Download - The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

Page 1: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

The Fall of the Roman


Page 2: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

The Decline Begins

• 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died

• His son, Commodus, took control of Rome

• Commodus was a poor leader, killed by his bodyguard

• Time of disarray follows

Commodus from the

movie Gladiator

Page 3: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

Political Problems

• Poor leaders weakened the government

• Frequent fights for power

• Many officials took bribes

• Talented people chose not to serve due to dangers of government life



Page 4: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

Empire is expensive

Page 5: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

Economic Problems• Farmers losing land to


• Famine: There was not enough food to feed people

• Inflation occurred: (Rapidly rising prices) Coins lost value: Less gold put in, people found out Bartering grew: sell goods without using money

• People bought fewer goods, shops closed

• No taxes, no money

Page 6: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

Military Problems• Plague (disease) spread

throughout Rome, killing

1 in 10

• Military only in it for

money (mercenaries)

• No money to pay military

= weak military

• Constant threat of

invaders on empire’s


• Weak military, unable to

stop border invasions

Page 7: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

Social Problems• Apathy

– Elites stop participating in government and paying taxes

– Commoners grow used to “bread and games” from Emperors

• Labor shortage caused by over reliance on slavery

Page 8: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

Where Is Jesus From?

Page 9: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

Early Christianity • Arises in Roman

providence of Judea

• Judea allowed

religious tolerance but

still desired


• Messianic traditions


• Jesus of Nazareth

preaches reform


– Emphasis on

simplifying practices

Page 10: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

Christianity Spreads


He spread Christianity throughout the Mediterranean

-His letters became part of the New Testament in the Bible

-Followers called Christians-Disciples preach the messages of Christianity throughout the Roman world-Peter established Christianity in Rome itself-Paul played the most influential role in spreading Christianity-Leaders in the church begin to emerge – Clergy

Page 11: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

Christians Oppressed

• Romans were not tolerant towards Christians because:• they refused to honor the emperor with sacrifices• they refused to worship Roman gods to protect the

state • Also maybe because they were recruiting

• Christians were used as scapegoats, blamed for social and economic problems•Many Christians became martyrs- or people who suffer or die for their beliefs

•However, Christianity continued to spread due to the fact that all people were welcome


Page 12: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

Early Christian Church

-Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and issued the Edict of Milan in A.D. 313.


-The Edict granted freedom of worship to all citizens of the Roman empire-Constantine also regulates church teaching with the Nicene Creed- A statement of Christian beliefs

Page 13: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

Structure of the Church

“The Roman Catholic Clergy”

Bishop Bishop Bishop (regional leader)

Pope/Patriarch (only 1- oversees church doctrine )







DiocesePriest (local

leader) +


Rome incorporates its own love of Hierarchy, and organization into

the churches structure.

Page 14: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

F.A.Q’sHow is Catholicism different from


• It’s not, Catholicism is

Christianity’s first organized church,

Catholic means universal

Why does my church look

different/teacher different things than

what you are talking about?

• Today many churches have broken

away from the Catholic Church and

it’s practices/teachings. But until the

16th Century there was only one

Christian Church in Europe- The

Roman Catholic one.

Does Roman Catholicism replace Jesus’s

teaching with Roman propaganda?

• Mostly no, none of Jesus’s original

messages would have changed, but unity

of belief and loyalty were emphasized

“The Roman Catholic


Bishop Bishop Bishop (regional


Pope/Patriarch (only 1- oversees church

doctrine )





DiocesePriest (local

leader) +


Page 15: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

Nicene Creed• I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth,

and of all things visible and invisible.

• And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten

of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God

of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the

Father, by whom all things were made.

• Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was

incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man;

and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was

buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures;

and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and

He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead;

whose kingdom shall have no end.

• And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who

proceeds from the Father [and the Son]; who with the Father and the

Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets.

• And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge

one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of

the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Page 16: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

Dividing the Empire• Diocletian felt that the

only way to save the

empire was to divide it in


• Created two empires:

Western and Eastern

• Western Empire: Europe/

North Africa and city of


• Eastern Empire: Turkey/

Asia and city of


• Two emperors, emperor in

charge of Rome was senior

Page 17: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

Constantine• First Christian emperor

• Attempted reforms

• Main reform: sons had to follow fathers’ trade

• Rome continued to decline

• Constantine moved the

capital from Rome to city

of Byzantium


• City name changed to

Constantinople (today is


Page 18: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

Current Day

Page 19: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

Rome invaded

• Western Empire unable to

hold off German tribes on

its borders

• Ostrogoths, Visigoths,

Franks, Vandals, Saxons

• German tribes wanted

warmer area, Roman

riches, and to flee the


Page 20: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

The Fall

• Augustulus was defeated

in 476 CE

• For this reason, this date is

given as the fall of the

Western Roman Empire

• Western Empire was

divided into many

kingdoms that adopted

many of the customs of


Page 21: The Fall of the Roman · The Decline Begins • 180 CE Marcus Aurelius (last good emperor) died • His son, Commodus,

Eastern Roman Empire

• Although the Western

Empire fell in 476 CE,

the Eastern Roman

Empire continued to

prosper for 1,000 more


• Became known as the

Byzantine Empire