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Place in Question assignment 2015

Using historical and contemporary researchUnit 9Contextual References

a      research into historical and contemporary work, showing understanding of the contexts which influenced the work .

What have you learned about the influences on other’s work?B recording and presenting information explaining the use of visual language in others’ work. Where have you analysed examples? What did you learn?c    use of contextual references in own work How have you used references? What impact did they have on your ideas?

At the start of the project, I completed research into contextual references such as Linda Eliasen and Tubidu Graphics. Both of these are completely different as Linda Eliasen’s work is done digitally and it is very modern. Whereas Tubidu Graphic’s illustrations are based on olden age Paris, therefore they are much more detailed and unique. They are drawn by hand first and then colour is added to them digitally on photoshop. I have created a piece of work of each of the artists work. I have learned that you can be inspired by an artists work and use some of the elements from them in your own.

I have recorded and presented the use of visual language using the style of artists which I had looked at on my location. I tried my best to use the unique styles of artists and use them when drawing my location in the college. From completing this research and using others style I have gained inspiration for my own work which I can use when designing my initial ideas. I have used the illustrators as a reference as they had a huge impact when I was drawing my own location. Using others work as a reference for my own has had a huge impact on my ideas, using other’s work for influence and inspiration has given me more ideas and thoughts about how I can make my work better.

Location studies All Pathways- Fine Art, Design, Multimediaa. recording of experiences or information to develop intentions

What approaches did you use to examine and record your location? Representing the space; details; light etc. How did you decide and which worked the best? Why?

b  use of materials, processes and technology or a combination of materials, processes and technology to develop ideas What did you learn through your initial enquiries? Experiments and techniques, use of an experimental process to generate new ideas, suitability of some rather than others?

When completing drawings of my location, I used many different approaches to complete them. I did a few primary drawings as well as secondary drawings from the images which I took at the beginning of the project. I tried to use as many media as possible. I really loved using black fine liner pen as well as colouring pencils. With colour, I was able to represent the elements which I found on the original building.

When developing my ideas, I tried to experiment with as many materials and processes as possible to turn my location into a bold and eye catching place rather than a subtle and boring place. I created two test pieces which were generated from my illustrations using some of the sample which I had created. One shows an illustration with black pen on cardboard whereas the other one shows a drawing with oil pastels with a watercolour wash over it. My test pieces gave me a small insight into what I can create as my final outcome. I was able to try out some textures with my illustrations which allowed me to see how it would look.

Unit 13 (Design) a) Resolve the needs of the brief to develop intentionsHow did you develop the final brief? What client / end user is it for? Why?What constraints and requirements did you consider?What research did you undertake into your chosen area of creative enquiry?

b) Develop a range of ideas in response to the brief. How did you develop your ideas for the final outcome? What techniques did you use to generate ideas? What influenced you in doing this?

Developing your personal brief

To resolve my brief and develop my ideas further, I looked at three more contextual references, these were Caroline Church, Mark Hearld and Claire Rollet. Taking further research into these artists allowed me to look at more styles and try them out. I was able to find out how these artists produce their illustrations and copy a piece of their work. My final outcome will be produced for Esher College. I chose to create a booklet as I really love the idea of having a fold out card that will have an illustration and will give me enough space to also write about the college and promote it well.

In response to the brief, I created a range of initial ideas. Some which are drawings and some which are booklets with illustrations inside which would later help me develop my ideas further when creating my prototypes. I used ideas from the contextual references which I undertook research on, these helped me to generate a variety of initial ideas.

Unit 11 Develop & Produce Own Ideas

a) Create and develop ideas in response to the brief.How did you interpret your brief? What different approaches to the same theme did you explore? What decisions did you make to refine your ideas?

b) Plan and produce finaloutcome using specialist working methods and processes.How did you decide on the final outcome? Why was this the best approach? How did you choose the techniques you’ve used? Did they work effectively?

Developing your personal brief

I have created my prototypes in response to the brief. Each prototype is different and uniquely developed from my initial ideas. I undertook research looking at different promotional booklets which were promoting buildings. I was hugely influenced by their style, layout and colour. I used this as inspiration for my prototypes. Inside my prototypes were different illustrations which I had draw in my initial ideas therefore each prototype had a different illustration.

I decided on my final outcome after having my interim review. I was able to gain some information from my peers on what they thought about my work and my prototypes. My second prototype was most popular and my peers liked it most as it is very much gender neutral therefore it can attract both boys and girls to the college. The brown card goes well with anything so this is the reason I chose it as the background for my final illustration. I chose to do my illustration in black fine liner pen as I have tried this technique out before and it worked very well.