The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 16 (7) Jan 17, 1962

CHICAGm """"" - "' It cnoy be old ......... bu:t ll'a .., om! Two ol del• Pia LO Ille Nauoaal 4-B Can· lfttlllee lut NO\'. 2$.Dec.. 2 wen NUC llAldcl.L n..e lud:7 WU. eon- N.i.oc and 8nltt Samo11&. - - trip In bu !kid ol alftJ' and a..... Wl)ll the lrip 10 bJa &Id ol recreauCNI. Cc- -1 MOion WU Connla'a - - and John Deen WU wUb Ille 141ho dol$1- LO Clllca&o OD the Nortbem PacUk and ""'" eel In U.. Conrad Rllt.oc. M ,.,.., "We a1-.,. late LO and 10 Idaho wu oo tbe Lui noor - Ille 25th.- While there, 8:uce and Co•· Ille ,.,.. mall)' ll>Jnp the Pru. dcnUal Bulldlna. man,. mlll6- wna, the atodc7arda, I hol"M allow, lhc bepnnlng o< 1 rvd· eo, lhe downtown aru, Danny 'Tbom.. and other 1tan. '!'bey ...,,... olao entertained at maey danca, banquela, and &hOWI. One dance wu held In lbe famoua Anson Ballroom. which ll bulll like a caaUe Brott and Conllle both felt Pl't'llY lucll:)' to be two of lbc 1,400 kJda who attended Mos'. of them ••re c:ollep lludcnt.1, and u toll•&• hn• Lendeney LO do. Uwed It up When utcd what they llltcd belt. Connie and Brue. both •IUWf'ftd. '"lbe entire lri- lbtl't' wu t.oo much LO do to pick out one lb1na u bell - Connie cUd malte oomc ,.. marlls about not· lffd ao many forelca -le oo many dittettnt tanauaaea. I lllttd Cllkaro aod ll l&Q'l u t.d u ptOplt lb.Ink It really wun'I YctJ' wlndT. but II wu told- SB Contracts For Jimm y Dorsey Bond For Concert, Dance Arnnr•monll ha>.,. bttn made by lhc Stud•nl Board for a Marth 5 1ppe1B11ct ol lhe f&moua band or the late Jlmnu l')orwy Tho prorram will In· •lud• concon and daneo Th• Jimmy l>onc>y bead la l..S by I.ff Culle and la OM of lht better lr:nown b&nda 1n the nation Studco.1 Bod1 ProAdcnt Bill 1'1rt>tn. In • otatcment <OD comlftl lbe b&nd'a appu.raJ>tt, promlatd that the Sludc1 8oud would bepn "''"" oa pubhd.l!n& and prel'Uinl tor the e...,DL U. allO \U'Std ll\ld- eDla ID OOilb'UJt IOW'lla lo pab- u.., event UI lbotr arua. Stud•nla ..-ho ant Wlllt"I lo do thu tJlouJd NDllct lbe Sluc!ut e.-d. Mr Bl1111S tbe opuuoc !bat SUttea ol lbe ton<et-dance would del_,M wbelber oim!Ur <•"'1la will be bold lo the ru1ure, ud bow oftco Ibey will be beld. CIRCLE K ELECTS TWO BOARD MEMBERS At a re«nt meetiD&. t11e Clrde K Cl'11> et.<ted four memben u board mt11>ben. Elected ..... ,. Cary Panoa1. Oavt Andtnon. Car, Hallad.\y, and Ooua Lona. cbalnn•o were llloo appointed by Pro«ldenl BUI Vaullhn Tbey an .. fol· lows· h- committee, Otnnl.t Nowion; project committee, Bob Ralph, public "'lal.IODI <ommlltce (to be appolnt•d): IOd.aJ comnuttee, Cary BaJla.. ci.t: prc>O'am commlllet, Doc Alexander VOl.UlolE )t Vl, NO. ; •EllNESOAY, JANUARY 17, 1962 li llboar d Advertises NIJC A YffY &tTilclng billboard which a.;i. .. tt.e ..,.. of motorim coml,,. to Coe<1r d'AI- from ti.. ..... 11 """"" . i.o... It WU ·- by ,,,. c.... ,r d'Al- Ch.-r of c_,_ru to - ..... its educ•tiorwl opportvnlttH fnclic am tMlr 1tron9 lnto,...t In NIJC. NIJC 1t"'4nll In it.a +o,...rout'ld are krnfta Lien nd Da nny Mell1c.k. In tti. bocluiroun4 .,.. Sharon S.IHlicy and It...,-. Ano· th.r '•" the coll ... ha.a -n _,.., on Hlehwey 10 ,,.., Woll tiM the vac..llfion attnctiont of the C4'IUlr A.Je.M .,... a nd their ltrH& at the ...,,... t•me of Student Asse rml y Spemcer Wll' nsU.S. To Prese rve Freedoms Ml9 Ali>'• Qud1maoc-R.IO. bon ill Madapxar , and D- makiAa btt bam• In IAdia. - lbe apedal cu..i dm- 141 an --.mblJ' oc Jan. 1!. Sbe spoke oc -Atria, lbe Blaclt CLLol-. Cl<Ulf both her P'll'IOMl opliuom and adUal (tela eoottrrwt& tM <ODUDe:DI and Ila people Mia Rao. or 1nc11an and Ja ... an.. ct.cent, lludled IDl.l&le In Sw11,urland and ecoooaw:s II IA• SotlloDDt UI niuice A wtdtlT traveled w •lt<ndNI acbool ln lM cWltttat towunes and more l't'CCIU!y W'Cftl OD oalart IO lhf' CooSO. Sb• (U'll ........ 10 the l.:D.ited Sta!M UI wblle Oii a ltc- ture tour or -I.hen> ...i.oia. nu. btt bo"karound P9M lbt way for btt role 111 poUtld. A camber ol Lacu WU. UDa>•W'td by Misa Rao m ber IK'llll't' SM t.old of t,bt> t.btt&t o.f (Awm1mle Ul Alnc•. '"' culture.. lilw>cW ...... i.. tnbahsm, rdlpoa. JO'<· emmn1. and educaboa SM abo the opuuon tlat our p_.. o..p. 10 Alna would be much efl'<cti•• II more older, e.q>ene..... i - pit mode up lls Sbt aid !bat °"" failurt ol our llUSQOIW'\eJ mjpl be dial Ibey do !IOI work toeelller UI """""" the D&li- lo a.:u. twuQ SM pn.ioed our i:ry for Ille woadcrflll trftdam It ntAden us. but allo onmed UI LO proUct Ibis !rttdolQ &om oppra&lOCI. Aller R'laU11S lbe facta at an A!rlcan woman's role - btt bl&l'dcil ol doLD& all tbe work wbUe lbe ..,.,, 111a by be.uizi1 111' drum. and be lnteme Matth for an td11C1Uoo-M.w Rao •"!>lalned and cd the Ill which an A!n can "'°"'"" drellea. Miu Rao Cf"dOual)' CODRl1t· ed to an ln!onnal dlrcuuion wttb lbe coUea• faculty, tbolr wivu, aod frleods the prevl...a ••""1lni. "'blch faculi.y mem· ben dCICJibed u •W> re- wardinl. Your Office rs I ptt ,_ (!till- ...... cu.a for lhb ,_ '" 0.rd< Cl>d< wu born lll eo.ur d •nd bas ll\ ..,d bett moot or !ILi Iii• A 1!181 or eo.-ur d .-.J<U ffidt :;cbool, be WU stgd<o.1 bod7 presadenl and o! Ith aopbomore and Ct\'do Well« Jwuor <'1...-et. lie au a .c.rm-- ber ol < ( >Aii,. track. acd bukolball lams and be ed lrOmllone UI Ille IKhool band and orcbeotra. Cb-de b allo .....,. a&n 111 4-B. Be .-U I dckpt< lo Ille :Sn:OIW 4-H C<m::ra> 1C !SIG>, &lie! be D prwctly acr' U .Utt ._R nw Year. &I Cf)'c!e .. a !Dember ol C'udt K. U,. <Oi tesr band. the -e11 bowlill& tum and the PNabyt.ttU11 Club Re u majanl1C ll1 <lwmlcal >Dd piano LO .... ,. UDa. ha educauoa al Ille liDI· ftrlilJ' of Idaho afUT O'ldua· Uoo from AIR FORCE OFFERS S4000 SCHOLARSHIPS Scbotanhlpo or 54.000 r11r rounc ladles lntCl'elled tn u. moolba Al.r Fo!'<ffponMr..S ll'llnlnl o! i>llYslcal IJ\cnoplstl and cildldana a:e bctlna orr..... ed DOW, 1.......U.01 LO T/SCt. Cbarles L. W"1.latt, AJr RecnllW In Spoltanc. AppUcatJons ""' beiJljf ac- ceptrd In JIJW&rY and Febru- ary, Girls lllt.erefl<d m.t.Y caU call so. Wallace II TE 8-4241 Reg is tr!I' Announces Reg ist ration Changes For Se com Semester It ha.. btto lllDOW>ttd by lbe rtliltrv'I oUJce that a new pol1ey bas been lnatltutrd In conn<ctJoo wtlb tbr rectsua- uon f'or lbe finl umc already en.rolled wtll be roqU!l't'd to bl•• per. ID.Ila to reSUtu i.c.rore IJ\cy &rT allowed to rTOStu for lhe 0tt0od 1tmestcr These per- mita will be Issued any Ume befol't' Feb I and all studenla ,.ho plan to , ..... nroll should r<qUtil them u aoon as po .. 11blo AllO!Mr chanre r<qulrcs !bat all ntw studtnts nCJ<I se- me1ter talte their pbyslcal tiuunmauona before they reg· Iller They 11\1)' &O LO tboJr 0'"' doctors (or th• CUllUD .. uono. Spcdal forms LO be lilied out bl' lha >1udtnts and lhdr cb:l«a may be obtained !rom tbr otOce Will like place 1" f.b< OmtUllUm OD ThundaJ' And Friday, Ftb I and 2. from II 00 un LO ,,_. and from l:il0to400pm. All lees .,.. payable 11 the or and any· - altu t•b 2 will be comidtnd Lile r<Cl>lranl •nd ..W be subject LO a late "llQl'lllOD f te fJI I' lhe On! .,....It and 110 0tt0nd week. So OM wtll be permitted to reritttr unleu he hM been <l•artd by tbe library This mt.ans !bat all overdue books mtat be "'tunled and all fines pajd Clase ocbedules will be •nil· •bl• Jan. 28. Sponhh Club Wt/I Bur Cloc/c Fo1 SU 011 Jan. 8 lbe si-oub Club m<!l In Room 2' to further d ... CUii !be purchMc of' • dock for the Sludenl Union. Th• ll'OUP plans to baYC I bake .. 1. In lhc near fulUre 10 ralae the needed money to buy a clodc of lt&l'bunt deslcn. The next Spanlab Club meet· I.DI la eclleduled for Jan. 22 In Room 2' dunn& acUrilY per- iod. T rusteesApprove Plans For Two New Campus Buildings NUC's 11\lStets approved plans for two new bulldlnp at tbeU" January m...uaa. AdWI' Uslllr for totutructioo bidl will belin Jan. 17. Otodlinc for blda for mech· •nica.I and elt<'lric:il tontracu will be Jon. 29 •l which Umo IJ\e trwtecs will 1tlect U.- tontnc!OtS and nollfy bidden for the aeneraJ contr•d. wb- deodlln.c for bids will bo Feb 5. The ccnual contract will be awarded al lbe Feb. 12 board IMCu.,._ Consttuellon will Stan IS IOOl1 afler Wt U fcuible Plans call for aew block shop buUcWia oo Drive. •&SI or lbc p..-01 mcebanlcal uu bulldina. and tor a story brick win& soulb or lbc oHl..a 'Tbe c:l&SR<>Om wlnr will bo- a DCW llbnry 00 lbc P'Ound n_. and DCW fadlJtlol and blolofJ' bcUlllts on the att0nd n ...... Wllb lt\'ttal larse r•oeral A unique (e&t"-"' OD tbe -d 0- will be liered clusroo-. Wllb IHbDC rUJnc in Uera above tbt lcel.llR' desks ID ftoot oJ tbe classrooms. , .... ,mblin& &mall ampbllbu!.era. !'reseal pb.YSlCI .....,..,. will bo used cxclusi\'•ly for chem- btry when tbe new bw.lcllnp an completed. The new lhop bulld!na wUI house lb• <lectronJca depart· ment. ouLO meohanlca depart· menl. and wUl include badly needed &hop sp.11tt. A bu<!ment ID lbb bulldina will be deslcncd u fallout shelter for several hundred penoo.s. The Industrial arts aod DU1cbine &bop departlllenla will occupy tbe presto.I auLO mecb· a.nlcs IJ>'IC< in lb• mecban.lcal aru builcWia. Plans for use ol lb< present cl.,.tro11ics bullcliAI .,.... DOI ddinile al tbis time Sine.- lb• new wlo, Will bf locat..S OD part of the p,..,...nt paved partina lot ooulb of lbe main bulldlnc. a new putinC UN will probably be provided norlb ot lbe mechanical arts bulldln& OD lbe preltD1 play• Ueld Girls Service Club Has Been Orgmized The Soropumbl Club In Coeur d' Aleae is spoDIOnDI a Clrl's SttT!ce dub st NIJC. l'Otboo is bclputf LO tbe club siarted and lloltS. LaoSe will be tbc club's •d- vt.or The onb' sirl's service dub at lbe toll•c• wtll ba'-e utl•· 1u.. simim 10 ot the Clrcle K. Its <onsUlutloo I.I DOW bcina dra'"' Up. Temporary oUleors are Kar- en Ranson. pl'Uidtnl, •nd Ann Barnard. secreW"Y. ElccUon of pcnnonent olllce.n will be held dur!nlt the second aemester Tbe airl.t now ln the club atC •pplJcants. Charter mem· be.n wlll be selected on tbc buts of Cl"'dCS. Interest, and wllllllrn•sa to worl<. All i>'ls Interested should coDts<l ADA Bumrd or Karen BansoQ.


Published Semi-Monthly During the College Year by Journalism Students at the North Idaho Junior College

Transcript of The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 16 (7) Jan 17, 1962

Page 1: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 16 (7) Jan 17, 1962

CHICAGm """"" - "' It cnoy be old ......... bu:t ll'a

.., om! Two ol del• Pia LO Ille Nauoaal 4-B Can· lfttlllee lut NO\'. 2$.Dec.. 2 wen NUC llAldcl.L n..e lud:7 ~ WU. eon­N.i.oc and 8nltt Samo11&. ~ - - trip In bu !kid ol alftJ' and a..... Wl)ll the lrip 10 bJa &Id ol recreauCNI. Cc­-1 MOion WU Connla'a -- and John Deen WU an-··~ 'Tb~ Ira~ wUb Ille ~

141ho dol$1- LO Clllca&o OD

the Nortbem PacUk and ""'" eel In U.. Conrad Rllt.oc. M Con~ ,.,.., "We ~ a1-.,. late LO eve~& and 10 Idaho wu oo tbe Lui noor - Ille 25th. -

While there, 8:uce and Co•· Ille ,.,.. mall)' ll>Jnp the Pru. dcnUal Bulldlna. man,. mlll6-wna, the atodc7arda, I hol"M allow, lhc bepnnlng o< 1 rvd· eo, lhe downtown aru, Danny 'Tbom.. and other 1tan. '!'bey ...,,... olao entertained at maey danca, banquela, and &hOWI. One dance wu held In lbe famoua Anson Ballroom. which ll bulll like a caaUe

Brott and Conllle both felt Pl't'llY lucll:)' to be two of lbc 1,400 kJda who attended Mos'. of them ••re c:ollep lludcnt.1, and u toll•&• ~nll hn• • Lendeney LO do. Uwed It up

When utcd what they llltcd belt. Connie and Brue. both •IUWf'ftd. '"lbe entire lri­lbtl't' wu t.oo much LO do to pick out one lb1na u bell -Connie cUd malte oomc ,.. marlls about Cblcaa~-1 not· lffd ao many forelca -le ~aluna oo many dittettnt tanauaaea. I lllttd Cllkaro aod ll l&Q'l u t.d u ptOplt lb.Ink It really wun'I YctJ' wlndT. but II wu told-

SB Contracts For Jimmy Dorsey Bond For Concert, Dance

Arnnr•monll ha>.,. bttn made by lhc Stud•nl Board for a Marth 5 1ppe1B11ct ol lhe f&moua band or the late Jlmnu l')orwy Tho prorram will In· •lud• • concon and • daneo

Th• Jimmy l>onc>y bead la ~nllJ' l..S by I.ff Culle and la OM of lht better lr:nown b&nda 1n the nation

Studco.1 Bod1 ProAdcnt Bill 1'1rt>tn. In • otatcment <OD comlftl lbe b&nd'a appu.raJ>tt, promlatd that the Sludc1 8oud would bepn "''"" oa pubhd.l!n& and prel'Uinl tor the e...,DL U. allO \U'Std ll\ld­eDla ID OOilb'UJt IOW'lla lo u.., event UI lbotr arua. Stud•nla ..-ho ant Wlllt"I lo do thu tJlouJd NDllct lbe Sluc!ut e.-d.

Mr Bl1111S e~ tbe opuuoc !bat SUttea ol lbe ton<et-dance would del_,M wbelber oim!Ur <•"'1la will be bold lo the ru1ure, ud bow oftco Ibey will be beld.


At a re«nt meetiD&. t11e Clrde K Cl'11> et.<ted four memben u board mt11>ben. Elected .....,. Cary Panoa1. Oavt Andtnon. Car, Hallad.\y, and Ooua Lona. cbalnn•o were llloo appointed by Pro«ldenl BUI Vaullhn Tbey an .. fol· lows· h- committee, Otnnl.t Nowion; project committee, Bob Ralph, public "'lal.IODI <ommlltce (to be appolnt•d): IOd.aJ comnuttee, Cary BaJla.. ci.t: prc>O'am commlllet, Doc Alexander

VOl.UlolE )t Vl, NO. ; •EllNESOAY, JANUARY 17, 1962

lillboard Advertises NIJC

A YffY &tTilclng billboard which a.;i. .. tt.e ..,.. of motorim coml,,. to Coe<1r d'AI- from ti.. ..... 11 """"" .i.o... It WU ·- by ,,,. c....,r d'Al- Ch.-r of c_,_ru to -.....

its educ•tiorwl opportvnlttH fnclicam tMlr 1tron9 lnto,...t In NIJC. NIJC 1t"'4nll In it.a +o,...rout'ld are krnfta Lien • nd Da nny Mell1c.k. In tti. bocluiroun4 .,.. Sharon S.IHlicy and It...,-. Ano·th.r • '•" •~ertist,,. the coll ... ha.a -n _,.., on Hlehwey 10 ,,.., Woll L~

t iM the vac..llfion attnctiont of the C4'IUlr I· A.Je.M .,... a nd their ltrH& at the ...,,... t•me of

Student Assermly Spemcer Wll'nsU.S. To Preserve Freedoms

Ml9 Ali>'• Qud1maoc-R.IO. bon ill Madapxar, and D­makiAa btt bam• In IAdia. -lbe apedal cu..i ~ dm-141 an --.mblJ' oc Jan. 1!. Sbe spoke oc -Atria, lbe Blaclt CLLol-. Cl<Ulf both her P'll'IOMl opliuom and adUal (tela eoottrrwt& tM <ODUDe:DI and Ila people

Mia Rao. or 1nc11an and Ja ... an.. ct.cent, lludled IDl.l&le In Sw11,urland and ecoooaw:s II IA• SotlloDDt UI niuice A wtdtlT traveled w •lt<ndNI acbool ln lM cWltttat towunes and more l't'CCIU!y W'Cftl OD oalart IO lhf' CooSO. Sb• (U'll ........ 10 the l.:D.ited Sta!M UI I~ wblle Oii a ltc­ture tour or -I.hen> ...i.oia. nu. btt bo"karound P9M lbt way for btt •<ti~ role 111 poUtld.

A camber ol Ul1~ Lacu WU. UDa>•W'td by Misa Rao m ber IK'llll't' SM t.old of t,bt> t.btt&t o.f (Awm1mle Ul

Alnc•. '"' culture.. lilw>cW ......i.. tnbahsm, rdlpoa. JO'<· emmn1. and educaboa SM abo ~ the opuuon tlat our p_.. o..p. 10 Alna would be much ~ efl'<cti•• II more older, e.q>ene.....i -pit mode up lls ~p. Sbt aid !bat °"" failurt ol our llUSQOIW'\eJ mjpl be dial Ibey do !IOI work toeelller UI

"""""" the D&li- lo a.:u. twuQ SM pn.ioed our ~ i:ry for Ille woadcrflll trftdam It ntAden us. but allo onmed UI LO proUct Ibis !rttdolQ &om oppra&lOCI.

Aller R'laU11S lbe facta at an A!rlcan woman's role - btt bl&l'dcil ol doLD& all tbe work wbUe lbe ..,.,, 111a by be.uizi1 111' drum. and be lnteme Matth for an td11C1Uoo-M.w Rao •"!>lalned and­cd the ~ Ill which an A!n can "'°"'"" drellea.

Miu Rao Cf"dOual)' CODRl1t· ed to an ln!onnal dlrcuuion wttb lbe coUea• faculty, tbolr wivu, aod frleods the prevl...a ••""1lni. "'blch faculi.y mem· ben dCICJibed u •W> re­wardinl.

Your Officers I ~ ptt ,_ ·~ (!till-

...... cu.a for lhb ,_ '" 0.rd< v.·~!la Cl>d< wu born lll eo.ur d .\l~Dt •nd bas ll\..,d bett moot or !ILi Iii•

A 1!181 Cf"dua~ or eo.-ur d .-.J<U ffidt :;cbool, be WU

stgd<o.1 bod7 presadenl and ~ o! Ith aopbomore and

Ct\'do Well« Jwuor <'1...-et. lie au a .c.rm--ber ol < ( >Aii,. track. acd bukolball lams and be ~ ed lrOmllone UI Ille IKhool band and orcbeotra.

Cb-de b allo .....,. a&n 111 4-B. Be .-U I dckpt< lo Ille :Sn:OIW 4-H C<m::ra> 1C !SIG>, &lie! be D prwctly acr' U .Utt ._R .,.._~

nw Year. &I ~'UC Cf)'c!e .. a !Dember ol C'udt K. U,. <Oi tesr band. the -e11 ~ - bowlill& tum and the PNabyt.ttU11 Club

Re u majanl1C ll1 <lwmlcal ~ >Dd piano LO ....,. UDa. ha educauoa al Ille liDI· ftrlilJ' of Idaho afUT O'ldua· Uoo from ~1.IC


Scbotanhlpo or 54.000 r11r rounc ladles lntCl'elled tn u. moolba Al.r Fo!'<ffponMr..S ll'llnlnl o! i>llYslcal IJ\cnoplstl and cildldana a:e bctlna orr ..... ed DOW, 1.......U.01 LO T/SCt. Cbarles L. W"1.latt, AJr Fo~ RecnllW In Spoltanc.

AppUcatJons ""' beiJljf ac­ceptrd In JIJW&rY and Febru­ary, Girls lllt.erefl<d m.t.Y caU call so. Wallace II TE 8-4241

Registr!I' Announces Registration Changes For Secom Semester

It ha.. btto lllDOW>ttd by lbe rtliltrv'I oUJce that a new pol1ey bas been lnatltutrd In conn<ctJoo wtlb tbr rectsua­uon ~""'- f'or lbe finl umc 11u~nls already en.rolled wtll be roqU!l't'd to bl•• per. ID.Ila to reSUtu i.c.rore IJ\cy &rT allowed to rTOStu for lhe 0tt0od 1tmestcr These per­mita will be Issued any Ume befol't' Feb I and all studenla ,.ho plan to ,.....nroll should r<qUtil them u aoon as po .. 11blo

AllO!Mr chanre r<qulrcs !bat all ntw studtnts nCJ<I se­me1ter talte their pbyslcal tiuunmauona before they reg· Iller They 11\1)' &O LO tboJr 0'"' doctors (or th• CUllUD ..

uono. Spcdal forms LO be lilied out bl' lha >1udtnts and lhdr cb:l«a may be obtained !rom tbr coll•~ otOce Will like place 1" f.b< OmtUllUm OD ThundaJ' And Friday, Ftb I and 2. from II 00 un LO ,,_. and from l:il0to400pm.

All lees .,.. payable 11 the ~ or ~Uoo and any· - Cllroll~ altu t•b 2 will be comidtnd • Lile r<Cl>lranl •nd ..W be subject LO a late "llQl'lllOD f te fJI I' lhe On! .,....It and 110 0tt0nd week.

So OM wtll be permitted to reritttr unleu he hM been <l•artd by tbe library This mt.ans !bat all overdue books mtat be "'tunled and all fines pajd

Clase ocbedules will be •nil· •bl• ~ Jan. 28.

Sponhh Club Wt/I Bur Cloc/c Fo1 SU

011 Jan. 8 lbe si-oub Club m<!l In Room 2' to further d ... CUii !be purchMc of' • dock for the Sludenl Union. Th• ll'OUP plans to baYC I bake .. 1. In lhc near fulUre 10 ralae the needed money to buy a clodc of lt&l'bunt deslcn.

The next Spanlab Club meet· I.DI la eclleduled for Jan. 22 In Room 2' dunn& acUrilY per­iod.

T rusteesApprove Plans For Two New Campus Buildings

NUC's 11\lStets approved plans for two new bulldlnp at tbeU" January m...uaa. AdWI' Uslllr for totutructioo bidl will belin Jan. 17.

Otodlinc for blda for mech· •nica.I and elt<'lric:il tontracu will be Jon. 29 •l which Umo IJ\e trwtecs will 1tlect U.­tontnc!OtS and nollfy bidden for the aeneraJ contr•d. wb­deodlln.c for bids will bo Feb • 5. The ccnual contract will be awarded al lbe Feb. 12 board IMCu.,._

Consttuellon will Stan IS IOOl1 afler Wt U fcuible Plans call for • aew block shop buUcWia oo Coll•~ Drive. •&SI or lbc p..-01 mcebanlcal uu bulldina. and tor a ~ story brick win& soulb or lbc admlnlllntl~ oHl..a 'Tbe c:l&SR<>Om wlnr will bo- a DCW llbnry 00 lbc P'Ound n_. and DCW ~ fadlJtlol and blolofJ' bcUlllts on the att0nd n ...... Wllb lt\'ttal larse r•oeral ~ A unique (e&t"-"' OD tbe -d 0-will be liered clusroo-. Wllb IHbDC rUJnc in Uera above tbt lcel.llR' desks ID ftoot oJ tbe classrooms. ,....,mblin& &mall ampbllbu!.era.

!'reseal pb.YSlCI .....,..,. will bo used cxclusi\'•ly for chem­btry when tbe new bw.lcllnp an completed.

The new lhop bulld!na wUI house lb• <lectronJca depart· ment. ouLO meohanlca depart· menl. and wUl include badly needed nu.1.0~na11ce &hop sp.11tt. A bu<!ment ID lbb bulldina will be deslcncd u • fallout shelter for several hundred penoo.s.

The Industrial arts aod DU1cbine &bop departlllenla will occupy tbe presto.I auLO mecb· a.nlcs IJ>'IC< in lb• mecban.lcal aru builcWia.

Plans for use ol lb< present cl.,.tro11ics bullcliAI .,.... DOI ddinile al tbis time

Sine.- lb• new wlo, Will bf locat..S OD part of the p,..,...nt paved partina lot ooulb of lbe main bulldlnc. a new putinC UN will probably be provided norlb ot lbe mechanical arts bulldln& OD lbe preltD1 play• Ueld

Girls Service Club Has Been Orgmized

The Soropumbl Club In Coeur d' Aleae is spoDIOnDI a Clrl's SttT!ce dub st NIJC. ~"'"" l'Otboo is bclputf LO ~t tbe club siarted and lloltS. LaoSe will be tbc club's •d­vt.or

The onb' sirl's service dub at lbe toll•c• wtll ba'-e utl•· 1u.. simim 10 ~ ot the Clrcle K. Its <onsUlutloo I.I DOW bcina dra'"' Up.

Temporary oUleors are Kar­en Ranson. pl'Uidtnl, •nd Ann Barnard. secreW"Y. ElccUon of pcnnonent olllce.n will be held dur!nlt the second aemester

Tbe airl.t now ln the club atC •pplJcants. Charter mem· be.n wlll be selected on tbc buts of Cl"'dCS. Interest, and wllllllrn•sa to worl<.

All i>'ls Interested should coDts<l ADA Bumrd or Karen BansoQ.

Page 2: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 16 (7) Jan 17, 1962

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW ~ .... \l... l"'-'!'•b ~~~~~::~:: ·~~:"xPEC; ....-..~ ~ "':. C,::- Yw ~~ r;._ . HUGE ENROLMENT RISE

NORTH IOAHO JUNIOR COlll6£ u;rn:&S TO na; E'Dl:l'OR.' DUE TO BIRTH TREND COWi D'Al.lNE. IDAHO 1 •• Momll'; ... :.:-~ n:: ~";..;:.; lll lllSUluUouot hld1u edo·

An ocl.•te EJhot Pho"',.,.. ••• Mcnly.. ,..,_ 00 ~ ...,.,.... ._,. fed· ~. DrPaaey, wbo Nhuud caUoo. both pobUc a nd pr1·

Mel_._ RoMrt ICIMlo •""""7 -p .-, ,. >IS" lo :0-IJC Ibis rail a.ltP! a twe>- .. l e . an eot01lmea1 lllcreu e

C1to..f•11oa Mortoo;., P•tric...o Ecloo.t S.•·~n ~•o-r -- PoDen MoU;.a R.,orf•nl JMt""'• JocM""• Jey J1o1rf' "' S..n. Lesli• Ks-<•"'••

Oofo"'r 8oh 0fl • .\II~ Mot•• E .. nt .. AM 8otN.ti, V• roe"l• L~••· Ju'1 A.ftftu• . O.•c 0.1*'t. Ku+- 0.,.0.C:ef'I .. Joeiiot" P•elon.iL•. T.,. Cootwq,

Editorial .. . YOU ARE OH YOUR HONOR • ••

Th• 11- for M,...tler '"" It ,,_1.,. "er( ,,...., AN with It allould ...,,. not only tM ....,..._ of your - lrlne ....i ........... . , .. , ... - M'IM of ..... y ... wl ll ... " ·

I .. ~ hH l>eon 11 ..... t h-ly al- tM flnt - ef a<Mol. H.-v.,, In coll..- thla <1Ua llty ahovld , .... .., -!er _,.,,.._ You a re payl"I for your ..iv..11.,. ""'· M4 for mony It lan't M ay. l'er auch -Pl•, ..... 11 .. up • 1root <iMl for .., -lion, la ft fair for lou co-i.ntloua .,...., .. lo - ......, • .,, - bMI<? MorooYOr, h-, la !tie lad ......_, hurl no - but tMmMIY ...

If enly o,,.ry_ -..Id rMllw tlMlt crib -. .,_,, .._.... •rtd ..,....... '"" INCi only le foll11rol Porhapo this t.11.,... wlll - ...... now, bvt la..,. on tM n l...t.i. ~ whkh •llwod by ml1hl •- In ~ h..,.,., IMeod.

Thua, H oftd ...,.n you fool tM nood lo ci...t, c-ider .,....... • If and your futvro fl"t, Th.t It ti.. poroon Y°" th ... .­_, ef !he ti- onywoyl y.., are on yaow ""'-· !Ny .,.. <hooM to .,.. lt to .,.ur own Mfv•nta,.......-M.W.

"YOU GOT TROUILES, I UNKYr fffxt ,... r, wtMn I t r•n•t.r to another school, one of the

lhJ,... I wlll mlu moot It tho focvlty odYI- prognm ol NIK.. P,....Wy I ...,,,. -• mo.. .,.. of tho focvlty ..tvi- -"°'" llMln - dvcionla bouuM I ho.. IMd o dlffkvlt time

eoljudlnt le col .... lit.. In ti.. " "' 11 .. - of my ,,_,,,.,. year, I ""4 127 ....,.._.. with my ~.

ll_.,.ly, I ....... le_.......lf _ ......... _.. ...,_. ri"9 with th.Ir Mf•lt6" !hit yoor. To Mlltfy my cvrlouslty, I ....., pepef' and P9ft In han4i a ftd Mt out to lntff'Yi• • a rePf"Mftf1tfw aompllnt of tM foculty ond llvclont -.,.

I • lclo4 to ale rt my '"rftY with ti.. foculty mom.bon. After a ...., ... rchf I came u,.._ • tM<her In hla offtc.. I awakMMd him ond ookod If . ,.., t lvclonla hod wvghl Mf•ko '""" him thl• yoor. Ho ropli..I !hot no •tu- h.d co- to - him YOlu_ ,.. Uy, but - '-hmon INy IMld - to h im upon . _..... toochor'a ,...._., It ---' !hot .... ro t _,1, IMld notlcocl lh.t th. lod crlod oxcoaolwoly whllo ol ochool ond they felt tht l ... -• I" nood of .._11.,.. T ... boy'• problem, It turnod ovt, wu tho! ... w•n't uaod to bol"t •- Y f..- h.- ftr • ..,.lo drt al a tt ..... Tho IMchor told mo tlMll ... oolftd thl• prolll- olmply by h .. t.,. ti.. boy'• mother pick h im vp ••• ry d oy ot - ond tolro him ho,... for lur><h.

My next lnttnolew wu with one of our Engll1h t•Khen. She told mo !hot only ono girl hod u lrod for t dvlco lhb yoor. Thi• glrl, 1 aophomor•, wu und•cfdH 1bout which coll.,. to transfer to next year. She couldn•t decfd• wh• th•r to att.nd 1 achool here In tho North-ti whore tho i.oy.,trl ntlo WH 3:1 or to poy • 11111• "'°"° ond '° to o achool In Ct llfomlo whtro tho n t lo WH 5:1. Tht Entlllh toochor .. Id tho ht lpod tho girl by tolllng hor ol o ochool In tho MldwHI whore tho ratio wH 29:1. • ti'• • flN ec.hool, .. th• t••ch•r told m• , •if you are malwlng In agriculture.•

After thoM onll1htonl"1 l" torwltwo, I cio<ldod to tolk with • ftw of tho t tvclo"IL A thoro"fh - rch follod to tvrn up ony a:tvdenh tn tht cletw"Oom bulldln~ so I w.nt o•• r to the atuderit 11nlon. Thero I mot i- britht-oyod you,...,.n who Mid tho! !hoy conoulted f,....uontly with m poctl"9 odVl>0n.

Tho flrll, o flffh.yMr aophomoro, oxplolnod llMll his ..iv;_. h.d .,.,pod him with h la ""lor problem. whkh u ... pvt it WU. ~, uh, the kid& a t 1e:hMI doft'*!t IMm to like me..., H• s.aid hh ..tvlwr told h im to join H mony .....,.lull_ n ~It; In ....... _., to IOI ovl ond mix with pooplo In order to lum to I01 • I- with ot ....... U"'°""""toly, ... lolnod ao moay cJubo thot ho flunlro<I °"'·

Th• ot h e r •tvcknt, • pstife th,,.. foot nf,,...fnd't , tl.e Wonclt, .....,,... - lolly wolkdfontod, ao I wu '""°"' &a to why alto ""4 to confer with ... r odvl- . O.-llonl"9 hor, I foond -thol ... r problom woa chooalnt • - Ion. louuao oho IMlcl choneod hor mofor 11 llmoa ofroMfy .... '911 !hot oho wun't 10ltlnt on.,....... In coll.... H.-, lhb girl - c.nlldont thtt w ith , .,. ... Ip of .,., odv1-, olM - Id .....mvolly upo~ o coroor. I ultod ,.,. yo""' IMfy ..._ ... r """'- woa aLlint .....

A.. 0 oumplt of ,.,. .,.,P oho wH rocolvlnt. tho airi told me obovt ... r IH I lnlorwlow with hor oMaor. "I olkod him wt..lhtr I should molor In whlatlo cotwl"9 or Ch rimnu 1roo clocorotl"9,• .i.. Mid, • ond ho ropllo<I, 'Woll, oh, )'ft lndHd. All fKton con.t.lcMred, th• ,.. b muc:h to 1:14 ... td for both ""'"""'• •

Afftr folllng doWr> !ht fo,...01"9 ..,,,,_,.., I u ld good.bye lo tho chormlng llttlt lody ond lhufflo<I off to my lod<or to ._11, ,.,. .....,11a of my , .,,...,,

Flftoon ml,.utH lotor I Jloppod ovt of my lodcor with ti.. &urvey rHUlta Pf'Operly a rr.need In tebul• r fonn.

S.rlout ly, h•re la the conclu1lon I f"MC,t.ff f rom the "'f ad'I"' olttolnod In my aurwoy: Althou9h _,,. llvclonh - k <0<1mol frem t h•1r ad'•lto" wtMn ttt.y neH help, many s tvc'-nh are elth•r too proud or too l9noran1 to do so.

It '' n lc• to M Mlf·nUant, b U't there are t lmu when every­one c.en VM tonMOM alM' t •eooct hHCL. • No ""'"'-nt th04ild .....,. lot ,.WO, thynoae, 0< dlallk• for o IM< ... r koop him m.m con,.,_ rln1 with hit focufty odvlaor wt..n ... hu nood of counMl.-J.M.

.-, -. TkM i.t i..,.. .,. YMr l.a•o ot abuoee, IWI a or 300,000 - in. 4,000,000 no< rdl<o<• - et ._ -. .,..,,. baJ acllfod~: u lie IO 4,300,000 - la. antlc!iialed "'"' ,.._ .... 1...i • ..n:-r IHcbea two secllo:is or !Usina "a.rollJDent.a lo \in-_.. - .,. poli&b117 ACf'!IUt\ Lltnatu,., 1111.. dcrcarteo and •l~•nlat.!' and - ....i.1 aecllou or Enclab eocP<>' aod secolld&IJ' acboola. ai.

Editar Ille ~ alllon, aod - aecthm of due cll!e!l.Y 10 lncruaed m air.-... ,,.. ~ PabUc !:peatlnc. blrthtates Ill recent 1ears. and a .,.... ,._ Jllll ~ He ot>t.alaed hL~ edueattoa Tb• b1rthnte bu adnnced 1 tluok ~ md .-y - ot at 11&111 dlrterent schools. lo moat 1nrs since 11>45. AD 111 allocaJd p.uae o """'KDt aDd whleb lnclllde Seattle Unlwr- earlle: aatlt' la hlrtba In --oar - 1940-43 ...... been renec•e<I

Om ...,.,._ la bani ID.IO to some e.tlt'nt la colleae ea· a ...., era. ao era fllJ.od wtlll rollmel\Lll since 1959. Stalls· maQ1 oew ""' woadcrlllJ aaUclpatc, bowoer. tlUnp. Tbe alomlc &P tbt1 ~ 111&1 tbe rlrat reall.r sbArp In· call 11. We Ila.,. - to a ereue In colleae cruoll.monta nst st- ol ltDowledp - wUl coin about 1965 whon bdor. Jaiown to man. .,. "'"" hlch school araduatea born In rrttdom In • land ol UmlU- 1946 apply !or admllls lon. OIJl'Ott\lllU7 and we ht,.. a Pron! 1945 10 1941 the a ve· cll&Det to better -i,... lllat race annual number or births ~other cn>cratloa b.u ....r lneroa11'd b1 I mHllon Thia

we .,.. u.. Amorita of ~ Is ei f>l!Cled to reaull In sub-.,._ .,. an Ille ,,_ wbo alanllal lnereuca In collo1e ,,_ ~ u.. balm« ol ,,_.. enrollmenla In the three 1oa ta dam ID.IO a - <Uba7 wo bts.lnnlna 1966 ~ ~ &lid flibt ,.,,. A• 1et. the orncc or Edu oar frMdom u It ..., ...,_ cation ea_ys, studJIJ mount bee roup: fer bdon. Wo ln1collo1e enrollmentasbould ba.-e roe - U.. a-- be credited la'1el.Y lo the ract ledge o4 couti.. peoplel •bo that lhere la. a 1rowln1 Inter· Ila..,. 1"ed IA &k pul. We ..., HI la atteadln1 oolle1• rathe r praftt br Ille mlotak8I ol Ille ,,.,. °"'""'°" than to hlaMr blrtbrstea peoplea "' Ille put md -their ~ IO ..,... se1 .......

We mmt &Dd w\11 t..,, W. land ol oan btt and wt mmt

&Dd W'll1 - Ille cball- "' Ille aew era. Wt &r'I Yfll7 ror-tmllSe IO ~ t.beoe Lb.ulp and .... ..- rWia •bat ... a1roa4r baft belOft - C&D milt ...... &Dd better llllnp

tor --- ""' u.- wbo will eoaot aller I& Wt llaolal.d look f..........S IO - 79ar &lid ..t WftJr7 oppcrtwlltr lllat IJ.. u...eln. ~ WatTtn

Tbt- .au.rwtn~ "''(net' di pl~ U1 IM m;uo ti.II •ho .. uw­w:a &mUlj;Cd by Clody1 Br:ai

SOUVENIR RECORDS " /Coop A Roco"/ Ol It"

rr.-. Moi...\ 4.SSt1

n• si...-. "'""· COEUl D'ALENE. IDAHO


1D0 H. ,,._.. ~T• ll.V

Coc:u• 0°AL tNc.. lo • wo







Aho Onlen To Go

atty, •a 11 st •D Iii.ale Uni· YttSllJ, w..!Y 1SltJ .;( !lllnola, ud u:r Ulll .... 111 al *bitan.

M:. Drn ae1 •11.101• 01n1 pona. •r•stllos. aDd debate: alld wbll• ~ alluded achoo! be toot part In lootball, bu.­ball, aod bol:lnc.

Th• Dt•an•Y• reside la Co.ot d'Alene, aod tllO t.•• three cblldrtn. •I'"' 1.8. and $ 1ears old

Woodcock's Drug Store Cotldios - S..tldries

Pr..criptions 11• ,.., F.wtt. St • c.. .... l"AJ. ,..

Alim/u /on Ch.op Prlc•a ror NIJC home bu·

htball sames a re: adult• $1.00 aDd auxlenta 50c. Sto­deota aneadlac NIJC are ad-111ltled upon preaentallon or their stodanl act1Ylt1 carda. All Yatall1 borne Piiie& •W be&tn at 8:00 11.m. eicept tbe f'eb<oat1 23 same • Uh tbe Oot1zap F?oab.


RENT · SALE.S · REPAIR Oroltl" t & r,,i .. , s..,,11 ..

INTOISTAT£ TY'tw~ITflt Co. 4'7 Sherl'll!• t1t A•• · ... " "'"• 4.).4 11



OR. PEPPER n.. i:.1 . ... 1, .. ,.,,..,....u,,..,.

SPECIAL! Coin Operated Ory Cleaning Wed. & Thurs.

Ale NIJC Dollar Savings

Days! Full 9 lb Load

only Sl.50

Typlcol Loot/ Con•l•t• 01 l Skirts, 3 SwoCJ1ors & L/9bt locket

°' J Slox, 2 Sport Shirts & Ll9ht Jockot


726 M. lt~ 8:00 - S::x>


1109 SHE RMAll OPEii 24 HOURS

Page 3: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 16 (7) Jan 17, 1962

Home & Club Officers Chosen

New Male Trio Siogs Mainly For Pleasure

A "*"' IJ"Ollp, U.. Cliorda. bu been bJ ~ mi-ted 1'1.IC ICll.S. •ta. ,,,_ l&1eoud bo:ra Ire .,_ Slmoa. Rua Bro-. and Gonloo Sylle. .._ i. an t nr:lneerins

lbldcl ~ Twin !AW w1lo plq1 cull.Ir for the ll"OU'P· -- ....... Illa caitrl'bclUo<I .,,. plqlns U.. llke, wblle Gordon, ..,, u.. ,_ of the ~ ..... fun.. .... tbe ¥0Calb1ns. Ra.. i. a ~ .,..jor from Coeur d" A.Je., and G«'doJ> i. a suJ.S. - ....ior ~ R.allldnam.

11le IJ"OllP dou ..-i1J' caJ.. ,_ b&l1ada, IWIJ>s, and foll: ~ llWIJ ol wllJdl .... their OlrJ> ~IUDI&. 'l'llcJ Mlecl theJr mwdc OD the bull vi wti.ot tJiq eaJ01 llnslos and pncUce OClb' wlMo UleJ waJ>l lo.

n..,. ba.. '-" llql.os and ~ for banquet... coo­tloae. chwdl )'OUlh P'O<l.P dancel, eod Jam ...i-.

'Jbe CllOl'da OUI lO ba .. flul wlt.b tbelr IJ"OllP, eod all ....,..... .,..,al ~ ~117-ment ~ t.belr 11A11J1S.

l'I NAU alOI N JAN. 2S Pinal eum.e will btllin on

ThlU'ldll>'. J an. 2.5 wlU. En,:u.11 C-p uamt at 8:00. The uam period will eod with 3:00 aama on WedoHd~. Jao. 3L l!:x&m acbcduleo are av&>le ID the recbt:v'• oUke.


leader Publishina Co. JI• H. -.i, St. • M~..f 4.llot



OPlH ''°° A. M. TO S lO P. M


M .. lcmelbod• classes ban bten wrllin1 aoaia ID class In preparation for ~aehlDc crull•tty ln elementary achoo I.I. Seclloo B bu •rltten lbe two following •o~• for their eleme-ry cluau:

THE CREAMERY w. •ertt ~ eown '° ~.

<.-.ry A.__"4 .... ,. .... ..... '11-• ,,...

"''"...,· Tb1a ts f0t lbe fltat Jf&de !net.


I So c.l4 °'"' crCo ""• ..... ,.,

"'"'' ""et\ rh:. ~·""· ~ I• t lfllt

To """•" ....... w!>o 1., lit • ,.,.0-t Alf. II with h-r.

II lloo,-,. HI• ..... ., llotY Ml

'Wetrchlftt ••• , HI• P99C•.NI .... Jot.,h tteM, hh •t•ff I~


At \1"19• rM• <.,..•I• • ..,.,... , .. ,. Tble la tor llllrd or fourth

1rsd• luel.


'l1le dietldan al FalrdU1d AJr f'aru Ba*O!aJ. cap­talD J uanlta a,....,, Is the ecbedUIN speaker for tbt Jan. 22 du>.Der meetlq ol tbt &me ~Ou!>.

CaptalD ll:raoo l'OCd\"td .her maaten ~ Ill ~llel aad puh1k balth 1W11'1UOD -New Yart Um<U'tll)".

Belort Joudnl tbt AJr FOl'Ce alle wu ftllPl°'*1 bJ Sew Yart ~ De~nt al ll­tal ~. Sew Yark CU:J O.,pu\ment ol BOIPltala. and Ui.e Uulted BeaUb Sero­ke Ill A.Jab. While Ul AJr ~. c.pem HJma bas been IUboaed Ul Fn.llce and at ~ J- rtocellll7 • waa reaaiSDed IO Tacbk:mwa AJr Foru Baa Ill J"""""

Tbot IUbj«t tor lier talk will be "Dietlda.J>s Ill Demand", md .ii. Wiil P"* penom1 _. ~ u m AJr f'orce dletl­ci.u.

MODERN DRUG CENTER P Nscrl,llon Sp• c/o/i• h • Cl~ .A Speclo/ry

1207 H. F ... nh

c._,, ,Al-.. IHho


Sealod tem.Uter olsht ecbool cl&9es IC!leduled at ~ I~ elude b'P!.DI. oUlce mach!J>es, bot.b flnl aod aecood oemeocer accountlJ>I. and tallorill&. The dHdllne Ille' rq!acnlJ.oc II Jan. 30.

Mn. Gerald Yort; will teach l1PIDa aad ottke macllloa on Moodq md ,,..,,..,. ~ l&artllll Jan. 211 Bmry Klll1er -m Instruct llCCOW>tinc W- on MCICldQ's ltan!J>,c Feb. $. 1'Wv ~ al tallOI' Ills lllltnlctrd bJ Mn. Releo Brandt will ..-t on Moodlo' -s w~ e......tap be­.,........ CID Feb. 5 and Feb. 7

Addltlaeal lllfonwloo can be ollC&Ulotd Ill the ,...i.trar'a ~


YCIWI& _.. 111\SWUd Ill e.o.rol11J>S Ill Ille deJ>t&I b;fsleae procr&m at Idaho Stau Collese sllocld make appllcotion n­for u... @dtude i.t. a«ordiJ>I lo Ill dire<lar.

llbqulr-ed ol all appllcanti for the .U. beslmW>I next September, ~!Ude !al will be slvu al ISC Feb. 10. AppUcallom tor lest mu.rt beln~.

Tbe ~ear procnm luds to aatc lictmlD& md ... .. oodate In ..SUC. deVN aad b -a to ...,,en b.twttn t• 35 wt.o an hip ICbool· -WU.II onlJ f#l:r adaor- ecllooU ol dental ~ Ill tM -- two Ill Cabtonw and ..,. -ii Ill "~ and Or-. ~ often tbc ae1J ad !le'OCJ'am btt1no:n Ponl&nd aad IWuas C117, Mo. ~ for J>e11 Ull'1 dMa

11 Kan:h I, UllS2. F'll:rtller IA­farmatloc can be ollC&Ulotd !n­u... !\'UC ~ md flrom tbc depaz1mat ot dectaJ 111· Siem !SC, Pocatdlo.





H.1.J.C.. REVIEW, c-r o'Alen•, ldoho, "'•'- Jonv•rv 17, "62 31


Hewmon Club Plon1 Dl1cuu /on S.11/ona

The NtwllWI Club b ptan. IO bold a aeries of di.. C'W:lloo ...tooa .,....., TUad&)r ID the dlJ>.lllc room of tl>e Student Union. Tbe cll.lculliona Wiil be beld clluiJ>I tbt DOOD

bow-, btr:1nJ>los at 12,00 p.m The t.oplai for tl>e ftm tour

cl1-looa are: (I) Buman WW Is F'ree; ('2) CondlllonlJ>a !ilodillet nttdom ol the WW Wltbout SUbotantla11J <Jl&n&· ~ II: (3) The Principle ot Contradicdon Is Ille Finl PriJ>. dple ID Hum&n Ra.aon.Los: (4) The Human Soul la lm­-i. -------DANCE CLASSl!S TRY LATIN AND LATEST DAHCI STEPS Me~ ol the Alonda1 aod w~ nJabt dance classes ba.. receJ>t4r boeA lnlnldll«d 10 lho odd and rhytbmk dine. "' tbe Lalin Amu!cao count:rta. Tb- Include tbc cba cba and the ambs.

ID addition, durlna the past flw neb tbe lmtructon, Mr. eod Mn. Orin Lee. bave &J. I~ l be atudent.a to teach - IUIOl.bu the bask alePt ol. the llO• l>Ol>ular Cooll.ocntal ud lbe m°"' wdl-lcnowa Bris­tol Stomp.


HI, .S 1(,,.1 Beo111y Solon. IWK."'9 Solon, 4 Sdrool

l 1 CIA A•• • MOIM•\ 440SS

f1 I

City League Wimts Up First Round Play

P"-7 bas bttJ> col>clwlrd in

Ille rtnt round ot the men'• City B.utetbill ~.,.... Two teams Cram NUC were eolcftd In the i.e.,ue. the Ns md the Redbirds.

FoUowlJ>s are Ille result.a of tbc alx pmes p1'Jed bJ Ult Ns: JV1 75, Shemw:i Menoh­a.ius ~ Na 75. Redbirds U; N• 7~ 4tb Strttt Mcrdw>t.a 44; Na 53. Rathdrum Town Team 71; Na 0, At1u Tie 2 (tl>rfdl).

Bnulla ol Ille Redblrcb' fi"" sames are: Redbirds 44, Sher­nw> lludwlt.a 83: lledblrcb U. Na 75; Redblnla 55, Sbn­llWI lirerclwlla 113: Redbirds 38. Rathdrv:m T<>WD Team 82; Redhlrds u, AU.u ne 84 .

Bllb scorers lo. Ille flnt round !or the IV"• fttt Csry Pu-sons with 61 total points eod Cary Stovem with 00. Bob 11'.om eod Bob Bowen led the Redbirds witb 67 md 27 re­apedlvelJ.

Correction: Tbo acllifremcnL owards will be glren 01 an a.r ..,mhly next semester.


WHIRLING INOIAN • t I si..- ,._ · M~v\ 4-Ul5

Pepsi •• for those wto think young


Page 4: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 16 (7) Jan 17, 1962

Phi Theta Kappa E lects Of f foers

Offl .. ,.. of Phi Theta Ka ppe, natlonal "-'""' 1odety, at NIJC thlo yNr a re 1hown here .... 11,,. rNdy for a mNtlnf . Left t o rleht: ~ G rMne, NC;Nt• ry·f r•••u,.r; Rvth De1ud1.p MCla l

Peterslemls Cmds To 79-55 Win Over Notre Dame College

On Dec. 16. lhc NIJC Cardi· 11111 walked awa.y Crom the Notre Dame UruVel"Sil;v Colloge basltelball ~am tor a 79-55 vie· IO<Y on lbe Cards' home court.

BocJi teams ran up h1ah lol­ala In lhe pel'90nal lout col· umn, but lbe Notre Dame team fool lhe most playca via lhe lout rou~.

S< In Ille pmc wu led by CatdlnaJ Capi..ln Doug Pel· en. who llniahed t b e gll.IM wilb 31 point.a. FOt'Wl\rd Jerry ilJ.'an addod 14 points tor lhc eani..

Kelly led NO(tt Dame acor· Ina wilh 17 points, c:ollec:Ung 11 polnt.t ai.. lhc fs'ce throw liu.

Tlle resultt ol lhe Cardlnala' Jan. 13 came w!lh Lcwt. and Clark Normal w...., nol avail· able al pnntuii: Umc. The next c•me scheduled tor lbe team II on Jan. 20 ap1MI Notre Dame, to ti.. played in Neloon, 8.C.

The Dames Club holds " noon-Mdol m tho SU the lint 'l\Jt"<dil,v of coch 1non1h.


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by Joann Pi.lcanltl, Pruldent, O.lta Kappe Ct..ptw

Phi Theta KaJ)l>I II u boaar !ruemltr whldl 11- ....,..,i. ii.on to lhOle stadenl.t w!lo have ldlleftd blch lltbolullc $1.lDdarcla. To ti.. & mcmller, a student IIWll be in tho top WI per oem oC the ltudent bod>' w>th a cradc point avenic no( below a B. Ho m11.s1 cam at leut l~ aem­eslcr bOW'I L!ld have cood moral character ud ~ qUAIJtlcs ol Judersblp. To re­mllin In Phi Theta KaPJNI a 11ude.nt mUSl maintain &t least a B average.

The p~ ol the dub are the lollowlna: to alve recocnl· ii.on lo blgh scbolutlc adue\~ mcots. lo help dovelop leada'­sblp ablUtles and ~noaaliti .. ol lhc leaden ol tomcmow, and to IPVC set'\1CC to claamalel. Khool and e<immwilty.

Delta Kappa, our NlJC chap­w, aa po.n oC lbe national Phi Theta Kappa orpn.lzalJon. Each rear we send ~leptes to the natlonal convenU""' In prilYi· ous yCU"S, we have won 1uch &wud.s as In 1959 the Journal· Lun award and In 1960 Ille slucl>' procnm aw&rd.

One of the main pro)eeU ol the year Is w ltlldy procram which ls entered tor COll>P"ti­tlon at the national coovc~ lion. We are oow wortinC on this year's llwlY procram. ·~ Imai• ol lbe Junior Collece. ~

The club spoaJOn uUtial.loa banquets each semester !or auch new mcmben as there may be. In Ille sprinl, after elect.loo of olfittn tor the fol· lowuii year, Pb> Theta !Uppa l.ovl~ w local lullh scbool honor aoc:iet,y, Tau Sicmo. to attend Ille l.osl.allauon ol these officers..

Oll.Cel'$ ore: the pnsidenl. wbo presides at the meeunp ond bai>quets and Is the offi· cW delepte to the con•._ lion; Yice-president. who is 111 charge of mem.benhiP: aec=­wy-crcuurer. wbo eeps the minutes and t.oRs care of the [Uwlees; lustarian, who ll«ps a ICl"lpbook of the yur's ac:tl­v!tles; and social chalr:mm. Mlss Loretta Dunnipn IS spocl• aor ol Ille club.

It u :a.a bonor to be a mem­ber of Phi nieta Kappa and il Is a goal worth wotianl tor.


Del Gittel


W...,_., Nl9ht '--­J&r>. n. 19'2

Doll ArUw:r 184. Don Page 114. Teny Smith 178, ~ s._.. 174. Tom May 174, Walt ZlmmamaJl 172., Bill Tim>« 1$4. Ernie DoLGca 152. RldtJ Cor'bU> 1$1. Lury J ohn­......

Clyde Wdlcr ISO, R4bbl' CorbuJ 15>. Da~ AmOuon 148. Rua Brown 1-18, J oa Smoclt 146. Bar= Burwald 146, DtaM Kwtx I~ Robbie Aladdin 144, ~'UI ! 143, Clut 141, CHlrp Wood 140. na.., Lmdle1 1.31.

Kathie bn;oo 137, Jim Bair 134. De11111S O"Leuy 134, Grut Puloo 133. Caro~ n&rUr 131, JUll Lowu 131. Pat Powen 131. Robert C'roclitt 1.31. Sher­ron Bc:nlla 1211, Jim BIT,. . ..,. 1.29. Bob GndltT 1%8, Oi.allc Stwta l:!8. Paul Kimball W . Henry Waiow I!~

Jae ll•-r ~ Chuck Tay· tor 1%0. J ohn Pnc .. 119. Cary Well:cl llP Linda Ruebke 118. C.,r.ild Sht'u>er 111 .Myron lhch&nlsGn 110. 'o JacobKn 103. Jo> or Hcloe 162. !\lane Scllroek 97. Pal £dear 87.


Jan. ~otre Demo C. !hara J an. 27-G-...1141 Frosh, there Ftb. 2--EWSC JV's, h•ra Fob. ~wis & Clork. herw F•b. 17-Col. a.ln JV'1, hHe Feb. 25-Gonu°" Fl"Osh, here

(Pre1lm to Coczap­ldaho Sia~ Vanity)

/Mr. 3-Col. eu;n JV' .. th•ra

The. 1W;<"r Wtllwn :r.roup mocb 1n lbc Sl Jon . .:S.


MISSOURI LUNCH 210 s& ....... ""· • c.... ~AJ. ...

N.l.J.C. REVI£'#, c .... , d"AI ... , ldoloo, W.4., J.,.uo7 l7, 1962 32


Onoe upon a tlmc there _,,, lhey thoucbt be ,,.. 1Uttl1 a thrtt little pl1£1es. n.- pip raoatlc. ~ ee1Utlc:.a111 happy pip Pl~c Pi"7 snlcbred. wbo JPCJlt their time lndulllina "Be's M>m4' kind O( DUL Be l.o all 0«U ol pJeiuuru.. TMa slJould f1>"Dd bis limo belnc the ...,,u amo oo the tcen4'. pco.plQy lNtead ol acll·woU.

Now, tbeae pip . ~'t Snort. 1nork." sbtpld plJ:S; they JUSl lcuew "Ob, 111&1bo be'• doing aomo •bat that wou ,,.. anu &Dd 1~ lot blm ti..." Poby Pica U wam't roast beef. '"This 1ll:r'll aald. " But I can't lff any sense puts a !art" crimp In ow- In '""'8t be-. dolnc. Do you plans,• the plQie.a lhougbt In know lha1 h.,., con..tanlly writ· unhon. IQc lelt.,., and taUUnt1 to other

Bnt then lbe plale.a ~pn to p!Qf., that have bffn around differ. Playtime l'tCIY thoulht. lh~ -1r·· "Ob. wba1'1 the we. That wolf "A bunch of hoJWUh!" Play. ia llDlllC to .. tcb us ~ time Plpy snorted. ''We biow rm roina to uJ01 11>1RU In that U ~ J\IJt llla1 •-.Y &om the muntlmft." And bt W\'llt that woll, be won't bother us. o..,.. lo the P.U.e. CPiUlea A!lH Ill. be't Ultc t?, Unloo 8olldulg) ud bad some fiaht aD1 "'°"" than WO dft. coflec. And the Pla!es &lpped their

Now ~ PlllY said he colfec just didn't haft time to worry In tho mcanumc, Per}QI Pil· about wol•u · be biew all JY had b..oo lnve.Ucatln3 He about the "'"~ ctHIUrel and bad ~o lcarnlns all about be ,,,_...,l. "ll'll ba a 1001 who,.,. the wolr wt'nt and what

_.. ho did and what he Uktd and llllW bdore lhllt -U cvu dlsliked. "Oh, no!" cried Perky ab.,.... UJ> uound h""' Mitt PiUY " !'\'\' 101 10 warn tb4'm .. all. llO woU bas ~ Sot lb• • belt or us plalt1 10 tar" And ~ ;',.• h!"~~~d. the P U 8. u be -•t to llMt P.U B. tor «>!· But 11 waa too late, tor there rec "'1t the woU In the Plclle•

87 this tlm.c ~Icy P11D Uruon BullcUn11 drlnldna e<il· -

1 Cftr "° mad. ,;ou Jlupld Ceo and smaeklnc his ehopJ)(!ra.

pip. ho hollered. You biow ··u there'• anylblna I Uh, 11·1 that wolf II COIA& to , cobble thOle cotrco-rtavored plulu. you "" and you don t c••n lllmmmm·mmml" can. Tho only trouble you ml&hl sift blln 11 lndlrrutlon." 'Mio moral· Cofrec, compla• But the mOI'\' Perlcy Plar ecoey, end Communbm mix pleaded with them. the more •CtY_ wet=l:.:.1-..,..---,.,.....,.....

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