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During this period IPC was a magazine mainly for men. However, they did talk about gardening which was done by both males and females. During this time they also focused on leisure activities. They offered a prize in there magazine which was £1 a week for life to any reader who guessed the amount of gold and silver in the Bank of England. This helps me as I am going to be making a magazine and this shows they have always known how to sell more. This also shows they are targeting a wide target audience ranging from working to middle class. They started as the largest newspaper in Europe with 24 pages.


Now they started to target women and homes as houses were destroyed in WW1 but also men who came back from the war. They would be good to use as a publisher because they have used recent news to target people. This magazine was also made to compete with a different magazine about the same genre.


They used cover mounts which is something I can use in my magazine and the price of the magazine is cheaper than any other full colour magazine which shows good marketing. Now they had launched a magazine for women only as it was called ‘Women’s Own’. They also launched Caravan, Stamp magazine and prediction in this decade, but they no longer own these three magazines which show they were very successful with them and other people wanted to buy them.


During the wartime IPC main magazine was Women’s Weeklies which was made to keep up the morale of British women. They also worked with the government to supply important information. This shows they would be a good publisher for my magazine as they have a lot of links.


In this period they started to make their first magazine which was NME. They also acquired the tvtimes magazine. This shows they would probably publish pop and rock magazines and this would be good for my magazine as I could make my magazine around pop/hip hop.


They now started to publish sport magazines which show how flexible they are. The football magazine was released three years after England won the world cup which shows how they fit the latest trends as football became more popular.


Now IPC began to publish aeroplane, gun and bike magazines which show they can successfully launch different magazines thanks to their reputation. Prince Phillip made a visit to Anglers mail and Yachting monthly which would mean IPCs magazines would gain more attention. This makes IPC a good publisher for me.

Zoheb Ashraf

Page 2: Task 4


In the 80s IPC embarked upon their biggest sales campaign in its history. They also started to work in Europe. This shows they would be a good publisher for me as they work to target different people and they could publish different types of music magazines.


During this period NME became the first major UK title to get its first internet site. They also own the bestselling magazine which is the tv listings magazine.


In this period they spent £8 million on a marketing investment for their first men’s magazine which shows they can different types of magazines and have good marketing strategies to maximise their target audience. They carried on putting more money into magazines which paid off as they had many successful magazines.


They now made more magazines about homes and food recipes. They have also restructured there target audience to men and up-market women.

Why might other publishers like Bauer be appropriate?

Bauer would be a good publisher since they were founded in 1875 with over 600 magazines and 400 digital products. They have print shops and different marketing services and work in 17 countries. This shows that they would be a good publisher as they target many different cultures across the world. They publish both the Kerrang and Q music magazines.

Zoheb Ashraf