
    HEI-- WAXTE-M- ,E. HELP WaNTED-Wl- TH INVESTMENT. SITUATIONS WAITED FEMALE. TOB BENT. FOR RENT. FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RFXTHelp Wanted Salesmen. AJAN as partner In paying transfer busi- - REFINED lady wishes position as house- - Famished , ;SHOE salesman with small iine to carry ness; excellent opportunity for right keeper in widower s home or in small WHY en aTnTCi Booms Vlita Hoard .n Private Family. turplshed Apartments. I nf.irnlsl.ed Apartment.. . Housekeeping Rooms.

    our Infants' soft soles and' first step man; small investment necessary. 10. family. Call between 10 and 12 o'clock, J when yoVcan rent a beautiful , . ' 1RV1XGTON. SUNNYCREST APARTMENTS.hoes calllns on department and shoe N- titn st, Broadway a31, references can be given. ' '''. Beautiful new apartment, UNDER NEW trade in Oregon and Washing- - COOK wanted for summer resort; must CROCHET work, lunch sets, pillow slips ifJem mSimm. OVERLOOKING THE RIVER. . NOTICE. northwest cor. 22d and Schuyler. Steam BUILDING AND FURNISHINGSton. Good commission. Give refer- - invest $401). Call 248 Stark at or scarfs, tatting, Armenlanlace and '"menl house for $12 a week? The ' r 'bL. Rfereacea: B0 THOROUGHLY RENOVATED. 1, 2.ences and details in first reply. Mid- - ., y all kinds of embroidering. East 9237. Grandesta Apts.. 6h Grand a., corner . Call Se lwood 3936 for the best WHEELDOX ANNEX, nw APTS. SOME PRIVATEWest Shoe 1122 So. Canal St.. Chi- - rooms, with home cooked meals, F E. BOY MAN CO.. .210 CHAM.Co.. between 8 A. M. and 6 P M. E. Stark St. BATHS. $3 PER WEEK AND UP.cago. III. situations! WANTFO MTF. ; z m the city; cobl, quiet and every Did you know that the Wheel- - com. bdv r. boo.. lfg SHPj,,v Marshall 3763YOUNG American ANGELA- couple, congenial, rtle-- HOTEL. 625 Washington St. home ' ia r, privilege. are un- - WEI NEW.WE OFFER pemanent connection with , sire situation in country hotel, clerk or , A clean, respectable place to live; free - Ser mZgemeSt aiid t8 MANAGEMENT FOR RENT sleep- - .earnings WORTH WHILE to men who maid, or what have you? Must be per- - Phones in each room, automatic ele- - ouivKAJU AVE - . entire being com- - beeuUfuTlV decorated ' mg rooms, also housekeeping apt., ofare interested 111 direct personal sell- - DRAFTSMAN. ESTIMATOR AND SU- - manent. AO 744. Oregonian. ' vator, large, comfortable lobby, restau- - pietely renovated and decorated' and enameled eam heated 3 rooms each. 2 large store bldg..;Ing. A proposition of merit, excel ent EX- - ran' connection; near Washington , , mfvPERINTENDENT; CAPABLE. EXPERIENCED phone- 3 good location for meat market or drugPdblSnrna?dcS?es.1i7drrefJ .. rJ ISsiT D''ll !?W ROOM adjoining bath, with or w.tSSt . tSSk Sl?l&,",m j,''StTprssfs nr hemlock. smsf p:kmM ip?s Bs?"Hni:: glPilltMSjnce MME. ELISE, practical gives - ,lnmertising sales- - nurse. " corner Hancock. modern, steam Tnr qilTTFPARLORj,'t"d"' n recently large eastern concern; best THE MARIAN. ' FIRST-CLAS- S room and board, beautl- - STELWTN APARTMENTS. heated, hardwood floor. French doors.wanted, must be young and single, one deptndent, not employed; ?f J1" Patients given per- - Attractively furnished room with ful location, 10 minutes' ride Irem THE IDEAL SUMMER HOME. . elec wash machine outside corner apt., lai:nd?v-choic- to Vight peopleroornambitious, to carry high-gra- line of references. Phone Bfiivy. 244B. apt. 5. care. Marshall 21.6. sleeping porch, suitable for two. also downtown; one room suitable for three Finest, most completely furnished Janitor service. 175. East 1369. vWll li'ki h IBB E. 16th nearknit wear as side line in the states of SLES EKECUTIVS expe- - BY CAPABLE woman, experienced In single room, good meals and every college boys. Main 5374. apts. in city, in select residence dis-- TUDOR ARMS, 18th .and Couch. Belmont walking distance East 8954.Oregon and Washington; state .age and in mfchiery, tool store, office and demonstrating; can home convenience, moderate rate. 565 GOOD board, room, is week, real home Jrlot. 5 minutes' walk lrom business- - and a with sleeping porch.experience. AM 6bb. Oaegonian. sei Leave call Glisan. Bdwy. center by 23d st. C C. car2438. orand metal-wor- S lines per- - ?,pplJL ?,conditlon.3-- . ' privileges, modern house, west side. - hardwood floors, electric stoves.-showe- ,r,BLf Jw prettieste 4r" M .t Broadway, 2740, room HOTEL CLIFFORD ' Montgomery. Main 5370. . (easy walking distance) Right up baths; references required. Broadway fj VJh 1?ZJh f.n, Iw- -' f sales" managei lo California WOMAN will care tor children evenings RICIPAL EAST SIDE! HOTEL, IRVINGTON - Sitting- room, sleeping XSrS A'STcSt " "imo S552: Z o'rderfa 1 SScJ bestWANTED AGENTS . corporaUon. clean record, good refer- - during parents absence; references. SAsT MORRISON ST., AT EAST 6TH; porch, best home of re- - - tourists and nermanen? 800 E. HOTT. - fi"

    L HOSIERY; UNLIMITED ences. BP 743, Oregonian. 1 Woodiawn 1611. , QUIET DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; - finement; all conveniences. East 6645. atmosphere TW-roo- unfurnished apt., hard- -miIdM& wsstsr c&r,r22 ii- - 43. jAr. 1BwH-i5?8- ik6ePer or general clerk; permanent; Wdln. 1611. ANSONIA HOTEL. ' 140 East Mth W. "or Morrison fleeping porch. Chinese rugs, silk hang- - " ' st. Main 7618FOR Ayyui.1iHai. ki d of work. outside or office, WOMAV for 2 14fn'st- - a' Washington-- , rate $5 brasses, comfy wicker furniture, FOR RENT. "t - ; PAGENTS wanted everywnere. Violet Ray if willingness is asket. Must be place evening- houseworkf day F Week and up' $1 "reproof. iN1C:5I'J,turtlls?el room with breakfast rloo, iamps. etc. pian0 A1 tf,Tvice. Two-roo- unfurnished apt. Hard- - LOVELY two-roo- H. K. apt., newly .headquarters. 218 Chamber of Com- - where cin take family. BD 713. Ore- - Snr 16 Sth st large, attractive, spotless' rooms, close 2.81. 774 Northrup Exceptionally clean. Also single rms., wood floors, electric range. $40. Im- - papered, elec. walking d.stance. Sum- -merce bldg. - gonian. V ... i to amusements and shopping center. ROOM and board in private home for by day, week, month. THE STELWYN. perial Arms Apts.. 14th and Clay. mr rates. Children welcome. - 624

    HEALTH; accident and hospital insur- - EXPERIENCED painter, decoratgr, kal- - C0aPnfn?Er1

    Walnut s Y' A" t0 lee 'ree Ust ot gentlem: 10'ther r00m- Se"' 194!' KINGSBURY APARTMEST. , DOUGLAS COURT. Flanders st. Bdwy. 2125 ,ance; big commission. 601 Corbett bldg. sominer and paper hanger wants work suojects. mora- - moderate priced rooms young men Furnished Apartments. " 186 Vista Ave. 2 or modern unfurnished apt. NICELY furnished 1 and house- -'l' ' by the day or contract; single; will- - ' B r Parts of the city including rooms ; BERYL APARTVFVTS High-cla- apartment house sear 425 W. Pari. Call Marshall iZ3. or keeping apartment, 2.50 week and up.

    ing to go anvwhere; A- -l references, GERMAN lady wishes light housework Jt the i. M. C. A. with phone in each 695 21st' 234 and Washington. fur- - Main 2729. 461 8th and E. Momson, MontgomeryHELP WANTED FE3IAI.E. relsonabie. H. E..Cahill,"Hotel Carl- - and plain coctog; reply in German. room shower bath,- and club fac litles, ' hJfuvaei3ou5- n- "ownership Ind - 2 duPperin, beds and U0VING, $2 PER HOUR AND UP; FIRE apartment.

    CAN USE four neat intelligent and well ton. Portland, Or.AO 740, Oregonian. PORTLANDERS. ATTENTION!" management. Large very at- - de J5a!.?,ny: ,w,11 ?,ccmm0,doa9 PROOF, 15 DATS' STORAGE FREE. SNAPPY 1 and h. k. suites, iuet

    recommended during va- - SALESMAN Capable, progressive, with DEPENDABLE nurse cares for children , If you have mends coming to visit ractively furnished with all new furni- - tourists ELK TRANSFER CO.. BDWY. 2445. new, place for car. ReasonabW. renttor MlicUinl hfuse to house In nine years clean record as a producer; . evenings during parents' absence. Mar- - . f000VtcScommof SLT.nS' ture; also 1 soon will furnish ' THE CROMWELL.. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 302 Tillamook near W.lllama ave.. 8sountry towns. Each girl to work open for engagement with a first-cla- shall 349. ; .. new; close-i- n location. Take Morri- - Fifth and Columbia Streets. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator tile bath. blocks north of Broadway.

    eparately. Prefer girls who have had house.- No stocks, bonds or peddling YOUNG married woman would like after-- : - son depot or 2Sd at. car. Call Main 5 minutes walk to Meier & Frank s llth an(J - Montgomery. Main 859 1 AND 2 housekeeping rooms, newlyexperience soliciting. Will considered. Records confirming ability n00n, office or cashier work., ..Call HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 6- -- etore, good surroundings, strictly mod- - pered, reasonable rent; good locatlun.d h thpay J30 per week and transportation A. M., 9712 65th ave. S. E. Broadway 2869, Mrs. Dodge. 1l6t13t,h, ST ttt WASHINGTON. DIBL APTS. Four outside corner rooms Sf.Vn Si" 'rtu'f htJL mfnt close n? net? Couch school- 841 Harrison, corner of Broadway.' ba,non-v- 'work .satisfactory position will last SHINGLING We specialize In reshin- - COMPETENT lady wishes position for Brf,ee8 ha d ,awreekf UP: with sleeping porch, dressing room and Plemanent and tranent 584 Flanders "t"ca"l Bdw double large, cool, lightuntil school starts Apply, giving pre- - u d , repalrjnB. it will pay cooking in small family. Call between bhattl' 8, and clean; private bath; just renovated and tint- - ! vnn, housekeeping rooms- - front of house.vious experience, if any, and at least you to t our Detore letting io and 12. Broadway 531. References. close to center. ed; completely furnished, clean, light. FOR RENT Elegantly furnished apt furnished, light and clean. Ma" alio !!4Yaihill

    pSeWfe.Sur Sd. TOrit: DHolf SSZL !' ;tH", ll-- . 4046e- 780 E- - eny,,E-130- 8 orE. nivory a.vito r . gff H. grooms. 5 up. IncludingXOrZ BrSWi "tR'ANL SStS , WWON. J5-- S upper modern flat, gas range T. 5EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHERS, evenings between 6 and 7. . ' WANT day work or care of children. -- 451 "Wash st.. II a day up- - by nent. Rose Festival "visitors and auto Three-roo- m apts., 30 to $40; fc , and water heater, adults, 30. Near 8.i..0 and up.REGISTER WITH THE CLERICAL vilsHiG TINTING PAPERHANG- - Phone Main 0077. the week, $5 up to J10. with batii A tourists will find this convenient loca- - bldg., private bath, steam heat, hot and Williams and Russell. East 5042. 2 AND furnished apartments,PLACEMENT BUREAU. MISS A. G. tOET'ouR PRICES ON FIRST- - Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. clean, respectable place to live. Mrs ttor for garage or downtown district: w,atlr- - Phone: 15 min. walk to 5th TRINITY PLACE APTS. A few desir- - gas. range, running water, cheap rent.CROSSLEY, MANAGER, 309 COR- - CLAS WORK AND MATERIAL. E. ; J. E. Ross, Prop. quiet, clean and excellent service. ? d Re East 2846. abe ants, available st reasonable ren- -' 154 East Sixth street.BETT BLDG. McELROY. 340 SAN RAFAEL. EAST . - ,. WASHINGTON HOTEL THE ALAMO APTS. MnMTrm,J.v "' i. tals. Pnone Bdwy. 6860. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms.WANTED A middle-age- d lady house- - 94S4. YOUNG lady who has had 7 years' . 12TH AND WASHINGTON ' STS. Attractively furnished or unfurnished Two V.iH irgrf,i, MORDAUNT 586 Everett mod- - ' with kitchenette, hot and cold water,keeper for hotel service; Swedish or WANTEDPosltlon as elevator operator, experience .on private switch- - Attractive rooms and suites at rea- - front apts., piano, private baths. ,. Sf,P alt" ouSfide em, reasonable, children. Inspect this. sink. 666 Hoyt St.. Broadway 1084. PTfH,!? at S'1 watchman or by reliable and Wrd and In general office work sonable rates by week or month. disappearing beds, facing north, newly "j; If brlwa fj' J ectSo e,!' ALTER slpg. porch tile 2 ROOMS, $4.50 up; single. $2.75 up:corner exDerienced mlrrled man; must hve d'res position. Phone Tabor HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man- - tlnt.ed and enameled; spotless y clean; hsjdwod floors. Walking dis- - .hSweV n Bdw 1980 llnen. Bht. water, bath. 208 Wash- -, Morrison. ; work. Address 4520 5Cth St. S. E.. Port- - 3o85 or write M 734, Oregonian. - agement, 63254 Washington St. Modern 137.50 to t42.50. 494 Market st. tance; 9466 Ma; 71" I Ington. .BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE, land. Or. , private baths, free phones; reasonable NOW AVAILABLE Desirable two-roo- m WEI I ingtov COURT rurmshed or I nfurnislied Apartments. NICELy furni5hed 1 and H. K.1115 Wilcox Bldg. ; ; rate; j'3.50 week up. Bdwy. 6831. apts., in modern brick bldg.. large ran, . rrVDER NEW MANAGEMENT THB UPSHUR APARTMENTS. apts., 2.30 week and up. 461 EastWants lAdy steno city; Jdymul- - PAINTING, tinting, papering, estimates MATHIESSEN. HOTEL. roomy kitchens built-i- n or open beds, onV,, newly furnished In ma-- SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. ' Morrison. Montgomery apt.tigraph operator; bank Kinder & Peterson. Mar. 1828. YOTTNG lady with. 8 ye&rsf experience in Rooms 50c day up. $3 week up; i'nep and silver furnished; nothing "bet- - kalsomlned. Beau- - 2. 3 and unfurnished or fur, o7 sleeping.saleslady, exclusive store lines. ' . office work desires position; thoroughly clean, light; not and cold water; ter for the price; 25 to 40. Lincoln tiful Outside apts. Walking distance. nished; all new furnishings and paint- - Mgy0R;orHne plng5S Northrup.WANTED First-clas- s waitress for t ct. wm'm' OVERHAUL familiar with Underwood bookkeeping heat; elevator service. 204 Co umbta! - APts- - 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377. .B5. Bawy 1245 ing. Main 5497.

    Chandler Hotel. Marshfield 8S per ME OR machine; can do me typing; excel- - WHY NOT LOVELY H. K. apt., cooking gas FURNISHED and unfurnished apts.; ele- - '".URISHED family ousekeep- -month without room. R. R. fare re- - your cat 'toy S 0t T- - references. Phone Tabor 379o. have a' fnrn. apt while in town T S and everything furnished, including Mot retsnable APTS' pleasant aots vator, heat, private baths and balcon- -

    ing; low rent. ..44 .Pettygreve.funded If satisfactory and remaining G. E. tTnutomatfo 615-80 mod rjns, private bath $12.66 week use of sewing machine and piario, with ln reasutn pt'rt, Rose Festivai ies- 410 Harrison St., between 10th and SNAPPY h. k. rooms, just new. low rent.3 months. WHEN YOU NEED stenographers, book- - San Marco, E. 8th and Conch? 990 two beds .or one; $25 per month. 210 ltoS' ?car ' convln- - Hth. Phone Main 1320. 302 Tillamook, near Williams ave.

    WANTED-Instruc- tlon In use of 'auto- - Tofi-K- on keepers, office help of every descrip- - HOTEL OONRADINE 22 North lOth' st 23d St" Ph"e Mar' 1727' 10! Broadway rff' ; WAUCOMA cottages for h. k. TM thknitting machine. In Portland only ln. saxdenlns tion call Broadway 69o3. Will jams mirth st- - fire"' NOW AVAILABLE, completely furnished ' JAEGER APTS 701 Wash. St. 8 and 4- - ,t Hood River."I iL'J'S "lln"1""-- gegrJ" Bradwly 1 ggggS JtrticT" "M' ZoS'tijtJiftZ & Beantilasspts. at rea- - room apts. Housing Koom, ,n Private Family.TTnTirg work JOB ON a dairy as milker and barnman; A REFINED lady desires a position as Pour rooms, beautifully furnished. IYiroofrtdoI. Im. i LIGHT housekeeping rooms 8 weekMfft Z tVfh: - HFMyt idwy- - - SWSl?' hadwH ,; EOTHERS tor 'summer ES 'gUener. experienced, re- - Zf 'BT ?"F' 3S? nlTOth andTa 'T anT'2 seVJo?k. Maytmvel opportunity lode- - quires steady job all branches; relia- - Walnut 72B5. HblfLrates week "or trans"!.:? room.l. ohlct"- - -- treVt.? vVry deslrabl fur- - Unfurnished ""00m apt 7 first floor; lM1Jau;ren0f bath elec":Cali ble. Clarke Bros., florists. 2S7 " 'executive posltlo, cashier S "velop .XPERIENOCD bookkeeper gfifc SXS? JrM tg Sfc 44 , f1 ' . and kltch- -Ca,,o4S?Tc,oacnkST5lniC4Thb7ted- paTntTnG. TLNTL,G0enSen hnat works bookkeeper desireosition. Tabor 431. SSVm?& 1, j-.- ablealking SS LIeIv .ornished housekeepWANTED-Mlddle-- aged woman to keep to interest; aable estimates reasonable, fyelk;!? .C. - ?" vllyur DRESSMAKIN absolute 3 rooms and break- - EST8631- ,rnSe-ni- n fit Take Mt. Scott " pli-JTlM- r Affn satisfaction guaranteed. Tabor 2336. hot. Hotel Cadillac. 3d, near Jefferson. fast nook, Ivory finish. French doors. , SmithUv rSd niano MAGNIFICENT married cuupie will appreciate thisave. PAPERHANGING Call 6 to 8 A. M. or P. M. 6 ROOMS; 328 Park st.; central, walk- - fireplace. block Broadway. - , rom0aP yaD1ranadva S?e flat, f hiai conVfn rf-J"- . y modern H. K. apt. in widow-- .THE FLORENCE CR1TTENTON home is

    prfces calll H" Jenns, n5? bT DREs'sMAKG reasonable. 122 12th SL, ing distance. Bdwy. 4451. waling distance; adults; references. pe lpeTyTurned. SobHUi SthMnlV SckYchange bldgrH ho-n- Clns In. W. B. Bdwy 8087.Tin 95J corner Washington. Bdwy. 6970. Untarnished Booms.

    ave Phone Bdwy. 4448. 3d and Ylmhiil TWO clean, cheap, pleasant h. k. room.,EeaytVG?sahn."'-MVy"Ec'- y" Wi "ta" ag" Yn "o'r """K COMPETENT DRESSMAKER. LN BUILDING at. 5th and Stark; steam .".M until PARK APARMENIi modern uPner flat, ex- - "dfor and dye Address R 738, Oregonian. $3.50 per day. Main 448. heat, hot and cold water. Apply Dr. 140 a Phone V'EhL' cool. four-roo- furnished elusive neighborhood? sleeping, living couple, reasonable. .IN. St..wNortVsrteSady work; 'wages 25 per WANTED Position of any - kind with ALL kinds of dressmaking done reason- - Loeb. Medical bldg.. bet. 2:30 and 4. ?.fjg aTk foMr Peters'- - S&t.T3S."nSw?' jSr." Eorchfs' aVha,-- t be seen t0 rfLVWnd'n "0396 " 440week. C 744, Oregonian. reasonable pay. Address Ellis, Ore- - ably. Main 2666. 3 UNFURNSHEP h. k. rooms with sleep- - WILL Bublet beautifully furnished 'our- - 381 be valued. near Haw- - icne $10.

    WANT experienced lady operator on pow- - gon Men's club. Main 7867, "es. ; ins1030 porchE- Maln-and garage; private home. room apartment, with glassed-i- n sleep- - CUMBERLAND APTS ,J,."CW,X, ' with .B"'Hrn hnnkeemng and sleepinger sewing machine for auto top work. EXPERIENCED chauffeur. colored. TRAINED nurse, 2 years' training, will - ing porch, mahogany furniture, oriental 0 and park IxpON upper flat .il. clean Hn.l reasonable. 86 NorthO. G. Gerber. 431 Davis. wants position driving for private fam- - on night duty. institutional: no Furnished Booms in Private Family. rugs. 200 East 13th St.. comer Taylor. newly tinted" nlw' rugs?.V. modern '"i'.J"n.fC JrZ"1- - iLta4 romms.COMPTOMETER operator for wholesale ily. BC 733, Oregonian. housework. East 849. room 18. P. O. FOUR large nicely furnished sleeping VERY attractive "3 and apts. walking distance. West Park and Co-- Tlllkmook Phone East 6558 - anartments moderngrocery. State age, experience and FLOOR SURFACING AND FINISHING. Box 038. rooms, bath, furnace, home privileges; Everything new. outside rooms. No '"n-l- a. , , ,;,,, ing flJF'dt-.- take 827phone number. BJ 587, Oregonian. w. H. TIBBITS. . . NURSE will care for patient in her own good car service; reasonable rent; also objection to children. Not a private FIVE-ROO- apartment to l,t. com L HrfJxL,a J water Clark"u, . E.Ut Vor.l.U'A.VTlilT) Experienced cook for small 4803 32d Ave. S. E. Tabor 4052. home; desirable location; diet a spe- - garage, 921 E. Burnslde. house. . 189 N 23d st. pietely furnished, to refined people; , J.VVtw. 3 50summer hotel.. Write fully, stating RBSHINGLING 10 years in Portland: cialty. Tabor 5733. , ATTRACTIVE rooms, beautifully fu- - CLASSIC APTS., 662 Glisan, near 21st. ; no children, $100. for summer or long- - SI Bd'v ' VFRY ,v7ei -lk. ' ""j. ucnene."e'wlxTELExpTriedmTrtr Ifoi"'' $Fe?"&Jlj;l?r& ' rllVti arereliclea'n350 vTry 'dirallll n"- - ' VERY desirable 7 m flat, 393 i,ith st., THREE nice h.' k. 2 on,a aSS janitor married experienced n oil g" Main 8570. up. 61 North 18th st. Bdwy. 2721. under new management. Bdwy. 6847. DOUGLAS COURT. aciSt'jSJ PtVfSini'i ' E' BUrn"d"- F M u 4B1i&T?L&et&v&J'li hIndY man,' .dd!. IF TOP need a" conscientious cheerful. Pl gom car; gentleman pre-- .'yjt W Park. Call Marshall 423 or Main "aSnS. ' ''err eel. M - U F'f h st'684. Oregonian. - . understands oU business. AE 748. Ore- - practical nurse, call Mam 3189. Belmont. East 1743.SCHOOL girl, 17 or 18, to help with two gonian. PRACTICAL nurse wishes cases, mater-- itlnc? reasoning T A4S0 Io? per7 "cJ upper modern fiat, outside 2 NICE clean, mod fur or, unJroom.;children; may go home nights. Tabor XOUNO 29, thoroughly experienced nlty preferred. Tabor 6848. ?fieiJTO&loV;. Furnished lroom aplrtment. al,o 8 water; "linen, Pgas anfl'ights' itrnlshed rooms; adults; 30: near Broadway . reaaon'-- - .rlmwholesale lumber busftess. desirous of NURSING, any kind of case, day or week, ingS aniJ evenings. rooms and sleeping porch. Grand Union Hotel, 387 East Burn- - bridge. 2S.i Benton st: East 25.9. 30 NKi. coo! and kUchen inWANTED Holiest industrious, active making change. AE 735, Oregonian. prices reasonable? Woodiawn 3220. WILL months sun- - side. K0UR rooms, 'newly decorated: large

    Irvmgtnn home, I ...woman to work in second-han- d store. A! AUTO repair shop foreman wanuf Housekeeper. withofi boardi 'Slertrlcity? bath, nea? shiny apt 'period furniture; pTaL d LAURELHURST APTS. sleeping porch. 1218 Mall. Marshall 3 FUKMmi n.iusekeeping, $20,BF 689, Oregonian. place with garage in Portland; best MIDDLE-AGE- woman with 2 small Williams ave. car and garage. 238 Vlctrola; good location; view of moun- - apt. und bath, neatly fur-- , in. . M.n. .

    STENOGRAPHERS, BOOKKEEPERS. ot references. BJ 706, Oregonian. would like a position as Cook ave.--' Wdln. 4123. tains. East 8849. nished. 142 E. 39th and Morrison. Tabor $20 NO CHILDREN. upper ;; DESIRABLE furnished h.- k. rooms toregister with Williams Personnel "PAINT UP " - ' housekeeper for ope or more men. LARGE, comfortable room.-'clos- ln. for flat, newly furnished complete, S2Ii 'If.'- Woodstock and Sellwood car line. adult.. Yamhill. Mam 441oService. 504 Spalding bldg. Satisfaction guaranteed ; all branches; Mrs. Dine Banta. 867 Hood St-- Phone gentleman- rent reasonable; garage. walking distance, 1. block from Haw- - FOR RENT Three-roo- modern apart- - 4H.t K. llth st. Seilwood 2148. h. K. ROOMS, walking distance; big

    WANTED Experienced marker and day or night. Tabor 7U.i2. Marshall 3674. ' East 1962.' thorne car. Large grounds. 680 E. "th "'eeplng porch. This is one of MODERN flat: $20: light and yard. Mrs. Wilcox. East 5.11..distributor; machine experience pre- - D wood working .machine housekeeping for gentleman Tefferson choice room. Madison, cor. 19th. 'he. and the rent is less: walking water; owner 611 Gasco Bldg., Main LARGE reatlv furnished bedroom, walk- -ferred. Union Laundry. man wants work. Phone Main 5292. LAJtTh Ymlll ; mother's and "moderacon SUNN YS1DE apts., high-cla- house; dtance: adults only. East 1966. 3309. Ing distance: a week. 431 6th st.WANTED Women and girls to hull room 3I.. ; care given. O 731. Oregonian. Slain 3893. modern brick bldg. Located Belmont DRICKSTON APT.. NEW modern flat. H., W. floors, with tioi.M"..

    strawberries. Apply 7:30 for "Wad- - BUTCHER Experienced meat cutter WANTED H. K. by young widow where NOB HILL Beautiful room in old rose, a'37t'lfti, ,flne roof Wrden-,a?nny- 3 - disannul,, every mode.-- convenience. Sell. 683. WNTED Couple to share modern fur-ha-& Kerr Bros.. 481 Davis st. desires position, anywhere. L 743. Ore- - can have ull charge; good home; rea- - everything new. clean; If you care for cars. Tabor rooms - r beds newly poR KBNT Modern flat, west nisheci home where mother is em- -EXPERIENCED waitress, logging camp. gonian. ; sonable wages. Box 182, Linnton. Or. something better, see this. Bdwy. 2958. THE NICHOLS 3 and apts.. prl- - V..!j; ojomapt. slde. 331 College st. ployed: reasonable rent with a few

    Apply early. Carter's Employment Of- - COLLEGE student wants position in a as 1 OR 2 with bay win-- vate Daths. Phone, garage: children .J1 APARTMENTS. 27 K 12th N ' hours' care each day offlee. 45 Ankeny. drug store in or out of city. Phone Rf le? Tor" widower? close, in. Fw modern Sme? congenial ople; wfSlcome Woodiawn 4971. 856 East Yfyrile bedslconv 'l iSt'h nefr cUghm,adult..'D- - girl 7 years old. Tabor 32;jyniWANT girl to dssist with housework; Columbia 226. East 4990. $3 a week. 667 Glisan st. Bdwy. 2948. ,st. North. street de,rable flat light and FOR RENT r.O per month in R. C. P.:no cooking: must like children. Apply BOY, 14, would like a place ln the coun- - thoroughly ex- - pi'RfreHUn room with fireolace in ori-- BERKELEY APTS.,. 39 Trinity place. 2 z r- - - lrv .mi- Phone 310-7- 6 ' S rooms and S. P.; hardwood floors;Model Cloak and Suit House. ptenced? highest and outside modern. BHMARK, Wash. St.. cor. 17th 1 KUB;P" all builtlns;148 4th. try to work for board and room dur- - referenced Phoe vate use ot bath and phone $10 room apts.. pipe furnace; rcreens;$2?tf ff "Bht fr"555 5 LVSr ZEJrl. rSrP0S, VH"i? 1 " W.nWt ' twIEoung girl u agst with CARPENTER wrk wanted. $5 per da, G?ady Fit'hner, Box r. F ii VERY pleaa'ant rooms; also H. K., sum- - Tl WXSSf " aTitSiiol. 'housework; small wages. 1222. Mar. 3336. Vancouver. Wash. mer rates; walking distance. 742 Irv--' Blae' walking distance. Bawy. ; -r , ., p,irh,,rsiA WOMAN to help take care of old MIDDLE-AGE- man wants light work. ELDERLY party wishes good home, light ing. Main 2425. 't J LAMBROOK APTS.. S'R en'tr'ance y 4fi Hov st n ho.iM hno.e a'nd sleeping porchpeople at Patton home. Wdln. 1700. any kind except ranch. Bdwy. 1791. work in plain home; n0 laundry. Phone LOVELY sleeping room on first floor, COLLEGE 3 and 4 rooms, front, mod- - 430 EAST YAMHILL ST. , ..To ,,,,5SrA-55!- " SroBm ZSeM" EEScJapanese gir, wants po- - jAff 3 apS d Ill lTUn.- h ion in private family. 213 First KO room.- liS$S??L?&U& ol f. W rO -- R JdVgrg,wV0rar Wrk- - CBtSi Sg.E?B8F WANTED TO BEX. - large fur. room In private fami.y. ALICE COujtT--3 large rms.. aU ou-t- ' SOUTHAMPTON APARTMENTS. 4 ZV ;Sg -"2S5SS ! private bath. 668 Everett, near 21st. ffiatglBl$l,tag,g& She'd furniture, lawn.WANTED-Experie-nced child's nurse by BRICK contractor, boilers, furnaces. ;ire- - Completely4 ffZ 2- -d st. house, someh7..r 103 Second ave. Seaside, Or. places, anv kind brick work. E. 6282. ROOM for gentleman. Nob Hill, walking apt. truit desirable location, at Broadway

    YOUNG WANTED Furnished houseboat, not too distance. Mar. 3613. 729 Glisan st. COMPLETE apt and sleeping porch In PENROSE APTS., Grand ave. at Bel- - Fnmished Flat. bridge, $35. Owner. Bdwy. 7416.week,TTnoBion. n cSbS? I anyinl'Tn gty? WdTn. j'Jt' Jfigf. or 2 or furnished cottage. SLEEPING porch, sitting .room, clean. f9'J 1034 1Mhed ln flat, nicely furnished, walking AduUs.a" w wmte enamel. t.ast 448., i. i P 73L Oregonian. cool: walking distance. Main 5552. distance, large sleeD'ng porch, out- - bungalow. Linnton road, oppo- -WANT feirl for genera Ihousework, family pSV00? month' CUMBERLAND APTS WELLINGTON COURT' UNDER NEW rooms; private hath private en- - slte aviation field; full cement base- -LARGEllght S15of adults: no washlng.-Phon- e East 1984. 33 '3. WE jjave many calls for houses and 9th and Ve'ideValrv roomF 859 per ... wm SUDlet furnished apt. MANAGEMENT. t.ance; own locker n' basement: 2 mentj Bas. Ught9, garage; 525. Mar- -WANTED First-cla- ss coat finisher. In- - I APLRHANGING, etc. E. Bennett, 770 flats and can rent yours; let us handle ' until Sept. 1. $4...-- per month. Apt. 22. 2 rooms, modern, $40. Bdwy. 1245. beict-ms- Adults on'y. pe- - mo. shall 3346.quire 94 6th St.

    " Williams ave. Woodiawn 209. your property and collect your rents. Booms Witb Boards FOR RENT furnished apart- - NEWLY renovated, nicely furnished 2- - E.--st S646 or Bdwy. CALL BROADWAY 50 FORCOIT finisher, first-clas- s. Ray Bark- - - ' C. A. WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark St. CAMPBELL HOTEL, ment, electricity, water and phone, room apt. 652 . Bdwy. NEAT flat, walking distance. NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO.

    hurst, 6th and Stark. INSIDE FINISHER. PHONE 314-5- BY RESPONSIBLE party, from 6 to 20 23D AND HOYT STREETS. , $17. Phone Tabor 6229. 7963. $27.5, including 'water and removal of LIGHT POWER HEAT.WANTED Dental office assistant; state CARPENTER GOOD FINISHER. rooms unfinished house; or will buy CAMPMLL-mL- L HOTEL, I, 2 AND 3 ROOM apts. newly furnished UNION AVE, . and Kllllngswortb, fur. garbage. 444 Rodney ave., corner Tilla- - Washington at 10th street.

    age and experience. AM 732, Oregonian. - MAIN 7422. furnished, if reasonable; Nob Hill pre- - 741TV ASHIN GTON ST.. forh. k. 998 E. Belmont. Tabor apt. $21.50. All complete, concrete . "'ook'. cottage; 1252 E. Madison St.;

    THOROUGHLY experienced cafeteria HAULING, moving, contracting, go any- - Jerable.Bdwy. 2M6. Mrs. Anderson.

    " Jews0f tptfic re3idenUal 3083. Under new management. bldg. TO SUBLET furnished flat; three rooms Hawthorne ave. car; full lot; fruit;girl 487 Washington. where, cheap rates. Crawford. East 82. IRVINGTON Want 5 or 6 room mod- - American PU" w'tS or without bath. SERENE COURT APTS., cor. E. 1st and $25 TO $28.50 for 2 and fur- - aPd slv PT 31TO' water. Kay. 1248 E.

    LADY BARBER 104 Fourth st. DRAFTING work; we can handle all fl. " .ho"!,e T ZSl'I J2.50 a day up; rates or month. Multnomah; 2 and furnished nished apartments in modern, steam- - Mar. 10- 1- Madison.kinds. P. O box 3370 lea?ni Ph,.,dren" best Meals served to transients. apts all outside apts. E. 1426. heated apartment house. 402 3d st. s p- M- '-- LADD'S ADDITION.Wanted Uomertien. Oregonian. ' "WANTED A competent maid for cook- - 0Eopntrs. cast iooj.

    catch, moles or. WANTED To lease for year modern 8- - NORTON!" 'A SS&ZlPJ; rioms 2 and THEfu? apt. close in. 191 FurnlslJd Tap?. Yw This is a PORTLAND HEIGHTS,"icelynU,hne,?,5Sr

    DavenportPiano Pand double garage; will


    ing and general housework; no wash- - rm unar house, garage, west side, ,tn or without 14th st bet. Yamhill and Tavlor nice one Main 553. . piano, nice $30, lease.' Broadway 2954.n' 394 Iij. fflth st. S call PreeTred. $fi0 to families' " i:h'dIe"' (ift5j'E'n board, lor and business men city or get thecountry,Tabor 5.74. Empire v front furnished ant., erm.nd KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. : rr- -WANTED Girl or woman from 4 o'clock Main . an(1 wornen-- . we give you all the com- - Ught clean and madera $35 115 2 and a room, elevator t lie bath WEST S1DK- - close ln' clean' cheerful nat a, lowe1st prices. Green Transferdally to prepare evening meal for two. EXCAVATING. lABOUT July 1st, 5 or modern forts of a home; reasonable rates, .Sd 't North Main 3610 Montgomery Main 359 ' prl vate bath, basement space; c Main jocj 202 Alder stBelle Court apts. Broadway 5722. - General teaming. Marshall 1808. bungalow. Fernwood or Irvington Broadway 1180. ; 7 lv,, . a pleasant home; references. 464 Hall onWANTED-Houseke- eper, family of 4; YOUNG man wants any kind of work? ehool district preferred ; will lease; WHITEHALL HOTEL. G snd-roo- ''clean" moSrnTpu"V 3- - Vrmshed 'Ipt7" with p'rTvate st" "ear 18t- h- 6'Rne?Mgas for Soifing? renf$25 wfthmodern conveniences. Vancouver, Wash. Call Woodiawn 3827. references. AM 744, Oregonian. 253 s!xth street. Broadway bridge East 841 bath Marshall 2250 FURNISH.BL) fiats, $33 and $40. See water Included. Sellwood 934.Call 6115 McKay bldg., city. CEMENT WORK, HAVE LET US rent or lease your property, Portland's downtown hotel: excel- - them Sunday. "90 Fargo st.- Williams'fSHraS" ,ssS ... .!Z W&sr&rtsmr aSSr- - SS""" s&&iW' aTrrr Z mMffmrnCiPFTFNT HOUSE painting in all branches. Barnes once. Mrs HSmnhi'l Hovt hotel. AMERICAN PLAN. LOVELY front apt., with sleeping porch. ALTONIA APTS., 19th and Marshall 2, FOR RENT upper flat and 3- - FURNITURE moving, $2.o0

    per hour;COii T Jr.d f.nfnS irL,b,-- & Wilcox, Tabor 6088. , ' Rate, by nayTweek or month. Treasonable. 412 10th St.. close in; also 3 and apts., large, light, airy, un- - room lower flat; 3 blocks from Broad- - pianos, $2 up; 2 men, padded vans.

    740 :Thurman PLUMBER wants-- tmail loba; expert re"Apartments. Meals served to transients. single room. furnished or furnished. Bdwy. 1412. way bridge 245 Weidler, Walnut 4547. Call Crown Transfer Co.. East 2..04.

    pairs; low estimates. Bdwy. 2583 " WANTED- - 2 or apartment, phone THE HOLLYWOOD. - HAUSEMAN APTS. 3 AND apts. for tourists and $35 BEAUTIFUL, clean, modern flat; MOVING Pianos, furniture; long-dis- -GIRL for cooking and downstairs work, or bath. In exchange for painting, ka- - 633 Kearney, Corner 20th. . Large, desirable 3 rooms, also 2 visitors over the Rose Festival, day or fireproof car line, pavement; tance hauling a specialty O. & W. Truckfamily of four. 393 Vista, ave. Main J' price.kalsominingWd'n firs,oMSel... v sominmg or paperhanging by single , Exclusive residential hotel, running rooms. 730 Hoyt. Main 1552. week. Very reasonable. 189 N. 23d St. nico for cSuple. Woodiawn 3219. Service Co.. 40 2d st. Bdwy. 5121.'r, : renairii.g Vi,.t (?fhHl Hotel ton' "rences. - water in rooms home privileges: new HADDON HALL, 11TH AND HALL. ' modern apt., upstairs, light and FOUR nice light rooms, private oath, house, 4 bedrooms, sleepingWANTED Girl for general housework; PAB1,0ble FwS ilh ..v.oTv (rar clty- - furniture; excellent meals; references. 3 rms., kitchenette, bath. h. w. firs., cool; only reliable need apply. 70 East sleeping porch, walking distance, blk porch, large closets, close .in, $55 perno washing; wages $20. Tabor 5035. TabJH, man wants to lease Broadway 1509. , . private Jyalconles, $35 up. Mar. II60I 8th st. East 1712. l0Ts car adults 7 East 5520 month. Owner. East '4277.EXPERIENCED girl for general house- -

    & UowSfllOh".?."" be." of" Bdwy 5954 West P.AK, V1EJW,.H.TE'1'- - PRIVATELY furnished - apart- - ROSELYN, APTS, 110 N. 21st St. Two-- . lower flat, "modern, nice porch $30 bungalow furnace, base- -work; no cooking. 328 Jackson st. per side irefSred ' Montgomery. ment In Walnut Park, rent for hree toon, furnished apt., reasonable. and lawn, corner Rodney and Alberta, ment, southeast. Fred V. Spear, 5520FAMILY going to beach cMg ETE F ' months- - Wdln. 4528. Tabor 8352. 5th st. Auto. 619-1-for summer 688? - REFINED furnished wifho'ufbath areMonlbTe'rate? . THE LEONARD, 665 East Main. $40. .wants competent cook. Mar. 335. - TABO,R , furnished 3?room or un went con ELBR1DGE apts., 2'4 N. 21st; 2 and 3- - apts., clean, outside rooms, quiet couple. MODERN furnished upper, fiat. FOR RENT-Mo- dern house. Pied-- .MT? fJatSegWWi. of dental collegj lTlVi tTli. or conval- - NITB"Y'RNIS'l V7nkT' W " CaU 107 E. 37th sU near Washington. Sdg "wages, m Main SHuV. , FOUR rooms and bath. 8- -0 aughn : :..GIRL for general 1, outwork. 2 adults, "l' HOUSEKEEPING reom where working $ini?Vl& h'elKufe Se't apts.. rent very reasonable. 370 12th st. THE CHELTENHAM. 255 N 19th: 2. 3 st. For Information call Mar. 3719.child 4 years. East -- to nay only a,, sth st. woman's baby boy of three can be and treatment, under personal care of LARGE- apt.. Ardmay Terrace, and apts. Bdwy. 3658. FURNISHED flat newly tinted. 193 Vii cowWOMAN to cook for family of 4, on Snwaio i' taken care of part of the day. BC physician; reasonable rateB. East 8535. 395 12th st. Phone Mar. 898. FURNISHED apt., modern, for Union ave. N. hm.-- e garage lease toranch. Call Main 4091. 740. Oregonian. ROOM and board for business girl; all KING DAVIS APTS., 54 N. King De- - 2 mo. 581 E. Davis. E. 67S1. FURNISHED flat for rent, west side. 291 """Viable oartv for 1 year $35 monthYOUNG girl for general housework, no Bookkeepers, BtenograpUers. Office. . ROOM wanted in exchange for music or modem conveniences; walking dis- - slrable turn, apt. Bdwy. 6068. 2 AND apts. furnished and Broadway. Apply 171 3d Tabor 4917 6203 25th ave. S Ecooking. East 7614. YOUNG man. Protestant, experienced as vocal lessons, AM 71g, Oregonian. Janes; $5 per week. Auto. 219-74- .. 12 CAMBRIAN" apts., 2 and turn. unfurnished. Rex Arms. East 6680. modern furnishea flat, reason- - house on F 14th between MorEXPERIENCED girl for general house- - vrlf Sfe'rk- wm bfnn lrL-S""- Rooms With Board. . 7th 8t- - 773 apts. ,433 Columbia, Mar. 3639. . AUDITORIUM COURT Modern 2 and 3- - able.

    - 1183 Milwaukie st. '""son and Alder; Well arranged for 2work. East 2742. Fhif Tniv 1 7 ntLP IF SOMEONE wants to .take care of 2 ROOS. double and single, hot BUENA VISTA APTS. MAIN ' 1052. room apt-s.- opp: Auditorium. Mar. 5566. $25 MODERN upper furnished families. Inquire 126 E. 14th.'. BOOKKEEPER s"e girlS' i yea.r3 & Zmt "iZ, "w'iiaMBaU ' - aDd 3 tUr' 1 nafar- - apt' CARLOIS APTS.. modern turn. complete. 387 North 21st st. ixio HAWTHORNE AVE., all reflnlsbed.tlVirriiJ near Portland, AJ 740, Orego- - ..".PA .." 1 1 k HAMMERSLEY COURT, 250 12th St.. one apt., reasonable. 14th and Market. upper fiat, furnished or unfui- - dean, modern house, hardwoodHELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE P.1. 0?&TZa& Oll'-- "lan- - - HoSitB eoS m'pit 1 v board fur, apt., private bath. $32.50. Unfurnished Apartments. nished. Main 1869. . , floors. 3 bedrooms. $50. -E?.?.ESSC:ED STENOGRAPHER nian. Phone Main 8603? 712 Marshall st. ' MORTON APTS. basement apt., unfurnished apartment. The MODERN flat; walking distance; modern house, cement base- -.' 8B7 car; adults; a69 Market. Williams ave.. $25. Call Bdwy.742 Everett st. Phone Main ment,partyTomyTp? STENOGRAPHER, temporary or perma- - FOR BENT. 452 MORRISON, corner 13th. Choice "i Umer,aoolr- - musf SnS nent position wanted. B 743, Orego- - ' " rooms, board optional. Walking dis- - WESTMINISTER, v 5582 5164. Housekeeping Rooms. 3iS.

    , Sf replying to letters "rem nian. J,ZiJ?Ji tance. J Mceiy fur, and partly fur, apt. FOR RENT unfurnished apart- - ELEVENTH ST., No. 141; H. K. rooms WILL rent my new Pullman bungalowcollege graduate who has hadUcZ"ai LUMBER bookkeeper and payroll cleri WaJStoi Pand FiUh Streets. ROOM and board, suitable for 2, private Pt.. large, phone, bath light. ment. electricity, gas Phone, water, first, floor 8 week. Phone, bath. at 708 E 48th N .. Rose City Park, forparking $7 week. 566 Market. Tabor 6229. Corner Alder. $40 month. Call Mar. -- 146.Bpace, Phonexperience preferred; wm be necessary desires position in Oregon or Wash. Special permanent rates bath. Main 8603. $ do dictaphone work for few months; AC 741, Oregonian. nrvrir-- nevi vv uM with Board In Private Family TWO-ROO- nicely furnished apartment, in BUILDING at 5th and Stark; steam 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $27.50 bungalow, Irvingtonstate experience and give references: Salesmen. cooking 61 Hoyt. Main 6963. heat- - hot and cold water. Apply Dr. rent reasonable, Call Walnut 5849. park, near car. Main 4.S9. .SI $5 andun- f HOMEdalarr $110 to start. L 744. Oregonian. AM A SALESMAN with experience and anda faathsT nhtand ree Ph0" pno . Tan floSe! ' B85 Wtt &. 3"5POM corner apt., Harrison Court. 304 Loeb. Medical bldg.. bet. 2:30 and 4. x,AKUE room with kitchenette. $3 a 6 ROOMS gas. bath, electric light; closeAN UNUSUALLY attractive proposition a real record. Can produce; straii ARTHUR HOTEL 170 llth at near Mor' Main 2533. ' 3t- - UNFURNISHED apartment. 3 nice rooms week. Phone Mam 2121. 494 Taylor. ln. 4.10 Harrison.for men or women who are capable commission basis preferred. Have you rison Clean and modern rooms by day with 2 beds with- - 3 OR apt., $32.50 and $35. 167 and bath, light, water, phage; $20. SINGLE steam-heate- d h. k. rooms, hot MODERN house furnace, trays.of getting remits selling direct, a most O ? boart? ind 17th st. carline. Woodiawn electricity, key 87 E. 17th A. M.a vacancy? 745, Oregonian. -- week or month at reasonable rate, out good hot water rtower E. Sunny-sid- water, $3 to $7 per week. 147 13th. gas,nent No Investment K?n' 3 1 LARGE front room, well furnished bath. 681 Glisan. LARGE, light, airy furnished front ap., balcony, porch. Irv- - FURNISHED H. K. rooms, central, $3 TO RENT your home see FranknTMc- -304, HoTel Grant, Sunday cITrATTONa WANTFr, iwxrv walking distance . 284 B 6th N ROOM and board In attractive horn;! apt.; references required. 69 N. 18th. ing Apts- - 21st and Irving. Main 9239. a week up. 253 Washington st. Culre. Ab.ngton Bldg. -

    Tag r" 49621 across from Multnomah club. Main THE WENT WORTH, 12th at Main; BRYN MA WR 18" E. 15th. OUTSIDE housekeeping rooms. $2.50 up. FOR RENT furnished house.WashiigTon; enormous prorR.;8 Udl Y?ai fnd comolnton" "? Bdil8" WEAVER HOTEL, 70S Washington st: "20- : front. modern. Adults. apt., sleeping perch. $45. East 2154. 372 Hawthorne, corner Union. Tabor 808.

    or gentlemen. Xo Rodio Mfg. Co., 325-- 6 SSiq iuiss Modern outside" rooms with, private FIRST-CLAS- S room and board; outside HIGHLAND COURT MARSHALL 318L THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and TWO large front rooms, first floor, room modern house for rent July 1.Lumbermens bldg. r; bath. rooms. Main 2864.- 394 Columbia, ' Fur, and unfurn. apt. apartments. Bdwy. 3360. and kitchenette. '655 Flanders. 082 Hawthorne. Rent $42. Tabor 780.

    DEMONSTRATORS and agents; experi- - Cil4Nrhrfiten'wnl0tJt8?i"f' laundry'' HOTEL ROYAL PALM, 3d and Flanders. cor. 10th.'

    FINE completely turn. apt., garage. Call THE ORMONDE unfurnished RMS. for light H. K.. everything fur- - NEW house, large garden. 25ence preferred, but not necessary; good 7 A : rooms 75c and up, hot and. cold water AN IDEAL place to live, large room. Woodiawn 2138. -- apartment. 656 Flanders. Bdwy. 3873. nished. inc. gas.. $3.50 up. 193 2d. minutes by car from city. Bdwy. 2295.commission. Call at 022 Morgan bldg., EP,f Ri.H- - BdwvV iSI our' rooms, private baths. with one or two beds; attractive home. MADISON PARK apartment, 2, 3 and 4- - JAEGER APTS., 701 Wash. t. One 4 furnished apt. Ground floor. house, $28; electricity, gas.from 10 to 4. xjW residential hotel, new furnishings Tabor .8 .09. - room furnished apts. 262 Park st. and'one unfurnished apt. "35 lllh st 347 E. Glisan st. Walking distance.

    WANTED Solicitor for wood and coal. E?Pfa1'tC or n?fan S??k- - ,4ma11 throu!,hoS,t' , 794 eJoy. PRIVATE home, children mother's care; DESIRABLE and kitchenette; 5 ROOMS, hardwood floor., breakfast FURNISHED H. K. rooms, close in. S3.50 MODERN bungalow, fine location, $30;Call Walnut 7339. 20 years' exp. Mar. 2162. also front apt. 328 Mill st. nook, sleeping porch. Call Wdln. 3943. week. 521 Johnson st. bargain on furniture. Wdln. 6296.GlRroadwW tor ,sma11 ch'Id- - Ca BLBEPINQ ROOM. MODERN. 327 6TH FOR sing.e man. room and board in ami kltcbenette, $19. Phone MORTON APTS. front apt., 697 housekeeping, well furnished, SMALL modern bungalow at Capitol Hill.

    y,-..- -37,7. ., STREET. lovely home, west side. $40. Main 6053. Walnut 19S0. i Washington st. Bdwy. 1098. tel.t bath. 67 N. 20th. Bdwy. 4123. Will lease. Mar. 310."''7r J 7o?' I hone Ma?shallCa3SAVerAeSMe3 poslUoD- - lW.lt00- - reasonable. ROOM and board and mother's care for WESTMINSTER. Main 5582. Furnished I THE WEIST. 2 OR 3 NICE rooms. Fulton car, reason- - MODERN house in good repairWANTLD Young man with $12 to , children. Wdln. 628.. 561 Going st. and partly furnished apts. 69 N. 23D. able Marshall 1204 $25. 204 Whiteaker st

    m AR TlTbresonian? M'6 leetn InerSncei CAuTobeeioau r waUre6s: 2 --flJ'T"?? BRD rv,0o,?!',Sse in' reaanabl. APT FOR 2, 3 room, and bath, new, very I front apt., balcony and porch. UNFURNISHED four upper rooms. $17.50,. FOR RENT house, modern i, ing. Phone attractive; veranda; yard. Call B. 4S22. 1 Irving Apts., Slat and Irving. Main 8239. Includes lights, water. 202 E. 45 tit st! I every respect. 568 Front st.