Download - The Antelope is a Graceful Old World Ruminant

  • 8/3/2019 The Antelope is a Graceful Old World Ruminant



    The antelope is a graceful Old World ruminant (a cud-chewing hoofed mammal) with

    long legs and horns directed upward and backward.

    Close relatives includeGazelles, springboks,Impalas, addax; gerenuks and blackbucks

    The Rocky MontainGoat(Haplocercus montanus) is closely related to the Antelopes

    Bovids are cloven-hoofed mammals belonging to the family Bovidae) whose members

    includeBison, AfricanBuffalo, water buffalo,Antelopes,Gazelles,GoatsandSheep

    Ruminant animals, like antelopes, are even-toed, cud-chewing, hoofed, usually horned

    mammals which have a stomach divided into four (occasionally three) compartments

    There are about 90 species of antelopes

    The name of the antelope derives from words for 'Flower' and 'eye'

    Antelopes stats and facts:

    Weight: 589kg (1,300lbs) Length: 150 cm (59 in) Habitat: Woodlands, forests, savannahs and marshes Lifespan: 10 years Speed: 70km/h (43mph) Diet: Antelopes are herbivores eating mainly tree leaves, grass and seeds.

    Antelopes have even-toed hooves and horizontal eye pupil

    Antelopes are a relatively easy target and therefore have many predators

    Antelope horns can grow to 5 ft (1.5 m) long

    Many species of antelope have been imported from Africa to other parts of the world

    The antelope communicates via a range of noises including loud barks, whistles,

    "moos" and trumpeting loud barks, whistles, "moos" and trumpeting

    The horn of the antelope is valued for medicinal and magical powers

    The collective name for a group of is a Herd

    Males are called Bucks

    Females are called DoesThe names given to babies are Calf

    The impala has many predators includingLions,Leopards,CheetahsandHyenas

    Mating begins with the rutting season

    The rut is the mating season of ruminant animals such asDeer,Moose,Elk,Caribou,

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    Endangered Species: The Giant Sable Antelope are listed by the International Union

    for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as 'critically endangered' due to capture and

    habitat loss

    Critically Endangered - CR (Status: Threatened) - Face an extremely high risk of

    extinction in the immediate future

    WombatsWombats are muscular, burrowing marsupials with four short legs and a very

    short tail and a backward facing pouch. The wombat is native to Australia and


    The colors of wombats vary ranging from sandy brown, gray to black

    The pouch of wombats face back so that the young ones are protected from dirt

    when the mother forages for food and dig burrows

    Wombats walk with a waddle!

    The koala is descended from terrestrial wombat-like animals

    The Wombat is a marsupial. A marsupial is a mammal of which the female has a

    pouch in which it rears its young, which are born immature

    Marsupials include the:
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    Wallaby Kangaroo Opossums Tasmanian Devil Koala

    Wombat stats and facts

    Weight: 15 to 36 Kg (32 to 80 lbs)

    Height: 71 to 119 cm (28 to 47 inches)

    Habitat: Woodlands and grasslands

    Top speed: 25 miles per hour (40 kilometers per hour)

    Lifespan: 20-25 years

    Diet: the Wombat are herbivores eating mainly roots

    They have very strong jaws and teeth to tear roots and tough grasses

    The backside of a wombat has extra thick skin protecting them from any attacks to

    their rear

    The early settlers in Australia mistakenly referred wombats to Badgers because of

    similarities in their size and digging habits

    Species of wombats include the common wombat, northern hairy-nosed wombat,

    and southern hairy-nosed wombat

    Wombats have been known to attack humans using their strong claws and teeth

    The nose of the hairy-nosed wombat is covered with fur and so appears hairy!

    The collective name for a group is a Colony or Mob

    The Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat is one of the rarest animals in the world

    Conservation Status - for more info clickEndangered Species:

    The Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat is listed by the International Union for

    Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as 'critically endangered'

    Critically Endangered - CR (Status: Threatened) - Face an extremely high risk of

    extinction in the immediate future
  • 8/3/2019 The Antelope is a Graceful Old World Ruminant



    Definition: Condors are the largest flying birds (vultures) in the western hemisphere. Vultur

    gryphus of the Andes and Gymnogyps californianus, a nearly extinct vulture of the mountains

    of CaliforniaCalifornia condors have a mostly bald head and neck. The skin of the head and neck is colored

    in different shades of pink, red, orange, yellow, and light blue. The feathers of the California

    condor are mostly black except for white underwing linings. The Andean Condors are large black vulture with a ruff of white feathers surrounding the base

    of the neck. It has the largest wing span (at 3.2 m) of any land bird.The head and neck are

    nearly featherless, and are a dull red colorCondors are primarily scavengers, feeding on carrion (the dead and rotting body of an animal) The Andean Condor has the largest wing span (at 3.2 m) of any land bird The Andean Condor is a large black vulture with a ruff of white feathers around its neckUnlike most birds of prey, the male Andean Condors are larger than the female California Condors stats and facts

    Weight: 17 to 29 pounds (7.7 to 13 kilograms) Length: 3.5 to 4.6 feet (1.1 to 1.4 meters) Habitat: Lifespan: 60 years Wingspan: 8.2 to 9.7 feet (2.5 to 2.95 meters) Speed: 55 miles per hour (88 kilometers per hour) Altitudes: 15,000 feet (4,600 meters) Diet: Condors are carnivores eating carrion - dead animals

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    It can take up to 1 week for a chick to break out of its eggCondors do not have talons like hawks or eagles The collective name for a group of condors is a Flight Male condors are called maleFemales are called femaleThe names given to babies are chicksThe California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus) has a current population of 130. It is a

    Critically Endangered SpeciesConservation Status - for more info clickEndangered Species:

    The California Condor is listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as

    'critically endangered'Critically Endangered - CR (Status: Threatened) - Face an extremely high risk of extinction in the

    immediate future

    Kangaroo rats
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    Kangaroo rats have long tails and big hind feet with four toes. They have large heads with bigeyes and small ears. They are a sandy brown color with a white underbelly.

    The kangaroo rat is almost perfectly adapted to life in the desert. They can survive without everdrinking any water, getting needed moisture from their seed diet. They have excellent hearingand can even detect the silent sound of an owl approaching. Their large back legs enable them to

    jump up to 9 feet (2.75m) in one jump in order to escape predators.

    Kangaroo rats inhabit a variety of desert niches. These can include open desert scrub, open

    grasslands, washes, sandy soils or creosote flats.

    Kangaroo rats are found in the drier regions of the western and southwestern U.S.

    The kangaroo rat is not endangered. Its status in the wild is good right now.

    Kangaroo rats eat seeds from a variety of desert grasses as well as mesquite beans. On occasion,

    some kangaroo rats will eat green vegetation and some insects.

    Unfortunately for the kangaroo rat, it has many predators. There are many creatures out therewho would like to make a tasty meal out of this small creature. Owls, snakes, bobcats, foxes,

    badgers, coyotes, ringtail, and your cat or dog are just a few.

    Kangaroo rats generally live in underground burrows which they have excavated themselves.

    Often times the burrow is at the base of a shrub or bush. It spends most of its day underground

    sleeping, and comes out to feed at night when it is cooler.

    The life span of a wild kangaroo rat is not very long, only 2-5 years.

    Depending on the subspecies, kangaroo rats can weigh up to 4.5 ounces (128 g). Their body

    length can be 3.5 to 5.5 inches (8 -14 cm) and their tail can be 5.5 to 6.5 inches long (14-16 cm).

    Kangaroo rats have pouches, but not for carrying their babies. Their pouches are on theoutside of their cheeks and are used for carrying seeds back to their burrows.

    Kangaroo Rats don't sweat or pant like other animals to keep cool because that wouldcause them to loose water from their bodies.

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    The largest family of mammals are the rodents. These mammals are named rodent, which means"gnawing animal," because of their large incisor teeth and the way they eat. The two long pairs

    of incisors are used like chisels to gnaw on hard foods like nuts and wood. These incisors must

    grow continuously since they are worn down by gnawing.

    There are 3 major types of rodents, represented by squirrels, mice and porcupines.

    Squirrel-like rodents such as the squirrel and gopher, have bushy long tails and large eyes. They

    can live in trees or underground in tunnels. They may hibernate during the winter.

    Mouse-like rodents include the mouse, rat and hamster. Some have a long, thin tail with shortlegs. Others have a short tail. They mostly live above ground, although some burrow underground. They may also hibernate during the winter. Rats and mice often live near humans,

    sometimes in their buildings, so they can live off human food and garbage.

    Porcupines differ from other mammals because they have long, sharp quills on their backs for


    Interested in learning more about rodents. Check out ourMammal Video Collection. It includes

    video on rodents such as theprairie dogandporcupine.
  • 8/3/2019 The Antelope is a Graceful Old World Ruminant


  • 8/3/2019 The Antelope is a Graceful Old World Ruminant




    Alpacas are a domesticated species of the South American camelid resembling a small

    Llamain appearance but considerably smaller

    Alpaca have a silky fleece, long neck, triangular ears, and a narrow head with a pointed


    Alpacas are native to countries in South America including Peru, northern Bolivia,

    Ecuador and ChileAlpacas are too small to be used as pack animals and are bred exclusively for their fiber

    and meat

    The Alpaca is a social herd and family animals

    The color of alpacas vary from black, white, brown and gray

    The wool of Alpacas is water-repellent and used for making coats, sweaters and blankets

    Alpacas stats and facts

    Weight: 100 to 175 pounds Height: 40 inches (1 m) Habitat: Semi-arid regions Lifespan: 20 years Diet: Alpacas are herbivores eating mainly hay, grass and ferns.

    LikeCamels, the alpacas are known to spit if threatened

    Alpacas are ruminants (cud-chewing mammals)

    The fleece of the Alpaca is a lustrous and silky natural fiber

    The cloven hooves of Alpacas help them to negotiate steep mountainous terrain

    Alpacas tend to be more a single, uniform color than llamas
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    Alpacas are usually shorn annually and produce about 5-8lbs of fleece a year

    The collective name for a group is a flock

    Males are called bull

    Females are called cow

    The names given to babies are calf

    Alpacas are easy to train and have been domesticated for thousands of years


    A guanacos typical lifespan is 20 to 25 yearsGuanacos are one of the largest wild mammal species found in South America (along with themanatee, thetapir, and thejaguar). They have only one natural predator, themountain lion.


    Guanacos will often spit when threatened.[7]

    Guanacos are slender animals, without lump and have pale brown backs with whiteundersides, large heads, very long necks, short tails and big, pointed ears.

    They can get by without water for long periods of time, obtaining moisture from theplants they eat.

    Guanacos are often found at high altitudes, up to 3,962 meters (13,000 feet) above sealevel. In order to survive the low oxygen levels found at these high altitudes, a teaspoonof Guanaco blood contains approximately 68 million red blood cells - 4 times that of a


    Guanacos live in groups of up to ten females, with their young ones and a dominant adult. Bachelor male guanacos can make herds of their own, which can include 50 or more


    Guanacos have specially adapted hearts and blood cells to enable them to live at highaltitudes, where the air is short of oxygen.
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    Male guanacos challenge each other in fights, by trying to bite each others front legs.They also twist their neck together, in the process to establish dominance. The one whowins becomes the leader and the loser has to leave the herd.

    At the age of 5, guanacos leave the bachelor herd and try to lead their own herd offemales.

    When a guanaco is upset or annoyed, it spits.

    A young guanaco, known as a chulengo, is able to walk immediately, but the mother canwalk in no less than half an hour after giving birth.

    Male calves are chased off from the herd at approximately one year of age. After this,they make a bachelor herd of their own.

    Encroachment on the grazing land of guanacos had once reduced their numberdrastically; however they emerged from being categorized as endangered to leastconcerned animals. They thrive on areas protected by law.

    When a guanaco is threatened by a more powerful enemy, like a lion, it makes a high-pitched warning call, causing the other guanacos to flee swiftly and nimbly across the

    steep and uneven terrain. The herds male usually runs behind the rest of the herd.

    A guanaco's coat is a soft, downy fiber covering, which is highly valued for both its rarityand soft texture. A guanaco's soft warm wool is second only to that of its cousin vicua.

    Llamas and alpacas are believed to be domesticated descendants of guanacos. Guanacos can run as fast as 56 kilometers per hour.This is essential for survival, because

    there are no hiding places in the guanaco's habitat - the only way to escape is to run.

    The pelts, particularly from the calves, are sometimes used as a substitute for red foxpelts, because the difference in texture is difficult to notice.

    llamaThe llama (Lama glama) is a wild or domesticated South American cud-chewing animal related to

    camels but smaller and lacking a hump. A member of the camelids which includes Camels, llamas, and

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    It is supposed to be a domesticated variety of the guanaco (the guanaco is a South American mammal

    (Auchenia huanaco), allied to the llama, but of larger size and more graceful form). Llamas were formerly much used as a beast of burden in the Andes. An alpaca is a domesticated llama with long silky fleece; believed to be a domesticated variety of the

    guanacoThe color of llamas vary from black, white, brown and grayLike camels, the llama is known to spit if threatened

    Llamas are very social animals and live together in herdsLlamas stats and facts

    Weight: 130 to 200 kilograms (280 to 450 lb) Height: 1.7 m to 1.8 m (5.5 to 6 ft) Habitat: Mountainous areas, grasslands and deserts Lifespan: 15 to 30 years Diet: Llamas are herbivores eating mainly grass and ferns.

    Llamas are intelligent animals and can learn simple tasks

    The ears of Llamas are long and curved slightly inward, characteristically known as "banana"

    shapedThe guanaco and vicuna are wild Llamas

    The main difference between llamas and camels is that camels have a hump or humps and

    llamas do notLlamas give birth standing upThere are 2 types of llamas: the short coated Ccara and the medium coated Curaca The collective name for a group is a flockMales are called bullFemales are called cowThe names given to babies are calf

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    Vicunas are the spirit and the life blood of the camelid families living in the high Andes.Unfortunately, due to their very valuable fleece vicunas were nearly hunted to extinction by thelate l970s. Conservation efforts in Peru, Chile and Argentina have led to a phenomenal

    resurgence in vicuna populations. Once again, due to careful management, vicunas can be found

    in healthy numbers in the Andes.

    Vicunas (Vicugna vicugna) are members of the Camelidae family, of which there are three otherliving members in South America: the wild guanaco (Lama guanacoe), the domestic llama (Lama

    glama), and the alpaca (Lama pacos).

    The smallest of all camels, the vicuna weighs about 90 pounds and stands just under three feet atthe shoulder. Like all South American camel species, the vicuna has a long, supple neck; slender

    legs; padded, cloven feet; large round eyes; and a dense and fine tawny coat.

    The vicuna is a hardy survivor adapted to high altitudes, where drought and freezing nights arethe rule. It is a natural pacer and well designed to travel fast for great distances. Keen eyesightallows early detection for flights to safety.

    The vicuna is the probable wild progenitor of the domestic alpaca, which was created byselective breeding about 6000 years ago. Entirely wild, vicunas live in small family groups ledby a single territorial male that vigilantly repels rival males and small predators threatening the

    young. After 11 months of gestation, vicuna mothers give birth to one baby, known as a cria.

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    Vicunas are highly communicative, signaling one another with body postures, ear and tailplacement, and numerous other subtle movements. Their vocalizations include an alarm call -- a

    high pitched whinny -- that alerts the herd to danger. They also emit a soft humming sound tosignal bonding or greeting and a range of guttural sounds that communicate anger and fear.

    "Orgling" is probably their most unique noise. This male-only, melodic mating sound attracts

    unbred females.