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Page 1: The History of Healthcare in the U.S.

The History of Healthcare in the U.S.

By Matthew Peplinski

Page 2: The History of Healthcare in the U.S.


Doctors no longer expected to provide free services to all hospital patients

Surgery is now common

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Progressive reformers argue for health insurance.

There was opposition to this movement, US entering WW1 became main issue

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Costs continue to rise for health insurance

General Motors signs contract to insure 180,000 workers

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The Depression changes priorities Social Security Act is passed with no health

care coverage.

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Penicillin begins to be used

To compete for workers companies begin to offer health benefits

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President Roosevelt asks Congress for “economic bill of rights”

President Truman offers national health program plan

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Many legislative proposals are made for different approaches to hospital insurance

First successful organ transplant is performed

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Through the 1950’s the price of healthcare doubled

President Johnson signs Medicare and Medicaid into law

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American medicine is now seen as in crisis

President Nixon's plan for national health insurance rejected

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The number of women entering the medical profession rises dramatically 9% => 25%

The World Health Organization declares smallpox eradicated

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There is a shift toward the privatization and corporatization of healthcare

Medicare shifts to payment by diagnosis instead of by treatment

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Health care costs rise…..again

By the end of the decade there are 44 million Americans without any health insurance.

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Medicare viewed by some as unsustainable under the present structure

Direct-to-consumer advertising for pharmaceuticals and medical devices

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After much debating and redrafting, the package known as “Obamacare” was passed, taking a small step toward helping mend the current healthcare system

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Healthcare Crisis: Healthcare Timeline. PBS.

Clip Art images of stethoscope, and doctor

Images used from Google Images, the websites of these images are as followed in order of appearance,,, and