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The Perfect CheckoutThe Alchemist’s guide to

In this infographic ‘The Alchemists Guide to the Perfect Checkout’ you’ll learn how to remove friction and take advantage of the $370billion online

sales that are predicted to be made by 2017.

The checkout is the final step between an engaged shopper and a paying customer

69%of shoppers are

more likely to shop with online retailers who offer free shipping.

Did you know?Orders with free shipping average 30% higher value compared to those that charge.

Upfront costs

56% of online shoppers abandon their baskets due to unexpected

shipping costs.

of online shoppers abandon the checkout because they are ‘just browsing’.

Wish lists


Optimize your checkout for mobile

by making call to actions big, reduce the

amount of steps to complete and simplify

form filling.

35% expect to see it in online checkouts.


89%of online shoppers

said they liked address verification.

3,206 delivery network

addresses are changed every day by USPS. Ensuring

your website recognizes a

customer address is vitally important.

Guest Checkout

Consider simply asking customers to create an account after they have completed their purchase.

of online shoppers will abandon their online shopping if they are forced to create an account.30%

Sources: Baymard Institute, Kiss Metrics, Conversion XL, econsultancy, USPS fun facts, PCA Predict North American Survey, Bain & Co. | @PCApredict

“Leading retailers are reducing basket abandonment by circa 10% when they identify and fix their checkout micro-conversion issues”

mCommerce UX

97% of mobile transactions are abandoned, leaving you with a 3% window for success.

Secure payment

23% of online shoppers would be deterred from completing the purchase if security features were missing.

Solve this problem by including secure checkout badges/logos and give clear contact details.

To address the 'just browsing' shoppers, some ecommerce sites offer shoppers the option to save their wish list for a later time.

Increase customer satisfaction by keeping customers informed on the progress of their delivery and make the process as convenient as possible, e.g. SMS messaging. Just make sure you capture correct contact details in the checkout.

Good communication

71%of consumers

have ended their relationship with a

company due to poor customer service.