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Page 1: The New Light of Myanmar 13-09-2009

Established 1914

Volume XVII, Number 150 10th Waning of Tawthalin 1371 ME Sunday, 13 September, 2009

Hatred is associated with the unscrupulous.Metta is harboured by the virtuous.Metta is not defeat.Hatred is only defeat.Hatred knows no bounds.When metta is repeatedly cultivated,Hatred gets humbled.

A bull in the habit of jumping thefence, if repeatedly caned, gives up its badhabit.(Dosakatha, Maung Htaung Mahathera)

Metta lessens hatred

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of theeconomy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented eco-nomic system

* Development of the economy inviting partici-pation in terms of technical know-how andinvestments from sources inside the countryand abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economymust be kept in the hands of the State and thenational peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of theentire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integrity andpreservation and safeguarding of culturalheritage and national character

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education stand-

ards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peace andtranquillity, prevalence of law and order

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State Consti-

tution* Building of a new modern developed nation in

accord with the new State Constitution

Four economic objectives

Four social objectives

Four political objectives

NAY PYI TAW, 12 Sept— Lt-Gen Tha Aye of theMinistry of Defence on 9 September met servicemenand family members at the local battalion in GangawTownship and presented gifts to them.

Accompanied by Chairman of Sagaing DivisionPeace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Myint Soe and officials, Lt-Gen Tha Aye comforted patients at Gangaw Township

Lt-Gen Tha Aye inspects developmenttasks of Pale, Yinmabin Townships

People’s Hospital and visited X-ray room, medicalstore and viewed construction of two-storey 100-bedRC medical ward and new operation theatre.

They looked into development of Gangaw,conditions of Gangaw-Yemyetni road section, thrivingmonsoon paddy plantations and development ofvillages.

(See page 10)

Laukkai remains hustle and bustle with activities as evidenced by internal roads coping with constant flow of traffic.

Laukkai: a town with border postsupstream of River Thanlwin

Article: Tin Htwe (MNA)Laukkai Township included in Laukkai

District of Shan State (North) is located at theNorth-East corner of Myanmar, at the border withthe People’s Republic of China, sharing borderswith Kongyan Township and the People’s Republicof China in the north, the People’s Republic ofChina in the east, Kunlong Township in the southand Kutkai Township in the west. There are 31border posts in Laukkai Township.

The township is situated 3100 feet above sealevel. The region has mountain ranges with an altitudeof 3000 feet to 6000 feet. Few plains can be seen inLaukkai, Mangtonpa, Yanlongkyaing, Pasinkyaw andNamhuhtan regions and the remaining regions aremountainous. Laukkai got a total rainfall of 39.10inches during 65 days from January to 7 September in2009. The township has an area of 316.96 squaremiles with the population of 72840. The townshiprelied on springs since there is no stream, river, lakeand pond there.

Trees such as clogwood, chestnut, hnaw, etc.which are suitable to the topography of the region aregrown in the township and the local people are engagedin growing of such poppy-substitute perennial cropsas rubber, lychee, mango, walnut and pear. Moreoverlocal people grow sugarcane and pineapple as annual

crops and paddy, corn, buckwheat, soybean, variouskinds of pulses and beans and vegetables.

There is no forest reserve in Laukkai Township.It has 22183 acres of protected public forest area andforest land. Hamaliton’s carps and Tilapia are bred atthe 17-acre fish farm.

Local people deal with the businesses of breedingmule, horse, cattle, pig, chicken and goose. Wildanimals such as hog-deer, sambur, goral and monkeycan be seen in the township.

The famous buildings in the township areMyanmar-Kokang National Hotel built with the sharesof local national races, Three Star Hotel, Phuli LightHotel and buildings of Myanmar-Kokang NationalGems Co Ltd and Myanmar-Kokang National ServicesCo Ltd and Seven-tiered building, Yin Phone Hotel,Palsein Hotel and Drug Elimination Museum.

Kokang Hotel and Three Star Hotel in Laukkaiin Zamani Myothit and surrounding areas, SanshinnHotel and nearby places, Floating Garden in EastMyothit and Drug Elimination Museum, Maha YanWall near Myanmar-China Border are popular andplaces of attraction. (See page 7)

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 13 September, 2009

Sunday, 13 September, 2009

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s Desire

Archaeology, National Museum andLibrary Department is working hard to fillhistorical gaps of Myanmar and has given a lot ofevidence of ancient history.

The department excavated Myaukle Villagein Mahlaing Township, Meiktila District,Mandalay Division, from 10 June to 9 July inorder to find out cultural evidence of the BronzeAge and Iron Age of Myanmar. The excavation ofNyaungkan region in Budalin Township in 1998led to exposing the Bronze Age of Myanmar,which had been a gap in its history.

Archaeological research has been conductedannually since 1990. And up to date, 22 humanskeletons, 34 bronze spears including the oneswith fibre cloths, 44 pieces of bronze ware such aspieces of bronze hand chains and bronze bells,four pieces of ironware including swords, 153coloured marble beads, terra-cotta and animalskeletons in the Bronze and Iron Ages have beenunearthed from Myaukle excavation site.

Reviewing the unearthed cultural objects,it is found that a human society with flourishingbronze and iron cultures once existed in thatregion for long, and this has been proved by theunearthed human skeletons and their utensils. Itcan also be estimated that the region did havesound economy with the knowledge of blacksmith,bronze casting and weaving and creative art.

The unearthed objects from Myaukleexcavation site have discarded the assumptionthat Myanmar developed from the Stone Age tothe Iron Age without the Bronze Age flourishingin its cultural evolution.

Overall, Archaeology, National Museumand Library Department is trying to unearthancient cultural objects and the local people are tomaintain and preserve those cultural objects withnational outlook.

Maintain and preserveancient cultural objects

YANGON, 12 Sept—Jointly-organized bySports and PhysicalEducation Department andMyanmar JudoFederation, the opening of

14th ISD Judo Tournament kicks off

YANGON, 12 Sept—Chairman of Rakhine StatePeace and Development Council Commander ofWestern Command Maj-Gen Thaung Aye and Ministerfor Transport Maj-Gen Thein Swe on 6 September metwith local people of Tattaung Village in An Townshipand presented clothes for the villages, journals andbooks for library, exercise books, medical equipmentfor the hospital and sarongs for the social organizations.

They also visited six villages of Taikmaw

Commander, Minister carry outregional development tasks

Village-tract and attended to the needs.At An Basic Education High School No. 2, they

awarded outstanding students in the matriculationexamination for 2008-2009 academic year in AnTownship.

Officials also presented prizes to the distinctionwinners.

Minister Maj-Gen Thein Swe donated one ofcomputer set each to BEHS No. 1 and No. 2.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 12Sept—Minister forForestry Brig-Gen TheinAung on 8 Septemberinspected No. 23 Saw Millof Domestic Trade andSaw Mill Division inKyaukphu of Kyauk-padaung Township.

The ministerviewed maintenance ofheavy machinery at theBase Workshop (Pyay).

On 9 September, theminister looked intothriving 100-acre teakplantation for 2008 of DryZone Greening De-partment in Taungdwingyiand gave necessaryinstructions.

In the afternoon, the

Saw Mill, teak plantations inspected

minister inspected specificteak plantation of ForestDepartment in Kin-montaung forest reserve inTaungdwingyi.


14th Inter-State/DivisionJudo Tournament washeld at Aung SanGymnasium here thisafternoon attended byofficials of the Ministry

of Sports, Chairperson ofthe central workingcommittee of MyanmarWomen’s SportsFederation Daw Aye Aye,General Secretary Daw L

Minister for Forestry Brig-Gen Thein Aung

inspecting Base Workshop (Pyay) of

Engineering Division.


Khun Yi and responsiblepersons, Chairman ofTatmadaw JudoSubcommittee Col SanMyint Oo and officials,Patron of MWSF andpatron of Myanmar JudoFederation Daw MyintMyint Aye and membersand guests.

YANGON, 12 Sept —Vice-Chairman ofYangon City Deve-lopment Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa thismorning inspectedprogress of layingconcrete on Shukhinthacircular road in EastSeikkyi ward and the site

Vice-Mayor inspects regionaldevelopment tasks

Director-General of Sports and Physical Education Department U ThaungHtaik delivers an address at 14th Inter-State/Division Judo Tournament.—MJF

for construction ofTownship Library inSe ikkyi -khanaungtoTownship in YangonSouth District.

He then viewedAungmingla Lake-2 andconstruction ofAungthaphay concreteroad.

He inspected self-reliant jetty at EastSeikkyi-khanaungto andfulfilled the requirements.

The vice-mayorvisited Township Hos-pital and he presentedcash assistance to thepatients.


First, DefendingChampions YangonDivision Men’s Judo teamand Mon State Women’sJudo team handed overchampionship shields toGeneral Secretary ofMyanmar OlympicCommittee Director-General U Thaung Htaik

of SPED.On behalf of the

Chairman of MOC theMinister for Sports, thedirector-general made anaddress and opened thetournament.

The tournament will beheld at the gymnasium upto 14 September.— MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 13 September, 2009 3

Explosion wounds nine Afghancivilians in East

KABUL, 12 Sept — Explosion in eastern Afghani-stan’s Khost Province on Friday wounded nine per-sons, all of them civilians, officials said. “Nine wounded people, eight children and oneadult, have been hospitalized,” director of healthdepartment in Khost City Abdul Majid told Xinhua. Meanwhile, provincial police chief Gul Dad alsoconfirmed the incident, saying the blast that occurredat 12:40 pm local time (GMT 2010) also damaged ashop. Khost has been the scene of a series of bombattacks over the past couple of months.—Internet

Seven police killed as Taleban raidcheckpoint in N Afghanistan

KABUL, 12 Sept — Seven policemen were killedFriday night as Taleban militants raided their check-point in northern Afghan province of Kunduz, anofficial said on Saturday. “Anti-government militants raided a police check-point in Imam Sahib District on Friday night as a re-sult seven police, including the chief MohammadHafiz, were killed,” Muhalim Juma Khan told Xinhua. He also added that two policemen, found missingafter the battle, apparently had some links withTaleban. Meantime, Zabihullah Mujahid, a purportedspokesman for Taleban, said the rebels killed sevenpolicemen while giving no word on the two missingpolice.—Xinhua

A resident carries a seat past a destroyed home following a truck bomb in thevillage of Wardak, southeast of the restive city of Mosul, 370kms from Baghdad.A suicide truck bomber triggered a massive blast in a Kurdish village innorthern Iraq as residents slept early on Thursday, flattening homes and killing

at least 22 people, officials said.—INTERNET

Afghan policemen evacuate a wounded man at the site of a suicide bomb attack inKabul on 8 September. NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen came tothe defence on Wednesday of efforts to bring stability to Afghanistan, amid mounting

criticism of military operations and fraud-tainted elections.—INTERNET

Staff clean the ruins inIstanbul, northwestern

Turkey, on 10 Sept,2009.—XINHUA

Obama faces skeptics in Congressover Afghan war

Putin opens door to return as Russia President

WASHINGTON, 12 Sept — A powerfulUS senator warned against sending moreAmerican troops to Afghanistan, signal-ling growing skepticism over the warwithin President Barack Obama’s ownparty.

Carl Levin, the influential chairmanof the Senate Armed Services Commit-tee, was the latest top Democrat in Con-gress to voice opposition to a fresh mili-tary build-up in Afghanistan, as theWhite House weighs deploying yet moretroop combat troops.

But his comments came as the Pen-tagon confirmed it intended to send moretroops to Afghanistan to tackle a grow-

ing threat from improvised explosivedevices.

Levin called for redoubling effortsto bolster Afghan security forces beforeany further expansion in US troops,which are set to reach 68,000 by the endof the year.

“We should increase and accelerate ourefforts to support the Afghan security forcesin their efforts to become self-sufficient indelivering security to their nation — be-fore we consider whether to increase UScombat forces above the levels alreadyplanned for the next few months,” saidLevin, who returned last week from a tripto Afghanistan.—Internet

Chavez says buying Russianshort-range missiles

Russia’s Prime MinisterVladimir Putin.

NOVO-OGARYOVO (Rus-sia), 12 Sept — Russia’sVladimir Putin on Fridaygave his strongest indica-tion yet that he may runagain for the presidency atthe next election in 2012.

Ever since Putin’s presi-dential term expired lastyear and he made way forhis chosen successorDmitry Medvedev, therehas been speculation themove was only temporary.

Putin, now serving asprime minister, remains ex-

tremely popular amongRussian voters despite theeconomic downturn and hecontinues to dominate thepolitical scene.

Speaking to the Valdai

discussion group of Russiaexperts, Putin said the tran-sition at the top in 2007/8had been a smooth one andthere would not be anycompetition between him-self and Medvedev in 2012.“We share political views.”

“In 2012 we shall thinktogether and take into ac-count the realities of thetime, our personal plans, thepolitical landscape...and wewill take a decision,” hesaid.


CARACAS 12 Sept —Venezuela’s leftist Presi-dent Hugo Chavez said onFriday that his country isbuying Russian missileswith a range of 300 kilo-metres (186 miles) as partof a series of arms dealswith Moscow. Chavez,who on Friday returnedfrom a ten day-tour of Af-rica, Asia and Europe thatincluded a visit to Russia,is also negotiating the pur-chase of 100 T-72 and T-90 tanks from Moscow.

“We signed some mili-tary agreements with Rus-

sia. Well, soon some littlerockets are going to be ar-riving,” he said during aspeech to supporters froma balcony at the presiden-tial palace upon his returnto Venezuela.

“Do you know how farthey reach? 300 kilometres,and they don’t fail.”

Venezuela is currentlyembroiled in a diplomaticcrisis with neighbouringColombia over a securityagreement that will allowUS troops access to moreColombian bases to fightdrug traffickers and left-wing guerrillas. Chavez, afierce critic of US foreignpolicy, says the US-Colom-bia plan will increase therisk of war in SouthAmerica and could beused to launch an attackon Venezuela.—Internet

Dioxin levels high in Vietnam near US baseHANOI, 12 Sept — New environmental tests confirm ex-

tremely high levels of dioxin, the toxic ingredient of AgentOrange, in people, fish and soil near a former US air basewhere American troops stored the herbicide during the Viet-nam War. “Time is of the essence” to finish cleaning up thesite, now home to the Danang airport, where dioxin levelsin the soil, sediment and fish were 300 to 400 times higherthan internationally accepted levels, the survey by theCanadian environmental firm Hatfield Consultants said.

The survey also found that temporary containmentmeasures jointly implemented by the US and Vietnam in2007 have apparently resulted in lower dioxin levels inpeople who live near the site. Agent Orange is perhaps thewar’s most contentious legacy. Vietnam says 1 million to4 million of its citizens were exposed to it and many suf-fered serious health consequences. The United States,which sprayed the herbicide on jungles to deprive Viet-namese troops of ground cover, says further scientific studyis needed to fully understand the health links.—Internet

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 13 September, 2009

Recovery signs emerge in financialcrisis-hit developing countries

Study: Boy birth rate onrise in Vietnam

NEW YORK, 12 Sept— United Nations PopulationFund official says a study of Vietnam’s birth rate inrecent years revealed a spike in the number of boysbeing born.

Fund representative Bruce Campbell said in a UNrelease on Friday the number of male births in Viet-nam for every 100 female births has increased from106.2 in 2002 to 112.1 in 2008.

If the trend continues, within three years the Asiancountry could see more than 115 boys born for every100 girls.

The organization’s report cites affordable sex-de-termination and sex-selection technology as a likelycause of the gender shift.

Repsol reports major gas findoff Venezuela

China slams US tyre tariffs,threatens retaliation

BEIJING, 12 Sept—Beijing lashed out at the US onSaturday after Washington slapped steep tariffs on im-ported Chinese tyres, calling the measure “protection-ist” and threatening retaliation in China’s first trade spatwith the Obama administration.

“China is firmly opposed to this measure of seriouscommercial protectionism by the United States, whichnot only violates world trade rules but also the under-takings given by the US at the G20,” commerce minis-try spokesman Yao Jian said in statements posted onthe ministry’s website. “In the context of the global eco-nomic crisis this sets a very bad example. China re-serves the right to retaliate,” he said.

The comments come after the White House an-nounced punitive duties of an additional 35 percent onChinese-made tyres just weeks before Barack Obamais due to host his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao at theG20 summit in November.—Internet

Journalists crowded around two participants of the Annual Meeting of the NewChampions 2009 when they are interviewd by local radio station in Dalian, north-east China’s Liaoning Province, on 11 Sept, 2009. Hundreds of journalistsswarmed into the north China’s port city to cover the meeting.—XINHUA

Repsol’s headquartersin Madrid

Workers at a Hangzhou rubber company are seenconducting quality control checks on the tyres at theirfactory. Beijing lashed out at the US on Saturday afterWashington slapped steep tariffs on imported Chi-nese tyres, calling the measure “protectionist” andthreatening retaliation in China’s first trade spat with

the Obama administration.—INTERNET

WHO saysA/H1N1 flu haskilled over 3,000

GENEVA, 12 Sept—Atleast 3,205 people world-wide have been killed bythe A/H1N1 influenzasince the new flu viruswas identified in April,the World Health Organi-zation (WHO) said in alatest update on Friday.

Of all the deaths,2,467 occurred in theAmericas, 306 in theWest Pacific region. Theother four WHO re-gional offices, South-East Asia, Europe, EastMediterranean and Af-rica reported 221, 125,51 and 35 deaths respec-tively.

The WHO, which de-clared the A/H1N1 fluas a pandemic in June,said the total number oflab confirmed casesworldwide is now over277,607, but this actu-ally understates the realnumber of infections ascountries are no longerrequired to test and re-port individual cases.


PE teachers practisegymnastic exercise inLanshan District of LinyiCity, east China’sShandong Province, on11 Sept, 2009. Over 300PE teachers of elemen-tary and middle schoolsin Lanshan Districtlearned a newly designedgymnastic exercise onFriday, which was de-signed for indoor PEclass when meet therainy and snowy


Birds lower temperature to save energy

MADRID, 12 Sept—Spain’s biggest oil com-pany, Repsol YPF SA,said on Friday it hadmade what could beits largest gas discoveryoff Venezuela, andone of the largest discov-eries in the world, in an

e x p l o r a t i o npartnership with Italy’sEni.

The site could containaround 1.4 billion barrelsof oil equivalent (BOE),a Repsol spokesman said,adding that tests werecontinuing andthat the figure was provi-sional.

The amount would beenough to supply Spainfor more than five years,the company said in astatement.

The discovery wasmade in an offshore site

in the Gulf of Venezuelacalled Cardon 4.

The offshore field isjust 60 metres deep andcould have a surface of33 square kilometres, thestatement added.

The company was con-firming comments byVenezuela PresidentHugo Chavez to theSpanish newspaper ElPais during a visit toMadrid on Friday duringwhich he met withRepsol chairman AntoniBrufau.


DALIAN, 12 Sept—About one year after thefinancial crisis began toaffect the whole world,signs of economic recov-ery have emerged in cer-tain developing countriesalthough they still facevarious great difficultiesin mitigating the unex-pected impact of the cri-sis.

Mahmoud Mohieldin,Minister of Investment ofEgypt, said at the ongoingSummer Davos forum inDalian, northeast China’s

Liaoning Province, thathis country had seen adrop of 20 percent to 25percent in foreign directinvestment (FDI) in itsmost difficult period com-pared with the average ofthe past five years.

But the country hasshown signs of economicgrowth recovery such asthe increase of FDI in

the past few months, ac-cording to the Egyptianinvestment official.

Lim Guan Eng, chiefminister of Penang, Ma-laysia, said the global fi-nancial crisis affected a lotthe country’s economywhich relies much on ex-ports and thus made itnecessary to reform.



JERUSALEM, 12 Sept—Migrating Eura-sian blackcaps lower their internal tem-perature at night to retain fat and saveenergy, Israeli scientists have learned.

The blackcaps were studied inMidreshet ben-Gurion, Israel, wherethey stop to fatten up before setting offagain on their journey, researchersMicha Wojciechowski and BeryPinshow said on Friday in the Journalof Experimental Biology.

Wojciechowski and Pinshow capturedbirds, weighed them and monitored theirbody temperatures and metabolic rate asthe birds stocked up on fruit and mealworms.

During the day, the birds’ body tem-peratures averaged 108.5 degrees Fahr-enheit and fell as dusk approached, av-eraging about 101 degrees during thenight, the researchers said.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 13 September, 2009 5

US, Europe agree on civil spacetransportation cooperation

Some visitors take a break under the theme sculpture, known as This is Love,of the ongoing 13th Shanghai Art Fair, which opens at the Shanghai Mart,

in Shanghai, east China, on 9 Sept, 2009. —XINHUA

Lebanese army, UNIFIL begin searchmission after rocket fire

Malaysia plane crash kills two pilots

Israeli security personnels inspectthe site where a Katyusha launchedfrom Lebanon fallen near Gesher-Ha’ziv Kibutz in northern Israel,on

11 Sept, 2009. —XINHUA

KUALA LUMPUR, 12Sept— A Pilatus PC-7plane crashed and burstinto flame at theLangkawi InternationalAirport in Malay’s Kedahstate on Friday, killing twopilots, local media re-ported Saturday.

According to local me-dia reports, the accidenttook place at 12:30 pm onFriday when the two pi-lots, Mohd Roszaini

Mohd, 37, and MohdZulkifli Hasan, 38, wereattempting to land.

It was reported that thepilots, both from RoyalMalaysian Air Force, wereon a diversion practicewhen the tragedy occurred

some90 meters away fromthe scene.

Mohd Zulkifli, fromTaiping in Perak State, hadfive children while his peerfrom Kuala Krai, KelantanState leaves behind threechildren.—Xinhua

All items from Xinhua News Agency

Mexico warns of nationwidestrong rain

BEIRUT, 12 Sept— Lebanese armyand UN peacekeeping forces went ona search mission on Friday evening toseek rockets which were not launchedfollowing rocket exchange betweenLebanon and Israel, Lebanon’s Na-tional News Agency (NNA) reported. Lebanese army and UN InterimForces in Lebanon (UNIFIL) began thesearch mission in the surrounding areaof southern Lebanon’s Tyre with the as-sistance of dogs and helicopters. At the same time, checkpoints wereheld by the Lebanese army along theroads. Cars are being scrutinized. A wooden platform which was usedto launch the rockets was found in theinitial search, as well as a battery, inan orchard at the outskirts of Klailehvillage in Tyre. The search came after at least two

MEXICO CITY,12Sept—Mexican authori-ties on Friday warned ofstrong rain across mostpart of the country, justdays after the rains andfloods that caused twodeaths in central Mexico.

The National Mete-orological Service(SMN) said a tropicalfront, weak member ofthe weather systems fam-ily including hurricanes,would bring humidityfrom warm oceans on-shore starting with cen-tral and southern Mexico.

Rains, hails and stormswill accompany the front.

Strong rain is likely forall states along the cen-tral and southern coastsas well as Mexico Cityand the central mountain-ous area. Only the stateson northern Pacific coastwill be excluded.

On Monday, two peo-ple were found dead af-ter Sunday’s torrentialrains in the central Stateof Mexico.

August and Septem-ber’s strong rain, inmarked contrast to July’s

drought, saw around 20percent more than normallevel and killed crops thatwould have produced upto 1.5 million tons ofcorn.

Mexican authoritieshave attributed the ex-treme weather to El Nino,a periodic change in theatmosphere and ocean ofthe tropical Pacific re-gion. The governmentsays that the phenom-enon has grown in recentyears due to globalwarming.


Shao Jun gives a classto pupils at Dongshan

Primary School inSanbing Township of

Chaohu City, eastChina’s Anhui Prov-ince, on 8 Sept, 2009.

Shao, 42 years old, losthis right arm during anaccident at the age of


Katyusha rockets were launched fromthe area of Klaileh, a village in south-ern Lebanon 15 km from the border, andimpacted in northåern Israel in the gen-eral area north of Nahariya.


US faces shortage of heartsurgeons

LOS ANGELES, 12Sept—With theincreasing demands of apopulation rapidlygrowing older andheavier, the UnitedStates faces a direshortage of cardiologists,a situation that wouldspell trouble, a new studywarns.

As of right now,there are already 3,000too few cardiologists inthis country, said the

study published byHealthDay News onThursday.

The shortfall couldreach 16,000cardiologists by 2050,according to the study bythe American College ofCardiology (ACC).

Based on a survey ofpeople involved in thehiring of cardiologists,the ACC projects ashortfall of up to 16,000of these professionals

within the next fourdecades.

The main reason forthe shortfall is that therehas been a 25-percentreduction in the numberof slots available forcardiology training inmedical schools spurredby an assumption thatfamily practitionerswould be able to providemuch of the care for heartdisease patients.


WASHINGTON, 12Sept— NASA Adminis-trator Charles Bolden andEuropean Space Agency(ESA) Director GeneralJean-Jacques Dordain

signed a memorandum ofunderstanding on Fridayfor cooperation in thefield of space transporta-tion. The agreement wassigned at the NASAHeadquarters in Wash-ington.

“From shuttleSpacelab missions to theInternational Space Sta-tion, ESA has a long his-tory of participating withNASA in humanspaceflight,” Boldensaid. “With this agree-ment, it is our intent tocontinue to build this re-lationship, sharing valu-able engineering analy-ses and technology con-cepts that will help trans-port humans to low Earthorbit and beyond.”

The agreement will al-low NASA and ESA toexchange technical in-formation and personnel,which will aid the even-tual development of newtransportation systems. Itis expected that ESA’sAriane 5 developmentand flight experiencewill provide valuable en-gineering analyses andtechnology concepts forNASA’s new launch andspacecraft systems.

“The memorandum ofunderstanding marks anew milestone in the al-ready very strong andlong-lasting cooperationbetween ESA andNASA,” said ESA’sDordain.


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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 13 September, 2009


Cem Karabay waves to people during aGuinness World Record event inIstanbul. Turkish diving instructorKarabay will attempt to break aGuinness World Record for the longesttime scuba diving in fresh water. The37-year old diver aims to live underwater for 10 days in a specially- constructed aquarium.

An “injured” model demonstrates themedical universal vehicle, “Rodem”during its press preview in Tokyo.Robotics and medical experts in

Japan on Wednesday unveiled theprototype of a newhi-tech

electricwheelchair that resembles ascooter and promises greatermobility.

Baby born at 9:09 on9/9/09 weighs 9 lbs, 9 ounces

No doubt. The nines have it. ChuckBerendes of La Crosse said he will neverforget the birthday of this third child, bornWednesday on the ninth day of the ninemonth in the year 2009. Nor will Berendesand his wife, Polly, forget HenryMichael’s arrival time — at 9:09 am byCesarean section at Franciscan SkempMedical Center in La Crosse.But they gotthe biggest laugh when the newborn wasplaced on the delivery room scalefollowing his birth.

Berendes said it was metric scale sothe doctor did the math in his head, but tomake sure, he had the nurse also do theconversion. Berendes said they broke intolaughter when the nurse told them Henryweighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces.

Man demands to drinkbeer before arrest

Authorities in the Florida Panhandlesay they arrested a convenience storeshoplifter who demanded to drink the12-ounce beer he had stolen before beingtaken into custody.

The Bay County Sheriff’s office saysthe man told the deputy he had recentlylost his job of 13 years and wanted todrink beer. The man became combativewhen the deputy wouldn’t let him finishit.George R. Linthicum II was chargedWednesday with shoplifting, battery,possession of marijuana not more than20 grams and smuggling contrabandinto a detention facility.

Colombian police say bombstied to donkeys kill two

BOGOTA, 12 Sept — Police say two bombs beingcarried by donkeys exploded in northeastern Colom-bia, killing two coca-eradication workers and wound-ing six soldiers.

Police Gen Orlando Pineda says the workers wereheading from one field to another to destroy cocaplants when the explosives tied to the two donkeyswent off.

Officials attributed on Friday’s attack to the left-ist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. Theydid not provide evidence to support the claim, butthe rebels in the past have staged attacks on work-ers eradicating coca, the main ingredient of co-caine. The civilian workers were being protectedby soldiers.

The blasts took place in the La Gabarra region inNorte de Santander state, northeast of Bogota.—Internet

Mexico police find over$5 million cash in cargo

MEXICO CITY, 12 Sept — Mexican authorities saythey have found at least $5 million hidden in a ship-ment of ammonium sulfate at a Pacific coast port, andare still counting the cash.

Authorities earlier said the estimated amount wasat least $5.4 million. The Attorney General’s Officegave no explanation for lowering the estimate.

The Mexican navy says the bundles of cash werehidden in large sacks of the granular chemical, mostcommonly used as a fertilizer.

The Navy said on Friday the shipment was foundat the Manzanillo seaport in two freight containersbound for Colombia. Colombian and US authoritiesaided in the investigation.

Colombian authorities reported on Wednesday theyseized $11.3 million in cash hidden in a similar ship-ment from Mexico.—Internet

Two injured in gunmen attackin Indonesia’s Papua

Fred continues to weaken inthe open Atlantic

MIAMI, 12 Sept — Forecasters say Fred is continuingto weaken in the middle of the Atlantic, while Linda hasdissipated in the Pacific. The National Hurricane Centerin Miami said on Friday that Fred’s maximum sustainedwinds had dropped to near 60 mph (95 kph) and the stormis moving slowly.

Fred is centered about 650 miles (1,045 km) west-northwest of the Cape Verde Islands and moving north-east near 2 mph (4 kph). In the Pacific, Linda was nolonger a tropical cyclone. The remnant low was movingtoward the west-northwest near 5 mph (8kph). Linda’smaximum sustained winds were near 35 mph.—Internet

JAKARTA, 12 Sept — Agroup of gunmen openedfires on Saturday morningat a bus belongs to US-controlled gold and cop-per mining firm FreeportMcMoran Indonesia nearthe firm’s premises inTimika, Papua, leavingtwo men injured, theNews re-ported here on Saturday.

It reported that the bus,

carrying 10 Freeport secu-rity guards and two clean-ing service worker, wasshot at when it passedalong mile 42-43 of theroad leading to the min-ing site at around 8:50 amlocal time.

Papua Police spokes-man Agus Riyanto con-firmed the shooting, ex-plaining that the injuredvictims were taken to aclinic in Kuala Kencana,

the Freeport’s clusterhousing compound.

Spate of shootings atFreeport’s buses fre-quently occurred on theroad leading to Freeport’sGrasberg gold and coppermining sites in the last fewmonths, killing threeworkers and police. .

Earlier this week, amilitary vehicle was shotat by unidentified armedband in the area.—Internet

‘Namahage’ a ritual demon cleansing souls, takepart in the annual rice harvesting festival as part

of promotional event of a local prefecture’stourism in downtown Tokyo, Japan, on 12 Sept,


Woman believed to be world’s oldest persondies in LA

Gertrude Baines, who was reportedlythe world’s oldest person, died on Fri-day in a Los Angeles hospital at the ageof 115, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Baines died at Western ConvalescentHospital in the West Adams district, thehospital’s administrator, EmmaCamanag, told the paper.

Baines, whose father was believed tohave been a slave, was born on April 6,1894, when the US flag had 44 stars andGrover Cleveland was president. Shemarried at a young age and later di-

vorced.Her only child, a daughter, died of ty-

phoid at 18. Baines outlived every one ofher relatives, according to the newspaper.

Baines’ image — cinnamon lipsturned up in a gentle smile and thinninghair tucked under a bright red bonnet— was broadcast nationally in Novem-ber when Baines, then the oldest per-son of African descent and the third-old-est person worldwide, cast her vote forBarack Obama as president, the paperreported.

File photo shows Gertrude Baines isseen at the Western Convalescent

Hospital in Los Angeles. Baines, whowas reportedly the world’s oldest

person, died on Friday in a Los Ange-les hospital at the age of 115, the Los

Angeles Times reported.

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Page 7: The New Light of Myanmar 13-09-2009

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 13 September, 2009 7

Stores and groceries normal in downtown of Laukkai.

Laukkai hustle and bustle with activities.

Home-coming of locals in Kokang in Shan State (North) as stabilityand peace prevail.

Laukkai: a town with border postsupstream of River Thanlwin

(from page 1)The Ministry for

Progress of Border Areasand National Races andDevelopment Affairsbuilt five diversion weirs

to deal with theagricultural businesses.

There are onedetergent factory, fourwater purifying factories,two printing houses, three

Nesat-Mann HiluxLine, Linyon Mini-BusLine, Sunye Hilux Line andNyeinchanyay Van Linetransport passengers andcommodities from

Sihaukme Hotel, ShweKyal Hotel and other guesthouses in comfortdepending on their means.

For smoothtransportation in LaukkaiTownship, 21-mile andtwo-furlong longLaukkai-Chinshwehawtarred road, five-mile andfive-furlong longChinshwehaw downtowntarred road, five-mile longLaukkai downtown tarredroad, three-mile longLaukkai-Siaw tarred road,

Pasinkyaw-BP (127) road,four-mile and five-furlonglong Mukwakeng-BP (137)road and four-mile and five-furlong long Tashwehtan-Hosi Tonehaw road werealso built.

As village-to-village roads, 12-mile andeight-furlong longLaukkai-Mantonpa road,42-mile long Laukkai-Yantawshan road, 12-milelong Siaw-Hositonehawroad and Tashwehtan-Kyarsishu road have been

40 feet long Chichanbridge (Yanlongkyaing)and 600 feet long Taparbridge were built.

L a u k k a iTownship has four BasicEducation High Schoolsand 17 Basic EducationPrimary Schools and a50-bed People’sHospital was opened on9 May, 2006 in order toprovide health care tolocal people.

Laukkai home tothe majority of Kokang

and six dams – Siawdiversion weir in Siawvillage, Narli diversionweir in Narli village,Manlaw diversion weirin Manlaw village,Shiphan diversion weirin Shiphan village,Mankhar diversion weirin Mankhar village,Shwetone Shwe Dam inYanlongkyaing village,Mantonpa dam inMantonpa village,Tashwehtan andShuntee-aing dams inTashwehtan village,Tasinkeng dam inTasinkeng village andPakyaukshwe dam inEast Myothit — in thetownship with the aim ofenabling the local people

tea factories, one paperfactory, one buckwheatmill, one cement factory,one tile factory, one rubberfactory, one brick factory,one heavy machineryworkshop and 18automobile workshops inLaukkai Township.

There is one marketand one old market inLaukkai and onesupermarket in EastMyothit and there aremarkets opened every fivedays at Pasinkyaw,Tashwehtan, Malishuwahvillage-tracts. Localpeople are engaged infarming, livestockbreeding, trading,furniture and foundrybusinesses for a living.

Laukkai to Lashio.Laukkai is 117 miles andseven furlongs from Lashioand it can be reached bycar on a one day trip.

There is easy andsmooth transportationbetween Laukkai andLashio as vehicles ofSwanyee Mini Bus Line,Nesat-Mann Hilux Line,Sunye Hilux Line, Nesat-Mann Van Line arerunning Laukkai-Chinshwehaw,-Kunlong-Lashio trip daily.

Visitors can stay atYinphone Hotel, KokangHotel, Phuli Light Hotel,Seinpaungtu Hotel,Sanshin Hotel, EastMyothit Hotel, PalseinHotel, Three Star Hotel,

six-mile long Laukkai-Yanlongkyaing tarredroad, 12-mile longLaukkai-Tashwehtantarred road were built.

As gravel roads, 42-mile long Laukkai-Kongyan road, 12-milelong Tashwehtan road,Mukwakeng-Tasinkengroad, six-mile long

built under thearrangement of the region.

Besides, 55 feetlong Entrance bridge(Chinshwehaw), 114 feetlong Namhphahaw borderbridge (Chinshwehaw),330 feet long Nyinaungbridge (Chinshwehaw),114 feet long Borderbridge (Yanlongkyaing),

national race seesremarkable progress ineconomic and socialsectors thanks toprevailing of peace andstability in the region thatlagged behind otherregions in developmentin successive periods.

*****Translation: YM

Article: Tin Htwe (MNA)

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 13 September, 2009

In spite of the government having ad-dressed the Kokang Region issue in the best andthe most appropriate way, certain foreign mediaare still making unfair comments variously on it,turning a blind eye to the objective conditions inthe region. As to the recent incident, they specu-lated that the government seemed to use force ifthe national race peace groups did not accept thegovernment’s push on them to transform them-selves into frontier forces. Their speculation wascleverly designed to drive a wedge between thegovernment and the peace groups, with the hopethat the two sides would be locked in armedconflicts as in the past.

They are anxious to see the peace agree-ment broken, but that will never take place in thenation because the government is upright in itsstand, concept and charge of duties and aspires tonational development and better living condi-tions for the people. That is for sure.

In reality, the government deeply fa-vours and values peace. Since its assumptionof State duties, it has been living in the conceptthat stability of the State and unity of nationalraces are essential for development of thenation. It is common knowledge that theTatmadaw government initiated an offer tomake peace with different types of nationalrace armed groups and persuaded them toreturn to the legal fold. Then, it complied withtheir wishes as much as possible.

The government had to hold several peacetalks with national race armed groups to reachagreements and build nutual trust. The peace talksfocused on two important points for a brighterfuture of the nation —(1) the national race peace groups would have

to abandon their arms following the ap-proval of the State constitution because they

They will choose the correct wayKyaw Ye Min

would have to work in accordance with theconstitution; and

(2) after abandoning their arms, they would bebestowed the right to form political partiesand stand for the general election in line withthe laws if desirous, and they will have theright to share legislative and executive re-sponsibilities of the future nation if elected.Only with the agreements including the

two major agreements reached after heart-to-heart discussions, did the national race armedgroups enter the legal fold. Seventeen majornational race armed groups and over 20 smallgroups made peace with the government andreturned to the legal fold. Moreover, some ofthose groups have unconditionally abandonedtheir arms.

As a result of their returning to the legal fold,the whole country now achieves stability, peaceand national unity at the unprecedented level. The

government launched the Border Areas and Na-tional Races Development Project and the 24-Special Region Development Project for all-round development of the regions where peaceand stability had been back to normal. As a resultof the projects the government has been imple-menting constantly with big funds and massiveworkforces, today, far-flung areas’ progress hasbeen on a par with that of the plains in all fields.That is a tangible result. Anti-government ele-ments are having a go variously at the Tatmadawgovernment, but in the pragmatic world, the gov-ernment has improved the socio-economic life ofborder areas including their sources of livelihoods,social affairs, education, health care and transport.The conditions are much better than that in thosedays.

Now, the new constitution necessary fordemocratic process aspired by the people andbuilding a new nation, has been approved with thegreat majority of the votes of the people. Besides,the country has announced that it will hold mul-tiparty democracy general elections in line withthe State’s seven-step Road Map in 2010. Thegovernment has been implementing the RoadMap one step after another, and now the goal ofdemocracy is within the touching distance.

As agreed by both sides before the na-tional races armed forces returned to thelegal fold, the government now has to holdtalks to make sure that the groups continue torespect the prior agreements. However, someforeign media are airing as if the governmentis putting pressure on the national race peacegroups and trying to break up the groups,breaching the original agreements with theintention of misleading the international com-munity into misunderstanding the truth. Infact, the tasks are all ongoing as agreed by thetwo sides, not the ones that have come intoexistence out of the blue.

(See page 9)

Regarding the programme to form frontier forces, mem-bers of the national race peace groups can face difficultieswhen they abandon their arms. It is negligible for the leadersof the groups, but there may be difficulties for the subordi-nates. So, the government initiated the programme to formthem into frontier forces under the control of the Com-mander-in-Chief of Defence Service, thinking it over from allpossible points of views for the sake of their basic needs andbetter living conditions. More than that, the government willtake responsibilities for security of their assets and lives. Theleaders of the peace groups will have the rights to stand for2010 elections and take seats in the administrative organs ofthe regions concerned in consistent with the law. That is thebest and the most prudent way; for win-win situation.

The peace talks focused on two important points fora brighter future of the nation —(1) the national race peace groups would have to abandon

their arms following the approval of the State constitu-tion because they would have to work in accordancewith the constitution;

(2) after abandoning their arms, they would be bestowedthe right to form political parties and stand for thegeneral election in line with the laws if desirous, andthey will have the right to share legislative and execu-tive responsibilities of the future nation if elected.

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 13 September, 2009 9

(from page 8)Regarding the programme to form fron-

tier forces, members of the national race peacegroups can face difficulties when they abandontheir arms. It is negligible for the leaders of thegroups, but there may be difficulties for thesubordinates. So, the government initiated theprogramme to form them into frontier forcesunder the control of the Commander-in-Chief ofDefence Services, thinking it over from all pos-sible points of views for the sake of their basicneeds and better living conditions. More thanthat, the government will take responsibilitiesfor security of their assets and lives. The leadersof the peace groups will have the rights to standfor 2010 elections and take seats in the adminis-trative organs of the regions concerned in con-sistent with the law. That is the best and the mostprudent way; for win-win situation.

The government believed that the nationalrace armed groups, which had returned to thelegal fold and made peace with the government,were politically motivated national brethren. Thecause of national races has been highlighted indemocratic transition and their cooperation rec-ognized as a key force. Delegates of national racegroups had the opportunity to attend the Na-tional Convention held to draw a constitution andplans were made for them to discuss and coordi-nate matters. Therefore, arrangements were madeto include in the provisions of the constitutionrights and opportunities that are compatible withprevailing conditions for national races and mi-nority groups.

A future nation will emerge with seven re-gions and seven states, two union territories, oneself-administered division and five self-adminis-tered zones. The chairman of a self-administereddivision/zone leading committee will be not only therepresentative of the hluttaw of the region/stateconcerned but also a cabinet member of the govern-ment of that region/state concerned. So they can takecharge of the executive sector of their own regionsand participate extensively in the affairs of their ownnational races. The above points clearly show thatthe national race armed groups that have made peacewith the State will have to play an important role in

They will choose the correct wayKyaw Ye Min

the future nation.So all the national race organizations have to

continue to work in accord with the provisions pre-scribed in the constitution. They need to start a transi-tion period in conformity with the constitution. This isconcerned not only with an individual group but withthe entire national people including all the nationalrace groups. So we wish the entire nation to accept thetransition period.

However much outside media are attempting todisrupt the process, national race armed groups, whichwill consider a new nation with the determination tomaintain peace, are emerging. In accord with theconstitution, they are taking new steps towards eternalpeace through temporary peace.

According to sources, Kachin IndependenceOrganization (KIO) recently allowed its six topmembers led by Vice-Chairman Dr Tuja to resignto be able to form a political party and run for the2010 election. Dr Tuja will build a brighter futureof Kachin State by forming Kachin State Progres-sive Party (KSPP) representing the Kachin nation-als. "We have no racial or religious discrimination.Those who are interested in politics will form aparty together and stand for the 2010 election.Those who win the election will become members ofthe Kachin State Hluttaw as well as cabinet mem-bers of the Kachin State government. We've formedthe party as we think that it is the most appropriateto continue this way for development of Kachin

State and in the interests of the Kachin people,"said Dr Tuja. Moreover, it is learnt that KIO willcoordinate matters on the formation of a frontierforce under the name of KRGF. It can be said thatthe national race groups respected the originalagreements and chose the best, most appropriateand safest way.

Likewise, we have learned that New MonState Party will form a political party and run forthe election under the leadership of central com-mittee members. To be able to do party politics,some member leaders of the central committeewill be allowed to resign. Other national raceorganizations will be making similar arrange-ments and discussions. Anyhow, it is not verydifficult to achieve lasting peace through temporarypeace if national race leaders choose to consider anew nation with the concept of maintaining peace inthe interests of their own regions and forces. So weall the people believe the coordination and discus-sions between the State and national race groups willbe successful.

The State on its part has spent 20 years gettingthe national race armed groups to transform them-selves into frontier forces. In other words, it is toguarantee lasting peace through temporary peace.This duration of time is more than enough for atransition period. Before regaining the independ-ence, the country integrated Patriotic Burma Force(PBF) into standing Burma Army according to theKandy agreement. The transformation took placewithin months. But outside media are broadcastingthat the national race armed groups still need time toundergo transformation. Indeed, they are doing some-what like asking a leading question. They are seek-ing their own interests rather than the interests of theState and the people.

We ourselves have to choose to walk ourown way. It is not fair to persuade the nationalpeople of the border regions, who have enjoyedand favoured peace and stability and progressfor 20 years, to veer from the correct way topeace and to pick up armed struggle line. It isknown to all which way is correct and whichway is wrong. All the people believe that thenational race peace groups will choose the cor-rect way.

Translation: MS+ST

All the national race organizations have tocontinue to work in accord with the provi-sions prescribed in the constitution. Theyneed to start a transition period in conform-ity with the constitution. This is concernednot only with an individual group but withthe entire national people including all thenational race groups.

The government believed that the national race armed groups,which had returned to the legal fold and made peace with thegovernment, were politically motivated national brethren. Thecause of national races has been highlighted in democratic tran-sition and their cooperation recognized as a key force. Delegatesof national race groups had the opportunity to attend the NationalConvention held to draw a constitution and plans were made forthem to discuss and coordinate matters. Therefore, arrangementswere made to include in the provisions of the constitution rightsand opportunities that are compatible with prevailing conditionsfor national races and minority groups.

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Page 10: The New Light of Myanmar 13-09-2009

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 13 September, 2009

(from page 1)They also looked into Ponnyataung Tunnel

(East) Railway Station and entrance to PonnyataungTunnel (East) and maintenance of bridges.

Lt-Gen Tha Aye inspected the mainembankment, spillway and flow of water intoKandaunt Dam near Kandaunt Village of PaleTownship.

After inspecting development of Pale andconditions of roads, Lt-Gen Tha Aye met teachers atPale Basic Education High School.

At Women’s Vocational Training School inPale, Lt-Gen Tha Aye viewed providing of basic andadvanced tailoring courses to the female trainees andpresented gifts to them.

They looked into broadcasting of fertilizers atmonsoon paddy plantations in Lettaunggyi Villageand monsoon paddy plantations in Lengauk Villageof Yinmabin Township.

Lt-Gen Tha Aye and party inspected supply ofwater to farmlands from water tank-1 in Ka Ward andbasic and advanced tailoring courses at Kha Ward inYinmabin and sales of goods at Winthuza Shop.


Lt-Gen Tha Aye inspectsdevelopment tasks…

NAY PYI TAW, 12Sept—Chairman of BagoDivision Peace andDevelopment CouncilCommander of SouthernCommand Maj-Gen HlaMin attended thePreliminary Conference

Commander attends WVOpreliminary conference

of Bago Division (East)War VeteransOrganization SupervisoryCommittee at the City Hallin Bago on 2 September.

The commanderpresented prizes to thewar veterans’ children

who passed them a t r i c u l a t i o nexamination for 2008-2009 academic year withflying colours and theoutstanding war veteransin the training courses.


NAY PYI TAW, 12Sept—The concludingceremony of refreshercourse No.2/2009 onoffice work, conducted byMinistry of Hotels andTourism, was held at themeeting hall of the

Refresher course on officework concludes

Ministry here yesterdaymorning, with an addressby Minister for Hotels andTourism Maj-Gen SoeNaing.

A f t e r w a r d s ,Minister Maj-Gen SoeNaing and Deputy

Minister Brig-Gen AyeMyint Kyu presentedcertificates to trainees.

Altogether 20trainees from thedepartments under theministry attended six-week course.—MNA

Seminar on publishing of periodicals heldYANGON, 12 Sept—

The Myanmar Printers andPublishers Associationheld a seminar onpublishing of periodicalsat the hall of SarpayBeikman on Merchant

Street yesterday afternoon.Chairman of the

association U MaungMaung made a speech.Vice-Chairman-1 ofMyanmar Writers andJournalists Association U

Dr Tin Tun Oo onbehalf of resource personU Myo Thant (Maung HsuShin), resource persons UMyo Aung and Dr Tha TunOo submitted their papers.

Chairman U Maung

Tin Kha (Tekkatho TinKha) and Director U TintSwe of Press Scrutiny andRegistration Division gavespeeches.

Maung and officialspresented honorarium forthe resource persons andcash to the funds of theMWJA.—MNA

YANGON, 11 Sept—Chairman of Yangon CityDevelopment CommitteeMayor Brig-Gen AungThein Lin looked intoupgrading and tarring ofNorth Horse Race CourseRoad in Yankin Townshipon yesterday morning. Thestreet was upgraded withthe aim of preventingfloods in the rainy season.

Yangon Mayor inspects road, bridge works

He inspected constructionof RC bridge for properdrainage in Khunapinlein

creek on Moekaungstreet.


YANGON, 12 Sept—Director-General U Aye Lwin of Department ofBasic Education No-2 under the Ministryof Education arrived at Basic EducationHigh School No (4) in Kyaukse Townshipthis morning. He then looked into studyingof students and teaching of the

DBE-2 D-G inspects Kyaukse BEHS No (4)demonstrators from Kyaukse Universityfor the purpose of improving the passingrate in the matriculated examination.

Next, the director-general inspectedconstruction of new school building andinstructed to officials to meet the targetand complete in time.—MNA

Mayor Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin looking into upgrading and tarringof North Horse Race Course Road in Yankin Township.—MNA


Lt-Gen Tha Aye of Ministry of Defence inspects providing of basic and advanced tailoring

courses to female trainees at Women's Vocational Training School in Pale.


Chairman of Myanmar Printers andPublishers Association U Maung Maung

delivering address at seminar on publishing ofperiodicals.—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 13 September, 2009 11

(from page 16)Lt-Gen Khin Zaw and the commander donated

hospital equipments, TV and X-ray machine toKawthoung District People’s Hospital.

At the hospital of the local station, he presentedgifts to patients.

Yesterday, Lt-Gen Khin Zaw viewed pesticides,fertilizers, saplings and fruits at the oil palm cultivationproject in Khamaukkyi Township.

He inspected production of crude palm oil andvisited the oil palm plantations. In the afternoon, theymet with officials at the oil palm cultivation projectoffice and heard reports on growing of oil palm plantsand future tasks presented by officials.

After attending to the needs, Lt-Gen Khin Zawand party visited oil palm plantations by car.— MNA

Lt-Gen Khin Zaw…

YANGON, 12 Sept—Family members of Boardof Directors of MyanmarWinery & Distillery Co Ltd(MWDC) contributed cash

YANGON, 12Sept—Chairman ofYangon Division Peaceand DevelopmentCouncil Commander ofYangon Command Maj-Gen Win Myint andChairman of Yangon CityDevelopment CommitteeMayor Brig-Gen AungThein Lin this morning

YA N G O N, 12Sept—Vice-PresidentU Win Aung, GeneralSecretary Dr MaungMaung Lay and JointSecretary U Tin MaungWin of the Union ofMyanmar Federation ofChambers of Commerceand Industry and partyon 8 September met witha delegation led byDeputy Managers

Proper drainage system, sanitationsupervised in Tamway, Bahan Tsps

UMFCCI meets Indian guests

YANGON, 12 Sept —Conducted by GeneralA d m i n i s t r a t i o nDepartment under theMinistry of Home Affairs,the ceremony to concludethe On-job TrainingCourse No. 1/2009 forManagement Officer (2)took place at GeneralA d m i n i s t r a t i o nDevelopment TrainingSchool of the departmentin Mingaladon Townshiphere this morning, with anaddress by Minister forHome Affairs Maj-GenMaung Oo.

In his address, theminister urged the traineesto discharge duties withknowledge learned at thecourse and practicalexperience of the work intheir respective fields. Hecalled on the trainees tokeep the codes of conductand to carry out the tasks

On-job Training Course No. 1/2009 forManagement Officer (2) concludes

with goodwill for theemergence of a peacefuland developed nation. Atotal of 38 trainees attendedthe 19-week course.

The ceremony was alsoattended by departmentalofficials, the principal ofthe school, instructors andtrainees. — MNA

IBTC Group contributes cash assistance tovictims’ families, house-lost families

(Exports) Mr SubhajitMukerji and Mr MananArora (Exports) fromWhirlpool CompanyLimited of the Republicof India at the federationhere.

They cordiallydiscussed opportunitiesto import variouselectrical goods producedby Whirlpool, toMyanmar market and

assistance to families ofits staff who have lost theirlives in MWDC factoryaccident, in a ceremonywhich was held at the

factory in Yintaikpinvillage in Hlegu Townshiphere this morning, attendedby local authorities,responsible persons ofIBTC Group, victims’families and house-lostfamilies and guests.

Chairman of IBTCGroup U Aung Moe Kyawpresented K 4 million eachto families who had amember lost in theaccident and K 1 millioneach to house-lostfamilies. Up to now, thecash assistances to thefamilies reached K 6.4million and K 2.5 millionincluding the pilot

met with officials at theoffice of TamwayTownship DevelopmentAffairs Committee andheard reports on properflow of water at drains andsanitation tasks byofficials.

The commanderand the mayor gaveinstructions.

They viewedcollective participation ofdepartmental personnel,social organizationmembers and local peoplein sanitation tasks,fumigating and givingeducative health and roadworks in Tamway Wardand Bahan Township.


Lt-Gen Khin Zaw of Ministry of Defence inspecting oil palm farm project in KhamaukkyiTownship.—MNA

Minister for Home Affairs Maj-Gen MaungOo presents prize to a trainee at On-job

Training Course No. 1/2009.—MNA

UMFCCI Vice-President U Win Aung and party meet Indiandelegation from Whirlpool Co Ltd.—UMFCCI

Chairman of IBTC Group presents cash

assistance to a victim’s family member.


bilateral cooperation onbusiness interests.



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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 13 September, 2009

People watch a cos-tumed parade of hogs atthe Malolos town inBulacan Province northof Manila on 12 Sept,2009. The parade onSaturday highlighted aweek long food festival

in Malolos, the mainsupplier of hog in thecountry.—INTERNET

455 new A/H1N1 casesconfirmed in Europe

STOCKHOLM, 12 Sept—A European health agencysaid Friday that 455 new A/H1N1 flu cases were re-ported in European countries within the last 24 hours.

Of the new cases, 147 were confirmed in Germany,130 in Britain,128 in Italy, 22 in Luxemburg, 16 inIreland, five in Switzerland, two respectively in Bul-garia, Latvia and Romania, one in Slovakia, the Euro-pean Center for Disease Prevention and Control(ECDC) said in its daily situation report.

The total number of confirmed cases of the A/H1N1flu virus in the European Union (EU) and EuropeanFree Trade Association (EFTA) countries rose to50,470, with 1,538 cases in Spain and 13,322 in Brit-ain, 1,125 in France and 17,937 in Germany, the ECDCsaid.

The ECDC publishes a daily situation report aboutA/H1N1 flu cases in the EU and EFTA countries basedon official information from these countries.—Xinhua

Seeds being saved aheadof ash borer

AMES, 12 Sept—Thousands of ash tree seeds mustbe saved before the emerald ash borer completes itsdestructive drive across North America, biologists said.

The ash borer so far has killed an estimated 70 mil-lion trees — the devastation spreading from Michi-gan, where the Asian pest was discovered in 2002,said Mark Widrlechner, who heads a nationwide ef-fort to collect seed from stands of healthy green, white,blue, and black ash.

Widrlechner estimates he’s collected about 10 per-cent of the seed needed to reintroduce ash trees in thefuture, he said a release from the North Central Re-gional Plant Introduction Station in Ames, Iowa.

“It doesn’t just attack sick trees,” Widrlechner saidthe borer. “It attacks healthy trees. It attacks small trees.So you don’t have just big, old trees falling to this,you’ve got 2 to 3 inch saplings falling to this.”

Seeds collected from healthy ash trees could be usedto make a more resistant variety of ash tree,Widrlechner said.—Internet

Adult obesity linkedto childhood problems

LONDON, 12 Sept—Children with emotional diffi-culties are more likely to become obese adults, re-searchers in Britain found.

Andrew Ternouth, David Collier and BarbaraMaughan of King’s College London studied data fromof about 6,500 members of the 1970 British BirthCohort Study who, as 10-year-olds, had been assessedfor emotional problems, self-perceptions and bodymass index. The study participants reported again ontheir BMI at age 30.

The study, published in the journal BMC Medicine,found that children with a lower self-esteem, those whofelt less in control of their lives and those who wor-ried often were more likely to gain weight over thenext 20 years. Girls were slightly more affected bythese factors than boys, the study found.

“While we cannot say that childhood emotionalproblems cause obesity in later life, we can certainlysay they play a role, along with factors such as paren-tal BMI, diet and exercise,” Ternouth said.—Internet

New blast-resistant glassthinner, lighter

Pesticide restrictions to protect salmon

Nucleic acid invigorates antibiotics

Mexico charges Bolivianpastor in plane hijacking

WASHINGTON, 12Sept—Additional restric-tions on three pesticideswill help protect salmonin four western states,the US EnvironmentalProtection Agency saidon Friday.

Changes in the use

of three organopho-sphate pesticides —chlorpyrifos, diazinon andmalathion — should keepwater cleaner in Califor-nia, Idaho, Oregon andWashington, EPA officialssaid in a release.

The changes, to benoted on product labels,include the addition ofpesticide buffer zones andapplication limits basedon wind speed, soil mois-ture and weather condi-tions, said Steve Owens,EPA assistant administra-tor for prevention, pesti-cides and toxic sub-stances.

Chlorpyrifos, diazinonand malathion aremade by Dow Chemical,Cheminova andMakhteshim Agan ofNorth America, respec-tively.

The new restrictions,developed in consultationbetween the EPA and theNational Marine FisheriesServices, apply to surfacewaters used by 28 salmonand steelhead species inthe four states.

The EPA and the fish-eries service are to moni-tor the effectiveness of therestrictions on fishpopulations.—Internet

LUBBOCK, 12 Sept—Arecently patented chemicaladditive could make oldantibiotics effective againagainst resistant bacteria, aTexas Tech researchersaid.

A short chain of nucleicacid, called an aptamer,can stop antibiotic-resist-ant bacteria from breakingdown antibiotics, saidRobert Shaw, associatechairman of Texas Tech’sDepartment of Chemistry.

Aptamers could invig-

orate beta-lactam antibiot-ics, such as penicillins,carbapenems andcephalosporins, which ac-count for nearly $30 bil-lion in annual sales in theUnited States and moreworldwide, Shaw said in arelease. Aptamers usedwith antibiotics kill bacte-ria that produce enzymescalled metallo-beta-lactamase, which havebeen the most difficult en-

zymes for researchers tocounteract, Shaw said.

Bacteria become antibi-otic-resistant when theyexchange genetic informa-tion on how to make theseenzymes, Shaw said in anedition of Chemical Biol-ogy and Drug Design cov-ering the best presenta-tions of the 2008 Interna-tional Symposium on Or-ganic Synthesis and DrugDiscovery.—Internet

The Space ShuttleDiscovery lands atEdwards Air ForceBase, Calif, and the

NASA Dryden FlightResearch Center, on 11Sept, 2009.—INTERNET

COLUMBIA, 12 Sept—Researchers at the Univer-sity of Missouri saythey’re testing a new blast-resistant glass that is thin-ner and lighter than currentvarieties.

“The glass we are de-veloping is less than one-half of an inch thick,” saidprofessor Sanjeev Khannaof the university’s schoolof engineering. “Becausethe glass panel will be thin-ner, it will use less mate-rial and be cheaper than

what is currently beingused.”

The glass could be usedin federal buildings, secu-rity vehicles and in win-dows in hurricane areas, hesaid. Conventional blast-resistant glass is made byplacing a layer of plasticbetween sheets of glass.Khanna’s team has re-placed the plastic layerwith a transparent com-posite material made ofglass fibers embedded inplastic.—Internet

MEXICO CITY, 12Sept—Prosecutors havecharged a Bolivian pastorwith sabotage, illegal re-tention of people andattack on a means oftransport in this week’shijacking of a plane fromthe resort city of Cancun,the attorney general’soffice said on Friday.

The charges carry totalmaximum sentences of upto 43 years in prison. Theillegal retention charge isused to describe a lesserform of kidnapping.

Jose Flores, who wastaken to a Mexico Cityprison to await a judge’sdecision on whether heshould stand trial, has said

he doesn’t regret threa-tening to detonate a fakebomb aboard anAeromexico commercialjetliner on Wednesday.

Flores’ demand tospeak with PresidentFelipe Calderon sparkedan hourlong runwaystandoff that ended peace-fully when armed policeraided the airplane, free-ing the 103 passengersand seven crew membersaboard unharmed.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 13 September, 2009 13

Second-hand smoke linked to liver illness

Plastic surgeons key indisaster planning

Spotted deer take a shower at Chongqing Wild Animal World in southwestChina’s Chongqing Municipality, on 10 Sept, 2009.Hot weather has hit mostareas of Chongqing since on 4 Sept and varied measures have been taken for

animals to cool themselves in Chongqing Wild Animal World.—XINHUA

RIVER SIDE, 12 Sept—US researchers say theyhave linked second-handsmoke to non-alcoholicfatty liver disease in mice.

The study, published inthe Journal ofHepatology, not onlyfinds fat accumulating inthe liver cells of mice ex-posed in the laboratory tosecond-hand smoke, butdescribes how smoke af-fects two key regulators offat synthesis on the mo-lecular level.

Study leader ManuelaMartins-Green, a profes-

sor of cell biology at theUniversity of California,Riverside, says smoke ex-posure inhibits the firstregulator — called adeno-sine monophosphate ki-nase — and this promptsthe second regulator —sterol regulatory element-binding protein — to spursynthesis of fatty acids inthe liver.

The researchers say dis-couraging cigarette smok-ing helps prevent not onlycardiovascular disease,pulmonary disease andcancer, but now also liver

disease.For the purposes of the

study, the researchers de-fine secondhand smoke asthe combination of smokeexhaled by a smoker andsmoke given off by theburning end of a tobaccoproduct.

Non-alcoholic fattyliver disease is a risingcause of chronic liver in-jury in which fat accumu-lates in the liver of peoplewho drink little or no al-cohol. At its most severe,it can progress to liver fail-ure.—Internet

Vaccinating kids firstmitigates flu

DALLAS, 12 Sept—In-cluding plastic surgeonsin disaster relief responsecould improve long-termoutcomes for victims ofcatastrophes, doctors inTexas said.

Plastic surgeonsshould be added to thelist of emergency re-sponders in natural disas-ters and terrorist attacks,emergency plannersat the University ofTexas SouthwesternMedical Center said in arelease.

Plastic surgeons at, ornear, the scene of an

emergency could preventand treat face and tissuescarring, and burns, andhandle sensitive nerve-related injuries, said Dr.Rod Rohrich, chairmanof plastic surgery atSouthwestern.

Rohrich and his teamexamined responses fromdisaster events aroundthe world, including the11 Sept, 2001, WorldTrade Center attacks, andfound a substantialnumber of cases involvedplastic surgery-relatedissues.


Fat cell size/waist size predicts diabetes

SEATTLE, 12 Sept—Avaccination programmethat targets children firstand reaches 70 percent ofthe US population wouldmitigate pandemic influ-enza H1N1, researcherssaid.Ira Longini and col-leagues at the Vaccine andInfectious Disease Insti-tute at Fred HutchinsonCancer Research Center inSeattle used computermodels to determine whatwould mitigate the H1N1pandemic.

The researchers saidthat to bring the swine fluepidemic under controlaggressive vaccination ofthe population must beginat least a month before theepidemic peak, concen-trating on children asmuch as possible.

The study, published in

Science Express, the earlyonline edition of the jour-nal Science, recommendschildren ages 6 months to18 be vaccinated first, aswell as those with chronicdiseases and those work-ing in healthcare and emer-gency services personnel.

Although social dis-tancing and the use of an-tiviral medicines can bepartially effective at slow-ing pandemic flu spread,vaccination remains themost effective means ofpandemic influenza con-trol, the study authorssaid.—Internet

Photo taken on 11 Sept,2009 shows the sceneryof terrace fields inGaoyao Miao Village inDanzhai County, south-west China’s GuizhouProvince. About 1,000mu of rice fields enterthe ploughing season inDanzhai County. Thepicturesque terracescenery attracts manytourists and photogra- phers recently. XINHUA

GOTHENBURG, 12 Sept— Large abdominal fatcells and/or waist-to-height ratios are key indi-cators of future diabetes,Swedish researchers say.

The study, publishedby the Federation ofAmerican Societies forExperimental BiologyJournal, finds women’sabdominal fat cells re-main relatively constantin number after adoles-cence, but can changeconsiderably in sizethroughout life and maybe larger in those whodevelop type 2 diabetes.

“Increased knowledgeof the link between en-larged fat cells and the

development of type 2 dia-betes may give rise to newpreventive and therapeuticalternatives,” Malin Lonn,associate professor in thedepartment of clinicalchemistry at SahlgrenskaUniversity Hospital inGothenburg, Sweden, saidin a statement.“Our re-search also identifiesthe ratio waist-to-height,waist circumference di-vided by body height, as asimple tool that can beused to identify womenat risk of developing type2 diabetes.”

The study involvedmore than a 1,000women. In 1974-1975,abdominal fat biopsies

were taken from asubsample of 245 women.Incidence of type 2 diabe-tes was followed until2001, with 36 cases eligi-ble for inclusion in theanalysis.—Internet

BRISBANE, 12 Sept—Addressing employee mental health can increase produc-tivity in the workplace, researchers in Australia said.

The study of more than 60,000 employees, published in the Journal of Occupa-tional and Environmental Medicine, found employees without symptoms of men-tal health problems — having low scores on a psychological distress scale — werethe most productive workers. However, effective treatment of employees withmental health problems eventually led to productivity improving to near-normallevels after a period of low productivity during treatment.

“Addressing employee mental health increases employee productivity in theworkplace with the potential for a positive return-on-investment from an employ-er’s perspective,” Dr Michael F Hilton, the study leader, and colleagues at TheUniversity of Queensland, Australia, wrote in a statement.— Internet

Mental illness linked to less productivity

Study: Day care maynot decrease asthma

ROTTERDAM,12 Sept—Dutch researchers say theirfindings do not support the “hygiene hypothesis” thatchildren who attend early day care do not have asthmalater.The study, published in American Journal of Res-piratory and Critical Care Medicine, found any per-ceived protection against asthma and allergies due togreater exposure to illnesses disappeared by age 8.

Dr Johan de Jongste of Erasmus University in Rot-terdam, the Netherlands, and colleagues tracked morethan 3,500 Dutch children in the Prevention and Inci-dence of Asthma and Mite Allergy Study and foundchildren starting day care early — before age 2 —were twice as likely as those not going to day care toexperience wheezing in the first year of life.

A slight trend for less wheezing among early daycare attendees was noted by age 5, but by age 8, therewas no protective or harmful effect. The effects of daycare on wheezing did not differ between boys and girls,but were more marked in children with older siblings.

“Early day care merely seems to shift the burden ofrespiratory morbidity to an earlier age where it is moretroublesome than at a later age,” de Jongste, the chiefinvestigator, said in a statement. “Early day care shouldnot be promoted for reasons of preventing asthma andallergy.”


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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 13 September, 2009


S Gal leads after 1st roundat LPGA event

Sandra Gal reacts tomaking a putt on the18th green during thefirst round of the LPGAP&G Beauty NorthwestArkansas Champion-ship golf tournament on11 Sept, 2009, in Rogers,Ark. —INTERNET

AFA website under hackerattack, Maradona mocked

BUENOS AIRES, 12 Sept—The website of the Argen-tine Soccer Association (AFA) on Friday was under ahacker attack, in which a picture of Argentina coachDiego Maradona wearing a T-shirt of Brazil was pub-lished. “One image worth thousands words,” said theimage published by the self named KKR hacker, whoused the publicity of a Brazilian drink that Maradonadid in 2006, and for which he was paid 150,000 USdollars.—Internet

Ferguson tips Spurs for topfour push

Sir Alex Ferguson

Heavy legs aplenty as Frenchtop flight resumes

PARIS, 12 Sept—Thirty-seven Ligue 1 players werein action in midweek World Cup qualifying matches,but when France’s top flight resumes on Saturday itwill be the French contingent with the weariest limbs.France’s battling 1-1 draw against Serbia in Belgradeon Wednesday kept their slender hopes of automaticqualification alive, but the ninth-minute dismissal ofLyon goalkeeper Hugo Lloris forced his colleaguesinto greater exertions than their club managers wouldperhaps have wanted.—Internet

Marseille’sEdouard Cisse(right) vies with

Bordeaux’Yoann Gourcuff

during theirFrench L1

match on 30August.


Team of Italy, from left, Romina Laurito, DanielaMasseroni, Elisa Blanchi, Anzhelika Savrayuk,

Giulia Galtarossa and Elisa Santoni wave duringan awarding ceremony, as they won the group all-

round final at the rhythmic gymnastics worldchampionships in Ise, Mie prefecture, central

Japan, on 12 Sept, 2009.—INTERNET

Tiger takes a share of the leadLEMONT, 12 Sept—Tiger Woods and Mark Wilson

were in a tie for the lead Friday at the BMW Champi-onship, two players who have every reason to feel rightat home at Cog Hill. One practices here all the time.The other seems to win here all the time.

Woods made two solid par saves from deep bun-kers early in his round, ran off three straight birdies atthe turn and cashed in on enough good shots for a4-under 67 to put him atop the leaderboard for the firsttime since the PGA Championship. Woods is a four-time winner at Cog Hill, including his most recent ap-pearance two years ago in the BMW Championship.


LONDON, 12 Sept—SirAlex Ferguson believesTottenham are genuinetop-four contenders as he

prepares to take his Man-chester side to White HartLane. Harry Redknapp’sside have started the sea-son with four straightwins and a string of im-posing performances.United, meanwhile, havestuttered to unconvincingwins over Arsenal andBirmingham, thumpedWigan and suffered ashock defeat at newly-promoted Burnley.


All eyes on Milanafter derby drubbing

The glare of the Italianmedia will be on AC Mi-lan and their coachLeonardo on Saturday asthe seven-time Europeanchampions travel to min-nows Livorno.—INTERNET

MILAN, 12 Sept—Theglare of the Italian mediawill be on AC Milan andtheir coach Leonardo onSaturday as the seven-timeEuropean champions travelto minnows Livorno. Sucha match against a newly-promoted team would nor-mally be a stroll for a teamof Milan’s stature and re-sources but things have notbeen going smoothly at theSan Siro recently.

Milan began their sea-son well following a trou-bled pre-season campaignthat featured eight defeatsin 11 matches and the lossof their best player, Kaka,to Real Madrid. A win atSiena seemed to be a posi-

tive start to the new sea-son but that proved a falsedawn just a week later aschampions and bitter cityrivals Inter Milan handedtheir neighbours afootballing lesson in anembarrassingly one-sided4-0 thumping.—Internet

ROGERS, 12 Sept—Sandra Gal’s eagle on the18th hole gave her a one-shot lead after the firstround of the P&G BeautyNW Arkansas Champion-ship. Gal shot a 7-under64 in the LPGA Tourevent Friday, and heruphill putt from about 15

Mark Viduka to returnto Australia

Former Middlesbroughand Newcastle striker

Mark Viduka

BRISBANE, 12 Sept—Former Middlesbroughand Newcastle striker

Mark Viduka is returninghome to live in Australia,his agent told anAustralian website onSaturday. Uncertaintyhad surrounded theformer Socceroo’s futuresince Newcastle wererelegated from the Eng-lish Premier League lastseason.

The 33-year-old hadbeen linked with a possi-ble move to English clubsPortsmouth, Fulham andWest Ham but his agent,Steve Kutner, ruled outanother contract inEurope.


feet on the final holemoved her past Song-HeeKim and into the lead.Kim is alone in secondplace.—InternetACROSS

1 Increasing 5 Sheets of window-glass 8 Corner 9 Unyielding10 Vest11 Deathly pale12 French poet14 Feverishly active17 Piece of bullion19 Slope22 Fortified position23 Penetrate24 Incorrect25 Compunction

DOWN 1 Pasture 2 Vital 3 Perfect 4 Concedes 5 Conciliate 6 Town in West Glamorgan 7 Diabolical12 Iris13 Nil15 Chirp16 Transgressor18 Zest20 Best part21 Weird


(12-9-2009)Blackburn 3 - 1 WolvesLiverpool 4 - 0 BurnleyManchester C 4 - 2 ArsenalPortsmouth 2 - 3 BoltonStoke City 1 - 2 ChelseaSunderland 4 - 1 Hull CityTottenham 1 - 3 Man UtdWigan Athletic 1 - 0 West Ham Utd

Manchester City’s Kolo Toure (L) challengesArsenal’s Nicklas Bendtner (R) during their EnglishPremier League soccer match in Manchester,northern England, September 12, 2009.—INTERNET

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 13 September, 2009 15

Sunday, 13September

View on today

7:00 am 1. rif;uGef;q&mawmfbk&m;


7:15 am 2. t*¾HZ,r*FvH

(,Ofa0,HxGef;? aw;a&;-


7:25 am 3. To be Healthy

Exercise7:30 am 4. Morning News7:40 am 5. Nice & Sweet Song

Local Transmission* Signature Tune* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights* “Myin Ma Htit” Natural Cave* Grow More Crops on Irrigated Farmlands* Myanma Paintings The Icons of Myanma

Sentiment (Part-1)* Shopping with Torchlight* “Let’s Sing Together!” Speaking through the

eyes* Marvel of a Pagoda with Uncountable Buddha

Images* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights

Europe/ North America Transmission* Signature Tune* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights* “Myin Ma Htit” Natural Cave* Grow more Crops on Irrigated Farmlands* Myanma Paintings The Icons of Myanma

Sentiment (Part-1)* Shopping with Torchlight* “Let’s Sing Together!” Speaking through the

eyes* Marvel of a Pagoda with Uncountable Buddha

Images* Myanmar Modern Song* Chin State Endowed With Progress* Myanmar Traditional Novitiation Ceremony* Panning Gold in Thabeikkyin Township* Culture Stage* Mythical Antelopes & Old Spirit Ogres* Myanmar Modern Song* Myanma Ancient Ornaments Showroom* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights


R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

MRTV-3Programme Schedule

(13-9-2009) (Sunday)

7:55 am 6. ,Ofaus;vdr®m(38)jzmr*Fvm

8:10 am 7. tuNyKdifyGJ

8:25 am 8. 2009ckESpf? (17)Budrfajrmuf

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8:40 am 9. International News8:50 am10. ]]rif;rodao;ygbl;uGm}}

11:00 am 1. Martial Song11:10 am 2. Musical Programme11:20 am 3. Round up of the

Week’s InternationalNews

11:30 am 4. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wJG

]][mourÇm}} (tydkif;-28)

12:30 pm 5. Golf Magazine (TV)12:40 pm 6. jrefrmAD'D,dkZmwfvrf;


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2:25 pm 7. EdkifiHpD;yGm;tav;xm;


2:40 pm8. International News3:45 pm 1. Myanmar National

League MNL Cup(2009) abmvHk;NyKdifyGJ


(Southern MyanmarFC toif;ESifh YangonUnited FC toif;)

5:45 pm 2. Musical Programme6:00 pm 3. Evening News

6:15 pm 4. Weather Report6:20 pm 5. umwGef;tpDtpOf

]]Pocket DragonAdventure”

6:40 pm 6. wpfrsufESmwpfuGufpm


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7:00 pm 7. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ

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8:00 pm 8. News 9. International News10. Weather Report11. umwGef;tpDtpOf

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12. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ




Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr MST:During the past 24 hours, Southwest monsoon has withdrawnfrom Northern Myanmar areas. Rain or thundershowershave been fairly widespread in Taninthayi Division,scattered in Rakhine State, Bago and Yangon Divisions,isolated in Shan, Chin and Kayin States, Mandalay, Magwayand Ayeyawady Divisions and weather has been partlycloudy in the remaining States and Divisions. Thenoteworthy amounts of rainfall recorded were Nay Pyi Taw(Yezin) (0.67) inch, An (1.85) inches, Shwegyin (1.06)inches, Kyaukpyu (0.98) inch, Phyarpon (0.75) inch,Taungdwingyi (0.59) inch and Meiktila (0.47) inch.

Maximum temperature on 11-9-2009 was 93°F.Minimum temperature on 12-9-2009 was 72°F. Relativehumidity at (09:30) hours MST on 12-9-2009 was 82 %.Total sun shine hours on 11-9-2009 was (5.1) hours approx.

Rainfall on 12-9-2009 was Tr at Mingaladon, Nil atKaba-Aye and Central Yangon. Total rainfall since 1-1-2009 was (94.29) inches at Mingaladon, (104.68) inches atKaba-Aye and (110.94) inches at Central Yangon.Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (5) mphfrom South at (14:30) hours MST on 11-9-2009.

Bay inference: Monsoon is weak in the Andaman Seaand Bay of Bengal.

Special feather: According to the observations at(06:30)hrs M.S.T today, the tropical strom “Mujigae” overSouth China Sea (Gulf of Tonking) has downgraded into atropical depression and centered at about (80) miles Southof Hanoi (Vietnam). It is moving West northwest directionand forecast to cross Coast of Vietnam during next (24)hours.

Forecast valid until evening of 13th September 2009:Rain or thundershowers will be fairly widespread in MonState and Taninthayi Division, scattered in Chin, Shan,Kayin and Rakhine States, Yangon, Ayeyawady and BagoDivisions and isolated in the remaining States and Divisions.Degree of certainty is (80%).

State of the sea: Seas will be slights to moderate inMyanmar waters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Increase of rain inEastern Myanmar areas.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for13-9-2009: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for13-9-2009: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for13-9-2009: Likelihood of isolated rain or thundershowers.Degree of certainty is (60%).

WEATHERSaturday, 12th September, 2009

Transmissions Times

Local - (09:00am ~ 10:00am) MSTEurope - (15:30pm ~ 23:30pm) MSTNorth America - (23:30pm ~ 07:30am) MST

BEIJING, 12 Sept—Indonesian communicationsatellite Palapa D entered its geosynchronous orbiton 9 September, despite an ignition failure on therocket that carried the satellite more than a weekago, the satellite’s manufacturer said on Saturday.

The satellite had conducted a number of orbitmaneuvers in order to get into the geosynchronousorbit, and was in normal state, the company said.

Reynald Seznec, Chief Executive Officer ofThales Alenia Space, said on Wednesday that thefuel Palapa D carried was enough for the satellite tooperate for about 10 years in its orbit, 2/3 of thecontracted service time.

Palapa D was launched atop a China-madeLong March 3B rocket on August 31 from theXichang Satellite Launch Center in southwestChina.

It did not reach its preset orbit after the thirdstage of the Long March rocket failed during asecond-time ignition. The satellite was captured afew hours later, and was able to conduct orbitmaneuvers.


Indonesian satellite reaches presetorbit despite skewed launch

A woman leans against an old car, used as ataxi, in Havana, on Friday, 11 Sept, 2009.

Cuba’s government has begun the distributionof permits to legalize old cars, currently used as

black-market taxis.—INTERNET

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Page 16: The New Light of Myanmar 13-09-2009

10th Waning of Tawthalin 1371 ME Sunday, 13 September, 2009

★ Only with stability and peace will the nation develop★ Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

★ Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracy★ Riots beget riots, not democracy★ Democracy can be introduced only through constitution

People’s Desire ■ VOA, BBC - sowing hatred among thepeople

■ RFA, DVB - generating public outrage■ Do not allow ourselves to be swayed■ By broadcasts designed to cause


■ We favour peace and stability■ We favour development■ We oppose unrest and violence■ Wipe out those inciting unrest

and violence



NAY PYI TAW, 12 Sept— Lt-Gen Khin Zaw ofthe Ministry of Defence accompanied by Chairman ofTaninthayi Division Peace and Development CouncilCommander of Coastal Region Command Maj-Gen

Lt-Gen Khin Zaw looks into growing ofoil palm in Kawthoung District

Khin Zaw Oo and officials on 10 September met withservicemen and family members at the hall inKawthoung Station.

At the office of Kawthoung District, Lt-Gen

Khin Zaw and party also met departmental officialsand heard their reports on agriculture and developmenttasks.

(See page 11)

Nay Pyi Taw (Yezin) 0.67 inchAn 1.85 inchesShwegyin 1.06 inchesKyaukpyu 0.98 inchPyapon 0.75 inchTaungdwingyi 0.59 inchMeiktila 0.47 inch

The noteworthyamounts of rainfall

Global warming causes outbreak of rarealgae associated with corals, study finds

SCIENCE DAILY, 12Sept—A rare opportu-nity has allowed a teamof biologists to evaluatecorals and the essential,photosynthetic algae that

live inside their cells be-fore, during, and after aperiod in 2005 when glo-bal warming caused sea-surface temperatures in theCaribbean Ocean to rise.

The team, led byPenn State AssistantProfessor of BiologyTodd LaJeunesse,found that a rare spe-cies of algae that is tol-erant of stressful envi-ronmental conditionsproliferated in corals asthe more-sensitive al-gae were being expelledfrom corals. The resultswill be published in theonline version of thejournal Proceedings ofthe Royal Society Bsoon.


Comparison betweengreatest length of skulls

leopard (left on thelower line), jaguar

(centre on the lowerline), lion (right on thelower line), and tiger(on the upper line).

Are tigers 'brainier' than lions?SCIENCE DAILY, 12 Sept—A wide-

ranging study of big cat skulls, led byOxford University scientists, has shownthat tigers have bigger brains, relative totheir body size, than lions, leopards orjaguars.

The team investigated the rela-tionship between the skull size – thelongest length between the front andback parts of the skull – of a large sampleof tigers, lions, leopards and jaguars andthe volume inside the cats’ respectivecraniums. The researchers report theirfindings in this month’s Biological Jour-

This imagewas taken in

October2005 during2005 coral-bleaching

event in theCaribbean.

nal of the Linnean Society.'What we had not expected is

that the tiger has clearly much biggerrelative brain size than do the otherthree species, which all have similar

relative brain sizes,’ said Dr NobbyYamaguchi of Oxford University’sWildlife Conservation Research Unit(WildCRU), an author of the reportwith WildCRU Director ProfessorDavid Macdonald.—Internet

We ourselves have to choose to walk our ownway. It is not fair to persuade the national peopleof the border regions, who have enjoyed andfavoured peace and stability and progress for 20years, to veer from the correct way to peace andto pick up armed struggle line. It is known to allwhich way is correct and which way is wrong. Allthe people believe that the national race peacegroups will choose the correct way.

They will choose the correct way


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