Download - Spring Kerchief

Page 1: Spring Kerchief

© 2013 Sachiko Uemura

All rights reserved. For personal and non-commercial use only.


CO = cast on

BO = bind off

st(s) = stitch(es)

k = knit p = purl

yo = yarn over

pm = place marker

sm = slip marker

m1R = make 1 right

m1L = make 1 left

RS = right side

WS = wrong side

Spring Kerchief by knittimo


Yarn A: 1 skein of Malabrigo Yarn Lace (470 yds / 50 g) - shown in Apple Green

Yarn B: 1 skein of Malabrigo Yarn Lace (470 yds / 50 g) - shown in Natural

US 3 (3.25 mm) and US 0 (2 mm) circular needles

2 stitch markers

Blocked Gauge: 24 sts and 42 rows = 4” in stockinette st

Measurements: 59” wide, 17” deep


This triangular kerchief is worked with yarn held double throughout.

Top: Yarn A x 2 (in stockinette)

Middle: Yarn A + B (in stockinette)

Bottom: Yarn B x 2 (in garter)


Divide Yarn A into 1/3 and 2/3.

With 2 strands (1 from each) held together, CO 2 sts on larger needle.

Knit 7 rows. Pick up and knit 3 sts from garter ridges on left side of piece and 2 sts from CO sts. (7 sts)

Set-up (WS): k2, yo, p1, pm, p1, pm, p1, yo, k2 (9 sts)

Next (RS): k2, yo, k to marker, m1R, sm, k1, sm, m1L, k to last 2 sts, yo, k2 (4 sts increased)

Next (WS): k2, yo, p to last 2 sts, yo, k2 (2 sts increased)

Repeat last 2 rows.

When the smaller Yarn A is used up, join Yarn B. (Felted join works fine.)

Now with Yarn A and B held together, keep working the same until Yarn A is

almost used up, ending with a completed WS row.

Then, with remaining Yarn B held double, start working in garter st on smaller

needle. Keep increasing the same way.

(RS): same as above (4 sts increased)

(WS): k2, yo, k to last 2 sts, yo, k2 (2 sts increased)

(If you like to keep the center spine in stockinette st, purl the center st on WS.)

Work until just enough yarn for BO is left, ending with a completed WS row.

BO knitwise on RS with larger needle. Weave in ends. Wet block. Enjoy!