Download - Spanish watersheds


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THE ATLANTIC WATERSHEDThe Atlantic Watershed is the most extensiveIts divide into 3 groups:The Galician rivers: they are short and abundants because they run through areas with oceanic climate.

The most important Galician Rivers are:The Tambre, Ulla, Eume and the Mio with his tributary the Sil.

This is the mio river

Plateau Rivers:they are long but suffer drought in summer.They have got irregular flow.The most important rivers are:The Duero, Tajo and Guadiana

The Duero: It borns in Picos de Urbin and it flows in Porto, Portugal.Its principal tributaries are: Pisuerga, Esla, Adaja and Tormes

This is the Carrin River, in Palencia, a tributary of the Pisuerga River

Tajo:It borns in the Sierra de AlbarracnAnd flows in Lisboa, Portugal.Its the longest river of the Iberian Peninsula.Principal tributaries: Jarama, Guadarrama, Alberche, Titar and Alagn

Guadiana-It borns in the province of Ciudad Real.Principal Tributaries: Zjar, Zncara and Cigela

Western Andaluca Rivers:they are short except the Guadalquivir,that is navigable in its lower and its tributaries are the Genil and Guadalimar. with irregular flow, they suffer long droughts.Other Andalucian Rivers are the Odiel, Tinto and Guadalete.

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