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Skeptics Ask Monsanto


Delivered at the Boston SkepticsSkeptics in the Pub (SiTP)June 22, 2015

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Skeptics ask Questions Posted on discussion forums:

Reddit: SGU: http://,44431.0.html Boston Skeptics Facebook, Meetup, etc

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Biodiversity Patents/Legal/

Monopoly Tech Agreement with Farmers

Safety testing, transparencyNew crops, new tech

Academic Research License


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Is all the corn out there one kind of corn? What’s different? Risk of susceptibility to a single pathogen? What do you do about that?

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Patents and Legal Issues

Patents ELI5: “explain like I’m 5 years old” Patents on life; seed saving, open source seeds or other off-patented stuff

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Patents claiming Nucleic Acid Sequences DOI: 10.1038/nbt.2568 Top 25 assignees

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Nucleic Acid Patent Holders, USNumber granted, total, US gene patents.

Top 25 holders.via doi: 10.1038/nbt.2568

DuPont/Pioneer Hi-BredGlaxoSmithKlineRocheIncytePfizerUniv of CaliforniaIsis PharmaceuticalsMerckNovaritsUS Dept Health & Human ServicesTakeda PharmaceuticalsMonsantoBristol-Myers SquibbSanofi-AventisAmgenHuman Genome SciencesBayerBASFUniv of WashingtonLife TechnologiesInstitut PasteurNovo Nordisk Johns Hopkins UniversityUniversity of TexasEli Lilly

Number of plant gene patents via doi: 10.1038/nbt.2568

DuPont/Pi-oneerMonsantoBASFUniv of CABayerUniv of WANovartisPfizerSanofi-AventisJohns HopkinsUS DHHSUniv


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Technology Agreement

Tech agreement, seed saving Farmer shared his tech agreement:

Suing farmers, affecting neighbors, co-existence, off-patent seeds

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Monopoly and Reputation

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Academic Research License

Academic research agreements Is this posted somewhere? Stories in 2009 like this SciAM one

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New crops, new technologies

Other types of tech Consumer traits Allergen removal

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Safety Testing, Transparency

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Shill Shirts?

Highest rated question at the r/skeptic thread

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Other questions?