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(Mrs . ~ . . a u r i c e Honigman)408 South Street

Gastonia,North Carolina

Hinda was born in Gastonia , N. C. July 17, 1903, daughter of the l ate Lena andDavid Lebo. (Her father was for 40 years one of Gastonia 1s leading and mostproninent merchants . ) She was educated at the Gastonia High School, beingValedictorian of her class , and at the Peabody Conservatory of Music , Baltimore,}1aryland where she studied voice . Later studied ..rith private teachers in NewYork City, Charlotte , N. C. and Greenville , S. C. . In 1923 married to Maur iceHonigman , Book Publisher and prominent photographer in Gastonia. One daught er ,Mrs . Ralph Sarlin of Liberty, S. C. and three (3) gr endchildr en.

She has served for past 30 as a member of the Board of Directors of the N. C.Federation of l.fusic Clubs . Served for four years as State Treasurer , f our years

as Vice- President and four years as State President . Her administration wasmost notable in history of s t ate Federation and N. C. went from loth place in th enation in size and importance to 2nd place in the National organization. As at r ibute to her as retiring leader , she was presented a diamond Past President 1spin , made a Life Member of the National Federation of Music Clubs and made anHonorary State President .

Has served "with distinction tr as a member of the Board of Directors of theNational Federation of Mus ic Clubs , the world ' s largest and most po.,.,erfulcultural organization since 1943 . Served for t .. O years as a member of theNat ional Ways and Means Committeej for four years as Chairoan of the ExtensionDepartment of the National organization - - one of the most responsible officesin the or ganization, and under her leadership , more than 2, 500 new clubs were

added to the National Federation ' s membership.

One of four women in the entire nation who has been the recipient of the signalhonor of having an armual scholarship given by t he National Federation namedin her honor . This honor carne to her by the naming of the National Federation'sArmual Scholarship to Transylvania Music Camp Brevard valued at $350.00 as the"Hinda Honigman Scholarship" . This tribute was bestC"fed upon her as a re-cognition and appreciation of ~ n a t she has done for the talented and worthyyoung people in the South.

Ten years ago was founder of Feder ation Week- end at Transyl vania l-1usic Camp"Brevard , N. C ..lhich has become one of the outstanding sUlM'Ier musical., cultur"il,end recreational gatherings in the South.

Served for four years as Vice- President of the Southeastern Region of theNational Federation- -the f irs t time in the history of the National Feder ationthat a Nor th Carolinian has ever been el ected to a national office in thistremendous organization. In this office, she had supervision over fourteenstates including Del aware" Maryland, Virginia , District of Columbia, N. C. , S. C. ,

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Ga . , Fla. , Miss . , La . , Tenn . , Ky. , West Va. , and Aabama.

When President of th e N. C. Federation of Music Clubs , N. C. lead thethe wa r effor t to t ake t housands of musical inst r uments and equipmentof t he armed for ces a t all military bases in t he country. Ins t iga tedsuc cessful Community sings i n a ll th e larger cit ies in N. C. at whic hZanzi g, special r epresent at ive of t he Treasury Dept . came to conduct .Feder ation r aised 515 , 000 - and l ead t he entir e nation for war effor t

t i en and music and worked cl osely wit h t he Red Cr oss and officia l s ofin t his endeavor .

nation in

to member shighqAugust us D.

No recr eagovernment

Was f O\U1der of Federation l1idweek fo r Recr eation and Music , a t Og lebay Park .

Wheeling , West Vi r ginia in 1953 and i s the Honorary member of the MidweekConttnit:t ee . She is an honor ary member of th e Mississippi Federation of Nusic Clubsand th e vlest Virginia Federation of Music Clubs .

\-las f i r s t to suggest Febr uary as It Annual American Mus ic ¥..onth" in Amer ica andthrough the N  C. Rec r eation CommissionJ to get her Governor to proclaim i t assuch - - thus giving a "first " to North Carolina in this endeavor . Twenty- sixGove r nors have now follo\1ed North Carolina s l ead.

At the present time Mrs . Honigman i s a member of Board of Directors of National.Feder ation of Music Clubs and Chairman of th e Board of TrusteesJ Foundation fo rthe Advancement of Mus i c . At pr esent time the fourteen states of the Southeast

er n Region of the National Federation of Music Clubs are raising $lOJooo to builda Music Library at Tr ansyl vania Husic Camp to be named the "Hinda Honigman Library"in her honor .


Mrs . Honigman was founder and pr esident for three years of th e Gastonia CormnunityConcer t Association--culmination of her desire for good music in her community.Honorar y President Gastonia Music Cl ub. She is a l i fe member of Peabody A1UImae ,Peabody Conservatory of Vrusic in Balti mo re .

Ws founder and is s t i l l president of th e Gastoni a ~ f u s i c Education Foundation ,th e only such Foundation in the South and which has raised over $15Jooo to make

possible Hus ic Education and Cultural oppor tunities for approximately thir ty (30)gifted and financially needy young people of Gastonia High School .

Five Governors have appointed her a member of the Advisory Committee of the N. C.Recreation Commission representing Music .

For two (2) years was e c r e t ~ J of th e Gaston County Gir l ScoutsFor two (2) years was National t'1Usic l e e k Chairman fo r the N. C.Federation of liomen l s Clubs .

Also a member of the Women ' s Division of the N. C. Salvage C o ~ t t e e theAdvisory Board of the Women I S Division of the I"lar Savings Staff .

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Also member of the Advisory Committee of the State Planning Board repre sentingArt Jl Literature and Nus ic.1 and a Nerober of the N. C. Recr eation Committee on

Civil ian Defens e in the vJorld War I I , and r eceived a Sil ver Medalis A\'ffird fromthe Treasury Dept. of the U. S. Government for aid in sell ing War Bonds and

holding Community Sings throughout the state .

In Gastonia served as member of Gastonia City Recreation Board appointed by}layor Garland - In 1945 headed the drive in Gastonia for "Music fo r our wounded

menu which br ought mover $4 . CXX> from generous people in Gastonia . Due to he rappeals to civic t r oups in Gastonia th e f i r s t ten r adios that wer e ever placedon ships for soldiers vlere sent . Under her direction the f i rs t Tag Day in thenation - for wounded men - was held in Elizabeth City setting a new high inN. C. and winning acclaim for th is innovation in America.

Is a Patroness l-fember of Sigma Alpha Iota - - National Honor ary Husic Fraternity.Presented Ci ta t ion of Honor by N. C. Recreat ion Society in Novemberl 1957 f oroutstanding cont r ibution to music education and promotion of cul tura l opportuni-t ies for young peopl e in North Car olina .

* - * * - - * •••••••• *_ ••••••

In February l 1956 th is notice \vas sent on by Mrs . C lifton J . Muir l Vice Presidentof So utheastern Region of Nat i onal Federation of Music Clubs and the drive fo r theHinda Honigrnan Library Building was a "dream come true I'.A regional project i s being undertaken th is year in the Southeastern Region ofthe National Federation of J'.1usic Cl ubs .

Under the guidance of H[' s . Clifton J . Muir of Coral Gables l Fl or ida l Regional.

Vic e Presi dent l each of t he fourteen states in t he Southeastern Region is con-duct ing a statewide drive to obtain funds to build a l ibrary for Transylvania

Music Camp at the Br evard HUsic Center I Brevard l North Carolina . The new st ruc t ure on the Camp gr olUlds ....llich wil l be called the "Hinda Honigman Library Building"is planned in honor of and as a t r ib ute to the inml.ediate past Vic e President ofthe Southeastern Region l Mrs. Maurice Honigman of Gastonia l North forher untir ing efforts in behalf of YOlUlg musicians and the pr olOOtion of Trans-

ylvania Music C a m p and as the Founder of Federat ion l-fid- \'ieek which is held a t

Transylvania Music Camp during July of each .

To erec t and equip the propos ed Hinda Honigman Library Building l a pic ture ofwhich i s enc losed l "ri l l involve the outlay of between $l O. ()(x) and e15.{X)(). Thebuilding wil l be placed near the Administration Building in the center of theCamp gr ounds and wil l contain I in addition to the reading r oomsI l istening r ooms letc . 1 a lounge where parents and friends may visi t t he camper s and where meetings

and recept ions in connection wi t h the annua l Feder at ion l-lid- Week may be held .It i s designed to be a useful building - meeting many needs - and one that wil l

be a credi t to the Southeastern Region of the National Federation of Mus ic Cl ubs lt o Transylvania Music Camp I and. as a f i t t ing t r ibute to i t s honoree.

I t was during a meeting of the presi dents of th e North Carol ina l South Carolina l

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Georgia and Florida state Federations, which was held last summer at the EighthAnnual Federation ~ u d - W e e k , that the idea was initiated to propose that theSoutheastern Region erect a building at Transylvania Music Camp in honor of Mrs.Honigman. The idea was enthusiastically accepted as a Regional Project and thecampaign to secure the neces sary funds i s now in full swing.

All contributions to th i s fund are deductible for Federal income tax purposes.Checks may be made payable to IITransylvania Husic Carnp"and marked on the face

for IIHinda Honigman Library Fund." A permanent record of the name of each con

tributor to th i s fund will be kept.




Transylvania Music Camp i s fast becoming on of the leading camps of i t s ldnd inthe entire country. The 200-0dd young musicians betlofeen the ages of 12 and 20

who spend1Ia

vacation with a purpose" here in the foothills of the Blue RidgeMountains of North Carolina each summer, combine camping with music lessons during the six and on-half weeks ses s ion. The youngsters l ive in cabins and enjoydaily a regular recreation period in between their participation in one of themajor organizations - orchestra, band, chorus or ensemble - private ins tructionin orchestral and band instruments , voice, piano, or art ; and instruction inmusical theory. Special emphasis is placed on art and music, drama, l i terature ,and dance, and the visual arts such as architecture, sculpture, and painting.During the recrational periods, the campers enjoy swimming, boating, tennis,basketball, hiking, square dancing, and archery .

The lessons in music given at Transylvania Music Camp are taught by e.xarrq:>leand association. The young musicians have f i rst hand contact with the living

world of music through association with practicing professional musicians. Mostof the teachers at the Camp play during the regular concert season in major andtop commuhity and university orchestras. The Camp and Music Director, Dr. JamesChristian Pfohl of Charlotte, who actually founded the Music Camp and who is aSpecial Member of the National Federation of Music Clubs, serves as conductorduring the winter months of the Charlotte, North Carolina Symphony Orchestra, andthe Jacksonville, Florida, Symphony Orchestra. The Camp was started by Dr. Pfohl

in 1936 at Davidson College, Davidson, North Carolina, and moved to i ts presentsite in 1944. I t is sponsored by The Brevard Nusic Foundation, Inc., a non-profiteducational institution.

At Brevard Music Center, the home of Transylvania Music Camp, the theoretical andhistorical approach to music i s related with the actual performance of i t in daily

theory l essons for every student so that everyone is exposed to a ll phases of music.The tuition and .board for a session at the Camp is $350.00 and the lesson fees vary

up to about $30.00. These monies do not cover the costs of operation of the Camp.Contributions to the Camp from those who are interested in i t s development aid inits support.

Through the years the National Federation of Music Clubs has shown an active interest

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in the Transylvania Music Camp by providing an annual national schol arship. Statesof the Southeastern Region have been responsible for the awarding of numerous scholarship to worthy young musicians and for the building of several practice cabins on

the Camp grounds. The rapid growth of the Camp constantly d e ~ d s expansion in the

present time is for a l ibrary building.

* * * {:- {:. * {:- -\:- {:- * {:-* * {:- * * {:- {:- * * * * {:- *Shirley 1 s le t ter to Hazel Cob l e

Dear Hrs. Coble"

I am enclosing some pictures as you r equested. Daddy sent me the information aboutMother 1s other act ivi t ies and I have marked those which do not pertain to Mo t her t smusical ac t ivit ies . In this l etter I will t el l you some ot her f ac t s that I per sonally knOli about I·lother that you wished to knOlli' .

As a child , Hother 1 s gr eatest hobby was Reading" and I under stand that Miss LottieBl ake" who was librarian in Gastonia for f i f ty years or more" has compil ed a sc r apbook on lI\Y Mother . I guess Miss Blake knows more about her childhood than anyoneelse since she has loved her a l l these years and has followed her activit ies since

she was a chil d.

Grandmother used to t e l l me that Mother was gifted in g 1 V ~ readings of a ll types

and she won many awards and medals both in Gastonia and in Gaston County fo r thesereadings . I remember hearing of two of her most famous readings she won many prizesfor- -IIThe \'iatermellon ll and liThe Christeningll.

Mother lead her class from the beginning of her schooling and she graduated as

Valedictorian of Gastonia High School" with the highest average ever attained unt i lthat time. She was an outstanding student of History.

She was a member of the High School Glee Club and was soloist on many occasions. Shewon many awards for writing - including on from the Daughters of The AmericanRevolution.and other civic groups .

She attended Peabody Conservatory of r.1usic where she studied voice and piand- - studying

voice with the famous ~ l i n e t t i and Dr. Ender" and was preparing for concert work andstudy abroad" when she decided to give up al l thoughts of a career and marry Daddy.After her marriage in 1923 " she studied voice for many. weeks in New York" and in

Charlotte with ~ ~ s . Coral Baker and in Greenville" S. C. with Mr. Alva H. Lowe.

Mother was active for years with Gaston County Girl Scouts and served fo r many yearsas Secretary of that organization . She has been active in the Gastonia Federation of

Women I s Clubs and served for a long time on th e state Board as National Hus ic vleekChairman fo r that organization . She has been active in the American Legion Auziliarybut refused a ll offices in that organization re la t ivi ty because she has given her a ll

to music" as you knOv.'" for about 32 or 33 years of her l i fe .

I am sure you mow of her work on the N. C. Recreation Conunission and the recent

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wonderfu l Citat ion aNarded her by the N.C. Rec reat ion 30ciet y Lr;.st November liFerout s tandin g contr ibut ion to music ectuc<),t i on a nd promotion of cul tura l opportunity

for the young people of N. C. rr

I sn ' t i t wonderful t hat Hr s . Nartha Taylor Davison has recent ly dedicated her FEST

published piano compos i t ion to Mother? I t wil l be out soon and of course vie are so

proud of this wonderful tribute to her.

I hav e t r ied to give you everything I ca n th i nk of and with Daddy' s help I am happ:rto send you the pictures and compiled facts . On one page is a l i s t of Nother 1sother a ffi l i a t i ons in Gastonia a s v,eD as t!1e St.Ate of N. C.o On the other page i sl is ted a br ief account of her religious activit ies and contributions she has made tohe r own church and her r e l i g i o u ~ a f f i li a t ions .

I can not begin to t e l l yo u hO\,! very pro ud I run of nv dear Nother and what an in -

spi r a t ion she has a l ~ ~ y s been to me .

Please le t me express to you my s incer e appreciut ion fo r t hi s wonder fu l thing youare doing in compil ing a scra.pbook . I know Mother wIl l be so t h r illed , fo r I knowhow much you mean to Mother as she has always considered you one of her dearest

friends I" also have pl easant memories of you" J.irs . Coble fo r I went , .i th , ~ o t h e to

many of the Distr ic t Meetings in nw childhood and p a r t i c u l a r ~ r emember a meeting

he l d in Burlington tha.t I attended wIth her when I was in high sc hool . Although I

haven ' t seen o t h e r Feder at ion fr iends often" I fe el close to them for I hear ofthem f rom Hother and I rea l ly fee l th<'l.t I ha ve t ru ly been a "Feder a t ion child "

since I have been r aised with a l ove for the Feder a t ion and for music th at onlyNo th er ,.mo loves it so dearly could give me .

I f I c an give you any more infor ll'.ation" do l e t me know.

Again my deep appreciat i on fo r a l l that you have done and are doing fo r ~ · ; o t h eDaddy and I are so gr a tef ul to yo u . I am looking fOT'n'ard to seeing you soon at

Transylvania Weekend .


Some of Hinda ' E Relig ions Activi t ies

1 . Gastonia ' 5 f i r s t Je\'ush Sunday School Teacher at age of 16 " in 1919 .

2 . Charter member of Sis terh ood and i t s f i r s t 3ecretary- - serving for four years .

3 . For 25 :{ears helped to r aise funds for 5ister hood and Ter:tple by heading

COlT'Juttees including a l l types of projects and a pic ture shay; ..d th acts secured

f r om Char lot te and Gastonia and sel l ing Adver t isemen t s iT! program . All work

done by her I'lother and Hindaand the pr oceeds and clear profit of more t hanO O O appl ied to the purchase o f carpet for our pr esent Temple .

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4 . For 20 years an active member of t he Board of Directors of the North Car olinaAs sociat ion of Je tvomen- servi ng in many off ices includi ng Dis t r ic t Director ,Vice- President t hen two yea rs a s Presid ent of that or ganiza t i on bringingthe membershi p to la rgest in i ts hi s tory.

5. Dur i ng he r term as Pr esident of t he Nor t h Caro) j na Associat ion of Jewish mwas honor gues t an d speaker for th e South Carol ina Temple Sisterhood in Cam:ien"South Carolina , the jo int South Carol ina }Olen 1s and "iomen t s Sts.te organizationin Columbi a , South Car ol ina , and also a t the Hadassah Regional Confer ence inRoanoke" Vi rginia.

6 . Travelled in every section and every large to'tm in t he state to speak and

appeal for funds to establ ish the Hillel Foundation a t the University of Nor th

Carolina in Chapel Hi lJ.. For her effor ts and success in he l ping to establishthe Hillel Foundation a t the University of Nor t h Carolina she was given aspecial t r ibute by being the only woman ever in v i ted a s an honor guest a t the5th Distr ic t Confer ence of Bl nai Bt ri th .l and at that time ,·ras present ed a handsome g ift of appreciation from Btnai S ir i th .

7. Appointed by the Regional Director of United Jewish Appeal t o serve on t hat sta te -wide conmri.ttee .

In Jewish homes, the kindling of cantlles on

Fr iday evening signals lhe start of a holy (layof rest and prayer away from mundane af-



del;. h. . in the

Sabba th , e\'en at its close, In

another habdalah rit e. the

children ca tch candle glow

on th eir fingernails , thank·

in l!: God for the gi ll of light.

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Mr.and Mrs.Maurice H o n l g ~ n - l ~ 5 ?Ground-breaking ceremonies

of Library

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H1nda(at r lght )2

1I 1nde(l2 year . of a ge )

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Daughter and son - l n-law

and grandchildren ofMr.and Mrs. HontgmanLlberty,South Caroltna

Mr.Ralplo. Sarl1n

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Tae 1 9 ~ 7 Board of Directorsof The North Carolina Federation ot

MUsic Clubs.Mrs. Joseph Correll ,President , and Mrs .Honlgman was theState Treasurer.Her picture has anX abo'fe i t t

Hickory, No r th Carollna-

Hi nda ,;onigman

t A.ken .Jm"in : hnr

Sta t '" :i"'('Psid "nt ,f i r s t

iT ('. . .

. ,,.. .'. a f

"J le -

F lret- Year. ULS tot e.... l 're:ulW40

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Principals As Music Convention Assembled


Stille Pres ident



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-r 4 .-' -=- - - . - - - - - - - ,

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The above picture was made at meeting in Dallas following the RoseLuncheon, which featured Extension and the awarding of prizes by Mrs. MauriceHonigman, National Chairman. North Carolina, because of outstanding work inExtension under Mrs. A. J. Fletcher, Chairman, was the recipient of Mrs. Keith'sprize of $50 for the largest number of senior clubs and Mr s. Coult's prize of $25for the largest number of all types of clubs in the Southeastern District. Thethird prize in Extension was awarded at the Junior Program. $10 for secondplace in number of Junior Clubs federated. North Carolina was also awa rdedfive gold certificates for wor k in EX[ension.Fir!t Row, left to right: Mrs. E. A. Dobbin, Mrs. A. J. Fletcher, Mrs. Maurice-

Honigman, Mrs. C. M. Hassell, Mrs. Herbert Coble.Second Row, left to right: Miss Jessie Ross Morris, Mrs. Harold Eaton, Mrs. Lucy

Crater, Mrs. J. c. Morris, Miss Alyse Smith.

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Hinda Hon igman - liSo

Hinda Honigman - i ) ,2


Air;. L. B. KeJter (at the enlerlai'Jed at her home fo r membe

01 the North Carolina Federati011 0/ Aiul ie ClubJ board meeting. A

the extreme /e f/ it /l fr!. Mallrice Honigman of GaJtonia. Alio waJchin

;s M'I. L. L. Browning of ,hi! cily.



HOTIOt'<I". P" , I Pr«,<lmr uf ]\{(ll'lh Caroh""

Ftdtr"ri(m of MUll(: Clu&", .Na[ional Boord

M t m ~ Nallo",,/ Cha""Mn of Ex IOl lion.

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Regional V ; c e - P , e J U l e n ~19.;1l-

Jacksoll Meeting PlansThe program planned fOr our R e ~ i o o a 1 Conference i.oc1.Iul.e1 NO B.E·

PORTS bur is filled with Forums and Round-Table discussions (please readyour officia l Oudine Carefully ). The subjectS for discussions were selected fromthose requested by our 14 State Presidents in this Region. May we urge thatyou use your great influence to encourage your State officers and leaders robe with us and also your state Treasurers, Music in HospimJs Chairman, ClubRating Chairmen, Extension Chairman, Student Advisers, Junior Counselorsand all who can come. We can promise them inspiration and days filled withconcrete help. Your state will richly profit by their attendance at this meeting!REMEMBER-the purpose of our Regional Conference is to suengthen YOURSTATE and OUR SOUTHEASTERN REGION.

During my recent nip to New York, it was my privilege and pleasure roconfer with our wonderful National President , Mrs. Miller, in an effort to

complete all details for our Regional Conference. Mrs. Miller and I are delighted that so many of our National Officers, National Chairmen, Board Members and State and Dislrict Presidents from many States will be with us inJackson, and we believe the sessions there will send you back to your homeFederation with renewed enthusiasm for your own imponant work, and witha renewed consecration to the ideals of our great National Federation.

As you r Regional Vice·Presidenc, and as your fellow-worker, I sha ll bekeenly disappointed if we do nOt see YOU in Jackson, for we need the stimulusthat comes from .seeing and mlking wi th one another, and achievi ng that deepspiritual conran that always results from a reunion with valued and cherishe<1friends.

I look forward wth rea l happiness to meeting you in Jackson!

Faithfully yours,HINDA L HON IGMAN

Mrs. Maurice Honigman

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Mrs. Maurice Honigmon

Vice P,'c.idcllt, Southeasterll Reg iol!,

NatiolJal Fedemtiolt of MU8ic ClubB

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Transyh'ania Music." Camp. Bre\'srd

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Library That Honors

Starts Construction

.Iltr,tion a . ' ~ ~ : : , , : ~dent. ~I C O ~ J3 ItatH Ind

ct of Columbia. The i l . l ~ .commJUee hopes

brary completed by m1,bu,nm,;, dedicated during Federati0l\V.-oo In July.Local ,Iubs in the stale are

helping to build up the libraryfund by Inc:ludinJ contributionsIn their !Ndaets and by soliciti",!ll)emben of the federation tq

ke Individual contributions.Ince 'the library Is to be

~in this stile and also

11M. ,

is 10 be named for• ,tate federation 's own Mu.Maurice Honigman of Gastonl••North CaroUnJans are very proud(I f the ptOpI05ed music library.

I. Honigman well deserveshooor of having the library

• eel for her. In a recent cere-In Greensboro, at which

• WI. presented a specialfrom the N.C. Recreation

• she WI. described as 'the .tate's Ie_dins lady of

,music" and "patron of music at·ItI best."

Mrs. Honlamln', many·sidedtJ'ibutiOlUl to music include

ollowlng: ahe founde'<! thela Music EducatiO:ll Faun·

t.tfgn, which has made possibleuaJc educatian and cultural ap-

unities for many gifted and·ecty musiciaDr.; for 30 ) lUlS she.

been a member of the board4lrectors or the N.C. Federa·of Music Clubt-on numerousmitteeJ. and hu beeD treasur·vice prOJicient, and far fou r

president: ahe ha l servedOUtRaDdJf1I mer it al •

ber or tha board of dlrectoflChI NaUonaI Federation ofc Ciubi aIace lN3: abe 1&


WOIMD fa the entiJsu bad • national

Gs tonia 's Cntribution to tbe

Hinda Honigman Library

W it h ap%llies to the :.ender. since it has heen held over for many months forla ck 01 s pace. th e editorial suR of "Music Clubs Ma g.azine" presents thllSpicture 01 th e co ntribution made t o he r home town friends l or th e Hind aHonigman Library at Transylvania Mu sic Camp. honoring th e Past South ·eastern R egional Vi ce Pres ident. wh o is now Chairman of the Board ofTru s te es 01 th e Foundation for the Adva ncement of Mu sic. Th e check whi chis being presented by Mrs. Pe rcy O. Brah am (center) is for $1202, and th esu m was collected by Mrs. Honfgman's own club. the Gutonia Mu sic Club .Gastonia friends and well wishers as well as club m embers we re contributor s.Mrs . Harv ey W . Holm es of th e Gastonia Mu sic Club's committee fo r th eproject is at th e left: Mrs . Dameron H. W illiams at the right. Mrs. R . Lee

Settlemyer. a third co mmittee member . was ilbs en t .

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250-Year-Old Book First

o Be Given Honigmanasked what the campBY BLANCHE ZIMMERMAN AJso on lu tillt page Ls the Dr. James Christian Pfohl of

live that the bonk is 10 IOn College, the camp d ~ ; " ; i ~ : ; , : ~is the first book 10 be given

proposed Hinda Honingman

at Transylvania Music

iG"",,. . Perry ofvice president of the N. C.lion of Music Clubs is theThe book is "Amphion

by John Blow, maternalMr. Perry, a member otcarolina College faculty.other kn ')wn copies are in'the other being inMuseum. Mr. Perry i

book last summer in

~ was · hisEurope.

w", , ~ .011 its title page the

scribes itself as a "work ofFOmposiUons, for one, two,1.nd four voices, with

~ c c o m p a n i m e n u of . ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ : n . , - ~ t ~ . !music; and a throw-bassSOnll: figur'd for an organ,Choid_ OL . therobo-lute."

the author's hOU!ll' agains1 mediately answered, ..

ster Abbey and b7" Henry P ~ ~ ~ ~ Soon a movement for a libraryat his shop in the TempleH: started. About one third ofFleet Street. The publication money for the building and


1100. necessary equipment has", , , , , , I

book is dedidated to her been raised. Mrs. L o U i S ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T . ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f , ; j ~ ~ i { ~he Prlna::. AnIH! of Workman of Charlotte Is

of this fund for the Nationalfor a music library ation', Southustern Region,

origin.I,ed, at the the project. Mrs. G.

Nati._1 Raleigh Is the state r e p r e - : : ~ ~ . : ; , ! : ~ ~ ~ ~ ' : : : "


East Carolinu Teachers College,


Newly elected District DirectOr

Northeastern NFMC

Dorn in 1918, Reedsburg, Wiscon-

si n .. Graduate University of Wis

consin, holding M.M . Degree from

same . . Active in Church Work

since 1936, and at present is Ministerof Music al Sr. P a u r ~ Episcopal

Church, Greenville. Is ,\ member of

the American Guild of Organists. and

leaches at E.C.T.C.

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M ilS. loUIS!. Y. W ORKM AN


Mrs. Cl ifton J .Vice-Presiden

Southeastern Re

The Hind& Honigman Mus i c Library at Transylvania lfusic Camp .. Carolina .

wil l be dedicated during Federation Week- End . on Saturday a f t e r n o o n July 26 ..1958 .You are invi.ted to a ttend t his very important event in the history of the Southeastern

Region of the National Federation of Mus ic Clubs.

As you may r ecall . the idea to propose tha t the Southeas tern Region build a muchneeded Music Library at th e Camp .. and t hat this building be named the Hinda HonigmanMus ic Library . honoring Mrs. lof.a.urice Honigman of Gastonia .. Nor th Carolina . Founder ofFederaj..ion Midweek at Transylvania . wa s init iated a t a mee t ing of the presidents of theSta te Federations of Nor th Carolina . South Carol ina .. Georgia and Fl or ida . during theEighth Annual Midweek in 1955 . Funds for the erection of t his building were s tar ted

inmedlat ely .

Const r uction was begun on the Library December 10 . 1957 . following the Groundbreaking

Ceremony held during Midweek in 1956 .


Under the splendid leadership and guidance of our Regional Vice President . Mrs .

CIUton J . Mu ir . the vis ion born in 1955 has become a thr i l l ing r eal i ty . This has

been made possible t hrough t he interest and gener osity of you and thousands of othercontributors t o the project . We fe el that you wil l be very proud of the results ofyour efforts and wil l want t o be present for the dedication of t he Library. W  dohope you wi l l plan t o attend.

For your convenience an outline of the Program of Federati on lieek- End . With in format ion regarding registration and r eservations . i s enclosed .

Sincerely yours .

e ~ m n t i ~ e ~MUS IC LIBRARYMrs . G. Ernest l-loore .. ChairmanMrs . louise Y. Workman .. TreasurerMrs . David B. Sutton . Publicity

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Mrs. fL 1L Br owningA Chairman, Steering Committee

July 25, - Afternoon4:00 P.M 

- Registration, Brevard CollegeRegistration Tea (Courtesy Brevard Husic Clu

Buffet Supper, College Dining RoomConcert, Camp AuditoriumInformal Reception, Brevard CollegeHOSTESS States: Mississippi and Tennessee

July 26 , - r-forning - Breakfast - College Dining RoomGet - Acquainted Tour of Brevard Music Cente

Noon Federation Luncheon, College Dining RoomDedication of Alabama and Maryland PracticeCabins

5:30 P. M.- Dedication of Hinda Honigman Music Library

6: 00 P. M-

Transylvania Music Camp BanquetReception

July 27 , - Breakfast" College Dining Room

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The off tcla l . rogrem of the 42nd AnnuelConventio ·, a t Oa ato ni a .1958




Castonia, N. C.

It is with pride that we dedicate this Official Program to Mrs. Maurice Honigman.National Board Member and Chainnan of the Board of Trustees of the NationalFoundation for the Advancement of Music. '1uough her untiring efforts and in ·nuential guidance, the cause of music has been abundantly enriched, not only inher nat ive City and State, but throughout the Nation.

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O01 cOVIH pa ge th is in ue p, esen ts Milton Da vid Sa,l in , son

of M, . and Mr s. Ralph Sarlin of li be rt y, South Carolina ,

and grandson of Mrs . Ma u .ice Honigmon 01 Gastonia , North

COlO ina , who se great services as National Ed ension Cha i , _

ma n in spi,C'd ,ec ognition af Milto,. a s th e first pres ident of

th e Fede ,ation 's C,adle Roll . Da vid beco me a C,odle Roll

memb e, a ' th e ag e of S ma nt hs, and no ' long of te" th is

signa l hon o, wos bu l owed upon him. App'o ltimole iy e igh'

yea rs ha ve poue d. Dav id ha s g,own inlo 0 hondsome o f

spo lk l ing pe rso nality - big , twinkling brown eyes, bro wn

ho i. , and ,o sy red c heeks . A 3rd-g,ade , ond 0 year _of le r_

yeo ' A I tu d ent , a Cub Scout and plo ye. on t he sc hoo l ba ske t

boll ' :!O m, Da vid I till tu.n s to mu sic oS hi s great es t loye . A

going-on -l -yeo. s tudent of piano, he loyes to p lo ct ice a nd

pl a ys p t i o n a l l ~ we ll, bes ides 9 i . in g promise of ha ving a

' ine yo ice. A ll in al l , M rs . Hon igmon . nOw Chai rma n of t he

Boa rd of Trust ee s of th e Founda tion fo r t he Adva ncemen ' of

Mu sic, who fede ra te d M ilton, is might y proud o f he.r mu sica lg ra nd son, and c he rishu deepl y th e honor t ha t wa s his os firs t

plel ide nt 01 th e N FMC C.odle Ro ll .


Ma l te r Milton So.lin 01 li b

South Carolina , ard en ' young music-l

who was na med Firs ' p. esident 01

National Fede ration 01 MU l ic C

C.adle Roll bock in 1949.

Mrs . l . l . B. own ing

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Prompted Frst Musi( Month Prodamation

. honor of the F " d " " ' h , n " ' J . ~ : : ' : ; : ~ ~Gov . L u t h ~ r H o d g ~ $ , n t e T . of North Carolina. Responsible for

ing it was Mr s. Maurice Honigman, lelt. Ri,h t is R ev . Charlesof Chapel Hill , North Carolina, pre senr when the Pr oclamation wa s signed.


MIS. Maurice Honigman of Gastonia,member of our National Boa rd, has

been awarded a citation from the NorthCaro!:na Recreation Society ";n recog-l1 iliol1 of eXCCI)tional service to her fellow111(11 through the medium of music." Inpresl'nting the award, Mae Crandall,president of the society, called Mrs.

Honigman "the state's leading lady ofmusic." Congratulations are In order!

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t unde r s tand that t he month or F ebr uary will be ob s e r ved

throughout th e Nation a . Am.eriean MUlic Manthe

Sponlored by th e National F ederation of MUllc Club. and

aupported by th e Advi l ory Cormnitt• • OD MUlic of th e NOl'tb. Carolina

Recreation Conuni'lion, Am.erican W.aic Month hODor. American

compoler l and American mai c .

In recoillition of OU pre• •nt-day compo• •r . and of their

contribution. to our cultural life. 1 am , lad to de. ipate th e mooth

ol :rebruary • •


and ur,e that mUl ic elubs , low recre.tion departments a.n4 other

intere . ted ,roups cooperate in an eflort to make America coo. claus

of th e beauty of American compo . illon. and to pay fl"1D& tribute . to

OUl' compolers by l utUl'ma American mUlic.

IN WIT NESS WHEREOF . I bav. bereunto • • m y band and

cauud the Great Seal of the State of North CaroliDa to be affl. .


Done at the City of Raleiah thl l f l r at day of February in

th . year of our Lord. Nineteen H u n ~ and FUty- Seven .~ J ' : j P kP rivate Secretary

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NOTES ON MUSIC WEEK IN FEBRUARY~ ~ fi1..""-L,J....;,., ~ 1 . . . i . Q . . . .- r9 - 7AMERICAN MUSIC MONTH ~ ,



Go, 'c rnOT Luther 1-1 . HOl:lJ.;l"l; issued

;1 prodam:ni on in which he dc s ig-IJall,{[

the 1II0nih o f l-"cb r uOII1' ,.s "A mcri c;1I1

Mu sic ;\.I omh il l North Ca rolina,"

T h e (;OVCTIlOl' ).\':I \'C th e prot lama

lion in respo nse (0 : . resol ution pre

sented by Mrs. " ' nuTiee I-i onigma n of

Gastonia, a membe r of th e Ad visory

Commiuee 0 11 mu sic of lh e No rth

Ca rolinOi Recrea tion Conullission .

l\lrs. H o n ig-ma n is a lso a me mber o f

th e E" l'(:U\h-c Comm in cc of the Na

lio lla i Federa tion of "11I,if- Cluh s

which sponsors the " I'a r:l([c of Amer

ican Music" llIo,'cmcnt. The resolu·

l ion was p:lsscd uJl;ul imously at the

:11\11\1;" mee ting of the Rccrc"t io ll

Co mmiu ion he ld in Raleigh last No


T he statcmem ,,'as given by lhe

Go,-erll or ill his office Mo nda y morn '

ing , Janu ary 28, to Mrs, Honigman

and th e Re\', Charles S, Hu bbard of

Chapel 1l il1. cha irnlall of the Recrea ,

t io n Co mmi ss ion,

The "Ameri GIIl Music MOlllh" be,

K:1Il Friday , Feb ruary I.

GO\'ern or Hodges' procl:tmatio ll

read as follow s:

" I un ders tand t ha t the 1II0 nth of

Fe bn w ry wilt be ohserved throughoutthe natiou as Amcr iC:1Il i\lusic /l. lonth,

Spo llsored by th e Nadona! Federat ion

fl f i\I usic Clu hs au (1 suppon ed hy the

,\d \'isory Co mmittee O i l Illusic for II l e

Nort h Ca roli na R t.'Cre;l\io ll Commi s'

sion, Am er ic;tIl "'Iusle Month honoh

:\meriea n composers and American


" In C < ' : o ~ r n i l i o n of ou r pl'cscm -d:IY

ro mposers and of thei r contributions

lO our cul t ural life. I am glad to desiglla te Februarv 35

Siondin!}-lef l 10 righl: Mr s. Horry J . Shonls, Presidenl, N. (

Federolion of Music Clubs, Winslon-Solem; Mrs. Mourice Honi .

mon, Ga slonio, N . C.; Hubbord; Mrs. G. Ern est Maorf

Roleigh ; M" , H. Paul Y e l ~ e r Roleigh .

Seo/ed, leh 10 right: M". D a ~ i d 8. Sullon, Ro leigh; Mr s. louise

Young Workmon, Chorlolle; Mr5. Herberl W. Coble, 8urlington

an d Mrs, A, J . Fle tcher_ Roleigh,

Mrs, Honigmo n cha ts with G o ~ e r n o r luther Hodges and

Recreotion Cammiu ion Choirman Charles Hubbord obou t Mu sic


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Re creation Society at ceremonies at O. H enry Hote l, with Dr . ' ; , ; : . ; ~ : i ; ~Meye r of th e N or th o l i D a Univers it y fa cu lty . consult/ln! to th e e c r e ~

lion Commission. makin/( th e e s e n t ~ t i o n . I ' S 7



! "' ' ' 'S . N O R "'AN W . l

1308 SUNSET 0 " '" ' ' • P HO N" CA 1!I·8 1U14

B U RI- ING TON . N . C .

The cover le t te r ing by

courtesy of - -

( U ~ CU< ~ ~ J k .

Of ' ... " .. .e"".,.

i ===

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CopyMrs.Hugh ElIas Davison132 Henry St r e e t

Leakav ' l le,North C&rollna

Dear,lovely Hinda Honlgman:

You probably do not remember me s t a l l , but I

he v' :" some v Iv Id reco l l e c t1ons of you!

When I f I r s t saw you-about f I f teen years ago

a t the s ta te ConventIon In Payettevl11e,and JOu

merely arose and gave II report as a s ta te Of f Ic er ,

and sa t down,! told my companlon,"there'g a

candadlte for s ta te PresIdent and PresIdent of

The NatIonal Federat 'on too , ! f she wants ~ t t "I have aeen you In actIon many t ~ m e s sInce

and always wltll a big thr I l J t At the conventton In

Charlo t te , your speech was the hIghlIght of the

ent Ire program;then In Gastonla,Ralelgh,Ashevll le ,

WIlmington and everywhere that I 've been In attendance,

my f i r s t '.mpression 'WIlS ver ' fled!

Now,the reQson for my wrlting-The Paragon MUs!c

CompQny of New York Is about to publIsh one of my

plano numbers,"Wl11 0 ' The Wisp",8nd because of my

ad M! ra t lon of you, together with the fact that I feel

that no one has done more to fur ther the cause of

Music 1.n our own grand s ta te of North Carol 'na and the

South-! 'Want to dedicate the piece to "My fr iend,

n d a Ho n Igm an."

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Inc ' de n t ly , I was no t i f i ed th ! s morning t h a t In

the 19 58 s t a t e Composers' Contest my t ~ o - p t a n onumber won f1rs t place,end my ban go,secondl

W1th a l l good wl shes,and my s incere adm ira t ion ,

and hoping to hear f r om you soon .

Cord! a 11,.,


~ : ~ ~ ~ : : i h h ~ ,MRS. MARTHA TAYLOR DAVISON loel OYer OM of many dauahter,

(Mrs. Harris Nelson Jr.) Both molher aDd daughter are widely kDOwn as performers and leachers.

- -

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To Hlnda -

The word Fr Iends hIp embodIel:! so muc h .!1sd you ever

th ought about It? To me In means:

"f ' - - - - ! 'a . \ th

R- - - - Respect

I - - - - In te res t


N-- - -Nurture I n God and HIs Word

D- - - -Devot 1on


H-- - -Helpf uln ess

I - - - - InspJratlon

' - - - -Prayer

"A good frIend 18 a strong defense; and h e tha t he th

fo und such 8 f r Iend hath found a t reasure"-

I t has been a joy,&S your frIend, to ar rR nge a portIon

of your l Ife In words and p1ctures.I hope that

everyone who vl l:!1 ts The HInda Hon! gman MusIc Lt brary

a t The Trsnl:!ylvYn ! a MusIc Camp wil l enjoy t hIs Book.

I apprecIate the help of your l ov ely daughter .

SI ncer ,S\!y):\ "'-u.JC ~ p .M r a . R e r ~ r t WelKerlCOble

Burllngton,North CarolIna

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ilnnalh 1l1aurence ~ t n h l

1916 - 1940



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"We give them back [ 0 Thee. dear God. who gavest them

to us. Yet. as Thou didst nOt lose them in giving. so we have

not lost them by their return. Not as the World giveth. givest

Thou, 0 Christ. Lover of souls. What Thou gavest, Thou

takeS[ nOt away. For what is Thine is ours, if we are Thine,

and life is Eternal; and love is immortal and death is only an

horizon; and an horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.

Lift them up. Strong Son of God, that we may see further;

cleanse our eyes t hat we may see more clearly. Draw us closer

to Thyself that we may know ourselves nearer [ 0 our beloved

who are with Thee ~ n d while Thou dost prepare a place for us

prepare us for that happy place, that where they are and Thou

art, we too mly be. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

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"Alas!" Ilxard lIN", sa)', " alas, Ihal INSbolfid die so )'O/mg! So ", "ch of rcs lasyAj )'l't III/tasted , IlIId his work /101 dOll';TIN vic/or's Jl#lm still wllm"g to be won;

"What wastr!" I INard liN'" SIY  "Whllt cruel Ivasll',That lJtoallJ s/x)IIld comr i" slich IIl1 srl'",ly /}Qsfr:!"

• • •811t I have srell if i/l IlII olhcr way-For ;11 far-llorlhcr!1 di m rs Ihr scaSO /1'S stayIs shorl, allli hardly has Il x spri"s limr's bfllsbDceprllcJ, rr t cOlllrs tlx SII/l/II/('r with a rushWhich /l/rrgcs illto alllllm,,'s harvcst-bo/l/t.So ill 0111' quick, brighl spall thrse Sl'asO/u CO/l/I'TIN C).cf1J p(,rfrel alld ('oll/plctr, Ibo llgh brief.Alld gloriolls all/I ric/} bc)'olld bl'l;cf!

Wbilc oflxrs takc il drop by drop, amI slow,Tlxu diP liP Lifc ;/1 b r i l l l l l l ; " hlllldllfls---ob,Tlxy kllow Ihrir slar$ ami rail/bows, dusk (",J dal4m;Wear I}QPPillt ss as /)a/OI's ; Oil ali(I 011

A sbi"i"g )'oulh is I/)ci r$ IlIIlif li fc {Ius.For willtrr /1cver com rs 10 SItch IU IIxS t!N o dream is Ivastrd-ha ppy mOil/rill {OJt-

Tlx y slr h'( '-Jlxy /il ,t-Ilx y IOlll'-tllld comrs fIx Ir os f!

• • •Likc tINSI'. Ollr fTir"J, throllgh bllsy dllYs 11",1 {lrd,I-Ic, 100 , bas II/lldr /Jis spall of lifr o " , p l f ~Ami so Ir;'/I"pIJantly Ollr /lra )' tr call ht :

" W I' that/k Tlx r, COII ,-HE LIVED ABUNDANTLY!"

Wake Forest, N. C.September 16 , 1940.


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Donald Laurence Pfohl was born on December 26, 1916,in Winston-Salem. N. c.. the youngest of the six children of

Bishop and Mrs. J. Kenneth Pfohl. He was baptized on Sep-

tember 16, 1917 and ratified his baptismal covenant by confirmation in the Home Moravian Church on April 10, 1927.

Donald received his grammar and high school education inthe public schools of Winston-Salem, graduating from high

school in the spring of 1934. Following this he spent twO yearsat Davidson Co llege, from which he transferred to the Uni

versity of Illinois in order that he mi ght obtain specialized

instruction in music which he planned to make his life work.In this field he showed unusual talent, which gained for him

marked recognition at the University. In his last year at llIinois,the session of 1938-39, he was an ass istant conductor of the

University Concert Band, and helped organize the mountedband in the R.O.T.e. cavalry unit there. His versatile musical

genius was evidenced in his ability to play every instrument in

the symphony orchestra. thus qualifying him for the degree of

Bachelor of Music with high honors, which was awarded to

him in June 1939. Donald's great loves in music were his flute

and singing, in both of which he excelled.

The last year of Don ald's life brought a real, though brieffruition to his years of preparation. He accepted a position as

Director of Music at Wake Forest College, Wake Forest, N. e.,and organized this department as a new field of endeavor forthat institution. His success in this work is freely atteS[l.!d by

the officia ls and students of that college. His qualifications forleadership in college music rested not solely in his musical

abilities, bu t also upon his gi ft for organization and his administrative cap:lcities. He also particip:lted with enthusiasm in

many diversified activities.

JUSt prior to his last illness Donald had been preparin,:: forfurther development of the Music Department of Wake Forest

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Co llege, and it is unders[()od that the authori ties purpose carry

ing ou t his plans. In addition, cert ain sketches for the proposed

new Chapel at Wake Forest, which will hou se the music depart

ment were prepared by Donald during recent months.

Th e Wakl' Forest C hapter of Omicron Delta Kappa , Na

[ional honorary frat ernity , elected him [() membership in his

brief stay there. H e was also a memher Phi Mu Alpha or

Sinfonia, the national honorary music fraternit y, of t he North

Carolina Orchestra Association, the North Carol ina Band-masters Association, and [he North Carolina Choral Direc[()rs

Associat ion.

On May 30, 1940, Dona ld was married to Adele Taylor

Arbuck le, of Davidson, N. C , and their union, though brid,

was marked by deep love and understand ing.

Donald's life wa s cha rac terized by a rare gift for friend li -

ness. He loved people in all walks of life, mingled with rhemfreely, and W3 S ever ready fo r helpful se rvice to ot hers. Service

wa s a real passion with him . He loved to sing and his rich

baritone vo ice was at the disposal of all who asked. H e seemedto find his deepest satisfaction in exp ressing his faith in the

singing of ora[()rios and hymns.

With h is ability and art istry in music, he combined a raresense of bea ut y in nature, and, as years went by, he de-

veloped deep sweetness of character and spiritual strength.

Donald was devoted to his fam ily and many of his happy

hours were spent in t he companionship of his home.

Donald was called by the Lord in the glory of his early

manhood, following an attack of pneumonia, to en ter thehigher se rvice of heaven on September 16 , 1940. It was the

twenty-third anniversa ry of his baptism. He was aged 23 years,

8 months, 20 days.

"No shadows YOllde f,

All light allil sollg."

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A noble life never d ies . It is thi s thought which will conso le a saddened city as it reflects upon the death of Donald pfohl.

Young Mr. Pfohl, the youngest so n of Bishop J. Kenneth

Pfohl and Mrs. Pfohl, followed the footsteps of his brother,Jame s Ch rist ian Pfohl into a career of music. A grad uate of

Winston-Salem publ ic schoo ls, he attended Da vid son College

and later the University of Illinois, where he majored in music.Upon completing his education he accepted the position as head

of the Wake Forest school of music , and had held that positionfor one year at the time of his death.

Married only a few months ago, and having served fo r only

a year in a position wh ich promised him the opportunity todevelop his genius as an artist in music to its fu llest, Donald

Pfohl has fallen in the very prime and flower of his youth.

But for those who grieve, it is well to remember in t he

darkest hour t hat who lives longest docs not always li ve thenoblest; th at as some poet has said, we live in hear t throbs, notin the figures on a d ia l. By his clea n, exemplary life, andthrough his interest in and devotion to religion and the finer

arts, Donald Pfohl leaves to the keeping of those who knew andloved him treasures beyond the gif t of kings.

-E d irarial in Wills/oil -Salem l cmma/, Sept. 17, 1940.

" In one short year he had won a place in the heart of everystuden t and faculty member at the coi lege here. Brief period

though it was, he created an im pression that years and decades

can nOt remove from the hearts of those who recogn ize the traits

of the master in the person of a Ch ristian gent lem an ."

-Ed i tor ia l in Wake Forest College Allllfl ll i News.