Download - The Enlightenment Objective: Students will explore how the ideas of the Scientific Revolution led to the Enlightenment and new philosophies that examined.


The Enlightenment Objective: Students will explore how the ideas of the Scientific Revolution led to the Enlightenment and new philosophies that examined all parts of life. Path to the Enlightenment Enlightenment refers to an 18 th century philosophical movement of intellectuals who were greatly impressed with the achievements of the Scientific Revolution. Favorite word of the intellectuals -- REASON The Enlightenment period was especially influenced by two 17 th century Englishmen: Isaac Newton John Locke Isaac Newton Newton believed everything in the physical world could be explained by the natural laws that governed the physical world. Enlightenment thinkers believed they could discover the natural laws that governed human society. John Locke Locke wrote the Essay Concerning Human Understanding in which he stated that everyone was born with a tabula rasa or a blank mind. He suggested that people were molded by the experiences that they came in contact with in their surrounding world. Philosophes A French word meaning philosopher Most philosophes were writers, professors, journalists, economists, and social reformers. Most philosophes felt it was their responsibility to change the world. Best known of all philosophes: Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Diderot Montesquieu Wrote The Spirit of Laws Best known for his idea of separation of powers This is when the 3 branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) limit and control each other in a system of check and balances His ideas helped form the basis for the United States Constitution. Voltaire Greatest figure of the Enlightenment He was best known for his criticism of Christianity and his strong belief in religious toleration. Voltaire promoted the idea of deism. Deism is the belief that God created the universe, set it in motion, and allowed it to run without interference according to its own natural laws. Diderot Most lasting contribution to the Enlightenment was the Encyclopedia a 28 volume of knowledge. Articles in the Encyclopedia often attacked the ideas of superstition, promoted religious toleration and social, legal, and political improvements. New Social Science Economics Founded by Adam Smith He promoted the idea of laissez faire. This is the belief that the government should not interfere with the economy. Smiths famous work was The Wealth of Nations. Political Science Becaria wrote On Crimes and Punishment. The book dealt with how punishments should not be an exercise in brutality. He also opposed capital punishment. Jean Jacques Rousseau Most famous philosophe to come out of the Enlightenment Wrote The Social Contract in which he introduced his concept of the social contract. Through a social contract, an entire society agrees to be governed by its general will. He also said liberty is best achieved when people are forced to follow by what is best for the general will. In Emile, he said that education should promote, not restrict, a childs natural instincts. Right of Women By the end of the 18 th century, women begin to speak out on how the quality of life could be improved for women. Best known womens activist during this time Mary Wollstonecraft She wrote, A Vindication of the Rights of Women, where she pointed out that the power of a man over a woman was wrong. Spread of the Enlightenment The Enlightenment had the most impact on the aristocrats and upper middle class. One of the biggest achievements of the Enlightenment was the fact that more people became literate. Salon was a place in someones home where people of all walks of life gathered to discuss the ideas of the philosophes and help spread the ideas of the Enlightenment. Religion Although religion was attacked in the Enlightenment, most Europeans were still Christians. John Wesley began a new religious movement called Methodism. Wesley often preached to the masses in open fields where he taught salvation on a level that everyone could understand. He was very successful and leading thousands of people to God.