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BBC New Music Shorts: The Ganzfeld Procedure.

By Amy Gadsby

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• Camera techniques as you can see here a medium/two shot is being used. In these two pictures they are next to each other in the video and show the changing of the girl to a woman. This is a very interesting shot as it shows the same thing but the people have changed. This shot is also at eye level so you are looking straight at them like you are sat across from them on the train.

• Lighting the lighting in these shots are high key it is mainly just the daylight shining through the windows of the train however it adds a nice effect as the sun is coming through the windows on that side and highlights them in the sunlight.

• Editing the editing during these shots is very clever as the girl and the man touch hands and then when it zooms back out the women is in her place. The timing for this had to be perfect to make it work and it was done well.

• Sound in this part of the video there is non diegetic sound as there is the song playing over these shots this is the song that they had to make the video to.

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• Camera techniques this shot is a close up of the desert in the restaurant. This is effective as it shows the desert then it shows the women sat in the restaurant with the desert in front of her. However in this shot the woman cant be seen behind the desert so it as if she isn't there, as she is appearing and reappearing in different places throughout the video. This is a random but effective shot as we don’t know why she is in the restaurant, it moves the plot along as we see the woman with someone eating the desert and the other women sat across from her is talking. The shot is at eye level so it is like we are just sat across from the desert like we are waiting for someone. This therefore moves the plot on as we know someone must be coming to sit in front of the desert.

• Lighting the lighting in these shots is quite high key as the lighting in the restaurant would have been high for people to see their food, therefore everything can be seen clearly in these shots.

• Editing the editing here is good as it cuts from the picture of the plain desert to the women with the desert in front of her. The woman cant be seen before and then she appears, this fits in with the video as she is disappearing to different places.

• Sound in this part of the video there is non diegetic sound as there is the song playing over these shots this is the song that they had to make the video to.

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• Camera techniques in these shots the camera changes from close ups to medium shots as the couple are dancing. This is effective as it shows a range of views of the couple dancing and is more interesting to watch as if it was the same shot we wouldn’t see the different parts of the dance just the whole thing in one shot. The camera shot is also at eye level so it is like you are there and observing them.

• Lighting the lighting on this is low key, it looks like there are just a few lights on in the bar so that people can see their drink. But this creates a atmosphere of being in a bar as it is so dark and it is like that in most clubs when people are dancing.

• Editing these shots cut to each other so it is like we are there watching but we are looking from different shots. We are either looking at them closely or at a distance.

• Sound in this part of the video there is non diegetic sound as there is the song playing over these shots this is the song that they had to make the video to.

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• Camera techniques in these shots there are close ups to show the two people that are being experimented on. However there is a strange look to these shots to add to the mystery. This could have been done by adding a red film onto the camera and therefore it looks mysterious and also more space like to add to the theory of out of body experiences. The shot is at eye level so it is like we are the experimenter looking at them as the experiment is taking place. This moves the plot along as we want to see what is going to happen- or more the fact if anything weird is going to happen.

• Lighting it is quite low key lighting due to the red film however the red is quite vibrant which suggests there was high key lighting during the filming.

• Editing the editing in this cut quite quickly as it needed to be quick and mysterious to keep us interested and make the shot seem strange as something strange is about to take place. It cuts from shots of the people separately then later on there is both of them on a screen.

• Sound the sound in this part sounds like there is a machine running which could be diegetic sound however it could be non-diegetic if hey have chosen to put this sound over the top as a sound effect.

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• Camera techniques this shot is an extreme close up of the mans eyes when he is standing in the field watching the train go by. This shot is at eye level so we feel like we are stood there looking at him to try and see his emotions.

• Lighting there is high key lighting out here but is mainly just the normal daylight as it is filmed at sunset so there is a specific lighting occurring that is natural.

• Editing this shot cuts from the woman dancing to his eyes then to the train going by. This is fast pace but we see different parts of the video coming back again like a reoccurrence as everything is coming together. It also feels like he was watching the woman even though she was in a different place to where he is.

• Sound in this part of the video there is non diegetic sound as there is the song playing over these shots this is the song that they had to make the video to.

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• Camera techniques this shot is an extreme close up of smoke re-entering someone's mouth. However it is crabbed to the left so we can only see part of the person doing it. The shot is at eye level and it feel like we are right in front of this person as they are doing this. This is a strange irrelevant shot in the middle of the video but a unique one that moves the video along and a stream of random events are occurring in the out of body experience.

• Lighting the lighting in this is relatively low key. It just looks like they have put a dim light onto the face of this person so that we can only see them and nothing else around them.

• Editing in front of this shot there is just a screen with colour then it cuts to this shot and then to the girl in the booth to suggest this is what she is seeing. The fast pace of this makes this random shot seem to fit in as there is a sequence of them going on with different colours on the screen.

• Sound on this part there is the sound of the man speaking to the woman in the booth and telling her what she should be seeing. This is diegetic sound as the woman would hear what the man was saying.

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• Camera techniques there is a close up and another close up. Both of these are of the same woman but in one the right it is the woman in the real world and then the left is the woman in her alternate dimension. We are at eye level so that when we look at these it feels like we are sat across from the woman like we are about to engage with her. The red film over the right shot makes real life seem less bright than the alternate dimension this maybe then suggests that the alternate dimension is better and more interesting than the real world.

• Lighting the lighting in the left picture is high key and this highlights her and makes it just look like there is restaurant lighting already there and they are using that. The lighting will be high key there as people are eating and therefore this was a good place to shoot as lighting was already there. On the right picture it is low key lighting and there again has been a red film over the camera.

• Editing the left shot cuts to the right shot showing the same woman in the two different worlds. This makes it interesting as you are seeing her in two different places and one is in her mind.

• Sound in this part of the video there is non diegetic sound as there is the song playing over these shots this is the song that they had to make the video to.

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• Camera techniques the shot to the left is a close up, however the shot right is a long shot. Both of these are showing a little girls perspective. It almost seems like a memory the woman is having for her childhood. Hence on the close up there is a worms eye view and it is a low angle shot also so it is like the little girl is looking up at this woman.

• Lighting it is relatively high key lighting as it looks like they are in a house and therefore there is the normal daylight shining through and also the house lights to brighten the room.

• Editing the editing in this is clever as they have cut from one shot to another for the same scene as the woman is having a memory. To connote the fact this is a memory they have added a distorting effect to the movement and colour to show it is different to real life in the present. This lets us know this scene is different and is almost a memory.

• Sound in this part of the video there is non diegetic sound as there is the song playing over these shots this is the song that they had to make the video to.

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•Camera techniques the top left shot is a long shot as it is showing the train going by on its own. However the other two are medium shots and are showing the man in the field at different angles and we can still see the train in the background going past but in different perspectives. The top left are at eye level as it is like we are stood opposite the man looking at him. However the other two shots are quite low angle like we are looking up to them to see what is going on.•Lighting the lighting is quite high key and this is from the sunset and the normal daylight. They show the man but the top right is more low key and shows more of the outline of the man so he looks more mysterious.•Editing with the top left and the bottom shot they cut from one to the other showing different perspectives of the same shot and seeing the man watching the train. However around the top right shot is the man in real life in his booth as that is the first time he has gone into the other dimension. He looks lost and also mysterious as he has just arrived there.•Sound in this part of the video there is non diegetic sound as there is the song playing over these shots this is the song that they had to make the video to. However for the top right picture there is also a scratching sound like the record is stuck or rewinding and this is also non diegetic but it is a different sound and it signifies the change that the man has come into the alternate dimension.

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• Camera technique in these shots there a mix of close ups as you can see on the left and then there are two long shots of the girl on the escalator then when she has disappeared of the escalator. The shots are at eye level so we can see them and it is like we are standing across from them however on the left picture it is just a picture of the woman's feet which is an interesting shot as we see that before the rest of the shots.

• Lighting the lighting in this is high key as it is meant to be the lighting in the building so people can see what they are doing.

• Editing the camera cuts from the woman on the stairs, then to the woman on the escalator and then she disappears from the escalator. This is clever editing as it appears that the woman has completely disappeared from that place.

• Sound in this part of the video there is non diegetic sound as there is the song playing over these shots this is the song that they had to make the video to.

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• Camera techniques on these shots there are long shots and a medium shot. It shows that the video has come to a resolution as the couple have found each other. This makes it seem like they will live happily ever after as they are running through different destinations. The shots are at eye level and it is like we are watching them and can see them from where we are stood. The running sets a medium pace for the video.

• Lighting there is high key lighting in these shots so that you can see the couple as they are running. However in the left shot there is more low key lighting but this is because they are in a car park, however you can still see them .

• Editing the shots cut from one to another so it is like they appearing in different destinations but they are continuing to run into their happy ever after in their alternate dimension.

• Soundin this part of the video there is non diegetic sound as there is the song playing over these shots this is the song that they had to make the video to.