Download - Society Music. LfCURET © cGRECOR & · ... and Great Britain imported a total ... In aadftlrta tv We regular

Page 1: Society Music. LfCURET © cGRECOR & · ... and Great Britain imported a total ... In aadftlrta tv We regular



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MONDAY,, NOVEMIJEti S3,' 1890,

• jfeKuttutaB '** Ptfctwwnwffl aviss* t>*v .sac*** 8tf*»*V ST W. LMSMKG * W«.

S' if a *.*!

T E R M S s *rf* P.*W» Wftl ** ilBttvfirod w AtiViirtw (

# * « * « SITBSOI&IHSRS Mi piaM^wirsrh, or .forward-, 0itff mafl,Jkssfcage trea. as follows: . |

-is?2S£iSt*""" ".".*:::;:; »•»-*SUC IBOtttBS . • .-. •• * £, ^«*&*tom»fa8.... ;.-•••• ••••• 3 S 'M» month...-, • • •••••• . . . . . . . «w

StUBSrtptlons not paid in > i v ^ « ' «*U >£ t?Jie<aieaSt the end or each month at so cent*..

§ • •'•:

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m W

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«** $™**i-* *•* .*£« *•*>

: ft 3 s i s f If* *•* 5 3 a . *• » * * * * •< *i • * * # » * * » . * . « J

. ^ - : I, rr-in-'-r- fm "n - ]tji I-'I ail"i •! nifliii-.-yi r iVtl**° tiurfvu 'thi >*- if>i*i


KiAJVJSA "FOB T B 8 , T B * . A S f B T t

' What i» lakin? the form of A strong taovement has for its object the selection byPreridentMcKinleyof Mark A Hanna $0 he Secretary of the Treasury, Tn# Ktovemeht is especially {renounced in husiiess £rreles, where the conviction 4has Mr, Sauna is just the man for the

' jsosition is firm y established, Business inea were atrt ngiy impre«6ed by the ability displayed by Mr. Hanna in the

ifaauagement of his own great and varied iBfcereata, and more so by Irs magnificent

• ananagemeht of the campaign, showing jKBeeative capacity of the highest order. Mo m&& skillful marebalhhg of forces in ifcetMl conflict is known ha our history. Ift is urged that tbe lualitiee Mr. Hanna 4isp3ayed' in the campaign are just the ^aies requited in a Secretary of the Treaa-atry.

It is further urged as a reason why the 3Pj*BldentH8lect should name Mr. Hanna, and why Mr. Hanna sbodld accept, that *h« latter Bhouia be officially connected with an administration he has done so jiaucli to create, giving it the fall benefit

•at' h i s aonnd businees jadgment. Be-attise of h u personal and political rela-

' & with the Pjreeident, ISx. Banna will a l l iost of oeceesity be theehief adviser orthe administration, but such service could not provobe criticism if rendered %• one havirg official relations with the administration.

Thus party as well as public interests demand that Mr. Hanna should havn a place in the cabinet.

H O W I S T H I S D A 1 B V M E N ?

33iere is a stirring object If sson for our dairymen in the table of England's ptir-chasiogof butter* For ten years past w e have been steadily losiag dor trade in iHie great butter mirket of the world, and this condition calls fojr special con*-

Jaentwben weHake into' consideration tbe fact that the American dairyman can undersell all competitors, Denmark sells Ztt Great? Britain 100,003 000 pounds of butter, and we sell I.OOOiOOO pounds. The Dutch kingdom obtains 24 53 a pound. France last year sold 50;000 000 pounds of her butter product t<& England a t 24:85 per pound, while the export from the United States sold for 19.6$. Far away Australasia outsells us at a ratio of $ to 1, and gets an average of 22 33 per pound in the British market. "

Our dairymen ought to have a grow; ing trade with Eqgland, as we have an e^er widening sale there for the bulk (of our food products. In butter thetrouple eeems to be not a matter of price, but of qijallty. Oar North American product is sot up to the proper standard, a fact made clear by the small sales in England of Canadian butter. The price obtained by the Canadians is la.62 per pound, but the costlier article from Denmark, Fiance and Buss'a is preferred. Holland sold England last vear 19,000 < (JO pot nds at 28.M, and Great Britain imported a total from all countries of 260,000.0.00 pounds. This onght to suggest a change in meth­ods to the American dairyman. There if no good reason why we should notobtain one-fourth of the butter trade with Eng-i land, and thus bring to circulation here $20 000, f 00 a 3 ear. «


HAtflT LfCURE© mrnttm,viM«oiw*»iMWjKt» J M » M a b n t To osuriUl* de-


i M f t ^ b T O . T. LARKIN4 - •

SEASON %S~*97.


Mr. EDWST^* CLAKKE Wiit make a speeUttjr at

Society Music. trill tnctado. In aadftlrta tv We regular

*qoit>ttieftt of

21 st Infantry Band. Wsown sfcrvleas, tORCtJIer WitnJPlardst, Cotttet tet, < l c . thu# IntroducftW to. Plattebufgh •tmclat musio far all social functions.


Ba fgains

0<Hcc:-FIattsft«rgfc Tlieatr e. (Box Office,) ' «


E V E R E S T A S K i N o R

A rroRwevsawtovin^i. »s. .:; m 'he Ccart iT<v3-v lx_i:,,,„

*rd*tBoa<(esPoifti. \ ^

tturgb, K V.

G. T . A M I S , _ 00.(1 i f>! ATKVJiSKV ana to iu-^.



C H A R L E S H A L S f V Mr.. >WF •Prscticp^ ii >:

._.. . . . . OlUcpat N">> :; W«ck, upstali¥, to** li«nr

iStr iioUty Public with -^.,


1>AV1D H. AC\r:.V4 i r f ^ k N E S an(l Conn*:.- r H "\. Strong Block, Flaitsl-argr j. , *na

RILEV * Hffii:..r A M O B S E y s and < ono<*i. >r.« n ix. MarlOn moek, CltaWn M.'W • f. V.

J JUS*. K1LST, R1>fti.(

-• a-.:,rfara.


W H E E L E R ft WOODW \Mt> iPrpB^EYB and cpo!Me„..r» ,; l r fW A ' -

'ii.In.MariouBlock»"Oiini -t

«. U WHjUELX«,



Meat Market W. fl. BREWSTER, hop: »

F R A N K N. MAti^H.

A WOUNBY at) A , Boom Ko, 4, Hafeit's iUw s Plattsbnrgfytf. X.

atld Coun*<-! l , H a s


», E» BARNARD, * 3!IO»NIiYan(l'Coun9»n«r v ' -

*V. ftow's Block, Rattsburjjii \; ^ScelB


a large lih4 of Fur Robes^ andiCJpth lined, \^hich we wflj sell

riexi T E N D A Y S from $4:50 to $xoJo^ eacli, formerly solid from $6.00 to

Syecial,'icare and attention given %o mak^

m MARGARET] SSFREET, Opb. Post0ffice. 1

30 M»rf irtt $tft«t, ' OppwHt WHhtrill HOUM.

FrcSli &nilSalt Meats,.. Oysters,

•' Canned Goods, Ffilta and Vegetables

4KEPP-EN $ KELLpot. ATTOBK1BT and Couiiae}6F m tx. »trong*pBloclr,OUtitoti8tr(wt i [» |B Ana.

CHA5. H., McNEIL .A TTOBNSY and Counseller at i iw om^ A . glg»fl>r Bloc*, 15 Clinton streS P ^ |

WEEDS SMITH A CONWAY. * TTOBOTirtfl an'' Pounselors-at Law £%. Weed AMooers' Bloclt, CUntoti Platt*t>twgh,K.T.


Goods delivered' to any" part.of the Yillagfc * 668-tf

finest Furs, 1 •* * * '

Best Assortment

W e halve

Coats and

Fur Capes,

Robes in all dtf-. . . — . , J •• <

Jierent-ftrnds: and-qualities to

su;t evefyone; J^lso we make

repair all,kinds of

Loan Commissioners' Sale. WHEREAS James HarrWand Haras X. H*r~

rU,hia wife, then ef Va» town of BCek-nuujtolrii, Couetrgf CUntwamd 8r»t* of Sfo^, Tort.dMdtt^ mortgage to V* Cotnmissroriera, for loasuiff certain inaa«3»MtM United States' fer t&e connw or Canton, t i e yr> mites descrtb--M la «at« ntortgage, to wit; Alt that oettain toter pAftel of fend-, stroate^triar and-belhgitt the town or Baekiqaatown. to th« county of CUatoaaMtftateocVeifTork aad is a part or lot nnmoer f'irtr Utrae tn Beelcmsn's patent ant ts butte*»oa Maadsd-M lot o m , to wit: Be-gtnelfif At «ne wMtawept corner «f lands»o»r owuod>y John Bo&a,» part otaaue lot Twine

ttas eenter o seTenty.rtx wast, ft«e chsliis awd seven links; tbeoee sputa; elgnty-slx degrees eaw, rnreeopsins and thirtiy-eighn links; vhonoe aontb, two degrees west, nineteen ebaln* *nd l>rty-nine lltike; th»nce south, ewht^^tgM degrees ea tt, eleven Chains

WM. W. C*MTWELL, A ^IPOMWr and b junseIor-atrLaW, Offlosto i t Aronrong's Biook. up one Bight, seam* loot: toleft. Entrance on Clinton sueel

, WIN5LOW C. WATSON, ^~~~ * WOBNBt and Ominselor-at-Law. spedai t i . atteutton oivei to business to snrroSS jourt Ofllre over M'Hattie's store, MarmS trtefc, PlatUbnrlKh, N, T. •""«»*«*

THOMAS B. COlf TER, A ^ J S ? 1 ^ * 5 a P«S»g?lo]> „«™ A . with weeds. Smith ft Conway, jrlattjgwpjj



F K O N T I I J B A K . T I A 7 I E S T .

The New York- eorrtv}«» dent of thf Montreal i'atri»- ;i • ths.t Anieti-'ans are busy building fortifications, against Can ada. He adds*: " fhe neeessl'ty for this expenditure is causing much hoitile sen-timeht toward; ('anada anjong Americans |.,' who really entertain no bad feeling to­ward the Canadian people, whom tht-y always wish to regard as friends. They have no desire to wa«te money on, fron­tier ariname.nfs, but they say if Canada! begins to sp°nd money by appropriating ; teveral millions for oinnon and fortifica ' thms a,'ong cur .frontier, and will allow her territory to be made the hage of mili tary oj« rations by Epglar/d stfi tinst the Ucited Htat-s, then we ait- cotnpi-lltrd t > prepare foi our own defence, and per­haps, if the provocation b* comes too great, we may be compelled to adopt measures that- will entirely abolish the frontier. Th»se are sentiments that*have be^n rx-pret'.Btd to me by serious and in­telligent persons."

T h e i d e a l H a u a c l e a . James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago,

says: "I regard Dr. King's New Diseov ery as an Ideal Penacea fdr Coughs Golds and Liinsr Complain'ts, h avlng Used it in my family for* the last five years to-the exclusion of physician's prescrip­tions or other preparations." *

Rev, John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa, Writes- "I have been a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal, Church for 50 years or more, and have never found anything so beneficial, or i that gave ,jne such speedv relief as Dr King's Sew Discov­ery " * Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial Bottles Free at Mrs. D. K Gilbert's, 'Pi t tsburgh; W. E. Sweet. Port Henry. J. L. Burton. Keeseville; S. WarrenDay, Peru, and W. E Clough, West Chazy. Drug Stores.

T H O n t S B . U K E B ,

The {.retent prosptct is that Thornafi B. E*.ed w iil be the most prominent Re­publican next to the president in the im­mediate 'future, 'fliat dis'inction may be his enough longer to carry him into the presidency. He has no rival in sight for the fuccessioh, and the only JMng against him is the fact that so few men jmentloned for any considerable time in advance of a nomination to that office jbase succeed* d m attaining I t f t is difficul' to remember a time when there Wfre-so ft>w tneu talked of for futore

as now, John Sherman'* Were definitely settled four

yeaw ago, and Senator Mlinoa'a axe now ended. If *ir, Eeed i» t» ha?e arivafa /fite F must ar|»e hereafter. 3So one is suggested even a* a .possibility to contest arjlitJhJm^—Boatq« Berald,

As the returns CJuie in it is seen that the late Mr. Bryan f«'Uid 'H-he enemy's

country" much nearer home than in "the plutocratic East." Mr.- Bryan dwells in Lincoln, Neb, The official fig­ures show that in the votip^ precinct wht re he lives McK'nley bad 96 majorityj in the ward 297 mnjority; in the city of Lioeolh 1,012; in the county 839, and in the c >r gressional dissri' 1702. Moreover, 4here l>as been a steady gain in the Re­publican strength ever since Mr. Bryan became active in politics, his own ward having increased the Reputliran vote from 5S5 in 1890 "to 808 in 1806. .Mr.' Bryan makes art exc llert campaig •> worker for "the enemy."'-r-Troy Times.

Belianee. Though tho mountains in tho-distance-wear a

' 4 rnisty shrotid.of hlno And the frost begins to tiDRle In the air;

Thotjgh the trees have, doffed their splendor* and the sorrj.ber leaden htio

Of the sky h»si touched the landscape, Weak and bare, I

Wejlcnow-thf'world is spirinirig: As it's done -since the bogirmmgr.

We may not seek j t» guide its course through space, • ,

Bnt, we're snr|6 ^twill bring the roses And the shine! that June discloses,

Ever welcome, ia1 their old1 aconstomed place.

Though the darkness 'of a sorrow seerns ix. \itmd. »cro?s tour way. . ,

Though the songs of y iuthhave tnelted t o n sigh.

Though the prospect of the aiorrow bears s shadow fronl today

And the hours growBtern and sterner as they fly, I- • ,

We ltnow the •) rorld as spinning, As it's done si nee the hegirmirig,

And while we vaii ly strive i t s course to tract tVo're sure 'twlfll bring the roses. And the shine Itbat-June- discloses,

Ever welcome, in their old aceustomed place. • J —Washington Star.

Oh I dotttyottJaicwthe'placetOgo, Wherssmlle* yoti'ttalways meet

Oneterriace; yotf^lfuidthe^iace, t o ? iprgalet; Street.'

We ha*^ Crockery fee, beyond compare,* Whl«}H hoone-candehy,

^ithGrpceriescheip, every Hne; complete, To ^ ^ *v a*Mt&v- '.' '


j(y satlify.'

nier^s^as te, and without wSste,

T » C a r e a, c o l d i n O n e D a y fake laxative Broma Qunins Tablets, All druggi-ts refund the money If i t fails to cure. 25c

Suggestive Instructioni*.

AU Her Life-Happy Release at Last of Miss AlIcejYoung, who Resides

at. 392 Alexander Street), Eockepter, N. t .

(.From. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.-)

Out representative was received ver^ pleasantly at 38? Alexander Street, by Mjss Alice Young, who tolcLJaow since .childhood she had beenJteld m. the bond­age of pain from her hack, never re-meinbering the time that she had hot suf­fered; pain or aches h the region of t t e Mdnejys. Many were the means she used to And relief, hut there seemed no remedy for Ur case and. sb,e stiE remained a cap* tive; thenalong cpmes these little enemies

Wefa^tpnileacfc ckliv For "tis the desire, of%ohiley & Hyers

Tb:gai|i the go^-wlll ofall,.

And yHt^ul flpa,' Krults of many kind, withWutSaiuJtJa^aieef sweet; ,,

Eggs and Butter ine, oh whlcn to df ne, td^^arjgaretSfjeei.;^ - '

•VHi I'

tiwmt NO. 28 ViV& SUSEEt.,

I'pftots terine ITiW its Branches,

-. ax, W6*k w.AiB£m&tzb>,,

p o ^ ^ ^ S S ^ ^ S S S g ^ e y Piils, «id a " . W . .-•"!**! y. half box releases the bonds, as one hy one the abbes and .pains disappear, "she find*

inan tu the publisher in-Cedar Kupidg.' O n tho wrapper was written: ''.Foswajrcl. an* other copy in asliestus wrapper. ThlainflB isdead.''^-Pbilaaaipliia Ifiquirer.

Ml Bn«hiioau, im Democrat* and 15 fHs|ilsisa. tl*w» wlUbeaaouadmooc/ aa»jogttr*i<47.

An Exclusive JdEsIady*, The unfortunate thing i s that ther«i*BO

arrangenaent by which *h$i plea of Men* tomania may be brougiitinon behfttl df oh i utiividual caught stealing bread tflifeeep the ijabiesat home alive.—-Chicago Rso^rdi

t T h e W h b ' e S tory of the wonderrnisiuw*, by Bood'sjaraanajriua teso »n told, ft miVtii sthe Woodrich, nur* and uourtshihflE, It attire* |cTOfjBla,eat»trh, rheitipatisin.

a Hood s«FIHsa«th»pKwJ;»y «rlttiHSoft'a

R) iea i»« i I » iB C a r « « fm » » * T ^ '". , "llyiit-ic -Care* jfor.liBa^f|t*««ft a»d Neuralgia i^ic«Jlyc«re»iB;l tov-l^am-Its sclkm nponib* ijrstena w reoMtkaUa and mystfrioua. ;||:*0«rw«^"«k:.^«»;ii«i

oauw! aad tbe dlseaae imteadiattly 4J»>

7*o«t s . 8oM r^ d r u a W i Plawa-b a t v h hr "' ~"~ "~""' " ' """ ~ • •^pss fc jPJ i^" I P * a

™ small of my, back. iHaeif* all thitime, m:» *ro*M always

4 fttfiEerad.wa* of mwii at nigh* I my'back any other audaulferi% taa jbicav Tfe^.a«edted 11 aevew headacbca,

.DoaaJJKMD.yPllb batter and


m. •ED*.

and $1.001 br * »««». o«a tOMpimfav W+ritt.^ - , - — f r ; , - . • , . , • ; . • - • . • : - • • • > : v . • • , - • . .

lirs.. Your inspection ,i$



e *t

solicited, v. '



W S t m M S i i S H B a

itielj-elgbc links to the west line of Noel BereotitB'UuMb.taeace north, on the west line otKosl KSiasfds'siKl jo»n Bond's land; twenty^ tour ca»lns and seventy-OAe links, to toe place or begianlog; oontsiving thirty-one' acres Of

1 »• «*W raorteage la dated the ascondday oi Oaaaary.oaataDQiiand eight hundred, andsev-euty-Uuea sad ttreoorded, with the power of «aiecafiuaMd.rtt/aeOffi » of the Losn. Com mmtmS^WrUm G«oo«y of C*mw« u Book of a»*tgagt* aasnfter Two au« Olsitoguttaed tbereln saaiuatMriw, The *«Jd siongage * • » grwtoteem* toepsrmentotthestun at four Madra* aouan lawfai money of tae United States, wttn »h* interest thereon, scoordlwr to An *oto4th#l*gUUiureot the »tate ox New York. pawe«> April 4tt», lfe87,enUtled "an Act1

aattaorMnf a loan of certain moneys belonging t<r the Unked States, deposited with the • tate of »eWTork,fora«*» keeping." .-

'i kf attaoUQt cislmed to he doe at tbe first; pub>-llcsdob of this not Ice s the sum of lour hundred dollars of prtnelpU, a»d lnteivst at th^ rate Offlve percent per annum, twenty-one dollars aad eighty four cents, making la all tae sum of four hundred and' twenty-one and eighty-foul

roue-hundredth? dollars. „ Andaelsult hawing been made In the payment

Of tbe interest dueon the first; Tue-day of Octo­ber 18N, notice tanereby elven tnattheprem-iwsaescdbed la a«ld mortsrag*' wi a he sold at pubiks snot Ion to the highest bidder at the Court House lathe village or Wsttaburgn- *»• Y-, on the first Tuesday of FeWUwy, 18*rT at ten o'clock A Hi

Dated PIsttsburgh.' November 3d, 1S1& A-liEXANOEB W. JPAlvBfKK, ' • .HAjaiLBY H. PARsratrrEitr

Cornnussioners for loaning certain moneys of Trhe United States for Clinton Ooumy. attornevs for i said Commissioners,

Pittsburgh N. y, «S9^w


PlatWbjorgh, W, Y.~Offlce, first mntcUK east of Trinity Ohnrch, Court Bcuse g?jn^e7*v

a,B. BkcacwMfH. E. T. BoTsroiufe

* JMfAjrriN ll^O'BRlEN, ACTOBNKY and ooansslor-at^taw. Offle*.

Ssresta FiaRatmrgn, IT, T,


cflrsftaa*3 Aiw» ^ a y A s * 5 6 5 * ^ 1 1 '

c*S « » « l * v -1

§t t * B o e

rAr*-*******"4*" Oil,.********" Ijawk*^*********'", •',',.' 10u.~<*i***'*"""


L^fe**^ I" s ^ < j | o i E * * r ^ i « " '

• KfllCO* Br"


»W*S * » » . LMtjKatnv


fcfc^#8o«ef, g*


L & a t a *•


l****» 'nam twtJtrtnJI' • ®01




l ^^^ laa twt t* *«>

^ Woo* *ll>rsb*h.



D W . T AVERV ROGERS, "P*S , S i °H? *?* 8nrgfedn. Office No. 11 X Clinton Street, near Margaret, office hom* beJew'at offlce day or night, 655r6i ;


PHYSICIAN and Burgeon;. 6*ce and waW3 deuce No, 86 Brinkerholf St. Office hoar* is

; to 8 p. m., and Tto flp. m. Teiaphoiie, •

• PR, V . C THOMSON, 11

PBnffiiciAN and. Surgeoa(_i0(nic« and r?#-aenoe. Not X Oak. St. Offloe Bottrs,8 toffc

* .m.; 1 M I p. ra., and «,M VcfftW frrnl Tea*":

DR. rRANK MADDEN, 1 won,' OrBce and rant

. -,- r-j-—» Street. Office noma eftwetoa.».,aad5to* f 0«^^j_.t AA^__U.S^. t f_ 4 J « * : -


PHYSICIAN and C 4enee,l1C '"

8p|CUl attention given to diseases of thsEr*,

Tofcjcc l Tobacco!? Tobaceifft '•Xt


f J will>ell fir (the next ^Thirty, Days my

'entiii stock of TOBACCOS B E t O W


Flaiofs .«> ve large


atonce "~*-.tOA

T^-Jtm &^wstaan/waht* t V rentpiriori • location,. ^**«' -# .TfaA. Mw fnk. .!. -knubA ^—..—_A .— in- hlocfc. Falte.

feerseif a slave to pai&joo ffiof%hj-*heir continued use. She says* ^ I waa entirely relhsMed of all mysufferihg and now I am perfeMy strong, healthy" "and wett* ^Howdid j'OU &]» this remedyf^ilise ^oudg waa asked: by our repreaentatlve. she replied that she followtsd direotiooa

e*piici#yv in^m.% nog twa t*M how «&# mm$ affexsted hej; aayingher ajmptoma were J f Stooprog» ^ndlng'eyerf'-Walkmr-

Ipt .adding aoy %gtJt of Mrne atwaya

fare laaapain. In '""' ' "

had a pain in ftntf if i X.4aiu«ht-aet*le,f»erej(tBe a verjf.'-eafatr-3" «oaW only lie poaUkHoTcaualair andthit butMlat id . have refloored aU tir«lyaBdIa«v«r

~ - W ! W»»»-*JP5^sW^tpf,r *w« . # « «

• fTttr*- i rttTTl" fffi.lTffi'- '. ..;

Wiu^jlse- f arnished ho«seor i*60Bi« DXS Meivme, ?r aia** itSefe^iena'

j i iatt j _ • t ' ^ i v , , , , ' ; ;

* * «t«et ,hor«es t o board. Goodt>oi stal'g. -'-'n^iMisai^alMrs. Will.ateteattend

....... ••',ate-»w Twoafeod-,-,,™^. *<>eiippjni:^ra#*,

mijtmmutt mtmm tim$ -a«4-at,flfi'«i * «iM«a, m**Z~mm^mm»r+r7^

J ^ ^ ^ ^ ! 1 ^ * ^ ^ ^ *7»tf'

%: ^k.


^KcH=jtiust be closed «out fey October 3 Call garly aii^ examine pricfes at


MORTGAGE S4.TUE—aortgagpr unanes E Merrill; mortgagee Jo&uBurnhans. assig­

nee and present owner and bolder Elizabeth I^nfcO, Mortgage d^ted November Isfc-I893„and recorded in the office of the* Cleric of Clinton County on the 9th day/Of Debember, 181(3, in Book iio. 87 of Mortgajjes, paeelSSS.

Tbe ajaount claloied, t c h e due upon said

*.DR. E A< BARNES,. PHYSICIAN. Surgeon andiOOUnst. Offlc* , **& reeldence, »No, IV mttb Catherto street, coraer<ttObuchi Offlcahbura; *~ap.*i., >t the Eye4 _ _ . ,

Telenhone Connection

., Special attention -given to diseaeet re, Ear, Nose and Throat



PH*8I0IA? andSmgepn;, office, m Binar erhc* street.

E . C. LOW.f»f.D„

ff O»^|OTHfflrrtOfflce atEesidehee, come fc°C°^ " * BrinkerhoffBtteeta, Pi&tu

lurgh, N. Y. .

.* .DR, C» W. ARTHUR,

PHYSICIAN and fenrgeon. Oiffite and wei denca, Ne. w Cotich Sireet, coiner Crock

'ffiee hours 1 to a P. jfc. Telejajonecbiipertion

/ , T . B , NICMOLS< M. 0 „

P'HYSICUN and Surgeon* o|Sce and reel ' dsucarNo. 8 Oak street. Office honrs-m

stock oi Flags on hand 1st.

RKE L/S, m mmatet St..

T^-r*^ 1 ^

And we



Opp. Postoffjce.


mortgage, at the date of the fhrst publlcatldnof this notice is the sum of -

Default having been made tit tbe payment of moneys secured t>y said mortgage, and no suit or proceeding at law or otherwise having been nsrimted to recover said mortgage debt or any part thereof: now, therefore, notice is beteby given, according to the statute in such case; made and provided, that by-virtue of the power of sale- contained in said mortgaged, janri duly recorded there with, as aforesaid, saldmortgage wll he foreclosed by a sale of the premises herein described. by ttis subscriber, theasslgnee aforesaid, at public auction, on theeleventh day of December, 1886 at the front door of Broad-tfeirs, in the village of Oherubuseo, Clin­ton COnnty.JH, Y.,at two o'clock In the after­noon of that day. -

Said premises are defect ibed in said mortgage as follows; All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the town of uannemora, County of Clinton and HUte of New Y«rk, on GreatLot Do. 1-23 Old Survey and Old MJlIta*y Tract, and Is bounded as follows; Commencing at the southwest corner of Mrs. Krault Veets1 lot; run. ning thence southwes'erly fifty rods tost<ike ne<irj. w. Hutton's nortbwest coriier; running-thence west one hundred and sixty rods -to atata?; thence northerly flftyrwis; thence east one hundred and slrty rods to the place of be­ginning, containing about fifty acres of laud.

Dated, SeptemberW, 1893 ^ , 7-A- B. CooyKr, Att'y.Chfiteaugay, N. Y,

»DR. Vr. j . HRENAN. .JTOOEON ^entlst, {successor to Dr. u. Ji-^ * r ° ° n e y ^ ?verythin*f perWitng to moder

JSfif i*' ^ f o r m e d In tK most Rfcuffi m ^ n * r r ^ % or Ettar administered when at rl«1?Vr.^S ,S l^ i i rlo r5, , , l

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Apron; TowtU, SUM

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] land kerchiefa, etc.

OF KW& STATE OF NEW *r , - * - s ;ToWmiamW^ Thorn' son, CerSer Ba land. Butrand Co . Vt,;,Kred G. Woodruff iioomR45and4l6 Court Bltick, St.JPaul. Minn :

wss^Kate Wooaraff, Her.ver..<k>1.7Mlg8 Mahle ^ ° , ° ^ i r * J P e n ^ C o > ' <»"•) AnnaTTiSorlan! Malone, franklin Co s . Y . the only helis and next of nlh of tbe ' t e s ta tor and to all 'petsons la being who woujd takean Ircerest Jnanv portion (if the real or personal prepeny of fitddTte>tatf »• and the Ex-wuror 0 fexecuton,, 'frut,tee or TrustednMued ordewrited hi the will of hJulIa A . Bo'«ton la&&J* la$<?bJ?r«11' <?««a<3ed, sen • grietiSg? *

, ^ ? e / T ^ Wzzle is, # c e r , t h e Exexjulornamed of Plattsburgn. Jias late ly appliel toSmr 8ur-rotrate's L'nnrt of the Con*> of Clintoni fohave A certain. Instrument u> writing' reuttoeto hotiireal^nd pfrsonal estate, duly p r o w i s tbf las« * hi and testament of Jmia A, Boynton , a $ ^lattsborgn, Waaii county, deceased

Therefore, you and each of you ire i S v diedi and required to be * id app ar^foreSS? said Surrogate',, t ourtTto be i&d^t the otftcl °^Hr,g«rr0«*rt«„ot x*» countypfeiintonin the "village of piattsburtrh In and r™. iilt ber,WN,at 0 o'clock 1* the forenoon of th^? a a f r M S K t * 6 1 ? ^ t o o t a e a S S " a f t w?l!


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Newly sonable ere. J

^^^ish^hronghout , good tahi-ices; also tiansclent and "table i*'iardi

E. <^'ARK^..,..^ , . . . , , , ,Manager *li Btver St., Plattsburgh, li.i


S . V . G A U T H I E R „.. Prop* Newte1 Befitted .md Refurnished ,:

forguestv eithei Deraaneht t,i r*. readv


^Pp|gr |g|..'|ip^ o»e--t0:».-al .'ne. -IfCT'bi-'"

K E L L E Y & A B A K t .

All Sipnern «niirovernents.

.17 Margaret Street, _ , JP^XTSBURGH.M, V

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EI>ELMdNltO. Hotel and Restaurant.

•*. .C. H l K i ' l t .

<*n a v e n u e . PI-ATTSBUROn. N

I f O T E l . A N D RfcST \ L K V M A, P l i . l l l H 11- K IT

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