Download - team leading workshop



Members: Krishna Valdehueza Khate del Pilar Grezil Magsayo Vanezza Stephan Vapor Xenia Sumbillo Ella Madroo Jayson Macapayag Marl Vinzi Educ

Professor: Mr. Jimbo FuentesTable of ContentsI. IntroductionII. Clear Aims and Clear AchievementIII. ObjectivesIV. Understanding Other Team MembersV. Kantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model and Lencionis Team Dysfunction RemarksVI. Kantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model and Lencionis Team Dysfunction InterpretationsVII. Workshop Evaluation and Action Planning

I. Introduction

In school, we learn the lessons before we take the test but in life, we take the test before we learn the lessons. Taking up accountancy was actually not easy yet this course is really challenging. The questions are: are we going to take the challenge or just give it up right away? Is it really what we want or others choice? And are we taking up some considerations about the outcome of our future life or we just choose it directly? We took this course because its a selfs choice and some because of parents decisions. Also, we just dont take this course just for the high salary and profit offered and gain of being an accountant or entering into the world of business someday but because its where we can find our happiness. For some, because of parents decisions they are forced to study not even realizing what their children want. Although parents know whats the best for their children but not all of the time they were right. Every decisions must also be taken balance, decisions must be agreed both the child and the parents. We feel very excited as the semester started with a heads up bringing the name of ourselves and stepping in the world of being an Atenean. Difficulties and tiresome are just normal because these are part of being a student. We will never reach success by just a single step but instead we have to walk in a long pathway until we see the light. But, how can we leave in the midst of the dark? Nobody wants to live forever in the darkness. Every one of us dreamed to have a brighter future than what we already had. Our determination and courage to success is our key to reach every dream.Being an Atenean is an overbearing feeling. We are here in Xavier University not because of its tall buildings or structures but because of its high quality education. Every subjects are challenging depending on its situations where some of us felt giving up and others were still trying to fight. Nothing will be difficult for us if we are valuing and focusing our priorities. The main real problem of students are time management. They were prioritizing things which are pulling them down but instead they should give more focus to the things which they know that can help them. Now, as days passed by we doubled our time in studying and we worked more in order for us to catch up our lessons. We also doubled our efforts and extended our energies for us to fully understand our lessons. We never forget what we did in the past but we had realized that it is important for us to focus in our studies. We must also bear in mind that we must keep it balance because too much of everything is harmful.We felt much pressured because the conception of being an accountancy students: as the time goes by students also decreases in number and we are also said to be the toughest students among all. We wanted to remain until we earn this degree but how can we maintain as an accountancy students? We know theres no course which will be earn easily, as expected we should show our efforts in order to acquire a degree. Our fighting spirit will lead us into the path of success. As long as we are determined to finish this course, nothing is impossible to win a prize. A prize of having our future career in life.We wont know what will happen to us for the next days, months or years in our life unless we face every trials that confronts us. We wouldnt know the lessons if we wont able to take the tests because this is life, a life full of trials and challenges with many life lessons to learn. Unlike in school we should study the lessons in order for us to take the challenges. In the future, we still have to work hard in our jobs, spend some sweats and put our strengths into actions. At this point of time, can we still enjoy our life being busy in our chosen career? Simply yes, because as long as we loved what we do, all those difficulties and tiresome feelings will fade away. Lastly, we just have to put our trust in God because with Him nothing is impossible. Every situations started from Him and all of the answers ended to Him.

II. Clear Aims and Clear AchievementsHere are some of our goals for us to earn a degree: To pass all the subjects in this taken course To have good grades in all areas To love more the course with all our hearts To earn a degree with this chosen field To learn from our experiences with different challenges encountered

In our situation, we found difficulties from our subjects especially in our major one. Thats why we doubled our time and efforts in order for us to pass all the subjects and will have good grades in all areas. Even though it seems to be hard for us we will try our best to love more the course with all our hearts. If this happens, we will be able to earn a degree in Accountancy with flying colors. Even if also we cant graduate with flying colors, it is still enough for us to graduate with a degree because we will be living this for the rest of our lives. Graduating a degree in Accountancy will feel us overwhelmed with ourselves and also our parents will feel proud of themselves because all those hard works are being valued. Finally, we can learn also from our experiences that we will encounter in our journey and will share it to others for them to be guided.Experiences are the best answers for an unanswered questions

III. ObjectivesThis High Performance Team Workshop sets us goals: To determine our capacity about this taken course To make direct actions in improving our results/remarks To distribute responsibilities/tasks and combine every ideas To build up a strong team To form ourselves as a responsible individuals

This workshop will help us determine our capacity about this course. It gives us results in order to improve ourselves and make direct actions to enhance our capacity. This workshop does not lies in ourselves alone but to create a team- a strong team. We shared ideas, distribute responsibilities and combine it together to form unity. If this will occur in our team, this team will be composed of responsible individuals.

IV. Kantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model and Lencionis Team DysfunctionsRemarks Legend:1- Difficult2- Average3- Easy

Kantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model

Krishna ValdehuezaKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model

Partnership and CorporationMoveOpposeBy StandFollowRemarks

Subject Matter31329/4= 2.25

Study Time31329/4= 2.25

Quizzes31228/4= 2.00

Term/ Examinations22228/4= 2.00

Khate del PilarKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model

Partnership and CorporationMoveOpposeBy StandFollowRemarks

Subject Matter22239/4= 2.25

Study Time13239/4= 2.25

Quizzes13239/4= 2.25

Term/ Examinations13239/4= 2.25

Grezil MagsayoKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model

Partnership and CorporationMoveOpposeBy StandFollowRemarks

Subject Matter31228/4= 2.00

Study Time13127/4= 1.75

Quizzes31228/4= 2.00

Term/ Examinations31228/4= 2.00

Vanezza Stephan VaporKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model

Partnership and CorporationMoveOpposeBy StandFollowRemarks

Subject Matter22239/4= 2.25

Study Time22329/4= 2.25

Quizzes22228/4= 2.00

Term/ Examinations22239/4= 2.25

Xenia SumbilloKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model

Partnership and CorporationMoveOpposeBy StandFollowRemarks

Subject Matter13217/4= 1.75

Study Time22228/4= 2.00

Quizzes22217/5= 1.75

Term/ Examinations13116/4= 1.50

Ella MadrooKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model

Partnership and CorporationMoveOpposeBy StandFollowRemarks

Subject Matter313310/4= 2.50

Study Time13228/4= 2.00

Quizzes22239/4= 2.25

Term/ Examinations223310/4= 2.50

Marl Vinzi EducKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model

Partnership and CorporationMoveOpposeBy StandFollowRemarks

Subject Matter22228/4= 2.00

Study Time13116/4= 1.50

Quizzes22228/4= 2.00

Term/ Examinations31228/4= 2.00

Jayson MacapayagKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model

Partnership and CorporationMoveOpposeBy StandFollowRemarks

Subject Matter22318/4= 2.00

Study Time13138/4= 2.00

Quizzes13138/4= 2.00

Term/ Examinations22228/4= 2.00

Lencionis Team Dysfunctions

Lencionis Team Dysfunctions

Partnership and CorporationTrustConflictCommitmentAccountabilityResultsRemarks

Group Study2

232312/5= 2.40

Group Research2222210/5= 2.00

Accounting Teacher2232211/5= 2.20

V. Kantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model and Lencionis Team Dysfunctions Remarks

Remarks Legend:1- Difficult2- Average3- Easy

Kantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model Remarks

Krishna ValdehuezaKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model






Khate del PilarKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model






Grezil MagsayoKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model






Vanezza Stephan VaporKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model






Xenia SumbilloKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model






Ella MadrooKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model






Marl Vinzi EducKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model






Jayson MacapayagKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model






Lencionis Team Dysfunctions

Lencionis Team Dysfunctions





VI. Kantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model and Lencionis Team Dysfunctions Interpretations

Kantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model

Krishna ValdehuezaKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model


2.25= AverageDespite the commitment and value I give, I still came up with the result of an Average probably because I still find the subject difficult to comprehend and the discussions are sometimes confusing.

2.25= AverageI got an average in this area due to the fact that I only study when it is necessary (e.g. upcoming examinations and quizzes.) Other than that, I do not really study much.

2.00= AverageAs I stated earlier, I study for quizzes, yet I still find the quizzes a bit difficult. Though our quiz results are not posted yet, I have a strong feeling that they arent as good as it as to be.

2.00= AverageThe examinations are confusing, yet I can manage to handle them, maybe not as much as I should, but definitely as much as I could.

Khate del PilarKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model


2.25= AverageMy remark with subject matter is somehow true because I think that my accounting subject is somehow difficult and there are times that I can understand the discussion so somehow it is also easy for me.

2.25= AverageI dont study a lot but if its needed, I study. Especially if there is an upcoming quiz or during major exams. So my remark with my study time is true.

2.25= AverageHonestly, Im not confident with my quizzes. Especially when the topic is all about dissolution. But my desire to pull it up is really high so thats why its average.

2.25= AverageI want to pull up my grades through acing the major exams but I think its really difficult. Same case with my quizzes, my desire to pull up my scores is really high but I think I need to work more about the first two, the subject matter and especially my study time.

Grezil MagsayoKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model


2.00= AverageSince I was committed in our subject but I cant find it easy yet not so much difficult.

1.75= DifficultOur class ends at 6 in the evening and starts at 7:30 in the morning every day and thats the reason I had a poor study time.

2.00= AverageI only had short study time.

2.00= AverageI only had short study time.

Vanezza Stephan VaporKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model


2.25 = AverageBased on the result about the subject, I got an average remarks because it is not as mild as I expected yet not so tough to learn.

2.25= AverageThe reason I got an average result in my study habit because in my case, although I studied a day before the examination or quizzes yet I am really focused in the subject itself.

2.00= AverageIn our quizzes Im not pretty sure that I can get high scores yet I have trust with all those efforts exerted during the test. Thats the reason I got an average remark also because I know its not easy to get high scores yet I dont think so I failed.

2.25= AverageTerm examinations are the most thrilling part in grading systems because it may pull your grades up or bring it down. I got an average result because I am not actually focused in taking it yet I am very concern about the outcome. Also, it is not really complicated yet not as easy to be blind folded.

Xenia SumbilloKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model


1.75= DifficultIts quite difficult for me to value and deepen my commitment to the subject Im currently taking, basically because I never wanted the course Im having. Its hard for me adjust myself since my field of expertise has no connection with what i have been learning now.

2.00= AverageI have no problems in budgeting (nalimot ko unsai term ani) my time since Im not really that busy. I have no work on weekends and has some free hours every night on weekdays.

1.75= DifficultI would say quizzes are difficult since Im not really that attentive during lectures and I rarely take down notes. I also do not study because its only a quiz, which is a wrong perception.

1.50= DifficultExams are obviously very difficult since its a compilation of the past lessons and i have a short term memory. I easily get bored and distracted when i study. And i am not aiming for a high grade for a lack of interest in subject matter which results to poor grades.

Ella MadrooKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model


2.50= AverageMy remark is Average because the subject matter is not that easy for me nor difficult but I find it interesting though. I can say that it is easy for me because there are certain instances that I fully understand the lessons. On the other hand, I can say that it is difficult because there are problems and situations that I cannot really understand the lessons well.

2.00= AverageI also got an Average for this because I usually cannot study well. I also do not make plans on when I should study and I do not have a study schedule. I usually cram, I study the night before our quizzes.

2.25= AverageThis section is also an Average because I do not exactly know what's my standing in my subject because our teacher has still not returned any of our quizzes. But I also think that my grades are not that really low so I ended up having an A in my remarks for this.

2.50= AverageThis one is still an Average for me. I still do not know my score in my Prelim Exam and I have not yet taken the remaining examinations. Even though I have not known my scores I still have high hopes that I can pass the examinations.

Marl Vinzi EducKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model


2.00= AverageAccountancy is my first and own choice so I don't have problem regarding the subject Accounting. But the level difficulty is not something that I have prepared myself of, that's why I regard it average.

1.50= DifficultI am not into studying ever since I was young and I think I'm having difficulty changing that habit because until now, I don't frequently spend time prying my notes.

2.00= AverageSomehow, I know that there is a need for me to get high scores during quizzes so I consider Quizzes under average because as much as they are difficult and somewhat stressful, they are means of passing.

2.00= AverageLike Quizzes, I give utmost consideration to Exams that's why I see to it that they are given attention. But since I don't have a good study habit, it still just falls to average.

Jayson MacapayagKantors 4-Player Team Dynamic Model


2.00= AverageIm doing well in my subject matter but I cant easily analyze

2.00= AverageIm still trying to spare more time in studying

2.00= AverageI am not satisfied with my scores in my quizzes

2.00= AverageI can answer my exam easily, but I am not so sure about my answer

Lencionis Team Dysfunctions

Lencionis Team Dysfunctions


2.40= AverageWe came up with an average result because though we are committed, we still have difficulty in the subject itself and in studying in groups.

2.00= AverageWe got an average remark because we may had a lot of sources about the subject yet we cannot fully put our trust in it. We must also have to discover the information or answers through our efforts.

2.20= AverageOur accounting teacher was committed yet based in our experienced with her, we can rate her with an average remark. Though she tried her best to teach us about the topics yet sometimes she was confused why it came up in that result.

VII. Workshop Evaluation and Action PlanningAccounting is worth studying for.All in all, we had determined our capacity in order for us to make some activities that will help us to pass this course. We are now more aware in our actions and its up for us to leave or lived it. We never forget those past deeds rather we reflect ourselves and make better decisions than before. It also motivates us to continue and pass this course. We had learned to value our time and use it for good or wisely. This workshop also helps us create a team. A team with cooperation, sharing of ideas and distribution of responsibilities. We had recognized the environment or factors which affects our studies and study habit.Actions to be done in order for us to continue and finish this course: Study- never come to class unprepared, the worst feeling in the world as an accountancy student is sitting in class not understanding a thing. Never ever cram- study the lessons a week before examinations. Cramming results lack of sleep and being sleepless will lose your focus. Never be afraid to ask for help. Even geniuses get confused. So, if youre confused, you can always ask your professor very nicely to make clarifications. Also, ask someone who knows your lessons. Practice solving problems. Solve problems in order for you to answer confidently. Look for other sources. Do not only rely on a single information but gather details in order for you to be well acquainted. Presence of mind. Dont panic. Take a deep breath and pray. Pray. Not only for good grades but also for patience, humility, good health and enlightenment for you, your family and also professors.