

He will Marry Holy, Biblical ”Marriage of the Lamb”

Create a New Cosmic Lineage free of Sin

Opening for highest of happines!






The Divine







Photo (link) from latest Blessing:





2017,2018,2019,2020…Eternity coming

Revelation - The Divine Principle

Dr. Sun Myung Moon

Everyone, without exception, is struggling to gain happiness.



Google for Divine Principle /Bengt


Great Respect and Thank you

for reading this far

/Bengt & Maarit
