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The origin of the city of banyuwangi

Bahasa Indonesia

Once Upon , there was a local ruler named King Sulahkromo thing . Prime Minister King has named Raden Sidopekso . Prime Minister 's wife has named Sri Tanjung . She is so beautiful and sweet that the king wanted her to be his wife . One day , the King sent the Prime Minister for long missions . While the Prime Minister went , the King tried to get Sri Tanjung . But the king failed .

  He was very angry and upset . So , when Sidopekso back , the King told him that his wife was unfaithful to him . Prime Minister is very angry with his wife . Sri Tanjung said that was not true . However , Sidopekso said that he would kill her . She took him to the river bank .

 Before he killed him and threw him into the river , he said that he will be proven innocent Once Sidopekso kill him , he threw his body into the river dirty . River soon became clean and start spreading the wonderful aroma and very fragrant . Sidopekso said , " ... Banyu Wangi ... Banyuwangi " . It means ' fragrant water ' . Banyuwangi proof of love born of noble and sacred . that's the origin of the town of Banyuwangi .

In English

Once Upon , ada seorang penguasa lokal bernama Raja Sulahkromo hal . Perdana Menteri Raja telah bernama Raden Sidopekso . Istri Perdana Menteri telah bernama Sri Tanjung . Dia begitu indah dan manis bahwa raja ingin dia menjadi istrinya . Suatu hari , Raja mengirim Perdana Menteri untuk misi panjang . Sementara Perdana Menteri pergi , Raja mencoba untuk mendapatkan Sri Tanjung . Tetapi raja gagal .

Dia sangat marah dan kesal . Jadi , ketika Sidopekso kembali , Raja mengatakan kepadanya bahwa istrinya tidak setia kepadanya . Perdana Menteri sangat marah dengan istrinya . Sri Tanjung mengatakan itu tidak benar . Namun, Sidopekso mengatakan bahwa ia akan membunuhnya . Dia membawanya ke tepi sungai .

Sebelum dia membunuh dia dan melemparkan dia ke sungai , dia mengatakan bahwa dia akan terbukti tidak bersalah Setelah Sidopekso membunuhnya , ia melemparkan tubuhnya ke dalam sungai yang kotor . River segera menjadi bersih dan mulai menyebarkan aroma yang indah dan sangat harum . Sidopekso mengatakan , " ... Banyu Wangi Banyuwangi ... " . Ini berarti ' air harum ' . Banyuwangi bukti cinta lahir dari mulia dan suci . itulah asal kota Banyuwangi

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A typical pig has a large head with a long snout which is strengthened by a special prenasal bone and by

a disk of cartilage at the tip.[3] The snout is used to dig into the soil to find food and is a very acute sense

organ. There are four hoofed toes on each trotter (foot), with the two larger central toes bearing most of

the weight, but the outer two also being used in soft ground.[4]

The dental formula of adult pigs is, giving a total of 44 teeth. The rear teeth are adapted for

crushing. In the male the canine teeth form tusks, which grow continuously and are sharpened by

constantly being ground against each other.[3]

The wild pig (Sus scrofa) can take advantage of any forage resources. Therefore, it can live in virtually any productive habitat that can provide enough water to sustain large mammals such as pigs. If there is increased foraging of wild pigs in certain areas, it can cause a nutritional shortage which can cause the pig population to decrease. If the nutritional state returns to normal, the pig population will most likely rise

due to the pigs' naturally increased reproduction rate.[7]