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  • To Our Vendors, Suppliers, and Subcontractors: We shall be fair and professional in all our business dealings and shall honor our commitments to our business partners.

    We shall endeavor to select vendors, suppliers, and subcontractors who will adhere to our ethical standards and commitment to quality products and services.

    To Our Neighbors: We shall be responsible citizens, respecting the laws and customs of each community in which we live or conduct business.

    As noted above, we believe that there is a strong linkage between ethics and quality at Telcordia.

    Key Messages

    We all have a stake in upholding the Company's ethical standards. There are three key messages of the Company's ethics program that all employees must understand.

    Ethical behavior at Telcordia is an individual as well as a management responsibility.

    High ethical standards are essential to achievement of our individual and corporate goals. We should never underestimate the importance of our individual ethical behavior on the general well being of our fellow employees and on the Company as a whole.

    Remaining competitive in world markets, preserving our reputation for superior quality, and complying with regulations and laws all require that we look at the long-term impact of our actions. Improper actions of a single employee, or a small group of employees can result in serious problems for the Company. Your personal integrity is the vital link that makes our ethics policy work.

    Telcordia wants its employees to act in an ethical manner. We strongly believe that ethical conduct is essential to our success. The Company insists on ethical behavior even when the ethical decision results in lower profits.

    We care not only about results, we care about how we get them. Only legal and ethical means are acceptable. When in doubt, re-read the Credo.

    If you see something wrong, disclose it. Not only does it lead to an unpleasant working environment, but it can also lead to serious legal and financial problems for the Company. We depend on all employees to report, not condone, misconduct.

    Unless we learn about misbehavior we cannot stop and correct it. Also, if you have questions about what is the correct course of action for yourself or others, inquire. Ethical inquiry is a sign of ethical health.Do not tolerate violations of our common ethical standards. Disclosure of any improper conduct of which you become aware is critical to the well being of your Company. Several channels are available:

    Speak with your manager or someone in the management chain Speak with your Human Resources Partner Call the Corporate Security Hotline (732) 699-8000Call the Hotline 1-(800) CONDUCT Call the Legal Department (732) 699-3540

  • Telcordia takes all such communications seriously and investigates them promptly and fully. By your example, you can influence your fellow employees to keep Telcordia performance at its technical and ethical best.

    An important point is that retribution against employees who report ethics complaints or questions is itself unethical and inconsistent with our ethical standards. The Company takes these complaints about retribution just as seriously as any other violation and will investigate them just as fully.

    General Responsibilities for All

    The Company and every employee is expected to comply with the guidelines in this booklet and to observe the highest ethical standards when confronted with new situations not described in this booklet.

    Company Responsibilities

    Telcordia is responsible for making sure all employees are aware of and understand the standards of conduct described in this booklet and for creating a work environment in which these standards may be successfully followed. The Company provides education and training on ethical issues and will make available continuing counsel on Company policies and practices to any employee who has any questions.

    Managerial/Executive Responsibilities

    Each manager or executive is responsible for ensuring that every employee under his or her management has read the Telcordia Code of Business Ethics, understands its importance and has signed and dated the certification with his or her Performance Management Plan. Also, all managers have a particular responsibility to set a good example for their employees to follow by their own ethical behavior within the spirit and letter of this booklet, to provide guidance and leadership, and to monitor and act upon behavior of their employees that violates the standards in this code.

    Employee Responsibilities

    Each Telcordia employee is personally responsible for conducting his or her work in a manner consistent with the Telcordia Credo and the guidelines discussed in this booklet. Any employee who suspects or has knowledge of infractions of these standards of conduct should immediately bring the matter to the attention of either his or her manager, someone in the management chain, a Human Resources Partner, the 1 (800) CONDUCT Hotline, or the Legal Department. If requested by the reporting party, such matters will be treated confidentially, to the extent possible. All employees are responsible for compliance.