Download - The Greenhill JCL Torch: Volume II Issue VI

Page 1: The Greenhill JCL Torch: Volume II Issue VI

The GHS TorchThe official publication of the Greenhill Junior Classical League

“Per aspera ad astra”

May 2015

Page IIQ&A with new JCL Officers

Page IIIAnimals in Togas and final announcement

Latin week is a way to celebrate Rome’s birthday in the Middle School by spending a week learning Rome’s history and culture. It provides many activities for each grade each day. Here is a glimpse at

what happened.

MondayMonday kicked off the week with an after-school JCL meeting filled with games.

TuesdayThe Middle School had toga day. The Latin classes worked on their various edible creations, and the 8th graders performed a play for the 5th .graders.

Wednesday and ThursdayCertain grades built edible Roman roads and worked on

an authentic Roman Coin.

FridayThere was Certamen and the annual

Roman banquet.


Middle School JCL Celebrates Big For RomeStory by Sam Bovard, MS Staff

Page 2: The Greenhill JCL Torch: Volume II Issue VI

Q&A Page II The GHS Torch May 2015

Portrait from


Portrait courtesy of Nikita Jindal


Meet the 2015-2016 US JCL Officers

Reporting by Areeba Amer, GHS Torch Editor

Questions1. What are your goals/plans for next year? 2. If you were to be one god/goddess, Greek or Roman, for a day, who would you be and why?3. You have one chance to take a selfie with any Greek or Roman figure. Who would it be and why? What would your caption/hashtag be?4. Fill in the blank: JCL is _______.5. If you could sum up your life at this moment in one Greek/Latin quote or motto, what would it be?


Lily Pigott, US JCL President

1. My goals for next year are to open up Latin Club for everyone taking Latin. That means more gift exchanges, a Saturnalia Feast, and an entire week of Latin activities during Latin week. Obviously JCL is a huge part of Latin Club, but it doesn’t have to be the only part. I also want more participation from upcoming and current underclassmen. 2. I would be Nyx, goddess of the night. Born from Chaos, she’s exceptionally beautiful and powerful and even feared by Zeus (lifegoals amiright?)3. Selfie with Nero. #burningup4. JCL is JCLove5. Audax at fidelis. Bold but faithful.

1. My goal for next year is to participate in more activities that include those who do JCL as well as those who do not.

2. If I was to be one goddess I would want to be Athena because she is very wise and strategic.

3. If I were to take a selfie with one god/goddess I would take it with Aphrodite because she is the goddess of beauty and my caption would be

#modelstatus4. JCL is life.

5. Omnium enim rerum principia parva sunt. Nikita Jindal, US JCL Secretary

NB: Megan Marshall, USJ CL 2015-2016 Vice-President was not able to submit answers.

Page 3: The Greenhill JCL Torch: Volume II Issue VI

Page III The GHS Torch MAy 2015May 2015

Animals in Togas...By Areeba Amer, GHS Torch Editor

Victoria Shelswell-White’s cat Mandy Raiff ’s dog, Lily

Into the Future... Again, if you are interested in doing ANYTHING for The GHS Torch next year, let me know as soon as possible by emailing me at [email protected] . Next year, the Torch will be redesigned once again, so if you have any ideas for either content or design, let me know! On behalf of the Torch staff, we hope you enjoyed reading the Torch this year. Sincerely, Areeba Amer, GHS Torch Editor


Volume III Issue I comes out... October, 2015

The Torch StaffEditor/Graphics by

Areeba AmerContributing Staff

Sam BovardVeda VelamuriNatalie Neiman