Download - The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 16 (3) Nov 8, 1961

Page 1: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 16 (3) Nov 8, 1961

British Entertainer Scheduled For Next Assembly Program

JaeqoeUn" wachnzl• roe· lr.eled IO!ame ID £D1land wbea bet OJllQoe a111e of telotalon rePOr11a1 bowled 0Ye1 •!ewers and et!Uca alll<e. Al. a e­medlenne-newa eommemator for tbe B B C and BzJUab eommetclal telutelon. ahe has been hailed u one of tbe mcst orlslnal and talented 7ounr d1-eoverlea In Br11aln.

Born In London of Seotti.b parenta.M1-• M•ckeazleapent her ttrl1 chlldbood ID lndla. wbere bet tatber wu a doc!Ot wltb Ille Br1Uab Arm:t · £do­ealed In £llllaad and Scot­land, •he wu p11putar Cot a: c:ateet ln journ&Uam wben abe was ltrnoeabl7 drawn to tbe ata1e.

MA111 auccuaful appeaz· anees u a 1uea1 star on leadlna BBC radio and tel.,.. Y1-lon prosrama led IO ber own unique telu1-lon ur1ea. "Blchll•bt." an lnatantan&­oua hit. !Ator. MJaa Mae· hnzle' • field wu btoadened In tho Cortn11htl7 "Hnlfoot," Cot which •h• ranced all OYet Europe collectlnc n0loworth1 Items ror her Inimitable 1e­porlln1.

Durlna a roconl trip to tbla coun111.Ml11 Mackenzie mado hl1hl1 aucceulul cuut ap­pearaneu on the Ed Sulll•an Show, "Tonl1ht " and "NICbt· beat "She la married to Peter Forster, weU·kno•n Brltlab author and broedcutar

Varlcual1 described In the nowapapora u "the tln1 tor· nllllo rrom SColland" and "~Ilea F'un01 Face." Jae· QUOUno ~\aokende mbea P1Ln· tomlne . a wide ranse or •ocal accent.I. and satire In the lunnleat lecture or the ,_

Mia• Machnzlt will appear 1>eror. tho atudtnt bod1 or NUConNov 17ato.n-mbl)'.

Japanese Mirister Discusses Orientm Religions In T mk

On ti» afternoon ol Oct. 31, a lfCUP of atud•nta httn:I a talk b7 Putor Toahlkuu Oeb­lba, a JapenHe mlnlalar •bo la cunentl7 •l•lllnc tho u.s

Paator Oeblba '• talk waa malnl.Y concun•d with tbe Buddh.llt aod Shlnlore1111oos Man.Y of tbe atud.,nta who at· lendl'd the talk baYO lle•o atud7101 Or1eotal reUpons lo h111or1 clasau

Putor Oeblba ducrlbed Sblotolam u "prtaaarl),y a rt· 11-loo of naturt worablp." Rt dttcrtbed Buddntam u "prt· martl.J a •11 or Ille

Durl"' hi• tal ... Putor Oeb­lba atatl'd that Cbrtati.ns comprise only O "' of the Japaooao IMIOPI•

Alter ht had finis bed bl.a talk. Putor Oehlba answered queallona aubmlttl'd b1 lb• audlt11ce Durtnc tbeQDHllOn· anawtr aeulon, hf' transl&~ tbe Chlnuo •r1Unp on the plct11ru lo room 3Z Rt also read an erctrpt rrom tb" Bibi• In Japan•••

Putnr O.hlba ·a talk waa •l\lo1ed b.Y th• atudenta and man1 queallons were uked b1 teacbtra and atudenta

Ml.d·..emuter uamlnallona be(lD ~O>. 13


Anna R. Etlminster Student Union

o.diceUOfl'I of tiii.e n•• ,.,,,..,,, tlfl•ort ..,.,14 "2 • teh.4~ •~ fc• No... 1 l SJ\•~ h•t• h the •t'*'•'•c-11• •~•-<h of~. W1L4on9 ...4\1~ p r.t-H rwo 0"!0 .,_.,. ogo Uri4-• rite 9"•4•nu of£'"''• H1ch et'Mi £.t J .... ~• uch •H'• tt<ie

'-.tlf4•1'1t meNttof1t~ 1~n• •Mvt •• 1111of<hed. A• loyovt ol tillt bull41no '" o,..rot•Ol"I ... 11 opp.tet I" '"'• l"leat h•"•


•••• J.!rs £dmlnatf'r'1 lJ!t st011

reads Uh a abort blatoQ' or the oldwoet u ol>f' nmr ~are and •~• onl1 on telt'151oo lo 1874 b•r latbtr SCUllaia Greto R1tcbt1 ( U. rar:r Greto wu 1l•en him bee••• bt bad bHn born In a co••red wa1on near Ortt'n R!Ytt, w1omln1 I moved as a •ou.01 man to l..alab Count1, Idaho Terrttor1 , Just acrou tb• ,salt UM rrom Fatawi.ton. ll'ublnstoo Tt'ltltory, and Just aovtb of tM IHHnt cc.or d' Alent1 • lndlan RH«r•atlon.

Re •u • so•otm1Wnt acoc1 la tbt Ntz Puce lndaa ll"•r In 1877. aad altorwanl re· turned to !.&tab COWllJ wbt're ho marr1l'd Ina B SCOlt. •ho bad emlcrattd to Idaho Terri· lot) rrom V.eet Vlzllnla "lib btr par•nta. via Mluoml and caUtoraJa .

On Aacuat 11. 111: a da~b­ter .... bot11 to tl•t mamace •ad abe ,. .. named Rltcbt') . ftl1en abe wu old eooccb to awt acbool abe • u •nroUed In thf' sradt acbool a1 Far.a­larioa and craduated from tbe •1-hth srade In 190:2

After craduaUna rrcm crad• acbool, abe uroJINI at tbo Le• iston l\0t11:1al aad alter­aate),y attended the Sonul and taucb1 betw Ha tbe rears 190:? and 1906

In 1906 abe moud to so~tb ceolnl Or~soa iwar lkllll ud took al) a bom•tead. •be:r •he U•ed and tau.chi ror the aut two 7eara Her ator, d bow abe tranled to tbat loael1 SP<lt ID tbt dead oC Wiater b7 atac• coecb would In ltatU mall• matortal lot a no.-ol about tbt old ••t

ID 1917 abe wu married to Reuben •. £dmlnatu ID Coeur d'Aleat and bu U•ed bt!re conuououal.Y ata.ce. Alter ht!r mazrtase •lit! ae~ed aa a aubstltuto tucbt!r for seven 1eara ID tbe Coeur d'Alene so boo ta and two,,. ... as tutor ror handicapped oblldr.,a.

Mrs. Edmlnater became 111-tereeted In the Coeur d'Alene Junior Collece ,....,. It was first propoaed ID 1932. and when tho ooll•c• epened tn 1933 her nephew. Reuben 'II'.

...,,.e ........ , Edmlnatt: (GUl9d al'te1 t · huaballlll.•u one or u.. nrst lo en:"11 Ke padll:lted la 193&.

TllQie [a:aillar • .1!: tbe Illa· tor1 o! the collece dt:rl::i t11aae Depttuloa 7H-"S tr.XII 1933 to 1939 lrcow tba: tbe act:ool bad ••11 roo:sl: 1a1q and that tr It ba.d CJ>t beta 101 a croup of Ud!cated wo­men, kno•n u tbe Spoaaon Club. tht coU•ce would ban ceuad to be, wra. Eda:i.l.aater. aloq with Mrs. SChmltlt and ocbera. h:it lbe acbool satns by tak1cc op col!ecUona. boldtq dlmler and cara par­t!es. and I• nd1,,. .:i-1 a ap­port and IDCO&:tqem«r:: IO tboae wbo were

Tbe ecbool •!I.I neYtr know how macb II owu to those men and wo1un wbo stayed with It durtnc tbose tr11nc ,..,.,

ID 1939, all.t'r tbe state t.c­lalaturt bad peued tbo Jun­ior Coll•r• ACI and tbe Nortb ldabo Junior Collep D!aalct i.d beeo for:~. Mrs. £da:lo· ater waa ap~ to Ibo Collep Board of Trus1ees. alo"' •Ith ll"atrOD T. Shep­perd, Cbarhta D. Sl.mpeon. A. s. Oreeo and Mra. T. 1'i. Sohmldt. E. v. Bou&hton wu the board attorne1.

Tile rt.rat moeUnc or the coll•ce board •as beld June :ll.19311 ln lbl! Coeur d'Alene cl~ ball. Mra. SCb:ldl wu

elected chal.rman and Mre. Shepl)<'rd waa electod aocre· tary·treuur•r. Mrs. t::dmln· ater "" appointed chalzcian ot the conrs• or study com· mlttee. Onlo E. Lu waa ~resident o! the collece.

llra. Edmlnster hu hl<•n an act!•• rr.omber oc th" colloce board continuously sine• her appointment In 1939 and la still ver.1 much a part or the admlntatratl••e structure or th• coll•1• Rer views ond auuesttonsare al•"7• hlctilJ' rupected bJ olber members cit :be boa:d, and sbl! can al· wa71 be coWl:ed on to speak ~P to: •bat she conaldera 10 be Lile bes: 1.otereai. of t•· •11one concerned.

II would be d!tncult to rtnd •111 otber ain.le lodlvldual to wbam the collep owes so mucb.

State School Trustees Hold Meetings al NIJC

Or: so .... 11111e: 2 3. and 4 lbe arums! COllftntlon or tbe ldaho Schoo: Tnllt•ea Anoe and ti» auoctatloo'a annual arutul meeUnr with the Idaho Aaaoc. or SCbool Admlnlatr•· tora •u held at NIJC. The r::eoU.Dc atreaaed the pbrue "Tax Dollars and School Sena•••.

The Uiree-<1&1 coDYenuoo lncludod comrdru• a:eeuap, addr_. b1PTOlll.lnenl •PHk· era. panel diaeuaalolll, work• abopa and other meet1111a, and dlapla.J• b7 baalnua llroul and atate or~nlzaUona.

Music for tbe conYeoUonwu Pia.Jed b7 tbe mnslc depart­ment or NlJC.

LSA Elec ts 01/icen; Rvth D• nn/s P1 .. t<lent

About 20 studenm anended the tint meett~o! the Luthe ran Student ASSOC. held on Oct 26 Election of otncora wu held and chosen for the 1ear were: p: .,sident, Ruth DennJ.s; •Ice president, Con· nle Nelson; and secretar1· neuurer. Joanne Jacobaen.

The nut meeti.Dc w!U be held oo No•. 10 and the club urcea more studeota to atutnd

Dedication Exercises To Be Held Nov. 13

Dedication eurctn ror the Anna R. Edmtnattr 61udtnt Union •lll be held ,at 3;00 p.m .. Monda7. NOV . 13 Stu· dents and alumni or l\IJC are dedleallnc the new bulldlna to Mrs. Edminster. whoH loyalLyand uosolllah dt•otlon to the coUeae tor over a quar ter of 11 century has been an Ins plratlon lor all ol those •ho have "orl<ed with her and ror all th... for "bom abe has worked

seaa10: J. R8.1 cox. a ror· mer president of the NIJC atudent bod7. wUJ b<' muter or ceremonies Ke will In· troduce guests and parUcl· pan ta In the ceremonies.

The dedicatory addrus w!ll bo ch•n b7 Dallu Ator. SU· perlnlendent of School DI•· trlct No. 211 Ator Is a craduau of NIJC

Actual dedication or the blllldl.DC will be made by \\II· !lam J. Turbin. present alu· dent bod7 president of NIJC

Follow Ina the procram, Ibero ,.llJ be open house lrom ( to 8 p.m. and a student part1 lrom 8 to 11 p.m. All alumni and cuuta w Ill be Invited back ror the even Ina.

Alao partlclpatlna In th• da7's acUYltlea •Ill be mtll' bers o! lbe NIJC Boan! Of Trustees: £.A. Belt4'1 cbaJz· l"\&D; 'lf,J. Buras, •Ice chair man; Mrs. R.11 £drnlnttor. board member aa well u honored guu1. Richard Pen· man and Charles Russell.

llembers ol the Dormitory Houal°' CommJaalon. wbo made passtble tbe blllldlnr. w!U be slnaled out forapec!al thanks. Tbe1 are 0.11 . Ed· moods. Larry L. Gardner: Duane Hapdor.e, ..-lloreplaced Georc• SOnnlchseo r"centl7

Arebltects ror 1he bu.lldlni were f;rnle Ricks and £d James. Mr Jamta la also an alumnus of NIJC. Genera.I connactor for the project was Racen & i..uncelord, electrl· cal contractor wu Pacific Eltctrlc co. Mr Hasen la alao an alumnus of NIJC

Page 2: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 16 (3) Nov 8, 1961

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW ,..._ ~ o.i., "'" ~· r­., .-..- _.. ., ,.,.


Editorial . Ho Cortaon1 Unleu

So far rhi• yoor 11>r1 REVIEW lwn not subsc11bed '" , .. cartoon series, " Li11l1 Mo" on Compu>," wh1cl1 oPPoO•Pd ' 1h1s pope• loll year As rhing> ltond now, II 1• my .i.c1uon nol 10 >ubscribe 10 !he cortoon 1h1s year

However, 11 IS PoUiblo mol my view> on this IT'CJt'•r OTe

no1 shored by a mo1owy or 1he >tuden1> In cons1derotton of 1hls possiboli1y, I lnvlle rhe s1uden1s of NIJC 10 anfom> ,,.,. of 1heir w1sht!s concem1ng tne publlcollon of 1his c:or1oon

ii o sulllcion1 nu...Cor of s audents lndlca10 1hot ilwy ..ant 1hls poper to run the cartoon, I wlll ordM conoons for 1he re· mo1n1no issues - J.M

Som• S1uJenl A rt/1uJ1 - Some Annual

As o momber of rne pub1lcot1ons >1011 of lost yeor ·his

.. rlter 1s -11 a....are of rhP d1 .. a1lsfoc1ion exp1essed by •ome s1udotnrs concemi"IJ IOi! years onnuol

However, desp••e Iha c:mlcism of 1he losr yearbook. rhe publoco11ons .raff pion• 10 publi,U, •he some ~ of onnuo ogo1n this year

Fqr rho benefil of •.1111 """' >tudenr• , '' should be e><plouwd 1ho1 our onnuol ol lo>• yeor cons,.rnc:I of glossy-pall"< reprinrs of all 1he nawspoPf!' 1UUD> of rhe school yeor, plus o ,,...,,be• of p1c1 res of sr..den• CKtov111es ond 1ndiv1duol photographs

of oll 1he s•uden" Thore ore i .. o 0011c roos.ons •hr rke publ1co1ions sroff hos

cloc1ded 10 pUblish •he "°.,,. rype of onnual oga•n Fir>t, an omual of 1lus type s .c;onomlcol for NI.JC becouse mo•• of

rhe ''"''" con be done on school equ1pmenr Secondly, 1h1s rype of annual ,. 19lo1ively ecny ro ouemble, ond tnereforo does not 1mpo>esuch a hordsh1pon 1he11udent•who publish''

Ir must be undors1ood, however, rhor rhe ,,,..-., ot 1he publ1co1lons stoll ore nol 101ollv again>! 1n1roducir>g o dif fe19nt srylo of or NIJC Ahhough a d1fleront onnuol would ptobobly 1a~e more money ond oflon 10 publish, 11 con· not br denied 1hot our school could p<oduee o rrlUCh benot annual

Ho .. over ' lhe •tudents on the publlcollon• 010!1 ore loo r~--1n nuni>er and 1us1 tomply don'1 I-rave the rime ra publish o be11or or>nuol Tho double-duty ol publi,U,ing o b1wee~ly nowspopctr and o yoorbool< odds up to more than .,ork for our smoll pUbltca•lons Slaff wlfhoul Ortlt'11prlng onyrt11ng •lobomre .,uh rho amuol

Ir is opporen1 1hot our school yeorboo~ hos mony ct111cs In

1ho NIJC srudcmt body Of 1hese crir1cs, 1- hove ever gi.....,. ono minute of rho t tune 10 help In publ1shu>g rho yearbook It " certainly o student roghr ro cnricu• rt. pub!fca11ons oi the school, ye1 t shoutd be remembered tno• ct1t1c1sm tOAes on o smoll, ..-n o>pec! ..., ... , 1he cnr1c s .. ll1ng •o pitch

'" and do some1•ung ro mpt'O'e •no ob ec: o' lus c' t1c1srn S•u:!...i•s should remember 1no1 urn I :hey o•e ,.., 1ng ro

bock ~ ,_,. cro11col wo•~> ""h conS!rue'•ve oct ons, ·her ore gotng to hove ' '3 I mp olong "'"" on annual rhcr <eol\Jl'es economy al sr..0.n• 11mc1 and<'• money

"""" ond If NIJC pub sh.s a bett« onnua!, 11 "' II no· be due •o •ho cr11tcol .. ,,,.,,ks ol ~'ondoy-morn1ng aUOt'!..n:>cX<S

who 019 so free wi t h ad••Ce on .. +.a• shou d hove bee<i Clar>e

Bui ro•hcr If « hi be dUD to rho conscious eHon o' sn..cienrs who ore "''lli"ll 10 clonO'e ..,.,... of rhe r ,,,.. 10 noke '"*" deo• reoliry - J "4

Concert CooJ IJeo Ir WOI •rte 11J'O-Qj l"i: t• t+.o oppG"-"I .op.rNAS w1tft which

NIJC , , .,. tltt. groL• p t • r1c¥et1 to ,...,. Clvjc M\is fc Auocig.

r1on"• P'Oi"D~ ol Oct :>6 TM tic"•'• 10' rl'te pro;n:a- (JO ol rite,.,)

••• 91w-en In '"'• offlc• ro '""• '''•' stlAenta v.ho '9C1u•1r.o' ,.,,.I'!" fYtditl"lt l' ,,,.,.. ate enov9't 11Mtnrt 01 NIJC wfrlo .,.,/O'I' l•ne tnltt."IC

to wortvnr rhit 1rvdenr bod,..'1 purcho•e of •M bloc"' o( Hoaon' cq!"t

!.,,CMAPN>ll"O"'• Stud.nrt wl'lo wont ro ott•rrd for•t CM.A ~ma ahould lnq1.1lre

ar the oll•c• f01 (,... llcil"tra Th. oUlce wtll ~HP o NCord of rhe uvdentt .+to uu ,,._ uclfera 'lo a11."1• n• wlll btl 91 ... ,, '"°'• tho.I" Ot\e t1cbt dur ng th. 1c#toot )I.or "'""' oil arud~•• wlto went tlcUts

re<•'"• rn.m The ,,.," CMA prooro"' 11 .c~11lt>d IOI Jon 3). Tl•• P"OIJl'O~

•rll P'•Hnt '"• Clor•~t Ouortet A Jaret ,,,-09,,,,., Is planned for

Lorge Audience For Borah Lecture By Former Cuban

N JC REVIE#. C-• 4'AI..,. 14•"- ..... No-lMr I, 1961 10

oa Oct 31 t•• •!...Seel ~ butd 1 t&lk 117 Dr FT&oclaco Garcla·Amador. a CobLD wbo WU fc.c:oer)Jan omclal 1.:1 tbe Caban CO'l'Hnmt.!ll

Dz 01.fCL&·A...Sw •U 111· troduoad bf Cll•t Grtmu execull •e • ..,,., tat)' of Bora II Fomidallar> MI anma WO rxpla.l:lod U!o ~ of lb• toanda11~11 a.lid tile HrTleea t!at It o!fem

Tbe r1.-.1 p&l1 cf 0: Oarcla· A=-dor'a waa d•u ID a allldJ' of !)le p:~ble• aad caaa• O: tbe w:re•I of LaWI Am~cana . a.:id of tbo Ill !>­lama ol lllld•rdnelop-:t lactnc Ille LallD Aaerlcu i;.t!Ol)le

i; .. 1 Dr Oarcla·Amodor •IUI Ille prob!~• v.e­aeotecl and laced b7 Cab• a paclllcallJ. Aa a Cu baa be La •ef7 t.amUW •llb thrae prob le ma

ODf! l!u1 c.! lnte:cat ...,o-1.loced 1>71be aPMter wu tbal ....., eubaaa. 1Jlcla41cs tbe poorer eluats wt:o •ere tn: merlJ p:~tto are a... be­comlne utl·CUUO

la cilacu&&lllC C'1lbl, Dr Garcla-AMdor 11&1*1 tba1 CUii• bas t>Kome almplJ a SO•let satelll:e D10tlC1 Illa ta.lit. be 11&0 •POte Oil Liie aubJeet or to:otaD IJd to Latin Amertcaa coont.."in

After conclodlcs W• au.. Dr Ga:ela·Amdor rec•he4 QueaUoaa floe Ole 111dJeDCe

Tbt lari• cr.1wd la atiud anoe lacluded DOI oil!.! ato­dea&.a aml facult7 •• -.,. bot a.tao persons r• .)D o~talde

tile collece

Bordi lecturer

9towi eOOYe fc_enNt) 1, Or. Ft...-. Cit.CO Gerct•A.eeiillct. • \o ..... et • tee ... ~ ·~' ... ~ - ,~ 1o11b\K' al c-ism.. f • "t Or Garc•...A.nedor .,. CU=• Gr~•. •~t" ucre-t•f'Y el .....,. &t,..lri: f..,c: ..... .ail '*• Sc•'•• of °I!'• u.....aJ, ....

NUC wW obae.,...e Veterana ~ OU S OY. II wltb • acbool bolidaJ.

Tllo.a ,... lolt1I Bl w Bls­A&ll baa bffn add..S to t~e taclllt1 aa a ~Deb -eber SIM a bo 1-Cllu llle ncr>· c:ecllt Sll&Alsb clua at D.11ht

w:a Blsiall bu a nrtrtJ or bObbJn. ll1Ch1dlc1 se•lc& kolUlr>c. croct1et101. oil

"''••••II patotlu, aad bcr11bact rldlac ~ aod lier l11mbud. an

attoroe1. and tbelr IS aootb old aui ruld• 111 rr.ncb Galcb Tll•J ba•e 11"4 ID Coe..: d'..,loa. aloe. J•DU&l7 or 111$$

lolrt BlcMll Uha Coelll d'Al•lll! ••'7 aacb bee&uo. U r•al.ocla b.. of Boetorl. ...... lllr .... bonl.

Attends Guidance Counsellors Meeting

Oii Oct 26 •lid :n. lilt Mo­arr dlr•ctor or cuJd&nce 11 SIJC auerded a lll<'eUnc of tbe ")rth••I Coll•&• Per· &ODJl•I AHOC at Pacific Lu· lbt'ran Coll•&• In Ta.coma The llM'elloc•u tar theduna or mec. deana of •cmiu. and 1uldaoc1 coanaellora or all oortbw•t Junlorcollecea. col· llJH, and GnlTlrtltlta.

Accordlnc to Mr Moaer. tbe m .. unc coccerned llul! •ltb aucb pioblrma u presented b7 culduce couceeWnc, bou· 1101. act!Yltt•• ud rraternl· ties alld aororltles


lolaA1 o' II:• "otlcra oa lbe -.ID-bau bollrtin boarda &If' oal.dai.d bot 1.t• attll ap !be btlllettn -rd•

Stodeau abould re:ie:11be1 tllat eacb peraoa La re&POD­alble tor r1:1D"1.lla ootlcea tbat 1be7 place oc tbe bulletin boalda •bu :bese not.Ice• become outdated.

•O 1•..dt..,-''I .. ..., .. 4 ... ,., 0,... ~ '~-U'I•. ~ .. "'9• ,,,. t c ... , c ..... ~. o• ~ ~ •• - • ~"• f ,....,. , °"""' - .;

Woodcock's Drug Store C..nd,. - Svodr •


126 N. ,._..i, 5' • C..... d 'AleM


RENT· SALES· REPAIR o .. h ... 1 & 1,,..,. s..n11 ..

1"1[RSTATC Tl'PCWlllTOI co. 4 11 ~11 A•• • ,...,.. 4-lAll

DrPepper DllNK " Hom


OR. PEPPER n.. fT ··dly


Record Dance 1s Held To Obsel'le Halloween ~ KaJ.lo•een daacc held

Oct l~ lu U!c SlJC 11m "'" ap0:111ared b.r th• '<e•ma.o cl ab

Decc.ratlo,. tor !be daace 1oc!aded akelet.oaa, pum~kloa , •ad ccm atalu la !bl Kai· IO•HD trtdltlOD. Cn'llt iiaper SU.MIS and blllooaa WU9 &lao used ln cw drco raUons. Tbe am •u p&JUUoned la !be middle. wltb lbe iartlllo11 df'Cotaled OD tbr la51d9

Rf'Co:da for dancln& were JIPGll llJ' a local dLae Jocte1 Mo.tlC&cl •DtertlJDllltftl dllllDC lctenaL&alo" "u turolaht'd b7 tbtH NJJC al.alcrs, Oordon S;rlte. Broce sJmoo, and RuH s:owo.

A ,ooc1 .. uec1 cro•d attrnded Ille dance.


At a recent 111relln1 or the Ros•" wUUama (8aptlat l club, otnc•rs "'"' elecl~d and a •olunleor committee '"' llllmed to plan poup mHUnp and aeU•lllea tor 111~ monlh of S0Yembe1

otneors elected were: prul dent Ann& Marie F.T&M. •Ice p1'!11dent. Jett e1111atn; eee· rtll.f7· tteuunr. swianJ1na•n 5P0cau tor tbe 1roap la Pae tor Wllllalll 8Unlel of ti!@ f'lr&I BapU.t cburch.

All BapU.LI and otlM!r In teresl«I atadenLI art •elcoma

111 croup.

SOUVENIR RECORDS "/( .. p A R• cOIJ 0111"

- uoe..vl .. u., 2:U 51.,... A.,•




OPEN •:OD A. M. TO 5 lO P. M,


tOO "" 4hl SY•c:r.•

Coc:u• o·ALC,.~ I OAMO







Also Orden To Go

Page 3: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 16 (3) Nov 8, 1961


Politica Science Club Officers Tbe "Collect Cbord•. '' a

bear 1110 or 100111 meo, but atari.d the r•r lo 10.,. . ales· lac popular aoau lo the la· taa1 a11le . Tbe croup lncladea the leMler. Oord oc 6111•. a aopboaio11 rroco Ratbdrum; Saltarlal, Bruu &lmon, a rreablan alao trom Ratbdnua; and Roaatll Brown, a flnl>­~ troco Coeur d'Alene.

Tber bue alrndJ bad nu-111erowi e~pmtola. c oo­alaUns or a prtHa&at1oa al ll'tll Valier R11b &cbool, a d Inner •111as•men1 ror 1be Bteallraal Club. and IDtermla· alon durtn1 the Ocl. 27 Hal· loweeo Dance.

A baar calendar awt.11a lbe "Chord•.'' lncludlns an en-1a1emen1 al a ba11Que1 ror the Idaho AHoclatlon or soil Connr•atlon con•enUon. The

.trio la alao uallable ror anr town croupa who want ~nler · talnment.

PTK Schodulo Sor Phi Theta Kappe booor tra·

1ernll7 bu rece ntl7 aet Ila tchedule or mottlop for the

oomln1 ''"' · Th• meellnaa will be beld

e•er;r other TU&adt7 durlns aol1Ylt7 period In room 8, Un· lea1 there la ao au .. c hool acUYll7 al that Um•


C..h • 0..-s • Fo....dt tion• Spomw..r

lot H. -~ St. • C:.... #'N . ..


WHIRLING INOIAN 411 -.i A ... . MOi..vl M lti


Hl1> & Kw/ s.o.,.,. Solon, Reclucl~9 Solon, ' Sci-I

l 11 Cd A A"• • MOh••l 4-IOH

Ensemble, Quartet Farmed From Chorus

Varloua smaller 1roupa ror111ed b om tbt chorus baYe bef'o • orkl111 In pre pazatloo tor H•t ral up-comlo& neols.

The 11lra' eaauible . con­•S.11111 ol Dl.,. member•. la pracllcln1 for a11.1 Cbrlatmu ensaaemem. that ma, &Ilse. T be7 bue al ready pedormrd a t the Frlend•hlP Tea • hlcb • u JJ•en lut mootb. Row­o • r. •mbers or tbe croup !Ian ool been peraaoectl.J dt'Clded aPOn. acconll.!lc to t he dlreccor, Wro. F"lncb.

A lllUed quarl.el baa re­c entb been lonoed. andei lbe l1ademhlp or Jerr;r Roaa. Olbers ID the lfODP lcclade Colleen Duohal9, Dian• Aua· t laaoo. aod Brron F"l tch. Tbe1 • UI PltHDI aueral numbtra a t tbe dedication ceromoot .. nr tho> .,..,. s1 ... denl Union Blllldlo1.


Leader Publishing Co. Ji. N F.ort~ St . • MON.\ 4-Jlot

MODERN DRUG CENTER P N1 c1/,1loo Spoclo//111 • Gllta " s,..-:iolry

1207 II f..,, ...

Pepsi •• for those who thsnl. young


Politi cot Science Club Plans Panel Disrussion For Its Next Meetil'J

The Pohtlcal Selene C!Jb met 011 Halloween nenJQ£and dtacuaaed ba•lac a panel dla Cl1Slllon ln '• nt ol tbe1tadeo1 body

On ••<b panel IM!<! • lll be one cbal:i:an aod 4 membe11 partlclpattnr le tbt dlacua alOll Tbr -I dlaci:saloa plalllltd ta lb• nut mttUD.£

• Ill bl' "Sbould R..s Cl!l ca be all...-llld to enter the L;alted SaUo:ia?"' The cl:&1r=aa •Ill be Pec.1 Cbecet and :~ !:iur mHobu-s •Ill be Garr Wiler Tom Jacbl'na Dou Jara~DI•. and R!cbard Yo~rac

D,..• .,,... ae: at U 00 per ...... tel

Ml . Stone latrodoced lbt iaest •Pt&ke:. ltl Bedre •bo leacllH Actrlcan Go•em· metit a! CRS

A-t<oe,. Be wu a corz:b&t pboto1

rapber lo l"or ld lrar n a lld abOwllld lb:ff nl&a b bad calr.eo wlllle In Ciiio& Tbe.r ••~ s.llowo u lollowa: "Re-

par1 tro= the °'''"'·" .. Tl bet " ud "'ca!ci:+.:a llldla "

Re ca•• IM atlldeau pre­s u .1 a ' " ' ' c ood baclizouod Oii • lal be WU Ill CCYtr l!leD dNCrlbed aad pYe fut Iller ln!ormatlo: aboct tbo ru..





Spanish Club V/ill See Peruvian l\rt Coslu"'es

"'' t ~ Ocl. 30 S..,..Uab Club ceeuna c:i bo:r beno to plan L.'>ell !IUI •\Pnt Of the 1nr. a showlnc or ciwi-tea n P,.ru and display or latl'l"t Puu• la n cost u::ea allrl art work. Tbe =aterlal.s will be auppll..: aod abown by their caner, loU. :.tcrarlaod. Tile actl•llY •Ul i.. beld In the s1ude111 t:nlon Bulldloi some t'\tnlru: atltr !ls rcrmsl dedl· ca:t n

Fae Toot•ll •aa appalnted 10 ananae re: 1~ re!resh­ml!Dls, trblle Lela Pclsllrl wu uslcn..: all public!~ "etk. The meClbera lo•lle anrone •ho hu Her had •lth<'r hl'h achoo! or col· lece Sl':lnlah, 10 attend lhe .,,•ellnca and JDlo ln ttlls tutu,.., aclt•lty.

Tho ne•t :;penlah Club neetlnc la scheduled tor

Vonday. No•. 13. durln1 ac­ttvtt• Pt'llod ln Room 2S.

Is allo,.ed In

PTK. Louochos Annuo/ Horionol Stvdy P109rom

Phi Thel& Kappa tbe acbo­lasUc bonor !rsterllll7 at NlJC recentlJ" held meellnp to launch Its acll'1l7 propam tor the: J'Sl' ..

Because or the small ciem benihlp o! lb• club. DO all acbool actl'l"IUes •UI be spa:isc>red bJ PTK tbl.s semes­ter. Ro" enr the club does plan to work OD cbt moUonal PTK atud7 procrani durlDc tbe tln1 sec:ester. Thi! 9ubJect or the s!Ud.r will be ""Th• !ll:~e ol tbe Junior Collese. ' "


T bursdar Oct. ~6 tbe Circle K Club met for a combination lunch and business meetl ns The club would ltlte to thank Mra. Stranahan tor maklnc the room and coffee cups a voll able Tllursdtl.)" noon

Tl<o ol Circle K's mem~ro from last 1ear "ere cueacs at the meelln& Thev werr Ari Rowe U and Bob \\II llama

\\'hal du!.'5 Liu:; lu\"ely College Queeu \\anl in her diamond ring~

!.fo• Pat \\t"a•~. Am~uc.1 "• \•ltc.n• I Collrc:C' QuKn, re­.. n1td bc-t fnnuutu-• t Ir a •t'll u btr prac1ie-al totnw- wMft .. lcd at.o..1 d..amond " "I ~"-" .decred u her la•onl• 1hc io-rly'Yied E• cn1n1 ~&.ar -oae of Anca,"' awatd• • uut,q ckaic1u. Why da.d •he choole it? Bccau~ of au brulhtakia1 bcao1y .,.J p&rlltlt«d quality. You -. nuy .... ru ..... ~ rtDC .. IMllU'ltcr4 ut writtlJI for alJ the !«'• 10

comr by Amrnc•*• ~I rapttt.ed rinc "I: ou bu, at "'bit con.6dcntt - wear it with pride

\ 1ut 1our loul Anancd Jcw<lu .JM! a« why Artaned d lamoed nnr btta the choice or m111.ioo• lor mor« tb&n a cmru,.,. Perh.lpt 1ou Cl.A mn bmu.aa (or yori11 ftOW f



~ 'R Wooa A. So"-' tl'C.., O.OL CP JI ,,. (_ -'&tft S... New YOf'lt 11, H Y

~ ...,... .,_ ..,., taaa •••u d..,...t ri•r • ...t "'W...od""f ~ C0t a.... .ad C,..._ .. AJ.a.o: .... .t .,_,.... (., hemc-co• n) ArtarT<f'd Jc- .-lct- I .. f'~ JOf ~ COTf:f h.aeclflq &U poe~,

h•~-------------......... __________ _ c.1, _____ .co...nry 0t ?OM __ _ ,..,._ __________ _

Page 4: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 16 (3) Nov 8, 1961

mack T uesdoy 9y Joy J""rv-nH"

soted sw of •tace. screen, and bl.octboord. J&ck Droney, mad• hla mu~lcal debut on the sue siact at 12:21 lut TUesd1.1 atl•raoon F'otmor • wllb l~ Ellsllab De· partment Chowder and Ma:cb­lnc sand. Mt. Dreaney u· c•nded to tbe atace accom­panied b.r a deatenlnc drum roll and "''"''"" fanfate." Aller the rans had bt'en rorclbl.r quit~ and Mr Drnney bad been tn!onnl'CI or the ldenUty, ob&J><'. and IOCJlllOn ot the bas• drum. the band becan IO pJ.oy

E•on ror we la)'lllen It •as easy to reel the puslonalo rorvor exhlblted by the vlr· ruoso as M rendt'CI the band ' a rondlllona vdlh a spirited solo.

\\hen the ptrtormancc was over. a crateful Mr Burns shook the artlal'a hand as ho r~celved a standlns ovation. Due lo lbc fact that several me.mere or the basketball squad •ere badl.r trampled In lhe rush tor autoJraphs, Mt Dreaney bu klodl.r consented 10 recehe lnu."lewera In his otnce at 6:30 a.m on week· daya and Sunda111

Mr . Droaney'a comment: "Lille 1 rully eQJoy cood music. man. And tbat Burns cal r~a.117 dlr;s 1 1ood bt'al. don't bf..••

Girls' P E. Classes Play Indoor Games T~rt are ma111 clrls pe.rtl·

clpaUnctn athleUca lllll: year Mra. &calea la the lnatructor apln this yeu.

There are 60 mlnut.e• or en· Joyable exerclu tor all Al lhe be&lnnloc or lho yoar. th•> played kickball Theyare now Pla71na volleyball. badminton. ahumc board. dndct ball, and soccer Bukotball la planned ror the near ruture


EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP "Fot Qw.ttlty e.-d S.""iu·· "'°,,. MOh••' 4-)t.f.S Ot •·M1•

111 Sh•nntft A••· • C..ur d"Altn•


MISSOURI LUNCH 210 $Jrte-""'Wfl AH. • C:..,t ~Ale"•

C--.let• Lt,,• Of

Hunting Equipment THE LIGHTHOUSE

SPORT/HG GOODS JOS si-.. ......... MOl..•I '-572 I

BOWLING Tbunda.r Le&JW. Oct. 19

TOP Ttll Bowler& Jim Olsen 119 Cl1de 11eller 166 Bill Jacobson 163 Oous Lona 163 Darrel colbt'n 162 Pat Bladen 156 Sandie Al~i&nder 156 Bruce Erlcuoo 155 Ed Picado 155 Darrell Koeppen 153

Rl1b lodl•ldul - 3 G..:08 Darrell Colbert 571 Pal Brtden 568 Jim Olsen S6S Sandie AltUDder SH Sandie AluandPI 473 Bobbi Ball 435

Hlsh lndl•ldual Ga.JM Mark Brel&hlhaupt 222 Darrel Colbert 215 John Branc!Yold 212 Srlndle Alexander 184 Sandie Alexander 180 Sandie Alexander 110

TEAMS Saodb91cers - D••e SW&o­

son 123. Ed Picado 155. Bob Hersey 150, Darrel Colbert 162

Hol.7 Rollers - T"elT1 van Slate 141. RAndJ' Glt'en 131. Ken Davis 136. Larry Mlt:so~ 122

LucQ- Laser FOUi - BW Holstein 135. TelT1 Clem 132 Mull arel&hlbaupt H6. Jobo Brandvold HO

Leh Overa - BW Jacobson 163. hil1 Lant> 124. Roy Chapm8n !SO. Jim Olsen 179

Ballahlppers - Tero' Bu.rrla 114. Jim ACu!C 124. Geotee IAOore I 0 4 Ron Warren 120

Shelka-or·Stell - Ron Bait· zell 134, D&trel Koeppen 153. Dick La F'Tancla 133. Ed OU· ,., 144

Pin Heads - Ra7 Ban 111. Vern £111• 153, Gene Maler 153, Jim Perham 110

Church K•J'• - Broce Ertelt· son 1$5. Bobbi Ba.ll 129 Pal Braden 158.

Hair Pasta - Tom Anlboll.)' 135. Jerry Dalllor 139, Jim Pucci !OS, Ron Earley 136

B&O -stwu1 Rosa 133. Bill JenneJohn 123. Oouc Lone 163. Keith F'rcderlcuen 119

Les F'aubes - ~u.1 sue Cbald>ers 108. Pat studllen 83. Sandie Alexander !SS,

Team No. 12 - Cbde 'tleUer 168. Jack Oerttn.a 109. Gerald Bacus 111


AllboU&b rotlJ' prospecl1ve pl&J'ers turued out !at basket· ball. tM sue team •W be somewbat laclUnc ID botb 11%e and experience thlsyu.1. The~ Is cena1DU no or •ntbDS!asm. bowner.

Coach 'ti Ulla ms says tbai be ba.s Sood cuanl.a and lbr team show• cood speed, whlcb wW m ID nlcdl' •ltb the sec atfe~ be bas pl.amled.

Tbe rlnJt or :he SHSOD •W be apimt the o or Jdabo troeb lo Moscow oo Oec. 2.


Del Gittol

)17 H..miMft >.,.,,._ • C..vt ~Al.•••

Speaker Explains Russian Tactics, Cold-War Weapon

On ~ T 3. t::ie a1~en1 t....-l7 bMld .., lr.te."!'•U:lc aad Im mo:oas tall b, CO:iata"'I"" Bokbn:I. a R1>aala.D •Ill> 11&8 ezpo:lux:ed nr.1 b&lld Ille 1-ct or c~t ir.a::11

Tbe •peaker W&8 li:llJdDCed b7 Mt . £YUa co u.e la.tee •ta­dem udle:ice llla1 satbered !or llrat ~ ID :» cww •tlldecl WOD

IJlgcb ot <be nn.1 pan or au. Boldyr~t?·• laJl waa d•­to u ••l!l&aUoo n! Rlluls •a tactlca ID .deal!A1 wllb tbot Tiea~!D wwld He tu-t'd llle Rllul&n $0-c:e .. to:i bo=b a ucol4.war •ff POD ..

Mt Boldr.e•r also espla~ 111&1 ~=~• Cr11t11 ~com llWD!al tesliz:e In Rusi& I - pnr111.ll7 ••allow9d L tbe"RllN1u pe~I· Wlle:l II propapada la alloul tb111u ln Ruula Ti. r-a !~r ~• ls tbat the Runl&n people cao

ee t!wdlttett..ce betwee:iU.e Coc=:lal llDe aad rK!tty In ltwlp tllal att o~"able bJ' tbem.

DurlDC lib t&!lr !Cl. 80147 ~!r Clad• Itel.., tbat be ad•o­cated a lla:d·UM policy Ill d•llnc•ltll Ruaala Ho•'"' be Polllled oat tbat a bard lice po1Jc7 •oaldo't :eeoTe &be lbzea.t or Cot::mwd.o: or lnl•~ll to tile a:lldenta

•e:e 1iw LoataDC~ or rutst ance and rtbeWcui by tbot Russlan P<>OPI• •caw: llM Red rula:e whlcb ·~ r~ laud b.r w Bold..rren R• also •Polle or lb<' c:onruc:111 occurrtns •ltllln lht! Com.., nlll •odd but he •arced llla1 an QPrtalnE b7 lb<' Rcsllao people •as 11<>t fc;rsuable ID lhe oar rutu.r~

ID bla final atat•mtn:• Ml Boldynitt emphul&ed t bat •• must auppon and ald tbe RD8· s1an (Jl!Ople In lblOW IDI ort lbe ~IU'·

fo, llt• F•nu' I" 0.iry Producta Uu C•~ot~°"

CARNATION COMPANY 14 l06 Tlunl WO • 2rn


H l.J c RfVIE .. c ... t ··~1~ I ... .... ,.... ....... kt •• 1"61 u

Speaks At Dinner

SM-1' .,.etrmt et e. ttflllM ft9f'llll!t u clwt."• 4 ""'w" Jot,..,.,.,.•'.,,.."'' h , .,._, ~ ..c:•t• y reN ~ 1~ ""' '"' .,..,., F\llt.·P• ••~~h~nt


Tbe NUC c ao• ~tepa:IQC 1 Cllrlal,.1 c D-

een to be llna la une tloo •lib the! ba Drl ~c ll1Dlbe17 IU

Thi! ~acr•• •Ul c D8l•t r llabt eni.rta~lll IJ>ch111nc a CDliertl Df Al Blllt "1 cai Is &ltd tte Fred trartnr o.:Tance Ill of "T.._as l!lo Nlj;bl Before C • ••

Joi • aer mas IC • Ill be ~~seDled ID Ibo Cua t ··Sc:bllbert"a .uua lo a ··

1C111..,1 Hot .S.otr.n

Oou:ior!W:& la recelll •tt:ta l1I 0 C:lllt ••:e .... huddled ID front cl tile aou:b doot to lbe collecc EYldtn:l7 I~ academic: ll!e did not &I>" peal to them bo•ovtt rar tbt.7 lattr disappeared


LAUNDRY Coeur d'Alene Loundry

& Dry Cleaners i:.... Pickup anc1 o.nv...,

>01 F. .. t Mot.ow\ '-lSt•

Dt••n•r Sp..,ht .41 Ho•• Ee Club Olnn•r T~ nr11t Home Fe Club din

a•r ;;ittllDI .... held on Oct l3 Tb• dlnnu •H bold In honor or thr ro:el•n •tudenla, and !10 people. lnch1dln1 1$ 1ueiola ...... pru~nl ror lbt lutkn dinner

)II Drnaer wu th• IUHl •iieattr allll told about 1111 trip to Japan

., 0. TER"' E:XM'S CO YING

"\COnda.J. So• 13 bu bHn ••ti U lbe da,7 ror llld·Hf!IH• ter •nu ll'llb the "bl1 day" aebedaled tor a Monday atu de111& •Ill ba•e a •bole wul·

'Id lu prepue for thto l~ t

For a lifetime of

PLEASURE lea rn to

BOWL While You Are Young

lake City lanes, Inc. l4f' M. ~ St. • eo.,,, 4'Af•"•

GREAT BETWEEN COURSES! Get that refreshing new feeling with Coke! aoweo .-, .. -117 ol Tl!lt Cou-Coe• ~ "1 EMPIRE COCA-COLA BOTIUNG CO.