Download - The Marketing Plan 1 Identify the role of marketing objectives in developing a marketing plan. Name the five marketing strategies that make up the marketing.


The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


Identify the role of marketing objectives in developing a marketing plan.

Name the five marketing strategies that make up the marketing mix.

Describe the part marketing tactics play in the marketing plan.

Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan


The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


Forming Marketing Objectives

A convincing marketing plan includes a rationale for your selection of marketing strategies and tactics.

marketing plan a plan used by a business to guide its marketing process to a desired conclusion based on information obtained through market research and target market decisions

Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan

Key Term

The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


The Marketing Plan

A successful marketing plan contains specific marketing objectives. marketing objectives

what a business wants to accomplish through its marketing efforts

Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan

Key Term

The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


Developing the Marketing Mix

Developing a marketing mix enables an entrepreneur to map out how to accomplish marketing initiatives.

marketing mix the five marketing strategies used to reach a market: product, place, price, promotion, and people

Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan

Key Term

The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


Tropicana teams with Weight Watchers to Offer Tropicana Light ‘n Healthy as Part of 'Points' Program

Let’s discuss Tropicana’s

Promotional Mix


The people strategy means assembling, preparing, and maintaining the people who will help you achieve success.

Developing the Marketing Mix


The Five Ps of Marketing











Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan

The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


The Product Strategy

The product strategy deals with the goods or services your business will provide.

Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan

Considerations Include:

features and benefits

branding, packaging, and labeling



product mix

The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


The Product Strategy

A product’s brand, package, and label serve as strategies for maintaining customer loyalty.

brand the name, symbol, or design used to identify a product

Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan

package the physical container or wrapper used to present information

label the part of the package used to present information about the product

Key Terms

The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


The Product Strategy

Branding, packaging, and labeling can have a bearing on product positioning. product positioning

how consumers see a product in comparison to another product

Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan

Key Term

The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


The Product Strategy

The final consideration in your product strategy is determining your company’s product mix.

product mix all the products a company makes or sells

Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan

Key Term

The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


The Place Strategy

Place strategy considerations include:

Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan

channels of distribution


location, layout, and availability

The place strategy deals with how you will deliver your goods and services to customers.

The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


The Place Strategy

To formulate a place strategy, the entrepreneur needs to understand the channel of distribution. channel of distribution

the path a product takes from producer or manufacturer to final user or consumer

Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan

Key Term

The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


The Place Strategy

There are two basic types of channels of distribution in the place strategy—direct and indirect.

 A direct channel moves a product from

producer to customer with no other

businesses involved.

Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan

Key Term

The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


The Place Strategy

An indirect channel of distribution employs intermediaries. intermediaries people

or businesses that move products between producers and final users, including wholesalers, retailers, distributors, and agents

Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan

Key Term

The Place Strategy


Channels of Distribution

Producer Consumer

Producer ConsumerIntermediary



Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan

The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


The People Strategy

The people strategy involves assembling, preparing, and maintaining the people who will help the business achieve success.

Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan

The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


The Price Strategy The price strategy is a financial decision and a marketing strategy that affects the customer’s motivation to buy. 

Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan

Factors Affecting $ Price $

costs and expenses

supply anddemand

consumer perceptions

competitiongovernment regulations

technological trends

Fixed costs and expenses (expenses that are not subject to change depending on the number of units sold), such as rent, utilities, and insurance premiums, affect price.

Costs & Expenses

The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


Government Regulations  

Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan

costs and expenses

supply anddemand

consumer perceptions

competitiongovernment regulations

technological trends

price gouging an illegal practice in which competing companies agree, formally or informally, to restrict prices within a specified range

price fixing pricing above the market when no other retailer is available

Factors Affecting $ Price $

Key Terms

The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


The Promotion Strategy


The promotion strategy is designed to tell potential customers about a business’s products and their characteristics, benefits, and availability.

Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan

The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


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Place People

publicity perso








A promotional mix is the combination of different promotional elements that a company uses to reach and influence potential customers.

The Promotion Strategy

The Marketing Mix

The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


Marketing Tactics

To apply marketing strategies, entrepreneurs employ marketing tactics. marketing tactics

activities that are taken to carry out a marketing plan

Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan

Key Term

The Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan


Section Review

1.What is a marketing objective and what is it’s purpose?

2.Describe the five strategies of the marketing mix.

3.What is a product mix? Give an example.

4.What is a promotional mix? questions might be asked when making product strategy decisions?

Section 10.1 Devising a Marketing Plan