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Foundations in Genesis

1The Importance of Genesis

1One of the deep philosophical questions of life is Where do we come from? The Bible, in particular the book of Genesis, gives us the answer. It is not the answer one necessarily accepts in todays world. The gospel, the good news, itself has its foundations in Genesis. Without Genesis the gospel is without a foundation.2Foundations are crucialA weak foundation means that the structure built upon that foundation will fall.Applies, not only to physical structures, but to philosophical and theological constructs.


3Study this illustration carefully. Abortion, euthanasia, pornography, and other moral ills ought to be fought by the Church. But when the world is constantly bombarding the foundation and the Church is firing at what really are symptoms, the Church is fighting a losing battle. 4Creation is a side issue.

Its divisive.

4Many people in the Church avoid the Genesis question. They might say something like Creation is a side issue. Or, Its divisive.5Genesis is foundational to the gospelWhat is the gospel?

In a nutshell, it is that Jesus Christ died for your sins and by personally accepting His sacrifice on your behalf you have reconciliation with God.

What is sin? Where did sin originate?

5What is the gospel? In a nutshell, it is that Jesus Christ died for your sins.6Genesis is foundational to the gospelSin, mans disobedience to God For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

6Genesis is where we get the doctrine of sin after the first man and woman disobeyed God. And we are all sinners because we are descendants of the first man and woman. There is some theological discussion on how the sin nature is transferred or inherited, but the Bible makes it clear that all of us are sinners. 7

7Without the bad news, there is no good news.8

8As a consequence of sin the earth itself was cursed. We currently live in a creation affected by sin.9Genesis is foundational to the gospelSin, mans disobedience to GodDeath


10This is biblical history, death is a result of mans actions.11Genesis 3:21The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.

11The first death in the Bible occurs after Adam and Eves disobedience, when God sacrificed an animal to clothe them.12

12Adam and Eve realized they were naked. God killed an animal to cover their nakedness. This is the first instance of bloodshed in the Bible and God providing a blood sacrifice to cover for sin.13

13If the world is millions of years old and there were millions years of animal bloodshed and death before mans sin, the death of animals really means nothing. It would not have been a big deal for God to have killed an animal. The Bible says, Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.(RSV); The Jewish animal sacrifices to cover for sin would essentially be meaningless if there were millions of years of death and bloodshed of animals.14Genesis is foundational to the gospelSinDeathHeterosexual marriage

14God created a man and a woman. For this reason a man shall leave his mother and father, and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. 15Which marriage is biblical?

15I once wrote a letter to a Member of Parliament decrying the legalization of same-sex marriage in Canada. Not wanting to come across as a Bible-thumper, in it, I put forth the argument that marriage in every culture in the world is understood as between a man and a woman. Well, culture is not sacred; cultures change over time. However, if God is our Creator and He sets the standards, as is clear in the Bible, then we have no right to redefine marriage and if we do, then, we are deliberately rebelling against God.16Genesis is foundational to the gospelSinDeathHeterosexual marriageMan is made in Gods image

16People from every nation arose from the first man and woman. That means that the African, Asian, and European stocks are all made in the image of God. There is only one race, the human race. It also means that the most vile criminal is also made in Gods image and should be treated as a human. Do not get me wrong. Criminals ought to be punished, and there are consequences of immoral actions; however, we are never to treat another human as less than human.17Genesis is foundational to the gospelSinDeathHeterosexual marriageMan is made in Gods imageTrinity

17The Trinity is indicated at creation. God created, the Spirit of God hovered over the waters, and the seed of the woman. God also said, let US make man in OUR image.18Different views of Genesis creation

18Historically, much of the church believed in a six day creation. There have been a few who did not. However, over the last two hundred years, or so, various views of creation have sprouted. The Gap theory is one of them.19Different views of Genesis creationGap theory

19The Gap theory is one of them.20

20Sometimes also known and the ruin-restoration theory, in essence, it places millions of years between the first two verses of Genesis. But the consequence of doing that is that death, disease, and all sorts of ills, would have to take place before sin occurred.21Different views of GenesisGap theoryTheistic evolution

21Theistic evolution, in a nutshell, states that God used the process of evolution. But again, this places millions of years of death and disease before the first man and woman sinned. Also, the order of creation is different than the order of supposed evolutionary development. 22Genesis order of creationEvolutionary long-age theoryEarth before the sun and starsSun and stars before EarthEarth covered with water at firstEarth a molten blob at firstOceans before dry landDry land before oceansLife first created on the land as plantsLife started in the oceansPlants created before the sunPlants formed after the sunFish and birds created togetherFish formed long before birdsBirds created before land animalsLand animals formed before birdsWhales created before land animalsLand animals formed before whalesMan and dinosaurs lived togetherDinosaurs died out long before manCreation completed in six daysEvolution going on into the future

22Those who believe in theistic evolution simply ignore the differences between evolution and the order of creation in the Bible. The Bible states that earth was created before the sun and stars while evolution says that the stars and sun were formed before the earth.The Bible states that the earth was covered with water at first; the evolution model says that earth started out as a molten blob.The Bible states that the oceans existed before dry land; evolution says that dry land came before oceans.The Bible states that plants were the first form of life on land; the evolution model says that life started in the oceans.The Bible teaches that plants were created before the sun; evolution says that the sun existed long before plants.The Bible states that fish and birds were created on day 5; evolution says that fish were formed long before birds.The Bible teaches that birds were created before land animals while evolution says that land animals evolved before birds.The Bible teaches that whales were created before land animals while evolution say that whales evolved from land animals.The Bible teaches that man and dinosaurs lived at the same time while evolution says that dinosaurs lived and went extinct long before man existed.The Bible teaches that creation was completed in six days; while evolution is still going on into the future.There is absolutely no way to reconcile the order of creation with the evolution model. Those who believe in theistic evolution simply ignore the differences between evolution and the order of creation in the Bible. The Bible states that earth was created before the sun and stars while evolution says that the stars and sun were created before earth.The Bible states that the earth was covered with water at first; the evolution model says that earth started out as a molten blob.The Bible states that the oceans existed before dry land; evolution says that dry land came before oceans.The Bible states that plants were the first form of life on land; the evolution model says that life started in the oceans.The Bible teaches that plants were created before the sun; evolution says that the sun existed long before plants.The Bible states that fish and birds were created on day 5; evolution says that fish were formed long before birds.The Bible teaches that birds were created before land animals while evolution says that whales evolved from land animals.The Bible teaches that man and dinosaurs lived at the same time while evolution says that dinosaurs lived and went extinct long before man existed.The Bible teaches that creation was completed in six days; while evolution is still going on into the future.There is absolutely no way to reconcile the order of creation with the evolution model. 23Different views of GenesisGap theoryTheistic evolutionProgressive creationism

23Progressive creationism, promoted by Hugh Ross, accepts the evolutionary long ages and order of cosmic and biological evolution and denies the plain reading of Genesis chapters 1-11. Ross believes in a local, not global, flood. Unfortunately, this is view held by many evangelicals. 24

24For a thorough refutation of Progressive Creationism, this book is highly recommended.25Different views of GenesisGap theoryTheistic evolutionProgressive creationismFramework hypothesis

25The Framework Hypothesis does not hold to a literal six-day creation, but asserts that it is merely worded or framed in words that convey a six-day creation, but it was really six long periods of time; that is, a disjunction is made between the literal chronology and a literary framework. Genesis creation, it is said, is essentially a literary device. This view is gaining popularity among many evangelicals.26

26A refutation of the Framework Hypothesis can be found in this book.27Different views of GenesisGap theoryTheistic evolutionProgressive creationFramework hypothesisBiblical six-day creation

27The straightforward, natural, plain reading of the Bible, and held by much of the historic church, is a six-day creation, about 6,000 years ago.28Different views of GenesisGap theoryTheistic evolutionProgressive creationFramework hypothesisBiblical six-day creation

Only one of the above can be true.

28Logically, they can all be false. But then you have to come up with an alternative, in which case, the alternative is also placed in the list and could be considered false, if one of the others is true.29Is Genesis an allegory or poetry?

29Some would argue that Genesis is an allegory or poetry.30allegory \ al--,gr-, -,gor\ n, pl ries [ME allegorie, fr. L. allegoria, fr. Gk allegoria, fr. allegorien to speak figuratively, fr. allos other + -agorein to speak publicly, fr. agora assembly more at ELSE, GREGARIOUS] (14c) 1: the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence; also: an instance (as in a story or painting) of such expression 2: a symbolic representation: EMBLEM

(Websters Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, 1991, Thomas Allen & Son Limited, Markham, ON)

30By definition, an allegory uses fictional characters or is a symbolic representation. If Adam and Eve were not literal persons who literally sinned, then Christs death is meaningless. If the account of the Fall is some sort of symbolic representation of the state of mankind, what does that do for hermeneutics? Perhaps, Christ was not really crucified and perhaps He did not really rise, but the Cross and Resurrection are symbolic representations of how we must die ourselves and rise to each and every occasion to better ourselves. Why not allegorize the crucifixion and resurrection? Indeed, there are theologians who do just that.31Poetry?

By suggesting that Genesis is poetry, it is implied that a non-literal interpretation is justified.

However, this is a false premise. Form does not necessarily imply non-literal interpretation.

31Some have suggested that Genesis (at least the creation accounts) is poetry, therefore, they do not have to be taken literally. However, this is a false premise. Just because something is written in poetic form does not mean that it does not contain literal elements or truth.32Psalms are poetry.Poetry employs metaphors, similes, symbolism, cadence, parallelism, etc.Psalm 1:6 For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.Ps. 2:2 And the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and His AnointedPs. 3:5 I lay down and slept.Ps. 4:1 Be gracious to me and hear my prayer.

32I think most, if not all, will agree that the Book of Psalms are a collection of poems. Do they not contain literal elements? A quick perusal should show you that there are many literal elements in the Psalms.33Genesis is written as an historical narrative, not as an allegory or poetry.

33Genesis is neither an allegory nor poetry; it is written as an historical narrative.34Psalm 11:3If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?

Unfortunately, the atheist better understands the issue than most churchgoers.

34The atheist understands better the importance of Genesis than most churchgoers.35Christianity has fought, still fights, and will continue to fight science to the desperate end over evolution, because evolution destroys utterly and finally the very reason Jesus earthly life was supposedly made necessary. Destroy Adam and Eve and the original sin, and in the rubble you will find the sorry remains of the Son of God. If Jesus was not the redeemer who died for our sins, and this is what evolution means, then Christianity is nothing.G. Richard Bozarth, The Meaning of Evolution, American Atheist, p. 30. 20 September 1979

35[Read slide] There is a misconception here that Christianity and science are at odds with one another. They are not. Christianity and science are compatible. It is the evolutionary history of mans origins (disguised as science) that is inimical to Christianity. And the author of this statement clearly sees that Genesis is the foundation for Christianity.36Can a person be saved and hold a non-literal/historical view of Genesis?

Yes, but they are being inconsistent.

What kind of foundation are they building?

36By not holding the creation account as an historical narrative, ultimately, the authority of Scripture is being undermined. One is implicitly stating that Scripture cannot be trusted and understood in a straightforward manner; science or other authority is ultimately required to interpret Scripture.37War of the World 1

37A lot of people think this way.38War of the World 2

38The world says that evolution is true; we are descendants of ape-like creatures; science has proven through radiometric dating that earth is several millions of years old; there never was a global flood.39War of the World 3

3940War of the World 4

40What is the churchs response? Please do not get me wrong. I am not saying that Trusting in Jesus is not important; it is important, it is vitally important. But if that is the answer we give to people who are seeking answers to questions, we really have not answered their questions or given them a reason to investigate Christianity for themselves.41


42Our methods of evangelism are ineffective in a world in which the media, schools, and universities teach that the Bible is simply unscientific.43

43The moral breakdown in society can be traced to unbelief in Gods Word. If we are to be effective in reaching the world we need to restore confidence in the Bible.441 Peter 3:15but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense (answer, NIV) to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;

44When someone is asking why you believe the way you do, are you prepared to give a reasonable answer? To say, The Bible says it, I believe it, serves only to entrench the perception of Bible-believing Christians as ignorant and gullible.45

45There are many resources available to prepare yourself to give a reasonable defense of the faith. One is this small booklet. There are many others resources available from the following organizations.46Acknowledgements

www.Creation.comCreation Ministries International

www.icr.orgInstitute for Creation Research Answers in Genesis 47The End