Download - The Harry Potter Quiz - Prelims

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There are 25 questions. Each question carries 1 point. No Googling. Anti Cheating Charms are placed in the room Only Muggles allowed. If any of you are wizards or squibs, please leave

now (no offence) Quizmasters are Gods.

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Q1. Identify this ‘Company’?

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The magic used in the _______ creation is advanced and impressive; it includes the Homonculous Charm, enabling the possessor *to do something*, and it was also enchanted to forever repel (as insultingly as possible) the curiosity of the creator’s nemesis, Severus Snape. What are we talking about here?

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What connects Bertha Jorkins, Tom Riddle Sr., Hepzibah Smith and Myrtle Warren?

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When Albus Dumbledore was being discredited by the Ministry of Magic, he was removed from the Wizengamot and from the International Confederation of Wizards. He told Bill Weasley that he didn't care what they did to him, as long as they didn't take him off _______________. FITB.

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Q5 (1.5 marks)

“X, our loyal Knight, will become a time traveler. He will be sent back in time to some point in the 19th century to live out the rest of his days as Y, our venerable King. The exact mechanics of his journey in time are unclear, though we do believe it is unavoidable, and that it will in fact be the very move that enables Harry's eventual defeat of Voldemort (the checkmate) and that it will also have something to do with the White Queen (Bellatrix). Though you may think us a couple of nutters for making such an outrageous claim, we do indeed have evidence. Lots and lots of evidence.”

Which fan theory? Give me X and Y.

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Q6. Minimal poster for?

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Q7 List of What? FITB. (0.25 each)

____________ (Sixth and Seventh Year, if demand is high) Apparition (Sixth Year) Arithmancy ______________ Divination _______________ Study of Ancient Runes.

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In 2014, rumours that the Haiti was using __________ to intimidate other teams were dismissed by the ICWQC as untrue. However, the rumours proved true when ________ attacked crowds in the opening ceremony of the 2014 Quidditch World Cup, leading to 300 casualties.Like most creatures that dwell in darkness, ______, who are creatures summoned by Dark Wizards to do their bidding, they fear fire. What am I talking about?

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Among his honours are Order of Merlin, Third Class; Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League; and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award. He invented an Occamy egg yolk shampoo, which was too dangerous and expensive for open market; it subsequently became his dream to market these products. His favourite colour is lilac. Who?

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Formula for what? (Give me ‘t’)Where bodyweight (a), viciousness (v), wand power (w), concentration (c) and a fifth unknown variable (Z), as taught to first year students at Hogwarts

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Ashwinder eggs are a common ingredient in many varieties of this, as are rose thorns, peppermint, and Moonstone, and inventors include Laverne de Montmorency and the Weasley twins. Known ‘victims’ include Ron Weasley and Tom Riddle Sr. What?

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The entrance to the X is located in a nook on the right hand side of the kitchen corridor, concealed behind a stack of barrels. In order to reveal the entrance, no password is required. Instead, one must tap the barrel two from the bottom, middle of the second row, in the rhythm of ‘____________’, which will make the lid swing open, exposing a passageway that will lead to the basement when crawled through. However, if the wrong lid is tapped or the wrong rhythm is used, the intruder will be doused in vinegar and barred access. What is X?

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These are typically in the shape of an oval, five-hundred feet long and one-hundred eighty feet wide, with a small central circle of approximately two feet in diameter, from which ‘a few things’ are released at the start. At each end there are three hooped ________ of different heights, surrounded by a scoring area.  What are ‘these’?

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Whose last words are “Come on, you can do better than that!” in the books and “Nice one, James!” in the movies?

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What has been blanked out?

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The Whomping Willow was planted around the year 1971 to disguise the opening of a secret passage leading from the Hogwarts grounds to the Shrieking Shack in the village of Hogsmeade. It had a small knot near the base. When that was pressed, the tree would become immobilised. Why was it important in between 1971-1978?

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“Well, this Hallowe'en will be my five-hundredth deathday.” – Nearly Headless Nick (died 1492).

What is the importance of this statement for everyone out here?

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Inexhaustive list of? Dragon’s head(in Latin) Pig Snout Greater Luck(in Latin) Banana Fritters Mimbulus mimbletonia How are You(in Latin) Tapeworm

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In a 2005 interview around the same time Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was published, Rowling stated that it was not a coincidence that he was defeated in 1945, hinting at a connection with Adolf Hitler and at least the European front of World War II. X seems to be the wizarding version of Adolf Hitler. As referenced by Rowling, the date of X's duel with _________ coincides with the downfall of Nazi Germany. There are other similarities as well. X adopted an ancient symbol as his sigil just as the Nazis adopted the manji, switching its facing to create the swastika, itself an ancient symbol.

Gimme X.

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His filthy clothing and lack of wand managed to convince most of the questioning committee, although Y, an authority on Non-Human Spiritous Apparitions that was among them, recognised certain telltale signs in X's appearance that made him suggest that X should be kept in detention until the next full moon, which was, coincidentally, one day away. The ignorant committee members thought it unnecessary, and started taunting Y (“Y, you just stick to Welsh Boggarts, that's what you're good at"), who grew angry and described werewolves as "soulless, evil, deserving of nothing but death". Shortly before Z, Y's son, turned five, he was attacked by X. As the little boy slept peacefully in his bed, X forced open his window and bit him.X and Z are? Part points

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The J was first commissioned in 1865 as a method for underage or infirm wizards, the idea was proposed by then-Minister Dugald McPhail. Inside, during the night, the X has beds, curtained windows, candles burning in brackets beside each bed, and thirteen Sickles buys a cup of hot chocolate, while fifteen gets a hot water bottle and a toothbrush in any colour. During the day, there are just seats that are apparently not bolted down.

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If the fronts of 11th and 13th are each 100ft wide, then the distance measured and the distance shown on maps should be 200ft. A muggle wouldn't measure 200ft if they were there in person, but then see a distance corresponding to 300ft displayed on a map for numbers 11 and 13. How would wizards explain this ‘mathematical’ anomaly?

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D was a wizard and one of the original Death Eaters of Lord Voldemort. He fought in the First Wizarding War, during which he tortured many Muggles, and wizards and witches who were not supporters of the Dark Lord. Along with four other Death Eaters he participated in the murders of Fabian and Gideon Prewett. D was caught, convicted of these crimes, and sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban. He escaped after Voldemort's return and the start of the Second Wizarding War, in the mass break-out of 1996, and participated in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, where he was re-captured and incarcerated. He attacked Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley at Tottenham Court Road, but they were defeated and his memory was wiped. In 1998, D fought in the Battle of Hogwarts, during which he killed L . At the climax of the battle, he engaged Filius Flitwick in a duel, and was defeated.Give me L and D.

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T are social creatures who live in herds. Hagrid states that they are "dead clever", and, in fact, trained T are smart enough to understand their rider's words when they ask to travel to a specific location.These magical creatures can be found in dark environments, and the forest is their natural habitat. They communicate with each other through a shrill and strange shriek that resembles some sort of monstrous bird.They appear to be loyal creatures, able to discern a friend from an enemy and offering help to humans in need of transportation. T would forcefully attack anyone or anything they see as a threat and, in the unusual case of domesticated T, any enemy of its owners.T is?

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X (1941 –2014) was an Australian journalist, television reporter and presenter. A veteran police and crime reporter whose career spanned more than fifty years, X first joined Ten Eyewitness News, a nightly news show on Network Ten, in 1978. In 2013, X became the first recipient of the Kennedy Lifetime Achievement Award. Hamish McLean, the CEO of Ten Network Holdings , called X "a giant of Australian journalism." According to Ten Eyewitness News presenter Sandra Sully, a "journalist of the year" award, named in honor of X, would continue to be awarded in his memory.

Why would X be remembered in today’s quiz?Pic on the next slide

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Q1. Identify this ‘Company’?

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The magic used in the _______ creation is advanced and impressive; it includes the Homonculous Charm, enabling the possessor *to do something*, and it was also enchanted to forever repel (as insultingly as possible) the curiosity of the creator’s nemesis, Severus Snape. What are we talking about here?

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Marauder’s Map

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What connects Bertha Jorkins, Tom Riddle Sr., Hepzibah Smith and Myrtle Warren?

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Death for Voldemort’s Horcruxes

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When Albus Dumbledore was being discredited by the Ministry of Magic, he was removed from the Wizengamot and from the International Confederation of Wizards. He told Bill Weasley that he didn't care what they did to him, as long as they didn't take him off _______________. FITB.

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Chocolate Frog Cards

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“X, our loyal Knight, will become a time traveler. He will be sent back in time to some point in the 19th century to live out the rest of his days as Y, our venerable King. The exact mechanics of his journey in time are unclear, though we do believe it is unavoidable, and that it will in fact be the very move that enables Harry's eventual defeat of Voldemort (the checkmate) and that it will also have something to do with the White Queen (Bellatrix). Though you may think us a couple of nutters for making such an outrageous claim, we do indeed have evidence. Lots and lots of evidence.”

Which fan theory?

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Q6. Minimal poster for?

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Ministry Of Magic

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Q7 List of What? FITB. (0.25 each)

____________ (Sixth and Seventh Year, if demand is high) Apparition (Sixth Year) Arithmancy ______________ Divination _______________ Study of Ancient Runes.

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Electives in the Sixth Year

Alchemy (Sixth and Seventh Year, if demand is high) Apparition (Sixth Year) Arithmancy Care Of Magical Creatures Divination Muggle Studies Study of Ancient Runes.

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In 2014, rumours that the Haiti was using __________ to intimidate other teams were dismissed by the ICWQC as untrue. However, the rumours proved true when ________ attacked crowds in the opening ceremony of the 2014 Quidditch World Cup, leading to 300 casualties.Like most creatures that dwell in darkness, ______, who are creatures summoned by Dark Wizards to do their bidding, they fear fire. What am I talking about?

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Among his honours are Order of Merlin, Third Class; Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League; and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award. He invented an Occamy egg yolk shampoo, which was too dangerous and expensive for open market; it subsequently became his dream to market these products. His favourite colour is lilac. Who?

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Gilderoy Lockhart

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Formula for what? (Give me ‘t’)Where bodyweight (a), viciousness (v), wand power (w), concentration (c) and a fifth unknown variable (Z), as taught to first year students at Hogwarts

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Ashwinder eggs are a common ingredient in many varieties of this, as are rose thorns, peppermint, and Moonstone, and inventors include Laverne de Montmorency and the Weasley twins. Known ‘victims’ include Ron Weasley and Tom Riddle Sr. What?

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Love Potion

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The entrance to the X is located in a nook on the right hand side of the kitchen corridor, concealed behind a stack of barrels. In order to reveal the entrance, no password is required. Instead, one must tap the barrel two from the bottom, middle of the second row, in the rhythm of ‘____________’, which will make the lid swing open, exposing a passageway that will lead to the basement when crawled through. However, if the wrong lid is tapped or the wrong rhythm is used, the intruder will be doused in vinegar and barred access. What is X?

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Hufflepuff Common Room

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These are typically in the shape of an oval, five-hundred feet long and one-hundred eighty feet wide, with a small central circle of approximately two feet in diameter, from which ‘a few things’ are released at the start. At each end there are three hooped ________ of different heights, surrounded by a scoring area.  What are ‘these’?

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Quidditch Pitches

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Whose last words are “Come on, you can do better than that!” in the books and “Nice one, James!” in the movies?

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Sirius Black

To Bellatrix and Harry respectively

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What has been blanked out?

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The Whomping Willow was planted around the year 1971 to disguise the opening of a secret passage leading from the Hogwarts grounds to the Shrieking Shack in the village of Hogsmeade. It had a small knot near the base. When that was pressed, the tree would become immobilised. Why was it important in between 1971-1978?

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Allow Lupin to go to Shrieking Shack when transformed.

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“Well, this Hallowe'en will be my five-hundredth deathday.” – Nearly Headless Nick (died 1492).

What is the importance of this statement for everyone out here?

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Figure out the time/year of the events of Harry Potter

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Inexhaustive list of? Dragon’s head(in Latin) Pig Snout Greater Luck(in Latin) Banana Fritters Mimbulus mimbletonia How are You(in Latin) Tapeworm

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Gryffindor Common Room passwords

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In a 2005 interview around the same time Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was published, Rowling stated that it was not a coincidence that he was defeated in 1945, hinting at a connection with Adolf Hitler and at least the European front of World War II. X seems to be the wizarding version of Adolf Hitler. As referenced by Rowling, the date of X's duel with _________ coincides with the downfall of Nazi Germany. There are other similarities as well. X adopted an ancient symbol as his sigil just as the Nazis adopted the manji, switching its facing to create the swastika, itself an ancient symbol.

Gimme X.

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Gellert Grindelwald

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His filthy clothing and lack of wand managed to convince most of the questioning committee, although Y, an authority on Non-Human Spiritous Apparitions that was among them, recognised certain telltale signs in X's appearance that made him suggest that X should be kept in detention until the next full moon, which was, coincidentally, one day away. The ignorant committee members thought it unnecessary, and started taunting Y (“Y, you just stick to Welsh Boggarts, that's what you're good at"), who grew angry and described werewolves as "soulless, evil, deserving of nothing but death". Shortly before Z, Y's son, turned five, he was attacked by X. As the little boy slept peacefully in his bed, X forced open his window and bit him.X and Z are? Part points

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Fenrir Greyback; Remus Lupin

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The J was first commissioned in 1865 as a method for underage or infirm wizards, the idea was proposed by then-Minister Dugald McPhail. Inside, during the night, the X has beds, curtained windows, candles burning in brackets beside each bed, and thirteen Sickles buys a cup of hot chocolate, while fifteen gets a hot water bottle and a toothbrush in any colour. During the day, there are just seats that are apparently not bolted down.

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Knight Bus

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If the fronts of 11th and 13th are each 100ft wide, then the distance measured and the distance shown on maps should be 200ft. A muggle wouldn't measure 200ft if they were there in person, but then see a distance corresponding to 300ft displayed on a map for numbers 11 and 13. How would wizards explain this ‘mathematical’ anomaly?

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12 Grimmauld Place

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D was a wizard and one of the original Death Eaters of Lord Voldemort. He fought in the First Wizarding War, during which he tortured many Muggles, and wizards and witches who were not supporters of the Dark Lord. Along with four other Death Eaters he participated in the murders of Fabian and Gideon Prewett. D was caught, convicted of these crimes, and sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban. He escaped after Voldemort's return and the start of the Second Wizarding War, in the mass break-out of 1996, and participated in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, where he was re-captured and incarcerated. He attacked Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley at Tottenham Court Road, but they were defeated and his memory was wiped. In 1998, D fought in the Battle of Hogwarts, during which he killed L . At the climax of the battle, he engaged Filius Flitwick in a duel, and was defeated.Give me L and D.

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Antolin Dolohov; Remus Lupin

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T are social creatures who live in herds. Hagrid states that they are "dead clever", and, in fact, trained T are smart enough to understand their rider's words when they ask to travel to a specific location.These magical creatures can be found in dark environments, and the forest is their natural habitat. They communicate with each other through a shrill and strange shriek that resembles some sort of monstrous bird.They appear to be loyal creatures, able to discern a friend from an enemy and offering help to humans in need of transportation. T would forcefully attack anyone or anything they see as a threat and, in the unusual case of domesticated T, any enemy of its owners.T is?

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X (1941 –2014) was an Australian journalist, television reporter and presenter. A veteran police and crime reporter whose career spanned more than fifty years, X first joined Ten Eyewitness News, a nightly news show on Network Ten, in 1978. In 2013, X became the first recipient of the Kennedy Lifetime Achievement Award. Hamish McLean, the CEO of Ten Network Holdings , called X "a giant of Australian journalism." According to Ten Eyewitness News presenter Sandra Sully, a "journalist of the year" award, named in honor of X, would continue to be awarded in his memory.

Why would X be remembered in today’s quiz?Pic on the next slide

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Harry Potter – The Journalist Who Lived :P