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The Muslim World Expands

Chapter 18

Page 2: The Muslim World Expands Chapter 18


Byzantine Empire in decline Mongols attacked the Seljuk kingdom Anatolia inhabited by descendants of nomadic Turks Lack of strong, central power Ghazis and emir Osman (or Othman) will build a Muslim state in

Anatolia that will unite the Turks into an empire His followers were known as the Ottomans Why were the Ottomans successful?

- advanced weapons Sultans would conquer surrounding lands

including Byzantine territory

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OTTOMAN EXPANSION Murad II will expand Ottoman Empire

through 1566 Mehmed II, or Mehmed the Conqueror, will

launch attack on Constantinople in 1453. Why?- wanted control over sea routes, in particular the Bosporus Strait

Renamed it Istanbul Under, Selim the Grim,Ottomans also take over various Islamic Holy cities:

-Cairo, Egypt- Mecca and Medina

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OTTOMAN EMPIRE AND DECLINE Suleyman the Lawgiver- expansion of

empire:Eastern MediterraneanNorth African coastlineAdvancement into Europe (Hungary and

Austria)Highly Structure Social Organization

- Bureaucracy and Janissaries - code of laws - art, literature, and architecture will flourish under his reign

Decline: Incompetent and uneducated rulers would follow Suleyman

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CULTURAL BLENDING: SAFAVID EMPIRE Shi’ite Muslim dynasty in Persia Empire was a mix of traditions of

Persians, Ottomans, and Arabs Geography: located between Ottomans

and Mughal Empire Concentrated on building powerful

military Isma’il conquers Persia:

- 14 year old conquers Iran by 1451 - shah, or ‘king’Kills many Sunnis

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SAFAVID’S GOLDEN AGE Shah Abbas, or Abbas the Great, will take throne

in 1587 helps create a thriving Safavid culture Reforms military and government Establishes capital of Esfahan Allowed Christian trade Chinese artisans blend Chinese and Persian styles High demand for Persian carpets

Decline of Empire: Shah Abbas kills and blinds his ablest songs. Incompetent grandson comes to power.

Empire slowly loses land to Ottomans and Afghans Empire officially falls apart in 1747

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MUGHAL EMPIRE Mughal Empire will bring Turks, Persians, and Indians together in a vast empire Origins:

-Gupta Empire fell apart in late 400s -Series of invasions from Muslim Turks and Afghans. Their leader was a descendant

from Genghis Khan. -These invaders called themselves Mughals, or Mongols

Political conflict between Hindus and MuslimsBy 1000, India had become a loose empire of

Turkish warlords known as the Delphi Sultanate

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EXPANSION OF EMPIRE Babur, 11-year-old boy, will inherit parts of land in

Central Asia. Babur will establish an army and the foundation for the Mughal Empire. He conquered various lands (much of Northern India) for the Mughal Empire.

Akbar, means ‘Greatest One,’ will come to power: Focused on building a powerful, massive army Muslim, but defended religious freedom Abolished the tax that Muslims had placed on non-

Muslims Allowed all people a chance to serve in high government

office His finance minister will help develop a tax plan Embraced different cultures Art and literature will flourish during his reign

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AKBAR’S SUCCESSORS Jahangir and Nur Jahan

- “Grasper of the World”-Wife, Nur Jahan, held the real political power-Favors Khusrau until he rebels against Jahangir -Rejection of Khusrau becomes basis for future conflict between Mughals and Sikhs (a non-violent religious group)

• Shah Jahan (Jahangir’s son) will come to power:• - Taj Mahal

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-Aggressive Empire builder -Lost of power due to oppression of people -Tax on non-Muslims-Banned construction of new temples and destroyed Hindu monuments-Increased amount of enemies

At the end of his reign, empire had been drained of resources:-2 million die in famine -independent states

- Western traders arrive